Oct 13, 2014 - James(Rochester Hills, MI), Lowrey; Tyler A. (West Augusta, VA), Karpov ... December 2004. Chen et al. 2005/0029505. February 2005. Lowrey.
United States Patent Gordon , et al.
9,251,895 February 2, 2016
Immunity of phase change material to disturb in the amorphous phase Abstract Disturb from the reset to the set state may be reduced by creating an amorphous phase that is substantially free of crystal nuclei when programming the reset state in a phase change memory. In some embodiments, this can be achieved by using a current or a voltage to program that exceeds the threshold voltage of the phase change memory element, but does not exceed a safe current voltage which would cause a disturb.
Inventors: Gordon; George A. (Sunnyvale, CA), Savransky; Semyon D. (Newark, CA), Parkinson; Ward D. (Boise, ID), Kostylev; Sergey (Bloomfield Hills, MI), Reed; James(Rochester Hills, MI), Lowrey; Tyler A. (West Augusta, VA), Karpov; Ilya V. (Santa Clara, CA), Spadini; Gianpaolo (Los Gatos, CA) Applicant: Name City State Country Type Ovonyx, Inc. Sterling Heights MI
Assignee: Carlow Innovations LLC (Alexandria, VA) Family ID: 41116957 Appl. No.: 14/512,545 Filed: October 13, 2014 Prior Publication Data Document Identifier US 20150109857 A1
Publication Date Apr 23, 2015
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