Forms. YELLOW FEVER EXEMPTION LETTER. The following paragraph
includes a sample of text that may be used on professional letterhead for patients
Document is provided for sample purposes only. Content is not updated and should not be used for traveler counseling.
Yellow Fever Exemption Letter Forms
The following paragraph includes a sample of text that may be used on professional letterhead for patients traveling in circumstances where a letter from their physician may be indicated. The letter should begin by stating the traveler's full name, destination, and the date. The letter should be signed by the physician, with the title "M.D." clearly legible. The body of the letter should include the pertinent text from the sample below.
Immunization Exemption Letter: Yellow Fever
The traveler named above is my patient and under my medical care and must be exempted from the requirement for yellow fever immunization. This exemption is valid only for the current trip (noted above).