Keywords: change management, structure, Technology, performance of employees, ..... The holder of PhD and master's degree represented only 10% for each.
International Journal of Business and Management Tomorrow
Vol. 4 No. 1
Impact Of Change Management On The Performance Of Employees At Irbid National University Fawzi hasan altaany, Management Information Systems Department, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and finance, Irbid National University, Jordan Khalid ahmmad alsoudani,, Irbid, Jordan
Abstract The aim of this study is to know the status of change management and to identify the impact of change management on the performance of employees who working at Irbid National University at the north of Jordan. A questionnaire was justified and developed by the researcher to measure the performance of employees based on previous studies was applied to (50) employees at Irbid National University. The study was using SPSS to analyses data. The results indicate that employees at Irbid National University there were a statistically significant relationship between the change in the organizational structure, change on technology, change in individual and performance of employees. However the sample of Irbid National University reported a significant in the first three hypotheses and accepted but the fourth is rejected. The study have many recommendations Irbid National University in Jordan should gives more attention to focus on qualitative change in individuals through good training, motivation, and that is due to the strong relationship between the change in individuals and the performance of employees. Keywords: change management, structure, Technology, performance of employees, Individual ISSN: 2249-9962
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1. Introduction Change is usually studied and planned process for a long time, and such change focuses on the plans, policies, organizational structure, organizational behavior, organizational culture, performance technology, procedures , methods and working conditions, in order to achieve harmonization and adapt to changes in the internal and external environment for the survival , continued development and excellence, (Idris, 2001). Change is required for public and private organizations, whether in the behavior of individuals, organizational structure or performance systems and technology, and that the change is required to adapt to the surrounding environment, (Mustafa, .2000). It is normal to find many individuals who resist change, because change is related to the present situation and existing methods accepted for the performance of the business ,whereas change included surprises and sudden events , and few people who like surprises, so it is necessary to create a sense of the need for change. Change does not happen by itself, it is imperative to form coalition for leading the change, and it is better to entrust this task to a homogeneous team to be formed from individuals who believe in change and its necessity and who are ready to realize it, (Qaryouti.2008). Individuals are the ones who determine the goals and policies .and put plans and programs, they are in charge of the design of the organization and are distributing roles, powers and responsibilities. The individuals are working to take advantage of the available resources, guidance and rational use, in order to make the institution benefit from such changes; also they are the actual performers of many business and tasks which cannot be performed by machine. Irbid National University is considered one of the leading scientific institutions in Jordan, where it is one of the ancient scientific institutions with long experience in Jordan. Irbid National University is one of private institutions that carried out different changes including the organizational structure and its personnel.
2. Problem Of The Study Each change process has its results and implications. the most important results that process of change seeks to realize are the achievement of a positive change, Irbid National University has graduated students with high efficiency and good potentials to serve the community , through educational , recreational and health services provided to students through its employees .The role of the University's management lies in seeking to make the change systematically by which University convince the personnel importance of the role of the process of change to reach the desired goals. Irbid National University has experienced a set of changes whether in the organizational structure, changes in technology or changes in its personnel. The problem of the current study lies in answering the question: What is the impact of change management on the performance of employees at Irbid National University?
3. Importance Of The Study The importance of the current study lies the benefits that will be acquired by :Irbid National University: Where the study addresses an important topic, which is the impact of change management on the performance of employees at the University, where the current study will analyze the reality of change in three important areas ,namely: the change in the organizational structure, technology and individuals, thus providing the necessary proposals to take advantage of the change in various fields and to overcome the problems that may be experienced by the process of change and the development of performance and upgrade our institutions of education. And the second important where the community will benefit through promoting the works of educational institutions and to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their employees, as if Irbid National University desires to change in a systematic and scientific method, this will reflect on its performance and the level of services provided to the community and the final benefits was for Researchers hope that this study to increase their knowledge in the field of change management, and to enhance their skills of scientific research.
4. Objectives Of The Study This study aims to: 1- Study the status of change management at Irbid National University. 2- To identify the impact of change management on the performance of employees. ISSN: 2249-9962
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3- To identify the extent to which the leadership is able to make the desired change. 4- To study the impact of change on the employees and the extent to which they commits to such change. 5- To highlight the most important problems and obstacles that could hinder the processes of change. 6- To find solutions and make recommendations those make change process acceptable to the employees in general.
5. Hypotheses Of The Study H1: There is a statistically significant relationship at the 0.05 level of significance between the change in the organizational structure and performance of employees. H2: There is a statistically significant relationship at the 0.05 level of significance between the change in technology and the performance of employees. H3: There is a statistically significant relationship at the 0.05 level of significance between the change in individuals and the performance of employees. H4: There is a statistically significant relationship at the 0.05 level of significance between the responses of the respondents attributed to the demographic and organizational variables (gender, age, years of service, qualification).
6. Theoretical Framework In organizations, change must be purposefully planned, and not a change just to change, where change can include inputs, operations and outputs, and also includes strategic planning in terms of the mission, goals, strategies and policies relating to the management of human resources, marketing , production operations or financial management, (Mustafa. 2000). Change management operates within a certain social reality and under specific administrative climate and social conditions governed by habits, and controlled by traditions, restricted by limitations and controls, and perhaps the most dangerous of these restrictions is the structure of values and prevailing social trends, as well as the prevailing structure of legislations and morals systems declared by the members of the community. These restrictions and limitations represent often difficulties to overcome obstacles, and this needs special skills to deal with. (Khudhairi, 2003). Lami (2007) identified change as "the adoption of a new idea or behavior by the organization where organizational change emphasizes the restructuring of resources and possibilities to increase capacity, to create value and improve the benefits acquired by the stakeholders in the organization." The researchers argue that the change is "imposing deliberate adjustments in any element of organizational elements in order to achieve specific goals". It is clear that change is the process of setting deliberate adjustments after the identification of the external environment to identify the changes took place in such environment, as well as the study of the internal environment of the organization to identify the problems that require intervention. Change may include the process of modifying any element of the organization, whether the organization's mission, strategy, goals, organizational structure, technology, or individuals or modifying all the elements of the organization as a comprehensive change. As for change management ,it has been identified by Al-Otaibi ( 2002) as "It is the management approach that monitors the indicators of change in the environment of business organization and to sort those indicators that have relationships with the activity of the organization as priorities in order to adjust and adapt those departments ,in terms of their practice , to the functions of the administrative process with variables expected to improve their performance and behavior."
6.1 The Areas Of Change In response to external variables, management, in both public and private organizations, includes one or some of the following areas of change: (Mustafa. 2000): Changing the mission, objectives or strategy of the organization: The mission of the organization includes the objective beyond its existence and areas of its activity, as well as the types of products and target market. The change of this mission shall be carried out in order to keep abreast of changes that create opportunities that require to be properly used, or that may impose some restrictions that require minimizing one activity or more. In fact it is normal that the change in the mission leads to a change in other related objectives of such mission, and accordingly a change will take place in the strategy of the organization. The ISSN: 2249-9962
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second The change in the philosophy and manner of resource allocations will be required, either as a result of changing the mission, goals and strategies, or independently in order to adapt the resources and the rationalization of consumption, which contributes to the attainment of the objectives and reduces cost, improves quality and increases productivity. The third Change in management systems performance: Change may take place in the system of selection and appointment in order to ensure the safety of choosing of the elements appropriate to the requirements of jobs and appointing appropriate managements performance assessment system may be subject to change in order to create a fair assessment of the performance of each employee, and in order to avoid managers' errors such as bias and forgetfulness as well as to avoid the deficiencies of models used to assess performance. The fourth one was Technological change is to create knowledge, methods or new technical equipment used in production processes, which contribute to improving the production, cost reduction or increased productivity. Technological change may take several forms, such as the transformation of mechanical equipment to be automatic, or the introduction of equipment, tools or new methods of work, or the density of human workforce .Change in technology may include the internal arrangement of the work site so as not to be a random arrangement, but in a way that saves time, effort and speed performance. The other area was the organizational structure is the "construction or framework which defines the internal structure of the organization, as it shows the organizational divisions and sub-units required to achieve the objectives of the organization, as it also demonstrates the quality of relationships between departments , authority ,competences and communication networks in such organization" (Bakri, 2005). The final area was changing the personnel working at organization: Individuals are considered the vital and important element in the organization because they represent the dynamic element, and therefore, change should focus on individuals for the purpose of their development, which can be carried out through individuals' understanding and awareness of their behavior and personalities, and then working on their development in order to suit the needs and roles of the organization. The effectiveness and the efficiency of the change associate directly with the extent to which the employees working in the organization contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the organization, where the contribution of these individuals would enhance the constant success of the effectiveness of ,taking into account that the lack of response by individuals working in organization will lead to the obstruction of the continuing performance of the organization and its ability to work, (Hammoud, 2002).
Factors Of Successful Change
The following factors shall be available for the individuals working at an organization in order to increase the success opportunity of change, including the following ( Dorra , 1986) The availability of the general climate that accepts change, the support and of administrative leaders in the organization, as the support of change efforts ensures the achievements of the desired goals. the availability of the leaders who have human , mental and technical skills associated with change will help them to form a comprehensive vision for change and its rules , and to focus on groups more than focus on individuals , where the standards , values and expectations of the groups in organizations have clear effect on the behavior of individuals .Other factor includes the diagnosis of the organization in a scientific manner , as well as the diagnosis of change resistance factors, and how to deal with them , as well as the availability of human , technical and material resources that create change and help in implementing it. Performance indicates to the degree of achievement and the completion of one's function tasks .Performance reflects the manner by which an individual meets the requirements of a position (a job), for example, a student who is making a great effort to prepare for the exam, but he gets low grades, and in such case, the effort is high while performance is low, (Mohammed.2001). Performance indicates to the degree of achievement and the completion of one's function tasks .Performance reflects the manner by which an individual meets the requirements of a position (Hasan, 2000). As for performance evaluation it was identified by Salem and Saleh (2002) as "a periodic process for measuring the strengths and weaknesses of the efforts of the individual, and the behaviors that are exercised in a certain position in order to achieve a specific goal which has been planned by the organization in advance.
7. Literature Review Study of Altaany, (2013) "Impact of Management Information Systems to Improve Performance in Municipalities in North of Jordan" The aim of this study was to know the effect of management ISSN: 2249-9962
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information systems in improving performance in municipalities in north of Jordan.. The study sample consists of (100) staff member in municipalities in north of Jordan its used statistical analysis (SPSS) such as ( Chi-square tests and Spearman correlation tests, the arithmetic mean and standard deviation) a positive relationship, statistically significant between transaction processing system, management information systems, decision support systems and improve the performance of municipalities in northern Jordan. The study concluded a set of recommendations that will develop and improve the performance and support systems in municipalities north of Jordan and municipalities must to benefit from management information systems in a way contribute to improving management performance at all administrative levels, and the way that helps municipalities in achieving competitive advantage and sustainability in the provision of services to citizens, and linking all municipalities Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan by one database to facilitate the process of customer service. The study carried out by Darawsheh 2012, entitled" The role of youth in the change in Jordanian society from the perspective of Jordanian university students " .The aim of this study was to examine the role of the youth in change in Jordanian society from the perspective of public and private universities students. The total sample size was 500 respondents .The results showed that Facebook, the Internet, Arab satellite channels, platforms and religious lessons , educational institutions, seminars and lectures, were the most communication means affecting the role of youths in change, while the least influential mean were non-Jordanian FM channels, and Jordan Television. There were statistically significant differences in the role of youth in the change from the perspective of Jordanian university students due to the variables of gender, age, college, educational level, place of residence of the family. The study recommended the following: the need to focus on seminars, conferences, and cultural lectures in order to increase social awareness to achieve positive change. This study also recommended the necessity of the focus on modern means of communication in the process of positive change. A study by Al-Raqb ,2008 entitled" ( The reality of change management at the ministries of the Palestinian Authority). The objective of this study was to analyze and diagnose the reality of change management at the ministries of the Palestinian Authority in Gaza Strip , to identify the level of effectiveness of the management of change , the impact of the organizational structure and financial capacity and human potential in achieving change. The population of this study consisted of the administrative levels of the ministries in Gaza Strip .The study sample consisted of 300 employees. The most prominent findings of this study were that the role of the senior management of the ministry including the carriage of change was inadequate and needs to develop and grow in various aspects, both in the clarity of vision and setting priorities, and the presence of the leadership that believes in the creation of change process. The convictions of workers about the process of change were high and the change in the organizational structure did not comply with the change in the strategy of the ministry, as well as that the strategies of the ministry through its methods to achieve change were weak. The most important of the study recommended are: the need to define a vision for the ministry regarding the process of change, encouraging innovation and initiatives that contribute to the process of change and work to create fundamental changes to the organizational structure that keep pace with regulatory developments in ministries. A study by Marzouq, 2006 entitled "The effectiveness of the requirements of organizational development and change management in the Palestinian non-governmental institutions". The aim of this study was to identify the requirements of organizational development and change management in the Palestinian non-governmental institutions in Gaza Strip. The researcher has a questionnaire for primary data collection that was distributed to two members of the Board of Directors and three administrative staff in each institution .The main findings of this study were that: there was a positive correlation relationship between the adoption of strategic planning and the organization's ability to process change management and organizational development , and that there is a positive relationship between the organization's ability to manage change and the development of the skills of its workers. The results of this study also concluded that suitable and appropriate organizational structure is a requirement of change management. Study recommended the following: the need to consider the constant changes in labor market both in terms of number or the structure of competencies due to the constant change in the structure and systems of education, development and training, the need of the ISSN: 2249-9962
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change in the attitudes and skills of individuals and try to explain the reasons for the change and its goals for employees through training programs, lectures and conferences, and finally making adjustments in systems and working methods in achieving the activities of the organization such as the usage of new technology and the use of new techniques in the development of employees' performance evaluation process.
8. Methodology The current study will depend on two basic types of data: the first Primary Data This is the field side including the distribution of a questionnaire in order to collect data necessary for the current study. This is followed by the analysis of such data using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) and the use of appropriate statistical tests in order to extract statistically significant correlations to support the subject of the current study and the Secondary Data The researchers reviewed the books, periodicals and special publications related to the subject under study , which relates to the impact of change management on the performance of employees at Irbid National University , and any references may researchers believe that they contribute to the enrichment of the study in a scientific manner , and through the use of secondary sources. The researchers have identified the sound principles and methods of scientific studies writing, as well as taking a general perception about the latest developments that have taken place and that occur in the field of the current study.
9. Population And Sample Of The Study The study population consisted of the employees working at Irbid National University, where the researchers have used a random sample of individuals working at Irbid National University. (60) Questionnaires were distributed, where 50 questionnaires were recovered.
9.1 Study Tool The questionnaire has been divided into two parts as follows: The first part: Consists of personal data for the study sample including four items (gender, age, educational qualification, and years of experience) and the Second Part: Deals with the impact of change management on the performance of employees working at Irbid National University, and this part was divided into four themes as (the change in the organizational structure, and consists of five questions, the change in technology, and consists of seven questions, the change in individuals, and consists of six questions, and the performance which consists of six questions). The responses of each question consisted of 5 level Likert scale: (strongly agree=5), (agree=4), (neutral=3), (disagree=2), and (strongly disagree=1).
9.2 Validity And Reliability Of The Questionnaire The questionnaire was reviewed by three experts in Business Administration and Management Information Systems departments from the faculty of Irbid National University ,where the questionnaire was subject to simple modification regarding the form of questions. As for the reliability of the questionnaire, it was measured using Cronbach Alpha alpha, where α=0.8653 and this value is greater than 60% accepted.
9.3 Statistical Processing The data of the questionnaire were analyzed using SPSS. The following statistical tests were applied (Percentages and frequencies, Mean and standard deviation Cronbach's alpha test and Analysis of variance test).
10. Results Analysis The following includes the results of the responses of (50) respondents: The questions of the first part of the questionnaire: In table (1), including the demographic characteristics of the employees working at Irid National University showed that the ages of those employees ranged between 26-35 years representing 56% of the total sample, where whose ages (45 years and above) represented 8% .This indicates that the employees at the university are all young. As for gender host respondents were female (64%) while ISSN: 2249-9962
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males represented 36%.As for the academic qualification, the majority of the respondents (working at the University) were holders of Bachelors degree and diploma ,while the holder of less than those degrees represented 40%.The holder of PhD and master's degree represented only 10% for each category. As for the experience, the period of experience was 6 years for the majority of the employees working at the university. The questions of the second part of the questionnaire: This part addresses the impact of change management on the performance of employees at Irbid National University and consists of four themes as follows: The first theme: discusses the change in the organizational structure Table (2) shows the mean and standard deviation of the change in organizational structure, where all factors were above the mean except factor number (5) which was under the mean. The second theme: discusses the change in technology. Table (3) Mean and standard deviation of the change in technology where all factors were above the mean. The third theme: discusses the change in individuals. Table (4) shows the mean and standard deviation of the change in individuals where all factors were above the mean except factor number (1) which was under the mean. The fourth theme: discusses the performance. In table (5) shows the mean and standard deviation of the change in performance where all factors were above the mean.
11. Examination Of Hypotheses H1: There is a statistically significant relationship between the change in the organizational structure and performance of employees. This hypothesis was examined by a model as shown in Tables (6,7) where it was statistically significant ,where p=.000,R=0.589,and R*2=0.347.Since p is less than 0.05 ,there is a statistically significant relationship between the change in the organizational structure and performance of employees, and thus it is accepted. H2: There is a statistically significant relationship between the change in technology and the performance of employees. This hypothesis was examined by a model as shown in Tables (8,9) where it was statistically significant ,where p=.000,R=0.658,and R*2=0.433.Since p is less than 0.05 ,there is a statistically significant relationship between the change in technology and performance of employees, and thus it is accepted. H3: There is a statistically significant relationship between the change in individuals and the performance of employees. This hypothesis was examined by a model as shown in Tables (10,11) where it was statistically significant, where p=.000,R=0.612, and R*2=0.374.Since p is less than 0.05, there is a statistically significant relationship between the change in individuals and performance of employees, and thus it is accepted. H4: There is a statistically significant relationship at the 0.05 level of significance between the responses of the respondents attributed to the demographic and organizational variables (gender, age, years of service, qualification). This hypothesis was examined by a model as shown in Tables (12, 13,) where demographic variables were not statistically significant except the variable of (gender), where p=0.05, and thus its refused.
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12. Conclusion And Recommendations Based on the previous findings, the researchers concluded a set of conclusion and recommendations to perhaps be good proposals to overcome the negatives (if any): 1-
The need to involve employees in decision-making, and take advantage of the ideas offered by the staff at the lower levels where they are better able to generate new ideas with regard to work and find out the problems faced by work ,and put the solutions to those problems. The need to deal positively with staff by management and to consider the human relations by appreciating the effort by workers, and to create a system of incentives to encourage workers. The need to focus on qualitative change in individuals through good training, motivation, and that is due to the strong relationship between the change in individuals and the performance of employees, as good training raises the skills and knowledge of workers as well as a good system of incentives promotes performance of the employees and thus they try to find creative ideas. The need to take advantage of the diversity of communication in the community, so as to be effective in the delivery of messages to the beneficiaries, as well as working to recruit informal lines of communication for the benefit of the work. The necessity of activating informal means of communication to communicate with staff and to find out glitches in the work, and get new ideas that could contribute to raise the efficiency of performance. The need of good planning for the process of change, through long-term plan, with more detailed annual plans. Through these plans the technology to be used is determined, and to determine the training requirements necessary for the process of change.
13. References Al-Otaibi, Subhi, Jaber (2002). The evolution of thought and administrative activities) Jordan, Amman: Dar Al Hamed for publishing and distribution p 62. Alrqb, Hammad (2008). (the reality of change management at Palestinian Authority ministries) Gaza: Islamic University (Master thesis). Altaany, fawzi, H.(2013) (Impact of Management Information Systems to Improve Performance in Municipalities in North of Jordan. IJCRB, OCTOBER 2013. VOL 5, NO 6. Bakri , Thamer (2005). ( hospital management ) Jordan , Amman : Dar Al-Yazori for publication and distribution. p 117. Darawshe, D. Abdullah (2012). (the role of the young man in the change in Jordanian society from the perspective of Jordanian university students) Hussein Bin Talal University - Ma'an, Jordan. Dorra, Abdul Bari (1986). (Change in Organizations) in (Research in Organizational Behavior in the Arab countries) Mustafa Ahmad Turki , Kuwait , Dar Al-Qalam Publishing and Distribution, p 372. Hammoud , Khudair Kazim(2002). ( organizational behavior ) , Jordan , Amman , Dar Al-Safa'a Publishing and Distribution, p 191. Hassan, Rawyah (2000). (Human Resource Management) Egypt, Alexandria: Al-Dar Al-Jamiyah. p.215 Idris, Thabit (2001). (the modern introduction in public administration) Egypt: Al-Dar Al-Jamiyah, p 362. Khudhairi , Mohsen, (2003). (change management , Introduction to the psychology of economic management to deal with the present variables to achieve excellence in the brilliant future projects ) Syria , Damascus : Dar AlRida publications, p 10. Lami, Ghassan, (2007) (Technology management -concepts and introduction of new applied techniques) Jordan, Amman: Dar Al-Manahahij for publication and distribution. p 94. Marzouq, Ibtisam (2006). (the effectiveness of the requirements of organizational development and change management of the institutions of the Palestinian non-governmental organizations) Gaza: Islamic University (Master thesis ). Mohammed, Rawiyah .(2001). (human resource management- vision for the future) Egypt, Cairo: Al-Dar AlJamiyaj for printing, publishing and distribution p 209.. Mustafa, Ahmed (2000). (Department of Organizational Behavior -contemporary vision) Cairo:. p 457-474. Qaryouti, Mohammed(2008). (The theory of the organization and regulation), Jordan, Amman: Dar Wael for publication and distribution p 339. Salem, Moayad and Saleh , Adel, (2002). ( human resources management strategic introduction ) Jordan , Irbid : modern world books for publication and distribution, p 102.
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Table (1) The demographic characteristics of the employees working at Irbid National University
Gender Male Female Age Less than 26 years 26-35 years 36-45 years More than 45years Qualification Doctorate Master Bachelor Diploma or less Years of Experience Less than 6 years 6-10 years 11-15 years More than 15 years
18 32
36 % 64 %
6 28 12 4
12% 56 % 24 % 8%
Total 50
50 5 5 20 20
10 % 10 % 40 % 40 %
29 8 4 9
58 % 16 % 8% 18 %
Table (2) Mean and standard deviation of the change in organizational structure No. 1 2 3
4 5
Question The organizational structure is characterized by flexibility Management reviews the organizational structure periodically and thoughtfully The management carries out substantial changes in the organizational structure to improve performance Organizational structure helps to manage the process of change new units have been developed to keep up with environmental changes
Mean 3.32
Standard deviation 0.9570
Table (3) Mean and standard deviation of the change in technology No. Question
standard deviation
3.32 3.08
1.1856 1.1400
2 3 4 5 6 7
Management considers keeping pace with technological development There are special units for technology process There are ongoing processes of the used technology development available technology led to reduce the effort and saved time Technological development push for the process of change The used technology contributed to quick completion of work The technology used is consistent with the requirements of the work
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Table (4) The mean and standard deviation of the change in individuals No. 1
Question Management considers to identify training needs for employees Training courses comply with the requirements of work Management helps employees to learn their tasks on an ongoing basis Training programs have led to a change in the behavior of workers Change encourages employees to work Leadership motivates employees to master work to bring about the desired change
2 3 4 5 6
mean 2.78
Standard deviation 1.2337
3.72 3.46
1.0309 1.2324
Table (5) the mean and standard deviation of the change in performance No.
The used technology led to speed completion of work the use of modern means of communication increased the speed of doing business Management is working to provide the necessary resources to enhance performance Personnel maintains to adhere to the specified working hours Staff are keen to carry out the work in accordance with the specific plans and programs Workers are with full knowledge of the requirements of the tasks they perform
Standard deviation 1.2974
2 3 4 5 6
Table (6) Model Summary
Model 1
R .589a
R Square .347
Adjusted R Square .333
St d. Error of the Estimate .6955
a. Predictors: (Constant), STRUCT
Table (7) ANOVAb
Model 1
Regression Residual Total
Sum of Squares 12.341 23.215 35.556
df 1 48 49
Mean Square 12.341 .484
F 25.516
Sig. .000a
a. Predictors: (Const ant), STRUCT b. Dependent Variable: PERFORM
Table (8)
Model 1
Model Summary
R .658a
R Square .433
Adjusted R Square .421
St d. Error of the Estimate .6483
a. Predictors: (Constant), CHANGEIT
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Table (9) ANOVAb
Model 1
Regression Residual Total
Sum of Squares 15.381 20.175 35.556
Mean Square 15.381 .420
1 48 49
F 36.593
Sig. .000a
a. Predictors: (Const ant), CHANGEIT b. Dependent Variable: PERFORM
Table (10) Model Summary
Model 1
R .612a
Adjusted R Square .361
R Square .374
St d. Error of the Estimate .6807
a. Predictors: (Constant), CH_INDIV
Table (11) ANOVAb
Model 1
Regression Residual Total
Sum of Squares 13.313 22.244 35.556
df 1 48 49
Mean Square 13.313 .463
F 28.727
Sig. .000a
a. Predictors: (Const ant), CH_INDIV b. Dependent Variable: PERFORM
Table (12) Predictors of demographic variables (gender) Model Summary
Model 1
R .527a
Adjusted R Square .214
R Square .278
St d. Error of the Estimate .4298
a. Predictors: (Constant), PERFORM, STRUCT, CH_I NDIV, CHANGEIT
Table (13) ANOVAb
Model 1
Regression Residual Total
Sum of Squares 3.205 8.315 11.520
df 4 45 49
Mean Square .801 .185
F 4.337
Sig. .005a
a. Predictors: (Const ant), PERFORM, STRUCT, CH_INDIV, CHANGEIT b. Dependent Variable: GENDER
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