Journal of Academia and Industrial Research (JAIR) Volume 2, Issue 6 November 2013
362 ISSN: 2278-5213
Impact of Climate Change on Water Quality of Shoolkere Lake, Bangalore S. Gayathri*, N. Latha and M. Ramachandra Mohan Lake management and Water Quality Research Unit, Department of Zoology, Jnana Bharathi Campus, Bangalore University, Bangalore-560056, India
[email protected]*; +91 9448241251
Abstract An attempt has been made to ascertain the water quality of Shoolkere Lake with regard to physico-chemical parameters like temperature, pH, turbidity, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Electrical Conductivity (EC), Dissolved Oxygen, Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Free CO2, chloride, alkalinity, hardness, phosphate, nitrate, sulphate and iron. Seasonal variations in the water quality parameters were investigated during the monitoring period from January to December 2010. The relationship between various physico-chemical parameters were analyzed statistically by Pearson correlation analysis. The results revealed that the condition of this Lake in different seasons showed fluctuations in physico-chemical parameters. Correlation coefficient showed positive and negative relationships between the physico-chemical parameters and also showed high significant positive relationship (p