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Impact of hydrogen fuel for CO2 emission reduction in power ... aInternational Institute for Carbon-Neutral Reserch (WPI-I2CNER), Kyushu University, 744 ...
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ScienceDirect Energy Procedia 105 (2017) 3075 – 3082

The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE2016

Impact of hydrogen fuel for CO2 emission reduction in power generation sector in Japan Nugroho Agung Pambudia*, Kenshi Itaokaa, Atsushi Kurosawab, Natsuki Yamakawaa a

International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Reserch (WPI-I2CNER), Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan b The Institute of Applied Energy 14-2, Nishi-Shinbashi 1-Chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0003, Japan

Abstract Japan’s energy consumption derives mostly from fossil fuels, which are un-secure and release a much greenhouse gas emissions. To meet goals of reducing GHG, hydrogen gas can be utilized in power generation in hydrogen fired and firing / co-combustion power plants. This paper analyses the impact of hydrogen in the power generation sector using the MARKAL-TIMES Japan optimization model framework. Two models are used: a base scenario without hydrogen and hydrogen scenario in which hydrogen is supplied from 2020 onwards. In the hydrogen scenario, other processes which are normally supplied by natural gas are reduced because the gas is instead used to generate power. Adding hydrogen to the energy supply leads to a decrease in projected use of fossil fuels. The hydrogen scenario produces fewer emissions than the base scenario; by 2050, the hydrogen scenario’s estimated 388 metric tons of CO2 emissions is over 250 tons less than the base scenario’s emissions of 588 metric tons.

© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. ( Selection and/or peer-reviewofunder responsibility of of ICAE Peer-review under responsibility the scientific committee the 8th International Conference on Applied Energy.

Keyword: Japan; Hydrogen, MARKAL-TIMES; power plant, CO2

1. Introduction ` Japan has various sources of power generation ranging from Nuclear, Coal, LNG, petroleum, Hydro and the small amount of other renewable energy such as geothermal, wind and solar PV. This Japan power generation is third major energy producer in the world taking after the United States and China. Its power production has been steady until the nuclear power loss of Fukushima which was caused by earthquake and tsunami disaster, causing its nuclear power plants shutdown. The cost of electricity since then raised

1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 8th International Conference on Applied Energy. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.642


Nugroho Agung Pambudi et al. / Energy Procedia 105 (2017) 3075 – 3082

significantly as a result of increased cost of production for other sources especially thermal fossil plant to meet the nuclear power deficit. Nomenclature Process SM2 : MCH dehydrogenation SH2 : H2 Distribution import SN2 : Ammonia decompose IMPLH2 : Hydrogen Import E121 : Hydogen firing / NG & Hydrogen Co-combustion E131 : Ammonia & NG power plant E1X : DSH Steam repower E61 : Gas Fuel Cell Cogeneration E76 : Gas Advance Fuel Cell E82 : Gas Steam Electric E8C : LNG Combined Cycle Plant S67 : Dummy (XQG to DSX RN) S6P : Dummy (XQG to FCG RN) SZC : Recovery of CO2 from E8C Commodity LH2G : H2 from NH3 & MCH ELC : Electricity generation CD3 : CO2 Emission XQG : Gas power plant LH2I : Liquid hydrogen import ZGK : Hydrogen from MH3 If we take a look at Japan energy mix 2010 to 2014 Nuclear energy was once the source of nearly 29% of Japan’s energy, with 54 operating plants. However, after the Fukushima accident in 2011, most of those plants were shut down and nuclear’s share of the energy profile plummeted to 10.7%, and then it falls to 0 % in 2014. In thermal power generation LNG, oil and coal are the major fueling. LNG accounted for the largest portion with a 46.2% share of Japan's power generation in 2014, Coal has also risen from 25% in 2010 to 31 % in 2014 and petroleum has fluctuated from 7.5% in 2010 to a high of 18.3% of the energy supply in 2012, dropping to 10.6% in 2014. Since more fossil fossile consumption in this energy mix a large amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were released. Although Japan pledged to commit itself in all capacity to reduce the gasses emitted by 25 percent below 1990 levels by 2020. After the awakening of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the Japanese government however, replaced the initial target with the Warsaw Target which it announced in 2013 that was the call for a reduction of the gasses emitted by 3.8 percent from 2005 levels by 2020 an increase by 3.1 from 1990 levels [2]. The Warsaw Target was assuming no nuclear power generation and is using ambitious GDP growth projection. The target is however tentative, and the government may revise it further in review of its energy policies. As a measure to reduce emission from the power generation sector, the Japan government is strongly supporting the adopting to hydrogen as an alternative fuel in power plants. The move has been prioritized to achieve a hydrogen-based society as it has always been its objective. Use of hydrogen in small scale sectors is not cost effective since it increases the cost of production in both domestic and import schemes. Despite the fact that there is high production cost and import of hydrogen in Japan, the project is still viable

Nugroho Agung Pambudi et al. / Energy Procedia 105 (2017) 3075 – 3082

and it is expected to make more revenues in future once new and affordable technologies for producing hydrogen are adopted. Hydrogen has the potential of becoming the future fuel due to its characteristics. The element is abundant in any part of the world; it’s colorless and environmentalally friendly [3]. Therefore, hydrogen poses the highest potential in terms of future fuel security thus reducing the reliance on gasoline and diesel as well as other fossil fuels. The main challenge facing hydrogen fuel production is high cost. The process involved in production of hydrogen requires a lot of resources and the infrastructure is still at an early stage. 2. Hydrogen fuel in power generation sector Hydrogen fuel can be used in various sectors to replace petroleum. It can serve vehicles with fuel cell system or as fuel for power generation sector. We shall focus more on the use of hydrogen especially in the power generation and how it can be used to serve various scheme cycles including hydrogen fired, IGCC and co-combustion power plants. The main focus of this study is to create a model with hydrogen fired power plant and also the natural gas-hydrogen co-combustion and the details will be expounded in the next part. 2.1. Hydrogen fired power plant Many researchers have carried out their investigation to determine the combustion of pure hydrogen as well as the mixture in the small scale of internal combustion engine. During the combustion of a mixed fuel, hydrogen gas is usually combined with gasoline, ethanol and diesel oil. The combination helps in emission reductions, saving of fuel consumption and increased efficiency. In this IC engine, hydrogen is not used in large volumes. However in Brayton cycles which are used in hydrogen fired and co-combustion a large hydrogen volume is employed. Hydrogen generation is however faced with various challenges which include the high price of hydrogen and NOx emissions which result to acid rain. A research conducted by Chiesa et al indicated that when pure hydrogen was burnt in a natural gas turbine, the level of NOx concentration raised in the combustion mixture. 2.2. Natural gas-Hydrogen co-combustion Although gas power plants produce lower emissions than other fossil fuel plants such as oil and coal, efforts to reduce more emissions for a future clean environment are needed, such as employing cocombustion (co-firing) technology. It burns two types of fuel in the same combustion chamber. In preparation for combustion, the two fuels must be pre-mixed to mixing devices before the commencement of usage. Some researchers have conducted research on natural gas co-combustion with other fuels such as biogas [8]–[10], Syngas [11]–[13], ethanol [14], DME [15], [16], biofuel [17], oil [18]–[21] hydrogen [22]–[25]. As a country with a high volume of imported natural gas that reached 30 GW with a share of 40% of its power generation needs, Japan may implement natural gas co-combustion in order to reduce more emissions. Hydrogen is one of the fuels used to implement co-combustion since it has the advantage of a low emission. Use of co-combustion between natural gas and hydrogen must never be attempted without taking into consideration the utmost careful and protective measures, because these two fuels have different properties.



Nugroho Agung Pambudi et al. / Energy Procedia 105 (2017) 3075 – 3082

3. Markal-Times Japan framework To analyze the impact of hydrogen for CO2 emission reduction in power generation sector, the MARKAL-Times Japan framework is used. MARKAL is an acronym for Market Allocation, and it is an optimization model developed by the Energy Technology Systems Analysis Programme (ETSAP) of the International Energy Agency (IEA) [27] .The Japan model was developed by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). The model was later updated by Kurosawa & Hagiwara, who were from the Institute of Applied Energy in demand estimate and primary energy supply price [28]. 3.1. Hydrogen power plant model The hydrogen power plant model which use pure hydrogen generates electrical commodity only due to the assumption that no CO2 emissions are produced during combustion of pure hydrogen. The model also assumes that the hydrogen fired plant is supplied from the import scheme thus; there is no any supply of the local hydrogen produced as shown in Fig. 1. The local hydrogen produced is used in the natural gashydrogen co-combustion power plant. LH2








Fig. 1. Process master for hydrogen fired plant

3.2. Natural Gas and Hydrogen Co-combustion Model Co-combustion is a process within gas power plants that generates electricity and emissions commodities as shown in Fig. 2 At the base scenario, there is no co-combustion power plant in the model. Meanwhile, for the scenario of hydrogen, the commodities ZGK are starting to supply the hydrogen in 2020. In commodity ZGK, hydrogen is obtained through the process of importing the form of MCH and NH 3. In these commodities, hydrogen is formed from ammonia decomposition and dehydrogenation of MCH. XQG ELC







Fig. 2. Process master for natural gas and hydrogen co-combustion

Nugroho Agung Pambudi et al. / Energy Procedia 105 (2017) 3075 – 3082

3.3. Natural gas supply for base and hydrogen scenario Natural gas fuel, called XQH, is supplied in both the base and hydrogen scenarios. In the base scenario, there is no co-combustion plant in the model. It is only LNG combine cycle plant called E8C which use only single natural gas fuel. Not only does this fuel supply the LNG combine cycle plant, natural gas is also supplied for other processes, such as ammonia & NG power plant, DSH Steam repower, gas fuel cell cogeneration, gas advance fuel cell, and gas steam electric. Later in the hydrogen scenario, an additional co-combustion plant called E121 is added to the model. In this situation, natural gas also supplies cocombustion in E121. The amount of natural gas does not change in hydrogen schenario, although additional co-combustion plants are added. Therefore, the other processes which is supplied by natural gas is reduced. 4. Result and discussion 4.1. Primary energy supply In the projections of the base scenario, Japan’s energy supply will continue to derive mostly from fossil fuels as shown in Fig. 3. In particular, energy will be sourced from oil and petroleum and coal, with coal use overtaking petroleum from 2025 onwards. In this base scenario hydrogen is used based on the TIMES optimization by using firing technology with natural gas. However, this amount is not significant. Use of renewable energy would grow significantly compared to current use (from 1,670 PJ in 2015 to 1,962 in 2050), but renewable energy sources would not be utilized to nearly the extent of oil, coal, or natural gas. Meanwhile, the share of nuclear power should shrink dramatically, dwindling to 458 PJ by 2050 since a lot of rejection. Japan’s overall power supply would also slowly contract, with 2010 as the last year it consisted of over 20,000 PJ. By 2050 the power supply would approach 16,000 PJ, of which nearly 40% would be coal and coal products (6,593 PJ), oil would provide something over a fifth at 3,883 PJ, natural gas would supply 3,108 PJ. The hydrogen scenario would not completely turn these energy supply predictions around. Coal would continue to supply a growing percentage of Japan’s energy, and with oil and natural gas would provide nearly 75% of it. However, adding hydrogen to the energy supply would reduce the use of fossil fuels by around 10% compared to the base scenario, and the hydrogen scenario would also involve a slightly improved use of renewables.

Fig. 3. Primary energy supply in base and hydrogen scenario



Nugroho Agung Pambudi et al. / Energy Procedia 105 (2017) 3075 – 3082

Hydrogen fired by using pure hydrogen in power plants would be introduced to the energy mix by 2030, at first supplying just 16 PJ and growing significantly to 418 PJ by 2035, 800 PJ by 2040, and 1,538 PJ b 2050. Hydrogen co-combustion will also continue growing, but not significantly, since natural gas is preferred for use in gas power plants. Hydrogen power would help replace the gap left by falling nuclear energy as well as providing an alternative to coal and oil. By 2050, Japan’s energy supply in the hydrogen scenario would be just over 15,258 PJ, as it is in the base scenario. However, coal would supply only 6,277 PJ, oil and petroleum would supply 3,036 PJ, renewables would supply 2,080 PJ, and hydrogen would supply 1,635 PJ, with natural gas providing another 2,309 PJ. 4.2. Emission reduction Because of significantly use of hydrogen fired and co-combustion and reduced use of fossil fuels as well, the hydrogen scenario would result in substantially less CO 2 being released into the atmosphere as shown in Fig. 7. The change of decreasing of emission is started in 2025 because of increasing of use cocombustion. The base scenario predicts emissions of 485 metric tons of CO2 will be released in 2035. However In the hydrogen scenario, 447 metric tons would be produced. The fall in emissions grows as the share of hydrogen power especially in hydrogen fired is predicted to increase. By 2040, the difference is between 537 metric tons in the base scenario and 397 metric tons in the hydrogen scenario. Even when overall energy production is increased, with an accompanying increase in emissions, the hydrogen scenario offers appreciable savings: by 2050, the hydrogen scenario’s estimated 338 metric tons of CO 2 produced is at least 250 metric tons less than the base scenario’s emissions of 588 metric tons, leading to emission reductions of nearly 60%. The emission in 2050 of 338 metric tons is nearly equal to 1990’s emissions of 296 metric tons.

Base scenario

Fig. 4. Emission reduction after Hydrogen scenario is aplied

5. Conclussion

Hydrogen scenario

Japan has various sources of power generation ranging from Nuclear, Coal, LNG, petroleum, Hydro and the small amount of other renewable energy such as geothermal, the wind and solar PV. An examination of the profile of Japan’s energy consumption reveals this most electrical energy is produced by the conversion of imported fossil fuels, which in turn release a large amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As a measure to reduce emission from the power generation sector, the Japan government is strongly supporting the adopting to hydrogen as an alternative fuel in power plants.

Nugroho Agung Pambudi et al. / Energy Procedia 105 (2017) 3075 – 3082

Hydrogen-fired and co-combustion power plants offer a way to meet Japan’s increasing energy needs with less reliance on fossil fuels, greater energy security, and with fewer CO2 emissions. Currently available gas turbine technologies can handle hydrogen as well as fossil fuels without major changes in hardware, but analysis must be done of existing gas turbines installed throughout Japan to study what concentration of hydrogen can be allowed in the co-combustion mixture without additional hardware changes. Furthermore, technological change and improvement is necessary to improve the production costs of hydrogen to make its use profitable and sustainable. Another challenge to the use of hydrogen is the increased NOx emissions that occur when a higher proportion of hydrogen is burned in fuel. NOx emissions have an environmental impact, including on acid rain. This limits the percentage of hydrogen that can be used in a gas turbine without ill effect to a recommended range. To analyze the impact of hydrogen for CO2 emission reduction in power generation sector, the MARKAL-Times Japan framework is used. The result shows that adding hydrogen to the energy supply would lead to using fewer fossil fuels, and the hydrogen scenario would also involve a slightly more improved use of renewables. the hydrogen scenario’s estimated 388 metric tons of CO2 produced is over 250 tons less than the base scenario’s emissions of 588 metric tons. Reference [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

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Biography Dr. Nugroho Agung Pambudi is a postdoctoral research associate at the International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Research at the Kyushu University. He received his Ph.D in Energy Resources Engineering from the Kyushu University in 2014. His research interest on energy modeling, exergy analysis, optimization and renewable energy.