Letter Cite This: J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2017, 8, 5450-5455
Impact of Lattice Water on Solid-State Electron Transfer in Viologen Pseudopolymorphs: Modulation of Photo- and Piezochromism Qi Sui,† Ning-Ning Yang,† Teng Gong,† Peng Li,† Ye Yuan,‡ En-Qing Gao,*,† and Lin Wang*,‡ †
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Green Chemistry and Chemical Processes, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, People’s Republic of China ‡ Center for High Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research, Shanghai 201203, People’s Republic of China S Supporting Information *
ABSTRACT: Stimuli-induced solid-state electron transfer (ET) underlies the use of viologen compounds as responsive materials, but unequivocal structure−property correlations for solid-state ET are still lacking. With different pseudopolymorphic solids derived from N,N′bis(4-carboxylphenyl)viologen ([H2bcpV]2+), here we report a systematic study on photoand piezochromic properties associated with ET. We show that the higher the water content in the lattice, the less sensitively the compounds respond to light and pressure. It is proposed that the lattice water does not act as an electron donor but serves to change the ET energetics through its unique polarity and hydrogen bonding capability. The impedimental impact of water on solid-state ET of viologen compounds has not yet been recognized and elucidated prior to this work. The study also suggests that pressure is more powerful than light in inducing ET. and elucidate for the first time the great impact of lattice water on ET in the solid state. The results not only deepen our understanding of solid-state PET and PzET but also open new dimensions for tuning stimuli-responsive properties. Three crystalline forms of [H2bcpV]Cl2 (1·xH2O with x = 0, 2, and 4) have been prepared. According to single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis (Table S1), the viologen moieties in 1· 2H2O and 1·4H2O take a centrosymmetric planar conformation, while that in 1 is twisted with an angle of 31.4° between pyridyl rings (Table S2). The different water content causes diverse patterns of intermolecular interactions and packing. In 1·4H2O (Figure 1a), the cations are crosswise organized into two-dimensional (2D) waved layers (Figure 1a, left) through π−π stacking and C−H···O hydrogen bonds. The π−π interactions arrange benzoic groups from different cations into a one-dimensional (1D) zipper-like array. Chloride and water intercalated between layers form a butterfly-like dianonic [Cl2(H2O)4]2− motif through O−H···Cl hydrogen bonds (Table S3). In 1·2H2O (Figure 1b), the π−π interactions occur between pairwise benzoic groups and collaborate with C−H···O bonds to arrange parallel cations into 2D layers. Chloride and water form a rhombic [Cl2(H2O)2]2− motif through O−H···Cl bonds. Unlike the two hydrates, 1 does not exhibit π−π stacking. Adjacent cations are arranged into chains through C−H···O hydrogen bonds (Figure 1c). Each chloride anion forms five hydrogen bonds with different organic cations. Two states of 1 (yellow and green) have been crystallo-
esponsive materials that respond to stimuli by color change have found important applications in many fields.1 The electron-deficient 4,4′-bipyridinium chromophore (viologen) has a strong propensity to form radicals through electron transfer (ET) under various stimuli,2 which has allowed the use of viologens in electrochromic devices,1 photocatalysis,3−5 and molecular machines.6−11 Photophysical properties of viologens in solution associated with photoinduced ET (PET) has been extensively studied.12−17 Much recent attention has been paid to PET-based photochromism in crystalline viologen compounds (especially metal−organic hybrids).18−26 Compared with the renowned photochromism, piezochromism is new to viologens. We have recently reported the first demonstration of organic piezochromism proceeding through piezoinduced ET (PzET) in a viologen compound.27 Generally, weak interactions of viologen with electron donors are necessary for ET to generate long-lived radicals in the solid state, but seemingly favorable intermolecular interactions do not neccessarily lead to photochromism.28 A deeper understanding of the structure− property correlations for solid-state ET is yet to be elucidated, which is challenging but fundamental to the design of responsive materials. To shed new light on the correlations and on the difference between PzET and PET, here we report a comparative study on crystalline solids derived from N,N′-bis(4-carboxylphenyl)-4,4′bipyridinium ([H2bcpV]2+), including the chloride salt ([H2bcpV]Cl2), the inner salt (bcpV), and their hydrate pseudopolymorphs. With the same functional components and different solvent-perturbed structures, pseudopolymorphs provide unique systems for probing the structural−property relationship and for tuning the function. 29 Here the pseudopolymorphic viologen compounds enable us to reveal © 2017 American Chemical Society
Received: September 14, 2017 Accepted: October 23, 2017 Published: October 23, 2017 5450
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b02452 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2017, 8, 5450−5455
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Figure 1. Structures of 1·4H2O (a), 1·2H2O (b), and 1 (c): the 2D or 1D motifs formed through hydrogen bonding and π−π stacking interactions between the [H2bcpV]2+ cations (left), the hydrogen-bonding patterns involving chloride and water (right), and the overall 3D hydrogen-bonded structures (middle).
Figure 2. 1·2H2O: (a) Photographs and UV−vis spectra; (b) EPR spectra; (c) variation of the absorbance at λ = 754 nm in the repeated piezochromism/decoloration cycles; (d) XPS spectra of before and after compression (dashed line: resolved and sum of peaks); (e) pressuredependent UV−vis spectra during compression and decompression in a DAC. The pressure values are in GPa.
graphically studied. There are no significant differences in bond parameters and intermolecular contacts (Figure S1). All pseudopolymorphs are piezochromic. Here we describe the behavior of 1·2H2O in detail. It changes from yellow to green after compression using a hydraulic press (Figure 2a). The same phenomenon was observed in a control test in the dark, excluding the involvement of light. UV−vis diffusive reflectance spectroscopy suggests that compression leads to
strong absorption in the visible region from 450 to 800 nm. The PXRD (powder X-ray diffraction) and IR spectra show no appreciable changes after compression (Figure S2), suggesting that the crystal and molecular structures are essentially retained. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy reveals a resonance signal at g = 2.0035 after compression, confirming radical formation through PzET (Figure 2b). The piezochromic process is reversible. The piezoinduced green state is 5451
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Figure 3. Photographs (a), UV−vis spectra (b), and PXRD profiles (c) of 2·2H2O after irradiation under Xe light for different times.
metastable and recovers to yellow in several hours, and five swiching cycles have been performed with no apparent sign of fatigue (Figure 2c). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) (Figure 2d) was performed to probe the PzET process. 1·2H2O shows a single N 1s peak at 401.8 eV, and a new peak appears at lower energy (400.4 eV) after compression, confirming that the viologen group is the electron acceptor.30−32 The Cl 2p spectrum before compression shows well-resolved 2p3/2 (196.8 eV) and 2p1/2 (198.4 eV) peaks.33 After compression, an obvious shoulder appears at high energy, and multipeak fitting reveals a new pair of 2p3/2 (198.3 eV) and 2p1/2 (199.9 eV) signals, suggesting the loss of an electron from Cl−. The O 1s spectra are broad envelopes from different O atoms, and the maximum shifts toward higher energy after compression, suggesting that some O atoms serve as electron donors.32,34 It is still unclear whether water molecules are involved. Piezochromism was further investigated with single crystals by the in situ high-pressure diamond anvil cell (DAC) technique. We found that the yellow crystal of 1·2H2O turns green at ∼2.9 GPa, to orange under higher pressure, to green again after complete decompression, and finally back to yellow upon standing at ambient pressure. Consistently, UV−vis absorption spectroscopy shows that new bands above 470 nm appear above ∼2.9 GPa, indicative of radical formation. As the pressure further increases, the absorption becomes more intense due to the increase of radical concentration. The intensity decreases upon decompression and is still retained to some degree upon complete removal of pressure (Figure 2e). The piezochromic properties of 1·4H2O and 1 were studied similarly (Figures S3−S7). In situ measurements in DACs were also attempted. The absorption spectra recorded are unfortunately of poor quality because of the thin flake shapes of the crystals. However, we observed that 1 began to have a green tint at about 0.8 GPa, which is significantly lower than the pressure (∼2.9 and 6.0 GPa) needed to start color change for 1· 2H2O and 1·4H2O. Therefore, it seems that piezochromism can be modulated by the water content in the lattice, less lattice water facilitating PzET at lower pressure. A similar trend holds for the inner-salt pseudopolymorps of bcpV·yH2O (2·6H2O and 2·2H2O). Our previous study showed that 2·6H2O was piezochromic above ∼2 GPa.27 The piezochromic behavior of 2·2H2O was studied similarly (Figures S8 and S9), and it showed color change above ∼0.2 GPa, as observed in DAC measurements. The pseudopolymorphs also show different sensitivities to light. 1·4H2O is not photochromic even under prolonged irradiation with a 300 W Xe lamp (the sample is cooled with a
jacket water to avoid heat-induced dehydration). By sharp contrast, anhydrate state 1 shows very sensitive photochromism. The yellow sample of 1 readily turns green even upon exposure to indoor natural light (Figure S10), and Xe lamp irradiation leads to a deep green color within 1 min (Figure S11). 1·2H2O is also photochromic but less sensitive. The yellow state is stable in natural light but turns pale green upon Xe lamp irradiation (Figure S12). Radical formation with no appreciable change in the crystal and molecular structure was confirmed for both 1 and 1·2H2O by different spectral methods and PXRD (Figures S13 and S14). Their green-state UV−vis spectra are similar in band maxima, but 1 shows significantly higher absorbance, suggesting more efficient PET in 1. The reverse processes are also different. The photogenerated green state of 1·2H2O completely returns yellow in 1 h at room temperature even in the light, but the green state of 1 is stable in the light. Only in the dark can the yellow state be recovered slowly. The results suggest that photochromism can be tuned by lattice water, less water stabilizing the radical-containing state and facilitating ET, in accordance with the trend in piezochromism. The trend also occurs to inner-salt pseudopolymorps 2·yH2O (y = 0, 2, and 6). We have previously demonstrated that 2·6H2O is nonphotochromic and 2 (structure unknown) is a green and radical-containing crystalline phase obtained by dehydrating 2·6H2O.27 Here the dehydration process is concomitant with “spontaneous” ET (no light, heat, or pressure is needed). The green phase of 2 is very stable, and we have not observed the corresponding nonradical and expectedly yellow state. The intermediate pseudopolymorph, 2·2H2O, has been reported to be nonphotochromic without experimental details.35 We have obtained the dihydrate by different methods, and crystallographic results confirm that the structure is identical to that reported previously (Figure S15). Our tests revealed that 2·2H2O (either crystals or powder) is rather photosensitive. The pristine yellow sample becomes pale green even upon exposure to natural light and gradually turns greenish dark within 2 min when irradiated under Xe light (Figure 3a,b). PXRD confirms the structural integrity during irradiation (Figure 3c). The green state recovers to yellow when kept in the dark for several days. Obviously, the photochromic activity of 2·2H2O is intermediate between those of 2·6H2O and 2. To our knowledge, the effects of lattice water on solid-state ET have not yet been reported prior to this work. Our pseudopolymorphic series provides excellent systems for probing the effects. Conceivably, lattice water can interfere with ET by (i) perturbing the molecular structure; (ii) 5452
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sensitive dihydrate (2·2H2O) leads us to propose that lattice water does not act as an effective donor. This is supported by studies on dimethyl viologen (MV2+) in solution. It has been established that PET to MV2+ occurs because the photoexcited excited state (MV2+*) is highly oxidizing and tends to be reduced to MV•+ through ET from a nearby electron donor.13−16,39 Flash photolysis studies by Ebbesen and coworkers suggested the formation of pairwise MV•+ and Cl• (and Cl2•−) in MVCl2 solutions containing concentrated NaCl.14−16 According to Kohler and co-workers, MV•+ can be generated upon photoirradiating dilute MVCl2/methanol solution but cannot be detected in aqueous solution even on the fs scale.13 We tested the photoactivity of [H2bcpV]Cl2 and bcpV in solution and found that Xe irradiation led to green solutions in methanol but no change in water (Figure S17); therefore, the solvent effect is similar to that for MV2+. Kohler and co-workers proposed that water cannot reduce MV2+* because its ionization potential (IP, 12.62 eV) is well beyond the threshold value (10.3 eV) estimated from the MV2+*/MV•+ reduction potential.13,39 Assuming a similar criterion in solids, lattice water can be excluded from ET donors. The effective donors are the chloride ion and/or the carboxyl group. For reference, the IP of benzoic acid is 9.3 eV, and the electron affinities (EAs) of the chlorine and benzoate radicals are 3.61 and 3.59 eV, respectively.40 Having excluded water from donors, the remaining question is why the pyridinium···D (carboxyl oxygen/chloride) contacts in 1·4H2O and 2·6H2O do not lead to photochromism. The question can be answered by point iv (vide supra). Water interacts with both viologen and donors owing to its high polarity and hydrogen-bonding capability, and a higher water content in the lattice means that the donors and acceptors are surrounded by more water molecules (Figure S16). On the one hand, the Nv···Ow and C−Hv···Ow interactions compensate to some degree the positive charge and electron-deficiency of V2+ and thereby reduce the acceptor strength; similarly, Hw···Cl and Hw···Oca (Figure 1) serve to reduce the strength of chloride and carboxyl as donors. In other words, the highly polar water stabilizes the nonradical cations and anions. On the other hand, the Ow···V interactions accommodating V2+ can destabilize V•+, which is less charged and effectively electron-rich. More prominently, because the chlorine/carboxyl radicals are electron-deficient and have no hydrogen-accepting ability, the Hw···Cl/Oca interactions stabilizing the anionic species can even become repulsive forces that destabilize the radicals. Because molecular motion in the solid lattice is restrained and the molecular surroundings cannot be adjusted in favor of the radicals, the destabilization effects should be more serious than that in solutions. In a highly hydrated lattice, the effects can become strong enough to the degree that the energy level of the radical state is higher than the excited state, and hence, ET is prevented. The energy diagram for this nonphotochromic extreme is illustrated in Figure 4b in comparison with a usual PET process (Figure 4a). It should be illuminating to analyze the differences between photo- and piezochromism. Although the two phenomena are similar in the sense that both are associated with ET and consequential radical formation, the stimuli are quite different in the way they operate on molecular materials. Light can be directly absorbed by individual molecules, and then the photoexcited states are quenched through different mechanisms including ET. Because light has no direct intermolecular effect, it would not induce ET if the donor and viologen were placed
perturbing intermolecular donor−acceptor (D−A) contacts, (iii) directly participating in ET as an electron donor, and (iv) interacting with the donor and acceptor and thus influencing their electron-donating/accepting strength or the relative stabilities of the species before and after ET. We first compare the molecular structures (Table S2). Because V•+ is more prone to take a planar conformation than V2+,2,36 it is expected that a planar conformation could be conducive to PET. According to the structural data, the viologen core is planar in all hydrate phases but twisted in 1, which is more photosensitive than the hydrates. This obviously suggests that the conformation is irrelevant to the detrimental influence of water. Another possible factor is the interpyridyl C−C length. Because the C−C bond in stable V•+ is stronger than that in V2+,36,37 a shorter C−C bond is expected to be conducive to PET. The bond length for the chloride series increases with water content as 1 (1.472(4) Å) < 1·2H2O (1.480(2) Å) < 1·4H2O (1.487(2) Å) (Figure S1), which seems to be consitent with the decrease in photosentitivity. However, taking into account experimental errors, the differences are too small to be meaningful. In addition, the trend is invalid for the inner salts (2·2H2O, 1.485(2) Å; 2·6H2O, 1.481(2) Å) (Figure S1). Therefore, the quite different ET behaviors cannot be correlated with the minor differences in central C−C bond and other intramolecular parameters. PET in crystalline viologen compounds has been related to intermolecular pathways between viologen and electron donors, such as Nv···D, Hv···D, and πv−πD.18−24 Generally speaking, short contacts should facilitate ET. However, no unequivocal criterion has been established, and the presence of these weak interactions is insufficient to observe the phenomenon.38 As shown in Figure S16, all compounds involved in this work show Nv···D and Hv···D contacts (D = Cl−, Oca, or Ow). The shortest distance for each type of interaction is collected in Table 1. Table 1. Shortest Distances (Å) for Intermolecular Interactions Involving the Viologen Corea compounds
1·4H2O 1·2H2O 1 2·6H2O 2·2H2O
4.03 3.92 3.91
3.62 3.75 2.96 3.51 >4.7
2.68 2.58 2.54
2.52 2.47 2.32 2.29 2.30
3.29 3.27
2.81 2.22
3.25 2.99
2.21 2.71
subscripts: v = viologen; ca = carboxyl; w = water.
For the chloride series, the shortest distances except for Nv··· Oca decrease as the water content decreases. This trend agrees with the increase of photosensitivity. However, Nv···Oca, Hv··· Cl, and especially Hv···Oca for 1·4H2O are still in the usual ranges observed for photochromic viologen compounds.18−26 Why is it not photochromic? Moreover, of the two inner-salt forms, the Nv···Ow contacts favor 2·2H2O, but the other D−A distances favor 2·6H2O, which is actually nonphotochromic. At this stage, we would like to modify our previous assumption that lattice water influences ET by modulating intermolecular D−A contacts, which was proposed to explain the ET concomitant with dehydration of 2·6H2O to 2 without knowing the crystal structure of 2.27 It seems that lattice water takes effect in a more complex manner than just perturbing D−A contacts. The fact that the nonphotosensitive hexahydrate (2·6H2O) has a significantly shorter Hv···Ow contact than the photo5453
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b02452 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2017, 8, 5450−5455
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Corresponding Authors
[email protected] (E.-Q.G.). *E-mail:
[email protected] (L.W.). ORCID
En-Qing Gao: 0000-0002-5631-2391 Notes
Figure 4. Schematic energy diagrams for usual viologen-based PET (a) and for the extreme case in which water molecules prevent PET (b).
The authors declare no competing financial interest.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 21471057 and 21773070), and Y.Y. and L.W. would like to acknowledge the support of NSAF (Grant No. U1530402) and the Science Challenging Program (Grant No. JCKY2016212A501).
at unfavorable distances or in impedimental environments. However, pressure operates in a collective and intermolecular way. It forces molecules to move closer, and the energy is absorbed by intermolecular interactions. For piezochromic viologen compounds, pressure proactively reduces the D−A distance to facilitate ET, which in turn mitigates the intermolecular tension. Hence, pressure can be a more powerful input than light in inducing ET and consequential chromic phenomena. This explains the observation that 1·4H2O and 2· 6H2O are not photochromic but piezochromic. As mentioned above, the highly hydrated pseudopolymorphs need higher pressure for piezochromism, suggesting that the impedimental effect of water also occurs on PzET but can be overcome by increasing the pressure. Finally, solid-state transformations between different pseudopolymorphs of 1·xH2O were studied. PXRD (Figure S18) suggests that 1 transforms to 1·2H2O and then to 1·4H2O in moist air. According to thermogravimetry and PXRD (Figure S19), both 1·4H2O and 1·2H2O completely lose water at 120 °C, leading to an anhydrate phase different from 1. In conclusion, we have described new viologen compounds showing different PET and PzET behaviors. The pseudopolymorphic nature of the compounds enables us to shed new light on the structure−property relationship. We demonstrated that the higher the water content in the lattice, the less sensitively the compounds respond to light and pressure. Close scrutiny suggests that the lattice water does not act as an electron donor but serves to change the ET energetics through its unique polarity and hydrogen bonding capability. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to demonstrate and elucidate the impedimental impacts of lattice water on solid-state ET. It opens new potential of tuning the solid-state ET processes and the concomitant responsive properties. Owing to the different operating ways, pressure can be more powerful than light in inducing ET. We expect that PzET could be ubiquitous in viologen compounds and perhaps also in other families with ET character.
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S Supporting Information *
The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b02452. Experimental methods and supplementary graphic material (PDF) Crystallographic data for 1 (green) (CIF) Crystallographic data for 1 (yellow) (CIF) Crystallographic data for 1·2H2O (CIF) Crystallographic data for 1·4H2O (CIF) Crystallographic data for 2·2H2O (CIF) 5454
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DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b02452 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2017, 8, 5450−5455