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Pregestational obesity or overweight condition or an excessive gestational weight gain can be an independent risk factor for feto-maternal complications and ...
J Endocrinol Invest (2014) 37:323–329 DOI 10.1007/s40618-014-0058-9


Impact of overweight and obesity on obstetric outcomes S. Triunfo • A. Lanzone

Received: 3 November 2013 / Accepted: 5 December 2013 / Published online: 11 February 2014 Ó Italian Society of Endocrinology (SIE) 2014

Abstract Abnormal nutritional status is an increasingly common complication in developed countries and, as reproductive age women are a part of this trend, the effect of maternal obesity on the pregnancy and neonate must be investigated. Pregestational obesity or overweight condition or an excessive gestational weight gain can be an independent risk factor for feto-maternal complications and long-term risks in adult life for the fetus. The selected risks include infertility, miscarriage, congenital anomalies, hypertensive disorders, gestational diabetes, intrauterine fetal death, macrosomia, and delivery complications. From an etiological point of view, the causes of the adverse outcomes include maternal body habitus, proinflammatory state of obesity, and metabolic dysfunction. Actually, a weight management guidance for obese pregnant women is limited, recommending a gain between 5 and 9 kg during the pregnancy period, while weight loss is discouraged. Mainly, therapeutic approach is prevention using specific programs of reducing weight before pregnant status. In addition, mechanistic studies, in animal models especially, have identified potential areas for intervention which might limit adverse risk factors for obesity from mothers to infants during pregnancy. In this article, a review of the literature on selected obstetrical risks associated with maternal overweight and obesity has been performed and both the target prevention and management strategies have been assessed. Keywords Overweight  Obesity  Pregnancy  Adverse perinatal outcome  Prevention S. Triunfo (&)  A. Lanzone Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Largo A. Vito, 8, 00168 Rome, Italy e-mail: [email protected]

Introduction In the last decades, the prevalence of abnormal nutritional status has increased in both developed and developing countries [1], alerting the public health system for the possible risks both in terms of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases [2–5] and economic impact for additional costs to prevent or manage the illness [6]. In Europa half of the adults meet criteria for overweight [body mass index (BMI) 25–29.9 kg/m2] or obesity (BMI C30 kg/m2) [7], while in USA the prevalence of obesity among adults exceeds 33 % with an additional 34 % categorized as overweight [8]. Unfortunately, the global health crisis is related to all age classes, assuming the aspect of transversal phenomenon. Indeed, overweight and obesity are variously distributed in the world, in pre- and school children and in both genders over the years. World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that the prevalence of children \5 years of age with a BMI [2 SD (equivalent to the 98th percentile) increased from 4.2 % in 1990 to 6.7 % in 2010 and is expected to reach 9.1 % in 2020, higher in developed (11.7 %) rather than developing countries (6.1 %) [9]. In USA the obesity prevalence has increased from 7 % in 1980 to nearly 20 % in 2008 in children aged 6–11 years and from 5 to 18 % over the same period in adolescents aged 12–19 years, respectively [10]. In European countries and regions, wide variations in overweight and obesity prevalence estimates among primary-school children have been reported, suggesting the presence of a north–south gradient with the highest level of overweight found in southern European countries [11–13]. As reproductive age women are a part of this trend, the effect of maternal obesity on the developing fetus must be investigated [14]. The prevalence of obesity in pregnancy



is rising exponentially, as demonstrated by about 15–20 % of pregnant women enter pregnancy with a BMI which would define them as obese [15]. A strong link between obesity and adverse pregnancy outcome has been identified for the mother and her child. The mother is more likely to develop diabetes, hypertensive disorders during pregnancy, and the pregnancy may end in a miscarriage, stillbirth or preterm delivery [14–16]. The baby could have important anomalies at birth, including neural tube defects, cardiovascular anomalies, orofacial clefts, hydrocephaly, anal atresia, hypospadias, cystic kidney, pes equinovarus, omphalocele, and diaphragmatic hernia [16–18]. The neonatal weight may also be bigger than normal, suggesting that the children of obese mothers go on to be obese in adult life. At delivery, the labor may be longer and can be associated with instrumental delivery, cesarean section and excessive postpartum bleeding [15–19]. The purposes of the review are to summarize the studies on the associations between obesity and obstetric risks and to identify potential strategies for preventing short- and long-term adverse outcomes.

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In early- to mid-pregnancy, underweight and normalweight women (pregestational BMI \25 kg/m2) deposit fat in their hips, back, and upper thighs, which is thought to be important as a caloric reserve for late-pregnancy and lactation [20]. Insulin secretion and sensitivity rise, favoring increased lipogenesis and fat accumulation, in preparation for the increased energy needs of the growing fetus [20]. However, women entering pregnancy overweight or obese (who may already have some baseline insulin resistance) do not have this same rise in peripheral insulin sensitivity in early-pregnancy and little or no additional fat is accrued, perhaps due to a reduced need for extra caloric reserves [14, 20]. By late-pregnancy, insulin resistance increases among all mothers and weight gain slows, a normal physiologic adaptation that shifts maternal energy metabolism from carbohydrate to lipid oxidation and thus spares glucose for the fetus [14, 20]. The pattern of gestational weight gain is most commonly described as sigmoidal, with the majority of weight gained in the second and early third trimesters of pregnancy [14]. This complex of adjustments in carbohydrate and fat metabolism ensures that the fetus receives a continuous supply of fuel when its needs are maximal [14].

Biologic processes and metabolic changes in pregnancy The weight gained in pregnancy is the result of biologic processes and metabolic changes that promote the correct development of fetal programming [14]. Although the composition of weight gained during pregnancy varies across women, a general description can be assessed. Approximately 27 % resides in the fetus, 20 % includes the placenta, amniotic fluid and uterus, 3 % comprises breast weight, 23 % is made up of blood volume and extravascular fluid, and the remaining 27 % consists of maternal fat stores (Fig. 1) [14].

Fig. 1 Weight gained in pregnancy, as the result of metabolic changes, although it varies across women


Identification of abnormal BMI related to risks for pregnant women The consequences of obesity in non-pregnant individuals have been extensively described, including an increased risk of type 2 diabetes (typical fold increase of 12), hypertension (fourfold risk), myocardial infarction and colon cancer (each a threefold risk) angina, gall bladder disease and ovarian cancer (twofold risk) [21]. A recent metaanalysis has shown that for every increase in BMI of 5 kg/m2 there is a 10 % increase in neoplastic mortality, 40 % increase in vascular mortality and a [50 % increase in diabetic, renal and hepatic mortality [21]. In contrast, the impact of obesity on reproductive outcomes has only recently been the subject of significant research [14–21], probably due to the increased prevalence of obesity in women of childbearing age in recent years, with approximately one in five pregnant women in the developed countries classed as obese at antenatal booking [22]. A considerable number of studies have reported a clear association between abnormal maternal BMI and adverse obstetric and perinatal outcomes [14–23]. In the past, maternal hyperglycemia during pregnancy was thought to be one of the most important predictive factors of obstetric complications. Indeed, the obese population suffers from elevated blood glucose levels, insulin resistance and high rates of overt diabetes, and obese pregnant is characterized by a significantly higher postprandial

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Table 1 Adverse pregnancy outcomes increased by obesity and extreme obesity

Impact of abnormal maternal BMI on offspring health


The fetal developing depends upon a complex feto-maternal interaction. This intricate interaction relies on several components: maternal nutritional intake, placental transfer mechanisms and uterine blood supply, which depend on maternal metabolic and cardiovascular conditions. Maternal overweight and obesity is an obstetric risk factor due to its potential consequences for offspring, so its role should be considered in different epochs of pregnancy, as data of literature reported, due to specific impact of maternal nutritional status on obstetric outcome.

OR (95 % CI)

Maternal infectiona Maternal hemorrhage

3.35 (2.74–4.06) a

1.24 (1.2–1.28)

Postpartum hemorrhageb

3.04, 0.96, 9.67


4.46, 2.42, 8.16

Gestational diabetesb

7.89, 3.94, 15.80


Infinity 0.75, infinity b

Induction of labor Instrumental deliveryb

1.97, 1.53, 2.54 2 (1.87–2.15)

Cesarean sectionb

1.17 (1.13–1.21)

Shoulder dystociab

1.89, 0.82, 4.34

Problems with epidural anestheticb

3.54, 1.49, 8.42

Problems with spinal anestheticb

9.10, 2.02, 41.00


2.84 (2.77–2.91)

Maternal intensive care unit admissionb a

3.86, 1.41, 10.60


Data from Heslehurst et al. and Knight et al. [16, 27]

glucose peak value, increased 1- and 2-h postprandial glucose levels, increased time interval for glucose peak, and significantly lower mean blood glucose during the night [23]. Although, it is recognized as the principal role of hyperglycemia, actually, it is accepted that other maternal parameters associated with obesity and/or overnutrition during pregnancy are also involved including hypertriglyceridemia and the altered endocrine milieu associated with obesity condition (increased levels of insulin, androgens, and leptin) [24], causing a number of maternal metabolic disturbances, such as insulin resistance, diabetes and increased blood pressure [25] all of which influence fetal well-being. Generally, lower weight gains may have additional benefits for the short- and long-term weight status of women and children. Compared with normal-BMI women, obese women had significantly higher rates of preeclampsia, gestational hypertension, and gestational diabetes, and these rates increased with increasing BMI especially (trend test P \ 0.001) [26]. Several original research report a significant increase in rates of induction of labor in the obesity category, from 25.3 % in women with normal BMI to 42.9 % in women with morbid obesity (aOR 1.67; 95 % CI 1.43–1.93) [14–17, 22]. Rates of primary cesarean section rise with increasing BMI and are highest in women with class morbid obesity (36.2 vs. 22.1 % in women with normal BMI) (aOR 1.46; 95 % CI 1.23–1.73) (Table 1) [15–17, 26, 27]. Consequently, as a result of increased complication rate, more than 50 % of mortality cases during pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium are of women who are either obese or overweight [28].

Risks in pregnancy In early-pregnancy, obesity may increase pregnancy-loss rate in a mechanism that is still not dependent upon oocyte or ovarian function, but rather endometrial or placental [29]. Probably, an unfavorable hormonal environment, characteristic of maternal obesity combined with the chronic inflammatory state associated with excess adipose tissue, may be the underlying mechanism, as demonstrated by observational data that propose weight reduction for reducing miscarriage rate in obese population [30, 31]. In addition, maternal obesity is associated also with the increased risk of twin pregnancy, dizygotic twin mainly, but it is not clear about the mechanisms that stimulate it because few studies are reported in the literature [29, 31, 32]. The aspect that appears clear is related to additional risks in pregnancy, not only for the maternal obesity, but also for the twin pregnancy, as known at high-risk obstetric. Another important topic that interests all the duration of pregnancy is the fetal ultrasound imaging, that results more difficult in obese gravid compared to normal-weight women [33, 34]. As a result, the antenatal detection rate for congenital anomalies is lower in obese women, resulting in fewer antepartum diagnoses and more affected liveborns and stillborn among births to obese mothers [34]. As described, the analysis of data collected in the FaSTER study indicates that the performance of second-trimester genetic sonography is influenced by obesity, with a significantly higher missed diagnosis rate for multiple minor markers and lower likelihood for detecting common anomalies in the obese population [35]. Suggestions on modality and timing of ultrasound scan in obese women indicate an elective transvaginal approach, as an alternative and more satisfactory window, in the late first–late second trimester to obtain a better evaluating fetal anatomy [34, 36], reducing the limitations due to maternal nutritional status. The most important aspect is the limited power of imaging in detecting congenital anomalies in the presence



of maternal obesity, in this condition an increased risk of some congenital anomalies is more prevalent in the offspring of obese mothers or with elevate weight gain during pregnancy than normal-BMI pregnant. Generally, the increase in the absolute rate of specific congenital anomalies is increased with growing maternal weight. Actually, the prevalence of congenital malformations is 4.7 %, and the prevalence of relatively severe malformations is 3.2 % [33–36]. Particularly, maternal pregestational morbid obesity is associated with neural tube defects OR 4.08 (95 % CI 1.87–7.75), cardiac defects OR 1.49 (95 % CI 1.24–1.80), and orofacial clefts OR 1.90 (95 % CI 1.27–2.86) [36]. An increased risk of hydrocephaly, anal atresia, hypospadias, cystic kidney, pes equinovarus, omphalocele, and diaphragmatic hernia are reported [33– 36]. Offspring of obese mothers are also subject to disrupted growth patterns (both growth restriction and overgrowth) [32]. Increased fetal weight and adiposity at birth increases macrosomia and difficulties associated with delivery of large-for-gestational-age infants. In these fetuses, the estimated fetal weight can result more difficult than other cases, both the maternal limitations and the decreased accuracy in macrosomic fetuses [36]. There is little to be done to technically improve the image obtained [36]. Delaying, repeating, or increasing the duration of the examination may only partially, if at all, mitigate the technical limitations that obesity imposes on visualization [33–37]. Risks in delivery Obesity condition is also associated with a marked increase in feto-neonatal complications including stillbirths, neonatal deaths, neonatal intensive care unit admission, preterm births and post-term pregnancy complications [16, 24]. The relationship between maternal obesity and fetal growth has shown that obese women have an 18–26 % increased chance of delivering large-for-date infants [38]. Indeed, macrosomic infants have an increased risk of shoulder dystocia and brachial plexus injury [16, 38]. Consequently, delivery of an obese pregnant woman remains a challenge due to possibilities both cesarean section and instrumental delivery (Table 1) [16, 27]. Given the high likelihood of operative delivery, even where vaginal delivery is attempted, the fact that ‘emergency’ cesarean section carries greater risks than ‘elective’ cesarean section, and the need for experienced members of staff if operative delivery is needed, one could argue that women with morbid obesity might be best delivered by elective cesarean section [16, 27].


J Endocrinol Invest (2014) 37:323–329

Neonatal risks High maternal BMI has also effects on neonatal health. In view of the aforementioned higher rate of labor-related complications, it is not surprising that, after delivery, newborns of obese mothers show an increase in neonatal admissions to neonatal intensive care units with complications, such as neonatal trauma and incubator requirement [39]. In addition, an increased risk of stillbirth in the obese population has been described, compared with normalweight pregnant women. Probably, the increase in stillbirth rate in obese women is presumed to occur due to the accelerated fetal growth induced by the fetal hyperinsulinemia and excess nutrient ‘influx’, in combination with uteroplacental insufficiency, which may lead to fetal hypoxia and death [40].

Influences on maternal obesity in young adulthood Maternal body weight and weight gain during pregnancy influence intrauterine environment, causing permanent changes in the hypothalamus, pancreatic islet cells, adipose tissue and other body weight-regulating mechanisms of the offspring. Maternal pre-pregnancy overweight has been found to be an independent risk factor for infant and adolescence overweight and abdominal obesity [41]. As a result, lower gains may have additional benefits for longterm weight status of children, while women with higher gestational weight gains are also responsible of children with higher risks of high weight in childhood, during adolescence and adulthood [40–42]. Maternal prenatal overnutrition may result in increased fetal adipose tissue deposition, consequently, as adipocyte number appears to be set in the first years of life, excess fat formed in early life may result in lifelong excess adiposity [42]. Besides, neonates with poor in utero nutrition may undergo catch-up growth or rapid weight gain. This early accelerated growth has been shown to adversely affect glucose metabolism, lipids, and blood pressure in adolescents who were born small, perhaps in part because most of the catch-up body weight distributes centrally and results in insulin resistance [40–42]. Some studies also suggest that children exposed to pregnancies complicated by metabolic conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, and obesity, showed an increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders, autism spectrum disorders and developmental delay [43], although interpretation of data is limited by lack of information on potential confounders.

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Interventions strategies Concerns about the increasing rates of obesity in developing countries have led many policy makers to question the impacts of maternal and early child nutrition on risk of later obesity. Principally, the links between maternal obesity and adverse outcomes are strong and the ideal management results prevention, even if the increasing prevalence of obesity in pregnancy is going to change soon. Indeed, obesity prevalence suggests that it is now pandemic, affecting populations across the age span, wealthy and impoverished nations alike, and without regard to traditional rural/urban divides [40]. The economic impact of inaction, or lack of effective action, is likely to be substantial as nations seek to manage the diverse health-related consequences against everincreasing health-care costs [6, 14, 28]. The seemingly inexorable rise in infant and childhood obesity, associated with life-threatening co-morbidities such as early onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease, has raised concerns that current and future generations of children may be the first to die before their parents [10, 14]. Women of childbearing age, and especially those who are pregnant, must be considered a priority population for intervention, not least because pregnancy presents a ‘window of opportunity’ to reduce the burden of lifetime disease. Maternal diet and lifestyle factors affect fetal programming and hence influence pregnancy outcomes, including increasing the risk to the infant of developing (obesity-related) chronic diseases [41]. Furthermore women, as mothers, continue to play a central and traditional role in food provision and are thus influential in protecting their children against obesity and associated morbidities. Understanding the links between obesity and adverse pregnancy outcome can inform effective therapeutic interventions. In non-pregnant individuals, diet and exercise are advocated to improve health. In pregnancy, there is limited evidence for the efficacy of diet and exercise although several trials are underway to test these interventions. Statewide (Queensland) Clinical Guidelines reflecting current best practice have recently become available for the management of pregnancy-related obesity [14]. They provide advice regarding recommended gestational weight gain based on pre-pregnancy BMI, referral practices for multidisciplinary care including specialist support, and advice for the postnatal period, with demonstrated links to improved maternal and infant outcomes. Diet quality decreases with higher BMI categories and women who start pregnancy in the overweight or obese range are at higher risk of metabolic complications and assisted deliveries, and their infants are at higher risk of macrosomia, structural birth defects, perinatal death, and


becoming obese in childhood. In addition, given the known links among obesity, elevated blood glucose, insulin resistance and adverse pregnancy outcome, an appropriate therapy for obese pregnant women may be metformin [14]. Maternal overnutrition and/or obesity during pregnancy afflict upon the developing child a fate of later-life overweight, thus creating a vicious cycle of epidemic scale. However, this mechanism is not a ‘perpetuum mobile’ [14]. Obese women and health-care providers have it within their power to reverse the tide on the obesity epidemic. Dietary restriction and weight loss prior to pregnancy are proven strategies to improve infant health outcome. Pregnancies after bariatric surgery are less likely to be complicated by gestational diabetes mellitus, hypertension, preeclampsia, and macrosomia than are pregnancies of obese women who have not undergone such surgery [44]. Bariatric surgery prior to a planned pregnancy is the best strategy for reducing obesity-related complication for mother and child. In unplanned pregnancies, controlled or minimal weight gain during pregnancy may also mitigate the impact of obesity and produce a dramatic positive impact on pregnancy outcome [44]. Pregnancy also provides a ‘window of opportunity’ in which obese women are more susceptible for lifestyle interventions such as diet and exercise counseling, thus allowing health care givers to intervene [28]. However, observational studies indicate that some obese pregnant women, especially those who are heavier, lose weight during pregnancy. Furthermore, some obese pregnant women may intentionally lose weight. The safety of weight loss when pregnant and obese is not substantiated; some observational studies suggest that risks associated with weight loss such as preeclampsia are improved, but others indicate that the incidence of small-for-gestational infants is increased. It is important to evaluate interventions that are designed to reduce weight in obese pregnant women so that the safety of weight loss during this period can be established. The advice for obese women in managing their weight during pregnancy is that weight loss should be avoided, and weight gain should be between 5.0 and 9.1 kg [14]. Moreover, it is mandatory that further research is conducted to evaluate the safety of interventions for weight loss when a woman is pregnant and obese for reducing associate risks.

Conclusions The obesity epidemic has resulted in more overweight/ obese women before and during pregnancy, determining obstetric complications such as gestational diabetes, hypertension and preeclampsia and affecting fetal growth.



In addition, maternal obesity offers an altered genetic, hormonal and biochemical environment for the developing fetus/embryo and influences fetal growth and organ development. The offspring tends to have higher birth weights and more body fat, and carries an increased risk of obesity and cardiovascular diseases later in life as a result of abnormal fetal programming development. The ideal management of maternal obesity is prevention. Further research is urgently needed to understand these links, to be able to develop therapies, and improve short- and longterm pregnancy outcomes until adult life of neonates from overweight or obese mother. Conflict of interest S Triunfo and A. Lanzone declare that they have no conflict of interest.

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