Impact of Various Types of Heat Treatment on Mechanical Properties ...

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alloy and the alloy after individual types of the heat treatment enable comparison of obtained results ... Significant increase of the mechanical properties of such.

ISSN (1897-3310) Volume 15 Special Issue 2/2015


35 – 38

Published quarterly as the organ of the Foundry Commission of the Polish Academy of Sciences



Impact of Various Types of Heat Treatment on Mechanical Properties of the EN AC-AlSi6Cu4 Alloy A. Jarco, J. Pezda * Department of Production Engineering and Automation, University of Bielsko-Biała, Willowa 2, 43- 300 Bielsko-Biała, Poland *Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] Received 11.05.2015; accepted in revised form 01.06.2015

Abstract The Al-Si-Cu alloys with content of the copper from 2 to 4 percent, after solutioning and artificial ageing treatments (T6 heat treatment), feature high strength and very high hardness, however their elongation is considerably reduced. Maintaining value of elongation on the level of initial alloy is possible due to homogenizing treatment performed prior the T6 treatment. Performed strength tests of the initial alloy and the alloy after individual types of the heat treatment enable comparison of obtained results and assessment of usability of the investigated alloy to production of a castings. Test pieces to the strength tests were poured in standardized metal moulds. Parameters of the heat treatment, temperature and duration of heating were established on base of the literature and the ATD diagram performed for the investigated alloy. Investigated EN AC-AlSi6Cu4 alloy after homogenizing treatment becomes plastic, its elongation A5 and its impact strength KC increase nearly three times, with slight decrease of the tensile strength Rm. Dispersion hardening in connection with the homogenizing treatment results in increase of the tensile strength Rm with 68%, hardness and impact strength with 40% with elongation at level of the alloy without heat treatment. Making suitable selection of various types of the heat treatment it is possible, depending on needs, to control mechanical properties of the alloy. Keywords: Heat treatment, Aluminum alloys, ATD, Elongation, Tensile strength

1. Introduction Growing production of castings from aluminum alloys and more and more stringent requirements in area of mechanical and technological properties lead to research work on development of technology of alloy preparation in casting process, as well as heat treatment of ready alloy [1-6]. Alloys of the Al-Si-Cu type, commonly used for castings of machinery components, stand out from other casting alloys with high hardness, strength, and relatively low elongation. These alloys contain also magnesium, what facilitates the heat treatment

[2, 7-9] and enables shortening of time and reduction of temperature of solutioning treatment [10,11]. Significant increase of the mechanical properties of such alloys can be obtained in result of heat treatment comprising operations of solutioning and artificial ageing. It enables increase of the tensile strength Rm and hardness with simultaneous decrease of the unit elongation of up to 50% [2,12-14]. Such high drop of the elongation can create important disadvantage in case of a castings produced from such alloys, and to eliminate it, the heat treatment has been extended by adding the homogenizing treatment prior the solutioning and artificial ageing. Objective of the homogenizing treatment is removal, through

ARCHIVES of FOUNDRY ENGINEERING Volume 15, Special Issue 2/2015, 35-38


diffu usion, of diffferences in concentration of elementaary subsstances in the crystals (micro-segregation)). Diffusion tyype mod difications requuire usage of hiigh temperaturees, slightly beloow the solidus s line andd long time of heating h [7]. The present ppaper describees an effect of o homogeniziing treattment of the EN AC-AlSi66Cu4 alloy on change of its mecchanical propertties, and possibbilities of implem mentation of suuch treattment prior ssolutioning heat treatment of the T6 hheat treattment.

2. Methodol M logy of the research h The research w was performed for the EN AC C-AlSi6Cu4 allooy, min casting allooys whicch is classifiedd among commoonly used silum with h high content oof copper. AlSi6Cu4 is used fo or castings, whiich are moderately m highhly stressed. (e.g. engine block ks, cylinder heaads and pistons, clutchh housings, exhhaust ends, die--cast chassis) [11517]. Chemical com mposition of thee investigated alloy, a reported in metaallurgical certifficate of the producer is preseented in the Tabble 1. Table 1. Cheemical composittion of the EN AC-AlSi6Cu4 A alloy a Chhemical compoosition / mass % Cu Zn Fe Mg M Si 3.96 0.75 0.48 0.27 0 6.49 6 Mn M 0.45 0

Pb 0.02

Ti 0.14

Sn 0.01

Ni 0.03

otthers 0.05 0

Al rest

From F the ATD diagram (Figuure 1) drawn for the investigatted alloy y, it has beeen taken tempperature of th he homogeniziing treattment tu=515oC (Point A) annd the lowest from f cited in tthe literrature tome of heating τu=10 h [1, 7, 18]. The T homogeniziing treattment was perfo formed with twoo methods of co ooling: − with ffurnace (p), − on thee air (a).

Initial alloy - without treatmeent (F); Homogenizin ng (cooling withh furnace - O3p); Dispersion hardening (T6); Homogenizin ng (cooling w with furnace) and dispersion n hardening (O O3p+T6); ng (cooling on tthe air) and disp persion hardening 5. Homogenizin (O3a+T6). ontrol of the tem mperature in coourse of the heaat treatment waas Co perform rmed through measurement of ttemperature of control c test piecce positio oned between haanging test piecess and additionallly inside chambeer of thee furnace. Durin ng 10 hour hea eating cycle, tem mperature of th he homog genizing was maintained witthin range of tu=515 ± 5oC ues of the tensille To obtain possibly tthe highest valu strengtth Rm and the hardness of th the treated alloy y, the following param meters of the solu utioning and arttificial ageing were w taken on th he base of o diagrams develloped by the authhor [2]: − solutioning teemperature tp=4885oC, − solutioning tiime τp=2h, − ageing tempeerature ts=180oC, − ageing time τs=3,5h. Ho omogenizing, sollutioning and arrtificial ageing treatments t for alll groupss of treated test pieces p were perfoormed simultaneeously in chambeer of thee furnace to asssure possibly thhe same conditiions of the heaat treatm ment. Temperaturre of the solutiioning and artifficial ageing waas maintaained within follo owing range: − tp= 485 ±3oC, C C − ts= 180 ±3oC. Co ooling down of the test pieces after solutionin ng treatment waas perform rmed in water hav ving temperaturee of 20oC, and neext the test piecees underw went treatment of o artificial ageingg. The strength Rm and elongation n A5 weere measured on n quintuple test pieces with diaameter 10 mm m, preparred according to the PN-EN N ISO 6892-1:2010P standard d. Meeasurement of the t hardness acccording to Birn nell method waas perform rmed with use off the hardness tesster of the PRL 82 8 type, with steeel ball with w diameter off 10 mm undder load of 98 800 N during 30 second ds. Impact streng gth test was perfformed on the base b of simplified metho od [19] on cylin ndrical test piecces with notch,, on the Charpy y pendu ulum machine with initial energy oof 50 J. 1. 2. 3. 4.

3. Descriptio D on of obtaained resu ults Mechanical M pro operties of thhe investigateed alloy, afteer perforrmed heat treatm ment operationss are presented in the Table 2.

Fig. 1. The A ATD diagram of the EN AC-AlSii6Cu4 alloy The T test pieces to strength tessts were poured in standardizzed metaal moulds keppt at temperatuure 300oC. Tem mperature of tthe metaal during pourinng into the mouulds amounted to 700oC. Pourred test pieces were ddivided into grroups destined to testing of tthe mecchanical propertties after operattions of:


Table 2. C-AlSi6Cu4 allo oy after heat Mechanical propertiees of the ENAC treatm ment Impact Implemented Rm A5 Hardn ness strength No. heat KC treatment MPa % HB B kJ/cm2 1 F 232 2.4 93 28 2 O3p 184 6.6 58 100 3 T6 349 1.6 129 9 39 4 O3p+T6 377 20 131 1 40 5 O3a+T6 390 24 127 7 39

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Engineering sstress-strain cuurves of the test pieces for individual types off the heat treatm ment are presen nted in the Fig.. 2. nfrontation of tthese curves enables e illustraation of changiing Con mecchanical propeerties of the investigated alloy. Makiing com mparison of preesented curves it is possible to t assess how tthe unit elongation is cchanging (bendd of final secto ors of the curvees), w are changingg the tensile strength Rm and a the Youngg’s how mod dulus [19, 20].

Fig. 2. Engineeering stress-straain curves of th he test pieces The T changes occcurring in struucture of the in nvestigated allooy, startting from its innitial conditionn through all ty ypes of perform med heatt treatments, aare shown in the photos of microstructur ures (Fig gure 3).

3 Microstructuree of the ENAC-A AlSi6Cu4 alloy: c) c the alloy after Fig 3. the T6 T treatment, d) the t alloy after thee O3p+T6 treatm ment, e) the alloy after the O3a+T66 treatment

Fig g 3. Microstructuure of the ENAC-AlSi6Cu4 alloy y: a) initial alloy F F, b) the alloy aft fter homogenizinng O3p (cooling with w furnace)

Microstructure M of the initial allooy (Fig. 3a) is characterized c by y big, not-modified n lamellar l precippitations of eutectic e silicon n, characcteristic of sharrp edges presennt on backgrou und of the phase α. Ho omogenizing treeatment (Fig. 33b) has resulted d in rounding of o the edges e of euteectic silicon aand its partiaal balling and d coagu ulation. The eu utectic silicon seen on bou undaries of the dendrrites of phase α underwent hig igh refinement after dispersion n harden ning (Fig. 3c). Complex heat treatment conssisting of the homogenizing g ment and dispeersion hardeninng (Fig. 3d an nd 3e), enablees treatm obtain nment of the most m advantaggeous precipitaation of silicon n, resulteed from long-laasting homogennizing treatmen nt. Such form of o silicon n is the most advantageous a ffrom point of view v of limited d decreaase of elongatio on of the alloy aafter dispersion n hardening.

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37 7

4. Conclusions Homogenizing treatment performed prior dispersion hardening enables increase of the unit elongation A5 up to 50%, comparing with the values obtained after dispersion hardening only. Simultaneously, the tensile strength Rm also increases and high hardness is maintained. The best mechanical properties were obtained using connection of the homogenizing treatment with cooling down on the air, and dispersion hardening. Making selection of suitable type of the heat treatment it is possible to obtain, from the same alloy, the castings with very high strength or the castings with lower strength but with very good impact strength and plasticity. Increase of costs connected with use of the homogenizing treatment is compensated in high degree by shortened time of heating during solutioning and artificial ageing.

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ARCHIVES of FOUNDRY ENGINEERING Volume 15, Special Issue 2/2015, 35-38