providing a comprehensive listing of species known to be affected ...... Florida. 1974-1985. Beck and Barros 1991 manate
Impacts of Marine Debris: Entanglement of Marine Life in Marine Debris Including a Comprehensive List of Species with Entanglement and IngestiOn Records David W. Laist
Introduction Lost and discarded marine debris, particularly items made of persistent synthetic materials, is now recognized as a major form of marine pollution. This perception was a seminal finding of the 19S4 International Workshop on the Fate and Impact of Marine Debris (Shomura and Yoshida 1985). A major factor leading to this conclusion was information on the nature and extent of interactions between marine debris and marine life gathered by researchers working independently in different ocean areas during the 1970s and early 1980s. Compiled for the first time at the 1984 workshop, the information highlighted two fundamental types of biological interactions: (1) entanglement, whereby the loops and openings of various types of debris entangle animal appendages or entrap animals; and (2) ingestion, whereby debris items are intentionally or accidentally eaten and enter the digestive tract. Collectively, the review demonstrated that such interactions were far more widespread and common than previously thought, and that both types of interactions cancause the injnty and death of individual animals of many different species. Since 1984, much additional information has been collected on the nature and extent of interactions between marine debris and marine life. This paper attempts to review all
information now available on marine debris entanglement interactions. Entanglement of marine life incidental to active fishing gear while affecting many of the same species, is considered a separate problem and issue and is not considered here. The principal objectives are to (1) compile a list of all species known to become entangled in marine debris and compare information on the occurrence of entanglement and ingestion of debris, (2) proVide a guide to available information on entanglement of marine life in marine debris, (3) review factors affecting the magnitude of entanglement-related interactions with marine debris, (4) describe the effect of entanglement on individual marine animals, (5) review information on population-level effects of entanglement, and (6) identify research and mitigation measures that should be taken to address entanglement. This analysis is based on a review of articles in peer-reviewe
Pterodroma leucoptera Stejneger's petrel,
Pterodroma I. longirostrls Pycroft's petrel, Plerodroma I. pycro!li Black-winged petrel,
Pterodroma nigripennls Thaiti petrel, pterodroma rastrata Collared petrel, Pterodroma brevicpes Murphy's petrel, Pterodroma ultima Kerguelen petrel, Pterodroma brevirostris Cook's petrel, Plerodroma cookli Bonin's petrel, Pterodroma
hypoleaca Atlantic petrel, Pterodroma incerta
2. Continued. Species
Soft-plumaged pelrel,
S. AU.: Gough Is.
R.W. Furness 1985a
N. AU.: N. Carolina
Moser and Lee 1992
Equatorial Pacific
Ainley et al. 1990b
Equatorial Pacific
Ainley et al. 1990b
S. Ocean: Antarctica
S. Ocean: Antarctica
Van Franeker and Bell 1988; Ainley et al. 1990a Ainley et al. 1990a
S. Atl.: Gough Is. S. Pac.: New Zealand
S. Pac. S. AU.: Gough Is. S. Ocean Equatorial Pacific S. Pac.: New Zealand
Ryan 1985, I987c S. Reed 1981 Ainley et ai. 1990a Bourne and Imber 1982 Ryan and Fraser 1988 Ainley et al. I990a Ainley et al. I990b Bourne and Imber 1982
S. Pac.: New Zealand
Harper and Fowier 1987
S. Pac.: New Zealand
Harper and Fowler 1987: Ryan 1990a
S. Pac.: New Zealand
M. Imber (cited in Day et al. 1985)
N. Pac.: Hawaiian Is.
Harrison et al. 1983
I: Plastic fragmenls
S. AU. S. Ocean S. Pac.: New Zealand
B.L. Furness 1983 Ryan 1987a M.Imber (cited in Day et al. 1985)
Pterodroma mollis Black-capped petrel,
Pterodroma hasitata Juan Fernandez petrel,
Pterodroma e. ex/erna White-necked petrel,
Pterodroma e. cervicallis Snow petrel, Pagodroma niveo Antarctic petrel, Thalassoica antarctica Blue petrel, Halobaena caerules
S. Ocean
Broad-billed prion,
Pachyptila villata Narrow-billed prion,
Pachyptila belcheri Salvin's prien, Pachyptila
salvin! Antarctic prion, Pachyptila
desolata Fairy prion, Pachyptila turfur
Bulwer's petrel, Bulweria bulwerii White~chinned
Procellaria aequinoctialis Parkinson's petrei, Procellaria parkinson!
8: String
".," 0:
:;;. M
",.,S' ApPENDIX 2. Continued.
Pintado or Cape petrel,
Material Plastic particles, paint flakes
Daption capense
Equatorial Pacific S. Ocean: Antarctica
S. Atl.: South Africa Common diving petrel, Pelecanold.., urinatrix Pink-footed shearwater, Puffinis crea/opus Flesh-footed shearwater, Puffinis carneip.., Greater shearwater, Puffinis
Wedge-tailed shearwater, PUffinis pacijicicus Sooty shearwater, Puffinls griseus
S. All.: Gough Is.
Pellets and plastic fragments
N. Pac.: California
Pellets and plastic fragments
N. Pac.
I: Pellets, polystyrene, - thread E: Packing strip Pellets, styrofoam
N. Atl. S. All. S. All. N. All.: N. Carolina
Baltz and Morejohn 1976: Robards et al., Chapter 6, this volume Robards et aI., Chapter 6, this volume Bourne 1976; B.L. Furness 1983 Ryan 1987 Ryan 1991 Moser and Lee 1992
Plastic fragments
Equatorial Pacific N. Pac.
Ainley et al. 1990b Robards et aI., Chapter 6, this
Pellets and plastic fragments
N. Pac.: Hawaiian Is.
Fry et al. 1987; Sileo et al. 1990b
!: Pellets and plastic fragments
Ogi 1990; DeGange and Newby 1980 Ainley et al. 1990b Bourne 1976 ManvIlle 1990 Day 1980 Ogi 1990; Ainley et ai. 1990b; DeGange and Newby 1980 Sileo et al. 1990b
Newell's shearwater, Pliffinis auricularis
E: Monofilament gillnet Plastic
Christmas shearwater,
N. Pac.: Hawaiian Is.
Sileo et al. 1990b
Puffinis nativitatis Little shearwater, Puffinis
S. AtI.: Gough Is.
R.W. Furness 1985a
E: Trawl net
shearwater, Puffinis tenuirostris
n i3
"",., ""0. "g.'
N. Pac. S. Pac. N. Atl. N. Pac.: Aleutian Is. N. Pac. S. Pac. N. Pac. N. Pac.: Hawaiian Is.
Ainley et al. 1990b Ainley et al. 1990a Van Franeker and Bell 1988; Ryan 1987b, 1990a Ryan 1986
gravis Audubon's shearwater, Puffinls Ihermlnleri Buller's shearwater, Puffinis bulleri
" "",.,e-:;;.
!: Pellets and plastic fragments
-'" N
2. Continued.
Species Manx shearwater, Puffinis
puffinis Cory's shearwater, Calol)ectris dlomedea . Wilson's storm-petrel,
British storm-petrel,
N. AtI.: N. Carolina
N. Atl.: N. Carolina
Plastlc fragments, styrofoam Plastic particles
S. Ocean: Antarctica
Oceanites o-ceanicus White-faced storm-petrel, Pelagodroma marina
1: Pellets ~: String
N. AtI.: N. Carolina
S. Pac.: Chatham Is. Equatorial Pacific Ind. 0.: Marion Is. N. Atl.: Scotland
Moser and Lee 1992: R.W. Furness 1985b Moser and Lee 1992 Moser and Lee 1992 Van Franeker and Bell 1988: Ainley et aI. 1990a Bourne and Imber 1982 Ainley et aI. 1990b Ryan 1987a Van Franeker 1983
Hydrobates pelagicus Leach's storm-petrel,
E: Monofilament line
N. Atl.: Newfoundland
N. Pac. Equatorial Pacific
Day 1980 Ainley et al. 1990b W.A. MontevecchI, personal communications: R.\V. Furness 1985b G.V. Byrd (cited in Manville 1990) Ainley et aI. 1990b
Equatorial Pacific
Ainley et aI. 1990b
Plastic fragments
N. Pac.: Hawaiian Is.
Plastic fragments
N. Pac.: Alaska
Plastic particles
S. Atl.: Gough Is.
Harrison et aI. 1983; Sileo et aI. I990b; Robards et aI., Chapter 6, this volume Day 1980: Robards et al., Chapter 6, this volume R.W. Furness 1985a
Plastic particles
Gough Is., S. AtI.
R.W. Furness 1985a
N. Pac.: Hawaiian Is.
Sileo et aI. 1990b
N. AtI.: Florida
R. Heath, personal communication,
N. Pac.: California
Centaur Assoc. 1986 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1980
Plastic fragments
Markham's storm-petrel, Oceanodroma markham!' Wedge-rumped storm-petrel,
N. Pac.: Alaska Equatorial Pacific
Oceanodroma leucorhoa
Oceanodroma tethys Sooty storm-petrel,
Oceanodroma tristrami Fork-tailed storm-petrel,
Oceanodroma furcata White-belly storm-petrel,
Fregelta grallaria Grey-backed storm-petrel,
Garrodia nereis Pelecaniformes (pelicans, boobies, gannets, cormorants, frigatebirds, tropicbirds): Red-tailed tropicbird, I+ Plastic
Phaethon .rubricauda Brown pelican, Pelecanus
Monofilament line, string, fishhooks
"~,., ~
~ ~
"S' ~
"t l
2. Continued. Species
White pelican, Pelecanus
Material MonofJIarnent line, fishbooks
Location N. All.: Florida
Source R. Heath, personal communication
erythrorynchos Great frigatebird, Fregata
~S "::>
N. Pac.: Hawalian Is,
Sileo et ai. I990b
N. Pac. N. AtI.: Brit. lsI.
Robards et aI., Chapter 6, this volume Onions and Rees 1992
S. Pac.: Tasmania
Slater 1990
"""" '0", ::>
Phalacrocorax pelagicus Shag, Phalocrocorax aristotelis
Little pied cormorant,
Fishing net, fishing line, wire, six-pack yokes Gillnet
Fishing line
S. AtI.: South Africa
P.G. Ryan, personal communication
Fishing line
S. AtI.: South Africa
P.G. Ryan, personal communication
Plastic strapping band
S. Pac.: Tasmania
Slater 1992
I: Metal spike
Orange bag Plastic Pellets
N. All.: Orkney Is. N. All.: Newfoundland German Bight S. All.: South Africa N. Pac.: Hawaiian Is. N. Pac.: Hawaiian Is.
Bourne 1976 Montevecchi 199I Schrey and Vauk 1987 P.O. Ryan, personal communication Sileo et ai. 1990b Anonymous 1981
I: Plastic E: Trawl net scrap Monofilament line
N. Pac.: Hawalian Is. N. Pac.: Hawalian Is. N. AtI.: Texas
Sileo et aI. 1990b Conant 1984 J.E. Miller, personal communication
Plastic pieces
N. AtI.: N. Carolina N. Pac.: Alaska
Moser and Lee 1992 Day 1980: Robards et al., Chapter 6, this volume Robards et aI., Chapter 6, this
Phalacrocorax melanoleucos Cape cormorant,
'" m ::> ~
minor Pelagic cormorant,
""1i S
"::> "::>Cl. ~
thread ~: Fishing line
N. At!.
N. Pac.: Alaska
Baltz and Morejohn 1976; Robards et al., Chapter 6, this volume Bourne 1976: Moser and Lee 1992; Onions and Rees 1992 Day 1980
Sabine's gull, Zema sabin/ Common tern, Sterna h/rundo
I liE
Sooty tern, Sterna fuscata
1+ IE 1-
Plastic I: Plastic particles E: Fishing line Plastic E: Not identified Plastic
N. All.: N. Carolina N. Atl.: Canada, Brit. lsi. N. Pac.: Hawaiian Is. N. Pac.: Hawaiian Is. N. All.: N. Carolina
Moser and Lee 1992 Braune and Gaskin 1982 Onions and Rees 1992 Sileo et aI. 1990b Fefer (cited in Henderson 1988) Moser and Lee 1992
Clear plastic bag Fishing line, string
S. All.: S. Africa N. All.: Brit. lsI.
Ryan 1990a Onions and Rees 1992
Plastic User plastics Plastic
N. Atl.: N. Carolina Equatorial Pacific N. Pac.: Hawaiian Is.
Moser and lee 1992 Spear et aI., 1995 Sileo et ai. 1990b
N. Pac.: Hawaiian Is.
Sileo et al. 1990b
Red-legged kittiwake, R/ssa
hyperboreus Great black-backed gull,
"tJ ""cr v;
"""i!l o' "
Bridled tern, Sterna anaethetus Crested tern, Sterna bergii Sandwich tern, Thalasseus sandvlcensis Black tern, Chlidonias niger White tern, Gygis alba Brown noddy, Anous
stolidus Black noddy, Anous minutus
"" 0
2. Continued.
Black skimmer, Rynchops m'gra Razorbill, Alca torda Dovekie, AIle aIle
Pigeon guillemot, Cepphus
Monofilament line
N. Atl.: New York
Gochfeld 1973
Fishing line, fishing net Plastic
N. Atl.: Brit. lsI. Canadian Arctic N. At1. N. Pac.
Fishing net, fishing line, string
N. At1.: Brit. lsI.
Onions and Rees 1992 Bradstreet (cited in Day et al. 1985) Van Franeker 1983 Robards et aI., Chapter 6, this volume Onions and Rees 1992
I: Plastic
N. Pac.
Robards et aI., Chapter 6, this
E: Nylon fishing net, some kind of
N. At1.: Norway, North Sea
Bourne 1977; Federal Republic of Germany 1985 Day 19&0 R. Elliott (cited in Heneman 1988) Jones and Ferrero 1985 Day 1980; Robards et aI., Chapter 6, this volume Day 1980; Pettit et al. 1981
columbia Black guillemot, Cepphus
gryIle Guillemot/common murre,
Uria aalge
Thick-billed murre, Uria
lomyia Murres (unidentified)
Cassin's auklet, Ptychoraphus aleut/cus
Parakeet auklet,
Pellets Net, line, & bottle fragments Lost gillnet Pellets, plastic fragments
N. Pac.: Alaska N. At1.: Newfoundland Western N. Pac. N. Pac.: Alaska
Pellets, plastic particles
N. Pac.
CycIorrhynchus psittacula Least auklet, Aethla pusllla
N. Pac.
Crested auklet, Aethla
Pellets, plastic particles
N. Pac.
Plastic fragments
N. Pac.: California
Lost gillnet
Western N. Pac.
I: Elastic thread
N. Atl.: Brit. lsI. N. Atl.: Brit. lsI. N. Pac.: Alaska Western N. Pac.
crlstateIla Rhinoceros auklet,
Cerorhlnca monocerata Auklets (several unidentified species) CommonlAtlantic puffin,
Fratercula arct/ca Tufted puffin, Fratercula cirrhata
Day 1980; Robards et aI., Chapter 6, this volume Robards et aI., Chapter 6, this
E: Fishing net,
r: Pellets
~: Lost gillnet
fishing line
Baltz and Morejohn 1976: Robards et aI., Chapter 6, this volume Jones and Ferrero 1985 Parslow and Jefferies 1972 Onions and Rees 1992 Day 1980 DeGange and Newby 1980: Jones and Ferrero 1985; Robards et aI., Chapter 6, this volume
"~" ~
t"" ~.
ti. ~
g. ~
2. Continued.
Horned puffin, Fralercula
Malerial I: Pellets
N. Pac.: Alaska
g: Lost gillnet
Coastal birds other than seabirds: Osprey, Pandion haliaells
Western N. Pac.
Source Day 1980; Robards et aI., Chapter 6, this volume; Jones and Ferrero 1985
~ ~
'"0' M
N. AU.: Maryland
Centaur Assoc. 1986
Monofilament line, six-pack yokes, fishing nets Monofilament line, six-pack yokes
N. AU.: Maryland
Centaur Assoc. 1986
Monofilament line, six-pack yokes
N. AU.: Maryland
Centaur Assoc. 1986
Laysan finch, Telespyza
Drowned in plastic cooler
N. Pac.: Hawaiian Is.
Morin 1987
cantons Common eider, mollissima
N. AU.: North Sea
Federal Republic of Germany 1985
Canada goose, Branta
canadensis Snow goose, Chen
yokes, wire
Ind., Indian; 0, ocean; Ad., Atlantici Pac., Pacific.; Brit. lsI, British Islands. Minus (-), evidence of interactions based on rare or infrequent reports of isolated individuals. Plus (+), some reports of interactions more than infrequent and/or evidence of a regular pattern of occurrence at low lo higher levels.
V> ~
3. Marine mammal entanglement (E) and ingestion (I) records.
vlysticete whales (baleen whales): Bowhead whale, Balaena
Southern right whale,
I: Plastic sheeting Rope Gillnet, trawl net, rope, laster pot lines Rope and floats
Eubalaena australis Humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae
Gillnets, seines, rope and line
mysticetus Northern right whale,
Eubalaena glacialis
Alaska, Beaufort Sea Alaska, Beaufort Sea N. At!. N. Pac. S. Pac.: New Zealand
Lowrey 1993 Philo et al. 1992 Kraus 1990 Marine Mammal Commission· 1993 Cawthorn 1985
N. At!.
Humpback Whale Recovery Team 1991 Humpback Whale Recovery Team 1991 Mate 1985; Hare and Mead 1987; Heyning and Lewis 1990 Anonymous 1988; Hare and Mead 1987 Cawthorn 1985
N. Pac. Gray whale, Eschrichtius
Gillnet, crabpot float lines, rope
N. Pac.
!: Polythene bag, plastic sheeting
N. AtI.: Texas, Gulf of Mexico
E: Rope
S. Pac.: New Zealand
!: Trawl net, rope, mylar balloon,
N. AtI.: Newfoundland, Denmark Strait
robustus Minke whale, Balaenoptera
acutorostrata Ddontocete whales (tootbed whales): Sperm whale, Physeter
cups, newspaper
macrocephalus Dwarf sperm whale, Kogia
E: Bouy line for longline Bread wrapper, rubber hospital gloves
N. All.: Bahamas N. AU.: Florida, N. Carolina
Plastic bags, plastics
N. All.: S. Carolina, Florida, Texas
Longline, p,lastic sheeting, cellophane, glass, cigarette filters, fishhooks, roofing tile, cigarette lighter top Plastic bags, plastic straw, asphalt
N. Pac.: Japan
breviceps Pigmy sperm whale, Kogia simus
Balrd's beaked whale, Berardius bairdii
Cuvicr's beaked whale, Ziphius cavirostris Gerval's beaked whale,
Plastic bags
N. All.: Virginia N. Pac.: California N. All.: New Jersey, N. Carolina
Plastic botlle cap
N. Atl.: New York
Plastic thread
S. Atl. Brazil
Mesop/odon europaeus
Blainville's beaked whale, Mesoplodon densiros/Tis
Mate 1985; Martin and Clarke 1986; U.S. Nat!. Mus. (cited in Walker and Cae 1990) J. Brown, personal communication Barros et al. 1990; U.S. National Museum (cited in Walker and Cae 1990) Charleston Museum and U.S. NatI. Mus. (cited in Walker and Cae 1990); Tarpley 1990 Walker and Cae 1990
U.S. Nall. Mus. (Cited in Walker and Cae 1990) U.S. Natl. Mus. (cited in Walker and Cae 1990) U.S. Nall. Mus. (cited in Walker and Cae 1990) E. Secchi, Personal communication
";:'i. ",
~ ::;'
;;;. M
=:: ,.,
3. Continued. Species
ShOit-finned pilot whale,
Plastic container
N. AtI.: N. CalOlina
N. AtI.: France
G/obieepha/a maerorhynehus Long-finned pilot whale,
"'5' Source U.S. Nati. Mus. (cited in Walker and Coe 1990) A. Collet, personal communication
G/obieepha/a melaena Rough-toothed dolphin,
Plastic bag, heavy black plastic, fishhook Remains of a jug
N. Pac.: Hawaii N. AtI.: Virginia N. Atl.: Southeast U.S.
U.S. Natl. Mus. (cited in Walker and Cae 1990) Barros et al. 1990
crassidens Killer whale, Orcinus orca Pacific white-sided dolphin,
Lagenorhynehus obliquidens Common dolphin, De/phinus
de/phis Bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops tnmcatus
Risso's dolphin, Grampus
Rope and floats Plastic bags, plastic bottle caps, plastic drinking straw, waxed paper, fishhook Plastic bag, cellophane, black plastic sheeting, balloon, fishhook
S. Pac.: New Zealand N. Pac.: California
!: Plastic sheeting, plastic bag,
N. Pac.: California
buDgie cord, shoelace, bottle cap, spring, cloth, fishhook E: Monofilament line Plastic bag, balloon
N. AtI.: Florida Ind. 0.: Western Australia N. AU.: Massachusetts, France
N. Pac.: Hawaii, Clifornia
Plastic bag
N. AtI.: N. Carolina
Plastic bag, vinyl plastic, metal bottle cap I: Cloth, platic bag, plastic ~: Fishing line
N, Pac.: California
coeru/eoa/ba Northern right whale dolphin, Lissode/phis borealis Harbor porpoise, Phoeoena
phoeoena DaB's porpoise,
Phoeoenoides da/li
cr ~.
'"m =>
!: Plastic sheeting, plastic gags, soda
N, AtI.: N. Carolina N. AtI.: North Sea N. Pac.: California
straw, bottle cap, cardbboard
E:: Lost gillnet
Cawthorn 1985 Caldwell et ai. 1965; Cowen et ai. 1986;.Walker and Cae 1990
"" ~
""" 'o'" ~
N. Pac.: California
Striped dolphin, Stenella
"""' ~
Steno bredanensis False kiiler whale, Pseudorca
Western N. Pac.
Walker and Cae 1990; Los Angeles Cty. Museum (cited in Walker and Cae 1990) Walker and Cae 1990; Schwartz et ai. 1992 Barros et ai. 1990 Mann et ai. 1995 U.S. Nati. Mus. (cited in Walker and Cae 1990): A. Collet, personal communication Los Angeles Cty. Mus. (cited in Walker and Coe 1990); E. Nitta (cited in Henderson 1988) U.S. Natl. Mus, (cited in Walker and Cae 1990) Walker and Cae 1990 U,S, Natl. Mus. (cited in Walker and Cae (1990); Hare and Mead 1987 Kastelein and Lavaleije 1991 Los Angeles Cty. Mus. and Santa Barbara Mus. (cited in Walker and Coe 1990) Jones and Ferrero 1985; DeGange and Newby 1980
'" '"
3. Continued. Species
Franciscan dolphin,
Pontoporia blainvillei Tucuxi dolphin, Sotalia f1uviatilis Phocidae (earless or true seals): Hawaiian monk seal,
Monachus monachus Gray seal, Halichoerus grypus Harp seal, Phoca groenlandica Harbor seal, Phoca vitulina Northern elephant seal,
S. Atl.: Brazil
E. Secchi, personal communication
Clear plastic sheeting
S. At!.: Brazil
E. Secchi, personal communication
Trawl net, monofilament line, plastic ring, plastic cup, piastic band, wire, fishhook Fishing gear, rubber hoop
N. Pac.: Hawaiian Islands
Henderson 1984, 1990
Mediterranean Sea
Gots et al. 1992
Driftnet and trawl net fragments
N. Atl.: Nova Scotia
Monofilament gillnet and trawl net and strapping bands Strapping bands and other debris
N. Atl.
W.D. Bowen and S.S. Anderson (cited in Fowler 1988) W.D. Bowen (cited in Fowler 1988)
N. Pac.: California
Stewart and Yochem 1987 W.D. Bowen and S.S. Anderson (cited in Fowler 1988) Mate 1985 Stewert and Yochem 1987
gillnet, packing bands Rope, wire, plastic packing hoops (strapping bands)
S. AtI.: Argentina
Ramirez 1986
Monofilament fishing line, fishhooks
S. Pac.: Tasmania
Jenkin 1990; J. Slater, personal communication
Trawl net, strapping bands, rope,
N. Pac.: Bering Sea
Scardino 1985j Laist 1987; Bengtson
monofilament line, six~pack holder, metal headlight ring, lawn chair material Unidentified line
Mirounga leonina
Leopard seal, Hydrurga
N. Pac.: California N. AU.: Nova Scotia, Brit. lsI.
I: Styrofoam cup
N. Pac.: Oregon
Monofilament line, trawl nct &
lep/onyx Otariidae (sea lions and fur seals): Northern fur seal, Calorhinus ursinus
Guadalupe fur seal,
Arc/ocephalus townsendi CapelAustralian fur seal,
Arctocehpalus pusillus
Unindentified debris
Mirounga angustirostrls
Southern elephant seal,
Monachus schauinslandi Mediterranean monk seal,
Trawl net, monofilament net fragment; monofilament line, plastic straps, nylon rope, rubber
IO'-rings, wire
et' al. 1988; Baba et a1. 1990; Fowler et al. 1990, 1992 N. Pac.: Mexico S. AtI.: South Africa S. Pac.: Tasmania
B.J. Le Boeuf, personal communication Shaughnessy 1980 Pemberton et aI. 1992
"5: ~
~~. 1:1 ApPENDIX
3. Continued.
Juan Fernandez fur seal,
Packing bands
N. Pac.: Chile
Strapping bands, fishing net, rope
S. Pac.: New Zealand
Arctacephalus philippi! New Zealand fur seal,
Arctocephalus fosteri Antarctic fur seal,
N. Pac.: Oregon N. Pac.: Bering Sea S. Pac.: Aukland
Mate 1985 Calkins 1985; Loughlin et al. 1986 Cawthorn 1985
Rope, wire, plastic packing bands
Ramirez 1984, 1986
E: Rope, monofilament line Y; Monofilament line, plastic bags, - string twine, rope, fishhooks, wire, paper, cellophane, rubber bands
N. At!.: Florida. Antilles
Beck and Barros 1991
Monoftlament gillnet
N. Pac.: Aleutian Islands
DeGange and Newby 1980
calijornianus Steller sea lion,. Eumatopias
jubatus New Zealand sea lion,
Phocarctos hookeri South American sea liOD, Dlaria flavescens
S. At!.: South Georgia
~ g
S. At!.: Argentina S. Pac.: Peru N. Pac.: California S. Pac.: Galapagos Is.
Arctocephalus australis California and Galapagos sea lions, Zalophus
Cardenas and Cattan (cited in Wallace 1985) Cawthorn 1985; Fowler 1988
Nylon string, trawl net, plastic bags, rubber 'O'-ring, plastic packaging tape, twine, cloth strip, hard hat liner Fishing net fragments, plastic hoops plastic or rUbber ring Monoftlament fishing line, gillnet, trawl net, packing bands, rope, rubber bands, other debris I: Styrofoam cup E: Trawl net, rope, strapping bands Net
Arctocephalus gazella South American fur seal,
Bonner and McCann 1982; Croxall et al. 1990
Ramirez 1986 Fowler 1988 Stewart and Yochem 1987 F. Trillmich, personal
Pac.: Argentina
Sirenia (manatees and dugongs):
West Indian manatee, Trichechus manatus
Carnivora (sea otters and polar bears): Sea otter, Enhydra IUlris
Minus (- ), evidence of Interactions based on rare or Infrequent reports of Isolated Individuals. Plus ( + ), some reports of interactions more than infrequent andlor evidence of a regular pattern of occurrence low to higher levels.
4. Fish, crab, and squid entanglement (E) and ingestion (I) records. Species
Fish: Parrotfish, Scarus sp.
Derelict barrier net Polystyrene spherules
N. Pac.: Hawaii Eastern N. Atl.
Henderson 1988 Carpenter et aI. 1972: Day 1988
Western N. Atl.
Kartar et al. 1976
Polystyrene spherules I: Polystyrene spherules E: Lost gillnets Lost gillnets
Western N. Atl. Eastern N. Atl. N. Atl.: Cape Cod Bay N. Atl.: Newfoundland
Katar et al. 1976: Day 198B Carpenter et al. 1972: Day 1980: H.A. Carr et al. 1985 Brothers 1989
Lost gillnets
N. Atl.: Newfoundland
Brothers 1989
Lost crab pots
N. Pac.: Alaska
High and Worlund 1979
Plastic pellets, polystyrene spherules
Eastern N. Atl.
Carpenter et al. 1972; Day 1988
Plastic cigar holder
Western N. Atl.
Manooch 1973
Polystyrene spherules Polystyrene spherules Polystyrene spherules Plastic particles Plastics
Eastern N. Atl. Western N. Atl. Eastern N. Atl. Western N. Atl. Western N. Atl. N. Atl.: Cape Cod Bay Eastern N. Atl. Eastern N. Pac. N. Atl.: Gulf of Mex.
Striped seasnail, Liparis liparis
Flounder, Platichthyes flesus Winter flounder,
Pleuronectes ornericonus American plaice, Hlppoglossoides platessoides Witch flounder/greysole, Glyptocephalus cynoglossus Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis White perch, Roccus ornericonus Striped bass, Morone
I I/E E+
Herring, Clupea harengus
E+ liE
Gulf menhaden, Brevoortia
Lost gillnets I: Polystyrene spherules E: Lost gill net Plastics
Eastern N. Atl.
Carpenter et al. 1972: Day 1988 Kartar et al. 1976: Day 1988 Day 1988 Kartar et al. 1976 Govoni (cited in Hoss and Settle 1990) H.A. Carr et al. 1985 Day 1988 Breen 1990 Govoni (cited in Hoss and Settle 1990) Kartar et al. 1976
Polystyrene spherules, plastic cups
Eastern N. Atl.
Anonymous 1975: Day 1988
Silversides, Men/dia manidia Sand goby, Gobius minutus Cunner, Tautog,
Tautogolabrus adspersus Atlantic croaker,
Micropogonias undulatus Tautog, Tau/ago onitus
Five-bearded rockling, Ciliata mustela Atlantic pollock, Pol/achius virens
"0:~ ;:1 r-
4. Continued. Species
AUantic cod, Gadus morhua
Pacific cod, Gadus
I: Plastic cups
E: Lost gillnets Lost gUlnets
Locatioll Eastern N. AU. Western N. Atl. N. Pac.
Source Anonymous 1975 Brothers 1989; Carr et al. 1985 High 1985
Oncarhynchus keta Coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch Pink salmon, Oncorynchus gorbuscha Salmon (unidentified) Pacific pomfret, Brama
Plastic cups
Eastern N. Atl.
Anonymous 1975
E+ E E E E E+
Lost gillnets Lost gillnets Lost gillnets Lost gillnets Lost gillnets Lost gillnet
N. Atl.: Newfouudland N. Atl.: Newfoundland N. Atl.: Newfoundland N. AU.: Newfoundland N. Atl.: Newfoundland Western N. Pacific
Brothers 1989 Brothers 1989 Brothers 1989 Brothers 1989 Brothers 1989 DeOange and Newby 1980
'"* !l -"" ~
Lost gillnet
Western N. Pacific
DeOange and Newby 1980
Blue plastic fragment
N. Pac.
Day 1988
Oill-net fragments Plastic fragments
N. Pac. N. Pac.
Jones and Ferrero 1985 Day 1988
Vinyl and polyethylene fragments, rubber, plastic soft drink bottles Mass of trawl and gillnet
Western N. Pac.
Kubota 1990
N. Pac.: Hawaii
Henderson 1988
Western N. Ati.
Manooch et al. 1984
Nylon rope, bottle, packaging, plastie fragment Mass of trawl net and gillnet
N. Pae.: Hawaii
Henderson 1988
Plastie packaging
Western N. Atl.
Manooeh et al. 1985
Plastie bag, plastic fragments
Western N. Atl.
Manooch and Mason 1983
Plastic fragments
Western N. Ati.
Manooch and Mason 1983
Plastic sheeting
Western N. Atl.
Manooch and Hogarth 1983
Mass of trawl net and gillnet
N. Pac,: Hawaii
Henderson 1984
Micromesistius pautassou Turbot (unidentified) Wolffish (unidentified) Lumpfish (unidentified) Redfish (unidentified) Sculpin (unidentified) Chum salmon,
"tI "0-1;;'.., ::> ..,
macrocephalus Blue whiting or paur,
;: "::1.
.., o''"::>
japonica Longnose lancetfish,
Alepisaurus ferox Unidentified billfish (Istiophoridae) Dolphin, Coryphaena
hippurus Unidentified tuna (Seombridae) Little tunny, Euthynnus
alletteratus Blaekfin tuna, Thunnus
albacares Yellowfin tuna, Thunnus at/anticus Wahoo, Acanthocybium s%nder; Unidentified barracuda (Sphryaenidae)
'" CtJ
VIua, Caranx sp. Sea raven, Hemitripterus
Mass of net Lost gillnet
N. Pac.: Hawaii N. All.: Cape Cod Bay
Henderson 1988 H.A. Carr 1986
Plastic pellets, polystyrene spherules Lost gillnet
Bastern N. All. Western N. Pac.
Carpenter et aI. 1972; Day 1988 DeGange and Newby 1980
Lost gillnets I: Packaging E: Packing straps I: Packaging E: Packing straps I: Gumboot E: Plastic straps Plastic straps
N. All.: Newfoundland S. Atl.: South Africa S. Atl.: South Africa S. All.: South Africa S. All.: South Africa S. All.: South Africa S. All.: Sout.h Africa S. AtI.: South Afria
P.O. P.G. P.O. P.G. P.G. P.G. P.G.
Plastic straps
S. All.: South Africa
P.G. Ryan, personal communication
Plastic st.raps
S. AtI.: South Africa
P.G. Ryan, personal communication
S. AU.: Sout.h Africa
P.G. Ryan, personal communication
S. AU.: Sout.h Africa S. AU.: South Africa
P.G. Ryan, personal communication P.G. Ryan, personal communication
Sea robin, Prionotus evolans Ragfish, leosteus
aenigmaticus Catfish (unidentified) Dusky shark, Careharhinus
B I-/B-
Brothers 1989
Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, Ryan,
per"sonal communiation personal communication personal communication personal communication personal communication personal communicatoD personal communication
Blacktip shark, Careharhinus limbatus Great white shark, Carcharhinus carcharias Copper shark, Careharhinus braehyurus Spinner shark, Carcharhinus brevipinna Sandbar shark, Careharhinus plumbeus Tiger shark, Galeacerda cuvier
Shortfin mako shark, lsurus Dxyrinchus Smooth hammerhead shark, Sphyrna zygaena Scalloped hammerhead shark, Sphyrna Lewini Spoiled raggedtooth shark, Carcharias taurus Salmon shark, Lamna ditropis Manta ray (Mobulidae)
1: Packaging, fishing net, plastic sheeting B: Plastic straps Packaging
S. Atl.: South Africa
P.G. Ryan, personal communication
S. At.I.: South Africa
P.G. Ryan, personal communication
I: Packaging
P.G. Ryan, personal communication P.G. Ryan, personal communication Jones and Ferrero 1985 Waterman (cit.ed in Wallace 1985)
(jillnet debris
S. Atl.: South Africa S. AU.: South Africa N. Pac.
Monofilament line
Not identified
E: Twine
s: !'i ....
;;:: ~.
4. Continued. Species
'"tTl liE
Skate (unidentified)
Lost gillnet
Dogfish, Squalis acanthias
Lost gillnet
Crabs (crustaceans) American lobster, Homarus
N. Atl.: Cape Cod Bay, Newfoundland N. AU.: Cape Cod Bay
H.A. Carr et al. 1985; Brothers 1989 H.A. Carr et al. 1985; H.A. Carr 1986
g ~
Lost gillnets and lobster traps
Lost gillnets
N. AU.: Cape Cod Bay
Lost crab pots
N. Pac.
H.A. Carr et al. 1985; H.A. Carr 1986; Sheldon and Dow 1975; Breen 1990 H.A. Carr et al. 1985; H.A. Carr 1986 High 1976, 1985; Breen 1987
Lost crab pots
N. Pac.
High and Worlund 1979; High 1985
E+ E+
Lost crab pots Lost crab pots
N. Pac. N. Pac.
High 1985 Kimker 1992
Lost gillnet
N. Pac.
High 1985
E E+
Lost gillnet Lost gillnets
N. Pac. N. AU.: Newfoundland
High 1985 Brothers 1989
Plastic line
N. Pac.
Day 1988
N. Atl.: Cape Cod Bay
americanus Northern cancer crab, Cancer borealis Dungeness crab, Cancer
,g "'"g. ;:l
Red king crab, Paralithodes
camtschatica Snow crab (unidentified)
Tanner crab, Chionoecetes bairdi Red rock crab, cancer produclus Kelp crab, Pugellia proucta Crab (unidentified) Squids (mollusks) Flying squid, Ommastrephes bartrami
Minus ( - ), evidence of interactions based on rare or infrequent reports of isolated individuals. Plus ( + ), reports of interactions more than infrequent and/or a regular pattern of occurrence. Entanglement reports usually reflect due to ghost fishing by derelict fishing gear.
.. ..... ~
... _ ..
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James M. Coe, Editor
Donald B. Rogers, Editor
National Marine Fisheries Service
Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Marine Entanglement Research
Seattle, Washington
Seattle, Washington
Marine Debris Sources, Impacts, and Solutions
With 108 illustrations, 4 in full color
James M. Coe National Marine Fisheries Service Marine Entanglement Research Seattle, WA 98115-0070 USA
Donald B. Rogers Alaska Fisheries Science Center 7600 Sand Point Way, NE Seattle, WA 98115-0070 USA
Series Editor:
David E. Ale=nder University of Massachusetts
Department of Geology and Geography Amherst, MA 01003 USA
Cover photo: A trash-dogged urban tidal creek in the Washington, D.C. area. Photo by E. Durrum.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Coe, James M. Marine debris: sources. impacts, and solutions / James M. Coe and Donald B. Rogers. p. cm.-(Springer series in environmental management) Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-387-94759-0 (hc : alk. paper) 1. Marine pollution-Congresses. 2. Marine debris-Congresses. 1. Rogers, Donald B. 11. Title. Ill. Series. GCI08I.C64 1996 96-18351 CIP 363.73'94'09162-dc20 Printed on acid-free paper_
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