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performance improvements obtained by changes in implementation are ... in Perl [2–4] which implements an evolutionary algorithm, and also a method-.
Implementation Matters: Programming Best Practices for Evolutionary Algorithms J.J. Merelo, G. Romero, M.G. Arenas, P.A. Castillo, A.M. Mora, and J.L.J. Laredo Dpto. de Arquitectura y Tecnolog´ıa de Computadores. Univ. of Granada, Spain {jmerelo,gustavo,mgarenas,pedro,amorag,juanlu}

Abstract. While a lot of attention is usually devoted to the study of different components of evolutionary algorithms or the creation of heuristic operators, little effort is being directed at how these algorithms are actually implemented. However, the efficient implementation of any application is essential to obtain a good performance, to the point that performance improvements obtained by changes in implementation are usually much bigger than those obtained by algorithmic changes, and they also scale much better. In this paper we will present and apply usual methodologies for performance improvement to evolutionary algorithms, and show which implementation options yield the best results for a certain problem configuration and which ones scale better when features such as population or chromosome size increase.



The design of evolutionary algorithms (EAs) usually includes a methodology for making them as efficient as possible. Efficiency is measured using metrics such as the number of evaluations to solution; implicitly seeking to reduce running times. However, the same amount of attention is not given to designing an implementation as efficient as possible, even as small changes in it can have a much bigger impact in the overall running time than any algorithmic improvement. This lack of interest, or attention, in the actual implementation of algorithms proposed results in the quality of scientific programming being, on average, worse than what is usually found in companies [1] or released software. It can be argued that the time devoted to an efficient implementation can be better employed pursuing scientific innovation or a precise description of the algorithm; however, the methodology for making improvements in program running time is well established in computer science: there are several static or dynamic analysis tools which look at memory and running time (called monitors), and thus, it can be established how much memory and time the program takes, and then which parts of it (variables, functions) are responsible for that, for which 

This work has been supported in part by the CEI BioTIC GENIL (CEB09-0010) Programa CEI del MICINN (PYR-2010-13) project, the Junta de Andaluc´ıa TIC3903 and P08-TIC-03928 projects, and the Ja´en University UJA-08-16-30 project.

J. Cabestany, I. Rojas, and G. Joya (Eds.): IWANN 2011, Part II, LNCS 6692, pp. 333–340, 2011. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 


J.J. Merelo et al.

profilers are used. Once this methodology has been included into the design process of scientific software, it does not need to take much more time than, say, running statistical tests. In the same way that these tests establish scientific accuracy, an efficient implementation makes results better and more easily reproducible and understandable. Profiling the code that implements an algorithm also allows to detect potential bugs, see whether code fragments are executed as many times as they should, and detect the which parts of the code can be optimized in order to obtain the most impact on performance. After profiling, the deepest knowledge on the structure underlying the algorithm will allow a more efficient redesign, balancing algorithmic with computational efficiency; this deep knowledge also allows to find out computational techniques that can be leveraged in the search for new evolutionary techniques. For instance, knowing how a sorting algorithm scales with population size would allow the EA designer to choose the best option for a particular population size, or eliminate sorting completely using a methodology that avoids sorting altogether, possibly finding new operators or selection techniques for EAs. In this paper, we will comment the enhancements applied to a program written in Perl [2–4] which implements an evolutionary algorithm, and also a methodology for its analysis, proving the impact of the identification of bottlenecks in a program, and its elimination through common programming techniques. This impact can go up to several orders of magnitude, but of course it depends on the complexity of the fitness function and the size of the problem it is applied to, as has been proved in papers such as the one by Laredo et al. [5]. In principle, the methodology and tools that have been used are language-independent, and can be found in any programing language, however the performance improvements and the options for changing a program will depend on the language implied. From a first baseline or straightforward implementation of an EA, we will show techniques to measure the performance obtained with it, and how to derive a set of rules that improve its efficiency. Given that research papers are not commonly focused on detailing such techniques, best programming practices for EAs use to remain hidden and can not benefit the rest of the community. A typical research paper do not detail these techniques, so that this knowledge remains hidden and can not benefit the rest of the community. This work is an attempt to highlight those techniques and encourage the community to reveal how published results are obtained. The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 presents a comprehensive review of the approaches found in the bibliography. Section 3 briefly describes the methodology followed in this study and discusses the results obtained using different techniques and versions of the program. Finally, conclusions and future work are presented in Section 4.


State of the Art

EA implementation has been the subject of many works by our group [6–10] and by others [11–14]. Much effort has been devoted looking for new hardware

Implementation Matters: Programming Best Practices


platforms to run EAs as GPUs [14] of specialized hardware [15]) than trying to maximize the potential of usual hardware. As more powerful hardware is available every year researchers have pursuit the invention of new algorithms [16–18] forgiving how important efficiency is. There has been some attempts to calculate the complexity of EAs with the intention of improving it: by avoiding random factors [19] or by changing the random number generator [20]. However, even on the most modern systems, EA experimentation can be a extremely long process because every algorithm run can last several hours (or days), and it must be repeat several times in order to obtain accurate statistics. And that just in the case of knowing the optimal set of parameters. Sometimes the experiments must be repeated with different parameters to discover the optimal combination (systematic experimentation). So in the following sections we pay attention to implementation details, making improvements in an iterative process.


Methodology, Experiments and Results

The initial version of the program is taken from [2], and it is shown in Tables 1 and 2. A canonical EA with proportional selection, two individual elite, mutation and crossover is implemented. The problem used is MaxOnes (also called OneMax)[21], where the function to optimize is simply the number of ones in a bit-string, with chromosomes changing in length from 16 to 512. The initial population has 32 individuals, and the algorithm runs for 100 generations. The experiments are performed with different chromosome and population sizes, since the algorithms implemented in the program have different complexity with respect to those two parameters. These runs have been repeated 30 times for statistical accuracy reasons. Running time in user space (as opposed to wallclock time, which includes time spent in other user and system processes) is measured each time a change is made. In these experiments, the first improvement tested is to include a fitness cache [16, 2], that is, a data structure called hash which remembers the values already computed for the fitness function. This change trades off memory for fast access, as has been mentioned above, increasing speed but also the memory needed to store the precomputed values. This is always a good option if there is plenty of memory available, but if this aspect is not checked and swapping (virtual memory in other OSs) is activated, it might imply a huge decrease in performance: parts of program data will start to be swapped out to disk, resulting in a huge performance decrease. However, a quick calculation beforehand will tell us if we should worry about this and turn cache off if that is the case. It is also convenient to look for the fastest way of computing the fitness function, using language-specific data structures, functions and expressions1 . 1

Changes can be examined in the code repository at


J.J. Merelo et al.

Table 1. First version of the program used in the experiments (main program). An evolutionary algorithm is implemented. my $chromosome length = shift || 16; my $population size = shift || 32; my $generations = shift || 100; my @population = map(random chromosome($chromosome length), 1..$population size); map( compute fitness( $ ), @population ); for ( 1..$generations ) { my @sorted population =sort{$b->{’fitness’}$a->{’fitness’}}@population; my @best = @sorted population[0,1]; my @wheel = compute wheel( \@sorted population ); my @slots = spin( \@wheel, $population size ); my @pool; my $index = 0; do { my $p = $index++ % @slots; my $copies = $slots[$p]; for (1..$copies) { push @pool, $sorted population[$p]; } } while ( @pool {’fitness’}, @$population ); my @wheel = map( $ ->{’fitness’}/$total fitness, @$population); return @wheel; } sub spin { my @slots = map( $ *$slots, @$wheel ); my ( $wheel, $slots ) = @ ; return @slots; } sub random chromosome { my $length = shift; my $string = ’’; for (1..$length) { $string .= (rand >0.5)?1:0; } { string => $string, fitness => undef }; } sub mutate { my $chromosome = shift; my $clone = { string => $chromosome->{’string’}, fitness => undef }; my $mutation point = rand( length( $clone->{’string’} )); substr($clone->{’string’}, $mutation point, 1, ( substr($clone->{’string’}, $mutation point, 1) eq 1 )?0:1 ); return $clone; } sub crossover { my ($chrom 1, $chrom 2) = @ ; my $chromosome 1 = { string => $chrom 1->{’string’} }; my $chromosome 2 = { string => $chrom 2->{’string’} }; my $length = length( $chromosome 1 ); my $xover point 1 = int rand( $length -1 ); my $xover point 2 = int rand( $length -1 ); if ( $xover point 2 < $xover point 1 ) { my $swap = $xover point 1; $xover point 2 = $swap; $xover point 1 = $xover point 2; } $xover point 2 = $xover point 1 + 1 if ( $xover point 2 == $xover point 1 ); my $swap chrom = $chromosome 1; substr($chromosome 1->{’string’}, $xover point 1, $xover point 2 $xover point 1 + 1, substr($chromosome 2->{’string’}, $xover point 1, $xover point 2 $xover point 1 + 1) ); substr($chromosome 2->{’string’}, $xover point 1, $xover point 2 $xover point 1 + 1, substr($swap chrom->{’string’}, $xover point 1, $xover point 2 $xover point 1 + 1) ); return ( $chromosome 1, $chromosome 2 ); } sub compute fitness { my $chromosome = shift; my $unos = 0; for ( my $i = 0; $i < length($chromosome->{’string’}); $i ++ ) { $unos += substr($chromosome->{’string’}, $i, 1 ); } $chromosome->{’fitness’} = $unos; }


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Fig. 1. Log-log plot of running time for different chromosome (left) and population sizes (right). Solid-line corresponds to the baseline version. (Left) Dashed version uses a cache, and dot-dashed one changes fitness calculation. (Right) Dashed version changes fitness calculation, while dot-dashed one uses best-of-breed sorting algorithm for the population. Values are averages for 30 runs.

Figure 1-right shows how run time grows with population size for a fixed chromosome size of 128. The algorithm is run 100 times regardless of whether the solution is found or not. The EA behavior is similarly to the previous analysis. The most efficient version, using Sort::Key, is an order of magnitude more efficient than the first attempt and the difference grows with the population size. Adding up both improvements, for the same problem size, almost two order of magnitude better results are obtained without changing our basic algorithm. It should be noted that since these improvements are algorithmically neutral, they do not have a noticeable impact on results, being statistically indistinguishable from the one obtained by the baseline program.


Conclusions and Future Work

This work shows how good programming practices and a deep knowledge of data and control structures of a programming language can yield an improvement of up to two orders of magnitude in an evolutionary algorithm (EA). Our tests consider a well known problem whose results can be easily extrapolated to others. An elimination of bottlenecks after the profiling of the implementation of an evolutionary algorithm can give better results than a new algorithm with different, and likely more complex algorithms or a change of parameters in the existing algorithm. A cache of evaluations can be used on a wide variety of EA problems. Moreover, a profiler program can be applied on every implementation, to detect bottlenecks and concentrate efforts on solving them.

Implementation Matters: Programming Best Practices


From these experiments, we conclude that applying profilers to identify the bottlenecks of evolutionary algorithm implementations, and then careful and informed programming to optimize those fragments of code, greatly improves running time of evolutionary algorithms without degrading algorithmic performance. Several other techniques can improve EA performance; for instance mutithreading can be used to take advantage of symmetric multiprocessing and multicore machines; message passing techniques can be applied to divide the work for execution on clusters, and vectorization for execution on a GPU, are three of the more well known and usually employed, but almost every best practice in programming can be applied successfully to improve EAs. In turn, these techniques will be incorporated to the Algorithm::Evolutionary [16] Perl library. A thorough study of the interplay between implementation and the algorithmic performance of the implemented techniques will also be carried out.

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