Implementation of Decision Support System for ...

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Noreen Akram, Asim Munir, Memoona Khanam and Dr. Malik Sikander Hayat Khiyal. Abstract— This paper presents a Decision Support System for Outdoor ...


Implementation of Decision Support System for Outdoor Sports Using Machine Learning Techniques Noreen Akram, Asim Munir, Memoona Khanam and Dr. Malik Sikander Hayat Khiyal Abstract— This paper presents a Decision Support System for Outdoor Sports. Outdoor Sports are greatly affected by the weather condition so basically the support provided by the system proposed is the decision whether to carry out the game or not based on the weather and field conditions. The weather attributes taken into consideration are Outlook, Temperature, Humidity, and Wind. The Field values taken are hard surface, Grass and Clay. The game considered is Tennis. The system is implemented using Machine Learning technique Decision Tree Learning, The algorithm selected is ID3 algorithm. The tool used is MATLAB for the frontend and MS Access for the backend. The algorithm generate decision tree. Rules are formulated from the decision tree. The system makes decision based on these rules. The system is tested using 25 sample records. The average accuracy of the system comes out to be 84%. This system can be extended for other games. Index Terms— Decision Support System, Decision tree, ID3 algorithm, Machine Learning, Outdoor Sports

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ecision support system is an interactive system that interacts with the humans to make effective and efficient decision. It may be used as a support to identification and analysis of a problem, providing solutions and alternative for a particular problem, or making decision on the basis of the data provided to the system. It aids the decision makers to carry out a decision or we can say that DSS can replace the decision makers. It depends on what kind of support you need from the DSS. DSS is designed according to your needs. While carrying out any game planning has to be done. Planning may include scheduling the game, creating the environments, collecting equipments providing travel facilities to players, selecting venues, providing accommodations to the players etc. These are things needed to be managed. For outdoor games weather conditions is crucial factor that should be considered while planning out for a game. Outdoor sports like cricket, football and tennis are greatly affected by adverse weather conditions. Weather conditions should be suitable for playing e.g. we cannot play in rain etc. While organizing outdoor games

decisions whether to play or not is made by observing the weather conditions. The DSS which is proposed in this paper is for outdoor sports. It is a DSS which decides whether the game can be played or not based on the weather conditions. The decision about carrying out a game depends on the attributes that are considered. Mainly weather and field attributes are taken into consideration. Weather attributes taken are temperature, humidity, outlook and wind. In total 5 attributes are considered. Each attribute has its values depending on the tendency up to which it can be expanded. E.g. attribute is humidity and values are high and low. The game selected under the category of outdoor sport is Tennis. The highlighting point of selection of this game is it covers wide variations and is greatly affected by the weather. Also it can be played on different types of fields for example clay and grass where as game such as hockey can be played on only grassy field.


Many DSS for sports have been built until now. Some are: DSS for scheduling empires in the American baseball • Noreen Akram is an under graduate student of Department of league [24], Study on the decision support system of Software Engineering, Fatima Jinnah Women University The Mall, techniques and tactics in net sports and the application in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Beijing Olympic Games [4], A decision support system to • Asim Munir is Assistant Professor at Computer Science Departdetermine the sport sponsorship response [26], Research ment at International Islamic University Islamabad. Pakistan. on web-based decision support system for sports competitions [19], A Taxonomy of a Decision Support System • Memoona Khannam is Lecturer at the Department of Computer for Professional sports [5], System for predicting Sporting Sciences, Fatima Jinnah Women University The Mall, Rawalpindi, Success Conditions [6], A Decision Support System for Pakistan. Scheduling the Canadian Football League [7]. These DSS • Dr. Malik Sikandar Hayat Khiyal is Professor and Chairman of Dep are made by analyzing the subject area and finding solunah Women University The Mall, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. tions to problems. DSS can be implemented through number of algorithm based on the needs. These algo————————————————

© 2011 Journal of Computing Press, NY, USA, ISSN 2151-9617



rithms include AI ANN ML and decision algorithms. Each algorithm has its own pros and cons. Previously the implementation of ID3 algorithm takes 14 records in total [8] [9]. The attributes are outlook, temperature, humidity and wind. The values of decision attributes are classes yes and no. The value of each attribute is up to maximum 3 values. The implementation is done in VB net. Where as in the current implementation 25 records are taken attributes taken are 5 and up to maximum 6 values are considered for an attribute. The implementation is done in MATLAB. The results are then used to design a DSS for users which previously implantations’ lacked

3 PROPOSED DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM Figure 1 illustrates the Block Diagram of the proposed decision support system.

Fig. 2: Block Diagram of the proposed decision support system from user perspective

4 ANALYSIS Tennis is a game that is played between two players (singles) or two players combine to form a team (doubles). This game consists of a ball and a racket. Tennis is played both indoor and outdoor. For indoor tennis the court temperature is kept fixed. The weather conditions can’t affect the game. For outdoor tennis the weather conditions must be suitable to carry out the game. Also the type of field is equally important Analysis below covers under what weather and field conditions the tennis game can be carried out and a scale is designed for each attribute based on assumption. In total there are five namely Outlook, Temperature, Wind, Humidity and Field. The values and scale for each attribute being considered is shown below

4.1 Values and scale for attributes Temperature: TABLE 1 SCALE FOR TEMPERATURE

Fig. 1: Block Diagram of the proposed decision support system.

Figure 2 illustrates the Block Diagram of the proposed decision support system from user perspective. This diagram describes the flow of how user and system interact with each other.

Cold Cool Mild Warm Hot

Temperature (in centigrade)