Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of ...

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Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the 7th CPC.PDF. Implementation of Government's decisi

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R"BE No- LzglyaLL


MIMSTRY OF RAILItrAYS ttr}#TTMe,' No.E(W)201618c-ll4

RAILWAYBOARDffiET€' NewDelhi,dated,l:;,l $.2$rc.

The GeneralManager(Personnei) All Z,anaiRaiiwayslProductionUnits (As per standardMailing List) Sub:


Implementafion of Government'sdecisionon the recommendationsof the SeventhCentral Pay Commission- Revisionof provisionsregulating Ex-grafia lump-sum compensationto the familiss of Railway employees who die in harnessin performanceof bonafideofficial duties. Board'slettersNo. (i) E(W)99iCP-1l1 dated5.11,99 (i1) E(W)2008/CP-117 dated30.9.2008 ,,.: :S


In pursuanceof he recornmendations of the 76 Centralpav hds been decided with the approval of the Presidentthat the amount of'sx...#atia:ltiiop sum compensation, asmodifiedvidepara12.1of DOP&PW'sO.M No. Nq,18/37I2016-P&PW(A) (i) dated4.8.2016be adopiedby the Ministry of Railwaysin the*case tf familiesof Raiiway servaatswho die in the'performanceof their bona*fide.*--{.i sia( dot", under various circumstances. Accordingly,subpara(a) to (d) of tho'firstparagabhof this Ministry'sletter No. E6l42008lcP-r/7dated30.9.2008 is modifiedanasuuslituted asunder: Amount (Rs.) (a)

(b) (c)

Deathoccurringdueto accidents of performaaceof ip,ft*.;ibr*-' duties' ..,*#t; @**" Death in the oollrseof per\imahce of dutiesattributed6-acts of violenceby terrorists,assi-sobigl elements,etc. Deathoccurringin boritrq'{. stirmishesandactionagainstmilitants, teitorists,exhe,mipts, seapirates - , h


25lakh 25 lall 35lakhs


Death occ*lrrinfufvhite on duty in the spelffieA ttigh altitude, unaccqssibleboider posts,ete. on accountof natural disasters, extrerde'fitsatner conditions .'"i




Death occurring during enenayaction in war or such war like ,.,riirrxqengagements,which are specifically notified by Ministry of Defence and death occurring during evacuation of Indian Nationalsfrom a war-tornzonein foreigncountry. @il M

V Ntt, I V/N Fl R/7 C PC (tmp)/20 t 6/R.B.


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Cop.ylogelher with its enclosure is .forworrled lo the Getrerul Secretqrieso./ ((rtli(tte(t Lltriorrs o/' NFIR./br i nformat io n o n il gu i dance. Ct: Medio Cenrre/NFIR. C/: File No. ll/3S/port Xlll. C/: File No.llLI (C) -C/: File tl\ht, I/4

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crrrrot'ilriln,y (Dr. M. Roglruuniilrl


2. Theseordersare applicablein the caseof Railwayservantswho die in hamesson or after1.1,2016. a J.

This issueswith the concurrenceof FinanceDirectorateof Minishy of Railways.


Pleaseacknowiedge receipt. (Hindi versionwill follow)

No.E(w)2oGncttq Copyto :-

(SunilKumar) DirectorEstt.(Welfare) Railway Board. NewDelhi,dated 25.l).ZArc.

L The Deputy comptroller and Auditor General of India (Railways), Room No.224,RailBhavan,New Delhi(with40 spares). z. FA&cAo, Al lndianRailways,pus, NFR(ioorf, coFMowa{ew Delhi

for Financial No.E(W)2A|6EG-I14


Coiryforwardedto :7' The GeneralSecretary, AIRF, RoomNo.256-E,Rail Bhavan,N.Delhi (with 35 spares). 2' The GeneralSecretary, NFIR, RoomNo.253,Rail Bhavan,New Delhi.(with 35 spares) 3' The secretaryGenerar,FROA,RoomNo,256-A,Rail Bhavan, New neiii - ---- (with 5 \ spares) 'A' officers 4. The secretary, Association(with 5 spares) |BSS, Group 5' The President, RailwayBoardClassII offi.cers'Association(with 5 spares; 6. The Secretary, RBSSGroup,B'Officers,Association. 7. The Generalsecretary,RBSSA,RoomNo.439, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi. 8' The secretaryGeneral'IRPOF,RoomNo.268,Rail'Bhavan, New Delhi (with 5 spares) 9. The secretary,RailwayBoardMinisteriaistaff Association. 10.The secretary,RailwayBoardcrassIV staffAssociation. 11' The SecretaryGeneral,All IndiaRPF.Association, RoomNo.256-D,Rail Bhawan, New Delhi-110001. (5 spares) ' 12' The Secretary, RailwayBoardPromoteeOfficers'Association,RoomNO.341-C, Rail Bhawan,New Delhi 13"The President, All India SC/STRailwayEmployeesAssociation,7-GF,Rail Bhawan, New Delhi i

N .uh--'


for Secretanfftailw av Board