Indian NationalTrade Union Congress (INTUC). lnternational Transport Workers' Federation (lTF). No. V5(g)/PartVI. The Me
RegistrationNo. : RTU/Nnn/3112012
Natiortal Federation of IndianRailwaymen ROAD,NEW DELHI- 11O055 3, CHELMSFORD ' Affiliated to : Indian NationalTrade Union Congress (INTUC) lnternational Transport Workers' Federation (lTF)
No. V5(g)/PartVI
The Member Stafl RailwayBoard, New Delhi DearSir. Sub:.
Implementation of recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission accepted by the Government - Payment of National Holiday Allowance to non-gazettedStaff in Pay Level 9 and 10 on Indian Railways-reg.
Railway Board's letter No. E(P&A[-20l7lHlll
dated 3010812017.
Federation invites kind attention of the Railway Board to their letter dated 3010812017, quoted under reference, wherein instructions have been for payment of National Holiday Allowance to the non-gazetted staff in Level-l to Level-8 of 7* CPC Pay Matrix. Federation however points out that the said instructions do not cover those non-gazettedRailway employeesworking in Level9 and above (erstwhile GP 5400). In this connection, Federation desires to mention that large number of non-gazettedRailway employees have been working in Level-9 and above, but have now been deprived payment of National Holiday Allowance as a result of issuance of Board's instructions dated 30/0812017. Incidentally, Federation desires to mention that these staff (Level 9 and 10) are fully covered for payment of National Holiday Allowance as they fuIfillthe conditions laid down vide Board's policy therefore exclusion of these instructions contained in letterNo. E(P&A)I-97lHLlz dated 1810211998, staff for payment of National Holiday Allowance is not justified. NFIR, therefore, requeststhe Railway Board to issue amendmentto the Board's inshuctions dated 30th August, 201,7 duly covering the non-gazetted staff working in Leve-9 and above for payment of National Holiday Allowance. A copy of revised instructions issued may be endorsedto the Federation.
Copy to the Director General (Personnel),Railway Board, New Delhi for information and necessary action please. Copy to the Executive Director/PC-I, Railway Board, DFCC Building, Metro Bhavap, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi for information and necessaryaction please. to the General Secretariesof affiliated Unions ofNFIR. l/Copy Media CentreA.{FlR. File No r IVAtrFIR/7 CPC (Imp) I 20 I 6 lAllowance/Part L File No. IVAIFIWT PC (Imp/20 16/R.B.-Part-II.
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