Federationfeels happy to report that the Ministry of Financehas clearedthe proposalsent . by the Ministry of Railwaysas a resultof NFIR's representations vide lettersdated04/0812016, with the for hiking the pay of RunningStaff by 14.29%in accordance 2310812016 &.1310912016 that the Railway Boardhas MoF's Resolutiondated25thJuly 2016.It hassincebeenascertained alreadystartedthe processfor issuingordersfor hiking the pay of RunningStaff by 14.29%. Federationhopesthat ordersin this regardwill be issuedby the Board shortly. Yours fraternally,
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(Dr. M. Raghavaiah) General Secretarv Media CentreA{FIR. File No. IV/RSAC/Conf./PartVIII.