Implementing customer relationship management in

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systems to collect customer data like point of sale after that they can use data warehouse and .... achieving the developed strategic road map plan (Daralriyadh, 2017). 2.4.2. ...... Beyond the belmont principles: ..... applications like WhatsApp (Church and de Oliveira, 2013) company they spent only for mobile applications.
Implementing customer relationship management in governmental organizations By Mahmoud Abd Al-Rahman Zaki (Student Number: 2485350) I have adhered to University policy regarding academic honesty in completing this assignment

Submitted to the University of Roehampton London in partial fulfillment of the degree requirements for Information Systems Management July 2017


The work I have submitted is my own effort. I certify that all the material in this Research project, which is not my own work, has been identified and acknowledged. No materials are included for which a degree has been previously conferred upon me.



Mahmoud Abd Al-Rahman Zaki




Communications with customers requires an excellent skill, qualified resources, and place to communicate face to face with customers, the new technologies provided a new style of communications with online services communications between citizens and government is not seen. Online environment creates challenges to citizens and government to serve customer relationships in online environment.

The main goal of the research management project is to evaluate strategically customer relationship management ‘CRM’ implementation in governmental organization, the research will examine many strategic perspectives from different governmental organization to present the CRM and eCRM from different perspectives and focus on the implementation starting from the need for CRM and to the daily operational of CRM in customer satisfaction department.

The research project findings are indicating that CRM implementation in governmental organization is essential for providing an excellent service for citizens. The government looking for many customizations for CRM products to meet their needs, the most required functionalities are self-service website, customer profiles, social media integrations, government systems integrations, employee training, and continual system improvements from citizen’s feedback.

Keywords: CRM, eCRM, Customer relationship management, CRM implementation, customer relationship strategic analysis, Saudi governmental organization relation with customer relationship management, CRM implementation success factors. 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................................................... 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................... 3 LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................................................ 8 LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................................. 9

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION............................................................................................... 10

1.1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 10 1.2. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY ...................................................................................................... 10 1.3. RESEARCH AIM AND OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................... 12 1.4. RESEARCH QUESTIONS .................................................................................................................... 13 1.5. CHAPTER OUTLINE ............................................................................................................................ 13

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................................. 14

2.1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 14 2.2. INTRODUCTION TO E- CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT (ECRM )........... 14 2.3. THE ELEMENTS OF ECRM ............................................................................................................... 17 2.3.1.

CRM END-USER SELECTION .................................................................................................. 17


CRM END-USER ACQUISITION .............................................................................................. 17


CRM END-USER RETENTION ................................................................................................. 18


CRM END-USER ACQUISITION .............................................................................................. 18


CRM END-USER EXTENSION ................................................................................................. 19


ECRM PROCESSES ...................................................................................................................... 20 3


INVOLVE COMPONENT ............................................................................................................ 20


PURCHASING COMPONENT ................................................................................................... 21


SELF-SERVICE REQUESTS....................................................................................................... 22

2.4. ECRM ELEVEN COMPONENTS FOR PROVIDING 360 DEGREE VIEW............................. 24 2.4.1.

SALES FUNCTIONALITY........................................................................................................... 24


SALES MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONALITY .......................................................................... 24


TELEMARKETING/TELESALES FUNCTIONALITY ........................................................ 25


TIME MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONALITY ............................................................................ 25


CUSTOMER SERVICE AND SUPPORT FUNCTIONALITY .............................................. 26


MARKETING FUNCTIONALITY ............................................................................................. 26


EXECUTIVE INFORMATION FUNCTIONALITY................................................................ 26


ERP INTEGRATION FUNCTIONALITY ................................................................................ 27


DATA SYNCHRONIZATION FUNCTIONALITY ................................................................. 27

2.4.10. E-COMMERCE FUNCTIONALITY........................................................................................... 27 2.4.11. SERVICE SUPPORT FUNCTIONALITY ................................................................................. 28 2.5. ECRM & E-GOVERNMENT ................................................................................................................ 28 2.6. ECRM IMPLEMENTATION IN GOVERNMENT ......................................................................... 29 2.7. SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION OF ECRM IN GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS 30 2.8. ECRM IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES ................................................................................. 34 2.8.1. IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES OF CUSTOMER INTERACTION AND RELATIONSHIPS ........................................................................................................................................... 34 2.8.2.





MARKETING AND IT ALIGNMENT....................................................................................... 36

2.9. CASES OF ECRM ADAPTATION IN GOVERNMENT ............................................................... 37 4


SAUDI ARABIA VISION 2030 .................................................................................................. 38

CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................................................... 41

3.1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 41 3.2. RESEARCH METHODS ....................................................................................................................... 41 3.3. RESEARCH PHILOSOPHY ................................................................................................................. 42 3.4. RESEARCH MANAGEMENT PROJECT METHODOLOGY ....................................................... 44 3.5. SAMPLING STRATEGY ....................................................................................................................... 45 3.6. RESEARCH ETHICS ............................................................................................................................. 46 3.7. INFORMATION’S ANALYSIS PLAN................................................................................................ 47

CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS, DATA ANALYSIS, AND FINDINGS......................................... 48

4.1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 48 4.2. DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS............................................................................................................... 48 4.3. STRATEGY AWARENESS OF RESPONDENT ............................................................................. 50 4.4. ADMINISTRATIVE BARRIERS ........................................................................................................ 53 4.5. TECHNOLOGICAL BARRIERS.......................................................................................................... 54 4.6. CHALLENGES OF DATA INTEGRATION AND IT ARCHITECTURE ................................... 57 4.7. PROCESSES KNOWLEDGE AND BARRIERS .............................................................................. 59 4.8. CALL/CONTACT CENTER KNOWLEDGE AND BARRIERS ................................................... 61 4.9. SURVEY RESULT .................................................................................................................................. 65 4.9.1.



STRATEGY AWARENESS OF RESPONDENT RESULT ................................................... 66 5


ADMINISTRATIVE BARRIERS RESPONDENT RESULTS.............................................. 67


TECHNOLOGICAL BARRIERS RESPONDENT RESULTS ............................................... 67

4.9.5. CHALLENGES OF DATA INTEGRATION AND IT ARCHITECTURE RESPONDENT RESULTS .......................................................................................................................................................... 68 4.9.6.


4.9.7. CALL/CONTACT CENTER KNOWLEDGE AND BARRIERS RESPONDENT RESULTS .......................................................................................................................................................... 69


5.1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 71 5.2. CONCLUSION......................................................................................................................................... 71 5.2.1.

DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS OF RESPONDENT .............................................. 72


STRATEGY AWARENESS OF RESPONDENT..................................................................... 72


ADMINISTRATIVE BARRIERS RESPONDENT.................................................................. 73


TECHNOLOGICAL BARRIERS RESPONDENT RESULTS ............................................... 73

5.2.5. CHALLENGES OF DATA INTEGRATION AND IT ARCHITECTURE RESPONDENT RESULTS .......................................................................................................................................................... 74 5.2.6.


5.2.7. CALL/CONTACT CENTER KNOWLEDGE AND BARRIERS RESPONDENT RESULTS .......................................................................................................................................................... 75 5.3. RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................................................ 76 5.4. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH ................................................................. 77

REFERENCES.................................................................................................................................... 78


BIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................................. 101 STUDENT MAHMOUD ABD AL RAHMAN ZAKI .................................................................. 101 APPENDIX 3.2: ETHICS RESPONSE FORM ........................................................................... 102



48 51 53 54 58 59 62



22 23 30 33 36 40 43 49 49 50 50 51 52 52 52 53 54 55 55 56 57 57 58 59 60 60 61 61 62 63 63 64 64 65



1.1. Introduction The introduction provides high level overview of the research management project, first it will provide an overview of the CRM, eCRM strategic perspectives, employees’ behaviour, implementation techniques, processes, and success factors to implement CRM in government organizations. The research project will focus on Saudi government organization, and then the research will be followed by research challenges, research objectives, research questions and survey. The next chapter is the research methodology which will explain, the fourth chapter will discuss gathered data and data analysis, the last chapter will give summary and conclude to the research project.

1.2. Background of the study Software products changed the world and turned the world into a small village, the dependency on smart devices; cloud-computing software has increased in the last fifteen years (Microsoft Dynamics CRM, 2017). The CRM is helping the private and public organization to achieve and increase the customer lifetime (Taylor and Hunter, 2002). The need increased especially nowadays smart devices replaced all legacy electronic devices like PC ‘personal computer,' calendars, camera, etc., this means that communications challenges increased, and the necessity for customer relationship management (CRM) is not a choice anymore.

The need for customer relationship management (CRM) is growing every day to satisfy the clients’ need, hence CRM is essential for business. (Greenberg, 2010: 1). Whereas, governmental organizations are providing free and paid services as well as online services. The increase of provided CRM services from government required many users to support the number of requests to resolve customer’s complaints, for this are increased and customer’s consumptions in the last three years (CITC, 2014), because of the needs for online services and to decrease the number of visits to governmental organizations offices and make life easier and provide monitoring and control of human resources and software resources.


Public agencies services based on each department and these are increasing in the number of request and inquiries for the provided services (Kavanagh, 2007). The original needs for customer service grew in private organization to support the increased number of requests (Ke, & Wei, 2004). Governmental agencies provided services are better when communicating with their clients and with added value, this means that government will have success in transforming customer needs to services with support (Ke & Wei, 2004), accept and also this will reflect on the whole country image (Pan et al.2006).

The importance of the research study is to present the customer relationship management (CRM) from public organization implementation processes perspectives. The study focus on the strength, opportunities, weaknesses and threats for implementing ‘applying’ CRM in government agencies, SWOT ‘Strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats’ and this will help us to focus strategically on all sides of the organization and customer issues (Jayashree, Shojaee and Pahlavanzadeh, 2011).

The current studies on CRM in the last years concentrated on the need for CRM and applying CRM to government agencies like delivery time of their products (Rigby et al. 2002). The CRM uses the holistic approach to see the organization services as the heart of the organizations in front of the citizens and other related organizations, the holistic approach consist of citizens services and internal organization services with integration services. (Bull, 2003:3), as a result previous research are not focusing on the holistic approach from strategic perspective especially for governmental organizations, Saudi Arabia is enhancing the provided services and try to reach a new milestone world-wide so they are focusing on improving customer / citizen experience.

The study focus also on different strategic perspectives like human resources and find the real causes of not supporting the organization in the implementations phase. Outsourcing is a common approach used by many organization especially for governmental organization for implementing CRM systems due to the lack of the organization. (Bull, 2003:3). The lack of implementing CRM, customer data and product details are big challenges in the implementations phase (Goodhue et al., 2002).


Customer relationship management its many processes such as complaint management and marketing campaign, but it has many other recommended processes such as knowledge management, financial management, customer database, lead management, sales management, social media management, and service catalogue management. Defining processes for the organization in both sides online and compromise is essential for customer’s support (Pan and Lee, 2003). The CRM functions can be customized to operate CRM in any organization based on their needs. CRM backed up by more than frameworks and tools to automate customers concerns in any organization. This research management project designed to assess current CRM implementation approach in governmental organizations. The primary concern in customer relationship management for the public organization is to satisfy business user has needs and solve their concern. Governmental organizations client’s needs based on each agency like online services that are the first pain of support.

Therefore, the needs of communicating with customers are established mainly based on department, organization structure, employees, processes, systems, and procedures. Hence, communication foci of operations are the primary concern of CRM (Rollins and Halinen, 2005).

1.3. Research aim and objectives The study aim and objectives is to reconnoitring the utilization and effect of customer relationship management (CRM) in governmental organizations. There are research focus on implementations in Saudi Arabia governmental organizations but they are focusing on frameworks such as (Almotairi, 2009:1), present a framework for successful CRM implementation for private and public sector in Saudi Arabia, (Anshari and Aksoy, 2009: 2) also discussed how to implement CRM in Banking sector in Saudi Arabia and he foused on the framework and successful implementation, (Al-Sobhi et al, 2009) discussing the benefits, and challenges of CRM in Madinah Municipality in Saudi Arabia. From the above research and many other research there are lack of implementing CRM especially in Saudi Arabia in government organizations.

With this research aim the research will have the following objectives: -


1. To understand and evaluate the customer relationship management strategic perspectives success and failure point. 2. To evaluate CRM implementation gaps and provide recommendations

1.4. Research Questions 1. Discuss the role of customer relationship management processes in governmental organization in Saudi Arabia? 2. What are the elements of customer relationship management? What are the differences between CRM and eCRM? 3. What are the challenges of customer relationship management implementation in governmental organization in Saudi Arabia? 4. How we can successfully implement eCRM in eGovernment is Saudi Arabia? The research study will be based on a specific public organization to prove the case study subject, government such as Saudi Ministry of Labour.

1.5. Chapter outline The research study coming chapter, the chapter two will study CRM from academic literature perspective, eCRM , and its implications in governmental organizations and challenges faced. The chapter three will present research methods and study design including sample selection and the case, chapter four will provide research analysis and findings, followed by the conclusion and recommendations.


CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Introduction Chapter two will discuss academic literature and to introduce the reader to the connotation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), first will provide an introduction about CRM and eCRM overview such as strategic perspectives, success criteria, and types. The research study will be followed by CRM implementation in governmental organizations and study the strategic perspectives of the implementations success and failures for providing a guidance for the other government organizations to follow.

2.2. Introduction to e- Customer Relationship Management (eCRM ) Customer relationship management (CRM) was developed in 1990s and the first name was relationship management (Rababah et al., 2011: 220). CRM is defined as “… the building of a customer-oriented culture by which a strategy is created for acquiring, enhancing the profitability of, and retaining customers, that is enabled by an IT application; for achieving mutual benefits for both the organization and the customers” (Rababah et al. 2011: 233).

CRM designed to help the organization to keep tracking for all customers, create and maintain a customer database, develop organization strategy (Ko, Eet al, 2008). CRM used in complaint management, knowledge management, marketing management, organization performance, customer satisfaction, and partially in financial management (Chenhall and Langfield-Smith, 2007). The use of eCRM is essential when we are want to market for private or public organizations, eCRM uses the latest technologies such as direct marketing to buy and sell services. (Nikbakht et al. 2011:3). Therefore, eCRM is a system capable of capturing customer information’s and this required the organization to optimize their strategy, “eCRM consists of three components 1) operational, 2) analytical, and 3) collaborative” (Bettis-Outland and Johnston, 2003:14). eCRM consists of four components processes, people, technology, the hardware components composed of the following component servers, personal computers, internet connection, security devices, the second component is processes which are the designed processes which enable the employees and customer to communicate in an organized


manner, process designed based on IT best practice processes like incident management, and knowledge management (Kımıloğlu, and Zaralı, 2009:247).

Hence, CRM supports the organization and the customers the right way, for the organization they will know exactly the best way to deal with business and the investment ways, and for customers, they will support positively the organization (Chin, 2014). The positive impact of customer relationship management lies in which that it can provide benefits such as; 1) reduction of marketing cost, 2) increase in company profits, 3) increase in customers from transparency, 4) reduction in marketing cost, 5) increase in customer commitment, and 6) in marketing the products/services for the company to gain more customers (Koet al. 2008). This is possible, through the fact that CRM evaluate and analyse customer information’s into well-defined processes and web interface that meet the expectations of customers and organizations expectations, this will make customer retain. (Almotairi, 2008: 3). Other definitions highlight the relationship continuum as, “[a] customer relationship management (CRM) systems is a combination of people, processes, and technology that seeks to provide understanding of a company's customer and to support a business strategy to build long-term, profitable relationship with customers" (Shang and Feng Ko, 2006). Hence, organisations using CRM is consists of three main perspectives people, processes, and technology to evaluate both organization and customer needs. (Chen and Popovich, 2003:1).

The third perspective is people, this aspect considered the primary operation of the software and communicating with other people to reach a new milestone, people responsible for accepting call, email, and communicating with customers to reach new clients or make existing customers happy, the fourth component is software this perspective is the enabler for all processes. the government use latest software and hardware technologies such as CRM software’s and online services to provided government services. (Palvia and Sharma, 2007: 1).

People can be the organization employee or end-user employee they are considered the key successful factor for CRM (Almotairi, 2008). Business processes are a set of designed steps that enable the organization to align processes automations with client expectations to increase organization and client satisfaction, profit and at the same time increase customer loyalty (Rigby et al., 2002). Technology is the automation part and refer to the provided software to 15

the organization customer and organization employees the to make better relationship with customers based on customer behaviour (Thompson et al. 2006). CRM considered the catalyst factor in helping the government in providing services to customers especially in the UK . (King, S.F., 2007), “The notion of forging intimate connections with consumers to understand the needs, preferences and potential of distinct market segments has been a crucial driving force behind organizations’ mounting emphasis on customer relationship management (CRM)” (Pan et al. 2006). Therefore, CRM gives the organization the ability to capture and analyse the provided data to predict the needs and actions (Pombriant, 2016).

The United States looking for e-government to make central information for all provided services and the goal is to integrate all citizens in citizen-centric solution, the government will provide support to citizens through automated call centres and IT solutions (Reddick, 2010). Government and customer relationship management falls in six literature perspectives “1) Organizational change, 2) Management and performance, 3) Customer service, 4) Emergency management, 5) Challenges, 6) Technology used and its effectiveness” (Reddick, 2010).

The main strategic goal of CRM is to make and improve customers satisfaction. (Reddick, 2010). Central concern considered the connection between organization change and information systems (Markus and Robey, 1988). Organization change is defined by (Czarniawska and Joerges, 1996) as when we fail or lose this is the first step towards change and the next step is implementation led us to the success. (Mintzberg and Westley, 1992) labeled organization change as “development, stability, adaptation, struggle, and revolution” (Mintzberg and Westley, 1992), the culture change management is a complex process for the organizations, employees, and citizens this is required to government to collaborate with citizens for providing services meet their expectations. (Hill et al. 1998). Software’s considered the enablers for managers because it will help the organization to manage customer information’s such as jobs and evaluate customers behaviours. (Otley, 1999: 2). Taking actions are easy by using the provided software’s and collected data. (Reddick, CG 2010:90). Organization performance turns goals into reality (Popova and Sharpanskykh, 2010), “Performance of observationally learned behaviour is influenced by three major types of incentive motivators-direct, vicarious, and self-produced” (Wood and Bandura, 1989). 16

Hence, CRM is focusing on customer satisfaction to improve the quality of the delivered values also make the government more responsive to the needs and this will help the organization to be more focused and transparent with their customers (Reddick, 2010). Taking decision in complex problem solving situation this called emergency management (Strohschneider and Gerdes, 2004), CRM benefit is the ability to help the government in emergency management by supporting citizens and resident by feedbacks (Reddick, CG 2010). CRM can handle errors by “(1) error avoidance, (2) early detection of errors, and (3) minimization of consequences resulting from CRM errors.” (Salas, et al. 2001: 3).

2.3. The Elements of eCRM Customer relationship management consists of four elements based on (Jellasi and Ender, 2004) which are; 1) CRM End-user selection, 2) retention, 3) acquisition, and 4) extension, the following sections will discuss the features of CRM elements.

2.3.1. CRM End-user selection Customer relationship management concentrate on customer selection. CRM tool as a set of processes and automated tools can help the organization on a wide variety of selecting customers based on the given information’s (Kim and Lee, 2007). Selecting customers are based on organization database since this is the main gate of information.

CRM as a tool contains a lot of data like contact, companies and also consists from segments for measuring KPI’s like highest purchasing, customer retention (Winer, 2001). Customer selection in governmental organization is designed to select customers ‘end-users’ for sending to them SMS’s or emails from marketing campaign features and this is the same concern for private organization.

2.3.2. CRM End-user acquisition Successful enhancing of CRM software is seen clearly when selecting the right customs to the organization in marketing or other services. (Cao, and Gruca, 2005), Users acquisition and customer retention are one from marketing manager specialization they are quite different, some CRM systems contains customer acquisition, and others was not included this based on 17

online CRM or promise only CRM (Winer, 2001). In the governmental organization the customers are announced by marketing channels, and due to the developed policies and procedure, the client will ask to use the provided governmental online service.

2.3.3. CRM End-user retention Customer retention is way of keeping customers always satisfied with our provided services. (NGDATA. 2017), the main importance of client retention is increase the number of customers and satisfy them, most organization spend money in customer acquisition by many communications channels like social media website, and search engines, customer retention has seven strategic steps to keep customer, 1) manage customer expectations, 2) provide services to make customer committed to the organizations, 3) give the right feedback to the customer to make his satisfied, 4) be proactive to quickly resolve coming adversities, 5) use common social media websites as marketing tool, 6) try to provide extra services, 7) communicate with customer in personal level best than in professional level to increase satisfaction. “(NGDATA. (2017).

Government organization is providing services and citizens they should use the provided services because there is no other way to do the same service away from the government, the government should increase the provided services quality to increase the citizen trust to the provided services. (Bouckaert and Van de Walle, 2003). Customer loyalty is the sources of happiness and retention to the provided services. (Gustafsson, et al., 2005: 210), there are drivers for customer retention based on (Gustafsson et al.2005) like Customer Satisfaction, company/ organization commitment to the customer, and company behaviour with customer. CRM business processes are essential for succeeding customer relation to prevent retention (Chen and Popovich, 2003: 682).

2.3.4. CRM End-user acquisition Another element of CRM is the acquisition of Customers or end-users as the first process of CRM (Becker et al, 2009), the acquisition process is essential for market grow and help the organization to spend money on the right services based on their budget. (Villanueva et al, 2008:4). Acquisition is used by customer since the governmental organization are providing 18

online services and based on the given authority to the government, citizens they should use the provided services because there are no other choices, and the government has no need to acquire customers.

Acquiring customers should be supported by the right enablers to do CRM activities in the right way. (Levitt, 1986:1), customer acquisition is crucial in many organization and individual like forming start up business, looking for new opportunities, or when marketing for a specific product

(Ang and Buttle, 2006: 296). Social media is a set of enterprise applications

collaborated with each other’s to reach people worldwide. (Khan, 2012:1), CRM is designed to reach people and collaborate with them by using social media capabilities such as online communities. (Hennig-Thurau et al, 2010:319).

2.3.5. CRM End-user extension “Extension is achieved through cross-selling and up-selling, which deepens and widens the customer relationship.” (Goersch, 2002). Customer extension can use used to attract more customers through innovating new IT services. (, 2017), in governmental organization customer extension is handling the extension from complaint management and “faster and smarter” (Andersen, and Henriksen, 2006: 244).

The main goal of any organization to increase the market share and make the customers satisfied from the provided services and this is the main goal of CRM is to help the organization to reach many customers through understanding of eCRM capabilities and market needs. (Harb and Abu-Shanab , 2009:2), customer extension is designed to monitor and assess repetitive customer issues to help them to get the right feedback this will increase the client loyalty and probability (Mohamed et al, 2012:322).

client management is a long-term relationship, so loyalty will help the organization in selling products also in marketing for a new product (Walunj and Barhate, , 2014:260). Customer acquisition is attracted customer and serve current customers, but customer retention is helped current customers to keep them using the provided services, and customer extension increases the number of clients and provides lifetime support. (Yazdanifard et al , 2010:2).


2.3.6. eCRM Processes Electronic customer relationship management is a new enhancement for old CRM methodology which is based on internet technologies like chat with people, sending and receiving emails, forums, and there are processes to support the reorganization and customer (, 2017). (Jutla, D., Craig, J. and Bodorik, P., 2001) defined four processes for CRM 1) involvement, 2) purchasing, 3) service fulfilment, and 4) cases management, the following sections will describe four processes and study the relationships with governmental organization.

2.3.7. Involve component Involving customer to organization product is an essential and important to organization ether it’s private or public, the involvement is based on many factors to attract customer based on four processes “1) collecting and integrating online customer data, 2) analyzing this data, 3) building interactions with customers based on this analysis such that certain performance metrics such as LTV are optimized, and 4) measuring the effectiveness of these interactions in terms of these performance metrics.” (Padmanabhan and Tuzhilin, 2003). eCRM strategy is making customers life easier through analyzing customer transactions and transaction history (, 2017).

Customer data is essential for customer relationship management this help the organization employees to communicate and expect customer interactions, customer information access should be classified to organization employees so they can access some information and other information can be accessed by other employees, customer information help the organizations to take predictive actions to a specific customer or group of customer for further customer retention and satisfaction. (Jayachandran et al, 2005:21), some organizations use supported systems to collect customer data like point of sale after that they can use data warehouse and datamining software to take proactive decisions. (Lawson-Body, A., Illia, A. and Jimenez, J., 2006:46).

Customer interaction and giving positive feedback is the sole of the customer relationship management to communicate with customer, the old interactions techniques was 20

communicating with customer with these channels like email, fax, and chat but eCRM has more capabilities to communicate and take automatic actions like support marketing sales (Pan et al ,2006:96), interaction consist of the following elements “human and technical communication, data gathering, collaborative problem-solving, negotiation” (Peppard, 2000:313).public and private organization they main strategic objective is to attract customers and offer an excellent services, they are always tailoring their processes to satisfy the repetitive needs of customers, tailoring may be changing organization culture, or organization structure, finally they will get the reward as customer retention and satisfaction due to organization performance. (Ryals and Knox , 2001:7).

2.3.8. Purchasing component eCRM has many components the main goal is to help customers to make new order in real time this feature help customer to view provided products, provided services, and the cost for each product or service, browse old orders all of these information’s provided through selfservice portal to help the customers and the organization to access all data like marketing, customer information, and sales orders (Chalmeta, 2006, P1021).

Enterprise resource planning is a group of processes and automated tool helps the public or private organization to share and integrate resources like customer information’s, sales and other information (Gable, 2002,P3), ERP is a set of people, processes, and tools, CRM is part from ERP (Chen and Popovich, 2003, P 675), the following diagram represent the relationship between CRM perspective and other affecting factors


Figure 1 CRM perspective and other affecting factors (Chen and Popovich, 2003, P 675).

Government can provide paid and free services to citizens and expatriate free online service like Malaysian job seeker portal (Lean, O.K., Zailani, S., Ramayah, T. and Fernando, Y., 2009, P2), (Ministry of Labor. (2017)) also providing free search inquiry services to help the expatriate look for their information’s, this is two types of free provided services, the other side is paid services like renewal yearly work permit for expatriate from any Ministry of Labor worldwide.

CRM customer type can be organization employee, supplier, or purchaser (Al-Mudimigh et al, 2009:3), customer request can be real case, suggestions, enhancements, or sales inquiry (AlMudimigh et al, 2009:4), “Customer retention rates and customer share of category purchase are important metrics in customer relationship management (CRM)” 2008:87),


self-service request main objective is to help and encourage clients to purchase

organization services and products and this considered the organizations strategy to make string relationships with customers to encourage them to make repetitive purchases and loyalty through automated self-service request and automated response (Meyer-Waarden, 2008:87).

2.3.9. Self-service requests Self-service request is a technology designed specially to help the customer and to achieve the company/organization outcomes, self-service requests can be seen un ATM machines, hotel checkouts, call center automated call response, customer self-service request enhanced to act online as well as normal old ways like call center and ATM machines and became an essential tool and key performance indicator for business success (Meuter et al. 2000,P50).

Technologies enhanced to meet the new requirements of customers and this led to raise of new online service like web service as middle ware for integrating between multiples system with different system, contact center as replacement for ordinary call center, and integrating multiple systems with each other such as CRM and HRM ‘Human resource management’ (Draganidis and Mentzas, 2006, P57). Organization issues conducted in governmental organization such as transforming organization to the next milestone in strategic management, enhancing organization performance to match the agreed and developed performance management plan, 22

the developed plan to recover these issues such as implementing initiatives and programs to cover the implementation issues (Draganidis and Mentzas, 2006, P56).

Arab governmental organization started to apply self-service portal as an enhancement to the provided services like in the Saudi Ministry of Labor they are providing self-service portal enables the customer to search in their cases, create new request, vacation request, and other integration with social media websites such as Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn (Arab News, 2017). Supporting customer is a daily task needs coordination’s between customer support department and other related stakeholder like organization manager and IT department, this is not routine or predictable takes, supporting task used widely in health care organization, governmental organization or any other related organizations (Motahari-et al. 2013: 264).

Case management or case based reasoning (CBR) is a subset of knowledge management and applied through automated tools to 1) preview submitted case or similar cases, 2) change submitted case status to the appropriate status based on the request like in progress or paused, 3) provide case solution through the right team, 4) use the previously submitted and resolved cases as solution to the new cases , but they recommend to check whether the supported solution still valid or needs more enhancement. (Choy et al. 2002: 5). The following diagram represent case based reasoning life cycle.

Figure 2 Case management diagram Case based reasoning (CBR) cycle (Choy et al. 2002: 6). 23

2.4. eCRM eleven components for providing 360 degree view eCRM consist of components eleven components for helping any organization to critically help the customers and provide an excellent 360 degree view of all provided services to all customers, the components are “1) Sales functionality , 2) Sales management functionality , 3) Telemarketing/Telesales functionality , 4) Time management functionality , 5) Customer service and support functionality , 6) Marketing functionality , 7) Executive information functionality ,8) ERP integration functionality , 9) Data synchronization functionality , 10) Ecommerce functionality , 11) Service support functionality” (Mahnam, 2016: 89). The next section will elaborate upon the components of eCRM and its implications, starting with sales functionality.

2.4.1. Sales functionality Sales is a strategic plan to sell company products in an innovative and attractive way, sales consist of customer segmentations, customer selection, customer communication to make long term relationship, assess customer strategically to know their needs, and sell organization products with solution orientation (Panagopoulos and Avlonitis, 2010: 2).Sales department mainly focus on the delivered values to customer as what is the expected cost and delivered benefits from customer, key performance indicator is delivering a high quality indicator of how much the customers are satisfied or organization products need more enhancement (Isaksson et al. 2010: 435), government are not able to sell products like private organization this is the main concern to the majority of all government worldwide, some organization formed semigovernmental organization to help the countries to buy or sell products, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia established many semi-governmental organization to help the government critically in achieving the developed strategic road map plan (Daralriyadh, 2017).

2.4.2. Sales management functionality Sales is a crucial department activity to any organization especially for private sector, sales responsible for selling products, sales activities can be un acceptable to the organization because customer may be unhappy or unsatisfied or sales department are not selling company products (Anon, 2017). Sales as department and resources should have an excellent 24

communication with customers and deliver to them the right and productive messages through the agreed communication channels, sales provide the following services “forecasting, sales cycle analysis, temporary alignment and assignment, roll up and drill down reporting” (Boakye, 2011: 33). Governmental organization and other public organization worldwide facing a lot of challenges like lack in many sources for income like environmental factors like oil, receiving help from other countries, and decrease in ordinary taxes, granting or moving permissions from group of people to another people, although of all of these factors these types of organization are stable, also government are not able to make sales (Bryson, 1988).

CRM has a set of provided functionalities help the organization to integrate with customers through online services with integration with other services such as developing strategic services, sell organizations products, and market for organizations products, this kind of relationships considered one to one with customers and this will help the government to retain and make customers satisfied. (Chen and Chen, 2004:2).

2.4.3. Telemarketing/Telesales functionality Telemarketing is a common style of communicating with potential customer by sending emails, telephone calls, telemarketing moved forward to meet the new technologies like video chatting and conference call, also telemarketing can use surveys to get customers feedback to the provided services (, 2017). Telemarketing has many public names like “Cable and Internet services, Home security systems, Financial services, Vacation and time share, Charitable organizations” (, 2017).

2.4.4. Time management functionality Time management essential for organization and customers for scheduling reply back time and date, create tasks, follow up for assigned tasks, display reminders for taking an action, many software tools enabled to help the organization to manage time for organization employees (Dynamic university, 2017).


2.4.5. Customer service and support functionality Supporting services functionality (SSF) is the way of the websites or customer service system provide services catalogue of the support organization products to help customers to find the right products for them, supporting services functional has two types of views the first is organization employees ‘users’ and customers ‘users’ (Cenfetelli, Benbasat and Al-Natour, 2008, P162). Customer service provides a range of services like search for service or product, search for other organization, view all customer payments, view and search for shipment and delivery (Guvence-Rodoper et al. 2008).

2.4.6. Marketing functionality Organization either private or public needs to show their products to all people especially for people are really busy, Marketing is one from CRM and eCRM

components help the

organization to create campaigns and make the others receive email, SMS ‘sort message service’, chat, radio, TV, marketing use automation for managing and supporting all customer concern through many channels

to provide the required or advertising information’s ,

marketing has the following internal component 1) planning, 2) execution, and 3) controlling (Torggler, 2009: 773). However, the marketing functionality will require a robust information and data to build upon the relationship between customer and the organisation.

2.4.7. Executive information functionality EIS is a well-defined and structured information’s help the organisation in decicion making purposes through a specific tools, analytic methods, and frameworks. (Sasvari, 2013). EIS designed to support senior managers in mature organizations to protect the organization from coming failures. (Watson et al, 1991:13), EIS is a computer systems designed to help the executives to grant communications to internal and external information’s through access to internal and external systems data supported by critical success factors, the provided systems has the following features 1) enhanced to match organization employees, 2) manage system data, 3) provide online access , 4) friendly look and feel , 5) easy to be used by senior managers, and 6) provide graphical dashboard interfaces, these information are suitable for managing


customer relationship management software in adding permissions , provide dashboards, and manage data through CRM software. (Watson et al, 1991:14).

2.4.8. ERP integration functionality CRM part from ERP ‘enterprise resource planning’, ERP integrate with CRM as a software product use all provided information to use the functions from other systems like use calendar, use employee names from organization directory, send email from organization email directory, use (Malhotra and Temponi, 2010). “A social shaping perspective expands conceptualizations of ERP packages, enabling a view of them as configurational technologies” (Light and Wagner, 2006).

2.4.9. Data synchronization functionality CRM part from ERP ‘enterprise resource planning’, ERP integrate with CRM as a software product to use CRM built in features like marketing and other features, data an essential component of any product so a new technology born to protect your data by replicating your current data to another media, replicating maximize your data availability, by replicating you can take copy from your information’s like CRM database, your calendar, phone contact, Synchronizations is a techniques used to copy current data to new place (Foster and Karvounarakis, 2007: 1).


E-commerce functionality

E-commerce or electronic commerce is an automated process of presenting, selling, buying products or services through online channels. (Searchcio, 2017). E-commerce has six strategies to enhance sales activities, 1) provide environment infrastructure, 2) enhance ecommerce systems, 3) help private organization, 4) remove obstacles to increase profit, 5) provide ecommerce through internet, and 6) provide health decision for health based on ecommerce concept (Shodhganga, n.d.).



Service support functionality

Electronic customer’s relationship management eCRM has specific process for supporting customers through internet or on organization official offices, support customer has a positive impact to organization and support performance (Chang, 2005: 5), technology and information helping customers to grow through range of provided services support channels (Ferguson, 2000: 303).

Raising the knowledge and awareness of e-government for citizens is the main strategic goal of any organization, this goal can be achieved through increase the grade of confidence from the presented services and support citizens and customers by enhanced electronic customer relationship management software and processes (Abu-Shanab, 2017:103), the best CRM is to provide services based on customer needs and expectations. (Al-Khouri , 2012: 41), the coming section describe the eCRM and e-government relationships, and the success stories in government organizations, finally will give eCRM implementations guidelines.

2.5. eCRM & e-government e-Government is a set of applications, processes, automated systems, and e-Commerce supporting the government in the daily work. (Howard, 2001), e-government utilizing tools and processes to change the ordinary manual operations functions from government to citizens to electronic channels, the electronic provided services are establishing relationship with customers, citizens are expecting all services are free because they are visiting government offices the government also providing the same services free online as well as physical office (Silcock, R., 2001). “E-government is defined as a way for governments to use the most innovative information and communication technologies, particularly web-based Internet applications, to provide citizens and businesses with more convenient access to government information and services, to improve the quality of the services and to provide greater opportunities to participate in democratic institutions and processes.” (Fang., 2002:1).


e-government is a new methodology or providing on primes organisation services through online channels. (Palvia and Sharma, 2007: 1), e-government is a set of provided services over the internet to exchange information between government and other governments by delivering a high quality product to citizens and any government has relation with the provided service (Victor et al, 2007:196). E-government strategy is one from the government strategic objectives designed to help the government to achieve their objectives. (Heeks, 2006: 42).

2.6. ECRM implementation in government E-government implementation scope is the translation of what the organization will do in the execution stage of the strategy, e-government implementation framework should respond directly to the new changes from the original plan through a well-developed strategic change management process, framework consists of the following perspectives “1)methodology, 2) Best-practice based methodology, 3) Structure and contents of e-government strategies , 4) Vision, 5) Strategic objectives, 6) Guiding principles – trends, 7) Focus areas of e-government, 8) Building blocks of e-government, 9) Modularity” ( Rabaiah and Vandijct, 2011: 244-253).

The public and private organisation they are using ordinary archiving methodologies to communicate with customers through paper work and this is before the raise of computer age. (Arsan et al. 2013: 15), CRM is new processes and enabled by technology to manage marketing, customer complaint, sales and other feature, to enable business to achieve a new goal (Pan et al. 2006: 238). CRM is designed to interact with external customers and organization employee there are other methodologies and tools enable organization employees to interact with customer e—Marketing, e-learning, e-banking and e-ticketing (Palvia and Sharma, 2007:4). Governments are developing local authorities to help citizens, employee and business partners to provide modern services and integrated with many other governmental organization and seamless customer experience (King, 2007: 48).

Private and public organization are delivering seamless customer experience that is based on friendly GUI ‘graphical user interface’ for delivering online software product based on best software standards and user interfaces. This is helping the organizations to build improve customer experience and feedbacks (Rabe, 2017).


CRM has an excellent benefit to e-government to 1) enhance the provided services to meet citizen’s expectations, 2) provide deep integrations with other internal and external systems to make citizens and customer life easier, 3) provide multiple communication channels to view customer data in 360 degrees, 4) provide easy to use online services (King, 2007). Citizens are responsible for interacting with government website, technology acceptance model (TAM) designed to measure and evaluate the concept of trust with customers/citizens, TAM model represent four direct determinants 1) the usefulness of received support, 2) the measure of ease of use, 3) trust, and 4) risk planning, the following diagram represent the TAM model (AlAdawi et al, 2005).

Figure 3 Technology Acceptance Model

Technology acceptance model is a type of assessment that represent the organization and individual/customers how to behave with adopted or presented technologies of the organizations, and present the strategic factors which effect on the customers / individual relationships, the feedback, and experience through communication channels are documented for performance management

such as reporting and graphical dashboards, continual

improvement, and minimize the coming complaints. (Huang and Liao, 2015).

2.7. Successful implementation of eCRM in governmental organizations Governments worldwide are looking for innovative software’s and services to help the government and citizens to provide, organizations are using new technologies in 30

communicating with all customers via internet, chatting, email these are the approved tools enables government to act as e-government and help governments to act positively in taking the lead the public market and asset in the strategic plan by innovating (Lee, 2010: 220).

Implementing e-government online e-services is different from country to another county and this is a common case study in all government, each government organization looking for adopting the methodologies worldwide which used in similar countries as a similar successful implementation case, implementing e-government starts with taking customer expectation at the first place and apply them to the selected methodology, gathering information’s like survey, and meetings, implementation time can take short time in country and long time in another country based on many perspectives like culture, language barriers, customer expectation, allocated cost, and more challenges which affect in the implementation period (Hassan et al 2011). The implementation expecting many factors to void the coming adversities, there are six barring will slow down the implementation process;

1. Privacy and security risks is defined as the user providing his/her personal information’s through free or paid online services, users are providing his/her information’s to trusted online website like governmental organization or famous financial website like Oracle (Hassanet al. 2011). Consumer / citizen and government always worries about the security of customer’s data from distributing this information’s to external parties may they use it for harming people as the result the government developed laws to protect customers/citizens information’s (Udo, G.J., 2001:2), also the customer security is an essential part for the customer and organizations. (Udo, 2001:2), this mean will affect negatively on the organization reputation and customer will feel his information’s are distributed to other organizations. “The message here is simple and clear: for a Web-based business to survive and strive, it has to assure its customers that their privacy and safety are protected.” (Udo, 2001:7). 2. Legislative Barriers is the developed laws, country regulations and directives by governments to help the online services (Vassilakis et al. 2005: 42), the major concern of legislative barriers is the proof of identity and electronic documents signatures there are many frameworks developed to protect the user identity and make sure the 31

electronic signature is accepted but there are some countries are accepting and some countries are not accepting. (Hassan, Shehab and Peppard, 2011:12). 3. Administrative Barriers the shortage of government business model which related to knowledge areas like cost, human resources, organization structure (Vassilakiset al. 2005: 42), the change management is one form the main challenges in all governmental organizations since there are many obstacles with people and processes and culture these challenges effects on the development, enhancement and deployment of the provided services which are build based on the scope, time and cost, also there are other challenge for some countries which is paper work trust. (Hassan, Shehab and Peppard, 2011:13). 4. Technological Barriers is a group of infrastructure processes like availability and software development tool, and deployment tools associated with standards to do the technical part. structure (Vassilakiset al. 2005:42), technological barriers of information technology customization are based on the some perspectives are 1) the difficulties and complexity of applying it , 2) lack of experienced candidates, 3) the expectations of vendors when targeting big institutions are always high, these factors leads to product may not be accepted. (Tan, 2010:5). 5. Cultural Barriers the primary concern of the communications which is distributing feedback and meaning between people to make them understand the significance of the message. (Adler, 2003), the right culture is a crucial to CRM strategy especially when the CRM main target in marketing (Finnegan and Currie, 2010:5), people, processes, culture, and technology are famous for all organization as implementations and integrations challenges is the culture integrations with all layers. (Finnegan and Currie, 2010:11).


Figure 4 CRM multi-layered approach (Finnegan, D.J. and Currie, W.L., 2010:11).

6. Resistance “influence or force that hinders or stops. But such a broad definition would be too general, too abstract, and inappropriate for empirical research” (Ebbers and Van Dijk, 2007), resistance is a common challenge especially from governmental organizations, individuals resistance can lead to many issues in any project especially with project with multicultural projects. (Finnegan, D.J. and Currie, W.L., 2010:2). Public or private organization which operate CRM in their environments and they are keeping the customers satisfied they will gain more profits. (Chen and Popovich, 2003). Successful implementation of eCRM in private organization, some organization ranked the most fastest growing companies in the united states of America (CRM Science, 2017), eCRM consists of many components to help any organization like online discussion, marketing, and direct communications with customers to make an excellent relationship this will affect the sales and profit of the organization, there are many hypotheses helps private organization to critically understand the needs of eCRM like understanding the demographics of the country, eCRM support process, and understanding, and use marketing and sales process to reach customer (Al-Adawi et al, 2005).

Success of implementation of eCRM in governmental organization is based on three strategic perspectives which are relational incentives which responsibility to customer relationship management through processes, relational value focus on customer gained benefits from 33

provided services to get more customers, and relational tool to help the company to communicate and reach more customers (Pan et al , 2006).

2.8. eCRM Implementation challenges Customer relationship management represented in eCRM

as a sword double edge

opportunities and challenges for enhancing and tailoring eCRM perspectives to achieve company planed objectives throng formal communications with customers and giving a positive feedback though agreed communications channels, eCRM

can determine best

customers and customers who needs more attention, eCRM opportunities is about to challenge the market by enhancing the current opportunities and remove threats opportunities can be enhancing customer interactions and relationship, managing customer touch points. Hence, ECRM has four main challenges

1) Customer interaction and relationships, 2) Managing an online channel, 3) Challenges of data integration and IT architecture, 4) Marketing and IT alignment (Kennedy, A., 2006), these challenges are important because one failure can lead to total failure with customers.

2.8.1. Implementation issues of Customer interaction and relationships The original customer relationship management is to support customers through face to face communication in big organization there are service desk serving customers through service desk windows, service desk act as a single point of contact (SOP) for the users. (Cater-Steel et al, 2006: 3). The relationship is a result of interaction with customer, social media websites are the main example of interactions between organizations and customers (Maecker et al. 2017).

The communication with client is the source of innovation, innovation is the source of customer retention this is an indicator for all public or private organization which use the innovation as the source of their services. (Foss et al. 2011:981). Attracting new customer is expensive five 34

times than satisfying existing customer (Massey et al. 2001). Interacting with customers need a special attention and communication skills, there is a common framework named as knowledge management the main objectives is to provide information’s to customers (Mohamed et al, 2008). Knowledge management ‘Frequently asked questions’ is an important activity to customer service in helping customers to get reply back in few time, knowledge can help many software like software development tool, and customer relationship management, knowledge management can help the organization in five strategic perspectives acquiring new technology, share knowledge management database with many software, share knowledge with organization employees, add new knowledge the organization lessons learned database, share knowledge (Soand Bolloju, 2005).

2.8.2. Implementation issues of Managing an on-line channel Managing customer channels expanded to reach customers through new innovative channels, online now is the main contact solution to provide support, submit complaints, track complaint, customize response, many organizations are providing multiple communications channels to make customer communication easier than before but this add more commitment to the organization since customer satisfaction is the main goal (Pan and Lee, 2003: 95).

Communications with customers can be through many communications channels like email, internet forms, PDF forms, chatting, video chatting, voice calling, SMS, social media web sites, or FAX, front office suites, integrations with other outside system, the following diagram represent the possible communications channels, marketing, and data mining (Pan and Lee, 2003: 96).


Figure 5 eCRM Pan and Lee, 2003: 96

2.8.3. Challenges of data integration and IT architecture Data essential to customer service especially with new customers, the challenge is to provide correct, fast and appropriate data at the best time to the proper customer, data integration is a common challenge with all mature systems to present data through multiple sources, integration is essential for big organizations (Halev et al., 2006). Structure data is crucial for organization employee and customer, because this will help the organization to critically find the right result in less time (Madhavan et al. 2007: 342).

Supporting eCRM data considered perspective from the strategic management plan of the organization, the strategic plans describe how eCRM will help the organization in determining the issues, and coming problems, generating campaigns, data migration can be one from the following gender, age, gender, number of children, payment type, education, and ownership (Missi, F., Alshawi, S. and Fitzgerald, G., 2005: 1).

2.8.4. Marketing and IT alignment Customer expectations and needs are the prime factor of marketing with relation to the organisation business. ( (2017), customer choose between many customers to buy new product based on his decisions (Stanton et al.1994), marketing manager 36

and department should communicate with customers to present the organization products catalogue, customer will show involvements, eCRM can help positively the organization to achieve the developed goals (Scullin et al. 2004: 410).

eCRM marketing department is designed to help internal department employees by giving incentives to empower them to give more efforts (Chen and Chen 2004), marketing used widely in private organizations like hotel, software house companies for sending market companies by emails or other media communication channel, increasing market campaign skills and communication tools for all perspectives considered a crucial to increase income (Milović, 2012: 27).

2.9. Cases of eCRM adaptation in Government A study conducted by Duque et al. (2013) assessed and presented Portuguese Municipalities as a governmental organization, and they observed the complaints of communication between citizens from centralized systems, also they have different distributed systems and this spend a lot of time for resolving citizens’ complaints, they realized that is they can use apply CRM this will help them to make communications and other minimizing complaint resolving time to world time, also this will affect the quality of the provided services so the organization can move the organization to a new position.

Implementing general or best practice processes at Portuguese municipalities or any organization requires analysis phase to view the currently running processes, and other affecting factors from a strategic view, like interactions between systems, citizens, and municipality employees, communications between multiple systems and citizens should be unified to give the right feedback. (Duque et al., 2013: 2). The Portuguese governments complaining from the lack of citizen’s information’s so they are looking for applying citizen relationship management CRM, citizen relationship management is the original name of CRM, citizen relationship management give a deep look into citizen’s records, implementing CRM in governmental organization requires culture change like forcing processes, train people, and find what are the needs of the citizens like easy web site interfaces, and helpful services (Duque et al. 2013: 2). 37

The challenges of implementing CRM in Portuguese municipality is applying the best practice methodology is each municipality, and another organization is different than the other so the processes should be tailored to meet the government operations, (Duque, et al. 2013: 4), CRM is used for interacting with customer by collecting their information’s, analyse these information’s, and generate reports for the customer and the organizations. (King 2006). The assessment for all Municipalities was done by using questionnaire with all municipalities to get their feedback to the CRM as a processes and systems, 308 Municipality sent their feedback, 64 responses was valid and the response of the other was rejected, there are nine municipalities using CRM as an enabled system to communicate with citizens, and they are using best software house like Microsoft and Oracle and no Municipality reported they are using open source. (Duque, Varajão, Vitor, and Dominguez, 2013: 5).

As seen in the academic literature there are differences in terms of the eCRM applications within governmental departments, due to available resources, its concepts and availability of data integration. Whereas, some countries see eCRM as a part of their government vision and strategy, such in Saudi Arabia.


Saudi Arabia Vision 2030

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia developed a strategic vision based on the assets of the country which are “geographical location, cultural, social, demographical and economic advantages” ( 2017), these are the main perspectives of the country and they are responsible for providing a competitive advantage to the country and help positively achieve the main role of the country to lead the Arab countries in all fields. The country vision built the strategic vision to find sustainable economy and many income sources to the country, the country main source income is from petroleum products and from religion tourism, also the strategic vision developed to make Saudi Arabia economy “international trade and to connect three continents: Africa, Asia and Europe.” (Vision2030, 2017).The main strategic perspective of the country these are “1) a vibrant society, 2) a thriving economy and 3) an ambitious nation.” (Vision2030, 2017).

The first theme is vibrant society is the main source of work toward achieving an excellent outcome for the country economic, the government realized that taking care of the society is 38

the catalyst factor of the economy, the government developed strategic program for providing joy and happiness to the citizens through establishing gardens, and rich malls, and at the same time the program is supporting the health of all citizens by minimizing fatal diseases and build hospitals ( 2017).

The second perspective is a flourishing economy essential for all countries since the this is the main component of any country, thriving economy provided through many perspectives’ like building education system aligned with the world and local direction of the market needs this will help the country positively by providing job opportunities for small and big companies, Education system will help the country to innovate and attract innovators globally ( 2017). The last theme is an aspirant people, this theme is designed to build “an effective, transparent, accountable, enabling and high-performing government.” ( 2017).

Saudi government developed a strategic plans objectives based on the strategic vision of 2030 to help the related organization to develop their strategic plans which alleged with the original country strategic plans the vision of 2030 develop many strategic objectives especially for the Ministry of Labour and social development (MOLD) and one of the strategic objectives is “Raise the quality of services provided “ (, 2017: 29) and the relevant vision 2030 objectives are “1) Achieve the highest levels of transparency and good governance in all sectors, and 2) Improve performance, productivity and flexibility of public authorities” “(, 2017: 29), these two relevant strategic objectives are designed for the customer relationship management for supporting the citizens and expatriates by monitoring their feedbacks to the provided government services and try to enhance the performance to achieve new high level of maturity through alleging the provided services to the government strategic vision 2030.


Figure 6 Raise the quality of services provided (, 2017: 29)

This strategic objective also decided to enhance the provided services through enabling the country with online services to reduce delays, and the country will enhance the transparency through developing performance management metrics for government agencies. (Saudi Vision 2030,2017:7).



3.1. Introduction This methodology chapter will discuss the research methods, methodologies, and provide survey method, and sampling criteria. The research study assesses the eCRM strategic perspectives, hence this chapter will present designed research methodology and processes, sampling techniques, and analysis plan to evaluate this research aim.

3.2. Research Methods Business research methods is designed to present the research area in comprehensive way. (Bryman and Bell, 2015: 67), research methods good theory must follow “uniqueness, parsimony, conservation, generalizability, fecundity, internal consistency, empirical riskiness, and abstraction” (Wacker, 1998: 361). The use of “qualitative methods can be applied to a range of research approaches that have their theoretical origins in a range of disciplines including anthropology, sociology, philosophy, social psychology and linguistics “ (Moriarty, 2011: 2) ,[with characteristics of] :


The main goal is to provide comprehensive understanding of circumstances


Select samples for scaling the purposively on selective criteria


Provide direct communication between researcher and research participant


Provide detailed information’s for rich analysis(Moriarty, 2011: 2)

Whereas, the quantitative research method mainly used in sampling techniques for providing statistical data. (Sandelowski, 2000: 247), Muijs defined quantitative research analysis method as presenting the phenomena through numerical and statical analysis methods. (Muijs, 2010: 1), quantitative research method can have used in the following criteria: -


Used to measure by statistical information’s


Provide aims and objectives in a scientific approach


Use social theories in constructing hypotheses


Find root causes of the study in numerical representation 41

Hence, the importance of quantitative research method are: that it provides numerical and objective oriented data, whereby it uses Statistics to produce and present the research result and assess the relationship between variables and find the root causes and effects on study and finally provides an overview in that it generates a presentation of study samples in a graphical representation (Muijs, 2010: 22). Whereas, Qualitative data considered type of non-numeric information’s such as video files, pictures and images, text files, interview transcript (, 2017). Qualitative data is a long process to collect information’s and difficult at the same time (Blank, G., 2004: 187). Qualitative analysis is consisting of processes and procedures, Qualitative usually involved in two things writing and identifications (, 2017). Whereas, quantitative is a statistical and numerical method used to present information’s in a graphical interface, the most used technique is survey and questionnaire for collecting data, quantitative technique is cheaper than qualitative technique (Blog, 2017). Having discussed the advantages and challenges of each method the next section will evaluate the underlying research philosophy.

3.3. Research philosophy Research philosophy is the way of identifying the appropriate research method based on the agreed research strategy of data collection and analytical method and this happens early in research phases (Hassan, 2012: 75), the research methodologies considered as the main idea of representation of work received from customers/employees and translated from research case study (Hassan, 2012: 75). The research philosophy is a big topic and it deals with all business researches levels, research philosophy engaged in all levels of knowledge creation of the research studies, hence it’s also responsible for representing the norms and study assumptions, each study should contains the research methodology which is the first topic of the research, the below figure represent the research process stages based on the selected research type and knowledge (Research Methodology, 2017).


Figure 7 Research philosophy

Research philosophy consists of four main types of researches these types will cover wide range of researches displaces, “1) Pragmatism, 2)Positivism, 3)Realism, and 4)Interpretivism (Interpretivism)” (Research Methodology, 2017). The first research philosophy type is Pragmatism which is the main factor in the research phase for the ontology and epistemology types, also it’s important in determining research question for the epistemology, ontology and axiology research types (Saunders, 211:109), the fact is we can’t take one picture for entire research but we can take more than one picture by many different ways to understand the research realty and this will give us a strategic view of the case study. (Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill, 2012: 130).

The second research philosophy type is positivism this philosophy main goal is to adopt, enhance, present the philosophical scene of the natural scientist. The researcher can use this philosophy to measure and observe the phenomena that can lead to statical data, and apply them to hypotheses and use these hypotheses in development of the philosophy (Saunders, 211:113), the third philosophy is realism which “is another philosophical position which relates to scientific enquiry” (Saunders, 211:114),

realism is a type of epistemology

‘knowledge science’ which is close to positivism which help in development of knowledge, realism is helping in collecting of research data and analyse these data (Saunders, 211:114). the last philosophy is Interpretivism designed for complex world like defining laws, hence it’s value to divide complexity into small manageable laws, Interpretivism can differentiate for human role in social life and the other people in the society (Saunders, 211:116). 43

Research approach provides study between deductive and inductive values, deductive examine the assumption validity, indicative research approach contributes merging between new theories (Research Methodology, 2017). Research approach has three types 1) deductive, 2) inductive, 3) abductive (Research Methodology, 2017). Research design and strategy is “set of guidelines that connect theoretical paradigms first to strategic of inquiry and second to methods for gathering material” (Laine, N., 2008: 59). The research study will focus on the deductive study which is based on research question with different types of selected organizations employees to assess the situations strategically and present the analysis results and findings of the research study.

3.4. Research Management Project Methodology The research management project designed to understand the relationships in implementing eCRM in governmental organization, the research will also discuss the relations between factors like number of stakeholders and agreed deliverables to be delivered at the execution phase of the project. Surveys will be conducted based on online forms, and face to face communications, surveys will help us to critically to make a big picture of the whole environment that can give us analysis of the implementation methodologies. The research process is designed to be used to collect information’s to support in the decision making the data collection method can be used through many ways such as interviews, surveys and the gathered









(BusinessDictionary, 2017). Researchers should review the selected methodology before applying it to the research type, the selection of the methodology considered critical to the selected research project since it will effect on design, data analysis (Scandura and Williams, 2000: 1248).

Research strategies maturity increased every time the researcher add more information and perspectives, research design has three dilemmas 1) announce the agreed policy to public people, 2) develop performance indicators to assess the human behaviour, and 3) “McGrath categorized research strategies into eight types: formal theory, sample surveys, laboratory experiments, judgment tasks, computer simulations, experimental simulations, field studies, and field experiments.” (Scandura and Williams, 2000: 1250). The research management project focus on firm resources as studying CRM implementation issues which is illustrated in 44

the academic literature, surveys the most important part of source of data collection method for collecting data and initially evaluate and analyses the gathered data and find the right answers from proposed research hypothesis.

The selected resources are people, processes, and technology as the main resources for investigating CRM perspectives there are four major perspectives in the high level 1) customer business processes, 2) functional integrations, 3) strategic planning, and 4) technology and selected processes (Chen, and Popovich, 2003: 676).

3.5. Sampling strategy Sampling technique is one from the qualitative research methods the sampling technique providing flexibility in selecting samples also qualitative research sample selection is responsible for quality of the research but the researchers should take care of describing the sampling details. (Coyne, 1997:1), sampling is the process of selecting samples from individual or groups for a specific type of researches (Money Matters, 2017), sampling method consists of three types 1) Purposeful Sampling, 2) Quota Sampling, and 3) Snowball Sampling (, 2017).

Selecting a random sample is called purposive for prior knowledge because they have the right and needed information’s. (Fraenkel, Wallen, and Hyun,1993:11), selecting random sample is based on an equal opportunities and properties. (Fraenkel, Wallen and Hyun 1993:12). (Black, 1999) mentioned in his book the advantages and disadvantages for the all types of sampling techniques:-

Technique Simple random Stratified random


Descriptions Find random sample from research samples Select sample from a specific group

Advantages Disadvantages This techniques can You can’t complete all represent the idea in details samples audit this will ask for long time and dates Describe group in an Needs a strategic assessment excellent way for the group so its complex to identify and take action and time Choose successful Easily to select random The selected group must organizations until group from the selected equivalent to the selected small group is defined organization sampling cluster case like unemployment rate 45

Technique Stage




Descriptions It’s a combination of cluster and stratified sampling techniques The researcher can select samples by his hand from different samples based on a specific criteria. Select a specific individual based on the agreed criteria of the research Designed to meet a specific subject

Advantages The power here to select freely from different groups and stages This technique help the researcher to balance size of the selected groups.

Disadvantages Its hard to select the right combination between groups Hard to defence for the samples due to the population.

Match the characteristics of Not easy to prove that the the selected subjects sample is aligned to the case

Easy to add samples from Hard to map the sample to case different groups or without groups or list Volunteer, Selecting from Cheap technique Hard to represent data accidental, samples based on convenience volunteers and available subjects

The governmental organizations in Saudi Arabia are the main source of data collection through websites and surveys, the survey method will be selected based on 

random selection of customers utilizing the eCRM

purposive sampling: Survey of managers and employees who are employed in the last five years, with experience of eCRM (i.. e strategic manager, operations manager, customer service manager)

after period of one month from cooperating with managers and management we received twenty feedback for the given survey which help me to start the analysis and findings phases.

3.6. Research Ethics “Ethical concerns about conducting research in the wild need to be discussed and debated. “(Chamberlain et al. 2012: 796), research increased based on the internet age so the researches are from all over the globe and ethics is the main cause of ethics, there are five challenges for online research 1)person transparency with himself to keep all information’s are clear, 2) focus on the gained benefits of the research, 3) researcher should be fair with himself and with


provided information’s such as gender, and age, 4) use a specific method, and 5) use survey for collecting information’s (Vitak, Shilton and Ashktorab, 2016:2).

Research management project ethic defined based on the university ethics form, the confidentiality of the research described in the agreement of the university ethics form. The names of the respondents will be kept anonymous, the research policy and aims retention is 5 years only, collected information’s will be stored in electronic form, personal information’s will be removed.

3.7. Information’s Analysis Plan The research management project will focus on variables 1) internal factors, and 2) external factors, the survey as a statistical sampling will evaluate variables for a specific case, the hypothesis is designed to answer the provided question. The analysis phase will start by choosing samples for describing and providing survey information’s, statistical information can help and present data in a simple diagram, statistical charts like bar chart and tables show the distribution of variables, provided information’s and charts shows the highest and low variables in categories. Customers are divided into two main groups internal customer ‘organization employees’ and external customers ‘customers of the organization’, organization employees are specified as front-end customer support, consultants, and managers. Survey and observation is the main gate of information’s, the survey analysis will use analysis techniques like observation, and comparative analysis.



4.1. Introduction The primary focus of the research study is to assess customer relationship management in a governmental organization such as Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labour or any other Ministries in Saudi Arabia. This chapter present the collected data in a graphical model, it will highlight the results and compare it with the findings and map it to the proposed literature of implementing customer relationship management in a governmental organization, the chapter will begin with a general analysis of the research project and reset of the analysis will follow accordingly. A descriptive analysis will present the result of the survey and concentrate on the adversities and give recommendations and at the end of this chapter findings will be presented.

4.2. Demographic analysis The demographic analysis deals with the initial data from a volunteer for the questionnaire gathered from them by face-to-face survey. The primary data consists of Age, specialization, and education background. Demographic characteristics of respondent is depicted as follows in the below table 2 Parameters Gender Age

Education Specialization

Male Female 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 Bachelor degree Master degree IT Customer Service Management

Percentage 99% 1% 37.5 % 56.3% 6.3% 80% 20% 40% 50% 10%

Table 1 Demographic characteristics of respondent Source: Own survey data, 2017

The above table present the demographics distributions for employees respond to the face to face survey, the survey is filled and collected by me to speed the collection time and keep the quality as expected, there are factors can effect on the collection process like scheduling, and communications. The survey result age diagram represents the employees ages between 35 to 44 are achieved 56.3% form the total ages, and this is an indicator of the high level of maturity, personal educations, personal skills, and experience to work in this project, but also at the same 48

time the number of fresh graduates should join the project to learn and bring the youth power to the project. 99 1 FEMALE



Figure 8 Age Group

The education indicator point to 80% from the employees are holding a bachelor degree, and the remaining employees are holding a master degree, the project should contain a higher level of graduates to raise the maturity standards of the project, especially if they graduated from modern universities.

20% Bachelor degree Master degree


Figure 9 Education Indicator

Specialization perspective present that customer service is the highest number of employees and they achieved 50% of total number of respondent employees, the IT is 40% and this normal, and last point is management which is 10%, the increase in customer service employees is a good indicator but still the CRM IT consultant should evaluate the number of expected cases per day to hire more customer service resources or discharge resources, the number of IT employees are suitable for managing the IT and CRM project at the same time, the last factor is management percentage is 10% from the respondent and this include office of strategic management, project management, IT manager, and project coordinators.



50% 40%

40% 20%


0% IT



Figure 10 Specialization

4.3. Strategy awareness of respondent The following table represent the gathered data from respondent for the strategy awareness of organization strategy and management directions towards achieving the develop strategy starting from strategy awareness to number of running project with relations to CRM implementation. 80%


60% 40%

25% 13%

20% 0% Yes


i don't know

Figure 11 Strategy awareness

Parameters Strategy awareness Your org. Has Office of strategic management Acquire support from external companies Awareness about number of running projects

Are you part of strategy development do you think CRM is part of the strategy?

Yes No Yes No i don't know Yes No i don't know I don’t know 1 2 3 more Yes No Yes No

Percentage 81.3% 18.8% 62.5% 12.5% 25% 62.5% 6.3% 31.3% 68.8% 0% 0% 31.3% 0% 25% 75% 81.3% 18.8% 50

Parameters Awareness number of related project to CRM

i don't know I don’t know 1 2 3 more

Percentage 0% 43.3% 12.5% 0% 31.3% 12.5%

Table 2 Strategy awareness of respondent Source: Own survey data, 2017

The above table present the strategy awareness from employees from a different department, the result represents that the majority of employees 81.3% has knowledge about the running strategy at least for their department only, the reaming 18.8% required more knowledge to the operating strategy of the organization. 100%


80% 60% 40%


20% 0% Yes


Figure 12 Your org. Has Office of strategic management

Some organization has office of strategic management, these organizations capable of developing strategies and apply strategic performance management each month for following up the running projects, the diagram represent shows that 62.5% knows there are department in their organization, 12.5% they don’t know that there is a strategic department, and 25% they are not sure there is strategic department or not, the problem here there are 25% from the employees they don’t have knowledge about strategy and strategic management department office existence.

Acquire external company to support the government is a typical case scenario worldwide in all governmental organization, the case here was 62.5% of employees they know exactly that there are companies in the government is supporting the development of the strategy, and 6.3% they don’t know that the remaining 31.3% of employees they are sure of that.




60% 31%

40% 20%


0% Yes


i don't know

Figure 13 Ext. company lead the office of strategic management

There are other factors affecting on the awareness, and general knowledge of strategic management office such as the knowledge regarding of CRM is part of the strategy or not? 81.3% of people they said yes, and 18.8% they said no. the second challenge is an accurate knowledge of the CRM project, and this should be part of the CRM department with a particular people like CRM consultant, office of strategic management, IT governance, the question was Awareness number of related project to CRM?, 43.3% they said we don’t know that information, 12.5% they said we think it should be one project only, 0% said there are two projects, 31.3% said there are three projects, and 12.5% they said it should consist of more than three projects.



80.0% 60.0% 40.0%




0.0% Yes


Figure 14 do you think CRM is part of the strategy?

i don't know

50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0%

43.3% 31.3% 12.5%

12.50% 0%

I don’t know





Figure 15 Awareness of number of related project to CRM?


4.4. Administrative Barriers The following table represent the gathered data from respondent for the administrative awareness Parameters


Do you have enough resources for managing CRM?





i don't know Right org. structure is designed to fit new CRM implementation?





i don't know


Table 3 Administrative Barriers

The required number of resources are determined in the project initiation phase as an estimation of the number of service request from outside the organization to the customer relationship management software, as a result, the required resources are determined early before the acquiring them to the project before the operation phase, the survey is investigating the knowledge of required resources to make sure that the assessment phase is done in a professional way, 81.3% of respondent they are confident from the evaluation phase is done, and the requires resources are estimated based on the government requirements , but 18.8% of respondent are not sure. 100.0%


80.0% 60.0% 40.0%


20.0% 0.0% Yes


Figure 16 Do you have enough resources for managing CRM?

Organization structure considered the primary communication of channels and the majority of software build their processes automation based on it to automate the process escalation from employees to managers, the governmental organization structure should make based on the original organization functional structure ‘Malaysian organization structure’, 62.5% of employees they are sure that the current organization structure aligned to the new enhancement 53

of customer relationship management software, 12.5% of respondent are not sure that the current organization structure will meet the new enhancement of CRM, and 25% they are not sure it will satisfy the new enhancement or not. 80.0%


60.0% 40.0%

25% 12.5%

20.0% 0.0% Yes


i don't know

Figure 17 Do you have enough resources for managing CRM?

4.5. Technological Barriers The following table represent the gathered data from respondent for the technological barriers Parameters Do you have the right hardware environment to apply for CRM? Do you have the latest software license?

Integration is important between CRM and other system, do you have plans to make the proper integrations? do you think your organization will make CRM available to citizens/customers from the government e-services website ? do you need CRM customization or you will use the out of the box features?

Yes No i don't know May be Yes No i don't know May be Yes No i don't know May be Yes No i don't know May be

We need customizations We will use out of the box features

Percentage 12.5% 25% 50% 12.5% 10% 5% 40% 45% 50% 15% 30% 5% 56.3% 0% 37.5% 6.3%

56.3% 43.8%

Table 4 technological barriers

Hardware components essential for managing any provided software especially for public or private organization when providing public services for a huge number of users, hardware decided early in the project based on the result of the assessment to identify the number of required servers, network cards, Internet connection speed, software licenses. The hardware 54

can affect the whole project negatively due to low performance of the hosted software, 12.5% of the IT software consultant’s respondent they are sure that the current environment can satisfy the new CRM software, 25% from network department respondent they are not sure that the current hardware environment can meet the needs, 50% from typical employees they can’t answer the questions, and 12.5% from average employees they said may be satisfy the needs or not. 60.0%


40.0% 20.0%

25.0% 12.5%


0.0% Yes


i don't know

May be

Figure 18 Do you have the right hardware environment to apply for CRM?

Software licenses essential to operate the required services and systems, the systems like operating systems, database systems, middleware systems, call center systems, these types of licenses should be considered early in the assessment phase of the project based on the allocated budget, management expectations, and the consultant’s recommendations, the standard software used in much governmental organization, is Microsoft technologies like Windows operating systems and other related software’s. 10% of technical resources respondent they are sure they have the latest software licenses, but 5% of them they are not sure, 40% of another respondent from other department they don’t now the status of the software licenses, and 45% of respondent they said may be or not have the latest version of the required software’s licenses. 50.0%



40.0% 30.0% 20.0%




0.0% Yes


i don't know

May be

Figure 19 Software licenses

Governmental organization providing services for citizens and related organizations such as Citizens information’s or their paid licenses as an evidence for a particular service, this process is standard in all governmental organizations, and they call it as integrations, there are a 55

software methodology designed for this type of integrations, SOA ‘Service-oriented architecture’ is a method and many software houses designed a software’s for integrating between systems internally and externally, Microsoft and Oracle leading the integrations in the governmental organizations worldwide. Integration with our case between foreigners and citizen’s information’s as an input for CRM as contacts; the other side is companies which are the second source of integration between CRM and government services, this information’s provided internally between government organization systems. 50% from technical consultant s they are looking for theses information’s, 15% from normal respondent they are sure about the value of integrations, 30% from respondent they don’t know they need it or not, and 5% they said may be it will be good idea.




30% 15.0%



0.0% Yes


i don't know

May be

Figure 20 Integrations

This era changed due to the need for communications, and there are social media websites, business media websites, informational websites, and services websites. The need increased to communicate with each other’s based on an excellent way by many web sites types, the government also increased the number of online services to help citizens and expatriates by online services, a bank also helps all customers by paying their invoices online. The crucial difference between original CRM and eCRM help their clients from the government website. Dubai provides an excellent communication channel for citizens and expatriate for submitting their complaints through an online channel. 56.3% of respondent they are sure that the government should provide an online channel for their customers, 0% they said no, 37.5% from respondent they are don’t know the government will provide online channel or not, 6.3% of respondent they think might be an online channel.





40.0% 20.0%


0.0% 0.0% Yes


i don't know

May be

Figure 21 Online channel

There are two types of software houses the first type is providing comprehensive software’s like Microsoft and Oracle, and the second type is customizing software’s this type is the majority of software’s depends on the first type in everything and providing software services to private and public organizations at the same time. Customizing software is a need for every organization since the scope of the organization different from one to another especially for government. 56.3% of respondent they agree that they need customization for the CRM system, and 43.8% they are looking for the original customizations.





0.0% Yes


Figure 22 need customization

4.6. Challenges of data integration and IT architecture The following table represent the gathered data from respondent for the data integration and IT architecture Parameters are you expecting additional software development from internal resources or external company?

Percentage We need additional development but internally We need additional development from external company

6.3% 12.5%

6.3% 43.8% 57



What kind of required software to integrate with?

No, we will use out of the box features We need internal and external support i don't know HR Financial ERP Organization eservices All i don't know


50% 18.8% 38% 62.50% 6.30% 25%

Table 5 data integration and IT architecture

Governmental organizations require a lot of activities to deliver the project; the governments are looking for resources to complete these activities; the resource requirements can be acquired from outside the organization or from internally if the organization has the qualified resources. 6.3% of respondent they are sure that they need additional development but internally, 12.5% from respondent they are convinced that they required further development from external company, 6.3% from respondent they are not sure that they will use out of the box features, 43.8% from respondent they need internal and external support, and 31.3% they don't know of these choices because they are away from technical perspectives. 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0%

43.80% 31.30%

6.3% internally



6% original

internal and external

i don't know

Figure 23 Ext. support


Integrations with external system essential as we mentioned before, the required integration scope is determined early in the project phases, every mature organization has many systems like human resources, organization services, IT service management systems, and more. The following diagram represent the feedback from respondent for the required software to integrate with CRM.

80.0% 60.0%

62.50% 50.0% 38%






0.0% HR



Org. eservices


I don't know

Figure 24 Integrations with ext. systems

4.7. Processes knowledge and barriers The following table represent the gathered data from respondent for the processes knowledge and barriers Parameters CRM main process is case/incident management is this true? do you need to customize CRM case/incident management? do you need to customize CRM knowledge management? do you need to customize CRM marketing companion management?

Yes No Don't know May be Yes No Don't know Yes No Don't know May be Yes No Don't know May be

Percentage 68.8% 6.3% 18.8% 6.3% 68.8% 31.3% 0% 62.5% 0% 31.3% 6.3% 62.5% 0% 31.3% 6.3%

Table 6 processes knowledge and barriers

Public and private organizations spend millions of money every year for enhancing their provided services to make customers satisfied with the provided services, and processes. The processes methodologies are developed based on much good practice to automate the IT like CMMI ‘capability maturity model’ for software development, ITIL ‘information technology infrastructure library’ for infrastructure and network, and Togaf for the senior consultant. Customer complaint management based on ITIL incident management process, in CRM world 59

they name it as case management. The question here asking about the knowledge of case management process. 68.8% of respondent they have knowledge about case management, 6.3% of respondent they think it’s about another definition about case management, 18.8% they don’t know what is case management, 6.3% of respondent they are not sure about the definition. 68.8%

80.0% 60.0% 40.0%





0.0% Yes


i don't know

May be

Figure 25 what is case mgmt.?

Process and systems customization is the key success factor for successful projects, case management tailoring to meet organization expectations is the first success with customer satisfaction department employees and external customers ‘citizens and expatriate’. The survey assesses the knowledge of the need to customize case management. 68.8% of respondent they are sure that the need exists, 31.3% from respondent they are not sure there is a need for customization. 80.0%


60.0% 31.3%

40.0% 20.0% 0.0% Yes


Figure 26 the need for marketing companion

Knowledge management is a process designed to help customers/citizens/expatriate and employees by help documentation, and this process also helps professional employees by technical documentations, many experienced organizations use this process as the primary input to incident management as an advisor in the entering text phase. 62.5% of respondent agree on the values from knowledge management, 31.3% from respondent they don’t know the real value of KM process, and 6.3% from respondent they think may be will give an advantage to CRM.




60.0% 31%

40.0% 20.0%



0.0% Yes


i don't know

May be

Figure 27 the need for knowledge mgmt.

Innovating a new methodology, service, or any product without telling people your service available and ready to use, the same marketing used for internal user and external users, the survey used to assess the need for enhancing CRM to meet government organization expectations. 62.5% of respondent agree on the need for enhancement, 31.3% from respondent they are not sure, and 6.3% from respondent they think may be will give advantages. 80.0%


60.0% 31%

40.0% 20.0%



0.0% Yes


i don't know

May be

Figure 28 the need for knowledge mgmt.

4.8. Call/contact Center knowledge and barriers The following table represent the gathered data from respondent for the Call/contact Center knowledge and barriers Parameters Does your organization has call center? What are CRM communication channels? Multiple choices

Yes No

Email Fax Call center Social media Business media websites Physical service desk Automated contact center How many call center 1 to 10 agents required to 10 to 20 operate your 50 to 100 organization? more than 100 i don't know

Percentage 93.8% 6.3% 62% 6.3% 81.3% 37.5% 6.3% 25% 18.8% 12.5% 6.3% 6.3% 37.5% 37.5% 61

Parameters What is the status of Call center and CRM integration? enhancing call center agents skills training courses, is your organization provide training? What is the most problem form call center agents turnover?

Integrated Not integrated i don't know We are providing scheduled courses We are not providing courses We are providing organization systems training only i don't know Salary Work load Work environment

Percentage 50% 12.5% 37.5% 25% 6.3% 31.3% 37.5% 60% 30% 10%

Table 7 Call/contact Center knowledge and barriers

The call center is a department help the organization to present them to customers, and they will act as single point of contact, customer service representative can try to resolve customer’s cases and respond actively with answers or promise to settle their cases for a given service level agreement date and time. Internal organization knowledge is 93.8% from domestic respondent they know that they have the call center, and 6.3% from total respondent they don’t know that. 100.0%


50.0% 6.3% 0.0% Yes


Figure 29 call center awareness

Communications channels with customers are recommended to be automated and online to minimize human interactions, and communication can be email, automated service response, or first fax devices, the communications here in our government scope is email and call center. The provided multiples choice questions are providing many issues and assess the feedback from many employees such as project managers, consultant, and regular employees. The result is 62% for email, 6.3% for fax, 81.3% for Call Center, 37.5% for Social media, 6.3% for Business media websites, 25% for Physical service desk, and 18.8% for Automated contact center.


100.0% 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0%

81% 62.0% 37.50% 6.3% Email


25% 6.30%

Call center

Social media

Business media websites


Physical Automated service desk contact center

Figure 30 communications channels

Provided services are depending on the government services, the increase of some provided services and the growth of services demands requires the increase in the number of client service support agents, the provided survey assess the need for the number of provided customer agents for the selected government provided services. 12.5% of respondent they said they required at least 1 to 10 agents, 6.3% from respondent they stated that they need 10 to 20 agents, 6.3% from respondent they indicated that they need 50 to 100 officers, 37.5% from respondent they need more than 100, and 37.5% from respondent they said we don't know how many agents required for the services. 40.0%



more than 100

i don't know

30.0% 20.0% 10.0%



10 to 20

50 to 100

0.0% 0.0% 1 to 10

Figure 31 required number of agents

Governmental organization required much software to manage departments like project management office required a special software, IT service management required an individual IT software to manage assets for examples, organization also proving government services like online services these services should be integrated with customer service software to help customer service agents to respond in an excellent way based on the survey results data, the survey assess the knowledge of integration between system. 50% of respondent they said sure systems are Integrated, 12.5% of respondent they said it’s not integrated, and 37.5% from respondent they said I don't know. 63


50.0% 38%

40.0% 12.5%

20.0% 0.0% Integrated

Not integrated

i don't know

Figure 32 integrations

Enhancing employees and customer’s knowledge is a need to make they aware of the provided services this will help customer service agents to respond quickly and in a professional way also it will help customers to know exactly the provided services and this will minimize the number of complaints. The survey assesses the need for trainings for managers. 25% from respondent they said the organization are providing scheduled courses, 6.3% from respondent they said the organization is not providing courses, 31.3% from respondent they said the organization is providing organization systems training only, and 37.5% from respondent they said we don’t know.

40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% providing scheduled courses

not providing courses

organization systems training

i don't know

Figure 33 training


Terminating the contract is a standard issue from employee or employer, turnover is a common issue in customer service department, the problem could be many things like salary, workload, work environment or any other factors can affect the employees, the survey assess the issue of customer service turnover issue in governmental organization especially for call center agents. 60% of respondent they are leaving for salary issue, 30% of respondent they are leaving for Workload issue, and 10% of respondent they are leaving for Work environment issue.



60.0% 30.0%



20.0% 0.0% Salary

Work load

Work environment

Figure 34 turnover issue

4.9. Survey result The research management project interview was conducted with government managers, IT consultant, call center employees, and front end service desk office. The interview survey questions consist of thirty questions. The following sections represent each section results.

4.9.1. Demographic characteristics of respondent result The first section represents the respondent feedback to the survey questions regarding gender, age, education, specialization. The survey result shows that lack of female support to customer satisfaction, they are only available at a call center, but they don’t have an existence in other departments, the male support they have the power since they are in all government places they are communicating face to face with customers of the government. The second result is the number of employees ages between 35 to 44 are the most, and this should be minimized because the communication requires joiner to communicate with customers. Education level represents the majority of respondent are bachelor degree, and this is a double sword edge, we should concentrate on degree lower than a bachelor, so they will not leave the department early.


The last question result is customer service represent 50% from total respondent, and this is normal distribution to customer satisfaction departments.

4.9.2. Strategy awareness of respondent result The first section concentrate on the awareness knowledge of the strategic department, and general knowledge about running projects, and the relations between CRM project and other competing projects or programs.

The survey assess 1) strategy awareness, 2) organizations strategic management office existence, 3) the need of external sources to work with the organization for developing and executing organization strategic plans, 4) assess the general knowledge of the number of running projects in the organizations, 5) the employee relations with the strategic department as an employee, 6) evaluate the knowledge of CRM relations to the developed strategic management plan, 7) assess the knowledge and connections between CRM and related projects.

The survey result was optimistic since the general knowledge is an excellent about the strategic management office is 81.3% from total respondent, this is a good indicator for the organization, the second questions result has represented the general knowledge of the existence of the strategic management office and this is an excellent notice from employee despite the huge number of staff in the organization, the third questions is evaluating the need for external sources to develop and execute the organization strategic plan, the fourth questions asking about the knowledge of number of running project in the strategic management plan the result was not on the right track since the general vision of the organization is not clear to employees, the fifth question is asking about the engagement in the office of strategic management plans, the result was good since not everyone should be included in the development of the strategic management plans.

The sixth questions asking about the knowledge of relations between CRM and strategic management plans, the result was great since 81.2% answered there is relations between CRM and developed strategic plan, the seventh and final questions asking about the number of related projects to CRM projects, the result was brainstorming than real data since not everybody is involved in the development of the strategic plan. 66

4.9.3. Administrative barriers respondent results The third section concentrate on the awareness knowledge of administrative barriers, the survey questions asking about the required resources for managing CRM, resources can software systems, hardware components, human resources, training, acquire external talent organizations to the government, the second part asking about the current organizations structure alignment with the proposed organization structure.

The first questions investigate the required resources in general for operating CRM from the starting phase to the operations phase, the problems result was 81.3% agree they have the right resources, although 18.8% of respondent they disagree on this information’s, the resources can be human resources or any other resources, I noticed that they are looking from specialization point of view rather than concentrating in all project strategic perspectives. The second questions asking about the current organization structure of the organization is this will fit the majority of respondent they agree on the current organization structure matching the required enhancements of the CRM project.

4.9.4. Technological barriers respondent results The technological section represents the knowledge, awareness, and required technical general information’s and general barriers that can affect negatively on the project, the technological barriers assess the hardware requirements, software requirements, integrations between CRM and other government systems, CRM availability to customers through online forms to customers, and CRM customizations to meet managers and customer’s needs. The first question asses the knowledge with more than one respondent in different departments to assess the technological knowledge about the organization requirement from hardware requirements to operate CRM, the majority of respondent said they don’t have technical knowledge enough to judge this condition.

The second questions focus on the required software licenses for CRM from more than one perspectives like operating systems software license, CRM manufacturer software license and another supported license like a database, technical consultant they agree on this requirement and this is 10% from respondent, and they are sure from the need from all professional 67

perspectives. Integration questions investigate the general knowledge requirement for integrations between CRM and other organization business or IT services like government organization services, the survey result shows that 50% of total respondent are agreed on the integrations as mandatory system functionality to operate CRM in a professional way, the integration can help customers and organization employees to work proactively and minimize call time with customer in case management resolution and this will affect the overall organization performance to higher level of maturity, Saudi governmental organization work every in a professional way to achieve YESSER prize (Yesser, 2017).

The main difference between CRM and eCRM is allowing customers to interact with their clients online through secure communications channels to let them submit a new case or communicate with customer service department in a virtual environment like voice chatting video chatting. The survey here asks the respondent for the idea of making customers interact online with customer support staff is this can help the organization or this will add more risk, respondent they agree on the change towards the eCRM main feature to make customer happier from using online services. CRM as any other mature software required customization to meet customer expectations, the survey here ask selected respondent about the need for customization to meet the requirements from managers and clients, the survey result was 56.3% from defendant employees to customize the software to meet the needs.

4.9.5. Challenges of data integration and IT architecture respondent results This section discusses the development, integrations, and required external or internal resources to operate the project. The first questions as the selected respondent to express their knowledge for required external or internal resources, the majority of respondent they agree on they need outer and inner support, and this is a usual scenario in all governmental organization to ask for support from the outside organization. The second question from the survey ask the about the required software, and this is a typical consultations questions which ask them to select one from the recommended software worldwide as the recommended tool to integrate with like ERP or organization services, the majority of respondent 62.5% selected organization services. 68

4.9.6. Processes knowledge and barriers respondent results This section discusses the processes knowledge and high-level awareness of the required processes tailoring to meet customer’s recommendations. The first questions ask a generic question regarding the general knowledge of case/complaint/incident management, the majority of respondent they know the generic name as a complaint, and this is an excellent indicator. The second questions ask respondent about the case/complaint management customization and the majority also replied that they need to customize the process and software to meet their expectations.

The third question validates the general knowledge of knowledge management processes and system to support customers and employees by providing education articles like Wikipedia or organization services provided user guides, the majority of respondent agree on the high expected return values from applying knowledge management for both employees and customers. Organizations services as public or private organizations should be announced by many communications channels like social media or email, CRM products provide marketing campaign by electronic mail as the primary communication channel, the respondent they agree on declaring by emails for the new or enhanced services, or any other individual organization’s needs.

4.9.7. Call/contact Center knowledge and barriers respondent results This section discusses call center awareness, general knowledge and respondent expectations to the provided services from the government. The first question is a generic question the primary goal is to assess the general knowledge from defendant; the questions are evaluating the existence of call center, respondent replied by yes there is an excellent service provided by the call center. The second issue investigates the suggested communications channels from the respondent point of view, the respondent they have concerns about old technologies communications channels like fax, and new technology like business media website because they think it will bring man feedback and uncontrolled environments.


The third questions evaluate government services, and respondent feedback to the call center agents for the required number of agents should work together to satisfy the need of replying to customers in a professional way, the number of officers should be estimated based on the number of provided services early in the first stage of operations of the project in the assessment stage, the respondent replied by more than one hundred agents should be added to the front desk office and this is reasonable because the government serving huge number of customers, for this case the government provide six hundred agents for two shift for providing an excellent service to the customers.

The fourth question is evaluating the knowledge of call center integrations with organization system the respondent most of them replied by they are integrated with other systems. The fifth questions is asking about the requirements for the required training for the team from internal resources of fro external resources, some organizations providing training from the organizations internally and some organizations providing training from external organizations, some respondent they are sure about scheduled courses from the organization and this is for a specific employees not all of them since there is a specific budget for training and not everyone involved in the training, the second reply is the organization is not providing training at all and this is the not selected employees, the third choice is the organization provide e-services training for all employee, and this is the typical case for all governmental organization, some organizations ask the vendor to train all employees, and some organizations request the vendor to train the trainer, in this case, the organizations require the provider to train all employees as on job training.

The sixth questions is asking about the turnover problem, this is a standard issue in all customer support job especially for the call center departments, the salary is the biggest problem from employees turnover since the private organizations have limited budget to win the government project in public tenders, the second issue from customer support workload due to the number of provided services and number of calls from customers, the last one is the work environment such as vacations, work time, and breaks, which effect on the employee response to clients and managers.



5.1. Introduction This chapter presents the conclusion, recommendations, and future work for the research study. The research management project designed to investigate the CRM implementations in governmental organizations in Saudi Arabia. Next recommendations are provided as suggestions for governmental organizations to keep in their considerations strategic factors for successes the project. Finally, there is a call for future research.

5.2. Conclusion The research management project gathered data from different governmental department human resources by questionnaire, the survey was gathered based on face to face communications with all employees, the interview was established with employees from customer’s satisfaction manager, customer satisfaction employee such as call center, front desk office employees. Also, the interview was with conducted with strategic management department, project management department, and IT consultants. The research management project study concentrates on the implementations strategic perspectives and provides recommendations on how to minimize or avoid setbacks.

The Saudi government developed strategic objectives for enhancing and improving citizens society, they developed digital infrastructure for supporting the investors and local companies by the latest technologies, this is reflecting the need for eCRM since the need for supporting people through a unified methodology. (, 2017: 57), the government also developing the concept of e-government for job searching, online payments services, and elearning services, the government will expand the services to match the geographical locations which is the sources for eCRM marketing campaigns, eCRM will help the country in providing the quality report for the running processes. (, 2017: 71), the strategic vision of the country is designed to help all government agencies by online services and performance


management metrics, these measures will include the eCRM ‘customer relationship management’ since the strategic objective name is vibrant society. This era the main concern is focusing on the online and social services, the mature organization's maturity level is determined and assessed by the number of provided services and the delivered value to the organization, eCRM is the process and tools enabling the organization to provide valuable information’s and support to customers, from the gathered information’s.

5.2.1. Demographic characteristics of respondent Employees of the main organization gender are male, and the organizations should add more female gender, the ages of the employees are higher than expected and the organizations should add more young people as the catalyst to the project. The research study at the first section of demographic analysis questions represent the four questions, the first is designed to gather the age of respondents and result from the findings is Ministry should hire more female resources to be aligned with the country strategic vision, the second questions focus on the age of respondents and from the findings the Ministry should hire more fresh graduate resources to work on IT and CRM different departments for managing the whole environment and support customer gratitude department, the third questions is designed to know the level of educations and this aligned with strategic goals of the country since the majority are holding bachelor degree, the last question in the first section is focusing on the specialization of the respondents and this question findings aligned with the country strategic vision. The first section can effect on the following CRM challenges customer interaction and relationships since the youth people can interact and do more communication tasks like sending the email to customer better than other people, Marketing, and IT alignment since female factor is essential in marketing.

5.2.2. Strategy awareness of respondent The strategy awareness is reflecting the lack of knowledge of the organization strategy, they know little information of running projects, scope of their projects, and the value of the project. This section assess the knowledge of the Ministry strategy from different departments of respondent and the findings for all seven questions are effects on the following CRM challenge employee and management expectations in the implementation of eCRM program in the 72

Ministry starting from enhancing employee expectations, general knowledge, general awareness, and developing an excellent vision for the Ministry and for the employees, but the specialized information is not clear to many employees so the Ministry should focus on online marketing campaigns for internal employees and external employees.

5.2.3. Administrative barriers respondent The administrative barriers in governmental organization are mainly in concentrate on the selection and acquisition of the right resources, the organization result was the organization management resources they don’t know the difference between qualified resources and their resources since the organization resources they are looking form their knowledge and experience, the other side is the organization structure issue and the impact of the organization structure, the result is the low knowledge of the implementation and customization of the requirements of the knowledge and how to tailor the organization structure to meet the new requirements.

This section findings focus on the organization structure and resources required for managing the eCRM orchestrations, hence this will effect on the following challenges first legislative barriers like laws and country regulations, the second challenges is the administrative barriers like human resources, and organization structure and this is the main strategic challenges since the majority of governmental organizations are not well organized in the organization structure to meet the new challenges of eCRM implementations, the third challenge is the culture of the country and organizations, this is another strategic challenge of the eCRM implementations since the majority of people in Arab countries are relying on physical communications so this will initiate the fourth challenge which is the marketing campaign to distribute the awareness of the new provided features or services, all of these challenges will help positively the country to the achieve the strategic vision.

5.2.4. Technological barriers respondent results Social media important to everyone and the value increased since the need from people to interact with everyone is essential like families the same need also increased for private and public organizations such as communicating with customers in all cities, the social media is 73

used widely in Arab region but the need for this still in progress in public organization they need to concentrate on the importance of the social media especially for the business social media and use the power of integrations between social media and organizations online services. Technological barriers challenges focus on the need for eCRM software’s, resources, and hardware components, the questions findings are mainly focused with specialized IT resources since the other respondent they don’t have this kind of information’s, this section results are solving the related eCRM challenges, the first challenge is the technological privacy and security risks such as customers information’s, for customer and systems security in personal and governmental levels, the second challenge is the administrative challenge eCRM software will enhance and minimize the degree of the administrative level through applying organizations governance, the third challenge is matching the culture needs from applying the eCRM processes and easy user interfaces so this will help internal and external users to use the provided eCRM based on their expectations, the fourth challenge is the resistance which is one from the culture change barriers this also will be minimized through applying eCRM governance and culture change and comfortable look and feel, the fifth challenge is the customer interaction through well-defined interfaces and channels like old technologies chat, fax, email, and add new communication channels like social media interfaces, the sixth challenge is the eCRM managing online channel through provided eCRM services, the seventh challenge is the integrations with multiple data sources which is from internal organizations systems like provided organization online or domestic services like HR, ERP, and the external systems like social media like Facebook and Twitter, the eight challenge is the marketing through fax, email and SMS ‘short text messages’ to internal employees and external customers. These technological challenges are crucial to the government organizations since it will enhance the country maturity level in presenting online customer services.

5.2.5. Challenges of data integration and IT architecture respondent results The required resources to operate the whole orchestration is a typical consultation activity to estimate the required resources and elect the appropriate software to operate the processes and 74

systems, the general knowledge of the employees need more knowledge to estimate the required resources, required work and select the right software product. This section challenge focusing on accurate information’s from respondent to assess strategically the need for external vendor to start working on the eCRM program and what types of required and recommended software’s, these questions have challenges which aligned to data integrations and IT architecture, the second challenge is the data privacy and security, the third challenge is the technological challenge.

5.2.6. Processes knowledge and barriers respondent results The general knowledge exists with many employees although the employees are not specialized in mature processes and this required a consultations or graduation from bachelor degree in IT field, the need of applying social media in marketing for announcing for new products.

This section is assessing the general and professional knowledge of eCRM with different types of employee in the organization, the findings are providing challenges, the first challenge is the administrative barriers which are related to knowledge of employees and knowledge transfer, the second challenges is the technological barriers which are the related to transfer technical expertise to employees from experienced constantans and vendor side.

5.2.7. Call/contact Center knowledge and barriers respondent results The call center and contact center general awareness exists but the specialized knowledge is not clear to many employees since this is a specialized information’s for IT consultant and managers. This section is assessing the general and professional knowledge of call and contact center, the findings are providing challenges, the first challenge is the administrative barriers which are related to knowledge of call center general information with many types of respondent regarding to the number of employees, communications channels, number of required resources, required training to employees, and most generic and expected problems from the call or contact center, this challenge is necessary to operate eCRM and act as the primary contact for communicating with internal employees and external customer, and try to resolve 75

the coming complaints, this challenge is crucial to the government organizations since it will enhance the country maturity level in presenting online customer services.

5.3. Recommendations The research management project analysis and results provide the followings recommendations can be made to help CRM project implementations success perspectives: 1- Strategic management plan should be announced and shared with all organization employees, and make the department slogan or organization slogan to the department team so they can concentrate on the organization and department strategic objectives, the department projects, programs, and initiatives are based on the country original strategic objectives and goals, the team they should be aware of country and organizations directions, this will minimize communications and directions issues and helps the strategic projects to achieve their objectives. 2- IT department and IT consultants they have responsibility of sharing the technical knowledge to employees and give training to employees for each employee in his specialization to avoid misunderstanding of the required from him to operate the job in a professional way. 3- Managers and IT consultants they should concentrate on the social media as the second communications channel after the official eservices portals. 4- Contact center is essential is providing eservices because this will minimize the number of daily cases and requests for the organization through providing automated response based on customer inputs. 5- Good practice required for process automation to make sure that the processes is automated based on the organization expectations and recommendations, give foundations training on these processes for normal employees and give advanced training for high level of specialized employees. 6- Strategy alignment with CRM project is essential since the original organization structure is not the best fit for the new enhancement for customer satisfaction department. 7- IT consultants and management are required to focus on internal communications with vendor and business owner to make sure all work are delivered based on the recommendations. 76

8- Increase the number of graduate people to transfer the knowledge and processes and use them as a catalyst for succeeding the project.

5.4. Recommendations for further research This research management project designed to study the implementations of customer relationship management in governmental organizations to study the strategic perspectives of the assessed organizations based on the country directions, organization directions, and other internal strategic factors like internal communications, based on this study I would like to suggest many future research investigation for CRM in governmental organizations, this research designed especially for investigating the root causes of the implementation challenges, but the next researches can focus on more factors such as 1- Focus on other related factors like strategic environment effects, or customer satisfaction 2- Focus on the quantitative and qualitative research for presenting more analysis and findings for the research 3- Study and determine the cost of provided services with relations to external private or public organizations to gain new income and find the cost income behavior based on different strategic perspectives like human resources 4- Study the relation between eCRM, CRM, organization services, contact center and focus on the benefits of providing contact center to governmental organizations 5- Study customer retention for governmental organization from strategic perspectives and prove that the customer can choose between more than government organizations providing the same service 6- Study eCRM as the source of customer satisfaction for all provided services and prove that through this can help the organization to enhance or take strategic action towards the provided services 7- Study the effects of social media is a marketing services for the government organization and see the benefits of using social media and present how to integrate both systems and processes to gain many advantages


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Appendix 3.1: Questionnaire for government employees to get their feedback for CRM implementations and knowledge

This structured survey is part of a master degree. The questionnaire objective at testing the factors that effects on CRM implementations in governmental organizations. The gathered data will help us for the research study statistical analysis only. Your cooperation is very much appreciated. Thank you

Demographic analysis 



25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

Bachelor degree

Master degree


Customer Service






did your organization has OSM 'office of


strategic management' department?


is your organization acquire consultancy


companies to develop or execute






Strategy awareness do you know your organization strategy?



how many projects running in your

I don’t know

strategic department?





are you part of the development of the




do you think CRM is part of the strategy?



how many projects related to CRM in your

I don’t know






do you have enough resources for

I don’t know

managing CRM?



do you think your organization structure is

I don’t know

designed to fit new CRM implementation?



Do you have the right hardware


environment to apply for CRM?


i don't know

May be



i don't know

May be

Administrative Barriers

Technological Barriers

Do you have the latest software license?


Integration is important between CRM and


other system, do you have plans to make


the proper integrations?

i don't know

May be

do you think your organization will make


CRM available to citizens/customers from


the government e-services website ?

i don't know

May be

do you need CRM customization or you

We need customizations

will use the out of the box features?

We will use out of the box features

We need additional development but

Challenges of data integration and IT architecture are you expecting additional software development from internal resources or external company?

internally 

We need additional development from external company

No, we will use out of the box features

We need internal and external support

i don't know

What kind of required software to integrate





Organization eservices


i don't know

CRM main process is case/incident


management is this true?


Don't know

May be

do you need to customize CRM


case/incident management?


Don't know



do you need to customize CRM knowledge




Don't know

May be

do you need to customize CRM marketing


companion management?


Don't know

May be



What are CRM communication channels?


Multiple choices


Call center

Social media

Business media websites

Physical service desk

Automated contact center

How many call center agents required to

1 to 10

operate your organization?

10 to 20

50 to 100

more than 100

i don't know

What is the status of Call center and CRM



Not integrated

i don't know

enhancing call center agents skills training

We are providing scheduled courses

courses, is your organization provide

We are not providing courses


We are providing organization systems

Call/Contact Centre Does your organization has call center?

training only 

i don't know

What is the most problem form call center


agents turnover?

Work load 99

Work environment

Thank you for your cooperation


BIOGRAPHY Student Mahmoud abd al rahman zaki I am a native Egyptian; I live in Saudi Arabia since 2007. In 2016, I joined one from the best national private organization as an IT consultant with one from the governmental organizations to help them at many IT and strategic management. I am an expert in Information’s systems, project management, and strategic management consultant with over 15 years of experience in the software industry, IT consultation, business analysis, system analysis, systems integrations, strategic management analysis and strategic management performance management. My previous experience in leading success stories with big companies in the middle east, and I have an excellent project management skill to lead significant programs. I have experience in the leadership skills to lead small team or medium groups. I had lead projects from failure to success in many occasions.



Researcher name (student):

Date of Review: 28th November, 2016

Faculty reviewer: Dr. Kieran Merwyn

Mahmoud Abd Al-Rahman Zaki

Working Title of Proposal or summary of study scope: Saudization in context of talent management and Leadership development: a stakeholder perspective Proposal attached?

_x__ Yes


Academic Honesty Declaration signed?

__x_ Yes

___ No

Each of the ethical standards below must be adequately addressed by the researcher in order to obtain ethics approval.

In the first column, the RESEARCHER (student) should perform a self-check using these 35 questions before submitting the ethics form to the faculty member supervising the study. In each row of the first column, the RESEARCHER should enter YES, NO, or NA as well as a very brief explanation. The Academic Honesty Declaration must be attached and should be signed and dated.

In the second column the ETHICS REVIEWER (supervising faculty member) will enter YES, NO, or NA to confirm or challenge the RESEARCHER’S self-check on each standard. With each NO, the ETHICS REVIEWER will indicate what revisions are required for ethics approval. The faculty reviewer will also render a decision at the end of this form and return the form to the RESEARCHER.

If the ETHICS REVIEWER (supervising faculty member) is able to approve “as is” then the third column is left blank.

In the third column, the RESEARCHER (student) will respond to each of the ETHICS REVIEWER’S concerns to explain where/how each of the reviewer’s concerns was met in the resubmitted materials.

Example: Will data be stored securely?

Researcher’s response to Ethics Reviewer

Researcher’s ethics self-check

Ethics Reviewer’s assessment:

In each row, the researcher should confirm compliance with the ethical standard by entering “Yes,” “No,” or “N/A,” along with a brief defense of the response (i.e., stating keywords that point to how the ethical standard has been met).

After the researcher has presented the evidence for compliance with each ethical standard, the Ethics Reviewer should either confirm by entering “Yes” or challenge with “No.” With each “No,” the reviewer must specify what revisions are needed to obtain ethics approval.

Researcher must use this column to explain how and where each of the Ethics Reviewer’s concerns (in the second column) has been addressed.

Yes. Data files will be kept on a password protected computer.

No. Please also address how the paper surveys will be secured prior to being entered as electronic files.

Paper surveys will be in a locked file cabinet. Proposal has been updated.

The first 11 questions apply to all studies (even when the researcher is not interacting with participants to collect new data). Hover the mouse over the footnoted words to view extra tips and definitions.


1. Are participant recruitment and data collection stepsi adequately described, such that the study’s risks and burdens can be discerned?


2. Will the research procedures ensure privacyii during data collection?


3. Will data be stored securelyiii with adequate provisions to maintain the confidentiality of the data?


4. Will the data be stored for at least 5 years?



Participants recruitment and data collection collections steps will be adequately described to discern study's risks and burdens by implementation of appropriate research methods – interview administered questionnaire Yes

Research procedures will ensure privacy during data collection by application of appropriate ethical approaches YES

Data will be stored securely with adequate provisions to maintain the confidentiality Yes.

Data will not be stored. Thus data will be disposed as soon as final grades are assigned


5. If participants’ names or contact info will be recorded in the research records, are they absolutely necessaryiv?


6. Do the research procedures and analysis/write-up plans include all possible measures to ensure that participant identities are not directly or indirectlyv disclosed? For secondary data analyses, the proposal must clearly state when/how deidentification will occur.


7. Have all potential psychologicalvi, relationshipvii, legalviii, economic/professionalix, physicalx, and other risks been fully acknowledgedxi and described?


8. Have the above risks been minimized xiias much as possible?


9. Has the researcher proactively managed any potential conflicts of interestxiii? Note that student researchers may not utilise research assistants to recruit participants or



Participants names will not be recorded and are not required Yes.

Participants identities won't be disclosed directly or indirectly due to applications of masking approaches taking into consideration ethical standards YES

All risks will be fully acknowledged and described in order to provide ethical research. Thus, research will not contain such a risk Yes.

The above risks will be minimized as much as possible by implantation of appropriate means and strategies Yes

The researcher will proactively manage any potential conflicts of 105

collect research data on behalf of the researcher.

interests. Accordingly research assistant will not be utilized to recruit participants or collect data on behalf of the researcher.

10. Are the research risks and burdensxiv reasonable, in consideration of the new knowledgexv that this research design can offer?


11. Is the research site willing to provide an Authorisation Letter (or email) granting permissionxvi for all relevant dataxvii access, access to participants, facility use, and/or use of personnel time for research purposes?



Research risk and burdens are reasonable in consideration of the new knowledge that this reasons can offer Yes.

Research site is willing to provide an authorization letter (or email) granting permission for all relevant data access, access to participants, facility use and use of personnel time for research purpose

The remaining questions only apply to studies that involve recruiting participants to collect new data (such as surveys, interviews, observations). ____ Please place an X on this line if NONE of the questions in the next section are applicable to the proposed study.

12. Applicable for student researchers: Will this researcher be appropriately qualifiedxviii



I have attached the research course and I have a research supervisor to 106

and supervisedxix in all data collection procedures?

ensure that suitable data collection procedures will be implemented

13. Is participant recruitment coordinated in a manner that is non-coercivexx? Coercive elements include: leveraging an existing relationship to “encourage” participation, recruiting in a groupxxi setting, extravagant compensation, recruiting individuals in a context of their treatment or evaluationxxii, etc. A researcher must disclose here whether/how the researcher may already be known to the participants and explain how perceptions of coerced research participation will be minimizedxxiii.


14. If anyone would be excluded from participating, is their exclusion justified? Is their exclusion handled respectfully and without stigmaxxiv?


15. Where the researcher proposes to use an interpreter, has adequate consideration been given to the interpreter’s training



Participant recruitment will be coordinated in a noncoercive manner. Additionally participant consent form will be signed; the interview will be conducted in a place decided by mutual agreement. Questionnaire will be distributed according to a convenience sampling and participants if voluntary


Participating or non-participating in the study is based only on the research methodologies (selection criteria) and this will be transparently explained. Yes

Additional consideration is not needed as researcher will be able to interpret the trainings in the most 107

regarding confidentiality and principles of informed consent, etc.?

effective manner. Thus, interpreter will not be used.

16. Do the informed consentxxv procedures provide adequate time to review the study information and ask questions before giving consent?


17. Will informed consent be appropriatelyxxvi documented?


18. Is the participant information sheet (PIS) written using language that will be understandablexxvii to the potential participants?


19. Does the PIS include an understandablexxviii explanation of the research purpose?


20. Does the PIS explain the sample’s inclusion criteria in such a wayxxix that the



Informed consent procedure provide adequate time to review the study information and ask questions before giving consent Yes.

Informed consent will be appropriately documented Yes.

Participants information sheet (PIS) will be written using language that will be understandable to the potential participants. And in case of difficulty it will be explained during interview. Yes.

PIS include an understandable explanation of the research purpose YES 108

participants can understand how/why THEY are being asked to participate?

The PIS explains the sample's inclusion criteria in such a way that the participants can understand how/why they are being asked to participate

21. Does the PIS clearly state that participation is voluntary?


22. Does the PIS convey that the participant has the rightxxx to decline or discontinue participation at any time?



The PIS clearly stated that the participants are voluntary Yes

The PIS conveys that the participants have the right to decline or discontinue participation at any time

23. Does the PIS include an understandable description of the data collection procedures?


24. Does the PIS include an estimate of the time commitmentxxxi for participation?


25. Does the PIS describe any thank you gifts, compensation, or reimbursement to



The PIS includes an understandable description of the data collection procedure Yes.

The PIS includes an estimate of the time commitment for participation Yes.


participants (for travel costs, etc.) or lack thereof?

There is no intention to give respondents any thank you gifts, compensation or reimbursement as the researcher plans to meet them in their professional environments

26. Does the PIS include a description of reasonably foreseeable risksxxxii or discomforts?


27. Does the PIS include a description of anticipated benefits to participantsxxxiii and/or others?


28. Does the PIS explain how the participant can contact the researcher and the university’s Research Participant Advocate? (USA number 001-612-312-1210 or email address [email protected])



The tips will include a description of any reasonably foreseeable risks. YES

The PIS will include a description of anticipated benefits to participants – research results. Yes.

The PIS will explain how the participants can contact the researcher and the university's research participant advocate

29. Does the PIS describe how privacy will be Yes. maintainedxxxiv? The PIS will describe how privacy will be maintained


30. Does the PIS disclose all potential conflicts of interest (specifying that this




study is separate from the researcher’s other professional role)?

The PIS disclose all potential conflicts of interest

31. Do the consent documents preserve the participant’s legalxxxv rights?



The consent documents won't ask participants to waive their legal rights

The remaining questions regarding sensitive content and vulnerable populations should be reviewed and addressed by the researcher (student) and faculty reviewer, but mu Committee before the study may go ahead. ____ Please place an X on this line if NONE of the questions in the next section are applicable to the proposed study. Yes. 32. If vulnerablexxxvi individuals will be specifically sought out as participants, is such targeted recruitment justifiedxxxvii by a research design that will specifically benefit that vulnerable group at large?


33. If the researcher happens to also serve in a trusted or authoritativexxxviii role to the participant (e.g., health care provider, teacher etc.), do the recruitment procedures ensure voluntary participation?



There is no plan to target a vulnerable agency or individual. Not relevant to the project YES

The researcher does not happen to serve in a trusted or authoritative role to the participants. Thus, recruitment procedures will ensure voluntary participants. Not relevant to the project


34. If the research procedures might reveal or create an acute psychological state that necessitates referral, are there suitable procedures in place to manage this?


35. If the research procedures might reveal criminal activity, child/elder abuse, or employer policy non-compliance that necessitatesxxxix reporting, are there suitable procedures in place for managing this? Are limits to confidentiality (i.e., duty to report) appropriately mentioned in the Participant Information Sheet?



This does not apply. Such is not the intention of the research. Research procedures will not reveal or create an acute psychological state that necessitates referral. Not relevant to the project Yes

This does not apply. Such is not the intention of the research. Research will not reveal indicated situations. Not relevant to the project.



The supervising Faculty Member will mark an X next to box A, B, or C. If box A or B is marked, then the supervising faculty member will also mark an X next to the applicable subcategory (1, 2, 3, etc.): A. APPROVED VIA EXPEDITED (LIGHT TOUCH) ETHICS REVIEW: As the supervising faculty member, I confirm that all applicable criteria 1-35 above are met with either a “Yes” or “N/A.” I understand my responsibilities as supervisor, and will ensure to the best of my abilities that the student investigator abides by the University’s policy on Research Ethics at all times.


I affirm that the research activities fall entirely within the parameters of the design indicated with an X below (1, 2 or 3) that the International Online Research Ethics Committee has authorized faculty members to approve via the expedited (light touch) review:

x x

1. analysis of public documents, artifacts, behaviour or data; X 2. secondary analysis of existing data that is privately held but released for research purposes (with all identifiers removed);X


3. surveys or interviews of non-vulnerable adults on non-sensitive topics (i.e., no potential to participants of coercion, distress, loss of work/school time, damage to professional reputation). Vulnerable populations include children, clinic patients, prisoners, military personnel, facility residents, anyone over whom the researcher holds authority (e.g., students, subordinates), anyone who might feel undue pressure to participate in the study, and any individuals with severe enough mental disabilities to interfere with capacity to consent to the study.X




 

As the supervising faculty member, I am referring this study to the full ethics committee (IOREC) because [mark 1, 2, 3, 4 or Other below]. I will email the student’s ethics application and all attachments as a single zip file to the ethics committee via [email protected], copying the Programme Director.

 

The ethics committee accepts applications until 5 pm GMT on the 3rd Thursday of every month. Decisions and feedback will be emailed to the student and DA within 5 business days after the 4th Thursday of the month. 1. the researcher proposes to collect data from vulnerable individuals such as children, clinic patients, prisoners, military personnel, facility residents, anyone over whom the researcher holds authority (e.g., students, subordinates), anyone who might feel undue pressure to participate in the study, and any individuals with severe enough mental disabilities to interfere with capacity to consent to the study. 2. some (potential) participants may find the research topic or premise sensitive 3. participants’ jobs or livelihoods may be placed at any risk by the study activities 4. the participants’ culture and/or international location suggest that extra participant protections may be necessary


Other: _____

c. C.


The student needs to revise the proposal and ethics materials to address the concerns in the second column and resubmit to me before I can select A or B above.


Research proposal Selecting a research topic Implementing Customer Relationship Management in governmental organization Introduction CRM is ‘Customer Relationship Management’ this name refer to the “practices, strategies and technologies that companies use to manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the client's lifecycle“(Margaret Rouse, 2010), the original developed strategic objective of CRM, in general, is to support the customers and make them satisfied through the provided services from the government, customers they will improve the provided services by submitting their incidents/cases through the approved and provided channels, the provided channels can be chat area, email, marketing campaign, website web form submission page, SMS, social media website like Facebook, and Twitter, telephone, and contact center with automatic reply. CRM ‘Customer Relationship Management’ is poultry has increased in the last decade in many organizations especially in governmental organization to support the client since the age of smart portable devices and has increased more than before, now everyone can send/receive emails, submit case, send messages, open websites pages with supported friendly interface, make online payments, and more supported functionalities like camera, contacts these features became the most exciting challenges leads the majority of companies to invest in mobile applications like WhatsApp (Church and de Oliveira, 2013) company they spent only for mobile applications. CRM gives the customer an excellent tool to communicate since this era is mainly based on communications, like mobile communications, SMS ‘short messages services’, The study will concentrate on the following points 1) Ministry strategic plans, 2) social media, and 3) CRM project implementation. The objectives of research management project are to investigate how the CRM can be implemented in a governmental organization; the CRM MRP will translate the ambition from academic and business needs of the Ministry into a consultancy with academic research report touches. I choose the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs (MoMRA gov,2008 ), in my research after I got permission from the IT director to use the Ministry as the primary source of investigation, the Ministry currently has no customer relationship management department but they have other related official governmental organization that have direct contact with the customers, the Ministry they have the initiative to make one enhanced CRM department to all relevant national organization as a unified place with supported human resources, processes, and tools ‘enablers’. Purpose The interest of applying CRM in governmental and public organization is increasing in all areas to support the customers proactively and to prevent the coming issues from customer, to increase the customer satisfaction and this is the main goal of customer satisfaction department.

Supporting customer is an excellent way will bring more customer and this is the main objective of the any organization to find a place in the market space. The purpose of the study is to present the CRM perspectives and apply the processes and tools to enable the governmental organization to manage the customers. Results The research is aiming to reach the following results: 1. Study a real case of governmental organization customer complaints. 2. Find the suitable methodology to implement customer relationship management. 3. Track customer relationship management project from the beging till the end, and force the lessons leathered to successes the project. Applicability/significance CRM study has been designed to meet governmental organization as enterprise solution to cover all government customers’ support for all eservices users through all available communications channels of the government, the government will use the supported capabilities of CRM like workflow, procedures, reports, dashboards, and categorize resources based on departments and specialization to get the most benefits of deployed CRM. The research study is concentrating on the different CRM perspectives to enable the government to design the business processes, and operate these processes, also to focus on internal and external resource which can affect the CRM implementation. The government can use this study as a main source of applying CRM as an academic study to cover the CRM holistically and detailed at the same time.


Zeng, D. C. H. L. R. a. L. S., 2010. Social media analytics and intelligence. pp.13-16 ed. s.l.:IEEE Intelligent Systems. How, E. and E-Business, C.C., What is CRM?.


Academic honesty declaration "I, Mahmoud Abd Al-Rahman, declare that the work submitted by me for assessment in this module is my own original work. Any text, chart, image or other material included in this assignment which originates from another source has been clearly and accurately cited and referenced, and interested inside quotation marks when necessary, including any work of my own which has previously been submitted for assessment in this or another module. I understand that if I fail to clearly attribute the work of others I may be in breach of university regulations and the Academic Integrity Policy and that this may have consequences for my grades or my ability to continue my studies." Mahmoud Abd AlRahman.