May 5, 2015 ... phone is being cloned.This paper describes about the cellphone cloning with
implementation in GSM and CDMA technology phones. It gives ...
ISSN(Online): 2320-9801 ISSN (Print): 2320-9798
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization
Vol.3, Special Issue 5, May 2015
International Conference On Advances in Computer & Communication Engineering (ACCE - 2015) on 5th & 6th May 2015, Organized by Department of CSE, Vemana Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India
Implementing Mobile Phone Cloning In GSM and CDMA Technology Manjula. D, Rajanna.M Assistant Professor, Dept. of ISE, Vemana IT, Bengaluru, India Associate Professor, Dept. of ISE, Vemana IT, Bengaluru, India ABSTRACT: The term mobile which was not heard off 15 years ago has become a part of our daily life. A mobile phone is a phone that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link while moving around a wide geographic area. Mobile communication has been readily available for several years and is a major business today. Due to the money involved in the business there is a maximum chance that people may misuse this device.The major threat that the mobile companies are facing are from cloning. Cloning is the process of transferring the identity of one phone to the other. At present cloning is active in USA, some countries of Africa, Asia and other continents. Recently this threat has also been discovered in India. Though communication channels are equipped with security algorithms, yet cloners get away with the help of loop holes in the system. So when one gets huge bills, the chances are that the phone is being cloned.This paper describes about the cellphone cloning with implementation in GSM and CDMA technology phones. It gives an insight into the security mechanism in CDMA and GSM phones along with the loop holes in the systems and discusses on the different ways of preventing this cloning. Later it gives about the futuristic ideas for tackling the nuisance of cloning. KEYWORDS: GSM(Global System for Mobile communications), CDMA(Code Division Multiple Access), ESN(Electronic Security Number), MIN(Mobile Identification Number). International Mobile Station Equipment Identity (IMEI) INTRODUCTION Cloning refers to the processes used to create copies of DNA fragments, cells, or organisms. Dolly the lamb was cloned from a six-year-old ewe in 1997, by a group of researchers at the Roslin Institute in Scotland. While the debate on the ethics of cloning continues, human race, for the first time, is faced with a clearer and harmful version of cloning and this time it is your mobile phone that is the target. Millions of mobile phone users run at risk of having their phones cloned. As a mobile phone user if you have been receiving enormously high bills for calls that you never placed, chances are that your mobile phone could be cloned. Unfortunately, there is no way the subscriber can detect cloning. Events like call dropping or anomalies in monthly bills can act as tickers. RELATED WORK Wherever Times is specified, Times Roman or Times New Roman may be used. If neither is available on your word processor, please use the font closest in appearance to Times. Avoid using bit-mapped fonts. True Type 1 or Open Type fonts are required. Please embed all fonts, in particular symbol fonts, as well, for math, etc. Cloning and attack detection in mobile wireless sensor networks Regarding accelerating development of mobile sensor nodes technology and increasing the utilization of them and also these networks are faced with security challenges; specially clone nodes attack, our focus is on exploiting optimum criteria of node clone intrusion detection procedures in mobile wireless sensor networks by using theoretical analysis of procedures. Since many of recommended protocols in this area have not been experimentalised and also no Copyright to IJIRCCE
ISSN(Online): 2320-9801 ISSN (Print): 2320-9798
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization
Vol.3, Special Issue 5, May 2015
International Conference On Advances in Computer & Communication Engineering (ACCE - 2015) on 5th & 6th May 2015, Organized by Department of CSE, Vemana Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India comprehensive study has been carried out on the possibility and capability of these procedures, in this paper all types of sensor network architecture, with the presence of mobile sensor node, are analyzed and then according to the type of architecture, the procedures of clone node intrusion detection is classified and meticulously scrutinized. Finally the conclusion is presented based on theoretical analysis. Cloning in Mobile Health Care System The inclusion of embedded sensors in mobile phones, and the explosion of their usage in people’s daily lives provide users with the ability to collectively sense the world. The collected sensing data from such a mobile phone enabled social network can be mined for users’ behaviors and their social communities, and to support a broad range of applications including mobile healthcare systems. However, such mobile healthcare systems built upon social networks are vulnerable to clone attacks, in which the adversary replicates the legitimate nodes and distributes the clones throughout the network to undermine the successful application deployment. Existing clone attack mitigation approaches either only focus on the prevention techniques or can only work in static or well-connected networks, and hence are not applicable to our targeted mobile healthcare systems. In this paper, we propose a social closeness based method in a mobile healthcare disease control system to detect any clone attacks that may be launched to disrupt the normal operations of the system. Our social closeness based method exploits the social relationships among users for clone attack detection. Specifically, we define a new metric called community betweenness, which considers mobile users’ community information. We find that the value of this metric changes significantly under the clone attack, which is suitable to be used for clone attack detection. We derive both analytical and training based approaches to determine the threshold setting of the community between’s for robust clone attack detection. Extensive trace-driven simulation studies reveal that our social closeness based method can detect clone attacks with high detection ratio and low false positive rate. To thwart clone attacks using tamper-resistant hardware To thwart clone attacks, using tamper-resistant hardware for mobile nodes appears effective. However, approaches with tamper-resistant hardware may involve high cost and are hard to be applied to already deploy mobile nodes. Furthermore, an attacker may still be possible to bypass the tamper-resistant hardware to extract secret keys from captured nodes given enough time and computation ability even though the tamper resistant hardware makes it much harder to accomplish this . Thus, it is desirable to seek low cost detection methods that do not require any hardware changes to cope with clone attacks WHAT IS MOBILE CLONING? The template is used to format your paper and style the text. All margins, column widths, line spaces, and text fonts are prescribed; please do not alter them. You may note peculiarities. For example, the head margin in this template measures proportionately more than is customary. This measurement and others are deliberate, using specifications that anticipate your paper as one part of the entire proceedings, and not as an independent document. Please do not revise any of the current designations. Mobile phone cloning is a technique in which the secure data from one mobile phone is transferred to another mobile phone. The other mobile phone will become the exact replica of the original phone. Mobile Phone Cloning is also known as cell phone piracy and has been taking place throughout the world since decades. Recently this crime has come to India. This is usually done for making fraudulent telephone calls. A cloned phone can make calls and receive calls but the charges for those calls will be billed to the subscriber of the original phone. Today many mobile phone users, may it be Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) or Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), run the risk of having their phones cloned. And the worst part is that there isn't much that you can do to prevent this. When we receive or make calls from our phone, the cloner can also listen to those calls which we will not be aware of. Though communications channels are equipped with many security algorithms, yet
Copyright to IJIRCCE
ISSN(Online): 2320-9801 ISSN (Print): 2320-9798
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization
Vol.3, Special Issue 5, May 2015
International Conference On Advances in Computer & Communication Engineering (ACCE - 2015) on 5th & 6th May 2015, Organized by Department of CSE, Vemana Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India cloners get away with the help of loop holes in the system. So when one gets huge bills, there is a chance that the phone might be cloned LOOP HOLES IN CELL PHONE NETWORKS ESN/MIN data is not encrypted on the way to the MSC (Mobile Switching Centre) for further authentication. Thus, scanning the airwaves for this data is required if you wish to clone a phone. By changing ESN and MIN, the cellular carrier will accept the call and bill it to either a wrong account or provide service based on the fact that it is NOT a disconnected receiver. It will also look at the other two components, in order to ensure that it is actually a cellular phone and to forward billing information to that carrier. HISTORY OF CLONING The early 1990s were boom times for eavesdroppers. Any curious teenager with a £100Tandy Scanner could listen to nearly any analoguemobile phone call. Cell phone cloning started with Motorola "bag" phones and reached its peak in the mid 90's with a commonly available modification for the Motorola "brick" phones, such as the Classic, the Ultra Classic, and the Model 8000. Phone cloning is outlawed in the United Kingdom by the Wireless Telephone Protection Act of 1998. On April 13, 1998, the Smartcard Developer Association and the ISAAC security research group announced a flaw in the authentication codes found in digital GSM cell phones. This allows an attacker with physical access to a target phone to make an exact duplicate (a ``clone'') and to make fraudulent calls billed to the target user's account. In India mobile phone cloning first came to light in January, 2005 when the Delhi police arrested a person with 20 cell phones, a laptop, a SIM scanner, and a writer. The accused was running an exchange illegally wherein he cloned CDMA-based mobile phones. He used software for the cloning and provided cheap international calls to Indian immigrants in West Asia. A similar racket came to light in Mumbai resulting in the arrest of four mobile dealers. HOW CAN IT BE DONE? Cloning is the process of taking the programmed information that is stored in a legitimate mobile phone and illegally programming the identical information into another mobile phone. The culprits clone and hack into your phone using software that are easily available, once the software is installed they just need the unique IMEI number of the phone and they can digitally imprint these numbers on any of the phone they want. Once this is done they can send messages, make calls to anyone and the person whose phone has been cloned and hacked will be held responsible. CDMA Cloning Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) mobile telephone cloning involves gaining access to the device's embedded file system/nvm /num directory via specialized software or placing a modified EEPROM into the target mobile telephone, allowing the Electronic Serial Number (ESN) and/or Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID) of the mobile phone to be changed. Modifying these, as well as the Phone's Preferred Roaming List (PRL) and the Mobile Identification Number (MIN) can pave the way for fraudulent calls. GSM Cloning Cloning has been shown to be successful on CDMA, but rare on the Global System for Mobile communication (GSM), one of the more widely used mobile telephone communication systems. However, cloning of a GSM phone is achieved by cloning the SIM card contained within, but not necessarily any of the phone's internal data. GSM p h o n e s do not have ESN or MIN, only an International Mobile Station Equipment Identity
Copyright to IJIRCCE
ISSN(Online): 2320-9801 ISSN (Print): 2320-9798
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization
Vol.3, Special Issue 5, May 2015
International Conference On Advances in Computer & Communication Engineering (ACCE - 2015) on 5th & 6th May 2015, Organized by Department of CSE, Vemana Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India (IMEI) number. There are various methods used to obtain the IMEI and MIN. The most common methods are to hack into the cellular company, or to eavesdrop on the cellular network. A GSM SIM card is copied by removing the SIM card and placing a device between the handset and the SIM card and allowing it to operate for a few days and extracting the KI, or secret code.
Figure1: cellular counterfeiting
WHAT IS ESN AND MIN? The Mobile Identification Number (MIN) or Mobile Subscription Identification Number (MISN) refers to the 10-digit unique number that a wireless carrier uses to identify a mobile phone, which is the last part of the international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI). Electronic Serial Numbers (ESNs) were created to uniquely identify mobile devices. ESNs are currently mainly used with CDMA phones. ESN is loaded when a phone number is manufactured. If this number is known, a mobile can be cloned easily. HOW CAN MOBILE PHONE THIEVES DETECT ESN/MIN? Cellular thieves can capture ESN/MINs using devices such as cell phone ESN reader or digital data interpreters (DDI). DDIs are devices specially manufactured to intercept ESN/MINs. By simply sitting near busy roads where the volume of cellular traffic is high, cellular thieves monitoring the radio wave transmissions from the cell phones of legitimate subscribers can capture ESN/MIN pair. Numbers can be recorded by hand, one-by-one, or stored in the box and later downloaded to a computer. ESN/MIN readers can also be used from inside an offender's home, office, or hotel room, increasing the difficulty of detection. HOW IS THE ESN/MIN PROGRAMMED IN ANOTHER PHONE? To reprogram a phone, the ESN/MINs are transferred using a computer loaded with specialised software, or a “copycat” box, a device whose sole purpose is to clone phones. The devices are connected to the cellular handsets and the new identifying information is entered into the phone. There are also more discreet, concealable devices used to clone cellular phones. Plugs and ES-Pros which are about the size of a pager or small calculator do not require computers or copycat boxes for cloning. The entire programming process takes ten-15 minutes per phone.
Copyright to IJIRCCE
ISSN(Online): 2320-9801 ISSN (Print): 2320-9798
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization
Vol.3, Special Issue 5, May 2015
International Conference On Advances in Computer & Communication Engineering (ACCE - 2015) on 5th & 6th May 2015, Organized by Department of CSE, Vemana Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India HOW SERIOUS IS THE CLONING FRAUD PROBLEM? Each year, the mobile phone industry loses millions of Dollars in revenue because of the criminal actions of persons who are able to reconfigure mobile phones so that their calls are billed to the owner of the original phone. The loss is more for cellular industry from subscriber fraud. Subscriber fraud occurs when someone signs up for service with fraudulently obtained customer information or false identification. Law breakers obtain your personal information and use it to set up a cell phone account in your name. Resolving subscriber fraud could develop in to a long and difficult process for victims. SOFTWARE USED FOR CLONING A. FOR CDMA: If PIN and ESN are known a mobile phone can be cloned in seconds using some Software‟s like PATAGONIA which is used to clone CDMA phones. B. FOR GSM: If a cloner manages to also clone the IMEI number of the handset, for which software‟s are available, there is no way he can be traced. BLUETOOTH HACK is a software available in the market which is used to hack/clone GSM phones. HOW TO DETECT? Unfortunately there is no way for a subscriber to know whether their phone is cloned. Events like call dropping or anomalies in monthly bills can act as tickers. Some more points for a subscriber to detect his phone is cloned or not are: Difficulty in placing outgoing calls. Frequent wrong number phone calls to the subscriber’s phone. Incoming calls constantly receiving busy signals. Unusual numbers appearing on the phone bills. There is an advanced way to detect the cloned phone which is used by the government called cell phone controller (CPC). WHAT IS CPC? Cell phone controller (CPC) is a system developed to detect, control and manage mobile phones. Within 5 minutes or less, the unit is fully operational. CPC uses an advanced mobile phone detection functionality that can hunt for a specific cloned phones using CDMA (ESN) or GSM (IMSI) serial number. Once the cloned handset‟s general location has been determined, investigators working with law enforcement can pin point the handset‟s exact location. MOBILE PHONE SECURITY MEASURES Service providers in some countries have deployed various technologies to tackle this problem. Some of them are as follows.
Copyright to IJIRCCE
ISSN(Online): 2320-9801 ISSN (Print): 2320-9798
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization
Vol.3, Special Issue 5, May 2015
International Conference On Advances in Computer & Communication Engineering (ACCE - 2015) on 5th & 6th May 2015, Organized by Department of CSE, Vemana Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India DUPLICATE DETECTION METHOD Duplicate detection is a method in which the network sees the same phone in several places at the same time. So the service provider will disconnect all of them so that the original customer will contact the operator questioning about loss of service. RF FINGERPRINTING Some operator useRadio Frequency Fingerprinting, it is originally a military technology. Even identical radio equipment has its own „fingerprint‟. So the network software stores and compares fingerprints for all the phones that it sees. This way, it will spot the cloned phone with same identity, but different fingerprints. USAGE PROFILING Usage Profiling is another way wherein profiles of customers' phone usage are kept, and when discrepancies are noticed, the customer is contacted. For example, if a customer normally makes only local network calls but is suddenly placing calls to foreign countries for hours of airtime, it indicates a possible clone. CALL COUNTING Call Counting is also a way to check the situation where both the phone and the network keep track of calls made with the phone, and should they differ more than the usually allowed one call, service is denied. E. PIN CODES Prior to placing call, the caller unlocks the phone by entering a PIN code and then calls as usual. After the call has been completed, the user locks the by entering the PIN code again. Operators may share PIN information to enable safer roaming. PREVENTION OF CLONING The best way to prevent your SIM card or mobile phone from being cloned is to use Authentication feature. Authentication is a mathematical process by which identical calculations are performed in both the network and the mobile phone. These calculations use a key that is pre-programmed into both the mobile phone and the network before service is activated. Cloners do not have access to this key, and therefore it is nearly impossible for them to clone. IS AUTHENTICATION EFFECTIVE? Yes, for the most part. However, Authentication is the most robust and reliable method for preventing cloning fraud and it is the only industry “standard” method for eliminating cloning. The fact that it is standardized means that all mobile telecommunication networks using IS-41 can support authentication. There is no need to add proprietaryequipment,software, or communications protocols to the networks to prevent cloning fraud. The phone which supports TDMA or CDMA is capable of authentication. The phones manufactured after 1995 support the authentication function.
Copyright to IJIRCCE
ISSN(Online): 2320-9801 ISSN (Print): 2320-9798
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization
Vol.3, Special Issue 5, May 2015
International Conference On Advances in Computer & Communication Engineering (ACCE - 2015) on 5th & 6th May 2015, Organized by Department of CSE, Vemana Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India
one method for customer protection against cellular phone fraud. Encryption is regarded as the effective way to prevent cellular fraud. Traffic analysis detects cellular fraud by using artificial intelligence software to detect suspicious calling patterns, such as a sudden increase in the length of calls or a sudden increase in the number of international calls. Blocking is used by service providers to protect themselves from high risk callers. PREVENTION OF SIM CLONING Some of the measures that should be taken to prevent SIM cloning are. Never answer phone when you receive call from unknown numbers and calls received from different country code, especially numbers such as #09, #90 etc. If you get a missed call from another country code number or any absurd number such as number starting from #,never call back to such number. Never hand over your SIM in physical form to another person.Never allow any unknown person to either make calls or receive calls using yourpersonal SIM. Never give your personal informationthrough SMS or any other form to anyother person. If you get a call from telecom company,regarding your personal information, donot tell or reveal your personalinformation. Telecom companies do notneed your personal information from timeto time. Only at the time of giving out newSIM, you would be asked for yourpersonal information and that too with your signature. \ Remember not to giveyour personal information regarding youridentity to any other person. WHAT IS IS-41? IS-41(Interim Standard No. 41) is a document prescribing standards for ommunications between mobile networks. The standard was developed by the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) and is used primarily throughout North America as well as many Latin American countries and Asia.The IS-41 network communications standardsupports AMPS, NAMPS, TDMA, and CDMAradio technologies. IS-41 is the standard that defines the methods for automatic roaming, handoff between systems, and for performing Authentication.
Copyright to IJIRCCE
ISSN(Online): 2320-9801 ISSN (Print): 2320-9798
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization
Vol.3, Special Issue 5, May 2015
International Conference On Advances in Computer & Communication Engineering (ACCE - 2015) on 5th & 6th May 2015, Organized by Department of CSE, Vemana Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India MEASURES TO BE TAKEN BY THE SERVICE PROVIDER Service providers have adopted certain measures to prevent cellular fraud. They are: Blacklisting of stolen phones is another mechanism to prevent unauthorized use. User verification using Personal Identification N u mb e r ( PIN) WHAT CAN BE DONE? Drastic evolution in the field of technology is good as well bad. Good in the sense, we can develop new SIM cards with a better technology that can never be cloned. Bad in the sense, with technically sophisticated thieves, customers are relatively helpless against cellular phone fraud. Usually they become aware of the fraud only once receiving their phone bill. The latest technology that is available is Phone Print introduced by a company named Cellular One. Phone Print is a new technology that electronically fingerprints cellular phone calls, detecting and disconnecting calls made with stolen telephone numbers. This system will help to stop the fraud. In future, we need to develop some mobile applications which takes the SIM numbers while installing the application and they should be able to inform the owner of the phone if the mobile is cloned. Since most of the mobile applications get updated along with time, it would be difficult for cloners to clone the phone. One more way is to install security software inside the SIM which will not allow the SIM to be cloned and this software should also be updated time to time. Hence the SIM can be highlighted as “Unclonable SIM”. To prevent cloning, security measures should also be taken by the service providers by storing the user information as soft copy with authentication and not by hard copy which can be stolen RESULTS.
Once the server is on it will start encrypting the packets create a random proxy processor functionality creates a new session id configures routing path and so on
Copyright to IJIRCCE
ISSN(Online): 2320-9801 ISSN (Print): 2320-9798
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization
Vol.3, Special Issue 5, May 2015
International Conference On Advances in Computer & Communication Engineering (ACCE - 2015) on 5th & 6th May 2015, Organized by Department of CSE, Vemana Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India
Here we have taken an example of sending a text message by entering the phone number and the country code and send a message.
The sent message is being received in the Inbox using the sim cloning and the owner of the sim is unaware that an unauthorized user is using his sim to send messages. CONCLUSION Existing cellular systems have a number of potential weaknesses that has to be considered. It is crucial that people have to take their mobile phone security more seriously. Presently the cell phone industry relies on the common laws to address cell phone fraud. The cell phone industry must adopt some power full security algorithms to prevent cloning. It is also mandatory to keep in mind that a technique which is described as safe today can be the most unsecured technique in future. Therefore it is absolutely important to check the functions of the security system which has been implemented once a year and if necessary update or replace it with better security system. Since mobile phone cloning is in initial stages in India, preventive measures have to be adopted by the network service provider and by the government so that this does not become a major threat in future. REFERENCES [1] Notare, M.S.M.A. ; Boukerche, A. ; Cruz, F.A.S. ; Riso, B.G. ;Westphall, C.B. “Security management against cloning mobile phones” Global elecommunications Conference, 1999. GLOBECOM '99 Page(s): 1969 - 1973 vol.3, Publication Year: 1999 . [2] Jyhi-Kong Wey ; Han-Tsung Chang ; Lir-Fan Sun ;Wei-Peng Yang , “Clone terminator: an authentication service for advanced mobile phone system”Vehicular Technology Conference, 1995 IEEE 45th , Page(s): 175 - 179 vol.1, Publication Year: 1995 . [3] Notare, M.S.M.A. ; Boukerche, A. ; Westphal, C. “Safety and security for 2000 telecommunications”EUROCOMM 2000. Information Systems for [4] Yanzhi Ren ; Yingying Chen ; Mooi ChooChuah“Social closeness based clone attack detection for mobile healthcare system” Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems (MASS),2012 IEEE 9th International ConferencePage(s): 191 – 199, Publication Year: 2012 .
Copyright to IJIRCCE
ISSN(Online): 2320-9801 ISSN (Print): 2320-9798
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization
Vol.3, Special Issue 5, May 2015
International Conference On Advances in Computer & Communication Engineering (ACCE - 2015) on 5th & 6th May 2015, Organized by Department of CSE, Vemana Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India [5] Yi-Bing Lin ; Ming-Feng Chen ; Rao, .C.H. “Potential fraudulent usagein mobiletelecommunications networks” Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Volume: 1 , Issue: 2 , Page(s): 123 - 131, Publication Year: 2002 [6]Yi-BingLin;Ming-FengChen;Rao,H.C.-H.“Potentialfraudulentusagein mobiletelecommunicationsnetworks”MobileComputing,IEEETransactionson Volume:1, Issue:2, Page(s):123 -131, PublicationYear:2002 [7]WuShaoBo;LiChengShu“AmethodofUSIManticloninginLTE/SAE”InformationScienceandEngineering(ICISE),20102ndInternationalConference,Page(s):4277–4280,PublicationYear:2010[8] Notare,M.S.M.A.;DaSilvaCruz,F.A.;Riso,B.C.;Westphall,C.B.“Wireless communications:securitymanagementagainstclonedcellularphones”WirelessCommunicationsandNetworkingConference,1999.WCNC.1999IEEE,Pag e(s):1412416vol.3,PublicationYear:1999 [8]Barbera,M.V.;Mei,A. PersonalMarksandCommunityCertificates:DetectingClonesinWirelessMobileSocialNetworks”DistributedComputinginSensorSystems(DCOSS),2012 IEEE8thInternationalConference,Page(s):83 –91,PublicationYear:2012
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