Important Deadlines for Students - Chancellor | Maricopa Community ...

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3rd Calendar Day 6th Calendar Day 6th Calendar Day 1st Day of Class 1st Day of Class. 3rd Calendar. Day. Three Weeks. (1
Maricopa Governance administrative regulation appendices

section VII students

appendix number


Important Deadlines For Students Deadline for Students to Withdraw From a Course (Instructor Signature Required)

Class Length

Deadline for Students to Withdraw with Guaranteed Grade of W

Deadline for Students to Request Complete Withdrawal

Deadline to Deadline to Deadline to Change Type of Change from Change from Grading (A-F Audit Grade to Credit Grade to to P/Z, or P/Z Credit Grade Audit Grade to A-F)

One Week or less (1 to 7 days)

1st Day of Class

1st Day of Class or 1st Day of Class Prior to the Last or Prior to the 1st Day of Class 1st Day of Class 1st Day of Class Day of Class Last Day of Class

Two Weeks (8 to 14 days)

3rd Calendar Day

6th Calendar Day 6th Calendar Day 1st Day of Class 1st Day of Class

3rd Calendar Day

Three Weeks 6th Calendar Day 12th Calendar Day (15 to 21 Days)

12th Calendar 2nd Calendar Day 1st Day of Class Day

5th Calendar Day

Four Weeks (22 9th Calendar Day 17th Calendar Day to 28 days)

17th Calendar 2nd Calendar 3rd Calendar Day Day Day

7th Calendar Day

Five Weeks (29 12th Calendar Day 23rd Calendar Day to 35 days)

23rd Calendar 2nd Calendar 4th Calendar Day Day Day

9th Calendar Day

Six Weeks 14th Calendar Day 29th Calendar Day (36 to 42 days)

29th Calendar 11th Calendar 5th Calendar Day 3rd Calendar Day Day Day

Seven Weeks 17th Calendar Day 35th Calendar Day (43 to 49 days)

35th Calendar 12th Calendar 5th Calendar Day 3rd Calendar Day Day Day

Eight Weeks 20th Calendar Day 41st Calendar Day (50 to 56 days)

41st Calendar Day

Nine Weeks (57 23rd Calendar Day 46th Calendar Day to 63 days)

46th Calendar 17th Calendar 7th Calendar Day 4th Calendar Day Day Day

6th Calendar Day 3rd Calendar Day

15th Calendar Day

Ten Weeks (64 52nd Calendar 19th Calendar 26th Calendar Day 52nd Calendar Day 8th Calendar Day 4th Calendar Day to 70 days) Day Day Eleven Weeks 29th Calendar Day 58th Calendar Day (71 to 77 days)

58th Calendar 21st Calendar 9th Calendar Day 5th Calendar Day Day Day

Twelve Weeks 32nd Calendar Day 63rd Calendar Day (78 to 84 days)

63rd Calendar Day

10th Calendar 23rd Calendar 5th Calendar Day Day Day

Thirteen Weeks (85 to 35th Calendar Day 70th Calendar Day 91 days)

70th Calendar Day

10th Calendar 25th Calendar 5th Calendar Day Day Day

Fourteen Weeks (92 to 38th Calendar Day 76th Calendar Day 98 days)

76th Calendar Day

11th Calendar 27th Calendar 6th Calendar Day Day Day

Fifteen Weeks 82nd Calendar (99 to 105 41st Calendar Day 82nd Calendar Day Day days)

12th Calendar 28th Calendar 6th Calendar Day Day Day

Sixteen Weeks Two weeks before End of the seventh or more (106 the last class week or more days) period

Two weeks Within 14 days Within first week Within first five before the last including the first of class weeks class period class period

Deadlines are based on calendar days and begin with the first day of class. Deadlines that fall on a weekend or holiday advance to the next college work day.

Administrative Regulations
