May 23, 2018 - CTP/2018/P/VP/049. Dear Parents/Guardian. June Travel Declaration and Temperature-Taking in Term 3. 1. Ju
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23 May 2018
Dear Parents/Guardian June Travel Declaration and Temperature-Taking in Term 3 1.
June Holiday Travel Declaration If you have a child/ward in Primary 1, please make a declaration of your child’s/ward’s travel plans during the school holidays. A NIL Return is required even if you are not planning to travel. If your child/ward is in the other levels (P2 to P6), please make a declaration of your child’s/ward’s travel plans only if your child/ward is travelling out of Singapore. To declare your child’s/ward’s travel plan, kindly access the Google Form link below:
Please make your declaration by Sunday, 27 May 2018. If there are changes to your travel plans after your submission, please update us by resubmitting your amended travel plans online. It is important that information provided on your child’s/ward’s travel plans is as accurate and current as possible. If your child/ward is unwell, or develops flu-like symptoms after an overseas trip during this mid-year holidays, please take the following actions immediately: (1) Inform the school; (2) Bring your child/ward to see a doctor; (3) Refrain your child/ward from coming back to school until he/she has recovered. 2.
Temperature-taking exercise As part of measures to maintain schools’ preparedness to resume a temperaturetaking regime, as well as to ensure that all new Clementians are familiar with temperature-taking, a temperature-taking exercise will be conducted on 28 June 2018, Thursday (Term 3, Week 1).
A Leader. A Keen Learner. A Friend
To prepare for the temperature-taking exercise, we will be conducting a pre-exercise check on Oral Digital Thermometers (ODTs) on 27 June 2018, Wednesday. We would like to seek your assistance in ensuring that your child brings his/her personal ODT on the two days mentioned. With your support, we will be able to make the school a safe and healthy environment for all Clementians.
Yours sincerely
Mr Chia See Chew Albert Principal
A Leader. A Keen Learner. A Friend