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Imposter demons seem to mainly work in the soul of a person when ... In Pastor Win Worley's booklet #26 The Fragmented Soul, how the soul can be affected by  ...
HELPFUL HINTS TO USE AGAINST IMPOSTER DEMONS Imposter demons is a general name used referring to any demons that impersonate the real person. Many times, these are the soul(s) of demons or part of the soul of demonized people or familiar spirits. When referring to Imposter demons, the terms Demonic, False, Evil, Split, Double, Multiple, Altered, or Counterfeit (etc.) Soul or part(s) of the soul Spirits and Familiar Spirits are used in these prayers and explanations. The label Demonic, False, (etc.) can be applied to the name of any part of the soul's functions to address a demon impersonating the REAL soul or any part of it. The soul is made up of the mind, will, emotions, thought, intellect, memory, appetite, heart, personality, (etc.). Imposter demons seem to mainly work in the soul of a person when the REAL soul, or any part(s) removed, bound within the person, or "dead" and buried within the person, (etc.). The Real soul can also be affected by these evil devices put on it, thus these demons are referred to as Dead, Bound, Arrested, Altered, Immature, (etc.) Soul or parts of the soul spirits. In Pastor Win Worley's booklet #26 The Fragmented Soul, how the soul can be affected by evil curses and evil devices (etc.) is explained well. This continues on by naming demons according to their actions against the REAL soul. One of the first things a believer with Imposter demons could do is to ask our Heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to separate the demonic souls or parts of the soul from the believer's REAL or TRUE soul and parts of the soul as God purposed the believer to be, and to show the believer the difference between the demons and the believer's REAL self. By realizing this, then the demons can be bound in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and dealt with in a TRUE Deliverance prayer session. These tactics appear to hinder or stop the attacks from the imposter demons upon believers: to bind any triggers (etc.) and forbid them from allowing the demons to work freely instead of the REAL person; to forbid the demons from communicating in any way in all levels of consciousness in the mind of the TRUE believer; to forbid the demons from talking through the person's mouth to forbid the demons from taking over full or partial control of the person's body and REAL soul or hindering the spirit working; to forbid demons from surfacing full or part in the person; to forbid demons from switching full or part in the person; to forbid the demons from manifesting or communicating in any way in the REAL person unless they are leaving during a TRUE deliverance session. As the Lord reveals the work of the demons within the believer, then the REAL person, as guided by the Holy Spirit, can apply spiritual warfare tactics to attack the demons back. It is beneficial to learn how to bind the demons and stop their work until, in God's timing, the demons are cast out of the believer in the name and power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Any false or ungodly "deliverance", fusions, co-existences, pacts, or covenants made with the imposter demons should be confessed as sin, renounced, and broken in Jesus' name. All evil soulties with these demons should be broken also. The REAL person MUST want to be free to live as God purposed him/her to be from the beginning, if the believer is to be set free in Jesus' name. The demons can alter peoples' brain-waves and level of consciousness. So, it is helpful to ask God, in Jesus' name, to restore the believer's brain-waves and level of consciousness to what God wants them to be like. To summarize, there are only a few basic steps to freedom from Imposter demons for a TRUE Believer who has problems in this area.: First - to ask God to show the believer the difference between the demons and the person's REAL Soul as God purposed the person to be like from the beginning. Second - in Jesus' name, to bind and separate Imposter demons from the person's REAL SOUL or PART(S) of SOUL where the demons have been working and forbid the demons from using the believer as their own house. Third - in Jesus' name, to remove any curse or evil device (etc.) that kills, hinders, arrests, or affects the person's REAL SOUL in any way. Fourth - in Jesus' name, to ask God: to resurrect the real SOUL or PART(S) of SOUL of the believer that has

been dead or buried; to break free, loose, and mature any REAL SOUL or PART(S) of SOUL of the believer that has been bound or arrested (etc,); and to return any part of the believer's REAL SOUL that has been taken or stolen from him/her by any means. Fifth - in God's perfect timing, to have the demons cast out in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ during a true deliverance session while asking God to restore the believer's REAL SOUL to wholesomeness as God purposed the believer to be from the beginning. Sixth - to continue to attack the demons until they are all gone in Jesus' name. Seventh - to praise and thank God for the new found freedom He has given the believer. Church of Salvation, Healing, & Deliverance - [email protected] SATANIC BURIAL and IMPOSTER SPIRITS INFO: When a satanic burial has been done for a person, the physical body does not die, but the soul part of the person is put in a casket and bound by the ritual. Then, the satanists put demons - false souls into the body. These demons then live the life for the real person. There can be a variety of demons put into the person which work under the main strongman. The real self is arrested at the age of the ritual but can be freed in Jesus name if the real (Christian) person wants to be free. All the imposter spirits can then be separated from the real person, bound and cast out in Jesus name as God's timing allows. The real person can grow and mature as the Holy Spirit teaches from within. As the demons are revealed to the person as imposters, the real person must then, as able, bind the demons and stop their working in the persons life. As it can be very easy to not fight the demons but let them take over the person as before, the real person must fight the demons with spiritual warfare tactics learned and use the person's real will to be his/her real self to combat the work of the demons. As the Holy Spirit reveals the demonic structure with in the person, he/she should then use binding and loosing principles and warfare tactics adapted ( with the Holy Spirit guiding) to fit that particular situation. Breaking a general curse is good but when a specific one is revealed, it also should then be broken in Jesus name. Be very careful - many imposter spirits could be familiar spirits which we are forbidden to talk to in the scriptures. On page 35 of the Warfare Prayers booklet #4 by Pastor Win Worley is a basic prayer for deliverence from falseness. These principles can be used to separate and cast out falseness demons from a true believer in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Imposter spirits can affect any or all parts of the soul - mind, will, and emotions, and even the body if they are strong enough. They can affect any real part of the person's soul, but in reality are a false part of it working and the real part is arrested as the false part is working. The real part has to grow up to replace the part covered by the falseness spirit. It can work on all the soul or part : a) Mind - thoughts, thinking, memory, intellect, reason, knowledge, understanding,etc.. b) Will- passivity, not stand for self, etc.. on the wants, desires, c) Emotions- heart, love, feelings, & pleasures, temper, false fruit of Holy Spirit, etc., or personality. Church of Salvation, Healing, & Deliverance - [email protected] RESTORING The SOUL PRAYER In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I ask Heavenly Father for Your angels to cut the cords between the oversoul, strongmen, all rulers & ranks of evil spirits & familiar spirits in each demonic kingdom of, over, in, & working in & through NAME. In Jesus' name, I ask God for Your angels to bind the demons individually in chains & to separate & isolate each demon - especially those working under or with the ruler kingdoms in Name: satanism, death, end time mind control, mind occult, all types of mind control, all types of witchcraft, all occult, rejection, jezebel, arrested development, familiar spirits, imposter spirits (demonic souls & parts of soul spirits): false, dead, bound, arrested, immature, double, split, evil, altered, multiple, fragmented, (etc.) souls &/or parts of soul; & abuse spirits: ritual, emotional, sexual, verbal & physical; (etc.). I ask You Heavenly Father, in Jesus' name, to send Your angels to cut, sever, isolate, & destroy every root, fruit & seed of each demon in

NAME (Amos 2:9) & to forbid any transference, reinforcement, or communication of any demons within NAME. In Jesus' name, I ask You God, to send Your angels to sever and separate all the demons' souls from off of NAME's real soul as You purposed NAME to be and to show NAME who he/she really is & the difference between the demons & NAME's real soul as You purposed NAME to be. As the demons are exposed, I ask for Godly discernment that NAME knows who the demons are & how to attack them, & I ask that the demons be bound in Jesus' name for NAME until God's perfect time for their expulsion in a TRUE deliverance. I ask You Lord God to show NAME who he/she really is as You expose and bind up in Jesus' name all Familiar spirits, and all Imposter spirits: false, dead, bound, arrested, immature, double, split, altered, evil, fragmented, multiple (etc.) SOULS and/or PARTS of SOUL spirits affecting the - MIND - thoughts, thinking patterns, memory, intellect, and way of thinking, reason, understanding, knowledge, (etc.); WILL - decisions, wants, desires, (etc.); EMOTIONS - feelings, moods, heart, pleasures, (etc.); PERSONALITY; (etc.) that are working within NAME. In Jesus' name, I cancel the work of and bind up all connected, related, and resulting demons for NAME including any ungodly doorkeepers, gatekeepers, shrine keepers, porters, templekeepers, channelling, implants, triggers, hidden triggers, walk-ins, hypnotic suggestions, familiar spirits, (etc.) and any ruler spirit like rejection, rebellion, fear, leviathan, mind control, jezebel, disappointment, escape, passivity, abuse, deep hurts, unforgiveness, (etc.) that lets the Imposter spirits: souls or parts of souls (etc.), Familiar spirits, (etc.) manifest in NAME or that opens NAME up for attack. In Jesus' name, I bind these spirits & forbid them from taking over full or partial control of NAME; from surfacing (full or part); from switching (full or part); from manifesting; or from communicating in NAME in any way except when they are leaving in a true deliverance in God’s perfect time. Dear Heavenly Father, in Jesus' name, I cancel any false or ungodly "deliverance", co-existences, fusions or pacts and covenants with the demons anyone has done for NAME and I ask for all the demons to be severed from NAME, then separated, isolated, and bound individually. In Jesus' name, I ask You God to restore to wholesomeness, as You purposed from the beginning, NAME's brainwaves, level of consciousness, & all parts & Godly functions of NAME's real soul. I ask You God, in Jesus' name, to break free, loose, return, restore & mature all parts & functions of NAME's real soul to what You Lord would have them to be like while binding Familiar spirits and the Imposter spirits: demonic, false, dead, bound, arrested, immature, double, split, altered, evil, fragmented, multiple, counterfeit, (etc.) SOULS and/or PARTS of SOUL spirits (etc.) that are working within NAME. In Jesus' name, I ask that NAME be in his/her right mind (Mark 5:15; Luke 8:35), come to each one's real self(Luke 15:17), to have each one's own real mind (Rom 14:5), to have one mind in the Lord Jesus (Rom 15:6; 1Cor 13:11), to have each one's real reason & real understanding return to each one (Dan 4:36), to have each one's own whole heart (Ps 9:1) to NOT have a double heart but each one's own real heart (1 Chronicles 12:33, Ps 12:2), to NOT have a double mind (James 1:8,4:8), to NOT have a double tongue (1 Tim 3:8), to NOT have an evil eye (Matt 6:23) but to have each eye to be single (Matt 6:22, Luke 11:34), and to be NAME's real self as You Lord God purposed NAME to be from the beginning. In Jesus' name, I ask that NAME possess his/her own real soul (Luke 21:19) & I commit the keeping of NAME'S real soul to You Heavenly Father (1 Peter 4:19) and In Jesus' name, I ask that You deliver NAME's real soul from death (Ps 56:13), the grave, and prision, from bitterness of soul ( Isaiah 38:17), from the pit of corruption, & to bring NAME's REAL SOUL up from the grave (Ps 30:3), and out of prision (Ps 142:7). In Jesus' name, I ask God to not leave NAME's soul destitute, to preserve NAME's real soul, spirit & body blameless unto the coming of the Lord, to heal the wounds in the heart (Ps109:22), to heal the real soul, to heal the broken heart & bind up the wounds for NAME, to unite the real heart of NAME (Ps86:11). In Jesus. name, I loose into NAME the Godly spirits of a meek & quiet spirit, a meek & lowly heart, a new heart, a heart of flesh, a heart of mankind, singleness of heart, a merry heart, a joyful heart, joy & gladness in the heart, an understanding heart, a satiated soul, replentished soul, a refreshed soul, Godly memory recall on the real audio & visual memory, an obedient heart to do God's will, a willing heart to do God's will, a willing spirit to do God's will, a wise heart, a pure heart, a heart strong in faith, God's perfect heart, God's everlasting joy, patience of hope in Jesus, and anoint NAME with the oil of gladness. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I ask You Heavenly Father to send Your angels to NAME to fragment the demons' souls; scramble the demons' souls, (etc.); and forbid and cut off ALL methods the demons use to communicate, reinforce, or transfer to another family of demons. In Jesus' name, I break all soul ties between all the demons in NAME & NAME's real self as God purposed NAME to be including: Ahab as false father; Jezebel as false mother; all false child spirits; ALL Imposter spirits: false, dead, bound, arrested, immature, double, split, altered, evil, fragmented, multiple, counterfeit, (etc.) SOULS and/or PARTS of SOUL. In Jesus' name, I bind all connected, related, or resulting demons in NAME because of these severed soulties or control holds and I loose NAME from the demons' affects upon him/her so that NAME can be as God purposed NAME to be from the beginning and do what You God want NAME to do which is NAME's real heart's desire. In Jesus' name, I bind all connected, related, or resulting demons in NAME as I now confess as sin & repent of, & I renounce & break all evil, sympathetic, & ungodly soulties; good soulties used for evil; all ungodly mindties, ungodly willties, ungodly emotionties; any evil affects on the mind (Acts 14:2); any subversions on the soul (Acts 15:24); & all ungodly control holds: will, emotional, mood, thought, body, hypnotic, catatonic, Jezebel, all types of mind control holds; & all types of witchcraft control holds etc. on NAME from any person,

thing, group, or demon, etc. In Jesus' name, I bind all the evil in the soul of the demons working within NAME and I forbid the demons from using NAME's real soul - mind, will, & emotions for their evil works. I also individually bind each False soul already within NAME & the demons using the False soul & I forbid any demons from using any False soul parts & functions already within NAME, or from putting any more False soul - parts & functions within NAME to be used by the demons. In Jesus' name, I cast down all evil imaginations, thoughts, dreams, visions, suggestions, words and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God; and I take every evil imagination, thought, dream, vision, suggestion, and word using or in all levels of consciousness in NAME's mind or brain captive to the obedience of the Lord Jesus Christ and bind them to His obedience (2Cor 10:5). In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I bind up and forbid any ungodly thought, dream, vision, suggestion, and word from using or being in any and all levels of consciousness NAME's mind or speaking through NAME's mouth or manifesting in and through NAME in any way. I ask You God, in Jesus' name, to put a guard & a watch (Ps 141:3) over NAME's mouth, lips, mind & brain; to bridle NAME's tongue (James 3) & mouth (Ps 39:1) to tame NAME's tongue (Pr 8:7,8), to keep the tongue & lips of NAME (Pr 21:23), that NAME sin not with the tongue, & not have a double tongue (1 Tim 3:8), that NAME only says & thinks what is pleasing to You Lord & that the Familiar spirits, Imposter spirits, demonic soul & parts of soul spirits (etc.) cannot speak or sin through NAME's mouth or in NAME's real mind or brain, nor manifesting in & through NAME in any way. I ask You God to direct all NAME's actions that NAME would only do, say, think, want and feel what is pleasing to You Dear Lord. In Jesus' name, I break all evil soul ties with NAME's real soul & I break off all bondage over all levels of consciousness in NAME's real mind. I ask You, God, in Jesus' name, to send Your angels to break free, gather & restore, return & resurrect all portions of NAME's real soul that have been dead, bound, buried, arrested, altered, destroyed (Ps 40:14), spoiled (Ps 35:10), or removed by Occult, Satanism, New Age, Mind Control, Witchcraft, Communism, Masonry, Roman Catholicism, false religions, false doctrines, channelling, familiar spirits, rock music,all ungodly music, drugs, or by any other means be restored to wholesomeness in NAME and never be taken or affected again as in Ezekiel 13:17-23. In Jesus' name, I bind up for Name all the evil spirits that have taken the place of NAME's real soul. In Jesus' name, I now renounce, break & loose NAME from all demonic subjection to any human being or demon who has ever dominated or controlled NAME in any way contrary to the will of God. In Jesus' name, I break all soul ties with & cancel any & all death or ungodly rites, rituals, curses, all ungodly vows, oaths, promises, dedications, covenants, sacrifices, initiation rites, burials, last rites, pacts, (etc.) which result in a death curse when broken; false fasts, false baptisms, false funerals, (etc.) placed upon NAME & descendants by self, ancestors, or any other person, thing, group, or demon (etc.) to affect or arrest the true function of NAME's real self from what God purposed NAME's real self to be like from the beginning. In Jesus' name, I command the connected, related, or resulting demons to be bound for NAME. In Jesus' name, I ask You, God, to send Your angels for NAME to bind up all the demons & uncoil, untangle, dig out, break, cut, sever off, & remove any demonic caskets, coffins, roots, fetters, bands, ties, bonds, coils, tangles, serpents, cords, metals, wires, hairs, webs, chains, yokes, nets, gins, knots and ropes, (etc.) as well as break off all ungodly spiritual warfare, curses, fetishes, charms, hexes, vexes, spells, every jinx, all psychic powers, psychic prayers, psychic dedications, sorcery, bewitchments, enchantments, witchcraft, love potions, novenas, black fasts, false fasts, hindrances, burials, death magic, chants, (etc.) & any evil device that kills, hinders, arrests, or affects the TRUE function of NAME's real self in any way. In Jesus' name, I ask for all ungodly spiritual warfare, evil curses & evil devices to be returned to their original demon senders with God's angels to escort them back as swiftly as possible, stripping the demons of all weapons, armour, ungodly protection, while binding their evil curses and evil devices on them as a garment (Ps 109:17-19) to do to them as they would have done to NAME. I ask this be done in accordance with God's word and God's will. In Jesus' name, I bind ALL Familiar spirits, Imposter spirits, demonic soul & parts of soul spirits: false, dead, bound, arrested, immature, double, split, altered, evil, fragmented, multiple (etc.) souls and/or parts of soul spirits affecting the: MIND - thoughts, thinking patterns, memory, intellect, & way of thinking, ; WILL decisions, wants, desires, ; EMOTIONS - feelings, moods, heart, (etc.); PERSONALITY; (etc.) off NAME's real soul. In Jesus' name, I also bind all death demons, blocking & hindering spirits (Arrested Development, Immaturity, Paralysis & Passivity,) off of NAME's real self. In Jesus' name, I command these bound demons to loose NAME's real self so that NAME can be as God purposed NAME to be. In Jesus' name, I ask You Lord God to separate the demons from NAME's real soul and body; to resurrect, free, and mature all dead, buried, arrested or bound parts of NAME's real self; to restore to wholesomeness all portions of NAME's real soul within; to return all parts of NAME's real soul that were taken; and to replace all fragmented or disintegrated parts of NAME's real soul. I also ask You God, in Jesus' name, to send Your angels to break free & return ALL portions of NAME's real heart & soul that was taken or bound. In Jesus' name, I cancel all ungodly religious rituals (satanic, RC, voodoo, witchcraft, (etc.)) done that affects NAME's real heart & soul in any way & ask for all darts, daggers, & all weapons put in NAME’s heart, soul, bones, body, or in any representative of NAME to be pulled out while healing any wounds in NAME. In JESUS’ name, I break all ungodly spiritual warfare, curses and evil devices (etc.) off NAME & return them to the original demon senders in accordance with God's word and God's will. Thank You Lord for restoring NAME to the REAL person You purposed NAME to be.

This prayer is adapted from many of the prayers in "Warfare Prayers" and from deliverance prayer principles learned from Win Worley at HBC. Church of Salvation, Healing, & Deliverance - [email protected]