well established problem solving methodology like Kepner-Tregoe Situation and. Decision Analysis. 2 or McMaster Five-Point Strategy. 3 . Fogler and LeBlanc ...
Session 3213
Improving Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving Skills By Interactive Troubleshooting Nihat M. Gurmen1, John J. Lucas2, R. Dean Malmgren1, H. Scott Fogler1 1 Department of Chemical Engineering 2 Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2136
Abstract In today’s job market it is becoming increasingly important to demonstrate one’s critical thinking and creative problem solving skills in addition to the traditional engineering knowledge. One effective method for improving these skills involves the use of interactive computer modules. Particularly, the simulation of faulty operation has also the advantage of adding uncertainty of industrial settings. Interactive computer modules that concentrate on troubleshooting help students to adopt strategies to deal with the inherent ambiguity in open ended problems, and see some general trends in the creative problem solving process. Interactive computing can greatly facilitate the learning of troubleshooting skills because of the rapid feedback, the alternate pathways the student may progress and the multiple solutions they can generate. Complementary to the traditional classes, interactive computer modules enable the students to create various what-if scenarios and to concentrate on critical thinking. Hence, interactive computer modules give students the opportunity to practice in divergent problem solving skills where there are multiple pathways to the correct solution. Furthermore, with these what-if scenarios they are able to look at the system from a broader perspective with the premise that it gives a deeper understanding of the technical concepts. This work will demonstrate one of the interactive computer modules developed at University of Michigan for troubleshooting, MicroPlant. This interactive computer program simulates the faulty operation of a micro-plant in which ethyl benzene is converted to styrene. It contains over forty possible faults, two of which are assigned randomly when the student signs on to the program. The program is designed to encourage the student to troubleshoot the plant with critical thinking skills in situation and decision analysis. Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering Education
Introduction In this study, the computer simulation of a faulty styrene plant will be introduced as a tool for stimulating critical thinking and creative problem solving skills in undergraduate chemical engineering students. The simulation is built as an interactive computer module (ICM) for a PC with Windows® operating system. As the name implies, the flows and unit sizes in MicroPlant are small compared to their industrial counterparts. To complete the ICM successfully, a good technical background in chemical engineering unit operations is necessary. However, the simulation is primarily designed to emphasize the critical thinking and creative problem solving skills in the context of troubleshooting of a basic chemical engineering plant, MicroPlant. The students may develop their own strategies to determine the faults and take corrective action or opt for a well established problem solving methodology like Kepner-Tregoe Situation and Decision Analysis2 or McMaster Five-Point Strategy3. Fogler and LeBlanc provide an efficient review for these and other problem solving strategies1. A full run of the ICM should take about 45 to 60 minutes. Although little or no calculations should be necessary, a pencil, a calculator, and paper may be necessary to check some of the mole/mass balance calculations and take notes. Heat effects need to be considered qualitatively for troubleshooting the MicroPlant. There are no calculations for students to carry out that would involve any energy balances for the units. Program description The MicroPlant ICM simulates a plant in which ethylbenzene is converted to styrene. The plant consists of nine main units: two preheaters, a reactor, a condenser, a liquid-gas separator, a liquid-liquid separator, two adsorbers, and a distillation column. There are also auxiliary units such as tanks, pumps, and controllers. The process flow sheet of the plant is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Process flow sheet of MicroPlant
Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering Education
When a user signs on, the program randomly selects two out of the 42 possible faults for that particular run. These faults are compiled from real world industrial operations. The user’s task is to find the faulty equipment(s) and identify what the faults are. For example, the sets of potential faults in the feed and preheater subsystem, and the reactor are listed in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. Appropriate faults are present for other units and streams of the MicroPlant as well. Table 1. Five faults that can occur in the feed and preheater subsystem
Water pump calibration is off – too much water is delivered.
Ethylbenzene pump calibration is off – too much water is delivered.
Ethylbenzene pump calibration is off – too little water is delivered.
Impurities in water feed.
Impurities in ethylbenzene feed.
The overall process flow sheet shown in Figure 1 does not include detailed information in order to minimize the screen clutter. However, the different subsystems of the MicroPlant are highlighted as the user moves the mouse on the main flow sheet from one subsystem to the other. If one clicks on a specific subsystem, the corresponding detailed screen comes up. For example, Figure 2 shows the detailed view of feed and preheater subsystem. When the detailed subsystem screen comes up, first, all hot regions a user can explore are highlighted to visually direct the user. In summary, in the feed subsystem, the preheaters receive the input from two feed tanks. Two pumps and their respective control elements push the feed through preheaters 1 and 2. Table 2. Eleven faults that can occur in the reactor subsystem
1 Channeling in the reactor. 2 Dead space in the reactor. 3 Excess axial spreading in the reactor. 4 Organic chlorides in the water feed are poisoning the catalyst. 5 Organic chlorides in the ethylbenzene feed are poisoning the catalyst. 6
Chlorides are present in the catalyst but not in the feed. (previous poisoning the catalyst)
7 Catalyst is old. 8 Coking of the catalyst. 9 No catalyst is present. 10 Relief valve on reactor is leaking. 11 Valve downstream of reactor is closed.
Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering Education
Figure 2. Process flow sheet of MicroPlant in the feed and preheaters subsystem
The user is given a limited amount of money to be spent on diagnosing the malfunctions. The limited resource is intended to encourage the user to plan the diagnosis carefully. The user is therefore charged a fee for each diagnostic technique. A list of diagnostic techniques for the second heater in the feed and preheater subsystem is shown in Figure 2. Similarly, Figure 3 shows the diagnostic techniques available for the reactor subsystem. Appropriate diagnostic techniques are available for all the other units as well.
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Figure 3. Diagnostic techniques in the reactor subsystem.
The program provides background information on the MicroPlant, as well as expected and actual output values for streams 5, 7, 10 and 11 shown in Figure 1 for free. In all other streams, temperature, molar flow rate, and molar composition can be measured for a fee as shown in Figure 4. These stream values may be used to check if the mole balance is holding for a unit; a difference may indicate that you found a leak in that equipment. For the reactor, a mass balance is more appropriate and therefore all molecular weights for the components are included in the background information. Discussion The MicroPlant program is designed to increase the user’s skills in many aspects of the problem solving - from initial definition of the problem to the final check of the solution. However, the assessment and evaluation process that would determine to what degree this goal is achieved seems to be a real challenge. For now, the program returns an encoded performance number to the student upon exiting the simulation. The performance number has information about the user’s performance and the money left in the account. These performance numbers are found to be helpful in situations where the simulation is assigned as a homework problem. To assess the true educational value of
Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering Education
the simulation, it is planned to combine the performance numbers with before-and-after surveys to come to a more definitive answer.
Figure 4. Process flow sheet of MicroPlant in the reactor subsystem
Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge the early work and the unpublished reports of Hsieh, T. Y., LeBlanc, S. and Heil, A. T. and the valuable comments of Waisanen, J. T on MicroPlant. The funding of this project is provided by NSF (Grant: DUE-0126497).
Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering Education
References 1.
Fogler, H. S., and S. E. LeBlanc, “Strategies for Creative Problem Solving”, Prentice Hall PTR, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey (1995).
Kepner, C. H., and B. B. Tregoe, “The New Rational Manager”, Princeton Research Press, Princeton, New Jersey (1981).
Woods, D.R., “A Strategy for Problem Solving”, 3rd ed., Department of Chemical Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario (1985).
Nihat M. Gürmen received his B.S. degree in chemical engineering from Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey. He received the M.E. and the Ph.D. degrees in chemical engineering from the University of South Florida, Tampa. He is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. His research interests include numerical modeling and simulation of physiological systems; critical thinking and creative problem solving techniques with interactive computing. John J. Lucas is currently working towards his B.S.E. in Computer Science at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. In addition to programming for fun, he enjoys swing dancing and playing racquet ball. R. Dean Malmgren is majoring in Chemical Engineering and Mathematics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He enjoys golf, water polo, and triathlons. His academic interests include catalysis and modeling. H. Scott Fogler is the Vennema Professor of chemical engineering at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He has graduated 30 Ph.D. students from his research group and has published more than 180 research publications. His research topics include: flow, reaction, precipitation; kinetics of wax deposition; fused chemical reactions; gellation kinetics; asphaltene characterization and remediation; colloidal phenomena; catalyzed dissolution of minerals; pharmacokinetics of acute toxicology; critical thinking and creative problem solving.
Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering Education