Similar to the rise in electronic technologies that benefit our lives there is a ... ordinary energetic/spiritual therap
Improving the Quality of Our Lives Each of us wants to live a good life. We want to be free from encumbering pasts and current problems. We want to be ourselves, to live our own lives, in our own ways. We want to have the experiences and expressions we desire. We want a future that works well for us and those we love. So simple to say, yet seemingly so elusive to fulfill. From the baby boom generation onwards, through each successive generation, more and more of us have been increasingly opening to—and engaging in—personal and spiritual growth and development. Our longings are not arising simply from our personal psychologies, but rather, we are increasingly responding to the unconscious non-ordinary forces of Universal Intelligence (the Mystery) urging us to expand beyond our ancestral and cultural inheritance, beyond our familial and individual upbringings. We can become more—and we want to. In response, we want, and require, assistance. We want approaches to healing, growth and change that actually work. We want them facilitated by compassionately intelligent awake and aware and kind practitioners who we are safe with and safe from. Those who we like and trust. Those who’ve done their work. Practitioners who’ve been through and experienced what we must go through. We want our practitioners to have grown to such a degree that they actually help us without projecting their foibles and follies on us. We want them to possess the necessary capacities and skills and experience to properly guide us. Similar to the rise in electronic technologies that benefit our lives there is a concurrent rise—though perhaps less apparent—in physical, psychological, and in nonordinary energetic/spiritual therapies and change-work methods for furthering our growth/development and our becoming. Of these, one is known by several names:— Hellinger Family Constellations; Systemic Constellations; Movements of the Soul Constellations; or, simply Constellations. I’ve worked as a personal growth and spiritual development facilitator and business coach for thirty-four years. The last twenty of which I’ve facilitated and taught
constellation approaches regarding personal, familial, ancestral, cultural, spiritual and business issues in many parts of the world. I am repeatedly staggered and heartened by the breathtaking effectiveness and life-changing benefits people working with constellations achieve—even with problems that have troubled them for years. Constellation methodologies, and the models underlying them, were founded and developed by the German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger some forty to forty-five years ago. His work went public about thirty years ago. He is still working at ninety. Hellinger’s approach does not involve theory or hypotheses. Rather, his approach is phenomenological—perceived directly—rather than involving the intellect or imagination. Hellinger developed his constellations methods as a result of directly experiencing the non-ordinary realities of consciousness—in realtime clinical applications—with real people who asked for his assistance with the real issues. Though the American psychotherapist, the Mother of Family Therapy, Virginia Satir, used the term Constellations for her brilliant systemic psychological therapies— Hellinger’s work is non-psychological. His work is distinct. Those familiar with Psychodrama may think Hellinger’s Constellation approaches are a psychodramatic. They are not! Constellations work in realms of our systems distinct from that which is psychological or imaginal. Look to the work of the British biologist Rupert Sheldrake beginning with his 1995 book: The Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance and the Habits of Nature http:// to understand an early and fitting take on the field systems Hellinger’s constellation methods work within. It’s beyond the scope of this piece to inform more fully of these non-ordinary realities, nonetheless Sheldrake’s book provides a useful initial frame. The changes ensuing from constellations occur in the non-ordinary realms—the energetic systems—of an individual, and in those of her or his family—adult, and family of origin; and, in his or her ancestral and cultural field systems. These changes do not involve learning. Rather, the changes occur within the “morphic fields” of one’s
system in the constellation process and continue changing after the constellation has been stopped. When a tipping point of change in the reorganization of one’s energetic non-ordinary system is reached, psychological and physiological changes occur: relief, freedom, wellness, etc. Sometimes this point is reached immediately. At other times, there is a delay. Sometimes short. Sometimes longer. Nonetheless positive change results. Some argue that constellations are intellectually indefensible. I am the first to agree. Constellation approaches are not intellectual or imaginal—they are not psychological. Though their effectiveness is sufficient testimony establishing their value—there is yet a greater value they offer us: They open us to the Mystery. To the Universe and the forces that lend ease to our lives when we connect with them. It is not easy being human. Life offers us challenge after challenge. Yet we are not in this alone. There are forces helpful forces beyond mind body. Constellations work with these forces. This is the next step in our evolution. Although no one other than a skilled facilitator and the client are necessary to use constellation technologies, the most common approach for using constellations involves having other people serve as surrogates—as representatives standing in for the client and others who are a party to the issue and its remedy. The client watches the process. These constellations occur typically done in open to the public workshops. This is a boon for all who attend for they benefit too. • everyone’s consciousness expands • the systems of those with similar issues experience beneficial change • everyone who serves as a surrogate—those who stand in as representatives in constellations—are changed in positive directions as they directly experience the three realms of another’s system: nonordinary (energetic system), psychological (mental/imaginal/emotional) and physical. People serving as representatives are changed, expanded and more aware. They experience circumstances and events and realities that they, themselves, have never, and may never experience. This is growth. Change. Experiencing others’ experiences
provides greater understanding of humanity. About Life. The world. And the Mystery. Not only are the people representing changed, they learn. They grow and expand. This occurs through story, observation, and direct sensory and non-ordinary sensory experience. The most important relationship in our lives is with the Mystery and its nonordinary forces. Something we know so little of. Only now physics is beginning to get the smallest of insights. Yet, there is more ease available to us, individually and collectively. Constellation approaches are one means of acquiring this ease. © Stephen Victor Stephen Victor lives in the Northwest USA with his wife. He has the mind of an engineer, the soul of a mystic and the heart of a poet—all with a bent for furthering human promise. He works as a consultant, coach and workshop facilitator.