Oct 12, 2010 - We observed the phase transitions of these Ag2Te NWs via in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) after covering them with Pt layers.
values, and are thus highly degenerate in { kl_ri}.2. The next ... Often the interpretation of the quantum state is given in a hodgepodge of ... In this case, for any value q of any observable, the probability of q in a system ..... 2783-2787. Fine,
tion of LDB and the lattice-level data from macroscopic and microscopic ... onset of the first LDB, and it is linearly fitted with respect to temperature in Fig. 2(b).
Jan 16, 2014 - mechanical and electronic properties of rGO nanosheets. It is still not fully ..... (12) Zhang, L. Q.; Liu, X. H.; Liu, Y.; Huang, S.; Zhu, T.; Gui, L. J.;.
Dec 20, 1999 - of the tunnel paths which lead to the quantum phase interference. ... context of spin coherent-state-path-integrals has been given recently [11].
Apr 15, 2014 - PHYSICAL REVIEW B 89, 144414 (2014). Macroscopic phase diagram and magnetocaloric study of metamagnetic transitions in the spin chain.
(Received 28 November 2006; published 16 July 2007). We report on the first unambiguous observation of macroscopic quantum tunneling (MQT) in a single.
5 D-Wave Systems Inc., 320-1985 West Broadway, Vancouver, B.C., V6J 4Y3 Canada. 6 Physics and Astronomy Dept., The University of British Columbia,.
The glasses were identified by X-ray diffraction and DSC (DSC3100, Mac. Science .... 9, 177(1941). [19] D. A. Porter and K. E. Easterling, Phase Transformation.
GEORGE A. ISAAC. Cloud Physics ... kuratov 1952; Johnson and Hallett 1968; Takahashi. 1975 ..... Freezing Drizzle Experiment 3 (CFDE3; Isaac et al. 2001).
Sep 6, 2013 - 1 Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics .... S3). Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that resistance-switching.
Feb 16, 2017 - nucleation of the second phase, whose size is determined by the balance between ... Thin film of cobalt hexacyanoferrate, LixCo[Fe(CN)6]0.9, is another ideal ... around the Co K-edge16 indicates that Co2+ and Co3+ take the ...
received: 22 July 2016 accepted: 13 January 2017 Published: 16 February 2017
In situ observation of macroscopic phase separation in cobalt hexacyanoferrate film Masamitsu Takachi1 & Yutaka Moritomo1,2,3,4 Lithium-ion secondary batteries (LIBs) store electric energy via Li+ deintercalation from cathode materials. The Li+ deintercalation frequently drives a first-order phase transition of the cathode material as a result of the Li-ordering or Li-concentration effect and causes a phase separation (PS) into the Li-rich and Li-poor phases. Here, we performed an in situ microscopic investigation of the PS dynamics in thin films of cobalt hexacyanoferrate, LixCo[Fe(CN)6]0.9, against Li+ deintercalation. The thick film (d = 1.5 μm) shows a characteristic macroscopic PS of several tens of μm into the green (Li1.6Co[Fe(CN)6]0.9) and black (Li.6Co[Fe(CN)6]0.9) phases in the x range of 1.0 x > 0.0), because In is proportional to the probability of finding the Co3+ site adjacent to the Fe2+ site. The red lines in Fig. 5(a) and (b) are the results of the mean-field model. Figure 5(a) shows In of the thick film against x in the black (A and A′), phase boundary (B and B′), and green (C and C′) regions. Data were averaged in 2 × 2 μm2 area, as indicated by squares in Fig. 5(c). In the x range of 1.6 > x > 0.6, the In − x curves show significant position dependence and seriously deviate from the mean-field model (red lines). In the x range of 0.6 > x > 0.0, however, the In − x curves overlap each other and nearly obey the mean-field model (red lines). In the black region (A and A′), In steeply increases to ~1 with a decrease in x below x = 1.2, indicating selective Li+ deintercalation and transformation into the black phase. The increase in In gradually saturated below x = 1.2, indicating that the black region covers the entire 2 × 2 μm2 square. In the green region (C and C′), In remains nearly zero in the x range of 1.6