MUSLIM INDIA EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL TRUST (MIECT) ... Undergraduate Vocational or Technical Course ... Board/Universit
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
MUSLIM INDIA EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL TRUST (MIECT) Address for Correspondence: 133, Patliputra Colony, Patna-13(Tel:-0612- 2271516)
APPLICATION FORM FOR MIECT SCHOLARSHIPS FOR 2011-12 * Undergraduate Vocational or Technical Course *Medical, Paramedical Course *Post-graduate General/Professional Course (Please tick what applies)
*Engineering/Technical Degree Course *General Degree Course *Others
Applicant’s Name:……………………………………………………………………………… Date of Birth……………………………. State of Origin:………………………………Permanent Address………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Course……………………………….. Duration …………………………Date of Admission………………………………………………. Academic Record
Marks Total/Aggregate/ Percentage
Division/ Class/Distinction
1. High School/Matriculation 2. Higher Secondary/Intermediate 3. Degree Course- 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year ECONOMIC STATUS 1. Name of Father/Guardian…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Profession……………………………………………….. 3. Present Occupation …………………………………………………………... 4. Total Monthly Income……………………………………5. No of Dependent……………………………………………………………… 6. Name of Institution:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7. Average Monthly Expenditure as Regular Student/Boarder…………………………………………………………………………………. 8. Any Financial assistance received by the Applicant:………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. Whether Applicant received MIECT Scholarship in the past: Yes/No; Year ………………… ……… Course…………………………… 10. Bank Detail of Applicant (Essential) Name of the Bank………………………………………………….. A/c No……………………………………………………………….. 11. Postal Address for Correspondence: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………Email……………………………………………………Telephone/Mobile………………………….. Documents Attached: 1.
Photocopies of Secondary/Higher Secondary/ Diploma/Degree Certificates with last Mark sheet
Certificate of Admission or Bonafide Certificate from Head of Institution
Means Certificate issued by a local authority or an eminent Muslim Organisation.
Declaration: I, ……………………………………………, do hereby affirm that I do not have adequate financial support for my ……………… course and that on employment, I undertake to refund the total amount received as scholarship to the MIECT in convenient installments. Place:……………….. Date:………………. Signature
MUSLIM INDIA EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL TRUST (MIECT) Address for Correspondence: 133, Patliputra Colony, Patna-13(Tel:-0612- 2271516)
Announcement of Means-cum-Merit Scholarship for 2011-12 The MIECT announces 70 scholarships on merit-cum-means basis, for the academic year 2011-2012 for Muslim students without adequate means who are not receiving any other scholarship, government or private. Record of 2010-11 The Muslim India Educational and Cultural Trust( MIECT) had awarded 68 scholarship of a total value Rs 466200/-. For the academic year 2010-2011 as per breakup below: Gender: M-51, F-17; New-48, Old- 20; PG-26 UG-33, Dip-09; State-wise- UP-25, Bihar-12, Tamil Nadu-9, Delhi-9, Karnataka -5, AP-2, Assam-2 and Haryana J & K, Jharkhand & Punjab 1 each.
1. Ten (10) Nizamuddim Scholarships of Rs. 1000/- p.m. for Post-graduate ( or equivalent) courses in Computer Application or Information Technology or Business Administration. (Donor: Mr. Faisal Syed) 2. Five (5) Prof. S A Majid Scholarships of Rs. 750/ p.m. for Masters Degree in Arts, Humanities, Science & Commerce ( Donor: Mrs S B Shahabuddin) 3. Five (5) Sakina Khatoon Scholarships exclusively for Muslim Women of Rs. 700/- p.m. for professional degree in Law, C A & Mass Communication
( Donor: Dr Johara
Shahabuddin) 4.
Five (5) Begum. S A Majid Scholarships of Rs. 600/ p.m for P G Diploma or Honors Courses in Humanities and Related Subject( Donor: Dr Sara Shahabuddin)
5. Five (5) Prof. Nayyar Pervez Shahabuddin Scholarships for 800/- p.m. for B. Tech courses in IIT or equivalent institutes ( Donor: Mr. Syed Shahabuddin) 6. Five (5) Nehal Amanullah Scholarships for 800/- p.m. for B. Sc (Eng) or B.E Courses ( Donor: Mrs Parveen S. Amanullah) 7. Five (5) Dr. Hasan Majid Scholarships of 900/- p.m for MBBS course, non-allopathic medical courses 750, Para-medical courses 700 ( Donor: Dr Roohi Majid) 8. Five (5) Maher Bano Ahmad Scholarships of Rs 600/- p.m. for Para-Medical or Vocational Diploma Courses ( Donor:Dr. Ghazala Shahabuddin)
9. Twenty Five (25) MIECT Scholarships of 550 p.m. for Post Secondary Diploma 500/ Post Higher Secondary Diploma/undergraduate general courses 550/-. Scholarships for Riot Orphans MIECT Special Scholarships of Rs 100 p.m. to all Riot Orphans studying in a recognized school, available upto the end of secondary education, subject to passing annual school examinations. Application may be made by the guardian on plain paper with admission certificate form the school and means certificate form the local Muslim Organization. General Direction 1. The applicant should have good academic record at secondary/senior secondary level/ qualifying examination. 2. The applicant should have been enrolled in College and Department of recognized University, against open seats, not payment seats. 3. Application forms must are available on website or on request, from the Managing Trustee, The Muslim India Educational & Cultural Trust, 133, Patliputra Colony, Patna-13(Tel:-0612- 2271516).
4. Application complete in every report should be sent to above Patna address immediately after securing admission. 5. Past awardees who have not completed their courses may only send the result of their last annual examination & promotion record for renewal. 6. The last date of receipt for application in 31 October, 2011. 7. Awards will be communicated to the awardees by 31 December 2011 and payment of the annual award by crossed cheque shall begin by 31 January 2012 133, Patliputra Colony Patna-800013
Parveen Amanullah Managing Trustee