Menghargai Individu dan Membina Kerja Sama. Senantiasa .... prinsip triple
bottom line sebagai landasan operasional yang kuat dan ..... high and high
schools as well as assistance in the form of .... Honda Motor menyelenggarakan
Laporan Berkelanjutan
Sustainability Report
Catur Dharma & Visi
Dari Redaksi
Laporan Dewan Komisaris
Laporan Direksi
Kebijakan Lingkungan, Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Keamanan 2011
Peristiwa Penting 2010
Sekilas Astra International
Ikhtisar Keuangan
Program Stakeholder
Theme: IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION Our Philosophy & Vision From the Editor
Report from the Board of Commissioners Report from the Board of Directors Environment, Social Responsibility and Security Corporate Policy 2011 2010 Event Highlights
Astra International In Brief Financial Highlights
Stakeholder Program • Pengembangan Masyarakat
• Masyarakat: Pendidikan
• Masyarakat: Peningkatan Pendapatan
• Masyarakat: Kesehatan
• Lingkungan, Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja
• Karyawan
• Pelanggan
• Pemasok
• Pemerintah
• Pemegang Saham
Sekilas AFC & AGC
Penghargaan dan Sertifikasi 2010
Struktur Organisasi
Kontributor Data LK3
GRI Cross Reference Index
Daftar Tabel dan Grafik
Lembar Umpan Balik
Community Development Community: Education Community: Income Generating Activities Community: Health Environment, Occupational Health and Safety Employees Customer Supplier Government Shareholders
AFC & AGC in Brief
2010 Awards and Certifications Organisation Structure EHS Data Contributor
GRI Cross Reference Index List of Tables and Graphs Feedback Form
IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION Astra selalu berpacu untuk meraih keunggulan. Kinerja yang positif diimbangi dengan terus merangkul dan memperhatikan harapan seluruh para pemangku kepentingan. Dalam kesatuan ini, Astra bergerak maju dalam langkah yang harmonis dan dinamis sesuai dengan tanggung jawabnya pada masing-masing stakeholder. Dengan cita-cita agar Astra dan seluruh stakeholder berkembang secara berkelanjutan, Astra senantiasa siap mengulurkan tangan yang menjaga agar semua pihak selalu menapak menuju arah yang tepat. Astra constantly pushes to attain excellence. Positive achievements are balanced by embracing and aligning ourselves to the expectations of stakeholders. Thus unified, Astra moves with harmonious yet dynamic steps in line with its responsibilities to each stakeholder. With a dream to secure sustainable growth for the Company and its stakeholders, Astra remains committed to lend a helping hand to have everyone go in the right direction.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Catur Dharma Our Philosophy
1 2
Menjadi Milik yang Bermanfaat bagi Bangsa dan Negara To be an Asset to the Nation
Memberikan Pelayanan Terbaik kepada Pelanggan To Provide the Best Service to Our Customers
Menghargai Individu dan Membina Kerja Sama
Senantiasa Berusaha Mencapai yang Terbaik
To Respect Individuals and Promote Teamwork
To Continually Strive for Excellence
Visi Vision
Menjadi salah satu perusahaan dengan pengelolaan terbaik di Asia Pasifik dengan penekanan pada pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan dengan pembangunan kompetensi melalui pengembangan sumber daya manusia, struktur keuangan yang solid, kepuasan pelanggan dan efisiensi. To be one of the best managed corporations in Asia Pacific with emphasis on sustainable growth by building competence through people development, solid financial structure, customer satisfaction and efficiency.
Menjadi perusahaan yang mempunyai tanggung jawab sosial serta ramah lingkungan. To be a socially responsible corporation and to be environmentally friendly.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Dari Redaksi From the Editor
Astra selalu memberikan perhatian kepada para pemangku kepentingan dalam upaya memenuhi hak-hak mereka. Astra constantly pays attention to its stakeholders in an effort to fulfill everyone’s aspirations.
Dalam menjalankan usahanya Astra selalu berpegang teguh pada prinsip triple bottom line, yang berfokus pada keseimbangan kinerja keuangan (profit), sosial (people) dan lingkungan (planet). Sebagai salah satu grup perusahaan besar yang terus berkembang, Astra memiliki banyak pemangku kepentingan yang turut berperan dalam pertumbuhan perusahaan. Pemangku kepentingan tersebut meliputi: pemegang saham, karyawan dan keluarganya, pelanggan, pemasok, pemerintah, masyarakat sekitar maupun lingkungan. Bagi Astra, para pemangku kepentingan tersebut sangat penting artinya. Oleh karena itu, Astra selalu memberikan perhatian kepada para pemangku kepentingan dalam upaya memenuhi hak-hak mereka. Laporan Berkelanjutan ini akan memberikan gambaran hubungan dan interaksi antara Astra dan para pemangku kepentingannya. (2.8, 3.6, 4.14)
In conducting its business, Astra is committed to the principles of the triple bottom line, which focuses on the balance of financial (profit), social (people) and environmental (planet) performance. As a large corporate group that continues to grow, Astra has many stakeholders who offer their respective contributions to the Company’s growth. These stakeholders include shareholders, employees and their families, customers, suppliers, the government, the surrounding community and the environment. For Astra, all stakeholders are critically important. For this purpose, Astra constantly pays attention to its stakeholders in an effort to fulfill everyone’s aspirations. This sustainability report provides an illustration of the relationship and interaction between Astra and its stakeholders. (2.8, 3.6, 4.14)
Laporan Berkelanjutan ini disusun berdasarkan standar Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines dan diterbitkan setahun sekali. Laporan serupa yang kami susun tahun lalu berhasil meraih penghargaan The most consistent and commitment dalam kontes Indonesia Sustainability Report Award 2010. Laporan ini sekaligus menunjukkan komitmen Astra untuk selalu terbuka memberikan informasi kepada semua pemangku kepentingan tentang tujuan perusahaan yang jelas untuk melanjutkan pertumbuhan usahanya serta mempertahankan pertumbuhan tersebut secara bertanggung jawab, dengan tidak melupakan aspek lingkungan dan sosial. (2.8, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.10)
This Sustainability Report is prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines and is published once a year. The same report which was prepared last year was awarded The most consistent and commitment in the Indonesia Sustainability Report Award 2010. This report is also a testimony to Astra’s commitment to consistently provide information to all stakeholders regarding the company’s well-defined purpose to pursue business growth and sustain growth in a responsible manner, which pays due regard to environmental and social aspects. (2.8, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.10)
2.8 3.1 3.2 3.3
3.6 3.10
: : : :
Scale of the reporting organization. Reporting period. Date of most recent previous report. Reporting cycle.
: Boundary of the report. : Explanation of the effect of any re-statements of information. provided in earlier reports, and the reasons for such re-statement. : List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organization.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Dari Redaksi
From the Editor
Di tahun 2010 ini, kami tetap menggunakan data dari semua enam divisi/line bisnis perusahaan yang tersebar di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. Pada tahun ini jumlah perusahaan yang berkontribusi dalam penyusunan laporan ini sebanyak 406 instalasi dan berasal dari 99 perusahaan yang terdiri dari anak perusahaan, perusahaan terafiliasi maupun perusahaan gabungan. Data dikumpulkan melalui prosedur penghitungan standar. Kami mencoba menyajikan informasi berdasarkan pemangku kepentingan yang menerima dampak dari kegiatan perusahaan. Kami berharap informasi yang disajikan mampu memberikan gambaran yang komprehensif mengenai hubungan Astra dan para pemangku kepentingannya. (2.9, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.11)
In 2010, we used data from all of the Company’s six business divisions/lines, extending over various regions in Indonesia. This year, the business units that contributed to the preparation of this report included 406 installations from 99 subsidiary, affiliated and joint companies. Data is collected through standard procedures. We have organized information based on those stakeholders who are in a position to receive impact from the Company’s activities. We hope the information presented herein will provide a comprehensive and true representation of the relationships between Astra and its stakeholders. (2.9, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.11)
Secara khusus Laporan ini akan menyajikan gambaran implementasi kebijakan-kebijakan Astra dalam bidang Lingkungan, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (LK3) dan tanggung jawab sosial. Pengimplementasian kebijakankebijakan tersebut diwujudkan dalam berbagai program. Kami berharap Laporan Berkelanjutan ini dapat memberikan gambaran posisi Astra di Indonesia, dalam rangka mengurangi dampak negatif pertumbuhan perusahaan dan usahausahanya untuk berkontribusi maksimal dalam pembangunan bangsa.
In particular, this report presents an illustration of the implementation of Astra’s policies in the area of Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) and Social Responsibility. Implementation of these policies is manifested in various programs. We hope that this Sustainability Report may provide an assessment of Astra’s position in Indonesia, in its efforts to reduce the negative impacts from Company growth in order to contribute optimally in building the nation.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2007, 2008 dan 2009. Sustainability Report 2007, 2008 and 2009.
2.9 3.5 3.6 3.7
: Significant changes during the reporting period regarding size, structure, or ownership. : Process for defining report content. : Boundary of the report. : State any specific limitations on the scope or boundary of the report.
3.8 3.9 3.11
: Basis for reporting on joint ventures, subsidiaries, leased facilities, outsourced operations, and other entities. : Data measurement techniques and the bases of calculations. : Significant changes from previous reporting periods in the scope, boundary, or measurement methods applied in the report.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Tabel Table 1 Pemangku Kepentingan Astra (4.4, 4.14, 4.16, 4.17) Astra Stakeholders
Pemangku Kepentingan Stakeholders
Pendekatan Komunikasi Communication Channel
Frekuensi Frequency
Pemegang Saham Shareholder
Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham & penerbitan Laporan Tahunan General Meeting of Shareholders & publication of Annual Report
Minimal 1 tahun sekali At least once a year
Karyawan Employees
Melalui forum bipartit yang diwakili serikat pekerja & Forum Genba Through bipartite forums with representatives from the workers’ union & Forum Genba
Forum bipartit 1-3 bulan sekali & Genba 3 kali setahun Bipartite forum once every 1 to 3 months & Genba 3 times annually
Pelanggan Customer
Customer gathering
Minimal 1 tahun sekali At least once a year
Masyarakat Community
Forum komunikasi dan komunikasi informal Communication forums and informal communication
Forum komunikasi dilakukan setiap 3 bulan sekali & komunikasi informal dilakukan sesuai kebutuhan Communication Forums are held once every 3 months & informal communication is carried out as required
Pemasok Suppliers
Evaluasi atau review bersama Joint evaluation or review
Selama kontrak berjalan, evaluasi dilakukan di akhir kontrak Throughout the duration of the contract, evaluation is conducted toward the end of the contract
Pemerintah Government
Pelibatan dalam berbagai program lingkungan dan sosial & pertemuan informal Involvement in various environmental and social programs & informal meetings
Tergantung kebutuhan As required
Lingkungan Environment
Penerapan sistem Astra Green Company Implementation of the Astra Green Company system
Sepanjang tahun Entire year
4.4 4.14 4.16
: Mechanisms for shareholders and employees to provide recommendations or direction to the highest governance body. : List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organization. : Approaches to stakeholder engagement, including frequency of engagement by type and by stakeholder group.
: Key topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement, and how the organization has responded to those key topics and concerns, including through its reporting.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Laporan Dewan Komisaris Report from the Board of Commissioners
Pemulihan kondisi perekonomian Indonesia yang berlangsung sangat baik pada tahun 2009 dan 2010 turut mendorong berbagai pencapaian Astra yang amat membanggakan hati. Secara konsisten, sukses yang dicapai tercermin dalam kemajuan pada aspek people, planet, and profit yang terhubungkan dalam prinsip triple bottom line sebagai landasan operasional yang kuat dan mendorong laju pertumbuhan Grup Astra selama ini. (1.1)
The recovery of the economy proceeded extremely well during 2009 and 2010 and played a role in promoting a string of outstanding achievements by Astra. The success that has been accomplished was reflected in the consistent development of the people, planet, profit triple bottom line, the operational principle that drives Astra Group growth. (1.1)
Kami menyusun Laporan secara berkesinambungan ini tidak semata sebagai bagian dari praktik tata kelola yang terus ditekankan dalam bisnis kami. Namun, kami bertekad memberi gambaran yang transparan dan komprehensif mengenai kesuksesan yang telah diraih ini, bukan hanya oleh Astra sebagai entitas bisnis yang berdiri sendiri, namun dalam kaitan dan hubungan yang senantiasa dibina dan ditingkatkan dengan seluruh pemegang kepentingan yang berhubungan dengan kami sehari-hari.
We have continued to prepare this Report, not merely as part of our corporate governance responsibility, consistent focus in our business but also as a transparent and comprehensive illustration of the success that we have thus far achieved. These achievements were made both by Astra as a stand-alone business entity and stakeholders who are partnered through strong relationships that are intensively fostered and enhanced on a daily basis.
Astra secara konsisten telah membuktikan komitmen yang kuat dengan serangkaian program CSR yang sudah dilakukan selama bertahun-tahun serta peningkatan kualitas dan cakupannya di seluruh
Astra has consistently proven its strong commitment to a series of CSR programs that have been carried out over the years and to improve the quality as well as coverage. We
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Astra secara konsisten telah membuktikan komitmen yang kuat dengan serangkaian program CSR. Astra has consistently proven its strong commitment to a series of CSR programs.
pelosok tanah air. Kami senantiasa menjaga agar kontribusi yang optimal dapat terwujud melalui perencanaan yang terlaksana dengan baik, melalui guidance dalam bentuk President letter dan one year corporate policy, serta panduan Astra Green Company (AGC) dan Astra Friendly Company (AFC) sebagai perangkat yang menjaga kualitas implementasinya. Kami juga menekankan pada upaya penyempurnaan kriteria pengukur yang digunakan dalam standar AGC dan AFC serta peningkatan proses pelaksanaan koordinasi dan komunikasi program, karena hal tersebut mendorong urgensi untuk terus meningkatkan kesadaran seluruh konstituen Astra akan pentingnya keseimbangan profitabilitas, pengembangan masyarakat dan perlindungan LK3 yang sempurna dan berkesinambungan.
always strive to maintain an optimum contribution through planning that is appropriately guided by the President’s letter and a one-year corporate policy, as well as by Astra Green Company (AGC) and Astra Friendly Company (AFC) guidelines. We also emphasize efforts to enhance the measurement criteria used within AGC and AFC as well as increasing program coordination and communication. Astra continues to raise awareness among all constituents at Astra of the importance of a sustainable balance between profitability, community development and protection of the environment as well as security, health and safety concerns.
Sebagai perusahaan yang senantiasa menjunjung keunggulan sebagai sasaran utama organisasi, Astra akan berusaha untuk terus berada dalam barisan terdepan yang menjadi motor pertumbuhan ekonomi dan masyarakat Indonesia. Dalam perjalanannya, kami mewujudkan visi menjadi perusahaan kebanggaan Indonesia melalui pencanangan program Astra 2020.
As a company that constantly upholds excellence as the main organizational target, Astra will continue to drive efforts to be in the forefront as the motor for growth of the economy and people of Indonesia. In our journey to attain our vision to be the pride of Indonesia.
Jakarta, April 2011 PT Astra International Tbk,
Budi Setiadharma Presiden Komisaris President Commissioner
: Statement from the most senior decision maker of the organization.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Laporan Direksi Report from the Board of Directors
Pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan dan bertanggung jawab telah menjadi komitmen Astra yang terinternalisasi dalam filosofi Catur Dharma Perusahaan dan diterapkan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari. Dengan berjalannya waktu, kami juga menyadari dan merasakan pentingnya keterlibatan dan peran serta setiap pemangku kepentingan dalam menciptakan nilai tambah. Bagi Astra, tidaklah mungkin pertumbuhan kami optimal dan dapat dipertahankan dalam jangka panjang jika hak pemangku kepentingan terabaikan. Oleh karenanya, pemangku kepentingan senantiasa menjadi elemen-elemen penting dalam rumus yang digunakan Astra untuk pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan dan bertanggung jawab hingga saat ini.
Sustainable and responsible growth has become a commitment of Astra as internalized in its Catur Dharma philosophy and as applied in daily activities. Over time, we have also recognized and felt the importance of involvement and participation by all stakeholders in creating added value. For Astra, it is not possible to generate growth that is optimal and that can be sustained over the long term if the rights of stakeholders are neglected. Therefore, stakeholders are important in recording sustainable and responsible growth.
Pada tahun 2010, kami bersyukur telah berhasil meraih kinerja yang amat menakjubkan pasca krisis. Kami yakin akan kekuatan fondasi yang telah dibangun untuk menopang langkah kami menuju babak baru dalam wacana Astra 2020. Inisiatif ini tidak hanya untuk mendorong pertumbuhan bisnis ke depan, akan tetapi dari
In 2010, we are extremely grateful to have successfully achieved a post-crisis performance that is truly tremendous. We believe that the foundation that has been built will fuel our leap towards a new chapter, with the Astra 2020 Roadmap. This initiative was launched not only to propel business growth for the future, but to give increasing
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Kontribusi Astra dipusatkan pada program CSR untuk memberdayakan masyarakat melalui program di bidang pendidikan dasar, lingkungan, kesehatan dan peningkatan pendapatan. Astra’s contribution is focused on CSR programs to empower communities through programs in basic education, health and income generation activities. kemajuan ini, kami wajib memberi kontribusi kembali kepada setiap pemangku kepentingan yang turut andil dalam pertumbuhan itu sendiri.
contributions back to all stakeholders who are involved in growth creation.
Agar jelas dan terarah, dirumuskan Strategic Triple Roadmap (1.1) sebagai hasil dari proses identifikasi dan tata ulang fokus bisnis dan operasional dengan sasaran-sasaran yang sangat ambisius dan menantang sepanjang sejarah Astra. Portfolio Roadmap memberi gambaran strategi pengembangan bisnis yang bertumpu pada kondisi pasar dan kualitas untuk menjadi salah satu perusahaan terbaik di tingkat global. People Roadmap menunjukkan arah pengembangan sumber daya manusia untuk mendukung target business portfolio. Sedangkan peran dan investasi Astra dalam mengembangkan masyarakat dan perlindungan lingkungan dicanangkan dalam Public Contribution Roadmap, untuk mewujudkan cita-cita Astra sebagai ‘The Best Company in Corporate Social Responsibility’.
To be clear and focused, we have formulated the Strategic Triple Roadmap (1.1) to identify and redefine business focus with ambitious and challenging targets. The Portfolio Roadmap outlines a business development strategy which relies on producing quality products with excellent systems to promote our position as one of the best managed companies in Asia. The People Roadmap shows the direction of human resource development required to support operational targets. While the roles and investments made by Astra in developing communities and protecting the environment are outlined in the Public Contribution Roadmap, in the pursuit of attaining Astra’s aspiration to become ‘The Best Company in Corporate Social Responsibility’.
Kontribusi Astra dipusatkan pada program CSR untuk memberdayakan masyarakat melalui program di bidang pendidikan dasar, kesehatan dan peningkatan pendapatan dalam rangka mengentaskan kemiskinan dan membangun kualitas hidup yang lebih baik. Sementara di bidang lingkungan hidup, setiap perusahaan Astra
Astra’s contribution is focused on CSR programs to empower communities through programs in basic education, health and income generation activities in order to alleviate poverty and sustainably build a better quality of life. While in matters of the environment, each Astra company is obliged to comply with regulations and meet responsibilities.
: Statement from the most senior decision maker of the organization.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Laporan Direksi
Report from the Board of Directors
dituntut terus mendorong upaya pemenuhan kepatuhan dan tanggung jawab terhadap setiap perundangan yang berlaku. Tuntutan masyarakat dunia, terkait emisi, polusi dan perubahan iklim terus menjadi tantangan yang harus direspons dengan inovasi kami untuk membangun proses bisnis yang lebih bersahabat dengan lingkungan dan masyarakat sekaligus perlunya meningkatkan kesadaran untuk mempertahankan keseimbangan antara perlindungan lingkungan dan perkembangan usaha.
Global demands to control emissions and pollution continue to be a focus for measures that need to be built into business processes. In so doing, Astra is fulfilling its commitments to be friendlier to the environment and heighten awareness for creating a balance between environmental protection and business development.
Ke depan, kami berharap Astra terus membangun dan mengembangkan diri sebagai perusahaan yang membanggakan bangsanya, baik melalui kontribusi terhadap perekonomian bangsa secara formil maupun manfaat bagi peningkatan kualitas kehidupan masyarakat yang multi-dimensional dan berskala nasional. (1.1, 1.2)
Going forward, Astra will continue to shape its business practices in order to be a company that is a treasure to the nation. Through numerous contributions to the nation’s economy and society, multi-dimensional benefits can and will be delivered on a national scale. (1.1, 1.2)
Jakarta, April 2011 PT Astra International Tbk,
Prijono Sugiarto Presiden Direktur President Director
: Statement from the most senior decision maker of the organization.
: Description of key impacts, risks, and opportunities.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Kebijakan Lingkungan, Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Keamanan 2011 Environment, Social Responsibility and Security Corporate Policy 2011
Sesuai dengan kebijakan Perusahaan, dimana untuk mencapai sustainable business, salah satu Strategic Triple Roadmap yang harus dicapai adalah Public Contribution Roadmap. Hal ini mendorong kita untuk mempersiapkan milestone yang tepat untuk mengembangkan program Environment Health & Safety (EHS), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Corporate Security, menuju The Best Company in CSR & The Best Security in Indonesia di tahun 2020.
Based on Company policy, to maintain a sustainable business we need to integrate the Public Contribution Roadmap as an integral element of the Triple Strategy Roadmap. This will drive us to prepare appropriate milestones in order to develop Environment Health & Safety (EHS), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Corporate Security programs on our way to becoming The Best Company in CSR and the Best Corporate Security in Indonesia by the year 2020.
Sinergi program EHS, CSR & Security antara Grup Astra, Astra Foundations & Corporate yang efektif dan berkelanjutan mencapai satu titik tujuan harus selalu menjadi semangat dalam menjalankan program. Affiliate company adalah garda terdepan dalam membangun reputasi Astra di bidang EHS, CSR & Security, Astra Foundation menjadi mitra dalam penerapannya (khususnya terkait pengembangan masyarakat maupun pendidikan) dan corporate menjadi policy maker, pengarah dan fasilitator agar implementasi program ESRS menjadi semakin sinergi, efektif dan efisien.
The synergy of EHS, CSR & Corporate Security programs between the Astra Group, Astra Foundations and Corporate HQ, to be effective and sustainable in reaching a common destination, must have passion in program delivery. Subsidiary companies are the frontliners in building Astra’s reputation in the area of EHS, CSR & Corporate Security, while Astra Foundations are partners in the application (especially related to community development and education) and Corporate HQ is the policy maker, directing and facilitating the implementation of ESRS programs as synergic, effective and efficient.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Kebijakan Lingkungan, Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Keamanan 2011 Environment, Social Responsibility and Security Corporate Policy 2011
Astra terus berupaya menyiapkan tim dengan kompetensi dan kaderisasi yang baik, perencanaan yang sistematis untuk program-program inovasi dan improvement di bidang EHS, CSR and Security. Astra is always preparing teams that have competence and good regeneration, systematic planning for programs in innovation and improvement in the areas of Corporate EHS, CSR and Corporate Security. Oleh karena itu setiap pimpinan diharapkan senantiasa mengantisipasi perubahan yang terjadi di bidang EHS, CSR & Security baik di level lokal, nasional maupun global yang dapat mempengaruhi operasional dan kinerja bisnis. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan menyiapkan tim yang memiliki kompetensi dan kaderisasi yang baik, perencanaan yang sistematis untuk program-program inovasi dan improvement di bidang EHS, CSR & Security sehingga dapat memberikan nilai tambah yang besar bagi keberlanjutan bisnis. Untuk itu, maka Grup Astra diharapkan dapat mencapai kinerja bidang EHS, CSR & Security pada tahun 2011, sebagai berikut:
Therefore, each leader is expected to constantly anticipate changes that are related to EHS, CSR & Corporate Security at the local, national and global levels which may potentially affect operational and business performance. This can be done by preparing teams that have competence and good regeneration, systematic planning for programs in innovation and improvement in the areas of EHS, CSR & Corporate Security so that we can generate greater added value in a sustainable business. To that end, Astra Group is expected to achieve performance in EHS, CSR & Corporate Security in 2011 as follows:
Environment, Health and Safety 1. Implementasi Astra Green Company (AGC) minimal dengan peringkat “Hijau”. 2. Efisiensi sumber daya alam dan energi minimal sebesar 5% per satuan produk dibandingkan tahun 2010, melalui penerapan program cleaner production. 3. Penurunan emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK) 2% per satuan produk dibandingkan tahun 2010. 4. Zero workplace incident serta melakukan pencatatan, analisis & program antisipasi insiden. 5. Pembinaan lingkungan, kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja untuk pihak ketiga (kontraktor/outsource).
Environment, Health and Safety 1. Implementation of Astra Green Company (AGC) with a minimum rating of “Green”. 2. Efficiency of natural resources and energy at a minimum of 5% per unit of product compared to the year 2010, through the implementation of cleaner production programs. 3. Greenhouse gas emission reductions of 2% per unit of product compared to the year 2010. 4. Zero workplace incidents as well as conducting recording, analysis & incident anticipation programs. 5. Development of environment, health and safety programs for third parties (contractors/ outsourcing parties).
Corporate Social Responsibility 1. Implementasi Astra Friendly Company (AFC) minimal dengan peringkat “bintang 3”. 2. Memiliki program CSR yang sejalan dengan dampak bisnis untuk meningkatkan social protection:
Corporate Social Responsibility 1. Implementation of Astra Friendly Company (AFC) with a minimum rating of “3 star”. 2. Having CSR programs that are in line with business impacts to improve social protection:
: Description of key impacts, risks, and opportunities.
: Internally developed statements of mission or values, codes of conduct, and principles relevant to economic, environmental, and social performance and the status of their implementation.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
a. Memiliki 1 (satu) progam Income Generating Activity (IGA) di setiap instalasi (head office/cabang/site/plant). b. Melakukan minimal 1 program pembinaan pendidikan (support kurikulum atau ekstrakurikuler) di tiap perusahaan untuk masyarakat sekitar. c. Program pendidikan kepedulian masyarakat tentang kesehatan (untuk ibu dan anak) dan lingkungan (sanitasi), serta keselamatan.
a. Having 1 (one) program in Income Generating Activities (IGA) at each installation (head office / branch / site / plant). b. Carry out at least 1 education program (curricular or extracurricular) in each company for the surrounding community. c. Community education programs on health care (for mothers and children) and environment (sanitation) and safety.
Security 1. Komitmen, keseriusan dan fokus dalam implementasi pelaksanaan Astra Security Management System (ASMS) di setiap perusahaan Grup Astra, dengan pencapaian minimal “Hijau”, atau terbaik “Emas”. 2. Rekruitmen bidang security yang memilih “SDM berkualitas”, peningkatan kompetensi dan security awareness melalui pemberian pendidikan dan pelatihan terbaik di bidang security, di setiap level (Pimpinan Perusahaan, Staf, Danru dan Anggota Security), sebagai dasar penentuan jenjang karir dan promosi. 3. Perencanaan, pengadaan dan implementasi security devices yang “terkini dan mumpuni”, disesuaikan dengan ruang lingkup dan karakteristik usaha perusahaan. 4. Peningkatan kualitas networking dengan aparat keamanan dan komunitas lain dapat lebih “terukur”.
Corporate Security 1. Commitment, seriousness and focus in implementing the Astra Security Management System (ASMS) in each company within the Astra group, with a minimum achievement of “Green”, or the best classification “Gold”. 2. Recruitment in security for high quality human resources, improvement in competence and security awareness through the best security education and training programs, at each level (the management of the Company, Staff and Danru and Security personnel), as the basis for determining career paths and promotions. 3. Planning, procurement and implementation of security devices that are current and appropriate, adapted to the scope and characteristics of the Company’s businesses. 4. Improvement in the quality of networking with the security forces and other communities to be more “measurable”.
Demikian arahan saya, semoga semua yang kita rencanakan diberikan kemudahan oleh Tuhan Yang Maha Esa sehingga kita dapat merealisasikannya di tahun mendatang. (1.2, 4.8)
Such is the direction of ESRS. Hopefully, all our plans are given blessings by Almighty God and may progress smoothly in the coming year. (1.2, 4.8)
Terima kasih atas komitmen dan dedikasinya.
Thank you for your commitment and dedication.
Jakarta, 1 Desember 2010 PT Astra International Tbk,
Arief Istanto Chief Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Peristiwa Penting 2010 2010 Event Highlights
3 & 12 Jan: Sinergi donor darah Grup Astra Serangkaian kegiatan donor darah keluarga besar dan Direktur PT Federal International Finance, PT Asuransi Astra Buana dan Isuzu sebagai peserta donor darah dan juga turut mengundang Ketua PMI, M. Jusuf Kalla dan Ketua PMI Jakarta, Rini Sutiyoso. 3 & 12 Jan: Astra Group Synergy of blood donation PT Federal International Finance, PT Asuransi Astra Buana and Isuzu employees as well as Directors participated in blood donor drives with a special invitation extended to the Chairman of Red Cross Indonesia (PMI) M. Jusuf Kalla and Chairwoman of Red Cross Indonesia-Jakarta, Rini Sutiyoso.
Penandatanganan MoU Proyek Rehabilitasi Sumatera Barat untuk melakukan rekonstruksi dan rehabilitasi sekolah, puskesmas, dan fasilitas ibadah paska gempa 30 September 2009 yang diprakarsai oleh PT Astra International Tbk, PT United Tractors Tbk, PT Komatsu Indonesia, PT Komatsu Marketing & Support Indonesia, PT United Tractors Pandu Engineering, PT Toyota Astra Motor, PT Federal International Finance, dan PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia. 14 Jan: Rehabilitation of West Sumatra Signing of the MoU for the West Sumatra Rehabilitation Project involving reconstruction and rehabilitation of schools, health centers and religious facilities following the earthquake on September 30, 2009, initiated by PT Astra International Tbk, PT United Tractors Tbk, PT Komatsu Indonesia, PT Komatsu Marketing & Support Indonesia, PT United Tractors Pandu Engineering, PT Toyota Astra Motor, PT Federal International Finance and PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia.
23 Jan: Jelajah dunia bersama Honda “Safety Fun Riding Rally” bersama Honda Club Community di Jayapura, meliputi tur mancanegara dengan 180 peserta yang dimulai dari kantor Astra Motor dan berakhir di Papua Nugini. 23 Jan: Exploring the world with Honda “Safety Fun Riding Rally” with the Honda Club Community in Jayapura, covering an international tour with 180 participants, which started at the Astra Motor office and finished up in Papua New Guinea.
4 Feb: Lomba Pertolongan Pertama Gawat Darurat (PPGD) Astra International
15 Feb: Beasiswa Astra 2009/2010 Tahap II, Suwargo
PT Astra International Tbk-Head Office dan Politeknik Manufaktur Astra memperingati bulan K3 Nasional P2K3L dengan mengadakan lomba Pertolongan Pertama Gawat Darurat (PPGD) untuk meningkatkan kompetensi dan awareness karyawan terhadap program K3.
Pemberian beasiswa kepada 16 sekolah di Kelurahan Sungai Bambu, Warakas dan Papanggo, dengan total penerima beasiwa terdiri dari 600 anak di tingkat SD, SMP dan SMU.
4 Feb: Astra International’s First-Aid Competition PT Astra International Tbk.Head Office and Politeknik Manufaktur Astra celebrated the National Health and Safety month by holding a First-Aid competition to improve employees’ competence and awareness of Occupational Health and Safety programs.
Januari January
Februari February
April April
Mei May
20 Apr: Kurangi Emisi, Selamatkan Bumi
23 Apr: Penyerahan 4 Gedung Sekolah dari YABP
23-28 Apr: Bantuan Kebakaran Papanggo
Melakukan penanaman Bakau (Mangrove) di kawasan Hutan Angke Kapuk, Jakarta Utara melalui gerakan pelestarian lingkungan secara berkesinambungan dalam “United Tractors for natuRE and Environmental Sustainability” (UTREES).
PT Astra International Tbk melalui Yayasan Astra Bina Pendidikan (YABP) menyerahkan 4 gedung sekolah hasil renovasi beserta sarana pendukung, terdiri dari SDN Karyasari 01, SDN Karyasari 03, SDN Hegarmanah dan SDN Pabangbon 01 yang berlokasi di Kecamatan Leuwiliang kepada Pemerintah Kabupaten Bogor.
PT Astra International Tbk and PT Astra Daihatsu Motor menyalurkan bantuan kepada korban kebakaran berupa bahan pangan, sandang dan paket sekolah, serta fasilitas sanitasi dan kesehatan di lokasi kebakaran, dengan mengirimkan tim rescue dilengkapi tim security untuk menjaga keamanan dan ketertiban.
20 Apr: Reduce Emissions, Save the Planet Planting Mangroves in the Angke Kapuk Forest, North Jakarta through a sustainable environmental conservation movement in “United Tractors for NatuRE and Environmental Sustainability” (UTREES).
14 Jan: Rehabilitasi Sumatera Barat
23 Apr: Hand-over of 4 School Buildings from YABP PT Astra International Tbk through Astra Bina Pendidikan Foundation (YABP) handed over 4 renovated school buildings and supporting facilities, consisting of elementary schools SDN Karyasari 01, SDN Karyasari 03, SDN Hegarmanah and SDN Pabangbon 01, which are located in Leuwiliang District, to the Regional Government of Bogor.
23 - 28 Apr: Papanggo Fire Relief PT Astra International Tbk and PT Astra Daihatsu Motor distributed aid in the form of food, clothing and school kits to fire victims, as well as providing sanitary and health facilities near the fire location, and sending a rescue team complete with a security unit to maintain security and order in the area.
15 Feb: Astra Scholarship 2009/2010 Phase II, Suwargo Presenting scholarships to 16 schools in Sungai Bambu, Warakas and Papanggo, with 600 total recipients, students at the elementary, junior high and high school levels.
9 Mei: Peresmian Renovasi Masjid Baiturrahman, Jabar
18 Mei: Peresmian Nama Yayasan Pendidikan Astra Michael D. Ruslim (YPA-MDR)
Peresmian penggunaan kembali Masjid Jami’ Baiturrahman, Cisaat, Sukabumi setelah dilaksanakan renovasi oleh PT Astra International Tbk atas kerusakan pasca tragedi gempa bumi Jawa Barat tahun 2009.
Peresmian perubahan nama Yayasan Astra Bina Pendidikan (YABP) menjadi Yayasan Pendidikan Astra Michael D. Ruslim (YPAMDR) bersamaan dengan penyelenggaraan peringatan Hari Pendidikan Nasional Grup Astra 2010 di Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) Jakarta sekaligus penyerahan simbolik beasiswa kepada 37 guru dan 2.726 siswa SD, SMP, SMA serta bantuan fasilitas pendidikan lainnya.
9 May: Inauguration of Renovated Baiturrahman Mosque, West Java
18 May: Inauguration of the Name Pendidikan Astra Michael D. Ruslim Foundation (YPA-MDR)
Inaugurating the reopening of Jami’ Baiturrahman Mosque, Cisaat, Sukabumi after PT Astra International Tbk completed renovation following damages suffered in the West Java earthquake in 2009.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Inaugurating the name change from Astra Bina Pendidikan Foundation (YABP) to Pendidikan Astra Michael D. Ruslim Foundation (YPA-MDR) in conjunction with the commemoration of the National Education Day 2010 by the Astra Group in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII), Jakarta and coinciding with the symbolic presentation of scholarships to 37 teachers and 2,726 students from elementary, junior high and high schools as well as assistance in the form of other educational facilities.
17 Feb: Aksi penghijauan di Kelapa Gading PT Astra Otoparts Tbk melakukan program penghijauan lingkungan dengan penanaman 1.000 pohon di tiga kelurahan, yaitu Gading Barat, Gading Timur dan Pegangsaan Dua. 17 Feb: Go Green at Kelapa Gading PT Astra Otoparts Tbk held a Go Green activity by planting 1,000 trees in the three areas of Gading Barat, Gading Timur and Pegangsaan Dua.
6 Mar: “Always Drive Safe: Daddy’s Day Care with Garda Oto”
10 Mar: Income Generating Activities (IGA) Sungai Bambu, Jakarta Utara
Garda Oto bekerja sama dengan Oli Top 1 dan GT Radial melakukan kampanye aman di jalan raya melalui acara “Always Drive Safe: Daddy’s Day Care with Garda Oto” di Speedy Karting Pancoran untuk pelanggan setia Garda Oto dan dihadiri 80 keluarga dimana ayah dan anak mendapatkan pelatihan aman di jalan raya.
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor bersama warga RW 04 Sungai Bambu bekerja sama dalam program IGA Cuci Motor yang ditujukan untuk memberdayakan masyarakat yang menganggur agar dapat bekerja dan menghasilkan pendapatan pada tempat cuci motor tersebut.
6 Mar: Always drive safe: Daddy’s Care with Garda Oto Garda Oto working with Top 1 Oil and GT Radial supported a road safety campaign through “Always Drive Safe: Daddy’s Day Care with Garda Oto” at Speedy Karting Pancoran for loyal customers of Garda Oto, which was attended by 80 families, with fathers and children receiving road safety training.
10 Mar: Income Generating Activities (IGA) Sungai Bambu, North Jakarta PT Astra Daihatsu Motor with residents of RW 04 Sungai Bambu cooperated in the Motorcycle Wash IGA program aimed at empowering unemployed locals to work and generate income at a motorcycle wash center.
26 Mar: Bantuan Mesin Jahit dalam program Income Generating Activities di Kelurahan Warakas Serah terima mesin jahit sebagai bagian dari program IGA kain majun di RW 14 Warakas kepada Yayasan As Salam sebagai pengelola sekaligus pembina kegiatan IGA Majun di Kelurahan Warakas, dan ibu-ibu penerima bantuan juga mendapatkan pelatihan menjahit dan pengelolaan kain majun. 26 Mar: Sewing Machine Assistance in the IGA Program in Warakas Hand-over of sewing machines as part of the waste cloth IGA Program in Warakas to As Salam Foundation, supervisor that manages the waste cloth IGA activities in Warakas, and women receiving the aid were also provided training on sewing and managing waste cloth.
Maret March
Juni June 29 Mei: SEMUT Pontianak Tanam Mahoni
3 Jun: Astra Green Company ikuti Pekan Lingkungan Indonesia Ke-14
5 Jun: Peresmian Taman Astra di Yos Sudarso
26 Jun: Aman Berkendara Bersama AAB FIF AHM
SEMUT (Sepeda Mania United Tractors) yang merupakan komunitas hobi sepeda karyawan PT United Tractors Tbk cabang Pontianak serta Grup Astra lainnya termasuk PT SAN Finance, PT Traktor Nusantara, PT Astra International TbkDaihatsu dan Astra Motor menanam sebanyak 150 batang pohon mahoni sebagai kegiatan dalam rangkaian program UTREES.
Dalam peringatan Hari Lingkungan Hidup yang bertema Keanekaragaman Hayati masa depan bumi kita yang diramaikan 180 peserta, Grup Astra diwakili oleh PT Astra International Tbk, PT Asuransi Astra Buana, PT Astra Honda Motor, PT Federal International Finance, PT Pamapersada Nusantara, PT United Tractors Tbk, Yayasan Dharma Bakti Astra, PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk, PT Toyota Astra Motor, YPA-MDR turut berpartisipasi dan merebut penghargaan juara 1 untuk kategori stan perusahaan.
Pembangunan Taman Astra di Yos Sudarso oleh Grup Astra merupakan kegiatan yang dikemas dalam wadah “SATU (Semangat Astra Terpadu Untuk) Indonesia”, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan kebersihan, kesehatan dan keindahan lingkungan.
PT Asuransi Astra Buana, PT Federal International Finance dan PT Astra Honda Motor menyelenggarakan Safety Riding Campaign dengan tema “Aman Berkendara Bersama FIF AAB AHM”, yang diikuti oleh 40 orang bikers dari Asuransi Astra Bikers Community (A2BC) dan FIF Motor Club (FMC) dengan pelatihan meliputi ragam materi teknik safety riding baik indoor maupun outdoor session.
29 May: SEMUT Pontianak Planted Mahogany Trees
3 Jun: Astra Green Company participated in 14th Indonesia Environment Week
The development of Astra Park on Yos Sudarso by the Astra Group is an activity within “SATU Indonesia” (Astra’s Integrated Spirit for Indonesia), especially related to hygiene, health and environmental beauty.
SEMUT (United Tractors Bike Mania), a bicycle community established by employees of PT United Tractors Tbk Pontianak branch as well as other Astra companies including PT SAN Finance, PT Traktor Nusantara, PT Astra International Tbk-Daihatsu and Astra Motor planted a total of 150 mahogany trees in one of a series of UTREES activities.
To commemorate Environment Day with the theme of Biodiversity the Future of Our Earth with about 180 participants, the Astra Group also took part with representation from PT Astra International Tbk, PT Asuransi Astra Buana, PT Astra Honda Motor, PT Federal International Finance, PT Pamapersada Nusantara, PT United Tractors Tbk, Yayasan Dharma BAkti Astra, PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk, PT Toyota Astra Motor, YPA-MDR and won first place for the category corporate booth.
5 Jun: Inauguration of Astra Park on Yos Sudarso
26 Jun: Safe Riding With AAB FIF AHM PT Asuransi Astra Buana, PT Federal International Finance and PT Astra Honda Motor held a Safe Riding Campaign with the theme “Safe Driving With FIF AAB AHM”, with a total of 40 bikers from Asuransi Astra Bikers Community ( A2BC) and FIF Motor Club (FMC) taking part and obtained training covering technical issues on safe riding, with both indoor and outdoor sessions.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Peristiwa Penting 2010 2010 Event Highlights
16 & 22 Jul: Peresmian LPB Mitra Bersama Palembang dan Bukit Tinggi
25 Jul: Pengobatan Gratis dari PT Astra Daihatsu Motor, di RW 04 Sungai Bambu
PT Astra International Tbk, PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, PT Pertamina (Persero) meresmikan pendirian Lembaga Pengembangan Bisnis Mitra Bersama di Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, yang diselenggarakan bekerjasama dengan Dinas Koperasi dan UKM provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Hal serupa juga dilakukan di Bukittinggi, Sumatera Barat, dengan tujuan memberikan bimbingan teknik dan manajemen terhadap UMKM setempat.
“Sehat Bersama Daihatsu” kembali hadir lewat Pengobatan Gratis di RW 04 Kelurahan Sungai Bambu, dan bekerja sama dengan Senat Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia menurunkan 25 dokter muda untuk pemeriksaan kesehatan masyarakat RW 04, Kelurahan Sungai Bambu yang berjumlah sekitar 300 warga, khususnya lansia dan juga anak-anak dan orang dewasa, yang keseluruhannya diperiksa dan diberi obat.
16 & 22 Jul: Inauguration of the Joint LPB in Palembang and Bukittinggi
25 Jul: Free Health Services from PT Astra Daihatsu Motor at RW 04 Sungai Bambu
PT Astra International Tbk, PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, PT Pertamina (Persero) inaugurated the establishment of the Joint Institute for Business Development in Palembang, South Sumatra, which was held in cooperation with the Department of Cooperatives and SMEs in South Sumatra. A similar event took place in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, with the aim of providing guidance and management techniques to local SMEs.
“Sehat Bersama Daihatsu” was held once more by giving Free Health Services in RW 04 Sungai Bambu, in collaboration with the Student Senate of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia with 25 young doctors providing health examinations to approximately 300 residents of RW 04, Sungai Bambu, especially the elderly and also children who were fully examined and given medication.
27 Jul: Lomba Posyandu Sungai Bambu 2010 Lomba Posyandu 2010 diikuti oleh 9 RW dari 10 RW di Kelurahan Sungai Bambu, dengan panel juri terdiri dari Petugas Lapangan Keluarga Berencana, Kader PKK, Bidan Kelurahan Sungai Bambu dan tim Astra yang memilih 6 pemenang yang mendapatkan hadiah uang dan piala. RW 06 tidak turut serta mengingat statusnya sebagai Posyandu percontohan yang telah memenangkan lomba selama 3 kali berturut-turut. 27 Jul: Sungai Bambu Posyandu Competition 2010 The Posyandu Competition 2010 had health centers from 9 of 10 RWs in Sungai Bambu competing in front of a panel of judges, consisting of officials from family-planning agency, other local medical officials and the AI team, with the selected 6 winners receiving prize money and trophies. RW 06 did not participate in light of its status as the pilot/model health center that had won the competition for the past 3 consecutive periods.
Juli July
PT Astra International Tbk meresmikan penggunaan SDN Medalwangi, Cibinong, Cianjur setelah pembangunannya yang merupakan bagian dari program rehabilitasi pasca gempa Jabar 2009. 5 Aug: Inauguration of renovated SDN Medalwangi Cibinong South Cianjur PT Astra International Tbk inaugurated the use of SDN Medalwangi, Cibinong, Cianjur after completion of construction, as part of the rehabilitation program following the earthquake in West Java in 2009.
9 Agt: Penyerahan Bangunan Paska Gempa PT United Tractors Tbk, Komatsu Indonesia, PT United Tractors Pandu Engineering, Komatsu Marketing & Support Indonesia meresmikan gedung SDN 02 Padang Sago, Puskesmas Pembantu Kuduganting, dan Surau Diaro, yang kesemuanya terletak di Padang Pariaman sebagai bagian dari serangkaian program bantuan paska gempa Padang. 9 Aug: Handover of Earthquake-Affected Buildings PT United Tractors, PT Komatsu Indonesia, PT United Tractors Pandu Engineering, PT Komatsu Marketing and Support Indonesia inaugurated the building of SDN 02 Padang Sago, Kuduganting and Surau Diaro Health Centers, which are all located in Padang Pariaman, as part of a series of post-quake relief programs for Padang.
Agustus August
Oktober October
5 Agt: Peresmian Renovasi SDN Medalwangi Cibinong Cianjur Selatan
November November
24 Okt: Jelajahi Dunia Astra & SATU Indonesia Award
25 Okt: Peresmian bantuan Nurani Astra Sumatera Barat
Penyelenggaraan pameran, uji emisi gratis, tanam pohon & galakkan gerakan bersepeda diadakan oleh seluruh Grup Astra di Taman Buah Mekarsari, bersamaan dengan penyerahan penghargaan SATU Indonesia Award yang diberikan kepada masyarakat yang aktif dalam membina pendidikan dan lingkungan.
Meresmikan penggunaan kembali SDN 05 Patamuan dan Puskesmas Patamuan, Surau Rumbio yang dibangun oleh PT Astra International dan PT Federal International Finance, yang sekaligus melengkapi bantuan Grup Astra setelah sebelumnya diselesaikan renovasi atas tiga sekolah lainnya, yaitu SDN 2 Padang Sago dan SDN 17 Lubuk Alung di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman serta SDN 25 Lubuk Lintah di kota Padang.
24 Oct: Explore the World of Astra & SATU Indonesia Award
25 Oct: Official ceremony of Nurani Astra for West Sumatera
Held activities including an exhibition, free emission testings, planting trees & promoting a bicycle movement as organized by the entire Astra Group at the Mekarsari Fruit Garden, in conjunction with the ceremony for “SATU Indonesia” Award, which is presented to community members who are actively involved in development efforts in education and the environment.
Inaugurated the re-opening of SDN 05 Patamuan and the Patamuan and Surau Rumbio Health Centers, which were built by PT Astra International Tbk and PT Federal International Finance, thereby simultaneously concluding Astra Group’s assistance package, after having previously completed renovation on three other schools, namely SDN 2 Padang Sago and SDN 17 Lubuk Alung in the district of Padang Pariaman as well as SDN 25 Lubuk Lintah in the city of Padang.
3 & 4 Nov: YPA-MDR tambah sekolah binaan PT Astra International Tbk dan YPA-MDR menambah 10 SD sebagai sekolah binaan di Lampung Selatan, dengan penandatanganan MoU pada tanggal 3 dan 4 November 2010. 3 & 4 Nov: YPA-MDR added sponsored schools PT Astra International Tbk and YPA-MDR added 10 elementary schools in South Lampung under its sponsorship program, officially marked with signing of MoU on 3 and 4 November 2010.
16 Nov: Penyerahan hewan Qurban Serah terima hewan Qurban kepada institusi di sekitar Astra sebanyak 9 sapi kepada Kelurahan Sungai Bambu, Warakas, Papanggo, Kecamatan Tanjung Priok, Kodim, Korem, Polsek, Polres, dan Walikota Jakarta Utara. Nov 16: Providing Qurban Handing over cattle for Qurban to institutions located in the vicinity of Astra, giving a total of 9 cows for Sungai Bambu, Warakas, Papanggo in the area of Tanjung Priok as well as the local regiments of the armed forces and police force, as well as the office of the major of North Jakarta.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Penyerahan bantuan kursi plastik di Sungai Bambu, Warakas dan Papangggo PT Astra International Tbk menyerahkan bantuan sarana untuk 37 RW di sekitar Perusahaan berupa 37 gerobak sampah dan 3.700 kursi plastik serta 1 lapangan Futsal. Providing assistance in the form of plastic chairs in Sungai Bambu, Warakas and Papanggo PT Astra International Tbk handed over donation to 37 RWs in neigbouring areas, in the form of 37 trash carts and 3,700 plastic chairs, also 1 Futsal court.
16 Agt: Lomba Kebersihan Piala Astra 2010, Sungai Bambu
1 Sep: Peletakan Batu Pertama Renovasi SDN 05-06 Sungai Bambu PT Astra International Tbk meletakkan batu pertama untuk pembangunan fasilitas pendidikan di SDN 05-06 Sungai Bambu, yang mana akan dibangun fasilitas meliputi Ruang Kepala Sekolah, laboratorium IPA dan komputer, Ruang UKS dan Perpustakaan, dan ke depannya ditargetkan menjadi SD Hijau.
Grup Astra di wilayah Sunter II bekerja sama dengan Kelurahan Sungai Bambu menyelenggarakan lomba kebersihan dan kesehatan lingkungan piala bergilir Astra yang diikuti 10 RW di kelurahan Sungai Bambu.
1 Sep: Laying the First Stone for the Renovation of SDN 05-06 Sungai Bambu
16 Aug: Astra Cup 2010 Cleanliness Competition, Sungai Bambu
PT Astra International Tbk laid the foundation stone for the construction of educational facilities in SDN 05-06 Sungai Bambu, where facilities to be built include the principal’s office, science and computer laboratory, student health center and library; in the coming years, the target is to earn endorsement as a Green School.
Astra Group in Sunter II area together with the local government of Sungai Bambu hosted a competition to promote cleanliness and health in the environment for Astra trophy, with participation of 10 RWs in the Sungai Bambu area.
2 Sep: Pembagian Paket Sembako Lebaran
4 Sep: FIF Peduli Korban Sinabung
20 Okt: Astra Employee Voluntary Program
Pemberian paket kepada warga kurang mampu di Kelurahan Sungai Bambu, Papanggo, Sunter dan beberapa instansi pemerintah di sekitar Tanjung Priok, sebanyak 7.717 paket yang meningkat dari 900 yang dibagikan pada tahun 2009, dengan target penerima termasuk warga sekitar, OB, karyawan, outsource, dan pekerja di kawasan Sunter.
PT Federal International Finance Cabang Medan membantu 200 pengungsi di desa Tlagah Kecamatan Sei Bingai yang menjadi korban letusan gunung Sinabung dengan pemberian peralatan pribadi darurat termasuk makanan, peralatan mandi dan alat shalat.
2 Sep: Distribution of Lebaran Food Packages
4 Sep: FIF Cares for Sinabung Victims
Untuk meningkatkan kepedulian dan partisipasi karyawan dalam program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) di dunia pendidikan, PT Astra International Tbk menggelar acara Astra Employee Voluntary Program (AEVP) “Bedah Sekolah” yang diikuti oleh 68 sukarelawan karyawan di SD-SMP Remaja, Sungai Bambu, Tanjung Priok dengan kegiatan perbaikan sekolah dilanjutkan interaksi dengan siswa melalui kegiatan mendongeng dan pelajaran lingkungan hingga bercocok tanam yang dilakukan di halaman sekolah.
Distributing packages to needy residents in Sungai Bambu, Papanggo, Sunter and several government agencies around the area of Tanjung Priok, with a total of 7,717 packets an increase from the 900 that were given out in 2009, with the target beneficiaries consisting of local residents, cleaning assistants, outsourced employees and workers in the Sunter area.
PT Federal International Finance Medan Branch assisted 200 displaced residents from the village of Tlagah, Sei Bingai District. who were victims of the Sinabung volcanic eruption, by providing emergency provisions including food, toiletries and prayer equipment.
September September
20 Oct: Astra Employee Voluntary Program To increase awareness and participation of employees in its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs in education, PT Astra International Tbk held the Astra Employee Voluntary Program (AEVP) “Exploring Schools” in which 68 volunteer employees took part in school improvement activities in elementary and junior high schools SD-SMP Remaja, Sungai Bambu, Tanjung Priok, followed by interaction with students through storytelling and learning about the environment, including gardening on the school grounds.
Oktober October
Desember December NURANI ASTRA Wasior, Mentawai, dan Merapi
1-2 Des: Konvensi Corporate Security, Environment & Social Responsibility
3 Des: MDGs Award 2010
Grup Astra terdiri dari PT Astra International Tbk, PT United Tractors Tbk, PT Astra Honda Motor, PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk, PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, PT Toyota Astra Motor, PT Astra Otopart Tbk, PT Federal Finance International, PT Astra Daihatsu Motor, Astra Credit Companies, PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya, turut berpartisipasi memberikan bantuan bencana di Wasior, Mentawai dan Merapi berupa sembako, pakaian, peralatan mandi, bantuan pembangunan toilet dan perlengkapan darurat lainnya, dengan total nilai bantuan sebesar Rp 4,8 miliar.
PT Astra International Tbk kembali menggelar Konvensi Corporate Security, Environment & Social Responsibility (SESR) sebagai suatu upaya meningkatkan kerja sama dengan beberapa perusahaan korporat terkait etika dan aspek CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) lainnya sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban sosial warga korporasi terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan, di daerah sekitar ataupun pelosok-pelosok lain wilayah Indonesia.
PT Astra International Tbk mendapatkan penghargaan MDGs Award 2010 untuk program-program pendidikan yang dilaksanakan YPA-MDR yang diberikan oleh United Nation Millenium Campaign bersama Utusan Khusus Presiden RI, Yayasan Inovasi Pemerintahan Daerah dan Metro TV.
NURANI ASTRA Wasior, Mentawai, and Merapi
1-2 Dec: Corporate Security, Environment & Social Responsibility Convention
Astra Group made up of PT Astra International Tbk, PT United Tractors Tbk, PT Astra Honda Motor, PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk, PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, PT Toyota Astra Motor and PT Astra Otopart Tbk, PT Federal International Finance, PT Astra Daihatsu Motor, Astra Credit Companies, PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya, participated in Disaster relief efforts for Wasior, Mentawai and Merapi by donating basic foodstuffs, clothing, toiletries, assistance in constructing sanitation facilities and other emergency supplies, with total aid of Rp 4.8 billion.
PT Astra International Tbk once again held the Convention on Corporate Security, Environment & Social Responsibility (SESR) as an effort to increase cooperation with several companies related to ethics and other aspects of CSR, which constitute a part of its social responsibility as a corporate citizen to the community and environment, particularly in surrounding areas as well as other parts of Indonesia
3 Dec: MDGs Award 2010 PT Astra International Tbk received MDGs Award 2010 for education programs supervised by YPA-MDR, presented by the United Nation Millenium Campaign, in cooperation with Special Ambassador to the President of RI, Yayasan Inovasi Pemerintahan Daerah and Metro TV.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
18 & 20 Des: Bantuan pembangunan PAUD di Sungai Bambu dan Papanggo PT Astra International Tbk memberikan bantuan berupa renovasi dan pembangunan PAUD di RW 04 & 09 Sungai Bambu serta RW 01 Papanggo. 18 & 20 Dec: Aid in renovating facilities for Early Childhood Education (PAUD) centers in Sungai Bambu and Papanggo PT Astra International Tbk provided assistance in the form of renovation and construction of early childhood facilities in RW 04 & 09 Sungai Bambu and RW 01 Papanggo.
Sekilas Astra International Astra International In Brief
Financial Services
Heavy Equipment and Mining
Sejarah Kepemilikan dan Perkembangan Bisnis Astra PT Astra International Inc. didirikan oleh William Soeryadjaya dan Tjian Kian Tie pada tanggal 20 Februari 1957, sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa perdagangan dan ekspor impor. Seiring dengan pertumbuhan perekonomian Indonesia, Astra turut berkembang awalnya sebagai pemasok berbagai kebutuhan pemerintah, kemudian pada tahun 1969, berpatungan dengan pemerintah, merestrukturisasi dan mengambil alih PT Gaya Motor sebagai cikal bakal bisnis otomotif yang tumbuh sangat pesat. (2.1, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6)
History of Ownership and Business Development PT Astra International Inc. was founded by William Soeryadjaya and Tjian Kian Tie on February 20, 1957, as a company engaged in trading and export-import services. In line with the growth of Indonesia’s economy, Astra developed as supplier of various materials required by the government and in 1969 in cooperation with the government, restructured and took over PT Gaya Motor as the seed of the automotive business which has since grown rapidly. (2.1,2.4,2.5, 2.6)
Sejak tahun 1990 Astra menjadi perusahaan publik yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia dengan kapitalisasi pasar per 31 Desember 2010 sebesar Rp 221 triliun. Saat ini Astra telah memiliki 6 divisi usaha, terdiri dari bidang otomotif, jasa keuangan, alat berat dan pertambangan, solusi dokumen dan teknologi infomasi, serta logistik dan infrastruktur. (2.2, 2.3)
In 1990, Astra became a public company upon listing its shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, with market capitalization as of December 31, 2010 amounting to Rp 221 trillion. Today, Astra has six business divisions, comprising automotive, financial services, heavy equipment, agribusiness, document solutions and information technology and infrastructure. (2.2, 2.3)
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Information Technology
Infrastructure and Logistics
Dengan komitmen untuk senantiasa menjadi bermanfaat bagi bangsa dan negara, Astra menyadari bahwa pengelolaan perusahaan yang terbaik tidak semata berlandasan pada aspek profitabilitas dan operasional. Namun keseimbangan juga harus dibangun untuk mengelola kepentingan seluruh stakeholder, yang utamanya dicapai dengan menjunjung tinggi praktek-praktek tata kelola perusahaan yang baik atau Good Corporate Governance (GCG).
With its commitment to be an asset to the nation, Astra believes that excellence in company management does not merely focus on profitability and operations. Instead, a balance must also be established to properly handle the interests of all stakeholders, which is principally achieved by consistent adherence to Good Corporate Governance (GCG) practices.
Good Corporate Governance dalam lingkungan Astra Dalam menjalankan roda usaha, manajemen Astra selalu berpegang teguh pada nilai-nilai falsafah yang terkandung dalam Catur Dharma sebagai dasar acuan manajemen bagi setiap keputusan bisnis. Nilai-nilai tersebut terus diperkuat dan terinternalisasi yang tercermin dalam keselarasan semua aspek operasional perusahaan saat ini.
Good Corporate Governance at Astra In conducting business, Astra’s management is consistently committed to core values that are embodied in the corporate philosophy of Catur Dharma as the basic reference for management in making business decisions. These values are continually reinforced and internalized, as reflected in the Company’s Code of Conduct.
2.1 2.2 2.3
2.4 Location of organization’s headquarters. 2.5 : Number of countries where the organization operates, and names of countries with either major operations or that are specifically relevant to the sustainability issues covered in the report. 2.6 : Nature of ownership and legal form.
: Name of the organization. : Primary brands, products, and/or services. : Operational structure of the organization, including main divisions, operating companies, subsidiaries, and joint ventures.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Sekilas Astra International Astra International In Brief
Namun, dengan kompleksitas bisnis yang terus meningkat, kerangka tata kelola yang jelas dan terstruktur dibutuhkan untuk menjamin pengelolaan aktivitas bisnis Astra berada dalam rambu-rambu pengembangan yang sehat dan regulasi yang berlaku.
However, given intensively increasing business complexity, a clearly-defined and structured governance framework is imperative to ensure that all activities in Astra are prudently managed within corridors of the prevailing regulatory structure.
Pada akhir tahun 2006, upaya ini diawali dengan penyusunan pedoman yang dikenal sebagai Good Corporate Governance (GCG) untuk menata kelola bisnis melalui mekanisme yang professional, transparan dan bertanggung jawab. Sebagai acuan bagi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi dalam menjalankan perusahaan sesuai perundangundangan, anggaran dasar Perseroan serta prinsip GCG, ketentuan pedoman GCG Astra mencakup antara lain: • Pedoman Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris mengenai kerahasian informasi dan pelanggaran • Pedoman Etika Bisnis dan Etika Kerja • Sistem audit dan manajemen risiko • Pedoman transaksi benturan kepentingan • Peraturan perdagangan orang dalam. • Pelestarian lingkungan dan tanggung jawab sosial. • Kebijakan donasi
At the end of 2006, an initial effort was launched to prepare guidelines known as Good Corporate Governance (GCG) to restructure Astra’s business governance through professional, transparent and accountable mechanisms. Serving as a reference for the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors in running the Company in accordance with the law, the Company’s Articles of Association and GCG principles, Astra’s GCG guidelines cover among other topics: • Guidelines for the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners on confidential information and violations • Code of Business Ethics and Work Ethics • Audit and risk management systems • Guidelines for transactions with a conflict of interest • Regulation on insider trading • Environmental conservation and social responsibility • Policy on Donations
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Perusahaan melaksanakan prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance yaitu fairness, transparency, accountability dan responsibility untuk meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan yang lebih baik dengan tujuan akhir meningkatkan stakeholder value. (SO 2, 3, 4)
The Company enforces the principles of Good Corporate Governance, namely fairness, transparency, accountability and responsibility to enhance corporate performance with the ultimate aim of driving stakeholder value. (SO 2, 3, 4)
Sesuai pedoman GCG, Astra menata organisasi yang terarah dan komprehensif untuk pencapaian maksud dan tujuan perusahaan melalui pembentukan organisasi korporasi yang memiliki pembagian wewenang dan tanggung jawab yang jelas dan transparan sebagai berikut:
Based on the GCG guidelines, Astra has developed well-directed and comprehensive systems for the achievement of corporate goals and objectives through the establishment of corporate organs with appropriate assignment of clearly-defined and transparent authority and responsibilities as follows:
1. Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) diadakan setidaknya sekali dalam setahun, dimana pemegang saham melakukan review atas kinerja dan tanggung jawab serta keanggotaan dan remunerasi Direksi maupun Dewan Komisaris (4.5, 4.10).
1. General Meeting of Shareholders A General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) is held at least once a year, as the forum for shareholders to review the performance and responsibilities as well as the membership and remuneration of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners. (4.5, 4.10)
2. Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi bertanggung jawab atas pengembangan, sosialisasi dan implementasi GCG di lingkungan perusahaan sekaligus memastikan kepatuhan terhadap peraturan dan perundangan serta standar dan kebijakan internal perusahaan yang berlaku.
2. Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors The Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors are responsible for the development, socialization and implementation of GCG in the corporate environment while ensuring compliance with rules, regulations and internal standards and policies enforced within the Company.
3. Dewan Komisaris Dewan Komisaris bertanggung jawab mengawasi kebijakan dan pelaksanaan pengurusan Perseroan oleh Direksi serta memberikan nasehat kepada Direksi dan memastikan pelaksanaan prinsipprinsip GCG. Presiden Komisaris memiliki tanggung jawab untuk melakukan koordinasi atas seluruh kegiatan Dewan Komisaris, namun
3. Board of Commissioners The Board of Commissioners is responsible for overseeing policies and management of the Company by the Board of Directors as well as for providing advice to the Board of Directors and ensuring the implementation of GCG principles. The President Commissioner has the responsibility to coordinate all activities
SO 2 : Percentage and total number of business units analyzed for risks related to corruption. SO 3 : Percentage of employees trained in organization’s anti-corruption policies and procedures. SO 4 : Actions taken in response to incidents of corruption.
: Linkage between compensation for members of the highest governance body, senior managers, and executives. : Processes for evaluating the highest governance body’s own performance.
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Sekilas Astra International Astra International In Brief
of the Board of Commissioners, but all members of the Board, including the President Commissioner, have equal standing such that the Board of Commissioners acts on the basis of assembly. Appointment of members of the Board of Commissioners is resolved in a GMS, after completing the process of selecting members of the Board through a formal mechanism of assessing qualifications and experience of each candidate for Commissioner. The serving Board of Commissioners was appointed in the Annual 2010 GMS pursuant to the Capital Market Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK) regulations, consisting of eleven (11) Board members of which five (5) are Independent Commissioners. (4.3, 4.7)
kedudukan setiap anggota Dewan Komisaris, termasuk Presiden Komisaris adalah setara sehingga segala tindakan Dewan Komisaris dilakukan secara majelis. Pengangkatan anggota Dewan Komisaris dilakukan pada Rapat Umum Pemagang Saham (RUPS), setelah dilakukan proses pemilihan anggota Dewan Komisaris melalui mekanisme formal dengan mempertimbangkan kualifikasi dan pengalaman masing-masing calon Komisaris. Dewan Komisaris saat ini adalah yang diangkat dalam RUPS Tahunan 2010 sesuai pedoman Bapepam-LK, terdiri dari sebelas (11) anggota Dewan Komisaris dan lima (5) Komisaris Independen. (4.3, 4.7)
4.3 4.5
Untuk mendukung pelaksanaan tugas pengawasannya, Dewan Komisaris membentuk Komite Audit, Komite Remunerasi dan Nominasi serta Komite Eksekutif.
To support the implementation of supervisory duties, the Board established the Audit Committee, Remuneration and Nomination Committee and Executive Committee.
Komite Audit Komite Audit bertugas memberikan saran kepada Dewan Komisaris mengenai efektivitas mekanisme pengendalian internal serta kepatuhan terhadap ketentuan yang berlaku, termasuk ketentuan Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan (Bapepam-LK). (4.10)
Audit Committee The Audit Committee is responsible for providing advice to the Board of Commissioners regarding the effectiveness of internal control mechanisms and compliance with applicable regulations, including provisions of BapepamLK. (4.10)
Komite Remunerasi dan Nominasi Komite Remunerasi bertugas memberi rekomendasi keanggotaan dan remunerasi Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Eksekutif Senior, serta komite-komite yang bernaung di bawah Dewan Komisaris. (4.5)
Remuneration and Nomination Committee The Remuneration and Nomination Committee is tasked with making recommendations for membership and remuneration of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, Senior Executives and Committees under the Board of Commissioners. (4.5)
: For organizations that have a unitary board structure, state the number of members of the highest governance body that are independent and/or non-executive members. : Linkage between compensation for members of the highest governance body, senior managers, and executives (including departure arrangements), and the organization’s performance.
: Process for determining the qualifications and expertise of the members of the highest governance body for guiding the organization’s strategy on economic, environmental, and social topics. : Processes for evaluating the highest governance body’s own performance, particularly with respect to economic, environmental, and social performance.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Komite Eksekutif Komite Eksekutif melakukan kajian atas setiap keputusan dan kebijakan bisnis yang membutuhkan persetujuan Dewan Komisaris. Guna mendukung kelancaran pelaksanaan tugas, Komite menyelenggarakan rapat rutin bulanan.
Executive Committee The Executive Committee performs reviews on business decisions and policies that require the approval of the Board of Commissioners. To support smooth implementation of these tasks, the Committee holds regular monthly meetings.
4. Direksi Direksi bertanggung jawab terhadap tugas pengelolaan sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan Perseroan. Kedudukan masing-masing anggota Direksi, termasuk Presiden Direktur, adalah setara, namun Presiden Direktur mengemban tugas tambahan untuk mengkoordinasikan kegiatan Direksi. Dewan Direksi diangkat dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham setelah dilakukan pemilihan calon Direktur melalui mekanisme formal berdasarkan pertimbangan akan kualifikasi dan pengalaman masingmasing calon Direktur. (4.7)
4. Board of Directors The Board of Directors is responsible for performing management duties in accordance with the objectives and purposes of the Company. All members of the Board of Directors, including the President Director, have equal standing, though the President Director is charged with the additional task to coordinate all of the Board’s activities. The members of the Board of Directors are appointed by a GMS, following the election of candidates for Directors through a formal mechanism based on assessment of qualifications and experience of each candidate for Director. (4.7)
5. Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Dalam menetapkan remunerasi para Komisaris dan Direktur, RUPS menerima saran dari Komite Remunerasi dan Nominasi. Karena belum ada ketetapan yang baku saat ini, keputusan remunerasi didasarkan pada pertimbangan lingkup pekerjaan, standar domestik dan regional saat ini, serta tanggung jawab yang diasumsikan.
5. Board of Commissioners’ and Board of Directors’ Remuneration In determining remuneration for Commissioners and Directors, a GMS will rely on advice from the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. While there is no set formula currently in place, remuneration decisions are based upon considerations of scope of work, current domestic and regional standards and responsibilities assumed.
6. Kebijakan Dividen Rekomendasi atas dividen ditetapkan oleh Direksi, disetujui Dewan Komisaris untuk dibahas dalam RUPS. Rekomendasi yang diajukan akan memberi keseimbangan antara membagikan keuntungan kepada para pemegang saham dengan kebutuhan menahan dividen untuk pertumbuhan Perusahaan.
6. Dividend Policy Recommendations for dividends are made by the Board of Directors, approved by the Board of Commissioners for presentation to a GMS. The proposal balances giving returns to shareholders with the need to keep monies for growth.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Sekilas Astra International Astra International In Brief
7. Grup Manajemen Risiko (GRM) (4.9, 4.11) Astra menerapkan manajemen risiko sebagai mekanisme utama dalam pencapaian tujuan perusahaan dan menjamin keberlangsungan bisnis. Di Astra, pengelolaan risiko dilaksanakan berdasarkan pada filosofi Manajemen Risiko Astra yang melimpahkan tanggung jawab atas pengelolaan risiko yang efektif kepada manajemen, termasuk pelaksanaan identifikasi, evaluasi dan strategi mitigasi yang menyeluruh. GRM juga membantu Direksi dalam menjalankan fungsi konsultasi dan memberikan kepastian bahwa pelaksanaan manajemen risiko sudah dijalankan dengan memadai.
7. Risk Management Group (GRM) (4.9, 4.11) Astra applies risk management as a key mechanism in achieving corporate objectives and in ensuring business continuity. In Astra, risk management is carried out based on Astra’s Risk Management philosophy which designates the responsibility for effective risk management to the Company’s management team, including comprehensive identification, evaluation and formulation of mitigation strategies. GRM is also charged to assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling its consultation duty and providing assurance that risk management is adequate and in place.
8. Grup Audit Internal Bertugas untuk mencari cara terbaik dalam pelaksanaan sistem pengendalian yang sejalan dengan tujuan Perseroan. Upaya tersebut dilaksanakan dengan meningkatkan efektivitas maupun kesesuaian dari sistem pengendalian internal.
8. Internal Audit Group Internal Audit is responsible for for improving alignment of control systems to the Company’s objectives, thereby enhancing both the adequacy and the effectiveness of the internal control system.
9. Penunjukan Audit Eksternal Mempertimbangan: 1) Jumlah akuntan yang telah mengaudit Laporan Keuangan Tahunan 2) Jumlah periode audit dimana Akuntan Publik telah mengaudit Laporan Keuangan Tahunan 3) Biaya audit 4) Apakah ada tawaran akuntan lain yang ditawarkan?
9. Appointment of External Audit In consideration of: 1) The number of accountants that have performed audits on the Financial Statements 2) The number of audit periods when said Public Accountant has performed audits on the Financial Statements 3) Audit fee 4) Are there other available auditor proposals?
10. Kasus Legal Sebagai perusahaan besar, Astra menaati berbagai peraturan yang berlaku di berbagai bidang. Untuk itu, Perseroan memiliki divisi legal dan sesekali meminta saran eksternal. Perseroan tentu saja senantiasa berupaya menghasilkan produk-produk berkualitas, namun pelanggan mengeluh, dan hal ini terkadang menimbulkan gugatan hukum. Ketidaksepakatan lain yang memerlukan keputusan legal, sesekali juga muncul.
10. Legal Cases As a large company, Astra complies with prevailing regulations in various areas. Therefore, the Company has a legal division and occasionally seeks external legal advice. The Company continuously strives to manufacture high-quality products; however, in the case of a customer complaint, a legal suit may potentially arise. Other possibilities that may surface also include disputes with third parties that may require legal rulings.
SO 2 : Percentage and total number of business units analyzed for risks related to corruption. SO 3 : Percentage of employees trained in organization’s anti-corruption policies and procedures. SO 5 : Public policy positions and participation in public policy development and lobbying. SO 7 : Total number of legal actions for anticompetitive behavior, antitrust, and monopoly practices and their outcomes.
4.8 4.9 4.11
: Processes in place for the highest governance body to ensure conflicts of interest are avoided. : Internally developed statements of mission or values, codes of conduct, and principles relevant to economic, environmental, and social performance and the status of their implementation : Procedures of the highest governance body. : Explanation of whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the organization.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
11. Komunikasi Perusahaan Astra menggunakan berbagai saluran komunikasi untuk kepentingan internal dan eksternal. Selain mempublikasikan laporan tahunan, laporan kuartalan,mengelola situs, menerbitkan majalah karyawan,dan mengeluarkan surat edaran dari manajemen, Perusahaan membuka kesempatan berkomunikasi secara informal, dimana para pemangku kepentingan yang ingin mengetahui lebih jauh tentang Perseroan dapat memperoleh informasi yang relevan tentang bisnis Astra.
11. Corporate Communication Astra maintains multiple channels of communication for internal and external parties. In addition to publication of annual reports, quarterly reports, maintenance of a website, an employee magazine and the issuance of position letters by management, the Company maintains ad hoc avenues of communications whereby interested stakeholders can get relevant information about Astra’s businesses.
Etika Bisnis & Etika Kerja Sebagai bagian dari praktek GCG yang diterapkan, Astra selalu berpegang teguh pada Pedoman Etika Bisnis & Etika Kerja yang memuat: (1) Sistem Nilai dan Etika, (2) Etika Bisnis, baik secara umum maupun yang berhubungan dengan publik, (3) Etika Kerja, dan (4) Penerapan dan Pengembangannya. Norma-norma tersebut mengatur berjalannya bisnis Astra dengan cara yang sah, jujur, terbuka, bertanggung jawab dan sesuai dengan norma moral dan sosial serta tidak merugikan masyarakat umum. (4.8)
Code of Business Ethics and Work Ethics As part of GCG application, Astra has consistently upheld its Business and Work Ethics Guideline that was published in 2001, which covers (1) Values and Ethics, (2) Business Ethics, both general as well as those associated with the public, (3) Work Ethics, and (4) Implementation and Development. These norms help ensure that Astra’s business is conducted in a legitimate, fair, transparent and responsible manner within the boundaries of moral and social norms and without injury to the general public. (4.8)
Untuk menjaga tata kelola perusahaan yang bersih, Komisaris dan jajaran manajemen menghindari timbulnya benturan kepentingan (conflict of interest) baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, seperti transaksi orang dalam (insider trading). Seluruh karyawan perusahaan juga tidak diperkenankan memberi atau menerima segala bentuk imbalan, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung, dari pihak yang bertransaksi atau berkepentingan. (SO 2, 3, 5) (4.6)
To maintain good corporate governance, the Board of Commissioners and management prevent incidents of conflict of interest, both directly as well as indirectly, including insider trading. All employees within the Company are also not permitted to present or receive any form of compensation, either directly or indirectly, from parties involved in a transaction or parties with interest. (SO 2, 3, 5) (4.6)
Dalam penanganan persaingan usaha, Astra tidak mendiskreditkan pesaing, baik dalam kegiatan pemasaran, promosi atau periklanan. Perusahaan juga tidak mengembangkan kerja sama dengan pesaing yang dapat merugikan pelanggan dan atau tidak bertindak sesuai praktek-praktek monopoli. (S0 7)
With respect to business competition, Astra does not discredit competitors in its marketing, promotional and advertising activities. Furthermore, the Company does not develop alliance with competitors that could cause harm to customers nor does the Company engage in monopolistic practices. (SO 7)
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Ikhtisar Keuangan (EC 1) Financial Highlights
Angka-angka pada seluruh tabel dan grafik menggunakan notasi bahasa Inggris
Dalam miliar Rupiah kecuali disebutkan lain
Numerical notation in all tables and graphs is in English format
In billions of Rupiah, unless stated otherwise
Laporan Laba Rugi
Statements of Income 129,991
Pendapatan Bersih
Net Revenue
Laba Kotor
Gross Profit
Laba Usaha
Operating Income
Laba Bersih
Net Income
Balance Sheets
Jumlah Aset
Total Assets
Aset Lancar
Current Assets
Investasi pada Perusahaan Asosiasi dan Jointly Controlled Entities
Investment in Associates and Jointly Controlled Entities
Aset Tetap2
Fixed Assets2
Kewajiban Jangka Pendek
Current Liabilities
Jumlah Pinjaman
Total Borrowings
Net Working Capital3
Jumlah Ekuitas
Total Equity
Jumlah Ekuitas dan Hak Minoritas
Total Equity and Minority Interest
Modal Kerja Bersih
Analisa Rasio dan Informasi Lain
Ratio Analysis and Other Information
Laba bersih terhadap Aset Laba bersih terhadap Ekuitas
Return on Equity
Marjin Laba Kotor
Gross Profit Margin
Marjin Laba Usaha
Operating Income Margin
Current Ratio (x)
Rasio Lancar (x) Rasio Kewajiban terhadap Jumlah Aset (x)
Liabilities to Total Assets Ratio (x)
Rasio Kewajiban terhadap Jumlah Ekuitas (x)
Liabilities to Total Equity Ratio (x)
Saham Beredar (dalam Jutaan)
Issued Shares (in millions)
Laba Bersih per Saham (Rp)4
Net Earnings per Share (Rp)4
Net Asset Value per Share (Rp)5
Nilai Aset Bersih per Saham (Rp)5 Dividen Kas Interim per Saham (Rp)
Interim Cash Dividend per Share (Rp)
Final Dividend per Share (Rp)
Net Debt to Equity Ratio (x)7
Dividen Kas Final per Saham (Rp) Rasio Hutang Bersih terhadap Ekuitas (x)7
1 2 3 4
Laba sebelum bunga, pajak, depresiasi, dan amortisasi. Termasuk aset yg tidak digunakan dalam usaha. Piutang Usaha + Persediaan - Hutang Usaha Jangka Pendek. Laba bersih per saham dihitung berdasarkan rata - rata tertimbang jumlah saham yang beredar setelah penyesuaian penerbitan saham baru. 5 Nilai aset bersih per saham dihitung berdasarkan jumlah saham yang beredar pada setiap tahun. 6 Tergantung persetujuan pemegang saham pada Rapat Umum Tahunan tanggal 6 Mei 2011. 7 Hutang bersih tidak termasuk Jasa Keuangan.
EC 1
Return on Assets
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization. Includes assets not yet used in operations. Trade Receivables + Inventory - Current Trade Payables. Earnings per share is calculated based on the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding adjusted for any share issuance. Net Asset value per share is calculated based on the number of ordinary shares outstanding at every year-end. Subject to the approval of shareholders at Annual General Meeting on May 6, 2011. Net debt excludes Financial Services.
: Direct economic value generated and distributed.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Grafik Graph 1 Pendapatan Bersih (Rp miliar) Net Revenue (Rp billion)
Grafik Graph 2 Laba Bersih (Rp miliar) Net Income (Rp billion)
70,183 55,709
6,519 3,712
Grafik Graph 3 Jumlah Aset (Rp miliar) Total Assets (Rp billion)
Grafik Graph 4 Jumlah Ekuitas (Rp miliar) Total Equity (Rp billion)
33,080 22,376
06 08
49,310 39,894
57,929 63,520
Grafik Graph 5 Laba Bersih per Saham (Rp) Net Earnings per Share (Rp)
Grafik Graph 6 Dividen per Saham (Rp) Dividend per Share (Rp)
290 150
06 08
10 * Tergantung persetujuan pemegang saham pada RUPS bulan Mei 2011 * Subject to approval of shareholders at AGM in May 2011
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Program Stakeholder Stakeholder Program
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Pengembangan Masyarakat Community Development
Pembangunan berkelanjutan bagi Astra bertumpu pada triple bottom line, yaitu aspek pembangunan ekonomi (profit), pembangunan sosial (people) dan lingkungan (planet). Sejalan dengan konsep berkelanjutan, keberhasilan perkembangan ekonomi harus juga berdampak pada karyawan Astra dan masyarakat di sekitar perusahaan, dengan kemajuan yang setara dengan perkembangan bisnis Astra sendiri. (4.15)
Sustainable development for Astra is based on the triple bottom line principle, encompassing economic development (profit), social development (people) and the environment (planet). In line with the concept of sustainability, success in economic development must also impact Astra employees and the communities surrounding the company in direct accord with Astra’s actual business growth. (4.15)
Pembangunan sosial ini diwujudkan Astra dengan berbagai macam program pengembangan masyarakat (community development) agar tercipta masyarakat yang sejahtera. Seiring dengan Millenium Development Goals (MDG’s), Astra melaksanakan progam pemberdayaan dan pengembangan masyarakat, khususnya mencakup peduli bencana, pendidikan, kesehatan, peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat dan donasi lainnya.
Astra realizes sustainable development through a broad range of community development programs that aim to create a prosperous society. In accord with the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s), Astra implements empowerment and development programs, specifically covering disaster relief, education, health, improvement in social economies and other donations.
: Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Penyerahan simbolis bantuan untuk korban letusan Gunung Merapi, Jawa Tengah. Symbolic presentation of relief package to the victims of the eruption of Mount Merapi, Central Java.
Dalam prakteknya, perusahaan melakukan identifikasi kebutuhan masyarakat untuk selanjutnya ditindaklanjuti pemenuhannya. Terhadap implementasi program dilakukan koordinasi, kontrol dan evaluasi untuk menjamin pencapaian kinerja yang terarah dan terstruktur, yaitu oleh tim khusus pada setiap anak perusahaan dan perusahaan afiliasi serta oleh Environment and Social Responsibility Division (ESRD) di tingkat kantor pusat Astra. Proses ini diyakini menjamin program yang tepat sasaran dengan manfaat yang optimal dan berkesinambungan.
In practice, companies identify social needs that would subsequently be followed up and fulfilled. For program implementation, coordination, control and evaluation are performed to give assurance of performance achievement that is well-directed and structured. These tasks are given to special teams in each subsidiary and affiliate companies as well as by the Environment and Social Responsibility Division (ESRD) at Astra’s head office. This process is believed to ensure program effectiveness, yielding optimal and sustainable benefits.
Untuk pengelolaan berbagai program CSR yang lebih efektif, Astra mendirikan Yayasan dan lembaga yang menangani berbagai bidang pengembangan masyarakat yang ditekuninya. Beberapa yayasan dan lembaga tersebut adalah Yayasan Toyota Astra (YTA), Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra (YDBA), Koperasi Astra Internasional (KAI), Yayasan Astra Bina Ilmu (YABI), Yayasan
For handling various CSR programs more effectively, Astra set up foundations and institutions to manage many areas of community development in accordance with their respective focus. Some of these foundations and institutions are Yayasan Toyota Astra (YTA), Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra (YDBA), Koperasi Astra Internasional (KAI), Yayasan Astra Bina Ilmu (YABI), Yayasan Pendidikan Astra -
Pembangunan berkelanjutan diwujudkan Astra dengan berbagai program pengembangan masyarakat.
Astra realizes sustainable development through a broad range of community development programs.
Pendidikan Astra - Michael D. Ruslim (YPA-MDR) dan Yayasan Amaliah Astra (YAA). Astra juga menjalin kerja sama dengan pihak-pihak eksternal untuk memperluas skala dan cakupan kegiatan CSR di seluruh tanah air.
Michael D. Ruslim (YPA-MDR) and Yayasan Amaliah Astra (YAA). Astra also establishes cooperation with external parties to expand the scale and scope of CSR activities across the nation.
Kegiatan Peduli Bencana Operasional Astra tersebar di wilayah negara dengan jangkauan geografis yang luas dan sarat dengan ragam jenis bencana alam. Karenanya Astra senantiasa tanggap dalam menunjukkan kepedulian dan mengulurkan tangan untuk membantu mengurangi beban penderitaan korban bencana alam. Astra percaya bahwa bantuan kemanusiaan yang bersifat darurat ini juga turut berperan dalam menyelamatkan dan melindungi masa depan masyarakat dan sumber daya yang berharga.
Disaster Relief Initiatives Astra’s business operations are set up across a country that is geographically large and prone to a diversity of natural disasters. Therefore, Astra is constantly on guard and is responsive in showing care and concern to reach out and help reduce the suffering of victims of natural disasters. Astra believes that emergency humanitarian assistance is fundamental in saving and protecting the future of the community.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Pengembangan Masyarakat Community Development
Peduli bencana tidak hanya diwujudkan dalam bentuk sumbangan dana, bahan pangan, sandang, obat-obatan dan peralatan dasar yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan pada umumnya. Untuk keperluan bantuan kemanusiaan, Astra telah memiliki tim SAR yang siap diturunkan dalam situasi bencana alam dan kondisi darurat lainnya.
Disaster relief initiatives are not merely manifested in donations of money, food, clothing, medicine and basic amenities, as is standard practice for most of the corporate sector. For purposes of humanitarian aid, Astra maintains an active rescue team that is readily deployed in situations of natural disasters and other emergencies.
Pada tahun 2010, Astra terlibat aktif dalam berbagai kegiatan peduli bencana. Contohnya adalah bantuan yang disalurkan oleh PT Astra International Tbk dan PT Astra Daihatsu Motor kepada korban Kebakaran RW 02 Kelurahan Papanggo, Tanjung Priok selama 5 hari berupa nasi bungkus dan air minum yang diberikan 3 kali sehari, serta bantuan sandang berupa pakaian dalam pria/wanita, kaos, sarung, dan bagi siswa SD, SMP, dan SMA paket sekolah termasuk seragam, tas, peralatan sekolah. Selain itu, mobil pemadam kebakaran Astra turut membantu proses pemadaman api. Di lokasi kebakaran, juga didirikan 3 toilet darurat dan posko kesehatan, dan tim rescue dan security Astra juga dikirimkan untuk menjaga keamanan dan ketertiban.
In 2010, Astra was actively involved in numerous disaster relief efforts. One such example was distribution of aid by PT Astra International Tbk and PT Astra Daihatsu Motor to victims of a fire in RW 02 Kelurahan Papanggo, Tanjung Priok for a period of 5 days, including provision of rice meals and drinking water 3 times daily, as well as clothing donations consisting of men’s and women’s underwear, shirts, sarungs as well as school kits for elementary, junior high and high school students, comprising uniforms, bags and school supplies. Also, Astra fire trucks helped extinguish the fire. At the fire site were built 3 emergency toilets and a health center, while Astra’s rescue and security teams were stationed to maintain security and order.
Selain itu, dalam Nurani Astra Wasior, Mentawai, dan Merapi, Grup Astra turut berpartisipasi memberikan bantuan bencana di Wasior, Mentawai dan Merapi berupa sembako, pakaian, peralatan mandi, bantuan pembangunan toilet dan perlengkapan darurat lainnya, dengan total nilai bantuan sebesar Rp 4,8 miliar.
Also, in the program Nurani Astra Wasior, Mentawai, and Merapi Astra Group participated in Disaster relief efforts for Wasior, Mentawai and Merapi by donating basic foodstuffs, clothing, toiletries, assistance in constructing sanitation facilities and other emergency supplies, with total aid of Rp 4.8 billion.
Selain bantuan darurat, komitmen Astra untuk mendukung keberlanjutan komunitas juga diperlihatkan dengan berbagai upaya rekonstruksi dan rehabilitasi paska bencana. Setelah menyelesaikan kegiatan rehabilitasi di Aceh dan Jawa Barat, PT Astra International Tbk., PT United Tractors Tbk., PT Komatsu Indonesia, PT Komatsu Marketing & Support Indonesia, PT United Tractors Pandu Engineering, PT Federal International Finance, dan PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia beralih pada Sumatera Barat dalam upaya rekonstruksi dan rehabilitasi fasilitas umum paska gempa 30 September 2009, yang terdiri dari SD Patamuan 05, SDN 02 Padang Sago, Masjid Raya Kabun Pondok Duo, Puskesmas Pembantu Kuduganting, Surau Rubio dan Surau Diaro. (EC 8)
In addition to emergency assistance, Astra’s commitment to support the sustainability of communities is evidenced by intensive efforts in post-disaster reconstruction and rehabilitation. Upon completing rehabilitative activities in Aceh and West Java, PT Astra International Tbk., PT United Tractors Tbk., PT Komatsu Indonesia, PT Komatsu Marketing & Support Indonesia, PT United Tractors Pandu Engineering, PT Federal International Finance and PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia turned to West Sumatra to reconstruct and rehabilitate public facilities following the earthquake which took place on September 30, 2009. These efforts involved SDN Patamuan 05, SDN 02 Padang Sago, Masjid Raya Kabun Pondok Duo, health centers in Kuduganting, Surau Rubio and Surau Diaro. (EC 8)
EC 8
: Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services provided primarily for public benefit through commercial, inkind, or pro bono engagement.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Donasi Umum Selain bantuan kemanusiaan yang bersifat insidentil, Astra juga mengerahkan dana dan upaya untuk kegiatan sosial dan keagamaan lainnya yang bersifat rutin, seperti bantuan Hari Raya. Setiap tahun menjelang Lebaran Grup Astra di wilayah Sunter memberikan bantuan sembako kepada masyarakat yang berada di lingkungan perusahaan, khususnya Kelurahan Sungai Bambu, Papanggo dan Sunter. Pada tahun 2010, Grup Astra menyumbang 7.177 paket sembako pada Hari Raya Idul Fitri dan 10 ekor sapi pada Hari Raya Idul Adha.
General Donation In addition to humanitarian assistance that is largely incidental, Astra also mobilizes funds and efforts for other social and religious activities that are routine in nature, including donations for Moslem holiday Ied. Annually, in celebration of Ied, the Astra Group distributes food assistance to people residing in the vicinity of corporate premises, particularly Kelurahan Sungai Bambu, Papanggo and Sunter. In 2010, the Astra Group donated 7,177 food packages for Moslem holiday Ied and 10 cows for Moslem Hajj Holiday.
Astra juga memberi perhatian pada kehidupan masyarakat di sekitar lokasi perusahaan dengan berbagai kontribusi lainnya. Contohnya, pada tahun 2010 PT Astra International Tbk menyerahkan bantuan berupa 3.700 buah kursi plastik dan 37 gerobak sampah yang diterima oleh 37 RW sekitar.
Astra has also paid attention to the social life of the surrounding communities through various other forms of valuable contributions. For example, in 2010, PT Astra International Tbk provided 3,700 plastic chairs and 37 trash carts that were received by 37 neighboring RWs.
SATU Indonesia Award Untuk mengapresiasi insan bangsa yang memiliki semangat berkarya, memiliki inisiatif dan membawa manfaat bagi masyarakat dan bagi Indonesia, PT Astra International Tbk bekerja sama dengan Tempo Institute, anggota Grup PT Tempo Inti Media Tbk, menyelenggarakan SATU Indonesia Award. Tercatat 107 pemuda Indonesia yang berkiprah positif bagi pembangunan negeri mengikuti seleksi kontes ini. Dalam kontes ini terpilih 5 pemenang yang masing-masing berkecimpung di bidang lingkungan, pendidikan, dan kesehatan. Penyerahan penghargaan dilakukan saat acara Jelajah Dunia Astra, tanggal 23 Oktober 2010 di Taman Buah Mekarsari, Cileungsi.
SATU Indonesia Award To honor exceptional individuals with outstanding working spirit, high initiative and creating benefits for the community and for Indonesia, PT Astra International Tbk, in collaboration with Tempo Institute, a member of PT Tempo Inti Media Tbk Group, organized the SATU Indonesia Award. A total of 107 young Indonesians with positive contributions to national development took part in this competition. In this contest, 5 winners are selected in the fields of the environment, education and health. The presentation ceremony was held during the event Explore the World of Astra on October 23, 2010 at the Mekarsari Fruit Garden, Cileungsi.
Pemberian penghargaan kepada pemenang SATU Indonesia Award. Giving awards to SATU Indonesia Award winner.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Masyarakat: Pendidikan Community: Education
Pengembangan di bidang pendidikan senantiasa mendapat perhatian utama dalam kegiatan CSR yang dilaksanakan oleh Grup Astra. Komitmen tersebut dilandasi tekad untuk membangun masyarakat yang cerdas dan mandiri dengan sikap proaktif dalam meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan melalui perbaikan pendidikan dan ketrampilan.
Education development consistently remains a key emphasis of CSR programs implemented by the Astra Group. Such commitment is founded on our determination to build an intelligent and independent society possessing a proactive attitude to elevate their quality of life through improved education and skills.
Investasi yang dikerahkan Astra di bidang pendidikan dilakukan secara lengkap dan menyeluruh mencakup semua jenjang, dari tingkat pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD) hingga perguruan tinggi (PT) dan dengan dukungan meliputi software, brainware dan hardware. Diharapkan dengan pendekatan yang komprehensif tersebut, pengembangan pengetahuan dan pelatihan ketrampilan di masyarakat dapat dimaksimalkan sehingga dapat terus bergulir dan berkembang layaknya bola salju yang menghasilkan manfaat yang luas dan berkelanjutan.
Astra’s dedicated investment in education is conducted thoroughly and comprehensively, covering the entire education strata, from early childhood education to university level, and giving support in software, brainware and hardware. It is our expectation that with such totality, efforts in knowledge improvement and skills training for communities can be maximized with the continuity of a snowball effect, growing and spreading benefits widely and sustainably.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Presiden Direktur PT Astra International Tbk, Bapak Prijono Sugiarto, berfoto bersama penerima beasiswa Koperasi Astra International (KAI). President Director of PT Astra International Tbk, Prijono Sugiarto with recipients of the Astra International Cooperative (KAI) scholarship.
Program difokuskan pada pendidikan dasar di lokasi sekitar Perusahaan dan daerah-daerah tertinggal. Kontribusi tersebut guna mendukung program pemerintah dalam memberi kesempatan yang setara dalam pendidikan anak bangsa di seluruh pelosok tanah air untuk masa depan yang lebih cerah. Setiap perusahaan Astra didorong untuk memberi kontribusi terhadap pendidikan masyarakat dan komunitas di mana perusahaan beroperasi. Astra juga mendirikan berbagai yayasan untuk mendampingi perusahaan dalam pembinaan dan koordinasi program yang lebih baik.
The program focuses on primary education in areas around Astra operations and underdeveloped regions. Such contribution is designed to support government programs in providing equal opportunity in education for all children across the nation to open doors for their brighter future. Each Astra company is encouraged to make a contribution to educate the general public and communities where operations presently run. Astra has also established foundations to assist companies in developing and coordinating their programs better.
Program difokuskan pada pendidikan dasar di lokasi sekitar Perusahaan dan daerah-daerah tertinggal.
The program focuses on primary education in areas around Astra operations and underdeveloped regions.
Scholarships Every year, scholarships are given out to assist students of all education levels in various areas through Astra Foundations and companies.
Pemberian Beasiswa Setiap tahunnya, bantuan beasiswa disalurkan untuk setiap jenjang pendidikan di berbagai daerah melalui beberapa yayasan dan perusahaan. Grafik Graph 7 Jumlah Penerima Beasiswa Total Number of Scholars 4,348
2,012 2,20 2
AI YAA Catatan Notes: AI : PT Astra International Tbk. YAA : Yayasan Amaliah Astra YTA : Yayasan Toyota Astra KAI : Koperasi Astra International Jumlah penerima mencakup SD, SMP, SMA dan Perguruan Tinggi. The number of recipients includes elementary, junior high schools and Universities.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Masyarakat: Pendidikan Community: Education
Yayasan Pendidikan Astra Michael D. Ruslim (YPA-MDR) Pada 18 Mei 2010, Astra meresmikan perubahan nama Yayasan Astra Bina Pendidikan (YABP) menjadi Yayasan Pendidikan Astra Michael D. Ruslim (YPA MDR) sebagai tanda penghormatan atas berpulangnya pemimpin dan panutan Grup Astra kepangkuanNya di awal tahun 2010. Misi yang diemban YPA-MDR tidak berubah, yaitu menyalurkan bantuan untuk peningkatan mutu pendidikan sekolah-sekolah yang berada di daerah prasejahtera agar siswa-siswanya mampu menjadi lebih mandiri dan peduli untuk membangun daerahnya, selaras dengan cita-cita Astra untuk “Sejahtera Bersama Bangsa”. YPA-MDR berperan aktif sebagai agent of change dan agent of development dalam peningkatan mutu sekolahsekolah dengan bantuan penyediaan prasarana dan sarana yang memadai, pengembangan sumber daya manusia yang terarah, serta pengembangan kurikulum dan manajemen sekolah yang profesional.
Michael D Ruslim Astra Education Foundation (YPA-MDR) On May 18, 2010, Astra inaugurated the change in name of its Astra Bina Pendidikan Foundation (YABP) to Michael D. Ruslim Astra Education Foundation (YPA-MDR) to honor a respected leader and role model who passed away in early 2010. The mission of YPA-MDR remains unchanged, that is to provide aid in improving the quality of education in schools found in underdeveloped locations so that students are taught more independence and empathy in building their hometowns, in line with Astra’s aspirations to “Prosper with the Nation”. YPA-MDR actively assumes its role as agent of change and agent of development in the effort to improve the quality of schools by giving assistance in building adequate infrastructure and facilities, structured human resource development as well as enhancing curriculum and professional management in the schools.
Pada tahun 2010, fokus kegiatan YPA-MDR dilaksanakan pada kelanjutan pelatihan di bidang akademik, budaya, kecakapan hidup dan pendidikan nilai bagi seluruh warga sekolah. Selain itu juga ada bantuan untuk perbaikan dan pemenuhan sarana prasarana sekolah serta pembinaan bagi sekolah yang akan menempuh akreditasi. Sekolah binaan meliputi 24 Sekolah Dasar (SD) dan 3 Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) yang terletak di daerah Leuwiliang Bogor, Gedangsari - Gunungkidul, Pandak - Bantul serta Tanjungsari dan Merbau Mataram - Lampung Selatan dengan total 6.154 siswa dan 389 pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan. Pengembangan program dilakukan melalui perluasan daerah binaan di Lampung Selatan, dengan penandatanganan kesepakatan kerja sama pembinaan masing-masing 5 sekolah di Tanjungsari (SDN 1 Kertosari, SDN 2 Kertosari, SDN 3 Kertosari, SDN 1 Mulyosari dan SDN 1 Wonodadi) dan Merbau Mataram (SDN 1 Merbau Mataram, SDN 2 Merbau Mataram, SDN 3 Merbau Mataram, SDN 4 Merbau Mataram dan SDN 1 Triharjo). Saat ini juga sedang dilakukan penjajakan untuk jenjang SMK di Gedangsari (SMK Negeri 2 Gedangsari) dan di
In 2010, YPA-MDR activities were focused on continuing training on the aspects of academics, culture, life skills and basic values for all members of the schools. There was also assistance for rehabilitation and building school infrastructure as well as guidance for schools applying for accreditation. Partnered schools numbered 24 elementary schools (SD) and 3 Junior High Schools (SMP) located in the areas of Leuwiliang - Bogor, Gedangsari - Gunungkidul, Pandak - Bantul and Tanjungsari and Merbau Mataram - South Lampung, with a total of 6,154 students and 389 educators and other teaching staffs. Program expansion is accomplished by extending coverage of target areas in South Lampung, following signing of cooperative agreements with 5 schools each in Tanjungsari (SDN 1 Kertosari, SDN 2 Kertosari, SDN 3 Kertosari, SDN 1 Mulyosari and SDN 1 Wonodadi) and Merbau Mataram (SDN 1 Merbau Mataram, SDN 2 Merbau Mataram, SDN 3 Merbau Mataram, SDN 4 Merbau Mataram and SDN 1 Triharjo). Currently there are plans to explore new cooperation with high-school equivalent vocational schools in Gedangsari (SMK Negeri 2 Gedangsari) and in Leuwiliang (SMKN Leuwiliang)
EC 8
: Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services provided primarily for public benefit through commercial, inkind, or pro bono engagement.
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Leuwiliang (SMKN Leuwiliang) serta pelaksanaan survei daerah baru yaitu provinsi Sumatera Selatan. (EC 8)
and a survey for including a new area, specifically South Sumatra province. (EC 8)
Dengan pembinaan secara intensif dari YPA-MDR, sekolah-sekolah binaan telah mampu meraih predikat dan prestasi yang membanggakan, termasuk akreditasi sekolah berdasarkan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (SNP). Pada tahun 2010, SDN Hegarmanah, Leuwiliang memperoleh peringkat A dalam akreditasi sekolah pada bulan Oktober 2010 dan 6 sekolah binaan lainnya mendapatkan peringkat 10 besar di masing-masing kecamatannya.
With intensive supervision by YPA- MDR, the schools have successfully recorded outstanding achievement and performance, including academic accreditation based on the National Education Standards (SNP). In 2010, SDN Hegarmanah, Leuwiliang obtained an A rating in school accreditation issued in October 2010 and 6 other schools were ranked in the top 10 for their respective county.
Yayasan Astra Bina Ilmu (YABI) Mengemban misi untuk menghasilkan sumber daya manusia di tingkat D3 yang siap pakai dalam bidang terkait teknologi otomotif dan sumber daya alam di Indonesia, sejak tahun 2009, YABI - Politeknik Manufaktur Astra memberi bantuan beasiswa bagi siswa SMA/SMK berprestasi untuk mengikuti pendidikan di Politeknik Manufaktur Astra (Polman Astra) melalui Program Beasiswa Astra. Pada tahun 2010, 84 mahasiswa yang
Astra Bina Ilmu Foundation (YABI) To fulfill a mission of producing an adequate pool of qualified and skilled personnel in the field of automotive technology and natural resources for domestic requirements, YABI – Politeknik Manufaktur Astra (Polman Astra) has, since 2009, provided scholarships for outstanding high-school and vocational school graduates to enroll in Polman Astra through Astra’s Scholarship Program. In 2010, 84 students from 13 provinces
Astra senantiasa menyiapkan generasi-generasi berkualitas, salah satunya melalui pelatihan mekanik. Astra continuously develops highly skilled/qualified youths, among others through mechanical training.
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Masyarakat: Pendidikan Community: Education
berasal dari13 provinsi dapat turut serta dalam program tersebut, meningkat dari 51 mahasiswa yang hanya berasal dari 7 provinsi di tahun 2009. Diharapkan lulusan Polman Astra dapat memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga siap pakai dan berkualitas dengan kompetensi teknikal dan mindset Quality, Cost, Delivery dan Innovation (QCDI) serta mental yang baik untuk menghadapi tuntutan perkembangan industri global.
participated, an increase of 51 students from 7 provinces in 2009. It is expected that graduates of Polman Astra will satisfy needs for qualified human resource possessing high technical competence and a sound Quality, Cost, Delivery and Innovation (QCDI) mindset, to be better prepared in facing the demands of industrial sophistication.
Program Pendidikan Toyota Technical (Toyota Technical Education Program) PT Toyota Astra Motor Toyota juga memprakarsai program Toyota Technical Education Program (T-TEP) yang diselenggarakan di Indonesia oleh PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) untuk melaksanakan proses transfer teknologi kepada sekolah-sekolah kejuruan teknik dalam rangka menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang unggul di negara-negara tempat Toyota beroperasi. Hingga akhir tahun 2010, TAM bekerja sama dengan main dealer dan Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional untuk membuka 51 Sub T-TEP General Repair dan 3 institusi Sub T-TEP Body & Paint. Dalam pelaksanaan program pelatihan di bidang otomotif, pembekalan pengetahuan teknologi terbaru diberikan bagi guru SMK dan juga dilakukan integrasi sistem pembelajaran Toyota ke dalam kurikulum otomotif di SMK. Selain itu juga dibuka kesempatan on-the-job training (OJT) bagi siswa dan guru di seluruh dealer resmi Toyota dan pemberian perangkat training material berupa alat peraga dan training manual untuk mendukung pembelajaran sesuai perkembangan teknologi terkini.
Toyota Technical Education Program by PT Toyota Astra Motor Toyota also initiated a program called Toyota Technical Education Program (T-TEP) which is held in Indonesia by Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) to facilitate the process of technology transfer to local vocational technical schools in order to create a steady pool of excellent human resources in countries where Toyota operates. By the end of 2010, TAM had worked with main dealers and the Ministry of Education to open 51 Sub T-TEP General Repair and 3 Sub T-TEP Body & Paint institutions. For implementing automotive training programs, the latest technological knowledge is imparted to teachers of vocational schools, integrating the Toyota learning system into the automotive curriculum of vocational schools. Furthermore, on-the-job training (OJT) is made available to both students and teachers at authorized Toyota dealers, and donations of training materials, in the form of teaching aids and training manuals are made in order to support learning in line with the latest technological developments.
SD Hijau Sungai Bambu 05/06 Sebagai perusahaan yang care terhadap lingkungan, PT Astra International Tbk juga melakukan pembinaan Sekolah Hijau untuk menularkan budaya peduli lingkungan sejak usia dini di SD Sungai Bambu 05/06 Tanjung Priok. Hingga tahun 2010, telah diberikan bantuan brainware dan software berupa pelatihan dan penyusunan kurikulum serta hardware berupa gedung perpustakaan, UKS, ruang laboratorium dan ruang guru secara menyeluruh. Ekstrakurikuler
Green School Sungai Bambu 05/06 As a company that cares for the environment, PT Astra International Tbk also fosters a Green School in order to transmit the go-green culture from an early age at SD Sungai Bambu 05/06 Tanjung Priok. Up to end of 2010, the Company provided a comprehensive contribution of brainware and software, specifically training and preparation of curriculum as well as hardware, consisting of library, health center, laboratory and teachers’ room. Environment-based extracurricular
EC 8
: Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services provided primarily for public benefit through commercial, inkind, or pro bono engagement.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
berbasis lingkungan dilaksanakan dengan program sanitasi serta kegiatan pembuatan lubang biopori, pupuk kompos cair, kertas daur ulang yang sudah diaplikasikan di Sekolah. Pengembangan SD Hijau terus dilanjutkan dengan sasaran untuk tahun 2011, yaitu meraih akreditasi “A” serta predikat sekolah Adiwiyata dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup sebagai sekolah yang dinilai berhasil dalam melaksanakan pendidikan yang berwawasan lingkungan.
activities were put in place with programs on sanitation as well as activities in making biopore holes, liquid compost, recycled paper that have been applied in the school. Development of the Green Elementary School has progressed with targets for 2011 of obtaining an “A” accreditation and endorsement as an Adiwiyata school from the Ministry of the Environment as a school which is rated successful in implementing education with environmental orientation.
SDN Percontohan Johan Pahlawan Salah satu program sekolah terdepan adalah pembinaan SD Percontohan Johan Pahlawan, Meulaboh yang berhasil meraih predikat Rintisan Sekolah Berstandar International (RSBI) pada tahun 2009. Pada Semester IX dan X pembinaan dilanjutkan dengan pelaksanaan workshop kurikulum Rintisan Sekolah Berstandar International (RSBI), tryout Ujian Akhir Nasional, festival Ramadhan 2010 dan Pekan Sains dan Budaya 2010. Sejak dimulai program pada tahun 2006, Sekolah terus mengumpulkan berbagai prestasi gemilang di bidang akademik, kesenian dan lainnya baik di tingkat kabupaten, provinsi dan
Model Elementary School Johan Pahlawan One of the most successful school programs is found in the partnership with SD Percontohan Johan Pahlawan, Meulaboh, which has earned the prestigious international academic standard RSBI in 2009. During Semesters IX and X, support was progressively continued with a workshop on the curriculum used by the international standards RSBI, tryout for Standardized National Examination, Ramadhan 2010 festival and Science and Culture Week 2010. Since the initial start of the program in 2006, the school continued to record a string of milestones in academics, arts and other aspects at the district, provincial as well as national levels.
Ekstrakurikuler pembuatan kertas daur ulang, meningkatkan kesadaran siswa terhadap lingkungan. Extracurricular activities, as making recycled paper to promote students’ awareness of the environment.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Masyarakat: Pendidikan Community: Education
nasional. Untuk tahun 2010, Sekolah mendapat penghargaan sebagai Juara I Perpustakaan tingkat Provinsi Nangroe Aceh Darusalam (NAD) dan peringkat 10 Nasional tahun 2010 dan juga sebagai Juara I Sekolah Adiwiyata tingkat NAD tahun 2010. (EC 8)
For 2010, the school was named as the overall winner for category of Library at the Provincial level in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) and top 10 for national ranking in 2010 as well as 1st place Winner as Adiwiyata School in NAD province for 2010. (EC 8)
Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) Mewujudkan komitmen untuk mendukung pendidikan di semua tingkatan, PT Astra International Tbk membantu penyelenggaraan pendidikan dasar yang lebih kondusif dengan merenovasi sarana Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) di wilayah Sungai Bambu dan Papanggo, termasuk PAUD RW 01 Papanggo, PAUD RW 05 Sungai Bambu, PAUD RW 09 Sungai Bambu dan PAUD RW 04 Sungai Bambu.
Early Childhood Education (PAUD) In fulfilling its commitment to support education at all levels, PT Astra International Tbk also gives assistance for the implementation of basic education that is more conducive by aiding renovation of facilities in Early Childhood Education (PAUD) centers in the areas of Sungai Bambu and Papanggo, consisting of PAUD RW 01 Papanggo, PAUD RW 05 Sungai Bambu, PAUD RW 09 Sungai Bambu and PAUD RW 04 Sungai Bambu.
Donasi Pendidikan Sementara untuk mendukung pembelajaran di sekolah, PT Astra International Tbk memberikan donasi sarana pendidikan berupa seperangkat komputer dan printer kepada 50 sekolah SD, SMP, SMA di Kelurahan Sungai Bambu, Warakas, dan Papanggo. Sedangkan PT Astra Honda Motor
Education Assistance Meanwhile, to support the education process at schools, PT Astra International Tbk provides assistance with educational facilities in the form of computers and printers for 50 elementary, junior high and high schools located in Kelurahan Sungai Bambu, Warakas, and Papanggo. Additionally,
Pembangunan sarana PAUD merupakan bentuk komitmen Astra dalam menyiapkan generasi bangsa. Construction of facilities in Early Development centers is Astra’s contribution in development efforts targeting the younger generation in the nation.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
menyerahkan bantuan 147 unit sepeda motor kepada 26 sekolah menengah kejuruan, Balai Latihan Kerja, serta institusi dan perguruan tinggi di beberapa wilayah di nusantara.
PT Astra Honda Motor handed over 147 motorcycles to 26 vocational schools and Training Centers, institutions and universities all over Indonesia.
Untuk pengembangan masyarakat di sekitar instalasi perusahaan, PT Astra International Tbk bekerja sama dengan Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra dan PT Astra Honda Motor menggelar pelatihan mekanik perbengkelan roda dua, khususnya bagi para pemuda yang belum bekerja di Kelurahan Sungai Bambu, Warakas, dan Papanggo. Pelatihan selama 3 bulan memberikan bekal keterampilan mekanik roda dua bagi pemuda lulusan SMA agar memudahkan mendapatkan pekerjaan atau menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan di lingkungannya.
To develop communities in and around corporate locations, PT Astra International Tbk works with Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra and PT Astra Honda Motor in holding training on mechanical skills for two-wheel repair shops, targeting unemployed youths from Kelurahan Sungai Bambu, Warakas, and Papanggo. Training over a 3-month period provides knowledge and skills for two-wheel mechanics to high school graduates that will offer employment or even entrepreneurial opportunities that will create more jobs in their immediate surroundings.
Dalam rangka terus mendorong keterlibatan karyawan dalam program pendidikan, Astra memulai program pendidikan bertajuk Astra Employee Voluntary Program “Bedah Sekolah”. Program ini diselenggarakan di SD-SMP Remaja, Sungai Bambu, sebanyak 68 karyawan berperan aktif untuk membantu merapikan sekolah termasuk mengecat dan membersihkan kelas, sekaligus memberi wawasan yang lebih luas bagi siswa dengan menyelenggarakan sesi mengajar dan berkebun di sekolah.
To boost employee involvement in education programs, Astra launched a new initiative dubbed Astra Employee Voluntary Program “Exploring Schools”. The event was carried out at elementaryjunior high school SD-SMP Remaja in Sungai Bambu, where up to 68 employees actively participated in cleaning up the school, assuming duties in painting and cleaning classrooms, as well as introducing broader insight for students by organizing learning and gardening sessions at the school.
Karyawan turut berpartisipasi dalam program CSR Pendidikan Astra. Employees take part in Astra’s CSR programs in Education.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Masyarakat: Peningkatan Pendapatan Community: Income Generating Activities
Komitmen Astra dalam pembangunan masyarakat yang sejahtera ditekankan pada upaya-upaya membina dan mengembangkan Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) serta membangun ketrampilan dan semangat kewirausahaan masyarakat.
Astra’s commitment in building a prosperous society is emphasized in efforts to nurture and develop the Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) as well as building skills and entrepreneurial spirit within the community.
Setiap perusahaan Astra wajib menjaga keharmonisan dengan lingkungan sekitar melalui partisipasi aktif dalam program ‘Income Generating Activities.’ Kontribusi utama kami sebagai katalis/ motor pembangunan adalah untuk memberi edukasi, arahan dan fasilitas pendukung agar terbentuk jejaring yang mendukung pemberdayaan sumber daya lokal yang berpotensi membuka lapangan kerja dalam rangka meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan pengentasan kemiskinan bagi masyarakat sekitar. (EC 1)
Each Astra company is obliged to maintain harmony with the environment through active participation in ‘Income Generating Activities’. Our main contribution as a catalyst / motor for development is to provide education, guidance and supporting facilities in order to form a network that promotes empowerment of local resources with a promise to create employment in order to enhance social welfare and poverty alleviation for the surrounding community. (EC 1)
EC 1
: Direct economic value generated and distributed.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Pembinaan program IGA Majun secara rutin dilakukan guna terus meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat. Coaching in IGA dust cloth program is routinely carried out for continued community development.
Untuk mewujudkan komitmen tersebut, Astra mengangkat pengembangan usaha kecil dengan berbagai peluang akan keterlibatan masyarakat sekitar dalam kegiatan bisnis yang dijalankan. Contohnya di kawasan Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara, PT Astra Intenational Tbk dan Lembaga Pengembangan Masyarakat (LPM) Dompet Dhuafa Republika membina masyarakat dalam program penjahitan kain majun. Pada tahun 2010, program telah dilakukan di dua lokasi dengan partisipasi 46 ibu-ibu yang menghasilkan kain majun digunakan untuk kegiatan operasional Toyota Sales Operation dan Isuzu Sales Operation yang berada di kawasan Sunter.
To realize this commitment, Astra concentrated on developing small businesses with opportunities for involvement of the local communities in its existing business activities. For example in the area of Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, PT Astra International Tbk and the Community Development Institute (LPM) Dompet Dhuafa Republika coached the community in a program focusing on sewing waste rags. In 2010, the program was conducted in two sites with a total of 46 female participants, with its dust cloth output used in the operations of Toyota Sales Operations and Isuzu Sales Operations located in Sunter.
Program peningkatan pendapatan juga diupayakan oleh Toyota Sales Operation (TSO) cabang sukun Malang serta Sales Operation lainnya, seperti Daihatsu dan Isuzu, dengan memberikan kesempatan masyarakat sekitar untuk mencuci pakaian bengkel (wearpack).
Income generating programs pursued by Toyota Sales Operation (TSO) Malang branch and other Sales Operation, such as Daihatsu and Isuzu, include giving the opportunity for local residents to wash uniforms, commonly called wearpacks, used in automotive workshops.
Setiap perusahaan Astra wajib menjaga keharmonisan dengan lingkungan sekitar melalui partisipasi aktif program Income Generating Activities. Pembinaan UMKM melalui bisnis model kain majun dan wearpack di atas telah lama diterapkan dalam mata rantai pemasok Grup Astra yang luas. Bahkan dengan kekuatan bisnis Astra untuk menyerap produk-produk UMKM dan subkontraktor, telah dilakukan mekanisme yang dapat secara intensif memantapkan efektivitas mata rantai pemasok dengan peningkatan Quality, Cost, Delivery and Innovation (QCDI). Hal ini difasilitasi oleh Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra (YDBA). Pendirian YDBA berlandaskan misi untuk melakukan pembinaan dan kemitraan UMKM dan subkontraktor di tanah air, terutama yang terkait dalam value chain bisnis Grup Astra. Program yang didukung oleh YDBA diharapkan
Each Astra company is obliged to maintain harmony with the environment through active participation in ‘Income Generating Activities.
Development of SMEs through the dust cloth and wearpack business models has been long applied in the Astra Group extensive supply chain. In fact, with Astra’s robust business to absorb products generated from SMEs and subcontractors, a mechanism has been intensively developed to strengthen the effectiveness of the supply chain with improvement in Quality, Cost, Delivery and Innovation (QCDI). This is facilitated by Astra Dharma Bhakti Foundation (YDBA), which was formed to serve the mission of coaching and partnering SMEs and subcontractors nationwide, particularly those related to the value chain of Astra Group businesses. Programs that are supported by YDBA are expected to encourage
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Masyarakat: Peningkatan Pendapatan
Community: Income Generating Activities
dapat mendorong upaya penguatan UMKM dan semangat kewirausahaan serta pemberdayaan usaha ekonomi masyarakat di sekitar lokasi jejaring Grup Astra. (EC 6)
efforts for strengthening SMEs and promote the entrepreneurial drive and empowerment of local businesses found along the peripheries of the Astra Group network. (EC 6)
Pada tahun 2010, program dan kegiatan YDBA terkonsentrasi pada 3 fokus area. Departemen Otomotif, Perbengkelan, dan Alat Berat menangani peningkatan kemampuan UKM subkontraktor, non-subkontraktor, otomotif, alat berat dan bengkel. Program-program yang dilaksanakan mencakup pelatihan manajemen dan teknik, fasilitasi pembiayaan serta pendampingan untuk mempertajam kompetensi dan ketrampilan, termasuk tenaga kerja bidang alat berat dan pemberdayaan pemuda putus sekolah.
In 2010, YDBA programs and activities were concentrated on 3 focus areas. The Department of Automotive, Workshop and Heavy Equipment managed capacity improvement of SMEs under the categories subcontractor, non-subcontractor, automotive, heavy equipment and workshops. The programs implemented included managerial and technical training, facilitating financing and assistance to sharpen competencies and skills, including workers in the heavy equipment sector and empowerment of drop-out youths.
Departemen Agribisnis dan Pertambangan YDBA membina UMKM dan Income Generating Activities (IGA) masyarakat di sekitar perkebunan dan pertambangan Grup Astra. Dengan mendirikan dan mengawasi Lembaga Pengembangan Bisnis (LPB) dan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro (LKM), dilakukan pembinaan terhadap kelompok nelayan dan petani serta pemberdayaan kelompok kerajinan, catering dan bengkel roda dua.
The Department of Agribusiness and Mining fostered SMEs and Income Generating Activities (IGA) targeting communities around Astra Group’s plantations and mining sites. By establishing and overseeing Business Development Institutes and Micro Finance Institutions, other activities undertaken were training for fisherman and farmer groups as well as empowerment of crafts communities, catering businesses and two-wheel repair shops.
Pada tahun 2010 berdiri 2 LKM baru yang berada di jobsite PT Pamapersada Nusantara, yakni LKM Tanjung Enim dan LKM Kutai Barat, sehingga saat ini telah terbentuk 9 LKM untuk wilayah perkebunan dan pertambangan Grup Astra.
In 2010, 2 new Micro Finance Institutions, LKM Tanjung Enim and LKM West Kutai, were established at the jobsite of PT Pampersada Nusantara. Presently, there are a total of 9 Micro Finance Institutions within Astra Group plantation and mining areas.
Selain itu, Departemen Fasilitasi Pembiayaan dan LPB YDBA berinisiatif memenuhi kebutuhan modal kerja dan investasi. Selain itu juga dilaksanakan pembinaan UKMK di daerah dengan memfasilitasi sumber pembiayaan, pelatihan di bidang keuangan termasuk Pembukuan dan Perpajakan, baik dilakukan secara langsung maupun melalui LPB dibawah naungannya.
Further, the Department of Financing Facilitation and LPB took initiatives to meet the needs of working capital and investment. Additionally, partnering SMEs in regional areas encompassed facilitating financing sources, training in finance including accounting and taxation, both handled directly as well as through LPB under its supervision.
YDBA juga mendirikan Galeri UMKM untuk membantu pelaksanaan pemasaran produk-produk hasil UMKM dan sebagai media promosi, informasi dan edukasi untuk mendukung kemajuan usaha UMKM ke depan.
YDBA also set up the SME Gallery to assist in handling marketing of products made by the SMEs and simultaneously as a media for promotion, information and education to support progress of SMEs into the future.
EC 6
: Policy, practices, and proportion of spending on locally-based suppliers at significant locations of operation.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Beberapa perusahaan lain juga melakukan program IGA seperti PT Kalimatan Prima Persada (KPP) Rantau Port District (Sei Puting), salah satu perusahaan di divisi alat berat dan pertambangan, yang memberdayakan sekitar 20 ibu-ibu setempat untuk mengubah memanfaatkan eceng gondok menjadi barang kerajinan seperti tas, tempat tisu, sandal, tempat sampah dan tempat pensil, yang kemudian dipasarkan melalui kerja sama dengan beberapa hotel di Banjarmasin.
Other companies also sponsor IGA programs, such as PT Kaltim Prima Persada (KPP) Rantou Port District (Sei Puting), one company in the heavy equipment and mining division, that aims to empower some 20 local women to transform water hyacinth into handicraft items like bags, tissue containers, slippers, trash bins and pencil stands, to be marketed through a partnership with several hotels in Banjarmasin.
Sementara PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (PALYJA) membina ibu-ibu PKK di daerah Pejompongan untuk mengolah sampah domestik seperti sedotan dan plastik kemasan menjadi karya yang berguna termasuk tas, dompet, topi dan taplak meja.
Meanwhile PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (PALYJA) works together with women in Pejompongan area to process domestic waste such as straws and plastic packaging into useful creations, including bags, wallets, hats and tablecloths.
Selain itu, untuk meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat, PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk melaksanakan program Perkebunan Inti - Rakyat (PIR), dan melalui program Kredit Koperasi Primer untuk Anggota (KKPA). PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk juga berinisiatif membantu perekonomian masyarakat di sekitar kebun melalui program Peningkatan Pendapatan Masyarakat (Income Generating Activities) melalui budidaya kelapa sawit dan pengembangan usaha non sawit yang disesuaikan dengan potensi lokal yang tersedia.
In addition, to improve the economy of the local communities, PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk guides plasma farmers in the Small Core Plantation and KPPA cooperative loan programs. PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk also initiates assistance for bettering the economic welfare of communities in and around company plantations through Income Generating Activities in palm oil plantation and development of non-palm oil businesses that are consistent with existing local resources.
Ibu-ibu anggota program kerajinan enceng gondok binaan PT Kalimantan Prima Persada (KPP) Port Sei Puting. Female participants in the water hyacinth crafts program of PT Kalimantan Prima Persada (KPP) Port Sei Puting.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Masyarakat: Kesehatan Community: Health
Masyarakat yang maju memiliki kesadaran yang tinggi akan gaya hidup yang sehat. Karenanya, Astra turut mendukung berbagai program pemerintah untuk menyehatkan bangsa. Kami percaya bahwa masyarakat yang senantiasa menjaga kesehatan dan kebersihan akan mampu untuk membangun lingkungan yang kondusif untuk berkembang ke depan.
Modern communities have high awareness for developing a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, Astra plays an active part in supporting various government programs to build healthy communities. We believe that people who consistently maintain good health and hygiene will be better equipped to build an environment that improves the quality of life.
Astra juga aktif dalam gerakan peduli kesehatan dan mengadakan berbagai program kesehatan di lokasi sekitar instalasi Astra. Fokus kegiatan diutamakan pada kesehatan ibu dan anak, khususnya balita. Hal tersebut terlihat dari program pemberian makanan tambahan, dimana PT Astra International Tbk memberikan sumbangan makanan tambahan setiap bulannya melalui Posyandu RW 09, Sungai Bambu dalam upaya meningkatkan kesehatan balita di lingkungan sekitar.
Astra is also involved in better health movements and has actively conducted health programs at Astra business locations. These activities mainly focus on promoting health of mothers and children, particularly toddlers. This is evident from programs that are designed to provide supplementary nutrition, and PT Astra International Tbk gives monthly supplementary food donations through Posyandu RW 09, Sungai Bambu as its contribution to better the health of toddlers in neighboring communities.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Pemeriksaan gigi kepada siswa SD binaan Yayasan Pendidikan Astra Michael D. Ruslim (YPA-MDR). Dental examination for students of elementary schools that are sponsored by the Pendidikan Astra Michael D. Ruslim Foundation (YPA-MDR).
Secara berkala juga diadakan penyuluhan kesehatan di posyandu-posyandu yang berada di sekitar perusahaan, dengan tujuan peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya menjaga kesehatan. Pada tahun 2010, beberapa permasalahan kesehatan yang hangat diperbincangkan di masyarakat diangkat sebagai topik pembahasan, termasuk Demam Berdarah, ISPA dan Kanker Serviks.
Periodic information sessions on health education are also held in nearby health centers, with the aim of increasing public awareness of the importance of maintaining good health. In 2010, several healthrelated topics that were popularly discussed by the general public were highlighted at these sessions, including dengue fever, respiratory infection and cervical cancer.
Beberapa program kesehatan yang telah dilaksanakan secara reguler pada tahuntahun sebelumnya juga terus dilanjutkan serta ditingkatkan intensitasnya. Salah satunya adalah Sehat bersama Daihatsu, yang kembali hadir lewat Pengobatan Gratis di RW 04 Kelurahan Sungai Bambu dan bekerja sama dengan Senat Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia menurunkan 25 dokter muda untuk memeriksa dan mengobati sekitar 300 warga. Demikian pula dengan Donor Darah Grup Astra, dimana digelar program AHEME Peduli Kemanusiaan
A number of health programs which have been conducted regularly in previous years were continued and even intensified. One such program is called Healthy with Daihatsu, in which free health consultations were provided in RW 04 Kelurahan Sungai Bambu in collaboration with the Student Senate of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia. A total of 25 young doctors performed examinations and treatment for nearly 300 local residents. Similarly, Astra Group’s Blood Donor program, which was held in the head office and other locations of PT United Tractors
Astra turut mendukung berbagai program pemerintah untuk menyehatkan bangsa.
Astra plays an active part in supporting various government programs to build healthy communities.
1.000 kantong darah yang dilaksanakan di head office dan seluruh lokasi PT United Tractors Tbk. Sementara PT Federal International Finance dan PT Asuransi Astra Buana bekerja sama dengan PMI juga mengadakan kegiatan donor darah sepanjang tahun 2010 di Jakarta dengan menyumbangkan 4.488 kantong darah ke PMI.
Tbk, highlighted the program with AHEME Care for Humanity in donating 1,000 bags of blood. Meanwhile, PT Federal International Finance and PT Asuransi Astra Buana cooperated with the local chapter of the Red Cross PMI in carrying out a series of blood donations in Jakarta throughout 2010, providing a total of 4,488 bags of blood to PMI.
Kemudian dalam rangka membantu masyarakat kurang mampu, juga dilakukan sunatan massal oleh PT Federal International Finance cabang Dumai bekerja sama dengan Dinas Sosial kota Dumai, yang diikuti oleh 50 anak dari keluarga kurang mampu yang berasal dari desa-desa tertinggal di 5 kecamatan di wilayah kota Dumai.
Then as an effort to assist economicallydisadvantaged families, PT Federal International Finance Dumai branch, in cooperation with the local office of the Department of Social Services in Dumai city, also sponsored a mass circumcision ceremony which was attended by 50 boys from underprivileged families in underdeveloped villages in 5 districts of the city of Dumai.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Lingkungan, Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja Environment, Occupational Health and Safety
Astra senantiasa memiliki komitmen untuk pengelolaan lingkungan yang sehat dan aman bagi seluruh stakeholder karena Astra memahami bahwa lingkungan yang sehat dan aman adalah salah satu faktor pendukung sukses bisnis. Melalui perumusan kerangka Astra Green Company (AGC), Astra terus memantau pelaksanaan dan melakukan evaluasi pengelolaan Lingkungan, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (LK3) dalam usahanya untuk mewujudkan tanggung jawabnya dalam menciptakan kelestarian alam dan lingkungan kerja yang sehat dan aman secara berkesinambungan. (4.15)
Astra consistently upholds its commitment to manage a healthy and safe environment for all stakeholders because Astra understands that a healthy and safe environment is one of the factors supporting business success. Through the framework of the Astra Green Company (AGC), Astra continues to monitor implementation and evaluates the management of Environment, Occupational Health and Safety (EHS) in attempting to realize its responsibility for creating sustainable harmony between nature conservation with a healthy and safe working environment. (4.15)
EN 5
: Energy saved due to conservation and efficiency improvements.
: Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Latihan rutin tindakan penyelamatan korban kecelakaan di tempat kerja. Routine exercise on emergency assistance for workplace accidents.
Program Efisiensi Energi dan Sumber Daya Alam (EN 5) Pada tahun 2010, PT Astra International Tbk melaksanakan langkah-langkah pengelolaan lingkungan melalui berbagai program penghematan sumber daya alam dan energi serta menekan tingkat limbah hasil usaha. Astra memahami bahwa ketersediaan energi, terutama bahan bakar fosil, semakin tipis dan karenanya perusahaan harus terus meningkatkan upaya untuk menggunakan energi dengan lebih efektif dan efisien. Hal tersebut dirumuskan dalam kebijakan corporate PT Astra International Tbk meliputi kebijakan efisiensi energi sebagai pedoman yang harus diimplementasi secara konsisten oleh setiap perusahaan yang tergabung dalam Grup Astra. Target efisiensi energi dan sumber daya alam mencakup penggunaan air, listrik, solar, oli, dan bensin, dan khusus pada tahun 2010 wajib diterapkan pengurangan sebesar 5% dari tahun sebelumnya.
Astra melaksanakan langkahlangkah pengelolaan lingkungan melalui berbagai program penghematan sumber daya alam dan energi. Untuk mengukur pencapaian dari kebijakan lingkungan yang telah ditetapkan secara korporasi, PT Astra International Tbk melakukan monitoring setiap 6 bulan. Pemantauan yang dihasilkan terdiri atas jumlah agregat secara keseluruhan Grup Astra serta ukuran berdasarkan 6 grup bisnis, yaitu Otomotif, Alat Berat dan Pertambangan, Perkebunan, Jasa Keuangan, Infrastruktur dan Teknologi Informasi, dengan hasil untuk tahun 2010 seperti digambarkan dalam diagram berikut ini.
Programs for Efficiency of Energy and Natural Resources (EN 5) In 2010, PT Astra International Tbk implemented environmental management measures through a variety of natural resource and energy conservation programs as well as by reducing waste produced from operations. Astra understands that energy, particularly fossil fuels, has become progressively more scarce and by this logic we must intensify efforts to use energy more effectively and efficiently. This is formulated in a corporate policy of PT Astra International Tbk, establishing energy efficiency as a guideline to be followed consistently across the Astra Group. Targets for energy and natural resource efficiency include utilization of water, electricity, diesel fuel, oil and gasoline, and specifically for 2010, it became mandatory to achieve a 5% reduction from the previous year’s figures.
Astra implements environmental management measures through a variety of natural resource and energy conservation programs.
To measure the achievement of environmental policies as have been defined by corporate HQ, PT Astra International Tbk performs monitoring once in every 6 months. Monitored results are generated for aggregate performance for the Astra Group as well as measures based on the six business areas within Astra: Automotive, Heavy Equipment & Mining, Agribusiness, Financial Services, Infrastructure and Information Technology. Achievements for 2010 are depicted on the diagrams below.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Lingkungan, Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja Environment, Occupational Health and Safety
Grafik Graph 8 Penggunaan Sumber Daya Alam dan Energi Natural Resources and Energy Consumption (EN 1, 3, 4, 8)
Air (x 106 M3) Water (x 106 M3) Listrik (x 106 kWh) Electricity (x 106 kWh) Solar (x 106 L) Diesel fuel (x 106 L)
Bensin (x 104 L) Gasoline (x 104 L)
Oli (x 105 L) Oil (x 105 L)
Untuk mengukur pencapaian efisiensi sumber daya alam dan energi, digunakan satuan per unit produk untuk masing-masing grup bisnis. Target efisiensi pemakaian sumber daya alam dan energi tahun 2010 adalah 5% dibanding tahun 2009.
Efficiency in consumption of natural resources and energy uses is measured using units per product unit for individual business group. Target efficiency measure for natural resources and energy for 2010 is set at 5% relative to levels achieved in 2009.
Dibandingkan dengan tahun 2009, rata-rata pemakaian sumber daya alam dan energi pada tahun 2010 terlihat lebih besar. Namun hal tersebut lebih disebabkan oleh adanya ekspansi dalam tubuh Grup Astra (lihat Annual Report 2010). Berikut adalah data pemakaian sumber daya alam dan energi per produk berdasarkan masing-masing grup bisnis untuk tahun 2010.
In comparison to 2009, the average consumption of natural resources and energy for 2010 seems higher. However, such a trend was mostly driven by continued expansion of the entire Group (see Annual Report 2010). Below is data for natural resources and energy usage by product, based on the respective business group for the year 2010.
EN 1 EN 3
EN 4 EN 8
: Materials used by weight or volume. : Direct energy consumption by primary energy source.
: Indirect energy consumption by primary source. : Total water withdrawal by source.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
1015.35 101.75
14.38 13.25
otif Otomotive Autom mbangang Perta Minin ribisnis erat & ent & Ag siness u Alat vBy Equipm ngan Agrib Hea Keuaervices Jasacia lS gistik n a Fin r & Lo tics truktu Logis si Infratrs ucture & forma Infras logi In ology 2009 Tekntioon Techn a Inform 2010
0.22 0.19
0.00 0.00
otif Otomotive Autom ambangang Pert Minin isnis erat & ent & Agribsiness Alat vBy Equipm u Hea Agrib ngan Keuaervices Jasacia lS n a in gistik F r & Lo tics truktu Logis Infratrs ucture & si forma Infras logi In ology Tekntioon Techn 2009 a Inform 2010
3.99 4.26
14.65 11.54
Grafik Graph 10 Listrik (kWh/unit produk) Electricity (kWh/unit product)
Grafik Graph 9 Air (M3/unit produk) Water (M3/unit product)
The average reduction in water consumption per unit product for 2010 is 10.3% relative to 2009.
The average reduction in electricity consumption per unit product for 2010 is 15.84% relative to 2009.
Grafik Graph 11 Solar (L/unit produk) Diesel Fuel (L/unit product)
Grafik Graph 12 Oli (L/unit produk) Oil (L/unit product)
0.00 0.00
otif Otomotive an Automrtambangin g Pe t & Min isnis n rat & e e Agribsiness B m t Ala vy Equip u Agrib ngan Hea Keuaervices Jasacia lS gistik n a Fin r & Lo tics truktu Logis Infratrs ucture & si forma 2009 Infras logi In ology Tekntioon Techn a 2010 Inform
0.00 0.00
1.33 0.70 69.10
otif Otomotive Autom ambangang Pert Minin isnis erat & ent & Agribsiness Alat vBy Equipm u Agrib ngan Hea Keuaervices Jasacia lS gistik Finan r & Lo tics truktu Logis Infratrs ucture & si forma 2009 Infras logi In ology Tekntioon Techn a Inform 2010
0.25 0.23
12.07 10.08
Catatan Notes: Rata-rata penurunan konsumsi listrik per unit produk tahun 2010 sebesar 15,84% dibanding tahun 2009.
Catatan Notes: Rata-rata penurunan konsumsi air per unit produk tahun 2010 sebesar 10,3% dibanding tahun 2009.
Catatan Notes: Rata-rata penurunan konsumsi Solar per unit produk tahun 2010 sebesar 9,23% dibanding tahun 2009.
Catatan Notes: Rata-rata penurunan konsumsi Oli per unit produk tahun 2010 sebesar 11,02% dibanding tahun 2009.
Pemakaian solar pada Grup Infrastruktur tahun 2010 naik, karena penambahan 4 unit kapal.
Pemakaian oli pada Grup Infrastruktur tahun 2010 naik karena penambahan 4 unit kapal.
The average reduction in consumption of Diesel Fuel per unit product for 2010 is 9.23% relative to 2009.
The average reduction in Oil consumption per unit product for 2010 is 11.02% relative to 2009.
Consumption of Diesel Fuel by the Infrastructure Group increased during 2010 due to the addition of 4 ships.
Consumption of Oil by the Infrastructure Group increased during 2010 due to the addition of 4 ships.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Lingkungan, Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja Environment, Occupational Health and Safety
Program Efisiensi (EN 5, 6, 7) Berbagai metode reduksi penggunaan sumber daya alam dan energi dan jenis program dilakukan sesuai dengan karakteristik pemakaiannya di masing-masing perusahaan. Sejak bulan Februari 2009, PT Astra Honda Motor telah melaksanakan program efisiensi bahan bakar melalui pemakaian gas buang sisa boiler untuk proses produksi sebagai upaya efisiensi energi dan reduksi karbon (gas buang). Program ini menggunakan HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generator) pada Casting Wheel Plant PT Astra Honda Motor yang saat ini mempunyai 2 sumber listrik utama untuk proses produksi, yaitu Cikarang Listrindo dan 4 unit Gas Engine (total kapasitas Gas Engine 5 MVA). Selain menghasilkan listrik, unit-unit Gas Engine tersebut juga menghasilkan gas buang dengan temperatur kurang lebih 500 derajat celcius. Panas yang terbuang tersebut dimanfaatkan untuk membangkitkan uap untuk proses pre treatment line painting dengan menggunakan teknologi HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generator), sehingga dalam pembangkitan steam tidak diperlukan tambahan bahan bakar dan tidak ada gas buang yang dihasilkan.
Efficiency Programs (EN 5, 6, 7) Varied methods for reducing usage of natural resources and energy, as well as corresponding programs to promote such reduction, are applied, based on unique characteristics within the different Astra companies. Since February 2009, PT Astra Honda Motor has implemented a fuel efficiency program by re-injecting residual gas from boilers to run subsequent processes, thereby resulting in energy efficiency and carbon (gas emission) reduction. This program utilizes a HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generator) on the Casting Wheel Plant of PT Astra Honda Motor which currently employs two principal power sources, which are Cikarang Listrindo and 4 Gas Engines (with total Gas Engine capacity of 5 MVA). On top of providing electricity, the Gas Engines also produce gas with a temperature of approximately 500 degrees Celsius. This residual heat is deployed back to generate steam for operating the pre-treatment line painting process through the HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generator) technology, hence supplying steam even when no additional fuel is required and also eliminating potential gas emission that would have been produced otherwise.
Program Pengurangan Limbah, GRK dan BPO (EC 2) (EN 16, 17, 18, 19) Pengelolaan limbah di Grup Astra mengacu pada kebijakan nasional tentang limbah dan pencemaran, sesuai dengan Undang Undang No. 32 tahun 2009 tentang Pengelolaan dan Perlindungan Lingkungan Hidup. Secara khusus, kebijakan corporate pada tahun 2010 menetapkan penurunan emisi gas rumah kaca (GRK) dan perhitungan penggunaan bahan perusak ozon (BPO).
Program to Reduce Waste, Green House Gases and Ozone Depleting Substances (EC 2) (EN 16, 17, 18, 19) Waste management within the Astra Group refers to the national policy on waste and pollution, in accordance with Law No. 32 of 2009 on Environmental Management and Protection. In particular, the corporate policy in 2010 stipulated reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the calculation for the use of ozone depleting substances.
Astra menggunakan perhitungan karbon berdasarkan protokol yang dilansir oleh United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP) untuk menghitung jumlah emisi gas rumah kaca sebagai produk samping yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan bisnis Astra. Perhitungan didapat dari penggunaan listrik (kWh/tahun), solar (L/tahun), LPG (ton/tahun), gas alam (m3/tahun) dan bahan bakar yang dibutuhkan dalam proses produksi dan transportasi.
Astra uses carbon calculations based on the protocol that was launched by United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP) to calculate total emission of greenhouse gases as by products generated from business activities. Calculations are obtained from the use of electricity (kWh/year), diesel (L/year), LPG (tons/year), natural gas (m3/year) and fuel needed in the production process and transportation.
EC 2
EN 7
EN 5 EN 6
: Financial implications and other risks and opportunities for the organization’s activities due to climate change. : Energy saved due to conservation and efficiency improvements. : Initiatives to provide energy-efficient or renewable energy based products and services, and reductions in energy requirements as a result of these initiatives.
: Initiatives to reduce indirect energy consumption and reductions achieved. EN 16 : Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight. EN 17 : Other relevant indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight. EN 19 : Emissions of ozone-depleting substances by weight.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
0.0007 0.0006
0.77 0.75
Grafik Graph 13 Emisi CO2 (Ton/unit produk) (EN 16, 17) CO2 Emission (Tonnes/unit product)
otif Otomotive an Autom rtambangin g e P t & Min isnis en eratu& B m Agribsiness t ip la A vy Eq u a g ngan A rib He Keuaervices Jasacia lS gistik Finan r & Loogistics L truktu s & a fr re si In tructu forma Infras logi In ology Tekntioon Techn 2009 a Inform
Catatan Notes: Rata-rata penurunan emisi CO2 per unit produk tahun 2010 sebesar 15,03% dibanding tahun 2009. The average reduction in CO2 emission per unit product for 2010 is 15.03% relative to 2009.
Upaya yang dilakukan dalam mengurangi gas rumah kaca terkait dengan upaya efisiensi pemakaian energi dan sumber daya alam, khususnya listrik dan bahan bakar fosil. Salah satu contoh program yang dilakukan di PT Showa Indonesia Manufacturing adalah pemakaian lampu LED sebagai pengganti lampu TL dalam kantor dan pabrik dikarenakan untuk ukuran intensitas cahaya yang sama (lux), lampu LED mengkonsumsi lebih sedikit energi listrik (kWh). Program ini dilansir mulai akhir tahun 2008, dan hingga tahun 2010, total lampu LED yang terpasang sejumlah 1.461 buah.
Efforts taken to reduce greenhouse gases are associated with measures to boost efficiency of energy and natural resources, especially electricity and fossil fuels. An example of programs applied at PT Showa Indonesia Manufacturing is the use of LED lamps to replace fluorescent lights in offices and factories, because for the same light intensity (lux), LED lamps consume less electrical energy (kWh). This program was launched at the end of 2008, and up to 2010, the total number of LED lights installed were 1,461 units.
Walaupun investasi lampu LED lebih tinggi dari lampu TL, namun mengingat konsumsi tenaga listrik yang diserap lebih sedikit maka terjadi pengurangan jumlah CO2 yang dihasilkan. Pengurangan GRK mencapai 280.800 kg CO2 per tahunnya.
Despite higher investment for LED lights relative to the cost of fluorescent lamps, actual consumption of electric power is considerably less, thereby resulting in a reduction of CO2 produced. Green house gases reduction is approximately 280,800 kg of CO2 annually.
Selain gas rumah kaca, penggunaan bahan perusak ozon juga dipantau melalui pelaporan tengah
In addition to greenhouse gases, the use of ozone depleting substances are also monitored
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Lingkungan, Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja Environment, Occupational Health and Safety
Program Pengolahan Limbah (EN 21, 22, 24) Untuk limbah cair dan padat, data yang dikumpulkan adalah data produksi limbah cair domestik, limbah B3 cair, limbah padat domestik dan limbah padat B3.
Waste Management Programs (EN 21, 22, 24) For liquid and solid wastes, the data collected is on the production of domestic liquid waste, hazardous liquid waste, domestic solid waste and hazardous solid waste.
Program pengurangan limbah bervariasi dan disesuaikan dengan karakteristik limbah yang dihasilkan. Contohnya, dalam program coolant
Waste reduction programs are varied and tailored to the characteristics of waste generated. For example, the coolant management program carried
Grafik Graph 14 Limbah Cair Non B3 (M3/unit produk) Non-hazardous Liquid Waste (M3/unit product)
Grafik Graph 15 Limbah Cair B3 (Liter/unit produk) Hazardous Liquid Waste (Litre/unit product)
isnis Agribsiness u Agrib
gan mban g Pertat & Minin t&m n ra e e B Alat vy Equip Hea
otif Otomotive Autom gan mban g Pertat & Minin en eratu& B m t isnis ip la A vy Eq Agribsiness Hea u Agrib ngan Keuaervices Jasacia lS Finan
1.10 otif Otomotive Autom
in a semi-annual report. The majority of ozone depleting substances used is Freon for operating air conditioning systems. Currently, Astra has directed use of Freon within the Group toward a environmentally-friendly variety, as implemented by PT Denso Indonesia, which began to switch to more environmentally-friendly freon from 2008. (EN 19)
tahunan. Sebagian besar bahan perusak ozon yang digunakan adalah freon untuk pendingin ruangan. Penggunaan freon di Grup Astra telah diarahkan pada freon yang lebih ramah lingkungan, yang mana hal tersebut telah dilakukan oleh PT Denso Indonesia sejak tahun 2008 ketika mulai beralih kepada freon yang lebih ramah lingkungan. (EN 19)
gistik r & Lo tics truktu Logis Infratrs ucture & Infras
Catatan Notes: Rata-rata penurunan limbah cair non B3 per unit produk tahun 2010 sebesar 14,71% dibanding tahun 2009.
Catatan Notes: Rata-rata penurunan limbah cair B3 per unit produk tahun 2010 sebesar 7,94% dibanding tahun 2009.
The average reduction in non hazardous liquid waste per unit product for 2010 is 14.71% relative to 2009.
The average reduction in hazardous liquid waste per unit product for 2010 is 7.94% relative to 2009.
EN 19 : Emissions of ozone-depleting substances by weight. EN 21 : Total water discharge by quality and destination. EN 22 : Total weight of waste by type and disposal method.
EN 24 : Weight of transported, imported, exported, or treated waste deemed hazardous under the terms of the Basel Convention Annex I, II, III, and VIII, and percentage of transported waste shipped internationally.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
isnis Agribsiness u Agrib
si forma logi In ology Tekntioon Techn a Inform
otif Otomotive Autom gan mban g Pertat & Minin en eratu& B m t ip la A vy Eq Hea
3.04 2.74
otif Otomotive Autom gan mban g Pertat & Minin n rat & e e B m t ip Ala vy Equ Hea
Grafik Graph 17 Limbah Padat B3 (Kg/unit produk) Hazardous solid waste (Kg/unit product)
Grafik Graph 16 Limbah Padat Non B3 (Kg/unit produk) Non-hazardous solid waste (Kg/unit product)
isnis Agribsiness u Agrib gistik r & Loogistics L truktu s & a fr re In tructu si Infras forma logi In ology Tekntioon Techn a Inform
Catatan Notes: Rata-rata penurunan limbah padat non B3 per unit produk tahun 2010 sebesar 5,58% dibanding tahun 2009.
Catatan Notes: Rata-rata penurunan limbah padat B3 per unit produk tahun 2010 sebesar 8,15% dibanding tahun 2009.
The average reduction in non hazardous solid waste per unit product for 2010 is 5.58% relative to 2009.
The average reduction in hazardous solid waste per unit product for 2010 is 8.15% relative to 2009.
management yang dilakukan oleh PT Akebono Brake Astra Indonesia dilakukan instalasi Tramp Oil Terminator Machine. Alat tersebut berfungsi memperpanjang usia coolant melalui suatu proses dan telah diaplikasikan sejak tahun 2009 dengan nilai investasi sebesar Rp 305.000.000. Pada tahun 2009 dan 2010, penghematan yang dihasilkan dapat dibagi menjadi dua kategori, yaitu penghematan pembelian coolant sejumlah Rp 1,9 miliar per tahun dan pengurangan limbah coolant yang menghasilkan penghematan biaya pengelolaan limbah sejumlah Rp 9 juta per tahun (EN 2).
out by PT Akebono Brake Astra Indonesia called for installation of a Tramp Oil Terminator Machine. This equipment functions to extend the life of the coolant through a process that has been applied since 2009, with total investment of Rp 305 million. In 2009 and 2010, savings generated can be divided into two categories, which are cost savings from coolant purchases amounting to Rp 1.9 billion per year and the reduction in coolant waste that resulted in savings from waste management costs of Rp 9 million per year (EN 2).
Program Konservasi Lingkungan Hidup (EN 11, 12, 13,14,15) Selain konservasi terhadap energi dan sumber daya alam, Grup Astra juga secara konsisten melaksanakan program konservasi Lingkungan Hidup, dengan konsep utama pelestarian terhadap keanekaragaman hayati. Hal ini sesuai dengan tema hari Lingkungan Hidup Dunia pada tahun 2010, yaitu Many Species, One Planet, One Future.
Environmental Conservation Program (EN 11, 12, 13,14,15) In addition to conservation of energy and natural resources, the Astra Group consistently implements environmental conservation programs, with the principal concept of conservation of biodiversity. This is consistent with the theme of World Environment Day in 2010, that is Many Species, One Planet, One Future.
EN 2 : Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materials. EN 11 : Location and size of land owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas. EN 12 : Description of significant impacts of activities, products, and services on biodiversity in protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas.
EN 13 : Habitats protected or restored. EN 14 : Strategies, current actions, and future plans for managing impacts on biodiversity. EN 15 : Number of IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations, by level of extinction risk.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Lingkungan, Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja Environment, Occupational Health and Safety
Salah satu program konservasi yang mulai diberlakukan oleh PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk sejak tahun 2006 adalah program Nilai Konservasi Tinggi (NKT). Konsep NKT berupaya mengintegrasikan pemanfaatan hutan dengan isu konservasi lingkungan, sosial dan kultur dalam suatu unit pengelolaan yang bertujuan meminimalisasi dampak negatif ekologi dan sosial di sektor perkebunan. Sebagai perusahaan perkebunan dengan konsep Sustainable Development, PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk mengaplikasikan pedoman NKT untuk menjamin keberlanjutan bisnisnya. Sebelum proses pengembangan kebun, dilakukan Survey Kelayakan Lahan untuk memastikan kondisi lahan yang akan dikelola, dilanjutkan dengan analisis dan penetapan Kawasan Bernilai Konservasi Tinggi yang disusun oleh perusahaan sebagai telaah lebih lanjut terhadap keanekaragaman hayati yang harus dipertahankan di dalam lokasi usaha.
One of the conservation programs that has been conducted by PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk since 2006 is the program of High Conservation Value (HCV). The concept of HCV works to integrate forest management with issues in conservation of the environment, social and culture in a management unit aimed at minimizing the negative ecological and social impacts in the plantation sector. As a plantation company operating under the concept of Sustainable Development, PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk applies the HCV guidelines to ensure the sustainability of its business. Before initiating the process of plantation development, a Land Feasibility Survey is completed to assess the conditions of land to be managed, followed by analysis and identification of HCV areas, which is prepared by the company as a successive study on biodiversity that must be conserved within the business location.
Grup Astra juga berkomitmen dalam program nilai konservasi tinggi. The Astra Group is committed in the high conservation value.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Program NKT mulai diterapkan di Astra Agro Lestari Grup pada PT Karyanusa Eka Daya-Kalimantan Timur, di mana penetapan dan identifikasi area NKT dilakukan bekerjasama dengan pihak luar/konsultan yaitu Borneo Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation (BEBSiC) Samarinda dan reviewer dari World Wide Fund (WWF-indonesia). Berdasarkan pengalaman dan pengetahuan dari PT Karyanusa Eka Daya, manajemen melakukan identifikasi dan penetapan internal kawasan NKT di setiap perkebunan baru maupun perkebunan yang sudah ada namun belum melakukan program konservasi. Kriteria NKT yang digunakan dibagi dalam 6 jenis kategori, yaitu NKT1: Kawasan yang mempunyai nilai-nilai keanekaragaman hayati yang penting secara global, regional dan lokal; NKT2: Kawasan Bentang Alam yang Penting bagi Dinamika Ekologi secara Alami; NKT3: Kawasan yang mempunyai ekosistem yang langka, terancam atau hampir punah; NKT 4: Kawasan yang Menyediakan Jasa-Jasa Lingkungan Alami; NKT 5: Kawasan yang sangat penting untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar masyarakat lokal (misalnya pemenuhan kebutuhan pokok, kesehatan); dan NKT 6: Kawasan yang sangat penting untuk identitas budaya tradisional masyarakat lokal (kawasan-kawasan budaya, ekologi, ekonomi, agama yang penting).
The HCV program was implemented within the Astra Agro Lestari Group specifically by PT Karyanusa Eka Daya-East Kalimantan, in which determination and identification of the HCV areas is done in collaboration with external parties / consultants, namely Borneo Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation (BEBSiC) Samarinda and a reviewer from the World Wide Fund (WWF-Indonesia). Based on the experience and knowledge derived from PT Karyanusa Eka Daya, management proceeded to carry out internal identification and determination of HCV areas in each new plantation as well as existing plantations that have not developed/ enforced a conservation program. The HCV criteria used are divided into 6 categories, which are HCV1: Regions characterized by biodiversity values that are significant globally, regionally and locally; HCV2: Natural span of region which is important to the Natural Ecological Dynamics; HCV3: Regions containing ecosystems that are rare, threatened or endangered; HCV4: Regions that provide natural environmental services; HCV5: Regions which are extremely important to the fulfillment of basic needs of the local communities (eg subsistence, health); and HCV6: Regions which are extremely important as the traditional cultural identity of the local communities (areas of cultural, ecological, economic or religious significance.)
Pada tahun 2010, kawasan yang dilakukan konservasi mencakup wilayah Aceh, Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Timur, Kalimantan Tengah, dan Sulawesi Barat. Pada kawasan-kawasan yang telah ditentukan sebagai area konservasi, tidak dilakukan pembukaan. Beberapa contoh keanekaragaman hayati yang dilindungi dalam area NKT adalah Burung Enggang (Bucero Rhinoceros) di areal NKT PT Rimbunan Alam Sentosa (Sulawesi Tengah) dan NKT PT Agro Menara Rahmat (Kalimantan Tengah), rumpun pohon aren (Arenga Pinnata) di areal NKT PT Karyanusa Eka Daya (Kalimantan Timur), Pohon Ulin (E. Swagerii) di area konservasi PT Sukses Tani Nusa Subur (Kalimantan Timur) dan Kuburan yang dikeramatkan warga di area PT Borneo Indah Marjaya (Kalimantan Timur).
During 2010, areas which were affected by conservation activities include Aceh, South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan and West Sulawesi. In areas which were designated as conservation areas, there was no land clearing activities undertaken. A small sample of the biodiversity under protection within the HCV areas are the Enggang bird (Bucero Rhinoceros) found within the HCV areas under PT Rimbunan Alam Sentosa (Central Sulawesi) and PT Agro Menara Rahmat (Central Kalimantan), clumps of palm trees called Arenga Pinnata in the HCV area of PT Karyanusa Eka Daya (West Kalimantan), Ulin trees (E. Swagerii) in the conserved areas of PT Sukses Tani Nusa Subur (West Kalimantan) and a sacred burial grounds for the local community within the premises of PT Borneo Indah Marjaya (East Kalimantan).
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Lingkungan, Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja Environment, Occupational Health and Safety
Go Green With Astra (EN 26) Sejalan dengan program konservasi lingkungan, Astra juga telah mengupayakan berbagai program penghijauan sebagai kontribusinya dalam meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan hidup. Program Go Green with Astra diselenggarakan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dalam pemeliharaan lingkungan, khususnya mengurangi dampak pemanasan global.
Go Green With Astra (EN 26) In line with environmental conservation programs, Astra has also initiated various green projects as part of its contribution to improve the quality of the environment. The ‘Go Green with Astra’ program was held to heighten awareness of environmental preservation, particularly in reducing the impact of global warming.
Grup Astra di wilayah Jakarta Utara bersinergi membuat taman kota yang terletak di Jalan Yos Sudarso, Sunter. Pembuatan taman kota ini sebagai wujud nyata kontribusi Astra terhadap antisipasi dampak pemanasan global sekaligus menyediakan ruang terbuka yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kegiatan jogging track, arena bermain umum, dan penyegaran fisik bagi masyarakat sekitar. Kontributor pada pembuatan Taman Astra termasuk PT Astra International Tbk, PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) beserta Yayasan Astra Honda Motor, PT Astra Daihatsu Motor, PT Toyota Astra
Furthermore, the Astra Group in North Jakarta in a joint effort built a city park which is located on Yos Sudarso Boulevard in Sunter. This city park initiative is the manifestation of Astra’s contribution to anticipate the impact of global warming while simultaneously providing an open public space that comprehensively offers a jogging track, public playground and a center for physical relaxation and rejuvenation for the surrounding community. Contributors to the construction of Astra Park include PT Astra International Tbk, PT Astra Honda Motor as well as Astra Honda
Taman Astra sebagai bentuk partisipasi dalam pengurangan efek gas rumah kaca. Astra Park is our contribution in reducing the effects of green house gasses
EN 26 : Initiatives to mitigate environmental impacts of products and services, and extent of impact mitigation.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Motor, PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, PT Serasi Autoraya, PT Federal International Finance dan PT GS Battery.
Motor Foundation, PT Astra Daihatsu Motor, PT Toyota Astra Motor, PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, PT Serasi Autoraya, PT Federal International Finance and PT GS Battery.
PT United Tractors Tbk meluncurkan program “United Tractors for natuRE and Environmental Sustainability” (UTREES) pada bulan April 2010. Program gerakan penanaman bakau (mangrove) ini dimulai di kawasan Hutan Angke Kapuk, Jakarta Utara dan selama tahun 2010 telah tertanam sejumlah 6.700 pohon bakau di Jakarta, dan selebihnya di luar wilayah Jakarta.
PT United Tractors Tbk launched the “United Tractors for natuRE and Environmental Sustainability” (UTREES) in April 2010. The program highlighting the movement to plant Mangroves was started in the area Angke Kapuk Forest, North Jakarta and during 2010, and a total of 6,700 mangroves were planted in Jakarta, and many more outside of the capital city.
Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Sebagai perusahaan yang bertanggung jawab, Astra menaruh perhatian yang besar terhadap kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja karyawan. Hal tersebut terkandung dalam proses bisnis yang aman, nyaman dan bersih (Green Process) sebagai bagian dari Green Strategy yang dijalankan agar melindungi keamanan serta kenyamanan karyawan dalam bekerja sehingga pada akhirnya menekan potensi kerugian yang diderita akibat penurunan efisiensi kerja.
Occupational Health and Safety (HS) As a responsible company, Astra pays significant attention to occupational health and safety of employees. This is incorporated into business processes that are safe, comfortable and clean (Green Process) as part of a Green Strategy that is implemented in order to protect the safety and comfort of employees in performing their work. This ultimately provides good control against potential losses arising from low operational efficiency.
Terus berkembangnya usaha Grup Astra sepanjang tahun 2010, baik dari sisi pertumbuhan produksi barang dan jasa maupun penambahan site dan infrastruktur yang dikelola oleh Grup Astra, semakin besar pula tanggung jawab dalam hal pengelolaan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) karyawan. Guna mendukung pelaksanaan K3 yang sistematis dan terarah sesuai AGC, Astra telah merumuskan pedoman dan prosedur kerja yang mengatur keberadaan karyawan pada lokasi-lokasi tertentu sesuai kewenangannya, pemakaian alat pelindung diri serta penggunaan alat pengamanan dalam proses kerja yang berlaku bagi seluruh Grup Astra. Hal ini diharapkan dapat mengurangi risiko terjadinya kecelakaan kerja sekaligus penggunaan peralatan, properti dan fasilitas pabrik secara tidak bertanggung jawab. Sesuai kebijakan SESR 2010, sasaran yang ditetapkan adalah zero workplace incident dengan penekanan pada peningkatan awareness dari seluruh
Continued expansion of the Group throughout 2010, both from growth of goods and services produced as well as addition of sites and infrastructure, create an even greater responsibility for managing Occupational Health and Safety (K3) of employees. To support implementation of systematic and focused HS programs in line with AGC, Astra has formulated guidelines and procedures governing the activities of employees at designated locations based on respective authority, the use of personal protective devices as well as safety equipment for work processes as defined for the entire Astra Group. These measures are intended to reduce risks associated with workplace accidents as well as irresponsible/inappropriate use of equipment, property and facilities in the manufacturing plants. Pursuant to SESR policies 2010, the established target is zero-workplace incidents with emphasis on increasing awareness
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Lingkungan, Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja Environment, Occupational Health and Safety
pihak yang terlibat dan penyediaan fasilitas yang aman bagi karyawan. Berikut adalah gambaran kecelakaan kerja di Grup Astra selama 2010. (LA 8)
of all parties involved and provision of safe facilities for all employees. The data below provides an illustration of workplace accidents within the Astra Group during the year 2010. (LA 8)
n Ringa kaanAccident Kecela Light
2009 2010
Fatal kaancident Keceala Ac t F tal n Bera lakaaAccident Keceo s u Seri
2 10
Grafik Graph 18 Kecelakaan Kerja Accident Table (LA 7)
karan Keba ildfire W
Pengukuran kinerja Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja dilakukan dalam parameter kasus kecelakaan kerja di dalam instalasi Grup Astra. Sepanjang tahun 2010, tercatat kasus kecelakaan fatal yang menyebabkan meninggal sejumlah 10 korban, kecelakaan berat sejumlah 102 korban, kecelakaan ringan sejumlah 343 korban dan kebakaran sejumlah 16 korban. Dari jumlah tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa untuk tahun 2010, jumlah kasus kecelakaan yang tercatat menurun sebesar 43% dari tahun 2009. Hal ini menunjukkan semakin kuatnya implementasi AGC di tempat kerja tersebut.
Measurement of performance in Occupational Safety and Health is carried out with a main parameter being the number workplace accidents at Astra Group installations. During 2010, there were 10 fatal accidents, 102 severe accidents and 343 minor accidents, as well as 16 fire incidents. The recorded cases of accidents decreased by 43% from those incurred throughout 2009. This supports seeing AGC implementation as strengthened.
Sesuai dengan corporate policy 2010, program K3 di grup Astra banyak menekankan pada kesadaran karyawan akan aspek keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja. Secara teoritis, sekitar 90% kecelakaan disebabkan karena perilaku yang tidak aman (unsafe action). Sehingga berbagai program yang diterapkan berlandaskan Behaviour Based Safety (BBS), dimana observasi terhadap perilaku
In line with the corporate policy 2010, Astra’s OHS programs place much emphasis on employee awareness of occupational safety and health. Generally, about 90% of accidents are caused by unsafe behavior (unsafe action). Therefore, numerous programs are related to Behavior Based Safety (BBS), where communication of observations of dangerous behaviors by employees
LA 7
LA 8
: Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of work related fatalities by region.
: Education, training, counseling, prevention, and risk-control programs in place to assist workforce members, their families, or community members regarding serious diseases.
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berbahaya oleh karyawan sangat ditekankan sehingga tercipta kesadaran para karyawan terhadap tindakan berbahaya yang dilakukan sendiri dan oleh rekan kerja. (LA 8)
is constantly prioritized in order to build awareness of employees against harmful acts committed by colleagues. (LA 8)
Pada prakteknya, program yang dilakukan sangat bervariasi sesuai risk assessment yang dilakukan pada masing-masing instalasi. Salah satu program yang telah efektif dilakukan oleh PT Pamapersada Nusantara adalah manajemen fatigue, yang selaras digalakkan oleh PT Pamapersada Nusantara bersamaan dengan program Safety Improvement in Mining. Dalam program ini, dilakukan berbagai mekanisme kontrol terhadap operator dan karyawan yang berpotensi terkena fatigue. Salah satu langkah penting penanggulangan fatigue sesuai dengan semangat BBS adalah program sosialisasi yang terus menerus dilakukan, baik kepada karyawan maupun keluarga karyawan agar pemahaman mengenai bahaya serta caracara penanggulangannya dapat dipahami secara luas. Selain itu juga dilakukan tes fatigue oleh dokter/paramedis sebelum dimulai waktu kerja, yang mana hasil tes kemudian dianalisis untuk menentukan kadar fatigue operator. Berdasarkan hasil tes akan dilakukan tindakan lebih lanjut bagi karyawan yang menderita fatigue, baik berupa ijin istirahat, penyegaran ataupun tindakan medis lainnya.
In practice, applied programs greatly differ according to risk assessments performed for each installation. One program that has been effectively followed through by PT Pamapersada Nusantara is fatigue management, which is promoted by PT Pamapersada Nusantara in parallel with its Safety Improvement in its Mining program. Under this program, various control mechanisms are applied on all operators and employees who are prone to suffer fatigue. One important step in fatigue control that is also in line with the spirit of BBS is a socialization program that has been intensively carried out directly with employees as well as employees’ families so as to achieve extensive and in-depth understanding on the potential hazards as well as control measures for fatigue. Further, fatigue tests are performed by doctors / paramedics before the start of each shift, and test results are analyzed to determine the operators’ levels of fatigue. The results also serve as the basis for follow-up treatment for employees suffering from fatigue, with recommendations that can range from permission for rest or a rejuvenation period to other medical action.
Sebagai perusahaan yang bertanggung jawab, Astra menaruh perhatian yang besar terhadap kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja karyawan. As a responsible company, Astra pays significant attention to occupational health and safety of employees.
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Karyawan Employees
Bagi Astra karyawan adalah bagian yang tidak terlepaskan dari keberhasilan usaha yang berkelanjutan, dan karenanya, kesejahteraan karyawan senantiasa menjadi prioritas utama bagi perusahaan agar terpenuhi hak-hak karyawan, terutama dalam hal pengembangan kompetensi, pembentukan karakter dan kesejahteraan. (4.15)
At Astra, employees are not an expendable element to its continued business success. Therefore, the overall welfare of its employees is a top priority, as it constantly strives to meet employee rights, especially in relation to building competence, character and welfare. (4.15)
Membangun Winning Team melalui Budaya Pembelajaran Pengelolaan dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia dilakukan dengan struktur dan fokus yang terarah untuk membangun winning team yang mampu menopang pertumbuhan perusahaan secara berkesinambungan. Sistem pembelajaran dan peningkatan kompetensi berperan sangat kuat dalam hal ini dan berfungsi menyetarakan
Building a Winning Team through the Culture of Learning Human resource management and development is undertaken with well-directed structure and focus in order to nurture a winning team capable of supporting Company growth in a sustainable manner. The system is designed to promote learning and competency improvement and plays a vital role in this matter by functioning to align
4.15 HR 8
LA 10 : Average hours of training per year per employee by employee category.
: Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage. : Percentage of security personnel trained in the organization’s policies or procedures concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations.
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Astra Mencari Bakat untuk mewadahi potensi karyawan Astra di bidang seni dan budaya. “Astra Mencari Bakat” encourages potentials of Astra employees in arts and culture.
pengetahuan dan keterampilan sumber daya manusia baik di tingkat individu, tim, departemen, maupun perusahaan untuk menghadapi tantangan perkembangan teknologi dan persaingan yang semakin tinggi.
employee knowledge and skills as individuals and in teams, This is done at the departmental and Company levels in order to be better prepared in facing the challenges of technological advances and increasingly intensive competition.
Secara formal, Astra mendukung terciptanya budaya pembelajaran yang kondusif. Melalui Astra Management Development Institute (AMDI) dan Astra Development Center (ADC), berbagai program-program pelatihan kepemimpinan dan pengembangan karir dirancang dan diselenggarakan secara sistematis dan terarah. Program untuk mencetak para manajer yang kompeten demi menjamin keberlangsungan roda kepemimpinan di Astra terbagi dalam tahapan sebagai berikut: • Astra Basic Management Program (ABMP) untuk para karyawan di tingkat staff,
Officially, Astra supports the cultivation of a conducive learning culture. Through the Astra Management Development Institute (AMDI) and Astra Development Center (ADC), an extensive range of training programs focused on leadership and career development are designed and carried out with a systematic direction. The programs serve to shape competent managers and will supply a continuous stream of future leaders for Astra. These programs are divided into the following stages: • Astra Basic Management Program (ABMP) for staff level employees,
Untuk menjamin hubungan kerja yang sehat dan pemenuhan kewajiban dan hak pekerja, Astra senantiasa membina komunikasi dua-arah antara manajemen dan karyawan.
To ensure a healthy working relationship and fulfillment of obligations and rights of workers, Astra consistently maintains two-way communication between management and employees.
• Astra First Line Management Program (AFMP) untuk karyawan calon penyelia/supervisor, • Astra Middle Management Program (AMMP) untuk karyawan calon middle-manager, • Astra General Management Program (AGMP) untuk karyawan calon General Manager
• Astra First Line Management Program (AFMP) for supervisor candidates, • Astra Middle Management Program (AMMP) for middle-manager candidates • Astra General Management Program (AGMP) for General Manager candidates
Program pelatihan juga diselenggarakan di luar AMDI dan ADC, antara lain terkait pelayanan pelanggan demi peningkatan produktivitas dan inovasi kerja, serta training yang diperuntukkan safety officer dan pertolongan pertama untuk pendalaman aspek lingkungan, kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja (LK3). Sementara itu untuk petugas security Astra juga melakukan pelatihan Customer Service guna meningkatkan pelayanan. (HR 8) (LA 10)
Training programs are also undertaken outside of AMDI and ADC, among others those related to customer service with the objective of improving productivity and work innovation, as well as dedicated training for safety officers and first aid in relation to improvement of environmental, health and safety (EHS) capabilities. Furthermore, Astra also provides customer service training for security guards in order to enhance services. (HR 8) (LA 10)
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Pemenuhan hak-hak pekerja demi kesejahteraan yang maksimal Astra menuntut penerapan program LK3 yang ketat di area kerja sebagai langkah menjamin kesehatan dan keselamatan karyawan. Untuk menunjang tingkat keamanan dan kenyamanan dalam bekerja, seluruh perusahaan Astra dilengkapi dengan perangkat LK3 yang bertanggung jawab mengelola permasalahan LK3, termasuk komite, departemen maupun divisi khusus yang tingkatan, jumlah serta cakupan wewenangnya bervariasi sesuai kebutuhan yang ada. Petugas LK3 bertugas melakukan inspeksi, memberikan masukan dan melakukan perbaikan terkait isu-isu LK3. Untuk mendorong semangat dan kesadaran mengenai LK3, Astra menyelenggarakan peringatan bulan K3 yang diadakan secara reguler. (LA 6, 8, 9)
Supporting worker rights to optimize welfare Astra demands strict implementation of EHS programs in the workplace as necessary measures to ensure the health and safety of all employees. To promote an ideal level of corporate security and comfort in the work areas, all Astra companies are staffed with EHS personnel with respective duties and responsibilities for managing EHS issues, including coordinating committees, departments and special divisions with varying numbers and scopes of authority according to existing requirements. EHS officers are assigned to carry out inspections, provide input and introduce improvements to address EHS issues. To encourage drive and awareness on EHS, Astra regularly celebrates OHS month. (LA 6, 8, 9)
Untuk menjamin hubungan kerja yang sehat dan pemenuhan kewajiban dan hak pekerja, Astra senantiasa membina komunikasi dua-arah antara manajemen dan karyawan. Secara resmi hal ini difasilitasi melalui Forum Bipartit yang dilakukan dengan pertemuan bulanan. Astra memiliki ikatan karyawan, yaitu Ikatan Karyawan Astra International (Ikasi) yang saat ini dipimpin oleh Bapak Zakky Dharmawan Putra, sebagai suara kolektif karyawan perusahaan sekaligus wadah dalam menyampaikan aspirasi dan hak-hak karyawan dalam forum tersebut. Melalui forum bipartit diharapkan dapat terpelihara ketenangan dan kenyamanan karyawan dan mewujudkan disiplin dan etos kerja yang positif sehingga karyawan dapat termotivasi untuk mendorong percapaian produktivitas kinerja yang optimal. (LA 4) (HR 5) (4.4) Karyawan mendapatkan remunerasi dan bonus berdasarkan pencapaian kinerja mereka selama satu tahun serta peraturan ketenagakerjaan di masing-masing daerah. Astra memberlakukan kebijakan kerja yang berlandasan equal opportunities. Kesempatan sama juga diberikan tanpa adanya perbedaan senioritas, gender, suku, agama, ras dan antargolongan. Perusahaan
To ensure a healthy working relationship and fulfillment of obligations and rights of workers, Astra consistently maintains two-way communication between management and employees. Officially, this is facilitated through Bipartite Forums conducted by monthly meetings. Astra has a workers’ union, namely Astra International Employees Association (Ikasi) which is currently chaired by Mr. Zakky Dharmawan Putra. The union serves as the collective voice of employees as well as facilitator in delivering aspirations and rights of employees. The Bipartite Forums are expected to maintain the comfort of employees and create discipline and positive work ethics, so that employees are motivated to achieve optimal performance. (LA 4) (HR 5) (4.4)
LA 6 LA 8
HR 5 LA 4
: Mechanisms for shareholders and employees to provide recommendations or direction to the highest governance body. : Operations identified in which the right to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at significant risk, and actions taken to support these rights. : Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements.
Employees receive remuneration and bonuses based on their performance over a period of one year as well as applicable labor regulations in the different regions. Astra enacts policies that are founded on equal employment opportunities. Equal opportunity is provided without differences in terms of seniority, gender, ethnicity, religion, race or other groups. The Company maintains
LA 9
: Percentage of total workforce : Education, training, counseling, prevention, and risk-control programs in place to assist workforce members, their families, or community members regarding serious diseases. : Health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions.
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memiliki kebijakan yang terdokumentasi dengan baik dan selaras dengan kerangka regulasi dan perundangan yang berlaku. Atas dasar ini, Astra tidak mempekerjakan pekerja di bawah umur dan berupaya terus menghormati hak asasi manusia secara universal, serta hak dan kewajiban dasar karyawan berdasarkan peraturan yang ditetapkan. (EC 5) (HR 4, 5, 6, 7) (LA 12, 13, 14)
policies that are well-documented and consistent with regulatory frameworks and the law. On this basis, Astra does not hire underaged workers and respects universal human rights and basic employee rights and obligations under the rules set forth. (EC 5) (HR 4, 5, 6, 7) (LA 12, 13, 14)
Hak karyawan sebagai individu juga dihormati, dan Astra terus berupaya merangkul karyawan dan keluarganya dalam ikatan kekeluargaan besar Astra yang erat. Family Day diselenggarakan setiap tahunnya sebagai event dimana Perusahaan memberi kesempatan bagi para karyawan dan keluarganya untuk saling berkumpul dan mengenal satu sama lain dalam suasana suka cita. Pada tahun 2010, Family Day diselenggarakan di Dunia Fantasi, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol.
The rights of individual employees are also respected, and Astra continues to embrace employees and their families in a tight bond of a large Astra family. Family Day is held each year as an event where the Company provides opportunities for employees and their families to happily get together and get acquainted. In 2010, Family Day was held at popular family recreational spot Dunia Fantasi, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol.
Perusahaan secara khusus memberi penghormatan dan apresiasi bagi para karyawan atas pengabdian, dedikasi dan kerja keras mereka yang turut berperan mendorong kesuksesan Perusahaan. Penghargaan khusus diberikan bagi mereka yang telah berkarya bersama Astra sesuai dengan masa kerja selama 10, 20 dan 25 tahun. Astra juga memberikan penghargaan kepada karyawan teladan yang dinilai paling berdedikasi kepada Perusahaan, yang diberikan setiap tahun bertepatan dengan perayaan HUT Astra. (LA 11)
The Company especially presents recognition and appreciation to employees for their devotion, dedication and hard work which contributed to overall success. Special awards are given to those who have been working with outstanding dedication over periods of employment at Astra of 10, 20 and 25 years. Astra also provides recognition to an exemplary employee who is considered most dedicated to the Company. This is presented annually coinciding with the Company’s Anniversary celebration. (LA 11)
Untuk memberikan penghargaan bagi seluruh karyawan Astra dalam memberikan masukan dan melakukan inovasi bagi perkembangan perusahaan. Astra menyelenggarakan INNOVASTRA. Acara ini bertujuan mengembangkan budaya inovasi bagi seluruh anggota Grup Astra yang beroperasi di seluruh Indonesia. Pada tahun 2010, Innovastra memasuki tahun ke-26 dan bertema Think Creative Deliver More.
To provide appreciation to all employees at Astra for providing input and innovation for the development of the Company, Astra holds INNOVASTRA. This event is aimed at developing an innovation culture for all members of the Astra Group operating throughout Indonesia. In 2010, Innovastra entered its 26th year and took the theme Think Creative Deliver More.
EC 5
HR 7
HR 4 HR 5 HR 6
: Range of ratios of standard entry level wage compared to local minimum wage at significant locations of operation. : Total number of incidents of discrimination and actions taken. : Operations identified in which the right to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at significant risk, and actions taken to support these rights. : Operations identified as having significant risk for incidents of child labor, and measures taken to contribute to the elimination of child labor.
LA 11 LA 12 LA 13 LA 14
: Operations identified as having significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor, and measures to contribute to the elimination of forced or compulsory labor. : Programs for skills management and lifelong learning : Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews. : Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per category according to gender, age group, minority group membership, and other indicators of diversity. : Ratio of basic salary of men to women by employee category.
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Dalam rangka mengapresiasi karyawan Grup Astra di seluruh Indonesia, yang memiliki bakat di bidang kesenian, seperti musik, tari, beladiri dan seni pertunjukan lainnya, Astra menyelenggarakan ajang Astra Mencari Bakat (AMB). Acara ini mendapatkan sambutan luar biasa dari karyawan Grup Astra, terbukti bahwa 266 kontestan dari seluruh Indonesia yang mengikuti ajang ini. Upaya lain untuk memfasilitasi aktualisasi kesejahteraan karyawan dari dan untuk para karyawan sendiri adalah Koperasi Astra. Dengan pendanaan yang berasal dari para karyawan, pengelolaan Koperasi Astra ditangani secara independen oleh perwakilan karyawan dengan tujuan memberi berbagai kemudahan bagi kesejahteraan hidup dengan fasilitas berupa pinjaman jangka pendek, pinjaman renovasi rumah, bantuan untuk situasi darurat dan beasiswa pendidikan anak.
As a form of appreciation to employees of Astra Group across Indonesia who possess talents in the arts, such as music, dance, martial arts, Astra organized “Astra Mencari Bakat (AMB)”. The event received a spectacular response from employees across Astra Group, as proven by the 266 contestants from all over Indonesia participating in the event. Another effort to facilitate the actualization of employees’ welfare from the employees themselves is the Astra Cooperative. With funding from the employees, the Cooperative is managed independently by employee representatives with the aim of giving various convenient facilities to support various employee needs, in the form of short-term loans, home improvement loans, emergency aid and scholarships for children’s education.
Family day sebagai sarana mempererat rasa kekeluargaan antar karyawan Astra. Family Day facilitates closer bonds among Astra employees.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Kepedulian Astra terhadap karyawan tidak berakhir ketika habis masa pengabdian karyawan pada Perusahaan, namun berlanjut hingga memasuki masa pensiun. Selain memberi uang pensiun, Astra juga membekali karyawan dengan pengarahan dan pelatihan paska pensiun untuk membantu transisi karyawan memasuki masa pensiun. Untuk keperluan ini, didirikan yayasan khusus yakni Yayasan Dana Pensiun Astra yang bertanggung jawab menyusun materi program yang unggul dalam cakupan serta komponen agar dihasilkan kelancaran persiapan karyawan dalam menghadapi dan menjalani masa pensiun. Peserta mendapat pembinaan dari segi finansial, mental/psikologis, fisik/jasmani, serta tips membentuk pola pikir yang positif dalam menyongsong perubahan yang dihadapi. Penilaian peserta juga dilakukan oleh biro psikologi terpercaya untuk mengukur secara objektif dan terarah segala minat serta profil pribadi peserta sehingga dapat ditentukan alternatif pillihan aktivitas yang tepat untuk ditekuni setelah memasuki masa pensiun. (LA 3, LA 11, EC 3)
Astra’s care for employees does not end with termination of their service to the Company, but continues into the time of retirement. In addition to offering pensions, Astra also provides employees with post-retirement guidance and training to assist employees for making the transition into retirement. For this purpose, Astra established a dedicated foundation, namely Yayasan Dana Pensiun Astra (Astra Pension Fund Foundation), which is responsible for organizing high quality program materials and components for smooth transition by employees in facing and starting a new life after retirement. The participants receive guidance to manage financial, mental/ psychological, physical concerns and get tips to form a positive mindset in embracing impending changes. Assessments of participants are also made by a trusted psychological organization to objectively and accurately measure personal interests and profile of participants in order to determine choices of appropriate post-retirement engagement. (LA 3, LA 11, EC 3)
Gambaran Persebaran Karyawan Grup Astra (LA 1, 13) Employee Profile of Astra Group
Grafik Graph 19 Berdasarkan Jenis Status Based on Status
Grafik Graph 20 Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin Based on Gender 179
Grafik Graph 21 Berdasarkan Usia Based on Age 247 46,273 9,154 31,093
Kontrak Contract
EC 3 LA 1 LA 3
Permanen Permanent
Ekspatriat Expatriate
Wanita Female
: Coverage of the organization’s defined benefit plan obligations. : Total workforce by employment type, employment contract, and region. : Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees, by major operations.
Pria Male
LA 11 : Programs for skills management and lifelong learning that support the continued employability of employees and assist them in managing career endings. LA 13 : Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per category according to gender, age group, minority group membership, and other indicators of diversity.
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Pelanggan Customer
Grup Astra telah menjalankan bisnisnya dan menyentuh berbagai aspek kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia melalui 6 bidang usaha yang digelutinya. Karenanya Astra berhadapan dengan karakteristik pelanggan di setiap segmen usaha yang berbedabeda sesuai dengan jenis industrinya serta lokasi keberadaannya yang tersebar di seluruh nusantara dan bahkan di luar negeri. (2.7)
The Astra Group has conducted its businesses and has touched a wide spectrum of lives and communities across Indonesia with the operations of its 6 business lines. As a result, Astra continuously faces different customer characteristics in each business segment, unique to industries as well as to locations, both across the nation and even in foreign lands. (2.7)
Pelanggan alat-alat berat, pertambangan dan agribisnis sebagian besar adalah perusahaan dari berbagai sektor industri. Sedangkan pelanggan perusahaan jasa teknologi informasi merupakan perusahaan komersial. Usaha yang bergerak di sektor
Customers in heavy equipment, mining and agribusiness segments are mostly corporate clients from various industries. Meanwhile, customers of information technology services comprise commercial businesses. In general, companies
2.7 4.15
PR 6
: Markets served. : Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage.
: Programs for adherence to laws, standards, and voluntary codes related to marketing communications.
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Customer Service sebagai lini depan mewujudkan kepuasan pelanggan. Customer Service is the frontliner in creating customer satisfaction.
bisnis infrastruktur, otomotif dan jasa keuangan pada umumnya melayani pelanggan yang secara langsung merupakan konsumen individu pengguna (end user).
engaged in the infrastructure business, automotive sector and financial services serve individual consumers who are directly end users.
Keutamaan akan pelayanan yang sempurna yang dipersembahkan kepada pelanggan telah melekat sangat erat dalam budaya yang senantiasa dipupuk di lingkungan Grup Astra. Berlandaskan pada semangat untuk “Memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik kepada pelanggan” yang terkandung dalam Catur Dharma, standar pelayanan yang diberikan secara terus menerus diukur terhadap prinsip Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety, Moral, dan Environment (QCDSME). Motto Astra “Enterprise At Your Service” juga turut mendorong seluruh insan Astra untuk berlomba dalam melayani setiap konsumen Astra dengan lebih baik. (4.15)
The supremacy of excellent service offered to customers has been deeply embedded in a culture that is consistently nurtured within the Astra Group. Based on the spirit to “Provide the best service to customers” as included within Catur Dharma, the standard of service delivery is constantly measured against the principles of Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety, Moral, and Environment (QCDSME). Astra’s motto “Enterprise At Your Service” also helps to encourage all members of the Astra family to compete against each other in serving each and every Astra customer even better. (4.15)
Salah satu aspek terpenting dalam paket pelayanan yang secara komprehensif diberikan adalah unsur perlindungan akan hak dan
One of the most important aspects in its comprehensive service package offerings is the protection of rights and interests of all customers.
Motto Astra “Enterprise At Your Service” mendorong seluruh insan Astra dalam melayani setiap konsumen Astra dengan lebih baik.
Astra’s motto “Enterprise At Your Service” encourages all members of the Astra family to serve each and every Astra customer even better.
kepentingan pelanggan. Oleh karenanya, Astra senantiasa menerapkan kebijakan, prosedur dan proses internal yang sesuai terhadap peraturan perundangan berkenaan dengan standar produk, termasuk UU Perlindungan Konsumen – UU No 8 tahun 1999, termasuk dalam program promosi dan pemasaran. (PR 6)
As such, Astra constantly enforces implementation of internal policies, procedures and processes that comply with the statutory regulations related to product standards, including the Consumer Protection Act No. 8 of 1999, which is applicable to company promotional and marketing programs. (PR 6)
Standar Produk Faktor keselamatan merupakan suatu elemen yang senantiasa menjadi fokus utama Grup Astra dan telah diturutsertakan sebagai bagian dari paket pelayanan komprehensif yang menyertai setiap produk Astra yang dihasilkan. Standar keselamatan pada setiap barang ataupun jasa dimana nama Astra melekat diterapkan secara ketat sehingga penggunaanya tidak menimbulkan bahaya atau kerugian bagi konsumen baik secara jasmani maupun rohani. Kontrol serupa tidak hanya berlaku
Product Standards Safety is a factor that has remained as a primary focus for the Astra Group and has been incorporated as a component in the comprehensive service package that accompanies every Astra product. Safety standards are strictly applied on goods and services carrying the Astra name so that their ensuing usage will produce neither physical nor psychological danger or harm to the consumers. Such controls apply not only to the end products but has also been synchronized to
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Pelanggan Customer
pada end product namun juga telah disetarakan sejak proses awal produksi yang tercermin dari penggunaan bahan baku dan proses yang ramah lingkungan (cleaner production) dimana bahan beracun dan berbahaya wajib diminimalisasi dari proses pembuatan produk. Astra percaya bahwa melalui proses yang berkelanjutan tersebut, kontribusinya dapat dioptimalisasikan dengan memberikan perlindungan yang komplit bagi konsumen pengguna produk dan jasa sekaligus menjaga kualitas lingkungan hidup yang lebih baik bagi seluruh masyarakat umum.
the initial production process, as is reflected from the use of environmentally-friendly raw materials and processes (cleaner production) wherein all toxic and hazardous materials must be reduced to a minimum from the overall manufacturing process. Astra believes that through this continuous process, the contribution can be maximized by presenting complete protection for consumers while preserving the quality of the environment for the benefit of the general public.
Dalam aplikasinya, pada bisnis usaha produkproduk alat berat, Astra sepenuhnya menyadari pentingnya pemenuhan ketentuan aspek LK3 sebagai tuntutan utama konsumennya yang terdiri dari perusahaan pertambangan besar. Mengingat potensi kecelakaan kerja yang cukup tinggi di sektor pertambangan, Astra senantiasa mengedepankan perhatian pada standar yang tanpa kompromi, terutama standar desain proses yang diterapkan oleh pabrikan alat-alat berat. (PR 2) (EN 6)
Astra is fully aware of the importance of compliance with EHS especially in the heavy equipment business as a primary demand of customers, who are mostly large mining companies. Given that the potential for workplace accidents is significantly high in the mining sector, Astra prioritizes attention to uncompromising standards, particularly process design standards as applied by manufacturers of heavy equipment. (PR 2) (EN 6)
Memberikan informasi dan pendidikan kepada konsumen (PR 3) Astra juga menyadari kewajibannya dalam menjaga keselamatan terkait fungsi serta penggunaan setiap produk yang diproduksi dan didistribusikan ke konsumen. Hal tersebut mencakup penyediaan informasi yang akurat dan jelas tentang karakteristik produk maupun informasi yang mengarah pada tata cara penggunaan produk yang benar dengan tujuan memberi pendidikan yang komprehensif dan menyeluruh, sehingga konsumen dapat memperoleh nilai guna produk secara maksimum.
Providing information and education to consumers (PR 3) Astra is also aware of obligations to maintain safety as related to the functioning and use of each product manufactured and distributed to consumers. These include providing accurate and clear information on the products’ characteristics as well as information that serves as guidelines on the correct procedure for product use with the objective of giving comprehensive education, thus allowing consumers to obtain maximum value from the products.
PR 2
EN 6
PR 3
: Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning health and safety impacts of products and services during their life cycle, by type of outcomes. : Type of product and service information required by procedures, and percentage of significant products and services subject to such information requirements.
: Initiatives to provide energy-efficient or renewable energy based products and services, and reductions in energy requirements as a result of these initiatives.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Dalam mekanisme penyebaran informasi kepada konsumen dan juga publik secara lebih luas, Astra menjunjung tinggi penerapan prinsip transparansi secara optimal. Untuk menjamin akses yang luas dan mudah dijangkau oleh konsumen, informasi disampaikan secara proporsional baik dalam bentuk lisan dan tulisan melalui berbagai media, serta dicantumkan secara langsung dalam kemasan produk. Selanjutnya pendidikan untuk konsumen diwujudkan melalui program product knowledge, termasuk menjaring atensi dan keterlibatan konsumen dalam ajang seminar, pameran dan pelatihan serta penerbitan buku manual yang memungkinkan pemberian informasi juga diskusi yang lebih mendalam dan terinci.
To support extensive distribution of information to consumers and the general public, Astra upholds optimal implementation of transparency. To ensure broad and convenient access by consumers, the information is conveyed proportionally in oral and written forms using various media and directly included in product packaging. Furthermore, education for consumers is provided through the product knowledge program, including capturing consumer attention and involvement in events such as seminars, exhibitions and training as well as publication of manuals that enable dissemination of information and discussions in a more in-depth and detailed approach.
Pada tahun 2010, salah satu program pendidikan konsumen dan publik yang diselenggarakan adalah Program Safety Riding yang dilakukan oleh PT Astra Honda Motor. Program ini melatih dan memberikan informasi kepada pengguna sepeda
In 2010, one of the consumer and public education programs held was the Safety Riding Program sponsored by PT Astra Honda Motor. This program aimed to train and provide information to users of Honda motorcycles on how to ride their vehicles
Program safety riding untuk para pengguna sepeda motor. Safety riding program for motorcycle users.
Program uji emisi gratis untuk pengguna kendaraan roda empat. Free emissions testing program for car users.
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Pelanggan Customer
motor Honda mengenai bagaimana mengendarai sepeda motor dengan aman. Untuk penyebaran manfaat yang lebih luas kepada masyarakat, program ini juga dilaksanakan untuk anak-anak sekolah, melalui program Safety Riding Goes to School dan pengintegrasian materi safety riding di dalam kurikulum sekolah. Program serupa juga telah diadakan oleh Garda Oto yang mewujudkan kepeduliannya pada keselamatan pelanggan di jalan raya dengan mengkampanyekan aman di jalan raya lewat acara Always Drive Safe: Daddy’s Day Care with Garda Oto yang dihadiri oleh 80 keluarga atau sekitar 250 orang.
safely. For an expanded range of beneficiaries, the program was also carried out with school children as the audience, through the Safety Riding Goes to School program and integration of the safety riding materials into the academic curriculum. A similar program was also initiated by Garda Oto highlighting care and concern for customer safety with a campaign advocating safety on the roads through the event, Always Drive Safe: Daddy’s Day Care with Garda Oto, which was attended by 80 families, approximately 250 people.
Sementara untuk merangkul konsumen dalam gerakan perlindungan lingkungan, khususnya mengurangi efek pemanasan global, AstraWorld secara berkala menyelenggarakan uji emisi gratis melalui program “AstraWorld, Saves Our World” sebagai langkah pendidikan bagi pelanggan pengguna mobil. Pada tahun 2010, Save Our World diadakan sebanyak 60 kali di beberapa kota besar di Indonesia, termasuk di wilayah DKI Jakarta, Sumatera, Jawa Tegah, Jawa Timur, Jawa Barat, dan Bali, dengan keseluruhan 9.448 peserta.
Meanwhile to encourage consumers to embrace environmental protection, particularly to reduce the effects of global warming, AstraWorld holds periodic free emission tests under the program “AstraWorld, Saves Our World” as a measure to educate car-using customers. During 2010, Save Our World was held as many as 60 times in several major cities across Indonesia, including in Jakarta, Sumatra, Central Java, East Java, West Java and Bali, with a total of 9,448 participants.
Sebagai upaya untuk lebih memperkenalkan seluruh jajaran produk Astra secara lebih mendalam (sekaligus bentuk apresiasi kepada konsumen), maka telah digelar acara bertajuk Jelajah Dunia Astra (JDA) di Taman Buah Mekar Sari, Cileungsi pada tanggal 23-24 Oktober 2010. Dalam acara ini, dilakukan pameran semua produk Astra, baik dalam bentuk barang maupun jasa yang telah melekat dalam kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia sehari-hari.
In an effort to showcase and further familiarize the entire range of Astra products (also a gesture of appreciation to consumers), Astra held Explore the World of Astra in a prominent agribusiness recreation spot Mekar Sari, Cileungsi on October 23–24, 2010. For this event, there was an exhibition of all Astra products, both tangible products as well as services that have become integral elements in the normal day-to-day life of the Indonesian people.
Komunikasi dan Layanan Pelanggan (PR 5) Astra senantiasa mendorong setiap pelanggan untuk dapat secara aktif memberikan masukan, saran dan pengaduan, sekaligus sebagai bagian dari layanan purna jual yang diberikan kepada setiap konsumen Astra. Untuk memfasilitasi kemudahan penyampaian umpan balik tersebut, telah disediakan berbagai media komunikasi yang mudah dijangkau, termasuk email, telepon, website, sms, faksimili dan surat.
Communication and Service to Customers (PR 5) Astra constantly encourages customers to be able to actively provide input, suggestions and complaints, and simultaneously a part of after sales service provided to each Astra consumer. To facilitate easy delivery of feedback, Astra provides easy access to a wide variety of media, including email, telephone, website, sms, fax and mail.
PR 5
: Practices related to customer satisfaction, including results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction.
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Contohnya, dalam kasus Kelompok Honda Motor, yang memiliki Honda Care Center sebagai wadah agar konsumen dapat dengan mudah menyampaikan keluhan dan mendapatkan berbagai jenis informasi. Kemudian di bidang roda 4, AstraWorld yang berfungsi menangani layanan purna jual bagi produk-produk Astra telah menawarkan layanan bantuan darurat 24 jam melalui AstraWorld Emergency Roadside Assistance (ERA). Sedangkan AUTO 2000 dengan slogan “Urusan Toyota Jadi Mudah” juga telah memiliki reputasi yang baik dalam hal pelayanan terdepan kepada pelanggan.
Astra selalu berupaya menjaga kepuasan pelanggannya. Melalui berbagai program pelanggan tersebut di atas, Astra senantiasa berupaya merangkul dan membina hubungan yang baik dengan konsumen demi menjaga standar kualitas dan pelayanan yang diberikan. Sebaliknya, Astra menggalang umpan balik dari pelanggan dengan mengunakan Customer Satisfication Index (CSI) sebagai alat ukur kepuasan pelanggan terhadap pelayanan yang telah diberikan. Berdasarkan hasil CSI itulah, Astra selalu berupaya menjaga kepuasan pelanggannya.
An example is the case of Honda Motor Group, with its Honda Care Center as the mechanism for consumers to submit complaints and obtain various types of information with great convenience. Then in the 4-wheel segment, AstraWorld is charged with handling after-sales service for Astra products and has offered 24-hour emergency assistance services through AstraWorld Emergency Roadside Assistance (ERA). While AUTO 2000 with the slogan “Everything Toyota Is Simple” has also built a solid reputation for service excellence to customers.
Astra continuously strives to maximize customer satisfaction.
With consistent application of these customer programs, Astra strives to always embrace and foster good relationships with customers in order to maintain standards of quality and services provided. Furthermore, Astra seeks feedback from customers and uses a Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) as a measure of customer satisfaction for services rendered. Based on the CSI result, Astra continuously strives to maximize customer satisfaction.
Keutamaan akan pelayanan yang sempurna yang dipersembahkan kepada pelanggan telah melekat sangat erat dalam budaya yang senantiasa dipupuk di lingkungan Grup Astra. The supremacy of excellent service offered to customers has been deeply embedded in a culture that is consistently nurtured within the Astra Group.
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Pemasok Suppliers
Peran pemasok amat fundamental dalam rantai usaha Grup Astra sebagai faktor penentu bagi kelancaran dan peningkatan usaha yang dijalankan. Oleh karenanya, fokus program pengembangan pemasok yang dirancang dilandasi pada mekanisme pembinaan dan pemantauan yang sangat intensif dalam konteks keberlanjutan usaha Astra maupun pihak pemasok ke depan. Dengan berjalannya waktu, sistem yang dibangun bergulir selaras dengan ekspansi bisnis yang berkelanjutan sehingga Astra mampu mewujudkan visi menjadi asset to the nation dengan turut berkontribusi memajukan sektor Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) di Indonesia, khususnya yang memiliki sinergi dengan aktivitas bisnis Astra (4.15).
Suppliers play a fundamental role in the value chain of the Astra Group as a factor that determines smooth operation and business growth. Therefore, the supplier development program is designed with focus based on an intensive coaching and monitoring approach within the context of the sustainability of businesses run by Astra and its suppliers. Over time, the system progressively evolved in line with continued expansion of the business, such that Astra is able to realize its vision to become an asset to the nation, through its contribution to drive growth of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia, especially those having synergy with Astra’s business activities (4.15).
HR 2 : Percentage of significant suppliers and contractors that have undergone screening on human rights and actions taken.
: Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage.
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Pemasok merupakan mitra bisnis Astra. Suppliers are partners in Astra’s businesses.
Proses penetapan pihak pemasok oleh Astra mengacu pada mekanisme yang transparan sesuai standar ISO 9001- 2008 dengan berlandaskan unsur Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety, Moral dan Environment (QCDSME). Kontrol atas Quality, Cost, dan Delivery (QCD) berfungsi menjaga pemenuhan standar kualitas yang tinggi di setiap aspek bisnis Astra. Selain itu setiap pemasok juga dituntut menerapkan nilai-nilai moral yang tercermin dalam kepatuhan terhadap prinsip-prinsip tata kelola yang baik (GCG), yaitu transparansi, akuntabilitas, tanggung jawab dan mandiri, sehingga dapat mendorong terciptanya kondisi pasar yang sehat. Para pemasok juga harus senantiasa menunjukkan perhatian terhadap pilar-pilar keselamatan kerja (safety) yang dinilai berdasarkan penanganan di bidang LK3 sesuai standar yang telah ditetapkan oleh Astra. (HR 2)
The process for selecting suppliers at Astra refers to a transparent mechanism in accordance with ISO 9001 – 2008 standards on the basis of Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety, Moral and Environment (QCDSME). Control of Quality, Cost, and Delivery (QCD) serves to maintain compliance with high standards of quality in every aspect of Astra’s businesses. In addition, each supplier is also required to apply morals as reflected in their adherence to the principles of good corporate governance (GCG), namely transparency, accountability, responsibility and independence, so as to promote fair competition in the market. Additionally, suppliers must always devote attention to the pillars of corporate safety, which is evaluated by management of EHS issues in accordance with the standards set by Astra. (HR 2)
Astra mampu mewujudkan visi menjadi asset to the nation dengan turut berkontribusi menggerakan sektor Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah di Indonesia.
Dari segi pemantauan efektivitas pemasok, Astra melakukan inspeksi dan peninjauan kembali secara reguler dan menyeluruh. Kinerja masing-masing pemasok diukur berdasarkan kualitas hasil bahan pasokan yang berada dalam batasan target kualitas dan waktu yang disepakati. Hasil peninjauan tersebut digunakan untuk menilai kelayakan pemasok yang ada. Sementara evaluasi pada akhir kerja sama menjadi dasar keputusan untuk perpanjangan atau penghentian kerja sama.
Astra is able to realize its vision to become an asset to the nation, through its contribution to drive growth of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia
For purposes of monitoring the effectiveness of suppliers, Astra conducts thorough inspections and reviews on a regular basis. The performance of each supplier is measured based on the quality of the material supplies that satisfy the range of quality and delivery time targets that have been established. The results of such reviews are used to assess the eligibility/effectiveness of existing suppliers. Meanwhile, evaluations made at the end of the contract form the basis for decisions to extend or if remedial measures do not succeed, terminate said partnership.
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Pemasok Suppliers
Kebijakan lain yang juga berperan menunjang kualitas bahan pasokan serta konsep keberlanjutan bisnis adalah praktek multi-source. Dengan mengandalkan ketersediaan setiap bahan pasokan dari berbagai sumber pada setiap saat, Astra dapat memitigasi risiko ketergantungan pasokan secara signifikan.
Another policy which also serves to ensure the quality of materials supplied and promote sustainability of the business is the practice of multi-sourcing. By relying on procurement of each material requirement from multiple sources at any given time, Astra can significantly mitigate the risk of any supply dependence it may face.
Sebaliknya, Perusahaan juga menjaga kelancaran hubungan usaha dengan para pemasok dengan menerapkan mekanisme yang memastikan pembayaran kepada pemasok dilakukan tepat waktu sesuai dengan jadwal yang disepakati dalam kontrak. Hal ini juga ditunjang dengan pelaksanaan evaluasi berkala untuk memantau ketepatan waktu pembayaran pemasok.
In contrast, the Company also maintains solid business relationships with suppliers by implementing mechanisms that ensure timely payments are made in accordance with the timetable established in the contract. This is also supported by applying periodic evaluations to monitor the timeliness of supplier payments.
Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra (YDBA) Dalam rangka penanganan program pembinaan pemasok secara lebih terarah dan efektif, Astra telah mendirikan Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra pada tahun 1980. YDBA merupakan sebuah organisasi nirlaba yang mengemban tugas untuk membina UMKM yang bersinergi dengan Astra agar menjadi mitra bisnis (vendor atau subcontractor) yang tangguh. Pada akhir tahun 2010, YDBA telah menjalin kemitraan dengan 9.458 UMKM yang bergerak di berbagai bidang usaha, termasuk manufaktur, perkebunan, pertambangan, perbengkelan dan furnicraft, jumlah ini meningkat dibandingkan tahun 2009 yang hanya berjumlah 5.247 UKM. (EC 9)
Dharma Bhakti Astra Foundation (YDBA) To handle management of the supplier development program with more effective direction, Astra established Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra (YDBA) in 1980. YDBA is a non-profit organization with the duty to foster SMEs identified as having business synergy with Astra to ultimately become formidable business partners (vendors or subcontractors). By the end of 2010, YDBA has made partnerships with 9,458 SMEs operating in numerous industries, including manufacturing, plantation, mining, workshop and furnicraft, increasing in comparison to the year 2009 when there were a total of 5,247 SMEs. (EC 9)
Dalam perkembangannya, YDBA senantiasa meningkatkan kualitas serta cakupan daerah pembinaan di seluruh Nusantara, salah satunya dengan mengembangkan sayapnya melalui Lembaga Pengembangan Bisnis (LPB) di Indonesia.
In its development, YDBA constantly improves the quality and regional coverage of development throughout the country, and one such approach is by expanding reach through Business Development Institutes (LPB) across Indonesia.
Di bidang bengkel roda dua, PT Astra Honda Motor bekerja sama dengan YDBA dan PT Astra Otoparts Tbk dalam program pengembangan bengkel binaan YDBA. Pemasok yang berpartisipasi diberikan pengetahuan yang mendalam terkait nilai-nilai dan budaya kerja Astra serta kebijakan lingkungan dan CSR Astra yang wajib dipenuhi oleh seluruh jaringan pemasok Grup Astra. Selain itu, juga diberikan pembekalan melalui pelatihan dalam hal kemampuan networking, teknologi,
For the two-wheel repair shops, PT Astra Honda Motor works in collaboration with YDBA and PT Astra Otoparts Tbk in development programs targeting YDBA-supported workshops. Participating suppliers are provided in-depth knowledge related to Astra’s values and business culture as well as internal policies on the environment and CSR which need to be fulfilled by all members within the supplier network of the Astra Group. In addition, Astra provides training to impart knowledge and procedures in networking
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manajemen, IT dan pembiayaan. Seluruh program tersebut dirancang dengan tujuan senantiasa mendorong pemenuhan standar yang optimal oleh seluruh pemasok Grup Astra, baik seluruh bengkel binaan peserta program hingga akhir tahun 2010 maupun calon mitra di tahun-tahun selanjutnya.
skills, technology, management, IT and financing. All of these programs are designed with the goal to consistently drive optimal compliance with established standards by all suppliers of the Astra Group, whether workshops that are currently or have been previously enrolled in the program up to end of 2010 as well as potential partners in subsequent years.
Pada segmen usaha otomotif roda empat, Toyota Sales Operation (AUTO 2000) cabang Yos Sudarso dan Body Paint, Sunter telah berhasil mendapatkan suplai kain majun (kain lap bengkel) yang dihasilkan oleh masyarakat binaan Grup Astra. Saat ini telah terjaring sekitar 46 orang dalam program ini, yang sebagian besar merupakan ibu-ibu yang belum memiliki pekerjaan tetap dan diberikan bimbingan untuk menjahit kain bekas menjadi kain lap bengkel. Inisiatif ini juga telah ditularkan dalam jaringan usaha otomotif Astra yang luas termasuk Isuzu Sales Operation (ISO) Sunter. (EC 6, 7, 9) (SO 1)
For the four-wheel automotive segment, Toyota Sales Operation (AUTO 2000) Yos Sudarso branch and Body Paint, Sunter have successfully procured supply of polishing cloth (shop dusting cloth) that are produced by a community supported by the Astra Group. Today, there are approximately 46 participants in this program, most of whom were women without steady jobs and were provided training and guidance to sew waste rags into shop cloths. This initiative has also been duplicated in Astra’s extensive network of automotive business, including its Isuzu Sales Operation (ISO) at Sunter. (EC 6, 7, 9) (SO 1)
Pemasok dan bengkel binaan juga turut berpartisipasi dalam program Green Company.
Suppliers and partnered workshops also participate in the Green Company program.
Dalam rangka mendukung upaya pelestarian lingkungan, pemasok dan bengkel binaan juga turut berpartisipasi dalam program Green Company untuk membangun kesadaran akan pentingnya menerapkan standar LK3 yang tinggi dalam lingkungan usaha grup Astra. Sebagai bentuk apresiasi, para pemasok yang dinilai berhasil menerapkan program LK3 terbaik akan dinominasikan dalam ajang Astra Green Company Awards yang diselenggarakan setiap tahun.
Finally to support efforts in environmental conservation, suppliers and partner workshops also participate in the Green Company program in order to build awareness of the importance in applying rigorous EHS standards within the business environment of the Astra Group. As a form of appreciation, suppliers who are rated successful in implementing the best EHS programs will be nominated in the Astra Green Company Awards that is carried out each year.
EC 6
EC 9
EC 7
: Policy, practices, and proportion of spending on locally-based suppliers at significant locations of operation : Procedures for local hiring and proportion of senior management hired from the local community at locations of significant operation.
: Understanding and describing significant indirect economic impacts. SO 1 : Nature, scope, and effectiveness of any programs and practices that assess and manage the impacts of operations on communities.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Pemerintah Government
Astra senantiasa menjalin hubungan baik dengan pemerintah melalui pelaksanaan tanggung jawab secara konsisten sebagai warga korporasi yang baik. Salah satunya adalah kepatuhan terhadap setiap Undang-Undang dan peraturan di bidang lingkungan hidup, kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja yang berlaku di Indonesia. Kerja sama yang erat juga kerap dibina, baik dengan pemerintah pusat maupun di tingkat daerah untuk menunjang berbagai program pemerintah. (4.15)
Astra continues to foster good relations with the government through consistent implementation of its responsibilities as a good corporate citizen. An integral factor is fulfillment of the law and regulations on the environment, health and safety applicable in Indonesia. Close cooperation is also nurtured, both with the central and regional government in order to lend support to various government programs. (4.15)
Selama ini, Grup Astra terutama yang berada di wilayah Jakarta Utara selalu mendukung pemerintah setempat dalam pemeliharaan lingkungan, terutama dalam peraihan penghargaan Adipura. Dukungan diwujudkan dengan pengelolaan infrastruktur melalui Program Sunter
To this day, the Astra Group, particularly installations based in North Jakarta, consistently support local government efforts for managing the environment, especially in winning the cleancity Adipura award. Such support is realized with infrastructure management initiatives through
EC 8
: Memberships in associations (such as industry associations) and/or national/international advocacy organizations. : Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage.
: Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services provided primarily for public benefit through commercial, inkind, or pro bono engagement. EN 18 : Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reductions achieved.
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Astra mendukung program pemerintah di bidang lingkungan. Astra supports government programs in environmental preservation.
Nusa Dua (SNDP) bidang Infrastruktur, yang mencakup perawatan jalan, pembangunan saluran inlet, pengerukan danau dan perawatan taman di kawasan Sunter yang terletak di sekitar instalasi Astra. (EC 8)
Sunter Nusa Dua Program (SNDP) in Infrastructure, which covers road maintenance, construction of inlet channels, dredging of the lake and park maintenance in Sunter locations surrounding Astra installations. (EC 8)
Pada tahun 2010, upaya semakin ditingkatkan untuk mendorong kontribusi pada program pemerintah yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat sekitar. Bersama-sama dengan pemerintah DKI Jakarta, perusahaan-perusahaan di bawah payung Grup Astra termasuk PT Astra International Tbk., PT Astra Honda Motor, PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, PT Federal International Finance, PT Astra Daihatsu Motor, PT GS Battery dan Yayasan Astra Honda Motor membangun Taman Kota di Jalan Yos Sudarso Jakarta Utara sebagai upaya penanggulangan dampak pemanasan global. Taman tersebut diresmikan oleh Walikota Jakarta Utara, pada tanggal 9 Juni 2010. (EN 18) (EC 8)
In 2010, efforts intensified to encourage contribution to government programs that provide benefits to the surrounding community. Working with the government of the city of Jakarta, companies under the Astra Group, including PT Astra International Tbk., PT Astra Honda Motor, PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, PT Federal International Finance, PT Astra Daihatsu Motor, PT GS Battery and Astra Honda Motor Foundation completed building a City Park on Yos Sudarso Boulevard, North Jakarta as a small contribution to control global warming. The park was officially opened by the Mayor of North Jakarta on June 9, 2010. (EN 18) (EC 8)
Astra senantiasa menjalin hubungan baik dengan pemerintah. Inisiatif lain di bidang pengelolaan lingkungan adalah Save Our World, sebuah program emisi gratis yang diprakarsai oleh AstraWorld. Sebagai anggota Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (Apindo), Astra juga berharap terus membuat kemajuan yang berarti sebagai mitra pemerintah. (4.13)
Astra continues to foster good relations with the government.
Another initiative in the field of environmental management is a free-emission program named Save Our World that was initiated by AstraWorld. As a member of the Indonesian Business Association (Apindo), Astra also hopes to continue making significant progress as a partner to the government. (4.13)
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Dalam rangka menjalin komunikasi yang efektif dengan pemerintah untuk menjaga keselarasan misi bisnis dan sosial, Astra juga melakukan kerja sama baik secara informal maupun formal ke berbagai institusi pemerintah termasuk Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup (KLH), Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat, Badan Pengelola Lingkungan Hidup Daerah (BPLHD), Badan Standarisasi Nasional (BSN) dan Komite Akreditasi Nasional (KAN), serta mengikuti seminar-seminar yang diselenggarakan oleh badan pemerintahan seperti Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB).
In order to establish effective communication with the government to maintain alignment of corporate and social objectives, Astra also sets up cooperation both in informal and formal capacity with government institutions, including the State Ministry of the Environment, the Coordinating Minister of National Welfare, the Regional Environmental Management Agency (BPLHD), the National Standardization Agency (BSN) and the National Accreditation Committee (KAN), in addition to participating in seminars held by government agencies such as the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB).
Atas kontribusinya, Astra telah mendapatkan penghargaan dari Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat dalam ajang Gelar Karya Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (GKPM) sebagai CSR Best Practice for MDG’s dengan predikat Platinum untuk Kategori Peningkatan Partisipasi Anak Usia Sekolah pada Pendidikan Dasar 9 Tahun “Program Nurani Astra Untuk Aceh.”
For its contributions, Astra has received an award from the Coordinating Minister for Social Welfare in the event Exhibition of Work in Empowering the Community (GKPM) as CSR Best Practice for the MDG’s with predicate Platinum in the Category of Increasing Participation of School-Aged Children in 9-Years Basic Education for “Program Nurani Astra Untuk Aceh”.
Astra mendapatkan penghargaan dari Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat. Astra receives an award from the Coordinating Minister for Social Welfare.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Pemegang Saham Shareholders
Analyst Gathering sebagai keterbukaan informasi bagi investor. Analyst Gathering for disclosure of information to investors.
Pemegang saham adalah salah satu stakeholder paling penting bagi Perusahaan. Investasi para pemegang saham merupakan sumber modal bagi Perusahaan yang memungkinkan tersedianya dana bagi kelangsungan kegiatan operasional bisnis yang dijalankan. Dalam rangka menjaga kepentingan bersama dengan melindungi investasi para pemegang saham, hubungan yang erat senantiasa dijaga dan dijalin dengan pemegang saham. Astra juga menyadari kewajibannya kepada seluruh Pemegang Saham untuk secara progresif dan terus menerus menyelenggarakan prinsip keterbukaan dan transparansi dalam segala upaya penyebaran informasi mengenai kondisi Perusahaan serta setiap perkembangan yang terjadi di lingkungan Perusahaan. (4.15)
Shareholders are one group of stakeholders of extreme importance to the Company. Investment by shareholders is a source of capital for the Company that provides funds for sustaining overall business operations. In keeping with the interests of protecting the shareholders’ investment, close relationships are nurtured consistently with shareholders. Astra is also aware of its obligations to all shareholders to progressively and continuously implement the principles of disclosure and transparency in all efforts to disseminate information about the conditions of the Company and other developments within the Company. (4.15)
: Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Pemegang Saham Shareholders
Melindungi Investasi Pemegang Saham di Perusahaan Berbagai upaya dilakukan untuk menjaga investasi oleh para pemegang saham pada Perusahaan. Salah satunya adalah penyediaan informasi yang komprehensif dan akurat untuk memberikan gambaran tentang kondisi Perusahaan, sebagai basis untuk setiap keputusan investasi oleh para pemegang saham. Informasi yang disediakan termasuk laporan setiap periode tertentu dan laporan tahunan yang memuat perkembangan yang terjadi dari waktu ke waktu, penerbitan buletin investor update serta laporan tahunan (annual report) dan siaran pers.
Protecting Shareholders’ Investment in the Company Various initiatives are made to protect investments made by the shareholders of the Company. One such effort is for providing comprehensive and accurate information to draw a clear illustration of the conditions of the Company, as the basis for investment decisions by shareholders. Information provided includes reports for specified periods (quarterly) and periodic reports which contain development occurring from time to time, publication of investor update bulletins, an annual report and press releases.
Astra juga mendorong kegiatan komunikasi dengan para pemegang saham yang diwujudkan melalui pertemuan berkala, baik formal maupun informal. Agenda yang secara regular dan utama
Astra also encourages communication with shareholders which is realized through regular meetings, both in formal as well as informal settings. An agenda that is held regularly and
Astra mendorong kegiatan komunikasi dengan para pemegang saham.
dilaksanakan adalah Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham dimana seluruh pemegang saham diundang dan berkesempatan mendapatkan laporan kinerja Perusahaan oleh manajemen serta menyetujui kegiatan-kegiatan strategis lainnya yang diusulkan oleh pihak manajemen, termasuk aksi korporasi, keputusan investasi yang signifikan serta pembagian dividen. (4.4)
principally is the General Meeting of Shareholders, wherein all shareholders are invited and provided the opportunity to be given a report on management performance directly by the management team and to approve other strategic activities proposed by management, including corporate actions, significant investment decisions and dividend distribution. (4.4)
Astra juga melakukan pembayaran dividen setiap tahunnya yang merupakan wujud realisasi peningkatan investasi pemegang saham pada Perusahaan. Jumlah dividen ditentukan berdasarkan tingkat profitabilitas, tingkat kesehatan keuangan Perusahaan dan kebijakan dividen yang berlaku dan dibagikan sesuai dengan porsi kepemilikan saham oleh masing-masing pemegang saham.
Astra also declares annual dividend payments as its commitment to realize growth of the investment made by Company shareholders. The amount of a dividend is determined based on the Company’s profitability, financial soundness and dividend policies in force, to be distributed in proportion to shares owned by each shareholder.
Astra encourages communication with shareholders.
: Mechanisms for shareholders and employees to provide recommendations or direction to the highest governance body.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Selain itu, untuk memastikan kegiatan usaha berjalan dalam rambu-rambu yang telah ditentukan, Astra dan semua anak perusahaannya selalu menerapkan kepatuhan terhadap semua peraturan pemerintah, yang mencakup penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance). Hal ini diyakini dapat menghasilkan nilai tambah bagi para pemegang saham.
Additionally, Astra works to ensure that businesses are run within pre-determined guidelines and that each and every subsidiary consistently adheres to all applicable government regulations. This includes full implementation of Good Corporate Governance, which is believed to generate added value for all shareholders.
Investor Relations Investor Relations merupakan ujung tombak yang menyelenggarakan komunikasi yang efektif dengan seluruh pemegang saham Grup Astra. Fungsi utamanya adalah melayani para pemegang saham dan investor dalam mendapatkan informasi, penjelasan dan dan kepentingan lain yang dibutuhkan dalam rangka perlindungan serta pengambilan keputusan atas investasi pemegang saham pada Perusahaan. Penjelasan terinci mengenai kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh Investor Relations selama tahun 2010 dapat dilihat dalam Laporan Tahunan 2010.
Investor Relations Investor Relations serves as the director for organizing effective communication with all shareholders of the Astra Group. It mainly functions to serve shareholders and investors in obtaining necessary information, explanation and other interests with the main purpose of facilitating protection and decision-making with respect to the shareholders’ investment in the Company. Detailed explanation of activities undertaken by the Investor Relations during the year 2010 can be seen in the Annual Report 2010.
Press Conference seusai RUPS sebagai salah satu keterbukaan informasi. Press Conference after the AGM as one of the openness of information.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Sekilas AGC & AFC AGC & AFC in Brief
Asesmen dan inspeksi LK3 dilakukan secara rutin guna menjaga implementasinya di setiap instalasi Astra. EHS assessment and inspection are carried out regularly in order to ensure implementation at every Astra installation.
Astra Green Company (AGC) Astra Green Company (AGC) sebagai panduan pengelolaan LK3 Grup Astra terus diimplementasikan menuju perbaikan yang berkesinambungan. Dalam prakteknya, AGC juga dipakai sebagai alat untuk memonitor pencapaian kinerja Grup Astra dalam mengelola LK3 melalui proses asesmen. Proses asesmen sendiri dibagi menjadi 3 kategori, yaitu asesmen korporat, asesmen grup dan asesmen sendiri.
Astra Green Company (AGC) The Astra Green Company (AGC), as the basic reference for managing Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) issues at the Astra Group, is implemented with continuous improvement. In practice, AGC is also used as the monitoring tool in the achievement of Astra Group’s performance in managing EHS through assessment processes. Such assessment is divided into 3 categories, namely corporate assessment, group assessment and self assessment.
Pengelolaan LK3 berlandaskan AGC masih mengacu pada empat pilar, pemenuhan critical point, dan pemenuhan legal compliance. Keempat pilar tersebut adalah strategi perusahaan (Green Strategy), proses bisnis yang aman, nyaman, dan bersih (Green Process), pengembangan produk yang ramah lingkungan (Green Product), serta pengembangan sumber daya manusia (Green
EHS management based on AGC takes reference to four pillars, as well as fulfillment of critical points and legal compliance. These four pillars consist of corporate strategies (Green Strategy); safe, comfortable and clean business processes (Green Process); development of environmentally friendly products (Green Product), and human resource development (Green Employee). With focus on
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Grafik Graph 22 Program Asesmen AGC Grup Astra Astra Group’s AGC Assessment Program
AGC Diaudit AGC Audited AGC Tidak Diaudit AGC Unaudited Company/Branch/Site Perusahaan/Cabang/Situs
8 200
9 201
Employee). Dengan mengacu pada pilar-pilar tersebut, akan terwujud produk dan ataupun jasa yang seluruh daur hidupnya memperhatikan aspek lingkungan, keselamatan, dan kesehatan kerja.
these pillars, the output will ultimately be products and or services whose entire lifecycle pays respect to environmental, health and safety aspects.
Kriteria yang diterapkan untuk asesmen 2010 adalah kriteria terbaru yang telah direvisi di tahun 2009. Hal ini terkait dengan perubahan yang signifikan dari segi Lingkungan dengan memasukkan critical point PROPER, dan juga mengedepankan aspek penting dari K3 yang tercermin dalam critical point safety. Dengan ditambahkannya aspek-aspek tersebut, diharapkan pengelolaan LK3 di Grup Astra akan lebih komprehensif sesuai dengan perkembangan isu dan peraturan yang terkait. (4.12)
The criteria applied for 2010 assessments were most recently revised in 2009, including significant changes in the environmental aspects by inclusion of PROPER critical points, and also emphasizing important OHS aspects. With the addition of these aspects, EHS management within the Astra Group is more comprehensive and in accordance with regulations. (4.12)
Sepanjang tahun 2010, asesmen dilakukan pada 455 instalasi dari 896 instalasi Grup Astra, atau meningkat 2 % dari total instalasi yang diaudit tahun 2009. Dari proses asemen, dapat petakan bahwa 67 instalasi berhasil meraih peringkat emas, 231 instalasi meraih peringkat hijau, 104 instalasi biru, 19 instalasi merah, dan 34 instalasi ada di peringkat hitam.
During 2010, assessment was performed on 455 installations from 896 installations within the Astra Group, an increase of 2% from the number of installations audited in 2009. From the assessment results, the mapping provided 67 installations receiving gold, 231 installations ranked as green, 104 installations categorized as blue, 19 installations as red and 34 installations placed in the black.
Penyebab peringkat merah dan hitam untuk kriteria baru lebih bervariasi, dikarenakan pada critical point Lingkungan, apabila tidak memenuhi peraturan mengenai limbah, akan langsung dijatuhkan ke status merah. Sebagai contoh adalah pemenuhan terhadap baku mutu kualitas limbah cair maupun emisi udara, serta pemantauan dan pengukuran sesuai dengan dokumen AMDAL/UKL-UPL.
The reasons for red and black ratings arise from the new criteria which are more variable. In the case of environmental critical points, non-compliance with regulations on waste would render an automatic drop for the assessed unit into the red status. Some examples include fulfillment of standards on quality of liquid waste and gas emissions, as well as monitoring and measuring conditions as stipulated in AMDAL / UKL-UPL documents.
: Externally developed economic, environmental, and social charters, principles.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Sekilas AGC & AFC AGC & AFC in Brief
Grafik Graph 23 Pencapaian Astra Group AGC 2010 Astra Group’s AGC Achievements 2010
213 231
4% 90 110 104
56 75 67 2008
Me r Redah
Bir Blu u e
10 16
Hij Gre au en
18 32 19
Em a Gold s
Hita Blac m k
Jum Totalah l
Terkait aspek K3, beberapa hal yang terkait ijin alat dan pemeriksaan berkala yang dulunya masuk di item legal compliance sudah dimasukkan ke dalam critical point safety, sehingga jika tidak melakukan pemeriksaan dan ijin alat alat terkait K3 bisa menjadikan status merah. Alat-alat yang beraspek K3 dalam kriteria ini seperti bejana tekan, penyalur petir, alarm kebakaran serta pemenuhan terhadap alat proteksi kebakaran yaitu Alat Pemadam Api Ringan dan Hidran. Selain itu, yang paling penting adalah perhitungan tingkat kecelakaan yang tergambar dalam Loss Time Injury/Frequency Rate (LTI/FR) dan Severity Rate (SR) yang disesuaikan dengan jumlah karyawan yang bekerja di instalasi tersebut.
Emas Gold
Hijau Green
Biru Blue
Merah Red
Hitam Black
With respect to OHS issues, a number of conditions on equipment permits and periodic inspection which used to be considered as legal compliance items were moved under safety critical points. Thereby, failure to satisfy inspections and permits related to OHS can result in an immediate red status. Equipment which raises health and safety concerns includes pressure vessels, lightning rods, fire alarms and fire protection equipment such as fire extinguishers and hydrants. In addition, the most important item is the calculation of accident rates as reflected in Loss Time Injury/Frequency Rate (LTI/FR) and Severity Rate (SR).
Grafik Graph 24 Program Asesmen AFC Grup Astra Astra Group’s AFC Assessment Program
89 200 8
896 717
AFC Diaudit AFC Audited
AFC Tidak Diaudit AFC Unaudited
Company/Branch/Site Perusahaan/Cabang/Situs
18 Bint a 2 St ng 2 ar
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Bint a 1 St ng 1 ar
Bint a 3 St ng 3 ar
Bint a 4 St ng 4 ar
Bint a 5 St ng 5 ar
11 20 24
861 772
Grafik Graph 25 Prosentase Kinerja AFC Grup Astra 2010 Astra Group’s AFC Achievement Percentage 2010
23% 55%
14% 8% Bintang 5 5 Star
Bintang 4 4 Star
Bintang 3 3 Star
Bintang 2 2 Star
Bintang 1 1 Star
Astra Friendly Company (AFC) Astra Friendly Company (AFC) merupakan sebuah konsep dan panduan terhadap pengelolaan program Corporate Social Responsibility di Grup Astra. Belum ada perubahan yang signifikan sejak diterbitkan kriteria ini mulai tahun 2005 sampai sekarang. Yang berbeda adalah penekanan yang diberikan pada setiap program sesuai dengan corporate poilicy yang diterbitkan setiap tahun. Sama seperti AGC, AFC juga dipakai untuk memetakan pencapaian instalasi/ perusahaan yang masuk dalam grup Astra sehingga dapat diketahui tingkat pelaksanaan program CSR di instalasi tersebut.
Astra Friendly Company (AFC) The Astra Friendly Company (AFC) is a concept and guide applied on the management of Corporate Social Responsibility programs within the Astra Group. There have been no significant changes since the criteria were initially published in 2005. Different emphases given to each program in accordance with directions set forth in the corporate policy do vary, however, from year to year. As with AGC, AFC is also utilized to map out the achievement by installations and companies in the Astra Group in order to measure the rating for CSR management at these installations.
Sepanjang tahun 2010, asesmen AFC dilakukan pada 168 instalasi dari 896 instalasi Grup Astra, atau meningkat 23 % dari total instalasi yang diases tahun 2009. Dari proses asemen, dapat dipetakan bahwa 24 instalasi berhasil meraih peringkat bintang lima, 38 instalasi meraih peringkat bintang empat, 92 instalasi bintang tiga, 13 instalasi bintang dua, dan 1 instalasi ada di peringkat bintang satu.
During the year 2010, AFC assessment was performed on 168 of 896 Astra Group installations, an increase of 23% from those assessed in 2009. From the assessment process, it can be seen that 24 installations achieved five star ratings, 38 installations were ranked four stars, 92 installations obtained three stars, 13 installations with two stars and 1 installation in the one-star group.
Dari prosentasi pencapaian, 92% perusahaan Grup Astra berada pada posisi bintang 3 ke atas, sesuai dengan target yang dicanangkan pada corporate policy 2010.
From the measured results, 92% are rated 3 star and above in accordance to the targets outlined in the corporate policy for 2010.
Mengacu pada corporate policy 2010, program CSR yang dijalankan pada tahun 2010 diharapkan lebih menekankan pada program Income Generating Activities (IGA), program pendidikan dan sinergi program melalui Astra Employee Volunteer Program. Pada implementasinya, program yang dijalankan grup Astra telah sesuai dengan kategori tersebut.
Referring to the corporate policy of 2010, CSR programs carried out during 2010 were expected to place greater emphasis on Income Generating Activities (IGA), education and program synergy through the Astra Employee Volunteer Program.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Penghargaan dan Sertifikasi 2010 2010 Awards and Certifications
Perusahaan Company
Cabang Branch
Pemberi Institution
Keterangan Notes
PT Astra International Tbk
CSR Best Practice for MDG’s dengan predikat PLATINUM untuk Kategori Peningkatan Partisipasi Anak Usia Sekolah pada Pendidikan Dasar 9 Tahun “Program Nurani Astra Untuk Aceh”
PT Astra International Tbk
Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional
Anugerah Peduli Pendidikan
PT Astra International Tbk - Yayasan Pendidikan Astra Michael D. Ruslim
Penghargaan khusus dengan tema Pendidikan untuk semua
PT Astra International Tbk
Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup
Juara 1 Pameran Pekan Lingkungan Indonesia dan CSR Event Series 2010
PT Astra International Tbk
Pemprov DKI
Peghargaan Taman Kota
PT Astra International Tbk
Most consistent and committed in Sustainability Reporting
PT United Tractors Tbk
Best CSR Report Disclosure in Annual Report 2009
PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk
Commendation for Sustainability Reporting:First Time Sustainability Report
PROPER PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk (1-7) : 1
PT Sari Aditya Loka I
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup
PT Sari Aditya Loka II
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup
PT Gunung Sejahtera Dua Indah
Kalimantan Tengah
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup
PT Eka Dura Indonesia
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup
PT Sari Lembah Subur 1; PKS Ukui
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup
PT Tunggal Perkasa Plantation
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup
PT Letawa
Sulawesi Barat
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor
Assy Plant
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup
PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia
Sunter I Plant
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup
PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia
Karawang Plant
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup
PT Showa Indonesia Manufacturing
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup
PT Gaya Motor
Sunter Plant
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup
PT Gemala Kempa Daya
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup
PT Komatsu Indonesia
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup
: Awards received in the reporting period.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Penghargaan Bidang EHS 1
PT Pamapersada Nusantara
Zero Accidents Awards
PT Pamapersada Nusantara
Kementerian ESDM
Utama Keselamatan Pertambangan
PT Pamapersada Nusantara
Head Office-Jakarta
13th Indonesian Fire Rescue Challenge
The Best Improvement Team
PT Pamapersada Nusantara
Head Office-Jakarta
14th Indonesian Fire Rescue Challenge
1st Winner Motor Vehicle Accident
PT Pamapersada Nusantara
Head Office-Jakarta
15th Indonesian Fire Rescue Challenge
1st Winner High Angle Rescue
PT Pamapersada Nusantara
Head Office-Jakarta
16th Indonesian Fire Rescue Challenge
2st Winner Water Rescue
HO-PPI Cakung
ISO 14001 1
PT United Tractors Tbk
OHSAS 18001 1
PT United Tractors Tbk
HO-PPI Cakung
PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (PALYJA)
AGC Joint Certification 1
PT United Tractors Tbk
Ujung Pandang
PT United Tractors Tbk
PT United Tractors Tbk
PT United Tractors Tbk
PT United Tractors Tbk
PT United Tractors Tbk
PT United Tractors Tbk
PT United Tractors Pandu Engineering
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Struktur Organisasi
(4.1, 4.2)
Organisation Structure
Board of Commissioners
Executive Committee
President Commissioner : Budi Setiadharma Commissioners : Djunaedi Hadisumarto Muhamad Chatib Basri Soemadi D. M. Brotodiningrat Akira Okabe Erry Firmansyah Anthony J. L. Nightingale Benjamin William Keswick Mark Spencer Greenberg Chiew Sin Cheok Jonathan Chang
Chairman : Anthony J. L. Nightingale Members : Benjamin William Keswick Mark Spencer Greenberg Chiew Sin Cheok Budi Setiadharma Prijono Sugiarto Simon Collier Dixon
Audit Committee Chairman : Djunaedi Hadisumarto Members : Sidharta Utama Tamiza Saleh Chiew Sin Cheok
Board of Directors President Director : Prijono Sugiarto Directors : Gunawan Geniusahardja Johnny Darmawan D. Djoko Pranoto Widya Wiryawan Angky Tisnadisastra Sudirman Maman Rusdi Simon Collier Dixon
Remuneration & Nomination Committee Chairman : Anthony J. L. Nightingale Members : Benjamin William Keswick Prijono Sugiarto
Chief Executive Officer Prijono Sugiarto
Director in Charge (DIC)/ Executive In Charge (EIC)
DIC: Prijono Sugiarto
DIC: Simon Collier Dixon
Corporate Functions Corporate Secretary
Corporate Planning & Strategy
Halim Wahjana
Corporate Organization & Human Capital Development
F. X. Sri Martono
Corporate Communication
Arief Istanto
Corporate Security, Environment and Social Responsibility
Arief Istanto
Group Internal Audit
Handy E. Halim
Corporate Legal
Anna Langelo
Group Risk Management
Samuel Manasseh
Group Treasury
Chan Kim Kooi
Corporate Information Systems & Technology
Ganda Kusuma
Corporate Operations DIC: Johnny Darmawan D.
Toyota Sales Operation
Chief Executive: Jodjana Jody
EIC: T. Johannes Loman
Honda Sales Operation
Chief Executive: Margono Tanuwijaya
Daihatsu Sales Operation
Chief Executive: Suparno Djasmin
Isuzu Sales Operation
Chief Executive: Supranoto
Nissan Diesel Sales Operation
Chief Executive: Dandy Pawitan
BMW Sales Operation
Chief Executive: C. Herlijoso
Peugeot Sales Operation
Chief Executive: C. Herlijoso
Chief Executive: Denny Suharja
EIC: Suparno Djasmin
DIC: Gunawan Geniusahardja
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Board of Commissioners
Executive Committee Audit Committee
Board of Directors
Remuneration & Nomination Committee
Chief Executive Officer Prijono Sugiarto
Director in Charge (DIC) Executive In Charge (EIC) EIC: T. Johannes Loman
DIC: Johnny Darmawan D.
DIC: Sudirman Maman Rusdi
DIC: Johnny Darmawan D.
DIC: Gunawan Geniusahardja
DIC: Djoko Pranoto
DIC: Widya Wiryawan
Line of Business Astra Motor I Honda Astra Motor II Toyota Astra Motor III Manufacturing Non Toyota Astra Motor IV Astra Component Astra Finance Companies & Banking
T. Johannes Loman
Johnny Darmawan D.
Sudirman M. Rusdi
Siswanto Prawiroatmodjo
Djony Bunarto Suhartono Buntoro Muljono
Astra Heavy Equipment, Mining & Energy Value Chain
Djoko Pranoto Sudiarso Prasetio
Astra Resources Agribusiness Astra System I Document & Information Technology Services
DIC: Angky Tisnadisastra
Widya Wiryawan
Lukito Dewandaya
Astra System II (Infrastructure & Logistic Value Chain)
Irawan Santoso
Pongki Pamungkas
Astra Insurance Company AAB
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Hardi Montana
Struktur Organisasi
Organisation Structure
Board of Commissioners
Executive Committee Audit Committee
Board of Directors
Remuneration & Nomination Committee
Chief Executive Officer Prijono Sugiarto
Director in Charge
Astra Foundation
Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra
Chief: Aminuddin Nurdin
Yayasan Pendidikan Astra Michael D. Ruslim
Chief: Yusnani T. Winarto
Yayasan Astra Bina Ilmu
Chief: Siswanto Prawiroatmodjo
Koperasi Astra International
Chief: Pongki Pamungkas
Dana Pensiun Astra
Chief: Hendra Sugiharto
Prijono Sugiarto
Djoko Pranoto
Angky Tisnadisastra
Jakarta, 1 Juni June 2010
Prijono Sugiarto Presiden Direktur President Director
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Kontributor Data LK3
EHS Data Contributor
Perusahaan Company
No 1
Cabang Branch
Perusahaan Company
PT Astra International Tbk Head Office
PT Astra International Tbk Daihatsu (DSO)
Astra World (AWO)
PT Astra International Tbk BMW (BSO)
PT Astra International Tbk Peugeot (PSO)
PT Astra International Tbk Isuzu (ISO)
Cabang Branch
No 5
Wr. Buncit
Daan Mogot
Soekarno Hatta
Solo Jogya
Pondok Pinang
Pondok Indah
Kombes Duryat
Hr. Muhamad
Bandung Asia Afrika
Bandung Cibeureum
Surabaya waru
Surabaya Sudirman
Surabaya HR Muhamad
PT Astra International TbkNissan Diesel
Denpasar Cokro
Denpasar Sanur
Manado Malalayang
Kantor Pusat
Muara Karang
Manado Martadinata
Jawa Barat
Jawa Tengah
Jawa Timur
PT Astra International TbkToyota (Auto2000)
Pdc Tira
Body Paint Sunter
Yos Sudarso
Cempaka Putih
Wahid Hasyim
Gso & Pk
Kramat Jati
Head Office
Glodok Plaza
Mangga Dua
P. Jayakarta
Yos Sudarso
: Boundary of the report.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Kontributor Data LK3 EHS Data Contributor
Perusahaan Company
PT Astra Honda Motor
PT Showa Indonesia Manufacturing
Cabang Branch
No 24
Daan Mogot
26 27 28
Body & Paint Ciledug
Auto 2000 Bsd
Bp Podok Jagung
Tebet Soepomo
Lenteng Agung
Bekasi Barat
Bekasi Timur
Bdg Pasteur
Bdg Sh
Bdg Aa
Perusahaan Company
No 11
PT Musashi Auto Parts Indonesia
Puri Kembangan
PT Toyota Astra Motor
Aradio Dalam
PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor
PT Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia
PT Fuji Technica Indonesia
PT Mesin Isuzu Indonesia
PT Gaya Motor
PT Tjahja Sakti Motor
PT Astra Multi Trucks Indonesia
PT Astra Otoparts Head Office
PT Astra Daido Steel Indonesia
PT Astra Nippon Gasket Indonesia
PT Aisin Takaoka Indonesia
PT Century Batteries Indonesia
PT Denso Indonesia
Bdg Setiabudi
Bdg Cibiru
Bdg Cibiru Pdc
Bogor Siliwangi
PT EDS Manufacturing Indonesia
Bogor Yasmin
PT Menara Terus Makmur
PT DIC Astra Chemical
Kertajaya Sby
Kenjeran Sby
PT Gemala Kempa Daya (GKD)
Sungkono Sby
PT GS Battery
B.Rachmat Sby
PT Inti Ganda Perdana
A.Yani Sby
PT Kayaba Indonesia
Pecindilan Sby
PT Federal Nittan Industries
PT Tri Dharma Wisesa
Waru Sby
PT Aisin Indonesia
Malang Sutoyo I
Malang Sukun Ii
PT Toyoda Gosei Safety Systems Indonesia
Jemur Sari
PT Federal Izumi Manufacturing
Balikpapan I
Balikpapan Ii
Palembang A.Yani
Palembang Veteran
Medan Sm
Medan Gatsu
Medan Amplas
Tj.Karang Hj.Mena
Tj.Karang R.Intan
Cabang Branch
Astra Heavy Equipment & Mining 41
PT Pamapersada Nusantara
PT United Tractors Tbk
Adaro (ADR)
Bendili (BDL)
Batukajang (BKJ)
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Perusahaan Company
PT Kalimantan Prima Persada
Cabang Branch
Perusahaan Company
Cabang Branch
Bontang (BTG)
Agro Menara Rahmat
Muara Lawa (DMI)
Gunung Sejahtera Dua Indah
Freeport (FRP)
Muara Tae (MRT)
Gunung Sejahtera Yoli Makmur
Rantau (RTU)
Sangatta (SGT)
Gunung Sejahtera Puti Pesona
Senakin (SNK)
Surya Indah Nusantara Pagi
Soroako (SRK)
Satui (STI)
Persada Bina Nusantara Abadi
Tenggarong (TGR)
Nirmala Agro Lestari
Waru Kaltim
Tanjung Redeb (TRD)
Sukses Tani Nusa Subur
Balikpapan (BLP)
Cakra Denta Agung Pertiwi
Bandarlampung (BLG)
Cakung Permata Nusa
Banjarmasin (BJM)
Badra Cemerlang
Jakarta (JKT)
Astra Agro Lestari 1
Jambi (JBI)
Borneo Indah Marjaya
Jayapura (JYP)
Karyanusa Ekadaya
Manado (MDO)
Subur Abadi Plantations
Medan (MDN)
Sumber Karisma Persada
Padang (PDG)
Palembang (PLB)
Lestari Tani Teladan
Palu (PLU)
Pekanbaru (PKB)
Pontianak (PTK)
Surya Raya Lestari 1
Samarinda (SMD)
Surya Raya Lestari 2/BDS
Sorong (SRG)
Agro Nusa Abadi
Surabaya (SBY)
Sawit Jaya Abadi
Tarakan (TRK)
Citra Agro Nusa
Ujung Pandang (UPG)
Rimbun Alam Semesta
Head Office (HO)
Astra Agro Lestari HO
UTE (Cikarang)
Komatsu Indonesia (KI)
UT Semen Gresik (UTSG)
Bandung – 1
Telen Orbit Prima (TOP)
Tanjung Alam
Port Sei Putting
Financial Services 48
PT Federal International Finance
PT Bina Pertiwi
Traktor Nusantara
PT Komatsu Remanufacturing Asia
Agribisnis 47
PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk
Tunggal Perkasa Plantation 3
Karya Tanah Subur
Perkebunan Lembah Bhakti
Astra Agro Lestari 2 Medan
Sari Aditya Loka 1
Jakarta – 1
Sari Aditya Loka 2 dan 3
Jakarta – 2
Sari Lembah Subur 1
Sari Lembah Subur 2
Tunggal Perkasa Plantation
Kimia Tirta Utama
Sawit Asahan Indah
Eka Dura Indonesia
Gunung Sejahtera Ibu Pertiwi
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Kontributor Data LK3 EHS Data Contributor
Perusahaan Company
PT Asuransi Astra Buana
PT Bank Permata Tbk
PT Astra Credit Companies
Cabang Branch
Perusahaan Company
Cabang Branch
PT Astratel Nusantara
TRAC Balikpapan
TRAC Bandung
TRAC Banjarmasin
TRAC Cikarang
TRAC Cilegon
TRAC Condet
Pangkal Pinang
TRAC Denpasar
TRAC Head Office
Pematang Siantar
TRAC Lombok
TRAC Makasar
TRAC Malang
TRAC Medan
TRAC Palembang
TRAC Pekanbaru
TRAC Semarang
TRAC Sudirman
TRAC Surabaya - Jemur Sari
TRAC Yogya
TRAC Lampung
M88 Semarang
M88 Jemursari
M88 Medan
M88 Kalimalang
M88 Bintaro
M88 Kebun Jeruk
M88 Cilandak
M88 Tebet
M88 Kelapa Gading
M88 Soekarno-Hatta (Bandung)
M88 Pasteur (Bandung)
STN - Orenz Taxi
TFSI (MV Serasi 1)
TB Simatupang
TFSI (MV Serasi 2)
Kelapa Gading
TFSI (MV Serasi 3)
Mangga Dua
PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (PALYJA)
Gondola (PT Karsa Surya Indonusa)
IT (Information Technology) 53
PT Astra Graphia Tbk
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
GRI Cross Reference Index
GRI Cross Reference Index
GRI Content
GRI Content
Policy and current practice with regard to seeking external assurance for the report. If not included in the assurance report accompanying the sustainability report, explain the scope and basis of any external assurance provided. Also explain the relationship between the reporting organization and the assurance provider(s).
Governance structure of the organization, including committees under the highest governance body responsible for specific tasks, such as setting strategy or organizational oversight.
Indicate whether the Chair of the highest governance body is also an executive officer (and, if so, their function within the organization’s management and the reasons for this arrangement).
For organizations that have a unitary board structure, state the number of members of the highest governance body that are independent and/or non-executive members.
Mechanisms for shareholders and employees to provide recommendations or direction to the highest governance body.
5, 64, 82
Linkage between compensation for members of the highest governance body, senior managers, and executives (including departure arrangements), and the organization’s performance (including social and environmental performance).
Statement from the most senior decision maker of the organization (e.g., CEO, chair, or equivalent senior position) about the relevance of sustainability to the organization and its strategy.
Description of key impacts, risks, and opportunities.
Name of the organization.
Primary brands, products, and/or services.
Operational structure of the organization, including main divisions, operating companies, subsidiaries, and joint ventures.
Location of organization’s headquarters.
Number of countries where the organization operates, and names of countries with either major operations or that are specifically relevant to the sustainability issues covered in the report.
Nature of ownership and legal form.
Markets served (including geographic breakdown, sectors served, and types of customers/beneficiaries).
Scale of the reporting organization.
Significant changes during the reporting period regarding size, structure, or ownership.
Awards received in the reporting period.
Reporting period (e.g., fiscal/calendar year) for information provided.
Processes in place for the highest governance body to ensure conflicts of interest are avoided.
Reporting period (e.g., fiscal/calendar year) for information provided.
Reporting cycle (annual, biennial, etc.)
Process for determining the qualifications and expertise of the members of the highest governance body for guiding the organization’s strategy on economic, environmental, and social topics.
Contact point for questions regarding the report or its contents.
13, 25
Process for defining report content.
Boundary of the report (e.g., countries, divisions, subsidiaries, leased facilities, joint ventures, suppliers). See GRI Boundary Protocol for further guidance.
Internally developed statements of mission or values, codes of conduct, and principles relevant to economic, environmental, and social performance and the status of their implementation.
State any specific limitations on the scope or boundary of the report.
Basis for reporting on joint ventures, subsidiaries, leased facilities, outsourced operations, and other entities that can significantly affect comparability from period to period and/or between organizations.
Procedures of the highest governance body for overseeing the organization’s identification and management of economic, environmental, and social performance, including relevant risks and opportunities, and adherence or compliance with internationally agreed standards, codes of conduct, and principles.
Processes for evaluating the highest governance body’s own performance, particularly with respect to economic, environmental, and social performance.
Data measurement techniques and the bases of calculations, including assumptions and techniques underlying estimations applied to the compilation of the Indicators and other information in the report.
Explanation of whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the organization.
Explanation of the effect of any re-statements of information provided in earlier reports, and the reasons for such re-statement (e.g., mergers/acquisitions, change of base years/periods, nature of business, measurement methods).
Externally developed economic, environmental, and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organization subscribes or endorses.
Memberships in associations (such as industry associations) and/or national/international advocacy organizations
Significant changes from previous reporting periods in the scope, boundary, or measurement methods applied in the report.
List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organization.
3, 5
Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage.
30, 48, 62, 69, 74, 78, 81
Table identifying the location of the Standard Disclosures in the report.
Approaches to stakeholder engagement, including frequency of engagement by type and by stakeholder group.
101 4 3, 4, 93-96
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
GRI Cross Reference Index GRI Cross Reference Index
GRI # 4.17
GRI Content
Key topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement, and how the organization has responded to those key topics and concerns, including through its reporting.
Economic Performance Indicator EC 1
GRI Content
EN 16 Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight. CORE
EN 17 Other relevant indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight.
EN 18 Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reductions achieved.
52, 53, 79 52-54
26, 42
EC 2
Financial implications and other risks and opportunities for the organization’s activities due to climate change.
EN 19 Emissions of ozone-depleting substances by weight.
EC 3
Coverage of the organization’s defined benefit plan obligations.
EN 20 NO, SO, and other significant air emissions by type and weight
EC 4
Significant financial assistance received from government.
EC 5
Range of ratios of standard entry level wage compared to local minimum wage at significant locations of operation.
EC 6
Policy, practices, and proportion of spending on locallybased suppliers at significant locations of operation.
EC 7
Procedures for local hiring and proportion of senior management hired from the local community at locations of significant operation.
EC 8
Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services provided primarily for public benefit through commercial, inkind, or pro bono engagement.
EC 9
Understanding and describing significant indirect economic impacts, including the extent of impacts.
65 44, 77
32, 36-40, 79
EN 22 Total weight of waste by type and disposal method.
EN 23 Total number and volume of significant spills.
EN 25 Identity, size, protected status, and biodiversity value of water bodies and related habitats significantly affected by the reporting organization’s discharges of water and runoff .
EN 26 Initiatives to mitigate environmental impacts of products and services, and extent of impact mitigation.
EN 27 Percentage of products sold and their packaging materials that are reclaimed by category.
EN 28 Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for noncompliance with environmental laws and regulations.
EN 2
Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materials.
EN 3
Direct energy consumption by primary energy source.
EN 4
Indirect energy consumption by primary source.
EN 5
Energy saved due to conservation and efficiency improvements.
49, 52, 53
EN 30 Total environmental protection expenditures and investments by type.
EN 6
Initiatives to provide energy-efficient or renewable energy based products and services, and reductions in energy requirements as a result of these initiatives.
52, 53, 70
Labour Indicators
EN 8
Total water withdrawal by source.
EN 9
Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water.
EN 24 Weight of transported, imported, exported, or treated waste deemed hazardous under the terms of the Basel Convention Annex I, II, III, and VIII, and percentage of transported waste shipped internationally.
Materials used by weight or volume.
Initiatives to reduce indirect energy consumption and reductions achieved.
EN 21 Total water discharge by quality and destination.
EN 1
EN 7
EN 15 Number of IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations, by level of extinction risk.
Direct economic value generated and distributed, including revenues, operating costs, employee compensation, donations and other community investments, retained earnings, and payments to capital providers and governments.
Environmental Performance Indicators
EN 29 Significant environmental impacts of transporting products and other goods and materials used for the organization’s operations, and transporting members of the workforce.
LA 1
Total workforce by employment type, employment contract, and region.
LA 2
Total number and rate of employee turnover by age group, gender, and region.
LA 3
Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees, by major operations.
EN 10 Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reused.
LA 4
Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements.
EN 11 Location and size of land owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas.
LA 5
Minimum notice period(s) regarding operational changes, including whether it is specified in collective agreements.
EN 12 Description of significant impacts of activities, products, and services on biodiversity in protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas.
LA 6
Percentage of total workforce represented in formal joint management–worker health and safety committees that help monitor and advise on occupational health and safety programs.
EN 13 Habitats protected or restored.
LA 7
Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of work related fatalities by region.
EN 14 Strategies, current actions, and future plans for managing impacts on biodiversity.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
GRI # LA 8
LA 9
GRI Content
Education, training, counseling, prevention, and riskcontrol programs in place to assist workforce members, their families, or community members regarding serious diseases.
59-61, 64
SO 5
Public policy positions and participation in public policy development and lobbying.
SO 6
Health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions.
Total value of financial and in-kind contributions to political parties, politicians, and related institutions by country.
SO 7
Total number of legal actions for anticompetitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices and their outcomes.
SO 8
Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for noncompliance with laws and regulations.
LA 10 Average hours of training per year per employee by employee category.
LA 11 Programs for skills management and lifelong learning that support the continued employability of employees and assist them in managing career endings.
65, 67
LA 12 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews.
LA 13 Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per category according to gender, age group, minority group membership, and other indicators of diversity.
64-65, 67
LA 14 Ratio of basic salary of men to women by employee category.
64-65, 67
Percentage and total number of significant investment agreements that include human rights clauses or that have undergone human rights screening.
HR 2
Percentage of significant suppliers and contractors that have undergone screening on human rights and actions taken.
HR 3
Total hours of employee training on policies and procedures concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations, including the percentage of employees trained.
HR 4
Total number of incidents of discrimination and actions taken.
HR 5
Operations identified in which the right to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at significant risk, and actions taken to support these rights.
Operations identified as having significant risk for incidents of child labor, and measures taken to contribute to the elimination of child labor.
HR 6
HR 7
Operations identified as having significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor, and measures to contribute to the elimination of forced or compulsory labor.
HR 8
Percentage of security personnel trained in the organization’s policies or procedures concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations.
HR 9
Total number of incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous people and actions taken.
Page 25
Product Responsibilty Indicators PR 1
Life cycle stages in which health and safety impacts of products and services are assessed for improvement, and percentage of significant products and services categories subject to such procedures.
PR 2
Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning health and safety impacts of products and services during their life cycle, by type of outcomes.
PR 3
Type of product and service information required by procedures, and percentage of significant products and services subject to such information requirements.
PR 4
Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning product and service information and labeling, by type of outcomes.
PR 5
Practices related to customer satisfaction, including results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction.
PR 6
Programs for adherence to laws, standards, and voluntary codes related to marketing communications, including advertising, promotion, and sponsorship.
PR 7
Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning marketing communications, including advertising, promotion, and sponsorship by type of outcomes.
PR 8
Total number of substantiated complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data.
PR 9
Monetary value of significant fines for noncompliance with laws and regulations concerning the provision and use of products and services.
Human Rights Indicators HR 1
GRI Content
72-73 69
Social Indicators SO 1
Nature, scope, and effectiveness of any programs and practices that assess and manage the impacts of operations on communities, including entering, operating, and exiting.
SO 2
Percentage and total number of business units analyzed for risks related to corruption.
21, 25
SO 3
Percentage of employees trained in organization’s anticorruption policies and procedures.
21, 25
SO 4
Actions taken in response to incidents of corruption.
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
Daftar Tabel dan Grafik List of Tables and Graphs
Keterangan Tabel Table Description
No 1
Pemangku Kepentingan Astra | Astra Stakeholders
Ikhtisar Keuangan Astra | Astra Financial Highlights
Penghargaan dan Sertifikasi 2010 | 2010 Awards and Certifications
Struktur Organisasi | Organisation Structure
Kontributor Data LK3 | EHS Data Contributor
6 GRI Cross Reference Index | GRI Cross Reference Index
Keterangan Grafik Graph Description
Halaman Page
Halaman Page
Pendapatan Bersih | Net Revenue
Laba Bersih | Net Income
Jumlah Aset | Total Assets
Jumlah Ekuitas | Total Equity
Laba Bersih per Saham | Net Earnings per Share
Dividen per Saham | Dividend per Share
Jumlah Penerima Beasiswa | Total Number of Scholars
Penggunaan Sumber Daya Alam dan Energi | Natural Resources and Energy Consumption
Air (M3/unit produk) | Water (M3/unit product)
Listrik (kWh/unit produk) | Electricity (kWh/unit product)
Solar (L/unit produk) | Diesel Fuel (L/unit product)
Oli (L/unit produk) | Oil (L/unit product)
Emisi CO2 (Ton/unit produk) | CO2 Emission (Tonnes/unit product)
Limbah Cair Non B3 (M3/unit produk) | Non-hazardous Liquid Waste (M3 / unit product)
Limbah Cair Non B3 (L/unit produk) | Hazardous Liquid Waste (Liter / unit product)
Limbah Padat Non B3 (Kg/unit produk) | Non-hazardous solid waste (Kg / unit product)
Limbah Padat B3 (Kg/unit produk) | Hazardous solid waste (Kg / unit product)
Kecelakaan Kerja | Accident Table
Berdasarkan Jenis Status | Based on Status
Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin | Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin
Berdasarkan Usia | Berdasarkan Usia
Program Asesmen AGC Grup Astra | Astra Group’s AGC Assessment Program
Pencapaian AGC Grup Astra 2010 | Astra Group’s AGC Achievements 2010
Program Asesmen AFC Grup Astra | Astra Group’s AFC Assessment Program
Prosentase Kinerja AFC Grup Astra 2010 | Astra Group’s AFC Achievement Percentage 2010
Laporan Berkelanjutan • Sustainability Report • Astra International 2010
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Terima kasih atas perhatian dan apresiasi Bapak/Ibu terhadap laporan tahunan kami ini. Thank you for your attention and appreciation on our sustainability report. Untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kami dalam mengembangkan laporan yang akan datang, maka kami mohon Bapak/Ibu untuk mengisi kuesioner berikut dan dapat mengirimkannya kembali kepada kami. Kami sangat mengharapkan pemikiran, saran, dan kritik dari Bapak/Ibu. To improve our next report, please let us know what you think about the report by filling the questionnaire below, and return this feedback form to us. Your views, and critics are very much welcomed and appreciated. No
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Laporan ini berisi/mengandung informasi yang bermanfaat mengenai komitmen Astra dan kebijakannya This report contains useful information on Astra’s Sustainability Development commitment and policy
Laporan ini menyediakan suatu gambaran/summary mengenai kinerja Grup Astra yang sejalan dengan usaha pencapaian sustainable development This report provides a good overview on Astra’s performance in its pursuit to reach sustainable development
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Laporan Berkelanjutan
Sustainability Report
PT Astra International Tbk Astra International Building Jl. Gaya Motor Raya No. 8 Sunter II, Jakarta 14330 Indonesia Telp (62-21) 652 2555 Fax (62-21) 653 04957