European Platform of Women Scientists NEWSLETTER, issue 38, March 2016 ..... In addition, there will be a good practice
European Platform of Women Scientists NEWSLETTER, issue 38, March 2016 In this newsletter: Page 2
Welcome Message from the EPWS President
EPWS Assembly: November 2015
3 4
EPWS Members Forum: November 2015 Congratulations to Claudine Hermann, Vice President EPWS
“Ready for Dialogue” Conference on Gender Dimension in Science,
November 2015 The 6th IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics, UK, 2017
News from the EU
Gender Summit 7, November 2015
NEWS from EPWS and its Members: 9
AMONET wins Project
EPWS French members 3rd Annual Meeting January 2016 ECEPIE Announces conferences on Networks of women in Science Femmes & Sciences Colloquium, France, November 2015 News from the Association of Armenian Women Scientists, January 2016 EPWS article published in the Polish Academic Journal of Sociology
9 10 10 11
11 11 11 12 13 13 13
EPWS contribution to the Final Conference of the UAIC-STAGES Project December 2015 European Physical Society, Emmy Noether Distinction STOP PRESS: EuroScientist Issue: Gender Balance in Research and Academia EPWS APPLICATION FORM Subscriptions Notes from the Editor Contact details
European Platform of Women Scientists, enquiries:
[email protected], website:
MESSAGE FROM THE EPWS PRESIDENT Dear Readers, dear Friends of EPWS, Welcome to the newsletter of the European Platform of Women Scientists. On 4 November 2015 EPWS had held its 9th General Assembly in Berlin. Before starting the General Assembly, a Members’ Forum took place; this is a new event format to give EPWS members the possibility to gain inform about the ideas and work of their colleagues from other countries. In Berlin André Béraud (ECEPIE, France) and Brigitte Mantilleri (KOFRAH, Switzerland), presented their associations’ recent activities; Yvonne Pourrat (ECEPIE, France) gave a presentation of the recent common initiatives of the French EPWS members. Finally two EPWS individual members, Olga Kotowska-Wojcik (Poland) and Heather Bowerman (USA), talked of new actions related to women, respectively in enterprises, academia, and in a start-up. The participants showed a lively interest in this new format, and we will try to arrange a similar event at the 2016 General Assembly, which is likely to be held in Paris. One main item of the agenda of the General Assembly was the progress report of the Board of Administration, which showed the numerous different activities of EPWS on national, international and on European basis to foster gender equality and the better establishment of the gender dimension in science and research. Another main topic was the elections of a new Board of Administration (see page 3). We welcome three new board-members, Professor Myriam Boussahba-Bravard, University Paris-Diderot, Mnémosyne, France, Dr Maria João Curto, National Laboratory of Energy and Geology, Amonet, Portugal, and Dr Maren Jochimsen, Duisburg-Essen University, Netzwerk Vorsorgendes Wirtschaften, Germany, the former EPWS Secretary-General and new Treasurer of EPWS. Two long standing members of the board stepped back, Professor Ana Maria Lobo from Portugal, and Professor Liisa Husu from Finland; the assembly thanked them for all their work for EPWS. On the next day, 5 November 2015, the International Conference on the Gender Dimension in Science and Research “Ready for Dialog” took place in Berlin. This was organized by the Essen College of Gender Research at the University of Duisburg-Essen in close cooperation with the European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS as European partner organisation and with financial support of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (see page 5). The vibrant discussions after the presentations will stimulate EPWS to further work on this important subject. Our Vice-President, Claudine Hermann has been promoted to the dignity of Grand officier of Légion d’Honneur”. She received this promotion in acknowledgement of “an exceptional career path to serve science and to serve science as a woman” (see page 4). On behalf of all EPWS members we express our hearty congratulations. With my kind regards, Brigitte Mühlenbruch, EPWS President
Do see the new EPWS website One EPWS member association is highlighted and described each month by a special “interview-of-the-month”. EPWS Newsletter, 38, March 2016
The EPWS General Assembly 4th November 2015, Berlin Executive Committee: President Dr Brigitte Mühlenbruch Former Managing Director of the Centre of Excellence Women and Science CEWS, Germany
Vice-President Professor Claudine Hermann Ecole Polytechnique, Femmes & Sciences, France
Treasurer Dr Maren Jochimsen Duisburg-Essen University, Netzwerk Vorsorgendes Wirtschaften, Germany
Board of Administration: Professor Myriam Boussahba-Bravard University Paris-Diderot, Mnémosyne, France Dr Maria João Curto National Laboratory of Energy and Geology, Amonet, Portugal Dr Dora Groo Association of Hungarian Women in Science, Hungary Ann Marks Women in Physics Group, IOP, UK Dr Lucia Martinelli Museo delle Scienze - MUSE, Trento, Donne e Scienza , Italy Dr Yasmin Robson Daphnet, Oxford AWiSE, UK Associate Professor Dr Dalia Šatkovskienė Vilnius University, Baltic States regional association BASNET Forumas, Lithuania
EPWS Members’ Forum: 4th November 2015, website links: Andre Béraud, ECEPIE France: “ECEPIE – history and future of a French association devoted to gender equality in ST” Brigitte Mantilleri, KOFRAH Switzerland: “Dialogue on Gender Equality at the Geneva University” Yvonne Pourrat, ECEPIE France: “Liaison of the French EPWS Members” Olga Kotowska-Wojcik, Poland: “Women in science, women entrepreneurship in Poland – what unites us, what divides us.” Members indicated that the forum was valuable format for presenting their activities to inspire others. EPWS Newsletter, 38, March 2016
Belated Congratulations to Claudine Hermann EPWS Vice-President
Promoted to Grande-officière of Légion d’Honneur “Claudine Hermann, on behalf of the French Republic we promote you to the dignity of Grandeofficiere of Légion d’Honneur”. President Hollande hung on Claudine’s jacket the medal and the plaque of "Grande-officière of Légion d’Honneur". On May 20th 2015, in the Elysée Palace, Claudine Hermann received this promotion in acknowledgement of “an exceptional career path to serve science and to serve science as a woman”. Brilliant student, alumna of Ecole Normale Supérieure de Jeunes Filles, Claudine holds agregation in physics, and a PhD (1976). Recognized teacher and researcher in optics of solids, at Ecole Polytechnique, she obtained there in 1992 a position of professor of physics, a big first in this Grande Ecole created in 1794. She then became sensitive to the under representation of women in science, a situation that questioned and lead her to claim for promotions of women in scientific careers and to cheer on girls to choose scientific paths. Claudine was a kingpin of the creation in 2000 of the French association Femmes & Sciences, its first President and now President of honour. She is still on all the front lines to crush stereotypes and show, as a model, her passion for science and research, in particular in secondary schools of socially underprivileged districts where women scientists are not visible. In 1998 she was convinced that the European level was important to improve the position of women. From 1999 to 2005 she has been a French representative - national civil servant- within the Helsinki group of DG Research. They collected statistics, built indicators and benchmarks, exchanged experiences. She participated in the creation of EPWS in 2005, became its Vice President in 2009, organised the conference in Paris in 2014 and is still its mainspring.
(copyright Présidence de la République)
Claudine and Legion d’Honneur winners,
Presentation by President Hollande,
Claudine with the President,
Congratulations to Claudine Hermann who succeeded to promote the ‘women in science’ issue at such a high level. Marcelle Rey-Campagnolle Created by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1802, the Légion d’Honneur is a prestigious order awarded for either civil or military merit. Grand Officier is the 4th class of 5 classes, the first ‘dignity’ which allows funeral with military honours. Since 2007 parity between women and men is requested. EPWS Newsletter, 38, March 2016
“Ready for Dialogue” Conference on the Gender Dimension in Science and Research BERLIN, Germany
How can we realise the mandatory consideration of potential sex and/or gender differences and commonalities in the content, planning and programming of science and research to obtain significant results that are equally applicable for all members of society? The international conference “Ready for Dialogue” on the integration of the gender dimension in science and research, which took place in the dbb forum in Berlin on 5 November 2015, put this question in its focus. The conference has been organized by the Essen College of Gender Research at the University of DuisburgEssen in close cooperation with the European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS as European partner organisation and with financial support of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. 1 The conference has already been in great demand beforehand and brought together 120 representatives of national and European associations, research institutions and research funding institutions supporting the integration of the gender dimension in science and research. At the centre of discussion was the proposed initiation of a new strategic dialogue of the institutional key stakeholders of the research system to mandatorily integrate the gender dimension in science and research. “We proposed to establish an alliance which brings together the knowledge and findings of European gender researchers and their respective associations with expertise from the implementation level”, explained EPWS President Dr. Brigitte Mühlenbruch in her welcome speech. “By this, the institutions and organizations which implement the integration of the gender dimension in funding institutions, research programmes, review panels and alike in the public, the private as well as in the non-profit sector will be brought into dialogue with the institutions of the knowledge level.” “Our aim is to reinforce the value of the potential of knowledge and innovation of the gender dimension for scientific impulses and to initiate social changes at national and European level”, emphasized Dr. Maren Jochimsen, Managing Director of the Essen College of Gender Research and coordinator of the project “Ready for Dialogue”, in her introductory speech. MinDir Matthias Graf von Kielmansegg, Head of DirectorateGeneral 1 - Strategies and Policy Issues of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, welcomed all attendants and gave a summary of the policies and aims of the Federal Government regarding this policy area. Four keynote speakers of well-known research institutions and research funding institutions from Austria, France, the Netherlands and Germany discussed conceptual aspects and challenges of the integration of the gender dimension in science and research. In a dedicated discussion, the conference participants emphasized the necessity of a mandatory integration of the gender dimension in research and innovation, as well as their readiness to actively collaborate towards its realization at national and European level. EPWS Newsletter, 38, March 2016
“Ready for Dialogue” continued Prof. Dr. Ineke Klinge, Chair of the Horizon 2020 Advisory Group on Gender and currently Visiting professor at the Institute of Gender in Medicine (GiM), Charité, Universitätsmedizin Berlin, focused in her presentation about “The gender dimension of research and innovation content. 15 years of development in EC research policy” on the necessity and the aim to conceptually sharpen the strategic approach ‘Gender Dimension’. She stressed the importance of using the term ‘gender’ in a differentiated, specifically defined way in research policy to allow for a conceptual distinction between structural and personnel measures on gender equality, and the implementation of sex and gender as analytical categories in research as a strategic approach of its own. Dr. Anne Pépin, Director of the Mission for the Place of Women at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (Mission pour la place des femmes au CNRS) and coordinator of the transnational pilot project GENDER-NET ERA-NET (Promoting gender equality in research institutions and integration of the gender dimension in research contents), addressed in her presentation the challenges with respect to the scientific recognition of the gender dimension in science, research and innovation on basis of the findings of GENDERNET ERA-NET. These include a still persisting lack or insufficiency of recognition of the scientific quality of gender research in many areas as well as in many cases the lack of high-level support of research institutions and research funding institutions. Dr. Dagmar Simon, Head of Research Group Science Policy Studies at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center, contributed with her speech to the positioning of the strategic approach ‘Gender Dimension’ in national and international research policy. In her presentation on “Gender Studies and Gender Policies – two sides of the same coin?”, she analysed the interaction of gender research and gender policy in particular, and herself suggested a new strategic alliance of relevant stakeholders by establishing a politically effective board. Dr. Sabine Haubenwallner, Head of Staff Unit Gender Issues of the Austrian Science Funds FWF and Chair of the Science Europe Working Group Gender and Diversity, outlined the status quo of gender equality measures of both institutions with regard to the integration of the gender dimension in science and research. Her presentation “Ready for Dialogue?” initiated a discussion in the afternoon on the establishment of a new, long-term alliance for the integration of the gender dimension. A concept of discussion sent to all participants in advance of the conference provided the basis for a debate among the attendants and speakers about possible design, targets and strategies of the alliance between the scientific and operational level, as proposed by the organisers of the conference, as well as related challenges. All participants agreed upon the urgent necessity for the intended dialogue as a discussion forum for regular strategic cooperation to better use unevenly distributed knowledge and action potential and to promote and effectively implement the mandatory realisation of the integration of the gender dimension in science and research as a common interest. As part of the conference, attending institutions had the opportunity to present their activities in the field of integration of the gender dimension in research and science in a concomitant poster exhibition. At the end of the programme, the European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS hosted a reception celebrating the Platform’s 10th Anniversary, also taking place in facilities of the dbb forum berlin, which provided further opportunity to continue the animated discussion. Further information about the conference as well as the Power Point Presentations of the aforementioned speeches can be found on the conference website The concept of discussion, which has been developed for the conference, will be enhanced including the suggestions of the participants and published with the event documentation in spring 2016. Maren A. Jochimsen and Sonja Zurmaar ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1
The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research under grant number 01FP1456.
EPWS Newsletter, 38, March 2016
The 6th IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics to be hosted by the
University of Birmingham, UK in July 2017
The International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) has recognised a particular need to foster the participation of women in physics. The triennial IUPAP Conference series on Women in Physics, organised by IUPAP Working Group on Women in Physics, has a history not only of success but also of making a difference in the physics community. The conference will be held in July 2017 at the University of Birmingham, organised in partnership with the Institute of Physics and the Universities of Nottingham and Warwick.
Conference Dates: Arrival afternoon of 16 July 2017. Core meeting 17 July to 20 July 2017 In addition, there will be a good practice sharing session on the 21 July. The programme will consist of three and a half days of plenary talks, workshops, poster sessions. The conference is unusual in that it relies on Country Teams of limited size, selected through Physical Societies in each country. It is important that developing countries and island states are given a major voice in this way. Ann Marks, EPWS BoA, member of the ICWIP 2017 LOC
News from the EU Brussels, 25 November 2015 2 From the Permanent Representatives Committee: The Adoption of the Draft Council conclusions on advancing gender equality in the European Research Area Full details are downloadable from the website of the Council of the European Union. EPWS Newsletter, 38, March 2016
Gender Summit 7 Berlin, 6-7 November 2015
Mastering gender in research performance, contexts, and outcomes Gender Summit home page: This event was the 7th of a series, initially in Europe, next in the US, South Africa, Asia and planned to take place in 2016 in Mexico City and in 2017 in Montreal. Its registration fees are high, even for associations. The 2015 theme was ”Mastering gender in research performance, contexts and outcomes”. I represented EPWS at the Summit and presented a poster on EPWs activities (there were around 30 posters). A total of 320 participants, from 35 countries, attended the event. The date was chosen for its proximity with the 26th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989. Several talks dealt with gender medicine; in the detail of scientific disciplines, the accent was often put on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). The international database (www.academia-net;org) listing women scientists, selected by their institutions as “excellent”, was mentioned several times. Elsevier being a sponsor of the Gender Summit, Emilie Marcus, CEO of Cell Press, detailed Elsevier Foundation actions. Jackie Hunter, from the British Biology Research Council, urged women to apply to research grants, as they are underrepresented: without funding their possibility to build a career is affected. Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, ERC president, showed the ERC grants success rates versus sex and discipline: the women success rate at ERC is lower in Life Sciences than in Physics or Engineering. The chair of the ERC Gender Balance working group, Isabelle Vernos, gave another presentation at the Gender Summit. On November 7th morning, Ingrid Wünning Tschol, from Robert Bosch Foundation, gave a particularly well structured speech on why women are lacking in science and innovation leading positions and what could be done. The next talk, by Lisa Kolovich from the International Monetary Fund, concerned Gender mainstreaming policies in funding, for developed and other types of countries. As explained by Lillemor Dahlgren, the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research, in Gothenburg University, analyses the functioning of Swedish research agencies and administrations, and provides them with recommendations. These administrations have to produce a yearly report on their gender actions to the government. The poster sessions gave the opportunity of friendly contacts and discussions. Claudine Hermann, EPWS Vice-President EPWS Newsletter, 38, March 2016
NEWS FROM EPWS and its MEMBERS AMONET (Portuguese Association of Women in Science)
ECEPIE Announces conferences on Networks of women in Science
Wins project AMONET won the project “Luso-Brazilian Women Scientists in numbers: A historical contribution”, led by the researchers Isabel Lousada and Vasco Bonifácio, with financial support by CIG (Comissão para a Cidadania e a Igualdade de Género) and CIS.NOVA – Interdisciplinary Center of Social Sciences (New University of Lisbon), CLEUP (Centre of Lusophone and European Literatures and Cultures of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon) as partners. The aim of the project is to retrieve and treat statistical data on the professional activity of women scientists in Portugal and Brazil using a digital platform with free access. Answers to questions such as “How many women enrolled in universities”? and “How many women did work professionally after receiving their degree”? will be sought.
The French members of EPWS, and in particular ECEPIE, are organising a series of conferences on Networks of women scientists: they aim at analysing, from a multidisciplinary point of view, the opportunity of women scientists’ networks as a strategy element for career improvement. The conference content is enriched by experience sharing with European colleagues.
Maria João Curto, EPWS BoA EPWS French members 3rd Annual Meeting January 2016 The EPWS French members held their 3rd annual meeting in Paris on January 11th, 2016. These brainstorming events have already produced important actions: organisation of the EPWS 2014 Conference and General Assembly in June 2014, interviews of the “EPWS association of the month” on the EPWS website, which started in February 2015. We encourage the EPWS members from other countries to adapt this initiative, please contact Claudine Hermann if you are interested. Claudine Hermann and Yvonne Pourrat EPWS Newsletter, 38, March 2016
The first conference announcement poster
The first conference (10/12/2015), on “Life and death of associations: the case of English women’s associations at the end of XIXth century and in the XXth century”, was given by Myriam Boussahba-Bravard, professor of British civilisation at University Paris-Diderot and member of the EPWS Board of 9
Administration. An interested and enthusiastic audience followed this inspiring talk. The next conference is planned in Spring 2016 Claudine Hermann and Yvonne Pourrat
Christian Giraud, the CNRS Regional Delegate, and Sylvaine Turck-Chièze, the F&S President, officially signed the CNRS regional delegation membership to F&S Association, for a better synergy between both structures. Claudine Hermann, Vice-President EPWS
Femmes & Sciences Colloquium (Women and Science) Toulouse, France November 2015 The 2015 colloquium of the French association Femmes & Sciences (F&S - Women and Science), held in Toulouse in November 2015, dealt with “Choosing and living a scientific or technological career as a woman: why, how?” It targeted all those concerned through schools or universities with young people - in particular girls - and also women engaged in scientific careers and their management; there was an audience of over 200 people. During this event, the interest in scientific and technological careers for girls as well as the obstacles to be lifted were analysed. Additionally the place of women scientists in the public and private sectors were discussed together with the recent strategies and actions to favour them.
Sylvaine Turck-Chièze, the Femmes & Sciences President, signed officially.
In the conclusion the F&S local group proposed a series of practical actions to pursue the colloquium objectives, in collaboration with regional partners; in particular, (see the picture) EPWS Newsletter, 38, March 2016
News from the Association of Armenian Women Scientists January 2016 The Association of Women Scientists of Armenia (AWS) gathers scientists from different disciplines and aims at empowering women to participate in, contribute and benefit from science, as well as all the aspects of public and social life. One of the strategic goals of the AWS is to strengthen the capacity of women and girls to claim their rights and meet their basic needs. Major areas of focus include leadership development, education, health, youth development and environment.
Award of certificates to the consultants by Wiesbaden Academy of Positive Psychotherapy
The AWS in cooperation with “Atsh” Personality and Business Development Centre has organised numerous activities to boost interest towards social and psychological aspects in Armenian society. Hundreds of 10
people participated in presentation sessions aimed at raising awareness of the latest achievements in the sphere of applied psychology. The seminars also covered topics intended to increase active participation of women in social life and to promote the idea of a healthy lifestyle. Furthermore the Association supported to upgrading professional qualification of specialists of social sciences (psychologists, teachers and social workers) through organising trainings and seminars held by international certified experts. Due to the efforts of the Association 14 women-consultants in the sphere of Positive Psychotherapy were certified by Wiesbaden Academy of Positive Psychotherapy.
EPWS contribution to the Final Conference of the UAIC-STAGES Project December 2015 “Practicing STAGES at the UAIC: Achievements and Challenges for Gender Equality in Science” A final online presentation was delivered by our guest speaker Prof. Dr. Claudine Hermann, who referred to “Networking. Examples from Europe, today and previously”.
Lena Atonyan
EPWS article published in the Polish Academic Journal of Sociology Uniwersyteckie Czasopismo Socjologiczne On 25 March, 2015, Claudine Hermann gave a video talk at the conference "The role of women in sustainable development" organised by the "Team for Best Practices", consisting of young mothers - scientists, before the professional promotion, at Cardinal Stephan Wyszynski University in Warsaw. This resulted in an article, entitled EPWS: AN EXAMPLE OF AN UMBRELLA NETWORK AND OF COOPERATION BETWEEN WOMEN SCIENTISTS ACROSS EUROPE, published in the Polish Academic Journal of Sociology. Uniwersyteckie Czasopismo Socjologiczne. The talk and article focused on the policies and initiatives of the European Commission in favour of women scientists over the last fifteen years and on the complementary action of EPWS, which brings the voice of 12.000 women scientists to the level of EU institutions. Uniwersyteckie Czasopismo Socjologiczne Nr 2(11) ISNN 2299-2367 EPWS Newsletter, 38, March 2016
She underlined how worthy the strategy of networking is, both inside the universities, among them and at the European and international level, for the process of structural change so that gender equality in science to become reality. Prof. Doina Balahur, the Romanian STAGES project coordinator, is an EPWS individual member.
European Physical Society Emmy Noether Distinction The European Physical Society awards the Emmy Noether Distinction, for women in physics, twice each year to a distinguished physicist. The most recent award was to Prof. Sibylle Guenter from the Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics in Garching, Germany. For more information, please see the EPS website.
STOP PRESS: EuroScientist Special issue: Gender Balance in Research and Academia 11
Membership Application Form Please fill in this form in CAPITAL LETTERS and send it to
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Your personal data are for EPWS use only and will not be transmitted to third parties. EPWS Newsletter, 38, March 2016
Subscriptions Please remember to pay your membership fees for 2016, which are due now! EPWS needs your subscriptions to continue to exist. They should be paid by bank transfer using the IBAN bank system. Please see the ‘bank transfers’ page on the EPWS website at or follow the instructions on your debit note. Please contact
[email protected] if you have any problems regarding payment.
Fees have not been increased for 2016! Thank you to all those who have already paid their 2016 subscriptions. EPWS Executive
Notes from the Editor: Dear Readers, The EPWS is a network of networks so please forward this email newsletter to all networks and individuals who are interested in women in science issues. All EPWS members are invited to submit short newsletter articles, to
[email protected] marked ‘for the attention of the EPWS newsletter editor’. These may announce future events or report on news of their networks and of women in science activities in their countries. Photographs are particularly welcome. Remember to visit the EPWS website at Also please do send recent information, of interest to our members and website visitors, to the Executive Committee at
[email protected]. for posting on the website at after approval. Please do encourage colleagues and other networks to join the EPWS! Best regards, Ann Marks
EPWS Board of Administration
EPWS Email Contacts: General enquiries:
[email protected] (e.g. requests for speakers and general information) Membership applications and membership issues:
[email protected] For financial support and/or offers of in-kind:
[email protected] or use the ‘donation’ section on the EPWS website. Published by: EPWS Rue d’Arlon 38, B-1000 Brussels References Articles published in the EPWS Newsletter are based on articles featured in different EU publications and information portals, booklets, advertising, seminars, conferences, etc. Articles in this issue have been submitted by the Board of Administration and the Executive Committee. Articles are invited from members of the EPWS for future issues. The EPWS is not responsible for the accuracy of the content. EPWS Newsletter, 38, March 2016