May 31, 2014 - Alison Woodward (Free University of Brussels); Katrien Maes (LERU), John. Peacock (EURODOC), Prof Nuria S
European Platform of Women Scientists NEWSLETTER, issue 35, May 2014 In this newsletter: Page
Message from the Vice-President
EPWS Executive Committee and Board of Administration
EPWS Seventh General Assembly 2014 Announcement
EPWS Conference: “New Perspectives for Women Scientists’ Careers in Europe”
Innovation Summit Fringe Session, March 2014 “Bridging the gender gap and accelerating innovative, sustainable growth”
NEWS from EPWS and its Members: 6
“Women and Science” Expert input session, Brussels, March 2014
BASNET Forumas launched GEIRICA project, Vilnius
STAGES Mid-term workshop: ‘Gender and Science –Advancements and resistances in fighting structural inequality’, Brussels, March 2014
Call for input to a benchmarking report for the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research
ICWIP 2014, Conference on Women in Physics, August 2014
“Safeguarding European excellence” article in ‘International Innovation’ May 2014
Notes from the Editor
Contact details
European Platform of Women Scientists, enquiries:
[email protected], website:
MESSAGE FROM THE EPWS VICE - PRESIDENT Dear Readers, dear Friends of EPWS, EPWS expertise was recognized in three events in Brussels last March 2014: at the input session “Women and Science” of the European Economic and Social Committee on March 10th, EPWS gave the associations‘ point of view on this issue; the fringe session “Bridging the Gender Gap and Accelerating Innovative, Sustainable Growth” at the European Innovation Convention 2014 on March 11th , jointly organised by EPWS and the EPWS member network European Women Inventors & Innovators EUWIIN, was attended by 50 persons (see the article p. 5); on March 25th at the EU project STAGES mid-term workshop Gender and Science –Advancements and resistances in fighting structural inequality, EPWS presented the practical experiences of an European (EPWS) and a national (the French association Women and Science) association The EPWS General Assembly 2014 and the Conference “New Perspectives for Women Scientists Careers in Europe” will take place in Paris on June 11th and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research will kindly host them nearby Panthéon, in the Latin Quarter. The topic was proposed in a brainstorming meeting of the French EPWS members on November 18th 2013. It will be seen how Gender will be treated in the new Framework Programme Horizon 2020 and European and French practical experiences will show how women scientists’ careers can be up-skilled. Please register very soon as the Conference is having a large success! Information about these events and many other details about EPWS activities are presented in this newsletter. Wishing to meet you in Paris in June!
Claudine Hermann, EPWS Vice-President EPWS
Board of Administration:
Executive Committee:
Dr Dora Groo, Association of Hungarian Women in Science, Hungary
President Dr Brigitte Mühlenbruch Former Managing Director of the Centre of Excellence Women and Science CEWS, Germany Vice-President Professor Claudine Hermann Ecole Polytechnique, Femmes & Sciences, France
EPWS Newsletter, Issue 35, May 2014
Professor Liisa Husu, Örebro University, Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki Association of Women Researchers, Sweden and Finland Professor Ana Maria Lobo, New University of Lisbon, Amonet, Portugal Ann Marks, Women in Physics Group, IOP, UK Dr Lucia Martinelli , Museo delle Scienze - MUSE, Trento, Donne e Scienza , Italy Dr Yasmin Robson, Daphnet, Oxford AWiSE, UK Associate Professor Dr Dalia Šatkovskienė, Vilnius University, Baltic States regional association BASNET Forumas, Lithuania
The EPWS General Assembly 2014 Will be held on 11 June 2014 The GA will begin at 16.45 following the EPWS conference:
“New Perspectives for Women Scientists Careers in Europe” 10.00 – 16.15
Registration is at: or scan the link with your phone
The conference will be held at the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research Amphitheater Stourdzé, Paris
Please see the programme on the next page: EPWS Newsletter, Issue 35, May 2014
EPWS Conference: New Perspectives for Women Scientists’ Careers in Europe June 11th 2014 Updated Programme 10.00
Opening by the French Deputy-Minister of Higher Education and Research (to be confirmed)
Welcome address Brigitte Mühlenbruch, President of EPWS
Session 1: Gender in the new European Framework Programme Horizon 2020 Chair: Yvonne Pourrat, ECEPIE and CDEFI 10.20
Welcome by Elisabeth Morin-Chartier, Member of the European Parliament, President of the European Union of Women
“Gender in the European Research Area and in the new European Framework Programme Horizon 2020”, Viviane Willis-Mazzichi, Head of Sector “Gender”, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation
"Contact Point Women into EU Research - best practice and strategies for Horizon 2020", Nadine Heller-Genath, Contact Point Women into EU Research / FiF, Bonn, Germany
Current gender-related EU projects: INTEGER, Anne Pépin, CNRS, France ; EGERA, Maxime Forest, Sciences Po, France; GenderTIME, Anne-Sophie Godfroy, UPEC, France; GENOVATE, Ilenia Picardi, project manager, University of Naples Federico II, Italy; STAGES, Giovanna Declich, ASDO, Italy.
12.30-14.00 Lunch Break Session 2: Up-skilling Women Scientists Careers - European and French perspectives Chair: Claudine Hermann, EPWS and Femmes & Sciences 14.00
Key Note Speech: “Women, Gender & Science: Modern sexism in action” Nicky Le Feuvre, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Round table on Human Resources Management in R&D in the private sector and in public research institutions: Sophie Sergent, IFREMER ; Colette Guillopé, UPEC ; Marie-Stéphane Pefferkorn, Airbus Group
Mentoring experiences in France (Florence Clauzure, SAFEGE company, Christine Charretton, femmes et mathématiques and May Morris, Femmes & Sciences) and in Europe (Helene Fueger, University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
Conclusion André Béraud, ECEPIE
Coffee and Networking
EPWS General Assembly (only for EPWS members)
EPWS Newsletter, Issue 35, May 2014
Innovation Summit Fringe Session March 11th 2014 “Bridging the gender gap and accelerating innovative, sustainable growth” This session on “Bridging the gender gap and accelerating innovative, sustainable growth” was the only one in the Innovation Summit of the European Commission (March 10-11 2014) to deal with gender issues. It was organized by the European Union of Women Inventors & Innovators Network (EUWIIN) (, an EPWS member, and by EPWS and was moderated by Bola Olabisi, director of EUWIIN. There were 50 persons in the audience. Two women inventors from EUWIIN described their invention in the medical field and the founder and Chairperson of the Icelandic Women Inventors and Innovators Network insisted upon the needed collaboration between EUWIIN, “which has the network” and the European Commission, “which has the money”. The three European Women Innovators 2014 awardees kindly attended the session. All the women inventors insisted upon their passion for their job, that is driving them. Marie-Hélène Therre, from EPWS, a participant to the Gendered Innovations project, stressed that gender perspective is one key to get insights and to insure growth of knowledge and sustainable outcome in the innovation process. Claudine Hermann emphasized that Innovation is also in processes in Economy, Management and Human Resources. As a conclusion it was asked how the networks and associations can better collaborate with the European Commission? How could they be better supported by the European Commission?
Claudine Hermann Vice-President EPWS EPWS Newsletter, Issue 35, May 2014
NEWS FROM EPWS and its MEMBERS “Women and Science” Expert input session Brussels March 2014 On 10th March 2014 in Brussels, Claudine Hermann represented EPWS at the input session on “Women and Science” organised by the European Economic and Social Committee” (EESC), which is preparing an “opinion” on this topic for the end of 2014. The other experts audited were Prof. Anne Glover, Viviane Willis-Mazzichi, head of the Gender Sector at DG Research, Nicole Dewandre, first head of the Women and Science unit in 1998, Prof. Alison Woodward (Free University of Brussels); Katrien Maes (LERU), John Peacock (EURODOC), Prof Nuria Sebastian Galles (ERC). The different experts made a complete and complementary description of the situation. Claudine Hermann, Vice-President EPWS
BASNET Forumas launched GEIRICA project
project started during the Lithuanian presidency to EU Council. Therefore some of GEIRICA project objectives/ activities are linked to FP7 project SAPGERIC, aiming at organizing the LT presidency Conference “Structural change promoting gender equality in research organizations”. The project activities are targeted at ensuring extension of cooperation, sharing knowledge and mutual understanding among partners and making wider effects for the solution problems in the field. On the basis of practices gained by donor countries (Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein) the unified mechanisms for collaboration of stakeholders (scientists, high level executives of research institutions and science policy-making bodies), supporting effective implementation of structural change aiming at insuring gender equality in research organizations will be worked out and recommendations to the responsible Lithuanian bodies will be developed. The GEIRICA partner’s initiative to develop recommendations for inclusion of gender in science issues into Action plans of other international and regional EU programmes, was included in the recommendations from the 2013 SAPGERIC conference.
Vilnius BASNET Forumas has launched a new project financed by the European Economic Area and Norway Funds Bilateral programme. The project entitled “Gender Equality Implementation in Research Institutions: Collaborative Approach” (GEIRICA) aims at strengthening the cooperation between Lithuania and donor countries for ensuring gender equality in research institutions. The project is coordinated by Vilnius University. The partners of the project are Norwegian University of Science and Technology, University of Iceland, University of Liechtenstein and the Baltic States regional association BASNET Forumas. The GEIRICA EPWS Newsletter, Issue 35, May 2014
GEIRICA project partners from Norway prof. M. Lie and S. Benediktsdottir at SAPGERIC
Please see the GEIRICA web page for more information about the project at Dalia Satkovskiene EPWS BoA 6
STAGES Mid-term workshop: ‘Gender and Science – Advancements and resistances in fighting structural inequality’ Brussels March 2014 After the opening speeches, the first session of the Structural Transformation to Achieve Gender Equality in Science (STAGES) Midterm workshop “Negotiating change in five research institutions” first presented the results of questionnaires that were filled in the five partner institutions of this EU project: on supporting careers in early stage, on the male component of the issue, on the involvement of management and research leadership in structural changes. An analysis compared the “cooperative (women and men) management” to the “conflict management” in academia. The different measures for awareness raising (informing the public, educating students, training staff members) and the resistance toward changes in organizational culture, institutions procedures, symbols and norms were described. In the second session in which the other EU projects on structural changes were presenting their main findings, five parallel open discussions took place: I attended two of them, one on “How to monitor gender equality in research institutions” and another one on “Facilitating gender equality change in higher education institutions – Networks for women, women in networks”, which analysed women networks from a theoretical point of view, a quite interesting approach. In the afternoon session, the keynote speech was given by Virginia Valian (The City University of New York), who stressed that gender discrimination arises from the accumulation of small disadvantages and gave procedural changes to avoid them. The following round table provided the experience of experts in relation with the topics of the EPWS Newsletter, Issue 35, May 2014
STAGES project: Jadranka Gvozdanovic (University of Heidelberg) on the importance of involving the whole university in the structural changes and not a single department; Alice Hogan on the results of the US NSF ADVANCE project, Katrien Maes on the LERU experience in 11 European universities, Paul Walton (University of York) on the Athena Swan Award that his department received at the gold level, and I on the practical experience of the EPWS and Femmes & Sciences associations. Claudine Hermann, Vice-President EPWS
Call for input to a benchmarking report for the French Ministry of Higher Education and research The study will be about all the initiatives launched in the Member states (and other countries outside the EU) aiming at working on the attractiveness of science for teenage girls before entering universities or in the first years of higher education. Examples of actions towards both girls and boys will also be welcome. Please will you send information about what is done in your country (in French, English, German or Italian) to
[email protected] before 31st May 2014. It will be helpful to know whether these actions are evaluated and efficient. The ministry of Higher Education and Research is expecting some recommendations from EPWS as a conclusion of the report. Claudine Hermann, Vice-President EPWS
ICWIP 2014 Conference on Women in Physics August 2014 The 5th International Conference on Women in Physics (ICWIP), sponsored by the International Union of Pure and Applied
Physics (IUPAP) will be held in Waterloo, Canada, from the 5th to 8th August 2014. The first of these triennial conferences was held in Paris in 2002, when Claudine Hermann, EPWS Vice-President, was the excellent Chair of the Local Organising committee. That conference included delegations from about 65 countries and the findings were ground-breaking.
The ICWIP logo representing women from across the world
Dalia Satkovskiene, member of the EPWS Board of Administration, is the team leader of the Lithuanian delegation and Ann Marks, who is also a member of the EPWS Board of Administration, is the Team leader of the UK delegation. An EPWS poster is being prepared to submit to the conference, promoting the work of the EPWS to a worldwide audience. Other European teams will attend the ICWIP conference and we invite them to contribute reports of their experiences to EPWS. Please see for more information. Ann Marks, EPWS BoA
Stop Press! “Safeguarding European excellence” International Innovation Journal article May 2014 EPWS Newsletter, Issue 35, May 2014
Congratulations to Dr Brigitte Mühlenbruch, President of the EPWS, and Dr Dora Groo, President of the Association of Hungarian Women in Science and Board Member of EPWS. They have recently been interviewed and are profiled in the latest issue of International Innovation journal, a leading resource for the wider scientific, technology and research communities.
“From longstanding and successful careers in healthcare research, Drs Brigitte Muehlenbruch and Dora Groo have turned their attention to the pursuit of gender equality in science and innovation. Working through organisations such as the European Platform of Women Scientists and Association of Hungarian Women in Science, both these influential ambassadors represent the interests of women working within the sciences and industry.” The article describes the prestigious careers of both scientists and their work towards gender equality in science. Brigitte’s main hopes for the future are reported to be to increase the participation of women scientists in European research policy, and enhance involvement of women in science, its decision-making bodies, and national and European research programmes. She would like to see a much better understanding and integration of the gender dimension in science, and structural change in universities and research organisations and strives toward a gender-balanced science culture to foster innovation. Please see the EPWS website at The journal is at 8
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Subscriptions Remember - EPWS depends on membership fees to continue to exist. All membership fees are due annually each January. Fees should be paid by bank transfer using the IBAN bank system. Please see the ‘bank transfers’ page on the EPWS website at . Note - fees have not been increased for 2014. Please contact
[email protected] if you have any problems regarding payment. Thank you,
EPWS Executive
Notes from the Editor: Dear Readers, The EPWS is a network of networks so please forward this email newsletter to all networks and individuals who are interested in women in science issues. All EPWS members are encouraged to submit newsletter articles for future issues announcing future events or reporting news of their networks and of women in science activities in their countries. Please send contributions to
[email protected] marked ‘for the attention of the EPWS newsletter editor’. They may be submitted at any time and should be brief. Photographs are particularly welcome. Remember to visit the EPWS website at Also do send recent information, of interest to our members and website visitors, please it to the Executive Committee at
[email protected]. for posting on the website at after approval. Please remember to suggest to others that they join the EPWS! Best regards, Ann Marks
EPWS Board of Administration
EPWS Email Contacts: General enquiries:
[email protected] (e.g. requests for speakers and general information) Membership applications and membership issues:
[email protected] For financial support and/or offers of in-kind:
[email protected] or use the ‘donation’ section on the EPWS website. Published by: EPWS Rue d’Arlon 38, B-1000 Brussels References Articles published in the EPWS Newsletter are based on articles featured in different EU publications and information portals, booklets, advertising, seminars, conferences, etc. Articles in this issue have been submitted by the Board of Administration and the Executive Committee. Articles are invited from members of the EPWS for future issues. The EPWS is not responsible for the accuracy of the content. EPWS Newsletter, Issue 35, May 2014