In vitro and in vivo anticancer activity of Indigofera ... - CyberLeninka

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1Natural Products Laboratory, Swamy Vivekanandha College of Pharmacy, Tiruchengodu, Tamilnadu, India. 2Department of ... scavenging of free radicals by the phytochemicals in MEIC. ..... International Book Publishers; 1993,p.714-715.
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine (2011)379-385


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Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine journal

Document heading


In vitro and in vivo anticancer activity of Indigofera cassioides Rottl. Ex. DC. Raju Senthil Kumar1*, Balasubramanian Rajkapoor2, Perumal Perumal3 Natural Products Laboratory, Swamy Vivekanandha College of Pharmacy, Tiruchengodu, Tamilnadu, India Department of Pharmacology, Dayanandha Sagar College of Pharmacy, Bangalore, India 3 Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, JKK Nataraja College of Pharmacy, Komarapalayam, Tamilnadu, India 1 2



Article history: Received 14 January 2011 Received in revised form 27 February 2011 Accepted 15 March 2011 Available online 20 May 2011

Objective: To evaluate the antitumor, cytotoxic and antioxidant activities of methanolic leaf extract of Indigofera cassioides (MEIC) against transplantable tumors and human cancer cell lines. Methods: MEIC was investigated for its short term cytotoxicity on EAC and DLA cells by trypan blue dye exclusion method and in vitro cytotoxicity on HeLa, HEp-2, HEpG-2, MCF-7, HT-29, Vero and NIH 3T3 cells by MTT assay. In vivo antitumor activity was studied on EAC and DLA tumor bearing mice. Activity was assessed by monitoring the mean survival time, effect on hematological parameters, antioxidant enzyme levels and solid tumor volume. Results: MEIC exhibit potent in vitro cytotoxicity against all the tested cancer cell lines, but it was found to be safe on normal cells. The extract significantly (P