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INBRANDING: DEVELOPMENT OF A CONCEPTUAL MODEL Cheryl Ann Luczak, University of Illinois at Chicago Waldemar Pfoertsch, Pforzheim University, Germany Jennifer D. Chandler, University of California Frederik Beuk, University of Illinois at Chicago Jian Su, University of Illinois at Chicago
[email protected] ABSTRACT With the rapid changes in the global economy and the sophistication of customers, industrial businesses are being forced to employ more active marketing and branding strategies, strategies that will provide them with the opportunity to be faster and more flexible in responding to the changing competitive conditions in the supplier industry and constantly changing customer needs. The purpose of this article is to introduce and differentiate ingredient branding from other branding opportunities, specifically, distinguish co-branding from ingredient branding, then, postulate InBranding as a new term for ingredient branding with special emphasis on the component producer and clarifying the supplier versus manufacture based perspectives. Brand literature on these differentiations does not exist yet and therefore this article aims to fill this gap. Key terms: Ingredient Brand, component branding, InBrand, Brand Management, Conceptual Model REFERENCES Aaker, D. (2003), The Power of the Branded Differentiator, MIT Sloan Management Review, Vol. 45, no.1, p. 83-87. Aaker, D., Joachimsthaler, E. (2000), The Brand Relationship Spectrum—The Key to the Brand Architecture Challenge,” California Management Review, Fall 2000. Abbo, H.-M . (2006) An Exploratory Study on the Impact of Two Ingredient Branding Strategies on the Host Brand, CAHIERdeRECHERCHE N/4 University of Pau & Pays de l’Adour. Abratt, R. and Motlana, P., (2002), “Managing co-branding strategies: Global brands into local markets”, Business Horizons, Vol. 45, No. 5 (Sept/Oct), p. 43-50. Adams D. (1997), Ingredient Branding at 3M Company in: Donath, B., Customer Value: Moving Forward—Back to Basics, ISBM Report 13-1997, p. 27 - 29 Bartlett, C.A., Ghoshal, S. and Birkinshaw, J. (2004), Transnational Management: Text, cases, and readings in crossborder management (4 th Ed.). New York: Irwin McGraw-Hill. Baumgarth, C F., H. (2001), Ingredient Branding. Begriff und theoretische Begründung, in Esch, F.-R. (Hrsg.): Moderne Markenführung, 3. Auflage, Wiesbaden 2001, S. 317 - 343. Boad, B. (1999), Co-branding Comes of Age, Managing Intellectual Property, Issue 94, November
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Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Studies, Volume 12, Number 1