Oct 17, 2016 - The Long Island Early Childhood Direction Center and The Long Island ... Payment ___Visa ___MasterCard __
The Long Island Early Childhood Direction Center and The Long Island Parent Center At the Center for Community Inclusion, LIU Post
Inclusive Schools: Growing, Playing, and Learning Together An Opportunity to Acquire Valuable Information and Resources Regarding Educating Young Children in the Least Restrictive Environment Monday, October 17, 2016 LIU Post at the Tilles Atrium, 720 Northern Boulevard Brookville, New York 11548 ~At No Cost to Attendees~ Registration -Coffee and Tea Welcome and Introduction
8:30 – 9:00 9:00 – 9:25 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS
Jessica Gallo New York State Education Department IEP Facilitation Pilot Program 9:30 - 10:30 AM
Stephanie Dockweiler President of QS2 Training and Consulting
Classroom Design: Promoting a Developmentally Appropriate Social Environment 10:45 - 12:00
Lunch on Your Own or Prepaid Box Lunch – see next page for details
12:00 – 12:45
A Day in Our Lives: Members of Committee on Preschool Special Education Share
12:45 – 1:45
This panel will discuss the role of CPSE members and the meeting decision-making process involved during a CPSE meeting. Panel presenters: Debra Lo Verde- Executive Director for Special Education Services, Hewlett-Woodmere School District, Janice Friedman, CEO, Variety Child Learning Center, and a parent of a young child with a disability.
Break Out Sessions
2:00– 3:00
Directions to LIU POST From the West: L. I. Expressway to Exit 39 (Glen Cove Rd). Go North to Northern Blvd. (Route 25A). Turn right. Go 2 miles to L.I.U., Post Campus (Tilles Center) – West Gate. Turn right onto Post Lane, the Tilles Center Atrium will be on your left. From the East: L. I. Expressway to Exit 41N (Rte. 107). North on 107, bear left at fork where 106 & 107 split. Turn left onto Northern Blvd. (Rte. 25A). At first light, turn left into L.I.U. (East Gate). Immediately turn right onto University Dr. At 2nd stop (West Gate), turn left onto Post Lane - follow directions above.
Break Out Sessions - Please check one: □ Break out #1 The Role of the SEIT in the Early Childhood Community Setting: Opportunities and Challenges – This panel will address the role of a Special Education Itinerant Teacher in the early childhood setting. Addressing challenges and providing strategies for inclusive practices, while building a successful team will be discussed. Panel presenters: Cindy Samide-CPSE Chairperson, Roslyn Public Schools, Jeanne Ginsberg-SEIT Supervisor, Variety Child Learning Center and Kathy McShea-Pre Kindergaten teacher, Roslyn School District. □ Break out #2 Build It and They WiIl Come -Several examples of how teams in a variety of early childhood settings successfully support inclusive practices for preschoolers with disabilities. Panel Presenters: Jacqueline Boyd-Director, Kids R Kids Preschool, Tricia White-Special Education Teacher and Kenya Perry (SEIT). □ Break out #3 The Top 10 things Parents and Professionals Can do for Young Children with Disabilities to Enhance their Success within Inclusive Settings - This workshop will provide an overview of 10 fundamental strategies to put in place to enhance a young child’s performance in inclusive settings. These strategies are an efficient way to reach our goal that all children will have opportunities to learn alongside their typical peers. Presented by Dr. Kathleen Feeley, Executive Director, Center for Community Inclusion and members of the LI Early Childhood Direction Center team.
Registration For Information: Call 516 – 299 - 2208 or Email:
[email protected] Name__________________________________________ Phone___________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail Address___________________________________________________________________________________
□ Check if you will have lunch on your own Lunch may be purchased (or you can bring a brown bagged lunch). If interested, please complete below. Registration form must be submitted by Monday October 10, 2016, to order a prepaid lunch.)
Boxed lunch- Includes chips and cookies and bottle of water-----------------------------------------------------------$12.00 □ Turkey □ Ham □ Veggie Payment ___Visa ___MasterCard ___Discover ___
We accept purchase orders.
Check (Checks payable to Long Island University)
Credit Card #____________________________________________ Three/four digit security code_____________ Exp. Date_____________________ Signature_________________________________________________________ Please register by, if not purchasing lunch: Thursday, October 12, 2016 You may send this form via: Email to:
[email protected] Fax: 516.299.2724 Mail to: Attn: Grace Gazzo LIU Post, College of Education, Information and Technology 720 Northern Blvd., Brookville, NY 11548 2