Increased expression of vascular permeability factor (vascular ...

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of VPF and VPF receptor mRNA and the distribution of VPF protein in human renal cell carcinomas. Three transitional cell carcinomas were also examinedfor.
Amencan journal of Patbology, Vol. 143, No. 5, November 1993 Copyrfght © Amenican Society for Investigative Patbology

Short Communication Increased Expression of Vascular Permeability Factor (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) and Its Receptors in Kidney and Bladder Carcinomas

Lawrence F. Brown, Brygida Berse, Robert W. Jackman, Kathi Tognazzi, Eleanor J. Manseau, Harold F. Dvorak, and Donald R. Senger

Vascular permeability factor (VPF), also known as vascular endothelial growth factor, is a secretedprotein implicated in tumor-associated microvascular hyperpermeability and angiogenesis. Tumor ceUs in 11 of 12 renal cell carcinomas expressed high levels of VPF messenger RNA (mRNA) by in situ hybridization, the only exception being a case of the relatively avascular papillary variant. Expression was further accentuated adjacent to areas of necrosis. Both tumor cells and endothelial cells in smaU vessels adjacent to tumor stained stronglyfor VPF protein by immunohistochemistry. Endothelial ceUs did not express detectable VPF mRNA, but did express high levels of mRNA for the VPF receptors fit-i and KDR indicating that the endothelial ceU staining likely reflects binding of VPF secreted by adjacent tumor ceUs. Three transitional ceU carcinomas also labeled stronglyfor VPF mRNA. These data suggest an important rolefor VPF in the vascular biology of these two common human malignancies. (AmJ Pathol 1993, 143:1255-1262)

over, VPF, which is also known as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), stimulates endothelial cell growth and angiogenesis.5-10 The VPF gene transcript is alternatively spliced,11 and it has been reported that the largest isoform remains cell associated, presumably due to its greater affinity for heparin-containing proteoglycans.12 VPF interacts with at least two specific tyrosine kinase receptor proteins found on endothelial cells, fit-1 and KDR.13,14 In response to VPF, free cytosolic calcium is increased in endothelial cells, probably via a phospholipase C-mediated mechanism.15 VPF is synthesized and secreted by a variety of cultured tumor cells, transplantable animal tumors, and certain primary brain tumors in man.2,5,16-24 Tumors must induce a vascular stroma to grow past a minimal size,25 and VPF may play an important role in the induction of this stroma in at least two ways: as an endothelial growth factor and/or by increasing microvascular permeability to plasma proteins, leading to alterations of the extracellular matrix including fibrin deposition. Consistent with an important role, monoclonal antibody to VPFNEGF has been shown to suppress growth and decrease the density of blood vessels in experimental tumors.26 Given this data, it is important to determine if VPF is expressed in primary human cancers, particularly in common carcinomas. In a previous study, Northern analysis of messenger (m)RNAs isolated from normal kidneys demonstrated VPF mRNA, but much higher levels of transcript were found in a renal cell carci-

Vascular permeability factor (VPF) is a potent inducer of microvascular hyperpermeability.1-3 On a molar basis, it increases microvascular permeability with a potency some 50,000 times that of histamine.4 More-

Supported by U.S. Public Health Service NIH grants CA50453 and CA58845 (to HFD) and CA43967 (to DRS). Accepted for publication July 18, 1993. Address reprint requests to Dr. Lawrence F. Brown, Department of Pathology, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, MA 02215.

From the Departments of Pathology, Beth Israel Hospital

and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts



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AJP November 1993, Vol. 143, No. 5

noma.24 In a study of normal kidneys, VPF message and protein were localized primarily to glomerular epithelial cells by in situ hybridization (ISH) and immunohistochemistry (IH).27 The primary goal of this study was to examine in greater detail the expression of VPF and VPF receptor mRNA and the distribution of VPF protein in human renal cell carcinomas. Three transitional cell carcinomas were also examined for VPF expression.

Materials and Methods Thirteen nephrectomy specimens and two cystectomy specimens containing primary carcinomas were examined shortly after resection. Sections of tumor and adjacent normal tissue were fixed and processed for ISH and IH. Tissues were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde in phosphate-buffered saline, pH 7.4, for 2 to 4 hours at 4 C and were then transferred to 30% sucrose in phosphate-buffered saline overnight at 4 C, frozen in OCT compound (Miles Diagnostics, Elkhart, IN) and stored at -70 C. ISH was performed on 6-p frozen sections. Details of ISH, selection, and preparation of the anti-sense singlestranded VPF RNA probe and its sense control have been described,27 the anti-sense probe hybridizes specifically with a region of VPF mRNA common to the four known VPF splicing variants.11,28 Polymerase chain reaction primers for the VPF receptors fit-1 and KDR were derived from sequences within the kinase insert regions,29'30 adding BamHl and EcoRI sites to assist in cloning. The following primers were synthesized by David Gonzales at Beth Israel Hospital using an Applied Biosystem machine: 1) for fit-1: UP 5' CTAGGATCCGTGACTTATTTTTTCTCAACAAGG 3' and DN 5' CTCGAATTCAGATCTTCCATAGTGATGGGCTC 3'; 2) for KDR: UP 5' CGTGGATCCACCAAAGGGGCACGATTCCGTC 3' and DN 5' CTCGAATTCTGTAACAGATGAGATGCTCCAAGG 3'. Pairs of fit-1 and KDR primers were used in the polymerase chain reaction hot start ampliwax technique according to Perkin Elmer Cetus (Norwalk, CT) protocol (35 cycles, annealing temperature, 60 C, extension for 2 minutes at 72 C). Human fetal liver complementary DNA from Clontech (Palo Alto, CA) was used as a template. The resulting products were precipitated with ethanol, digested with BamHl and EcoRI, electrophoresed on 1% agarose gels (FMC, Rockland, ME) and intercepted on NA45 (Schleicher and Schuell, Keene, NH) according to the manufacturer's instructions. Fragments were cloned into pGEM 3 (ProMega, Madison, WI), and

clones were prepared and sequenced (Sequenase 2, USB, Cleveland, OH). Correct sequence clones of fit-1 and of KDR (225 and 209 bp, respectively) were used to prepare 35S-labeled anti-sense and sense probes for ISH using SP6 and T7 polymerases and materials from Promega.24 Preparation of an affinity-purified rabbit antibody to the N-terminal peptide (amino acid residues nos. 1 to 26) of human VPF has been described.16,31 This anti-peptide antibody specifically binds VPF in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and on immunoblots, blocks VPF activity, and when linked to agarose selectively binds VPF from solution31; because of its specificity, it has become the antibody of choice for demonstrating VPF by IH.16'27 IH was performed with an avidin-biotin peroxidase conjugate protocol.16'27 Normal rabbit immunoglobulin G (IgG) diluted to an equivalent protein concentration was used as a control in place of the primary antibody.

Results VPF mRNA Expression in Kidney and Bladder Tumors Sections of tumor and grossly normal kidney were studied from 13 nephrectomy specimens. Histologically, 1 1 cases were typical renal cell carcinomas, composed predominantly of clear cells and cells with granular cytoplasm, one of the 11 cases also displayed focal spindle cell differentiation. Of the two other cases examined, one was a renal cell carcinoma with a predominantly papillary histology, the other was a transitional cell carcinoma arising in the renal pelvis. Two high-grade invasive transitional cell carcinomas of the bladder were also studied. In all 11 cases of typical renal cell carcinoma (Figure 1, A and B) and in the three transitional cell carcinomas (Figure 1, G and H), the tumor cells labeled strongly for VPF mRNA by ISH, including the area of spindle cell differentiation in the one renal cell carcinoma that exhibited this growth pattern focally. Labeling was intense throughout and virtually all tumor cells were labeled. However, labeling to an even greater extent was observed adjacent to areas of overt tumor necrosis. In contrast to typical renal cell carcinoma, unequivocal labeling for VPF mRNA was not detected in the single papillary adenocarcinoma studied by ISH. Of interest, rare stromal cells in the transitional cell carcinomas also labeled for

VPF in Kidney and Bladder Carcinoma


AJP November 1993, Vol. 143, No. 5

Figure 1. Bright-field (A and C) and dark-field (B and D) photomicrographs of ISH performed on renal cell carcinoma uith VPF anti-sense (A and B) or sense (C and D) riboprobes. Note intense specific labeling of tumor cells (A and B) and low background levels (C and D). Bnight-field (E) and dark-field (F) photomicrographs of ISHperformed on normal kidney with VPF anti-sense probe demonstrating louw-level labeling of kidney ttibtule (arrouw). Bright-field (G) and dark-field (H) photomicrographs of ISH performed on transitional cell carcinoma uwith VPF anti-sense probe demonstrating intense labelinig of tuimor cells. (288X; scale bar = 30 p).

VPFNEGF mRNA. For comparison, sections of grossly normal kidneys were studied in all 13 cases. As previously reported, glomerular epithelial cells labeled strongly for VPF mRNA but only focal low-level labeling was found in the tubular epithelium (Figure 1, E and F) from which renal cell carcinomas are thought to originate. Thus, the strong labeling for VPF mRNA in renal cell carcinomas was far in excess of that seen in normal tubular epithelium. In all cases, back-

ground levels were low, and no specific cellular labeling was seen with control sense probes (Figure 1, C and D).

Detection of VPF in Kidney Tumors by Immunohistochemistry Immunohistochemistry for VPF was performed on five representative renal cell carcinomas and corresponding sections of normal kidney with affinity-


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purified anti-VPF peptide antibody. In each case, antibody stained both the malignant cells and the numerous small blood vessels in the minimal stroma that separated nests of malignant cells (Figure 2, A

and C). In contrast, staining of blood vessels was not observed in sections of normal kidney, but antibody stained glomerular epithelial cells. No specific staining was seen in tumors or normal kidney when





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V . Figure 2. Low (A and B) and high-power (C and D) photomicrographs illustrating IH staining of a renal cell carcinoma with affinity-purified anti-VPFpeptide antibody (A and C) or control IgG (B and D). Both tumor cells (a typical nest of cells is labeled T in C and D) and blood vessels (labeled uith a V in the lumen in C and D) stain with anti-VPF but not control antibodies. A and B 107X; scale bar = 112 Y. C and D 279X; scale bar= 40,u.

VPF in Kidney and Bladder Carcinoma 1259 AJP November 1993, Vol. 143, No. 5

control IgG was substituted for the primary antibody (Figure 2, B and D).

Expression of mRNA Encoding the VPF/ VEGF Receptors fit- 1 and KDR in Kidney Tumors and Normal Kidney Sections of three typical renal cell carcinomas and corresponding normal kidneys were studied by ISH for expression of mRNA for the VPFNEGF receptors fit-1 and KDR. In all three carcinomas, endothelial cells of small tumor vessels labeled strongly for the mRNAs encoding each receptor (Figure 3, A to D). In contrast, no definite labeling for receptors was seen over endothelial cells in small vessels in normal kidney, although a suggestion of very weak labeling was observed over glomeruli in some sections. The level of labeling was too low to permit identification of a specific type of glomerular cellemitting signal. In all cases, background levels

were low, and no specific cellular labeling was observed with sense probe controls.

Discussion As judged by ISH, the malignant epithelial cells of the 11 typical renal carcinomas expressed markedly higher levels of VPF mRNA compared to normal renal tubular epithelium. In contrast, a single case of renal cell carcinoma with pure papillary architecture did not label for VPF mRNA. This confirms our previous report of another case of papillary renal cell carcinoma that did not express VPF mRNA by Northern analysis.24 Of interest, renal cell carcinomas of the papillary type are reported to be relatively avascular as compared to other renal cell carcinomas and have been reported to have a better prognosis.3233 Similar to the typical renal cell carcinomas, a transitional cell carcinoma arising in the renal pelvis and two invasive transitional cell carcinomas of the bladder also labeled strongly for VPF mRNA.




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Figure 3. Bright-field (A and C) and dark-field (B and D) photomicrographs of ISH performed on renal cell carcinomas with anti-sense riboprobes to the VPFIVEGF receptors KDR (A and B) andflt-1 (C and D) demonstrating labeling of endothelial cells in small vessels (vessel is outlined by arrows in A and B and labeled with a V in the lumen in C and D) adjacent to carcinoma cells (288x; scale bar = 30 ,u).


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Tumor cell labeling for VPF mRNA was strong throughout the renal and transitional cell carcinomas, but was intensified additionally in zones of tumor immediately adjacent to zones of overt necrosis. Hypoxia has been reported to increase expression of VPF mRNA by cultured cell lines and increased VPF expression has also been correlated with areas of necrosis in certain brain tumors.19'20 Hypoxia, however, is unlikely to be the only factor that regulates VPF expression in either tumors or normal kidney. In the kidney and bladder carcinomas studied, VPF expression was strong, even in well-vascularized areas far removed from zones of necrosis. Moreover, in previous studies, VPF expression in transformed cells was much higher than in their nontransformed counterparts, even though culture conditions were identical, indicating that increased VPF expression was associated with the transformed phenotype rather than exclusively with environmental factors such as hypoxia.2 17'24 Finally, epithelial cells of the normal renal glomerulus express VPF mRNA,27 a finding that cannot be explained by hypoxia because kidney is among the most well-vascularized organs in the body. It is likely that the high levels of VPF expressed by renal cell and transitional cell carcinomas is important to their biology. Tumors must induce a vascular stroma if they are to grow beyond a minimal size,25 and VPF may play an important role in the induction of such stroma by acting in several ways. VPF is an endothelial cell growth factor6'7'10 and may directly stimulate the growth of new blood vessels. VPF also acts on endothelial cells to increase microvascular permeability,1' 24 resulting in the extravasation of plasma proteins, including fibrinogen, into the extravascular space. Extravasated fibrinogen clots to form fibrin, and other proteins, such as fibronectin, may be incorporated into the fibrin clot.34 This clot provides a provisional matrix into which fibroblasts, endothelial cells, macrophages, and other cells migrate, eventually transforming it into vascularized connective tissue.35'36 This same series of events takes place in healing wounds37 and can also be initiated by implanting fibrin into the subcutaneous space.38 VPF is also likely to affect the vascular tumor stroma in other ways, because it has been reported to induce expression of plasminogen activator, plasminogen activator inhibitor,39 interstitial collagenase,40 and procoagulant activity41 by endothelial cells; in addition, VPF provokes the release of von Willebrand factor from endothelial cells.15

Small blood vessels in the tumor stroma labeled strongly for mRNA encoding the VPF receptors fit-1 and KDR. In addition, the same vessels stained for VPF protein by IH. In contrast, no VPF mRNA was detected in endothelial cells. Therefore, it seems likely that VPF is synthesized by tumor cells and released into tumor stroma where it is bound by receptors (fit-1 and KDR) on endothelial cells that line small vessels. In contrast, small vessels did not stain for VPF protein in normal kidney. We noted possible very weak glomerular labeling for transcripts encoding the VPF receptors fit-1 and KDR by ISH, but labeling was not observed in stromal blood vessels in the normal renal cortex or medulla. Therefore, our data indicate that mRNA-encoding VPF receptors is significantly overexpressed by endothelial cells of tumor blood vessels when compared to endothelial cells of normal kidney. Consistent with the findings reported here, IH staining for VPF protein has been described previously in small blood vessels in guinea pig bile duct carcinomas and human brain tumors,16 19 and fit-1 mRNA has been demonstrated in endothelial cells in glioblastomas in the central nervous system.19 In summary, VPF mRNA and protein are strongly expressed in renal cell carcinomas and transitional cell carcinomas. Moreover, in contrast to endothelial cells in normal kidney, endothelial cells lining tumor blood vessels strongly expressed mRNAs for the VPF receptors fit-1 and KDR and stained strongly for VPF protein. As an endothelial cell growth factor, potent inducer of microvascular permeability, and regulator of endothelial cell gene expression, VPF is likely to play an important role in the vascular biology of these common human tumors.

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