Increased recipient pregnancy rates are ... - Fertility and Sterility
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Jun 13, 2012 - 1st ed. Montreal: Acta, Inc.; 1950. 5. Chrousos GP, Torpy DJ, Gold PW. Interactions ... Harville EW, Savitz DA, Dole N, Herring AH, Thorp JM.
control cells. Differences in the mutation frequency and apoptosis were ana- lyzed using Student's t-test (Sigma Stat package version 3). Statistical signifi-.
concentration of afamin in the serum and peritoneal fluid of women with and without ... free controls, correlated with vitamin E levels, and are consistent with increased oxidative stress in .... of infertility, accounting for missing values.
pregnant rats (d19) and Group 3 of preeclampsia model rats via a well-estab- lished reduced uterine perfusion pressure (RUPP). AMH, AMH-R and Kiss.
concentration of afamin in the serum and peritoneal fluid of women with and without ... free controls, correlated with vitamin E levels, and are consistent with increased oxidative stress in .... of infertility, accounting for missing values.
with unexplained or mild male factor subfertil- ity. Its effectiveness, particularly in couples with unexplained infertility, has been recently demonstrated (1, 2).
with vibratory stimulation. Patients were ... Penile tumescence was observed before ejaculation .... sive amounts of superoxide anion after stimulation. (14, 15).
Mar 31, 2009 - Key Words: In vitro fertilization, response to gonadotropins, preeclampsia, .... sidered to be maximal when at least 150 IU/day of recombi-.
Increased recipient pregnancy rates are ... - Fertility and Sterility
grade of good, fair, or poor based upon SART criteria which combines the grading of the inner cell mass, .... Supported by: Laura Bush Women's Health Institute.
RESULTS: The cases of missed abortions revealed significant increase of PPARg expres-sion in extravillous trophoblast cells revealed and less significant increase of this factor in cytotrophoblast cells. The highest parameters were found in missed abortions after SC: PPARg expression in extravillouse trophoblast ex-ceeded control data in 19,3 times (P