Increasing accessibility cost-effectively for people who ...

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Jun 4, 2010 - people living in the city of St Albans in Hertfordshire, using the following policy actions: Putting in dropped kerbs at existing road crossings;.
Institute of Transport Studies, Monash University

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Increasing accessibility cost-effectively for people who are socially excluded Roger Mackett Kamalasudhan Achuthan Helena Titheridge

Recommended Citation Mackett, R., Achuthan, K., & Titheridge, H. (2010). Increasing accessibility cost-effectively for people who are socially excluded. Paper delivered at the 12th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED 2010), held in Hong Kong on 2-4 June, 2010.

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Mackett, Roger L, Achuthan, Kamalasudhan and Titheridge, Helena Centre for Transport Studies, University College London, London, Great Britain E-mail: [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________

SUMMARY This paper is based on research being undertaken as part of the AUNT SUE (Accessibility and User Needs in Transport for Sustainable Urban Environments) research programme being carried out at University College London, London Metropolitan University and Loughborough University in Great Britain. As part of the research programme, a software tool AMELIA (A Methodology to Enhance Life by Increasing Accessibility) is being developed in the Centre for Transport Studies at University College London. The purpose of AMELIA is to help local planners determine whether their transport and related policies help increase social inclusion by seeing whether they allow more people to reach opportunities including shops, employment, leisure facilities, and medical and welfare centres taking into account various mobility guidelines and, where appropriate, the cost of implementing the policy. AMELIA is a policy-oriented user-friendly interface to a GIS (Geographic Information System) designed to allow local transport planners to examine their policies to see if they increase social inclusion. Using AMELIA requires the assembly of data on the mobility capabilities of the members of the group, their movement patterns or potential movement patterns, potential improvements to the environment to increase accessibility, and, optionally, the cost of implementing the improvements. The purpose of this paper is to show how AMELIA can be used to examine the impact of policy actions on particular groups in society in order to increase their accessibility, so that they can reach more opportunities. Research has been carried out into ways of increasing access for elderly and disabled. In the paper, AMELIA is used to show the cost effectiveness of increasing walking accessibility for elderly people living in the city of St Albans in Hertfordshire, using the following policy actions: Putting in dropped kerbs at existing road crossings; Putting in more road crossings; Widening the pavement; Putting in benches so that people can rest; Improving street lighting; Putting in more public toilets. The analysis suggests that the three policy actions of putting in more benches, improving the street lighting and putting in more public toilets, would be much more cost effective than the other three. The paper is concluded with discussion about the implications of the assumptions made in carry out the work. Keywords: accessibility; elderly people; GIS; policy; streets

PURPOSE OF THE STUDY This paper describes an application of the software tool AMELIA (A Methodology to Enhance Life by Increasing Accessibility) which is being developed in the Centre for Transport Studies at University College London. This is part of the research programme being carried out by the AUNT SUE (Accessibility and User Needs in Transport for Sustainable Urban Environments) consortium (see at University College London, London Metropolitan University and Loughborough University in Great Britain. The purpose of AMELIA is to help local planners determine whether their transport and related policies help increase social inclusion by seeing whether they allow more people to reach opportunities including shops, employment, leisure facilities, and medical and welfare centres taking into account various mobility guidelines and, where appropriate, the cost of implementing the policy. AMELIA is a policy-oriented user-friendly interface to GIS (Geographic Information System) designed to allow local transport planners to examine their policies to see if they increase social inclusion. In this paper AMELIA is used to analyse the impact of six policy actions using the city of St Albans in Hertfordshire in Great Britain as a study area. The population being considered is those aged 65 or over. In the next section, AMELIA and how it is used is described. Then the study area and how the software is used are discussed, followed by the analysis of the cost-effectiveness of the policy actions.

AMELIA The purpose of AMELIA is to present the user with a set of possible policy actions relevant to the policy objective being considered, and then to quantify and map the effects of these policy actions to help to assess which is the most effective. The policy objective is normally defined in terms of increasing accessibility for members of a particular group to a set of opportunities, such as shops or medical facilities. Sometimes a mode of travel such as walking is specified. Alternatively, the policy objective might be formulated in terms of overcoming a barrier to movement. AMELIA requires data on the population in the group being considered (the elderly, those in wheelchairs and so on), the nature of the facilities that they wish to reach (shops, jobs, health facilities and so on) and how they can travel there. AMELIA can then be used to see how many more of this group can reach the opportunities as a result of the policy actions. To date, most of the analysis carried out with AMELIA has been at the microscale, examining barriers to walking [Mackett et al, 2008a, b]. The key elements of AMELIA are shown in Figure 1. Having set the general policy objective of increasing accessibility, it can be focussed on particular groups in society or modes of travel by selecting the relevant characteristics. These will be used by AMELIA to identify some suitable policy actions. Some of these can take different values, such as the angle on dropped kerbs, so suitable values need to be selected. Cost data can be provided for the policy actions, since this may influence the scale of implementation. The data for testing the policy action then have to be set up by making appropriate changes to the GIS representing the study area. Advice is provided on how to do this through a „help‟ system. A suitable benchmark can be selected, on the basis of judgement about a „reasonable‟

distance or level of expenditure of time or money [Titheridge et al, 2009]. AMELIA is then run and the results examined, possibly in the light of the cost of implementing the policy action. AMELIA can be run again using different values for the policy action or another policy action. The user can repeat this process until satisfied that a policy action has been identified which is effective in meeting the accessibility needs of the group being considered.

Policy objective


Policy actions to achieve the objective

Analysis of the impact of the actions

Data on the population in a socially-excluded group

Changes in the number of socially excluded people meeting the benchmarks

Data on the local area (transport networks, opportunities, etc)

Figure 1 The components of AMELIA

THE STUDY AREA The design of AMELIA requires an area to be defined for testing the tool and local authority involvement in the design process. The county of Hertfordshire, which is the area immediately north of London, has been chosen for this purpose. It was chosen mainly because Hertfordshire County Council is a non-academic partner in the AUNT-SUE work programme, is able to supply data for the project, and is involved in the testing and validation of AMELIA. St Albans (population 129,005 in the 2001 Census) was chosen because it is a compact city within Hertfordshire which offers a variety of facilities, including retail, medical, entertainment and administrative, which need to be accessed by various members of society, and includes some interesting barriers to movement because of its historic origins as the Roman city of Verulamium. A database has been set up for Hertfordshire. Macro-level data based upon the local authority‟s information systems and other sources such as the 2001 Census of Population have been assembled for the whole county. As part of the model development process, detailed data for St Albans were collected on the street by the authors. Data were collected on the following: buildings, characteristics of the footway, road crossings, bus stops, car parking and features. These have been incorporated into the database.

The data being used for St Albans has been entered into a GIS database using digital data from the Ordnance Survey Land-Line Plus data as the base. The building polygons were extracted from it and populated with the data collected in the field as attributes. The buildings were further grouped into different category levels based on the Ordnance Survey Points of Interest (POI) classification scheme [Ordnance Survey, 2008]. The location data for car parking and features were mapped as point features and linked with their attributes. Using the footways and crossing data collected, a detailed pedestrian network layer of the link-node structure was created by manually digitizing the pavements and crossings using the Land-line data as a backdrop. Once digitized, the network data were subject to further editing to include nodes at all decision points such as crossings and intersections. The links representing footways and crossings were used to store the respective attribute information collected, which could be modelled for network analysis purposes as the cost of traversing a particular link or as a barrier. Data have been extracted from the Census of Population 2001 for Census Output Areas in St Albans to facilitate accessibility analysis of specific groups of people.

METHODOLOGY In order to demonstrate how AMELIA is used to identify ways of increasing accessibility, the impacts of the following policy actions are considered in this paper: Putting in dropped kerbs at existing road crossings; Widening the pavement to allow wheelchairs to progress; Putting in new road crossings every 100 metres; Putting in benches so that people can rest every 50 metres; Providing better lighting, so that people can visit the area after dark; Improving the provision of public toilets. This is considered in terms of upgrading the existing two facilities, adding one new public toilet in one of two locations or adding two new public toilets in the two locations. In order to examine the impact of the policy actions a number of elements need to be specified. These are the population being considered, the output measure, and the cost of implementing the policy action. In this work the population being considered is the population aged 65 or over living in St Albans according to the most recent Census of Population. For the sake of simplicity, only the population that owns a car is considered. (The whole population aged 65 or over has been considered in an earlier paper [Mackett et al, 2008b]). The population being used is the 16275 residents of St Albans who are aged 65 years or over living in private residences that are assumed would travel by car to the city centre. The figure of 16275 has been obtained by assuming that proportion of elderly people who drive in St Albans is the same as the national figure from the National Travel Survey [Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, 2003a, b]. The policy actions require information about some characteristics of the population. These are the walking capability of the population, the numbers of people whose decision to walk would be influenced by the availability of good lighting and the number of people who require near proximity to a public toilet at all times when in the city centre.

Detailed data on the walking capabilities of the elderly population of St Albans are not available, so estimates have been made by applying rates based data from the Survey of Disabled Adults in Private Households in Great Britain which were used to produce the report Disability in Great Britain [Martin et al, 1988]. Table 1 shows the numbers of people aged 65 or over living in St Albans assumed to be capable of walking up a step or capable of walking various distances by applying these rates. In the analysis it was assumed that those who could not walk at all would use wheelchairs and that the rest could walk the distances shown in Table 1. In order to be inclusive the most pessimistic assumptions were made: for example, where the Survey of Disabled Adults showed people could walk between 46 metres and 183 metres it was assumed that 46 metres was the maximum distance they could walk (using the mean or median point would not have been possible for the large numbers who could walk 402 metres or further without making an arbitrary assumption about how far they could walk). Group

Cannot walk up one step 2116

Can walk up one step 0


Cannot walk at all or can walk 2116 less than 46 m Can walk 46 m but not 183 m 65 911 976 Can walk 183 m but not 402 m 65 586 651 Can walk 402 m 0 12532 12532 Total 2246 14029 16275 Table 1 The number of residents of St Albans aged 65 or over with various walking capabilities Source: Based on rates calculated from The Survey of Disabled Adults in Private Households in Great Britain [Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, 1989]. Note: The Survey of Disabled Adults used measurements in yards which have been converted to metres in the above table: 46 metres = 50 yards, 183 metres = 200 yards and 402 metres = 440 yards. It was assumed that half of adults aged 65 or over would be deterred from moving around the city centre if that meant using poorly lit streets. It was assumed that streets should be lit to meet British Standards and thus residential streets, pedestrian-only streets and subsidiary streets are considered poorly lit based on the standard of facial recognition at a distance of 8m as suggested by Fujiyama et al [2005]. The rates used to create Table 1 were applied to 50% of the population (that is, to 8138 people) [Titheridge et al, 2009]. It was assumed that 7.5% of people aged 65 and over would be deterred from moving around the city centre if that meant they would be more than a 5 minute walk away from a public toilet. The numbers of elderly people for whom lack of public toilets was assumed to be a barrier was based on numbers of older people who suffer from continence problems [Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, 1985]. It should be noted that the report only considers those who have suffered an accident at least once during the few months prior to being surveyed as have continence problems. The rates used to create Table 1 were applied to 7.5% of the population (that is, to 1221 people). [Titheridge et al, 2009].

Two output measures are used in this paper. One is the increase in the number of people walking (or using wheelchairs) from the car parks in the city centre who are able to reach the city centre, represented by the Old Town Hall which is adjacent to the main shops and the street market, by walking from the car parks. The second is the increase in the number of shops that can be reached from the car parks. These are considered in terms of the increase in the number of shops that can be accessed within 100m, 200m and 300m walking distance of the car parks. Approximate costs have been introduced for each of these policy actions: €28,000 for a new road crossing based on figures from the London Borough of Camden [2005] Spending Plan, €2300 for new or replacement dropped kerbs (i.e. €1150 for each side of the road), and €75 per square metre for new pavement, both based on figures obtained directly from the London Borough of Camden, and €350 for a new bench based on figures from Spon‟s Price Book [Davis Langdon, 2008]. The cost of a new lamppost is taken to be €1800 each, including the cost of connection, based upon information supplied by the London Borough of Camden. It is necessary to upgrade some of the existing lighting. This is assumed to cost 25% of the cost of a new installation, that is, €450 each. The cost of a new public toilet is taken to be €200,000, including the cost of facilities for people with disabilities, including adult changing facilities, based upon costs in House of Commons [2008]. The cost of upgrading existing facilities is taken to be €25,000 based upon the same source. (The costs were converted to Euros from the original costings in UK Pounds. 1 Euro was worth 10.5 Hong Kong Dollars on 25 February 2010).

RESULTS Table 2 shows the number of units that the analysis with AMELIA suggests are required, and the cost of each unit. Multiplying these together gives the total cost of implementing the action. It can be seen that providing more dropped kerbs would be the cheapest option and providing two new public toilets plus upgrading the existing ones would be the most expensive. However, it is important to consider the effectiveness of the expenditure. A low cost option that does little or nothing to increase access is probably less useful than a more expensive one that does more to increase access. Tables 3 and 4 address the issue of the cost-effectiveness of the policy actions. Table 3 shows the increase in the number of people who can walk (or use a wheelchair) to travel from the car parks to the city centre. It can be seen that providing better street lighting would have the biggest impact, in terms of numbers of people affected, followed by putting in more benches. Very few people would benefit from putting in more dropped kerbs, wider pavements or providing more crossings. In fact there would be no extra people in the last case. This is because these actions have already been implemented in St Albans, to a large extent. There are a few places in the city centre where dropped kerbs are required or the pavement needs widening, but these would help few people. It should be recognised that the assumptions about the number of people who would be affected by the policy action are crucial. It was assumed that 50% of the elderly population would be influenced by providing street lighting. This action would only be effective after dark, particularly on winter afternoons and evenings. The figure of 50% may be too high, but this policy

action would help many people other than those who are elderly, because St Albans is regarded as a „no-go‟ area after dark by many people [Mackett et al, 2010]. Similarly, the assumption about the number of people with continence problems may be incorrect, but increasing the number of public toilets would benefit many other people. Similarly, the effectiveness of the provision of more benches shown here is based on the application of the national figures about the distance elderly people are able to walk. This may not be very sound, but many other people would benefit from the provision of more benches. Policy action Providing dropped kerbs at existing crossings Providing wider pavements Providing crossings every 100m Providing benches every 50m Providing streets with better lighting

Number of units

Unit cost

Total cost




1432 5 148

€75/m2 €28,000 €350 €1,800 for new €450 for upgrade

€107,400 €140,000 €51,800

20 new 47 upgraded

Improving the provision of public toilets Upgrading existing facilities 2 upgraded €200,000 for New facility in location A and 1 new new upgrading existing facilities 2 upgraded €25,000 for New facility in location B and 1 new upgrade upgrading existing facilities 2 upgraded New facility in locations A and B 2 new and upgrading existing facilities 2 upgraded Table 2 The policy actions


€50,000 €250,000 €250,000 €450,000

The other indicator being used here is the increase in the number of shops that can be reached by walking (or wheelchair) from the car parks with disabled spaces. Table 4 shows the increases in the number of shops within 100m, 200m and 300m of the car parks. Three distance bands are being used because different people have different capabilities, as Table 1 showed. It can be seen that the policy actions have differential effects depending on the distance being considered. For example, providing more benches would increase the number of shops that could be reached within 100m of the car parks, but open up fewer opportunities for those able to walk further. Providing better street lighting and more public toilets would open up more opportunities further way from the car parks. In order to include the effects of the three distance bands the number of shops has been summed across them. To give an indicator of the effectiveness of the policy actions the cost of each has been divided by this number. These have then been ranked from the cheapest upwards.

Policy action

Number of extra elderly people who can walk to the city centre

Cost per head of policy action

Ranking from cheapest upwards

Providing dropped kerbs at 8 7 €2,300 existing crossings Providing wider pavements 4 €26,850 8 Providing crossings every 100m 0 9 €∞ Providing benches every 50m 1397 €37 2 Providing streets with better 4068 €14 1 lighting Improving the provision of public toilets Upgrading existing facilities 317 €158 3 New facility in location A and 320 €781 4 upgrading existing facilities New facility in location B and 317 €788 5 upgrading existing facilities New facility in locations A and B 320 €1406 6 and upgrading existing facilities Table 3 Impact of the policy actions on the number of elderly people who can reach the city centre Policy action

Number of shops within distance bands 100m 200m 300m


Cost of increase in access per shop

Rank -ing

Providing dropped kerbs at 6 0 3 9 €2044 existing crossings Providing wider pavements 1 6 15 22 €1220 Providing crossings every 100m 0 0 0 0 €∞ Providing benches every 50m 123 22 2 147 €352 Providing streets with better 23 74 81 178 €321 lighting Improving the provision of public toilets Upgrading existing facilities 44 104 107 255 €196 New facility in location A and 59 134 144 337 €742 upgrading existing facilities New facility in location B and 44 107 120 271 €923 upgrading existing facilities New facility in locations A and B 59 137 157 353 €1275 and upgrading existing facilities Table 4 Impact of the policy actions on the number of shops that can be accessed

8 6 9 3 2 1 4 5 7

It is possible to compare the rankings from the two cost effectiveness indicators. In terms of the public toilets, the most cost-effective approach is upgrading the existing facilities in each case, so this will be considered against the other policy actions. Whilst there are differences between the two sets of rankings, it can be seen that the policy actions can be divided into two groups: improving street lighting, upgrading the

existing public toilets and providing benches are the top three in each case (but not in the same order). Providing more dropped kerbs, wider pavements and more road crossings are all much less cost-effective than the other three policy actions. The building of new public toilets is, in general, better value than the policy actions involving dropped kerbs, wider pavements and more crossings. An interesting feature of the three most cost-effective policy actions is that they would all benefit not only elderly people, but also other sectors of the community. Which of the more effective policy actions is best is not clear. It depends on the specific context, how they are implemented and the local policy priorities. AMELIA can be used as a consultation tool to help the community decide on its priorities [Mackett et al, 2010].

CONCLUSIONS This paper has demonstrated a methodology for assessing which policy actions are most likely to increase access for elderly people. AMELIA does not replace decisionmaking by planners, but, as shown here, can help better informed decisions to be made. The analysis suggests that the three policy actions of improving street lighting, upgrading the existing public toilets and providing benches are likely to be more effective in increasing access for elderly people than policy actions of providing more dropped kerbs, wider pavements and more road crossings. It is recognised that many assumptions have been made in carrying out this analysis. One benefit of this approach is that it helps to make explicit the assumptions that need to be made in determining priorities for expenditure. The assumptions include the capabilities of members of the population, the extent to which the barriers implied in the policy actions actually prevent people from making trips, and the costs of implementing the policy actions. Notwithstanding these assumptions, the approach outlined here is a useful way to identify ways to increase accessibility for people who have disabilities or are elderly.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This paper has been written as part of a project entitled „Accessibility and User Needs in Transport‟ which is being funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under grant GR/S90867/01 as part of its Sustainable Urban Environments Programme. The co-operation of the Environment Department of Hertfordshire County Council is greatly appreciated. The use of data on disability from the Social Surveys Division, OPCS, which was supplied by the UK Data Archive, is acknowledged. OPCS and the UK Data Archive bear no responsibility for the further analysis of this data or its interpretation contained within this article.

REFERENCES Davis Langdon (ed). 2008. Spon’s Civil Engineering and Highway Works Price Book. Taylor and Francis, London. Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. 2003a. National Travel Survey, 1998-2000 [computer file]. SN: 4584, UK Data Archive Colchester, Essex.

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