Indefinite and Reflexive Pronouns - PC\|MAC

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Indefinite pronouns may not refer to specific words. They do not always have definite ... for a favorite product using one indefinite pronoun or one reflexive pronoun.
Space Cadets



Indefinite and Reflexive Pronouns Indefinite pronouns may not refer to specific words. They do not always have definite antecedents: Someone needs to press her uniform. Some common indefinite pronouns are listed below: Singular Indefinite Pronouns Plural Indefinite Pronouns someone, somebody, anyone, few, several, both, others, many, anybody, everyone, everybody, all, some something, no one, either, each • Use singular verb forms with singular indefinite pronouns and plural verb forms with plural indefinite pronouns: Everyone wants to fly a spaceship. Few do it well. Reflexive pronouns reflect the action of the verb back upon the subject. Reflexive pronouns end in -self or -selves: The cadet wanted to see the planet himself. Singular Reflexive Pronouns Plural Reflexive Pronouns himself, herself, myself ourselves, yourselves, themselves itself, yourself • There are no such words as hisself, theirself, theirselves, or ourself.

Directions Underline the correct indefinite pronoun in ( ) to complete each sentence. 1. Does (few, anyone) see the horizon? 2. (Several, Everyone) believe that the planet is habitable. 3. (Many, No one) have volunteered to travel to the M-class planet. 4. If (others, somebody) pilots the spaceship, Tom will go along. Directions Write the correct reflexive pronoun to complete each sentence. yourselves


5. We may have to defend © Pearson Education

6. I



against the alien life forms. will represent Earth Command.

7. You cannot allow 8. Tom blamed

to be captured by the aliens. for putting the crew in danger.

Home Activity Your child learned about indefinite and reflexive pronouns. Ask your child to circle three indefinite pronouns in a newspaper article and identify whether each is singular or plural.

Grammar and Writing Practice Book

14627_073-076_FSD 73

Unit 4 Week 4 Day 2

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Space Cadets



Indefinite and Reflexive Pronouns Directions Write a sentence using the indefinite pronoun and the correct verb in ( ). 1. everyone (listen, listens)

2. several (learns, learn)

3. no one (understands, understand)

4. both (walk, walks)

5. somebody (is, are)

6. everything (fall, falls)

Directions Write a sentence using the reflexive pronoun. 7. myself

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8. themselves

Home Activity Your child learned how to use indefinite and reflexive pronouns in writing. Have your child write a note to his or her teacher using two indefinite or two reflexive pronouns and tell you which is which.


Unit 4 Week 4 Day 3

14627_073-076_BPrinting 74

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11/4/05 5:02:01 PM

Space Cadets



Indefinite and Reflexive Pronouns Directions Mark the letter of the pronoun(s) that complete each sentence. 1. Roger tried to fly the spaceship A hisself B himself C yourself D ourselves 2.



is falling apart on our spaceship. Others Myself Everything Many


have failed the training program. Many Somebody No one Yourself


4. The officers regard A anything B yourselves C herself D themselves

enlist in the space cadet program to see the universe. A Ourselves B Both C Everyone D Somebody

7. The crew is lost because to set the coordinates. A nobody B many C themselves D both

knows how

8. If volunteers for the spacewalk, will be rewarded. A everyone, they B anyone, he or she C anyone, they D ourselves, we 9.

how to pilot a space cruiser.


may have to prepare combat. A Many, they B Ourselves, he C Several, himself D You, yourselves want to do it captain’s help. A We, themselves B He, himself C We, ourselves D We, yourself


without the

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5. Claire taught A yourself B herself C hisself D herselves

as professional pilots.


Home Activity Your child prepared for taking tests on indefinite and reflexive pronouns. Ask your child to use the reflexive pronouns myself, yourself and himself in sentences and explain to whom they refer back the action of the verb.

Grammar and Writing Practice Book

14627_073-076_FSD 75

Unit 4 Week 4 Day 4

75 2/25/05 5:30:40 PM

Space Cadets



Indefinite and Reflexive Pronouns Directions Underline the correct word in ( ) to complete each sentence. 1. Everyone (thinks, think) the captain is strange because he talks to himself. 2. Many of the space pilots (practices, practice) on the flight simulator. 3. Everybody (studies, study) the Space Cadet Training Guide. 4. The captain assures us that nothing (are, is) going to stop our journey. 5. Both of the boys (stumbles, stumble) onto the bridge. 6. (Several, One) of them have gone back to Earth for training. 7. The alarm is sounding because (many, something) is wrong! 8. (Both, Anyone) of the officers train to become Star Generals. 9. The aliens approach the landing party, but (few, nobody) panics. 10. (Everyone, Both) shows (their, his) best manners. Directions Write the correct reflexive pronoun from the box to complete each sentence. yourself




11. The First Officers designed the training program


12. I am not interested in space travel 13. We introduced 14. Do not leave

. to Og and Mog. open to an attack by the hostile aliens. .

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15. Molly prepares the officers’ lunch


Home Activity Your child reviewed indefinite and reflexive pronouns. Have your child make up a slogan for a favorite product using one indefinite pronoun or one reflexive pronoun.


Unit 4 Week 4 Day 5

14627_073-076_FSD 76

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