To complete your Independent Book Project for the second marking period you
will ... require you to have your book with you in English class each day, because
Independent Book Project, Honors English 9: Marking Period 2 To complete your Independent Book Project for the second marking period you will need to choose a book that is on your reading level. It may be fiction or non-fiction. Much of the reading you will complete on this project will be done outside of class, as will the project itself. Although the majority of this project will be completed outside of class, I will require you to have your book with you in English class each day, because there will be times when you may be able to squeeze in a few extra minutes of reading time. During the in-class reading portion of the project, you will complete a Reading Response Log, which will be counted towards your second marking period grade. (Each log will be worth 15 points.) The project portion of the Independent Book Project will be worth 50 points, and you may receive a maximum of 25 points for the presentation of your project to the class. Look below for the presentation options you will need to choose from to present your Independent Reading Project. In order to complete the project portion, please choose one of the following options for your book project. All projects should be typed, and each option should be 2 pages in length, double-spaced. (If you are writing a letter it does not have to be double-spaced.) Critical Writing: (choose 1) Analyzing theme: Write an essay in which you do the following: 1. State what you think is the book’s main theme. 2. Support your statement with evidence from the book. 3. Give your opinion of the theme. (Do you agree or disagree with what the book says about life?) 4. Support your opinion with evidence from your own experiences and knowledge. Letter to a friend: Write a letter to a friend or family member recommending your book and explaining why. Do’s and taboos’ guide: Write a pamphlet or handbook for people traveling to the place and time of your book. Introduce the culture and describe any differences in lifestyles and beliefs that travelers from your place and time should know about. What do the people there eat? What kinds of jobs are available? What behaviors are considered polite or rude? What do the people think is most important in life? **Media Performance: To present your book project this marking period you need to choose from the following options. Song: Write a song with lyrics based on the characters or events of the book. You could set it to the tune of a familiar song or make up your own music. You will need to perform your song, and it should be pre-recorded using a Flipcam or played into Audacity to create an MP3 file.
Speech: Choose an issue from current events and decide what the main character of your book would think about the event. Write and deliver a speech on the issue from the character’s point of view. This should be pre-recorded using a Flipcam. Commercial: Plan and present a radio or TV commercial for your book. Using Photostory or Animoto you may create a commercial to “sell your book.” This would be similar to a movie trailer that you might see on TV. Dramatization: Plan and perform a skit based on a scene in the book. (You will write the script, but you may have others help you perform.) This should be pre-recorded using the Flipcam.
Due Dates: There will be several due dates for your Independent Book Project. Please follow them closely to receive the maximum amount of points possible. Book Selection: You need to have your book choice approved by me and your selection slip completed by Tuesday, November 29, 2011. (You will need to fill out a Book Selection slip.) Book Completion: You will need to have your book finished by Wednesday, January 4th. When you have finished your book please submit to me the Completed Independent Book
Project Presentations: You will be presenting your book project on Wednesday, January 11th or Thursday, January 12th. I will create a presentation schedule; you will need to
present on the day you are scheduled to present or you will lose five points off your total score for each day you are late. Please speak with me before the due dates if you have any questions or concerns about the project.
*Part of this project has been adapted from the International Center for Leadership in Education; Gold Seal Lesson: Independent Reading Project.