Independent Reading Log January 2018 10 pts. Date _________________________ Start Page ____________________
End Page ________________________
Write a THESIS that asserts how your writer depicts an important conflict in your book. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ • • •
Did you include the book’s title? Did you underline the book’s title? Did you include the author’s full name?
Did you pin down a conflict at work in the text? Is your description of the conflict precise?
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Is your thesis written exclusively in thirdperson? Did you adhere to the conventions—e.g., start with a capital letter; end with a period ?
15 pts. Date _________________________ Start Page ____________________
End Page ________________________
Loyalty is an important quality in Neal Shusterman’s Unwind. How loyal is the protagonist in your book? Blindly loyal
Mostly loyal
Somewhat loyal
Totally self-interested
Write a THESIS that identifies which of the above descriptors best applies to your protagonist. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ • • •
Did you include the book’s title? Did you underline the book’s title? Did you include the author’s full name?
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Did you pin down a conflict at work in the text? Is your description of the conflict precise?
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Is your thesis written exclusively in thirdperson? Did you adhere to the conventions—e.g., start with a capital letter; end with a period
Provide no more than two sentences of context that helps the reader better understand and appreciate the evidence. _____________________________________________________________________________________
Did you provide 1-2 sentences in your own words (context)? Does your context provide information that is essential or valuable in helping the reader understand/appreciate the evidence? Is the language of your context specific and precise? Did you maintain third-person language in context?
Provide quoted evidence that supports the thesis. _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ • • • • • •
Did you enclose your evidence in quotation marks? Wherever your book uses quotation marks (dialogue) did you insert additional ‘ ’? Did you spell ALL the words in evidence correctly? Did you place the page number ONLY inside of parentheses at the end of the evidence? Did you place your period—not inside the quotation marks—but after the ( )? Did you limit yourself to TWO sentences of evidence and/or the words of one speaker ONLY
20 pts. Date _________________________ Start Page ____________________
End Page ________________________
Decide on a character trait that is important in your book. Create your OWN range of character traits (that shows extremes and middle ground) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Write a THESIS that identifies which of the descriptors above best applies to your protagonist. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ • • •
Did you include the book’s title? Did you underline the book’s title? Did you include the author’s full name?
• • • •
Did you pin down a conflict at work in the text? Is your description of the conflict precise? Is your thesis written exclusively in third-person? Did you adhere to the conventions—e.g., start with a capital letter; end with a period?
Provide no more than two sentences of context that helps the reader better understand and appreciate the evidence. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ • • • •
Did you provide 1-2 sentences in your own words (context)? Does your context provide information that is essential or valuable in helping the reader understand/appreciate the evidence? Is the language of your context specific and precise? Did you maintain third-person language in context?
Provide quoted evidence that supports your evidence __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ • • • • • •
Did you enclose your evidence in quotation marks? Wherever your book uses quotation marks (dialogue) did you insert additional ‘ ’? Did you spell ALL the words in evidence correctly? Did you place the page number ONLY inside of parentheses at the end of the evidence? Did you place your period—not inside the quotation marks—but after the ( )? Did you limit yourself to TWO sentences of evidence and/or the words of one speaker ONLY