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The subject of 'index inclusion' has been in the spotlight of finance literature for quite ... observed increase in correlation for S&P500 stocks and inclusions. ... The second group of hypotheses assumes that the index changes convey information. ...... transaction costs that are incurred by the buyer/seller on every share they ...
Index Changes in Emerging Markets Burcu Hacibedela ABSTRACT

In this paper, we study the returns of emerging market stocks that are included in and excluded from the MSCI Emerging Markets index, a widely used benchmark for investment funds. Our sample consists of 269 stocks from 24 countries that were added to the index and 262 stocks that were deleted. We find convincing evidence of positive (negative) permanent (temporary) price impacts upon index inclusion (exclusion). We attribute this to the radar screen effect (Merton, 1987), which predicts that more visible stocks attract more (distant) investors and hence require lower expected returns. Consistent with this theory, in the long-run we find that betas with respect to the world index increase, while those of the local indices decrease. When we analyse returns over a short-run event window from before announcement to after inclusion, we find evidence of a pronounced short term drift which persists after the inclusion date. We attribute this short term phenomenon to limited arbitrage on the predictable portfolio rebalancing behavior of tracker funds.

I. Introduction The subject of ‘index inclusion’ has been in the spotlight of finance literature for quite sometime. Though there has been substantial academic interest in this topic, it seems to be clustered around the developed markets, in particular the US and changes to S&P500. Existing literature documents strong empirical evidence for the positive and significant price impacts of index inclusions in these markets. Some of the well-known studies on S&P are Brown and Barry (1984), Harris and Gurel (1986), Shleifer (1986), Jain (1987), Dhillon and Johnson (1991), Beneish and Gardner (1995), Lynch and Mendenhall (1997). In a similar fashion, Liu (2000), Haneda and Sarita (2001) and Greenwood (2004) study the Japanese case and rebalancings in the Nikkei indices, while Kaul et al. (2000) and Masse et al. (2000) analyse this effect for the Canadian market and Toronto Stock Exchange. Their findings are consistent with those of the US market studies, but the significant price impact is inconsistent with the semi-strong form of market efficiency. The evidence seems to be weaker and rather ambiguous for the case of index exclusions.1 However, literature does not extend to the case of emerging markets, which may actually unravel additional impacts of the index changes. In this paper, we aim to contribute to this gap by studying the index changes in EMs. Number of hypotheses have been suggested to explain these price effects and abnormal returns induced by the index inclusions. These can be broadly categorized into two groups based on their assumptions on the information content of the event. The first group assumes that the event does not contain any information, so the significant price impact cannot be attributed to the changes in the fundamental stock value, but to non-flat demand curve. The significant abnormal returns around the inclusion are explained by the changes in aggregate demand for these stocks. Shleifer (1986), in the case of S&P inclusions, finds evidence for downward-sloped demand curve (DSDC hypothesis), i.e. the stocks are not perfect substitutes and changes in aggregate stock demand results in a shift in stock price. Similarly, Harris and Gurel (1986) show that in the short-run, the changes in price are associated with changes in demand and downward sloped demand curve, but a

Swedish Institute for Financial Research, Saltmätargatan 19A, SE-113 59 Stockholm, Sweden; email: [email protected] 1 Studies that focus on deletions include Harris and Gurel (1986), Lynch and Mendenhall (1997), Beneish and Whaley (2002). The evidence is yet unclear as deletions are noisier events by nature.


not in the long-run. They attribute this temporary price effect to the price pressure induced by the increased aggregate demand (Price Pressure Hypothesis, PPH). Based on the ‘information-free’ assumption, there have been studies on the inclusion-induced changes in comovement between the returns of included stocks and of the index.2 Vijh (1994) reports significant increases in comovement for S&P500 inclusions. More recently Barberis, Shleifer and Wurgler (2005) show that the friction/sentiment-based hypotheses can explain the observed increase in correlation for S&P500 stocks and inclusions. Greenwood (2004) studies this impact for inclusions in Nikkei, and finds similar effects.3 The second group of hypotheses assumes that the index changes convey information. This revelation of information through the inclusion (or its announcement) eventually has a significant impact on the fundamental value of the asset. Since the present value of the stock is the discounted future cash flow, the inclusion can work through two potential channels; the expected future cash flows or the discount rate (i.e. required rate of return). Theories that attempt to explain the significant abnormal returns through these channels can then be listed under three headings. First one is the ‘certification hypothesis’ as suggested by Jain (1987), and Dhillon and Johnson (1991). Though S&P makes it clear that the index changes are based on publicly available information, it may be the case that these events are interpreted by the investors as signals about some private information held by the index company. This, as a result, affects the expectations about future performance of the company, i.e. investors adjust their expectations and revalue the stock price based on this new information.4 Denis et al. (2003) show that the causality may be the reverse. The index company does not signal any private information by the index change. Instead, following the index inclusions, the investors change their expectations of the future cash flows, since inclusions are expected to result in better management, monitoring and operational cash flows. The stock price is then adjusted accordingly (increase) right after the inclusion. Alternatively, ‘liquidity hypothesis’ predicts that the price changes induced by the index inclusions can be attributed to changes in market liquidity. There is strong empirical evidence in the asset pricing literature, on the pricing of liquidity and the negative relationship between liquidity and expected returns (see Amihud and Mendelson, 1986; Datar et al, 1988; Brennan, Chordia and Subrahmanyam, 1998). We also know that there is an increase in aggregate demand, and thus in stock holdings, following the index inclusions, particularly from index-tracking funds.5 Since trade volume is a frequently used liquidity measure, this volume increase is then equivalent to increased liquidity, which results in lower expected returns and higher present stock 2

While the traditional theory says that in a frictionless market with rational investors, the increases in comovement of stock returns can be explained by comovement of fundamentals. On the other hand, the frictionbased theories argue that the markets are not frictionless, and investors make their portfolio decisions based on categories of stocks, preferred habitat and groups of stocks with different speed of information incorporation into the stock price. Thus, when investors trading with these views, the stocks within a certain category or investor habitat, though their cash flows are uncorrelated, experience increases in their return comovement with those of other stocks. 3 These studies explain the rise in the correlation of added stock’s return with the S&P return by the friction/ sentiment-based views. Since the inclusion is not event with information content, this increase cannot be explained by the changes and comovement of fundamental of stock prices. Therefore, the increase in the aggregate demand which causes the abnormal returns with DSDC also results in increased comovement. This increase in demand is due to the friction/sentiment-based approaches to portfolio allocation. 4 The demand-based and certification hypotheses predict symmetric effects of inclusions and exclusions. We use this property in our analysis to show that these hypotheses, though may be partially true, cannot explain the price impacts in the emerging markets. The rest of the discussed hypotheses do not require symmetric effects of the event. 5 The index funds try to mimic the index as accurate as possible as their investment strategy is ‘minimum tracking error’. Madhavan and Ming (2002) show that this strategy may impose significant costs to portfolio managers around index inclusions.


price. To sum up, this hypothesis explains the significant price increase by the decrease in the discount rate (required rate of return). Shleifer(1986) suggests this as a potential explanation to inclusion-induced price increases, while Beneish and Whaley (1996) study the changes in liquidity following the S&P500 inclusions, and find a permanent increase in trade volume. In a more recent study, Hegde and McDermott (2003) examine the liquidity effects of index changes to S&P 500, and find significant changes in liquidity for both inclusions and exclusions. ‘Investor recognition hypothesis’ (IRH or also called as radar screen effect), suggested by Merton (1987), has been used widely as an information-based explanation in the context of index inclusions.6 This predicts that the event results in increased investor awareness and decreases in background information cost.7 When a stock is added to the index, there is an increase in stock information available to investors, thus, more investors become aware and demand it.8 This hypothesis has implications for both the required rate of return and expected cash flows. Following the inclusion, as the investor base expands, more stock information becomes available. This, then, decreases the information asymmetry among investors. Additionally, with more investors, the monitoring of the company activities become stronger, which increases the performance and the future expected cash flows. As for the required rate of return, with the inclusion, the background information cost decreases as more investors start holding the stock, and there is a permanent increase in the stock price.9 More recent studies test for the competing hypotheses that have been suggested in the literature. Lynch and Mendenhall (1997) examine both the inclusions in and exclusions from S&P500 using PPH, DSDC, information and liquidity hypotheses. Their findings support the first two while no supporting evidence is found for the last two hypotheses. Denis, McConell, Ovtchinnikov and Yu (2003) study the inclusions in S&P500, and test whether the event has any information content. They find evidence for the positive information content of the inclusions, but cannot rule out DSDC hypotheses. Similarly, Chen, Noronha and Singal (2004) argue that there is stronger evidence for enhanced investor awareness (IRH) than DSDC, PPH, liquidity and decreased operational cost hypotheses, in the case of changes to S&P. The existing literature, however, does not extend to the case of emerging markets (EMs). To our knowledge, there have not been any papers that primarily focus on the price impacts of index changes in these markets. We believe that an elaborate analysis can provide us with interesting implications and a natural setting to test for the gradual integration of EMs with the world markets. Intuitively, one would expect the price impact to be magnified, due to the peculiar nature of these markets. To incorporate these issues into our analysis, we identify six points of difference between EMs and the US that could influence the return impacts. These are, from the EM perspective, high information cost, low information efficiency, narrow investor base, low within market segmentation, low market liquidity and low level of market integration with global markets. A more detailed discussion is provided in the next section. 6

Merton (1987) argues that investors hold only a subset of the available assets in the market because of the information costs that arise as a result of the incomplete information in the capital markets. He incorporates the background information cost, which is the cost of making the investors aware of the stock, into the standard asset pricing model. 7 In the previous empirical studies, number of shareholders, number of institutional investors and institutional stockholdings has been used as proxies to measure investor awareness (see Kadlec and McConell, 1994). 8 Arbel, Carvell and Strebel’s (1983) theory of neglected stocks shows that the quality of stock information depends (increasing function) on the number of analysts following it. They split the stocks into two categories, neglected and generic, and predict that ceteris paribus the expected rate of return on neglected stocks is higher than the return on generic stocks. In this setting, the investors refrain from investing into some stocks because of the low quality of available information and because they are very risk averse, preferring to ‘play it safe’. 9 This hypothesis does not require the price effects to be symmetric, since the index deletions would not necessarily mean investors becoming unaware of the stock.


In this paper, we study both the temporary and permanent price impacts of index changes in EMs, providing comparative results and new evidence on the international asset pricing implications of these changes in partially segmented markets. Our first contribution to the literature is the new and extensive dataset. We use the index changes to the most widely-recognized and globallytracked emerging market index; Morgan Stanley Capital International, Inc.’s Emerging Market Index (MSCI EM here after).10 Our dataset consists of 269 inclusions in and 262 exclusions during 1996:2004. This enables us to test for short-run as well as long-run price impacts, while examining both inclusions and exclusions at daily frequency. This rich dataset also makes it possible to examine the changes in price, trade volume and liquidity (proxied by spreads, illiquidity and turnover) simultaneously. Our second contribution is with respect to the eventwindow. Instead of using a single event-window, we use multiple event windows within the complete event window. This also enables us to study the temporary and permanent price effects separately. Our third contribution is using an asset pricing framework to analyse the permanent price impacts. We expect to find EM index inclusions to have similar price impacts with stock market liberalizations. Therefore, we test for changes in the levels of integration and risk sharing by using a mild-segmentation asset pricing model. We can then extract and compare the pre and post-event market betas with respect to both world and local markets. This provides us with supporting evidence for the gradual, but continuous integration of EMs with the world markets. While we use event-study methodology in the short-run analysis, we conduct both an event-study and time-series analysis to examine the long-run effects. Thus, we form our hypotheses for each analysis separately. In the short-term, we test for significant abnormal returns based on information content, changes in aggregate demand and investor base. In the long-term, we consider the revaluation of these stocks due to changes in market liquidity, market-integration and radar screen effect. Our empirical results show that in the short-run, the price impacts of both the inclusion and exclusion are similar to those observed in the US market, though of smaller magnitude. We find that the average abnormal returns(AARs) at the announcement are significant. These are followed by a drift in the run-up window between the announcement and the actual index change. The AARs cumulate up to 2% and 4% until the actual inclusion and exclusion, respectively. While there is almost a full price reversal after the effective exclusion, the drift in the price after the inclusion announcement is permanent with no significant price reversal. These ARs are accompanied by increases in volume in the run-up window. In the long-run, we find a permanent price effect following the index inclusions. We try to explain these by the changes in liquidity, but do not find any supporting evidence.11 However, we find significant increases in world market betas and slight decreases in the local betas. Around the inclusions, global betas increase by 0.10, while the local betas decrease by 0.02.12 This increase in comovement provides supporting evidence for the increased integration with the world markets, as well as increased investor awareness. This result is similar to those reported for stock market liberalizations in EMs.13 Thus, it supports the argument that market integration is not a one-off and smooth process that occurs only around the official liberalization date, but a gradual and 10

MSCI EMFI was renamed as MSCI Emerging Markets Index in December 2003. .The MSCI Emerging Markets Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization index that is designed to measure equity market performance in the global emerging markets ( 11 This result is robust to employment of different liquidity measures. 12 The global beta decreases by 0.15, following the exclusions, while the local betas increase by 0.01. 13 IAP literature documents that opening of stock markets to foreign investors decreases the domestic equity cost of capital by allowing for risk sharing among domestic and foreign investors (see Stapleton and Subrahmanyam, 1977; Errunza and Losq, 1985; Eun and Janakiramanan, 1986; Alexander, Eun and Janakiramanan, 1987; Stulz, 1999a, 1999b; Chari and Henry, 2004; Dahlquist and Robertsson, 2004).


continuous one. To sum up, in EMs, we find that index changes do have information content, and in the long-run the index inclusions induce price effects similar to those of stock market liberalizations; permanent price revaluation, increased investor awareness and demand, and lower cost of capital. Though we do not rule out DSDC, we believe that changes in integration and investor awareness have additional power in explaining the results. In the rest of this paper, we first discuss the differences between EMs and developed markets that may potentially affect the price impacts of the index changes, in Section II. In Section III, we analyse the data and methodology. The empirical analysis and results are explained in Section IV. Section V concludes.

II. Emerging Markets The academic interest in EMs has substantially increased in the 1990s, together with the stock market liberalizations and experienced high returns.14 These markets differ from the developed markets in several ways. In this section, we briefly discuss the points of difference that are relevant in the context of index changes. These six points, which we identify from the existing EM literature, can potentially explain the different price impacts of the event in EMs. The first two are information related differences. To begin with, there is a difference in the level of information efficiency. Borenzstein and Gelos (2000) argue that in an efficient market, speedy price adjustment should occur without many actual trades having to take place. This speed of adjustment is lower in the EMs. Second issue is the cost of information; in the spirit of Merton (1987)’s ‘background information’ cost. Existing literature documents asymmetry of information between domestic and foreign investors. In their analysis of effects of EM cross listings on the level of US investment, Warnock and Edison (2003) show that these asymmetries play a key role in home bias. Similarly, Lang, Lins and Miller (2003) find that cross listings are associated with the increased quality of firms’ financial information. The asymmetry of information in EMs between the two investor groups may be observed in various forms. First of all, there is lack of international research on EM stocks when compared with the developed market stocks. This is a costly process for any institution to take on by itself unless there is substantial amount of foreign investment, interest and trade in these stocks. Secondly, since EM stocks are known to be priced significantly more by local factors, the domestic investor have much easier access to this information. Overall, information is costly to obtain for the foreign investors, who as a result refrain from investing in EM stocks unless there is already substantial international interest in these stocks. The third difference is with respect to the investor base. The breakdown of the investor bases, by country of origin or investor type, is quite dissimilar in each market. Whilst there is a substantial distinction between foreign and local investors in EMs, both in terms of risk taking behaviour and weight, which does not seem to be a major issue in the US. In the case of index changes, the presence of global mutual funds is of particular interest. The local investors constitute a larger


There is no precise definition of an ‘emerging market’. World Bank defines an emerging market economy as one with low-to-middle income with less than $9,385 per capita GNP. Though this is the most-widely accepted formal definition, in reality it is a broader concept, which refers to a group of transitional countries with a solid potential to develop, commitment to economic improvement and implementation of reforms. Emerging markets started to attract significant amount of foreign portfolio investment in 1990s, with several emerging economies liberalizing and abandoning the restrictions on foreign access. By the end of 1990s, almost all the major EMs were officially liberalized. In the 1990s, the capital inflows increased rapidly in the first half of the decade, peaking in 1997, but started to decrease in the second half as a result of numerous emerging markets crises. In 2003, an upward trend started again, with total capital inflows to the emerging markets reaching almost $400 billion in 2005. In the same year, the portfolio flows reached a record high of $62 billion.


percentage of the EM investor base than foreign investors, relative to the US market (see Ong and Sy, 2004). Two markets also differ in terms of level of homogeneity of the assets, i.e. ‘within market segmentation’. While US stocks constitute a more homogeneous set, EM stocks are a relatively more heterogeneous group of assets, even at the country level. This can also be discussed in the context of investor awareness. In EMs, there is a quality gap between the listed and non-listed stocks in MSCI EM, whereas this is not true for the US stocks in S&P500. In the case of the US, investors consider all the stocks in their available and investable set of assets (regardless of the inclusion in S&P500, except the index tracking funds), and they construct their portfolios based on their risk preferences. On the other hand, in EMs, being part of a widely followed global index has stronger significance, especially in terms of being considered in the available set of assets of the international investors. Therefore, there is a considerable difference between the index and non-index stocks, which as result may be reflected in the stock prices. The fifth marketwise difference is the stock liquidity. Liquidity risk is considered to be one of the indirect barriers that foreign investors face while investing in EMs. The level of liquidity is much higher in the US than in EMs, thus for the latter, improvement in liquidity induced by the index inclusion, may have stronger price impacts. Another key difference is the level of integration with the world markets. While the US is considered to be the benchmark for fully integrated markets, there is strong evidence for mild segmentation of EMs.15 In this paper, we hypothesize and test for any changes in the level of integration following the index inclusion in EMs. In this respect, we expect the index inclusions in EMs to have similar effects to financial market liberalizations, i.e. increased integration, lower cost of capital, enhanced risk sharing among local and foreign investors, price revaluation and decreased systematic risk of these stocks.

III. Data and Methodology i. The Event and Event Window(s) In this paper, the events of interest are MSCI EM inclusions and exclusions, between 1996 and 2004. We have two main event dates; the announcement of the change (AD) and the date when the index change becomes effective (CD).16 There is a two-week (9 business days) period between AD and CD, which we refer to as the run-up window. For a few exceptions with longer run-up windows, we make the necessary adjustments in our empirical analysis. The complete event window starts 10 days before the announcement and runs through the 60th day after CD.17 However, we divide up the event window into six smaller windows, while analysing the price behaviour around the event.18 Figure 1 illustrates this timeline for the event window. 15

Several researchers have examined the integration-segmentation issue in the theoretical and empirical literature: Solnik (1974); Stehle (1977); Stulz (1981); Errunza and Losq (1985); Eun and Janakiramanan (1986); Jorion and Schwartz (1986); Cho, Eun and Senbet (1986); Harvey (1981); Errunza, Losq and Prabhala (1992). Their findings show that the EMs are partially integrated, and this level of integration is time varying (Bekaert and Harvey, 1995; Carrieri, Errunza and Hogan, 2003). 16 AD is actually the day following the announcement since MSCI QIR announcements occur after 8pm GMT, when European and Asian markets are already closed. Therefore, the announcement effects will be reflected on the prices the following day. We adjust the data for the Western Hemisphere stocks in our sample, as the markets are still open during the announcement. The change date (CD) is the day of the announced inclusion date, since the investors are already aware of this before the inclusion takes place. 17 Please note that in this paper, number of ‘days’ refers to number of ‘business days’. 18 The multi-window framework was initially suggested by Lynch and Mendenhall (1997). They use 5 windows in their study, using also the release date to test for their hypothesis. The release-ending day is the day when the


[INSERT FIGURE 1 HERE] 1. Anticipation (Pre-announcement) window runs through (AD-11) and (AD-1). 2. Announcement day (AD) is our first event day, which is the actual announcement of inclusion. 3. Run-up window covers the time period from the day after the announcement (AD+1) through the day before change date (CD-1). 4. Inclusion day (CD) is our second event day, which is the actual index change date. 5. Price reversal window covers the period between (CD+1) and (CD+10). 6. Total short-run window covers the time period from AD until CD+10.19 7. Permanent price impact window is between (AD) and (CD+60).20

The anticipation window is used to test whether there is any anticipation of the announcement that can be detected from AARs. The cumulative average abnormal returns (CARs) in the run-up window enable us to see if there is any significant price drift between the announcement and the actual change. Using the price-reversal window, we test whether the CARs that occur in the previous windows are due to temporary or permanent price changes. The last two windows are used to examine the temporary and permanent CARs induced by the index changes. The last window refers to the complete event window that we also use to examine the long-run price effects. ii. The Sample The sample consists of the stocks added to or deleted from MSCI EM over the sample period. MSCI EM is internationally recognized and used among both practitioners and researchers as a benchmark EM index.21 Table I shows the breakdown of the index and our sample. The index, as any other standard MSCI index, is maintained through three types of reviews; annual full country index reviews, quarterly index reviews (QIRs) and ongoing event-related changes. In this study, we focus on QIRs, which occur on only four dates throughout the year. These are the close of the last business days of February, May, August and November. The QIRs are announced at least two weeks (10 days) prior to these dates. QIRs announce a number of changes to the standard indices to ensure the accurate representation of the dynamic market place, and to avoid significant underand over-representation of any industry group in a country index. [INSERT TABLE I HERE] One issue that frequently comes up in the index inclusion literature is the predictability of the event. With respect to this, MSCI does not have any dominant criteria like the size. Instead, the decision is based on a number of different factors, with an emphasis on the market representation.22 Therefore, we can say that there are no significant individual criteria but a mixture of stock characteristics, none of which seem to dominate.23 Briefly, inclusions in QIRs demand for the stock turns to its normal post-change level, i.e. when the index fund demand ends (so that the price release starts). Under the price pressure hypothesis, any price release ends with the completion of index fund trades. 19 Alternatively, we also report results for the extended window between (AD-10) and (CD+10). 20 We also report results for the window between (AD-10) and (CD+60). 21 The index covers 26 EMs: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Israel, Jordan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey and Venezuela. 22 On average 85% of free float market capitalization 23 MSCI applies minimum size guidelines for the inclusion of countries and industry groups in its standard indices. The selection criteria for countries include the overall free float-adjusted market capitalization of the market, distribution of free float-adjusted market capitalization in the country, level of market concentration, and


occur because of several reasons. These include the change in size of the stock (free float adjusted), under-representation of one or more industry groups following mergers, acquisitions, restructuring and other major market events affecting that industry group and changes in industry classification. Overall, since these changes are made based on publicly available information, it should not be possible to make profit by trading on these announcements. The announcement data is obtained from Bloomberg and MSCI Barra. The initial number of inclusions is 353; however we exclude the stocks for which the data is not available from 30 days prior to the announcement.24 This leaves us with a clean sample of 269 inclusions and 262 exclusions from 24 emerging markets. In addition to the daily stock price data, in the empirical analysis, we also use data on local, emerging and world market returns, trade volume, dollar volume, bid-ask spreads at daily frequency. All returns are calculated as the first log differences of closing prices. All price data is in USD and is obtained as return indices (RI) from DataStream.25 iii. Abnormal Returns In this paper, the empirical analysis is conducted through event-study methodology. Thus, we base all our tests on daily average abnormal returns (AARs) as well as cumulative abnormal returns (CARs). In this paper, we use market-adjusted returns following Brown and Warner (1985). The basic null hypothesis is that ‘the event does not have any significant impact’. If this holds, then AARs should have a mean of zero, in which case they shouldn’t differ significantly from zero and not have any tendency to build up or down. The market-adjusted AARs are calculated as the excess return on stock i on day t over the local market index. Rit = Rmt + ε it , ε i ∼ N (0,σ i2 ) ARit = Rit − Rmt where Rmt is the return on the local market index on day t. Using these ARs, we calculate the average abnormal returns (AARt) for day t (event day being t=0) as well as cumulative abnormal returns (CARt) to test for the significance of AARs in each sub-event window. AARt =

1 N


∑ AR ,

AARt ∼ N (0, var( AARt ))


i =1

var( AARt ) =

1 N2



2 i

i =1

marginal contribution to the market of the largest security at different percentiles of the free float-adjusted market capitalization distribution. Similarly, the selection criteria for stocks for country index inclusion can be grouped under three headings. First one is the ‘business activities’ of the company and the degree of diversification it will contribute to the index. The second criterion is the size (free float adjusted market capitalization) and liquidity of the stock. For a stock to be added to the index in the Quarterly Index Review, it has to meet double the minimum size guidelines. Regarding the liquidity criterion, though there is no definite measure, liquidity is evaluated based on trade volume or traded value, i.e. ATVR (annualized traded value ratio). The third criterion is the estimated free float for the company and its individual share classes. There is a minimum free float requirement of 15%, with certain exceptions to this rule. 24 We do not face this problem with the excluded stocks. 25 Return indices are preferred over the raw price data since these are adjusted for dividends and stock splits.



CAR (t1 , t2 ) =

∑ AAR , t

CAR (t1 , t2 ) ∼ N (0, var(CAR (t1 , t2 ))

t = t1

var(CAR(t1 , t2 )) =

1 N2



2 i (t1 , t2 )

i =1

where σ i2 (t1 , t2 ) = (t2 − t1 + 1)σ i2

Therefore, we calculate CARs for the anticipation, run-up, price reversal, short-run price impact and total permanent effect windows. Each event window starts on t1 and ends on t2. We also need the variance to conduct the significance tests. The sample estimator of the variance is calculated as following.26

σˆ i2 =

−1 1 ( Rit − Rmt )2 L1 − 2 t =−29

where L1 is the number of days in the estimation window. To calculate the variance of AR, we use the sample estimator of σi2; σˆ i2 . Following these, we test the null hypothesis of ‘no event related AARt and CAR (t1, t2)’ by using the following test statistics

θ1 =

θ2 =

AARt var( AAR)

∼ N (0,1)

CAR(t1 , t2 ) var((CAR(t1 , t2 ))

∼ N (0,1)

In addition to these parametric tests, we also check for the robustness of the results by using nonparametric sign and rank tests (see Corrado, 1989).

IV. Empirical Analysis i. Short-run Analysis Hypotheses Previous studies provide us with evidence of short-term anomalies around the index inclusion. The most widely accepted explanation of these anomalies is that there exists a relatively large group of dedicated index trackers that wants to buy the stock upon actual inclusion in the index, but not before. Simultaneously, a relatively small group of arbitrageurs start buying the stock upon the announcement that it will be included later. The source of the arbitrage lies in the fact that the index trackers make the price impact, or Kyle’s lambda dramatically increases upon inclusion date. This makes it attractive for low transaction cost arbitrageurs to buy in between announcement date and inclusion date, and sell around inclusion date. If the proportion of arbitrageurs is very high, we expect no effect on inclusion date and all the effect (if any), on the announcement date. If the proportion of index tracker funds is very high, we expect the opposite, i.e. all the effect occurs on the inclusion date.


We also use the cross sectional variance of Asquith (1983). The test results change very little when variance is estimated with this method. We report the test statistics with both methods in Table III (for AARs). For the following tests, we just report the t-stats with time series variance.


Any pattern in between can be explained by the demand-curve based analyses, so the short-term hypotheses focus on the changes in aggregate demand and investor base. To test for these shortrun hypotheses, we also study the abnormal volume behaviour, as the increase in demand should be reflected in the trading-volume data. Therefore, we suggest and test for three hypotheses in our short-run analysis. H1: Efficient markets The markets are efficient, so index changes and their announcements should not have any significant price impact. If we assume that the event does not contain any new information regarding the fundamental value of the stock, then there should not be any significant price impacts, i.e. AARs around the announcement or the change. If the markets are efficient in the semi-strong sense, there should not be any profit opportunities based on publicly available information. If we assume that the event has information content, in an efficient market, any new information is incorporated into the prices fast enough so that any abnormal returns must vanish rapidly, and should not be significant. We suggest two alternative hypotheses to explain the significant price impacts. Both of these implicitly assume that the markets are inefficient. H2: Price pressure Index trackers buy (sell) included (excluded) stock upon inclusion (exclusion) date The index changes present a natural experiment in which the price reactions result from the rebalancing needs and increased interest of the foreign institutional investors. The index funds try to mimic the index as accurate as possible as their investment strategy is ‘minimum tracking error’. Therefore, these funds rebalance their portfolios accordingly close to the actual inclusion. This in return increases the aggregate demand for the included stocks. Assuming that the demand curve is downward sloped, this demand results in a price increase over the run up window. If this hypothesis is valid, we should observe significant ARs, but only around the actual index change date, not around the announcement. We should expect stability in the prices, after the actual inclusion, i.e. when the index fund demand is met. There may be a slight price reversal after the change date, but the price pressure diminishes once the index funds make their purchases. H3: Limited arbitrage/Front-running Some anticipation, jump upon announcement, upward (downward) drift until inclusion(exclusion), some price reversal afterwards According to this hypothesis, we should observe abnormal returns upon the announcement, in the run-up window and on the inclusion date, since there are significant numbers of both arbitrageurs and index funds in the market. The price pattern and the abnormal returns are such that arbitrageurs precede the index funds by buying around the announcement and by selling to index funds around the inclusion. The abnormal returns on these dates are also accompanied by trade volume increases.


Index Inclusions Our test results show positive and significant AARs on (AD) and (AD+1), though not on (AD-1), which the actual announcement day. We analyse the test results using the multi-window framework, using the test statistics explained above.27 The results are shown in Tables II and III. [INSERT TABLE II AND TABLE III HERE] The results for the Anticipation (Pre-announcement) window show that there is no significant evidence of anticipation of the event prior to the announcement. The CARs for the pre-AD period are 0.4% with t-statistics of 1.09. This shows that the inclusion announcements are not anticipated, i.e. no leakage of news. However, there are some interesting findings in the anticipation window. On (AD-9), there are significant AARs for the sample stocks. We test these further by using non-parametric tests, as this result may be just due to some outliers on this day. In the rank tests, we do not find AARs on this day to be significant, while the sign tests find this AAR to be significant, but not as strong as the parametric test results. On the Announcement Day (AD), results show positive and significant abnormal returns of 0.48% with t-statistics of 5.08. We also observe positive and significant but slightly lower AARs on (AD+1), 0.32% with 3.41 t-statistics. Following (AD+1), the returns become negative in the next two trading days. For the run up and subsequent windows, we narrow down our sample to the stocks, which have 9day run-up windows. These stocks constitute the largest sub-sample with 192 stocks. We find the CARs in the run-up window to be positive and significant. For the Run-up window, the tests show that CARs are significant with t-stats of 2.98. We see that the AARs cumulate to 1.07% during this period. When we exclude the event day AD, the CARs in the run up window are still positive though slightly less significant. The daily AARs are mostly positive in the run-up window, with negative AARs occurring only on three days. On the Inclusion Day (CD), we find AARs to be positive, but insignificant. One interesting observation is that there are significant positive returns on (CD-1). In the Price Reversal window, we observe significant negative AARs only on two days (CD+3) and (CD+6). There is a CAR of -0.16% in the price reversal window, but it is not significant. Actually, this shows us that the price impact is permanent rather than temporary. Though AARs accumulate in the run up window, the price reversal after the inclusion is not large enough to cancel this increase. In the Total Short-run window, we see that positive CARs remain even after ten days of the actual inclusion. There is a positive CAR of 1.6% that accumulates in the short-run event window, between (AD-10) and (CD+10). This is significant at 5% level. Though we observe negative returns after the inclusion, these are not large enough to cancel out all the positive price impact of the announcement. CARs remain positive and significant also after the release end day, which is assumed to be CD+10 in this exercise.


In addition to these six windows, we also look at CARs around both the announcement and inclusion dates. As the announcement window CARs, we use two windows (AD-2)-(AD+2) and (AD-3)-(AD+1). Both CARs are positive and significant at 5% level. We find CARs in the announcement window to be significant and positive: 0.43 with t-statistics of 1.95. When we analyse the sub-event window between (CD–2) and (CD+2), we find significant and positive CARs (0.7% with 2.72 t-stats). Panels A and C in Figure 2 illustrates CAR behaviour for the inclusions between (AD-12) and (AD+60).


Permanent Price Impact window results show significant and positive permanent price impact for the stocks added to MSCI EM. Between (AD-10) and (CD+20), there is a positive and significant CAR of 1.6%. CARs reach maximum of 2.1% from (AD-10) until (CD+18). Even on CD+28, CARs are at 1.3% and significant at 5% level. We also check the robustness of these results and event impact by non-parametric tests. However, we only check for daily AARs using these tests, not for the sub-event windows. The sign tests show that there is a positive and very significant price impact on the announcement date (AD) with a test statistics of 3.89. Though the AARs are not significant on (CD+1), they are positive and significant on (CD). Both of these results are consistent with the findings of the parametric tests, and support our argument about an increase in demand right before the actual MSCI inclusion. To conduct the rank tests (Corrado, 1989), we rank the ARs between (AD-11) and (AD+9). Similar to the sign test results, we again find the ARs to be significant on the announcement date (AD) as well as on (AD+9), which is right before the actual inclusion. The non-parametric test results are shown in Tables IV and V. [INSERT TABLE IV AND TABLE V HERE] Overall, the price results show significant positive event impact on the day following the inclusion announcement. There is no significant price reversal following the actual index change, thus the event has positive effect on the stock prices. The price increases observed after the announcement and in the run-up window, seem to be permanent, rather than temporary. In addition to our analysis of stock price reaction around the event date, we also study the eventinduced abnormal volume behaviour of the EM stocks. For the volume analysis, our sample size is smaller with 254 stocks, since we delete 15 stocks for which the volume data is not available for the event window. As in our AAR analysis, we discuss the results for the total sample as well as the 9-day sub-sample (182 stocks). After obtaining the daily price and volume data, we calculate the daily dollar volume for each stock, which we refer to as equity trade value (ETV). The daily ETV data is scaled by the average ETV over (AD-30) and (AD+30) in order to obtain comparable volume measures across stocks. In addition to this, we also check our results by scale the ETV by market capitalization, as in LM (1997). The volume results from both methods are consistent, but we only report the results of the first methodology. Figure 3 illustrates the daily average volume for the sample, between (AD-30) and (AD+30). For the total sample, the volume increases on the actual announcement day (AD-1), and continues to increase on AD and (AD+1). Subsequently there is a slight decrease in the volume, but it does not go back to the pre-announcement levels. On (AD+9), the volume reaches its maximum, but this is probably due to the ‘9-day subsample’ stocks, as (AD+9) is the actual inclusion day (CD) for these. The sub-sample results show that in fact this is the case, and that this jump in volume is more significant for these stocks. After CD, the volume starts to decrease, and it reverts to the preannouncement level on (CD+4). This is probably the release end day, when the index fund demand ends. For the 9-day sub-sample, the volume also gradually increases between (AD-1 and AD+1), followed by a slight decrease, but then it peaks on CD. Index Exclusions To test for our empirical hypotheses, we also analyse the stocks that are deleted from MSCI EM during 1996-2004. Mainly, we aim to test for the short-term hypotheses, i.e. the demand from different investor groups following the QIR announcements. Some of the suggested hypotheses, like DSDC, PPH and certification, symmetric price reactions to inclusions and deletions.


We also analyse the AARs around and after the index deletions in a multi event window framework. There is a large downward movement in CARs following the announcement and this negative trend persists until the actual index change. From CD onwards, we see a reversal in the CARs. They become more stable around day (CD+40) at a level of –1%, which is lower than the pre-announcement level. Panels B and D in Figure 2 displays the CAR behaviour for the local market adjusted returns. [INSERT TABLE VI AND TABLE VII HERE] There is no significant evidence of anticipation of the event prior to the announcement. In the Anticipation window, CARs for the pre-AD period are -0.4% with t-statistics of 0.57. There are no significant abnormal returns prior to the announcement, which enables us to conclude that the announcements are not anticipated, i.e. no leakage of news about the stocks to be added. The tests show negative, but insignificant abnormal returns of –0.1% on the Announcement Day (AD). The negative AARs start increasing after the announcement, becoming significant on (AD+2). For the run up and subsequent windows, we narrow down our sample to the stocks, which have 9day run-up window. Therefore, our sample size becomes slightly smaller with 247 stocks. We find the CARs in the run-up window to be positive and highly significant. Run-up window results show that CARs are significant with t-stats of 5.3. We see that the AARs cumulate to 3.03%, and are larger and more significant than our results in index inclusions. The results do not change when we exclude AD from the run-up window. The daily AARs are all negative in the run-up window except on (AD+7), with five of these being significant. Unlike the inclusion results, we find AARs to be negative and significant on the Deletion Day (CD); -1.1% with t-stats of 5.26. Immediately the day after the index change, the AARs become positive and significant, 0.6% with 3.03 significance. In the Price Reversal window, CARs are positive (0.6%), but not significant. The results show that AARs become positive after the index deletion, and they keep on increasing. There is an almost full price reversal by (CD+20), with CAR of 1.7% and 1.87 significance. We observe significant positive AARs on three days in the price reversal window: (CD+1), (CD+3) and (CD+9). Actually, this shows us that the price impact is permanent rather than temporary. The Total Short-run window results show that there is a significant negative price reaction following the announcement. After the index change, AARs become positive, and CARs start increasing. CARs build up to –3.4% between (AD-10) and (CD+10). Between AD and (CD+10), CARs are –2.8% and significant with t-stats of 3.12. However, even the price reactions to inclusions and deletions may be similar in the short-run, they are asymmetric, which is inconsistent with the predictions of DSDC and PPH hypotheses. In the Permanent Price Impact window, between (AD-10) and (CD+20), we observe CARs of – 2.4%, significant at 10% level. In the window of AD to (CD+20), CARs at –1.7% are insignificant. In the 50 days following the index deletion, there seems to be a more significant price reversal, but CARs do not completely go back to the pre-announcement levels. As in the case index inclusions, we also examine the volume behaviour around exclusions. Our sample is slightly smaller with 217 stocks (208 stocks with 9-day run-up windows) for the volume analysis. The daily volume series are calculated with the same methodology used for the index


inclusions. Table VIII and Figure 3 (Panels B and D) present a summary of the volume data. There is an increase in volume following the index deletion announcement, starting on (AD), which persists in the run-up window and the maximum trade volume is observed on CD. After the actual index change, volume goes back to its pre-announcement level. [INSERT TABLE VIII AND FIGURE 3 HERE] Overall, for the excluded stocks, AARs are negative, larger and more significant than they are for the included stocks. This has also been reported to be the case in mature markets. Another difference between the deleted and included stocks is that, there is significant price reversal after the index change for the deleted stocks where as this is not the case for the included stocks. Inclusion induced CARs that occur in the run-up window persist even after the actual inclusion, though there is a slight price reversal. Our findings show that there is an asymmetric price reaction to inclusions and exclusions, which contradicts with the predictions of the demand-based hypotheses. One reason may be that the deletions are much noisier events when compared with the inclusions. ii. Long-run Analysis Hypotheses Apart from the short-run price reactions, we also examine the long-run, i.e. permanent price impacts of the event. In a similar fashion, we suggest three long-term hypotheses. The first one tests whether there are significant abnormal returns in the long run. The other two can be valid if and only if there are significant CARs. If markets are fully integrated, in the sense that all the world’s investors consider all the world’s stocks for their portfolio decisions, and markets are efficient in the semi-strong sense, then there should be no permanent effect if a stock is included in an benchmarking index such as those compiled by MSCI. This is therefore our benchmark hypothesis: H1: Full integration of world markets / markets are semi strong efficient. On average, there is no permanent price effect for stocks that are included in indexes that base their portfolio on publicly observable information. H2: Increased Liquidity The index inclusion has significant permanent price impact on the stocks, as a result of the increase in stock liquidity. The index inclusions result in increased (more easily available) stock information and volume. This then decreases information asymmetry between the domestic and foreign investors as well as resulting in lower transaction costs. Both the volume and transaction costs are widely-used liquidity measures. Asset pricing theory predicts that expected stock returns are negatively correlated with liquidity, which is a priced factor. Thus, if the liquidity hypothesis holds, the trading volume should increase (decrease) and spreads should decrease (increase) following the index inclusions (deletions). This should then result in price revaluation, i.e. permanent price effects. In this case, the increased liquidity associated with the index change, is the cause of the price increase. H3: Mild segmentation The index inclusion has significant permanent price impact on the stocks, as a result of enhanced integration with the world equity markets.


Existing literature shows that the emerging stock markets are mildly segmented from the world markets. The inclusion in a global benchmark index increases the level of integration, which results in price revaluation (increase). Therefore, the index inclusion has positive information content. In the case of complete segmentation, the risk premium will be proportional to the local market beta. If fully integrated, this premium will be proportional to stock’s world market beta. If the markets are partially segmented as in the case of EMs, the equity premium will be in between these predictions of the complete segmentation and full integration cases. The enhanced integration following the index inclusion should then be reflected through changes in the local and world market betas. Therefore, as predicted by international asset pricing models, when the stocks become eligible to foreign investors, we should observe a decrease in the equity risk premium and cost of capital, increase in the stock price and enlargement of the investor base. All these alterations signal to a permanent change in the fundamental value of the firm, thus of the stock price. Permanent Price Impact/Full integration In our short-term analysis, we find that in EMs the inclusions have permanent price impact, though this is not true for the case of exclusions. Therefore, in our long-term analysis of the index changes, we focus more on the inclusions, though we also use the exclusion data for comparative analysis. The positive and significant AARs around the inclusions seem to persist after the actual index change, with an average of 1.6%. Therefore, we cannot accept the ‘full integration’ hypothesis, since the significant AARs and CARs we find in the short-run analysis do not support this. Based on these results, we test for the alternative long-run hypotheses. In the index inclusion literature, liquidity hypothesis has been suggested to explain the observed abnormal returns. This predicts that index inclusions increase market liquidity, due to higher demand and trade-volume as well as lower bid-ask spreads. Higher liquidity predicts lower expected returns, which mean higher present returns resulting in higher price. We also test for the liquidity changes around exclusions since the liquidity hypothesis predicts symmetric liquidity changes for both types of index changes. To test whether the permanent price impact of the inclusions in the EM case can be explained by the changes in liquidity, we construct three liquidity measures that have been widely used in the literature. These are bid-ask spread, illiquidity measure and turnover. Liquidity Hypothesis In the literature, the bid-ask spread (BAS) has been widely used to capture the transaction cost aspect of liquidity. BAS captures the changes in stock liquidity due to information production whereas the volume-based measures capture the changes in liquidity without information (see Chen et al., 2004 for a detailed discussion). The proportional bid-ask spread (BASi,t) is calculated as follows:

BASi ,t =


A i ,t


A i ,t

− Pi ,Bt )

+ Pi ,Bt ) / 2

where PAi,t and PBi,t are the ask and bid prices for stock i on day t. BAS is a direct measure of transaction costs that are incurred by the buyer/seller on every share they trade; however, this data is very hard to obtain for the EM stocks at higher frequencies. The bid and ask prices are not available for a large number of stocks, and when available, these are the last stamp prices, so do not capture the intraday or trade-by trade reactions of the spreads. Additionally, another problem with spread in EMs is that in some markets, they are subject to limitations, and this may avoid the new information to be incorporated into the stock prices rapidly. In this part of analysis, the sample size for inclusions is much smaller; the bid-ask data was only available for 126 stocks, of


which 87 have 9-day run-up windows. The BAS series are scaled by the average BAS over (AD30) and (AD-1).Table IX presents the spread results. [INSERT TABLE IX HERE] In the case of inclusions, BAS results do not show any significant or persistent increase in stock liquidity associated with the event. The results seem to be mean reverting, with a few random peaks. 28 If liquidity were the appropriate explanation to the permanent price impact, we would have observed the spreads to be lower following the announcement or inclusion than before. We also analyse the case of exclusions. Again, we use the proportional bid-ask spread as BAS, and we scale the spread by the average over (AD-30) and (AD-1), for each stock. We can calculate BAS for 126 deleted stocks, because of limited availability of the spread data. In the case of exclusions, there is a slight decline in the average spreads after the event, though we do not find this for inclusions. There are a few peaks in the run-up window, but these disappear after the actual index change. Our second liquidity measure is the illiquidity measure (ILLIQ) suggested by Amihud (2002). This is based on the absolute return per dollar of trading volume, and the daily price impact of the order flow following Kyle’s (1985) concept of illiquidity. ILLIQ is computed as:

ILLIQi ,t =

ri ,t

Vi ,t where ri,t is the daily return on security i on day t. Vi,t stands for the dollar value of company i’s shares traded on a given day t.29 In our sample, this measure is available 235 stocks, for inclusions. The ILLIQ results are shown in Table X. [INSERT TABLE X HERE] Similar to BAS results, the illiquidity measure does not show any evidence of increased liquidity following the announcement or actual inclusion. Instead, what we observe is increased illiquidity at some dates (seems to be random), but when checked for outliers and cleaned, there is no obvious trend in liquidity around the event date. Had the liquidity been the appropriate explanation to the permanent price impact, the index inclusion would have a positive effect on liquidity; we would have observed a decrease in the illiquidity measure after the inclusion. In the same way, we examine the changes in illiquidity measure around the event window, for excluded stocks. Though we do not find any significant change in illiquidity around the event window for included stocks, there seems to be an increase in average stock illiquidity after exclusions. Our third liquidity proxy is the turnover ratio ( Ti ,t ), which is calculated as:

Ti ,t =

Qi ,t

N i ,t where Ni,t denotes the daily number of shares outstanding for stock i and Qi,t is the number of shares of company i traded on day t (trading volume).30 We study the changes in the turnover rate 28 29

Maximum BAS is on (AD+14), but this is due to an outlier. Earlier studies report a positive relationship between illiquidity and stock returns (see Amihud, 2002; Brennan and Subrahmanyam, 1996).


for both inclusions and exclusions.31 The results are presented in Table XI. Additionally, we also check the correlation between the liquidity proxies: BAS and turnover ratio. The average coefficient of correlation is found to be very low at 0.12. Figure 4 displays the average turnover behaviour for both inclusions and exclusions around the event window between (AD-50) and (AD+70). [INSERT TABLE XI HERE] For the inclusions, turnover rate is available for 195 stocks, of which 178 have a 9-day run-up window. The results show that in the long run, there is a considerable difference between the preannouncement and post-inclusion turnover rates. The maximum rate is observed on AD (2.7), which is the day following the inclusion announcement.32 Following AD, turnover decreases and remains at a lower level until CD. On CD, the turnover is 2.2, which is another peak value. After the index inclusion, turnover is lower at around 1.5 but still higher than the pre-announcement levels, which is around 1.33 The peaks in the run-up window may also be interpreted as demand increases from different investors; arbitrageurs vs. dedicated EM funds. Panels A and C of Figure 4 present the changes in the turnover rate around the inclusion. For exclusions, the sample size is 219 (with 208 of these in the 9-day subsample). There is a significant turnover increase, which again starts building up following the announcement. However, unlike the inclusions, the turnover rate starts to increase gradually in the run-up window. There is a significant increase on (AD+1) with a turnover of 2.2, and the turnover increases until CD, with a maximum on the actual deletion date (3.2). When compared with the turnover rates around the inclusion, there is a larger increase in turnover rates around exclusions. This result may be attributed to the slow price reversal that occurs gradually up until 40 days after the change (CD+40), as shown in the previous section. Additionally, index funds may be exiting the excluded stock much faster and at a point much earlier in the run-up window, since being caught with excluded stocks in the portfolio may have worse consequences than being caught without the included stock on the actual index change date. The rest of the liquidity increases for exclusions may be coming from the noise traders. Moreover, this counter intuitive result may be explained based on the fact that the exclusions do not have the same information content (maybe not as important for the international investors) as the inclusions. The inclusions may be causing revaluation of stock prices as they move from the segmented to integrated world-stock category, however, exclusions would not have the opposite effect, i.e. stocks would not be repriced as segmented stocks. Over all, the long-term turnover impacts of the index inclusions and exclusions seem to be similar in some respects, i.e. there is a substantial increase in liquidity after both. However, this finding is counterintuitive, since we expect the inclusions and exclusions to have the opposite liquidity impacts, if the liquidity hypothesis holds. Thus, we reject the liquidity hypothesis for the permanent price impact. Mild Segmentation Hypothesis This hypothesis predicts that following the inclusion, there should be an increase in the global market beta, since the stocks are then priced as integrated ‘global’ assets. However, the validity of this hypothesis does not necessarily require a large change in the local betas in the opposite direction. 30

Turnover ratio is a more refined measure of liquidity compared to trading volume, because it takes into account the total number of shares of a particular company that are available for trading on a given day (‘freefloat’). 31 The turnover rates are scaled by the average turnover between (AD-40) and (AD-10) for comparison. 32 We observe its affects on AD since the announcement is after the European and Asian markets are closed 33 Since we scale the turnover rates by the average during this period, we expect the values to be around 1.


In this section, we test for the mild segmentation hypothesis by looking at the changes in the level of integration associated with the index inclusion. Since this paper examines the index changes within the context of emerging markets, the specific characteristics of these markets are incorporated into our hypotheses and analyses. As mentioned earlier, existing literature shows that the emerging markets are not fully integrated with the global stock markets. Hence, our hypothesis is that inclusion in a global benchmark EM index enhances the level of integration, thus results in permanent price increase. In our analysis, we use the market betas to measure the level of market integration. Briefly, we examine the changes in local and global market betas, before and after the index inclusion. The betas are calculated using a multifactor CAPM framework; the daily stock returns are regressed on the daily world market returns and local market returns. The global market portfolio is proxied by MSCI All World index, and the local market portfolios are proxied by DataStream Country indices. For the multifactor tests, we use the following empirical model for stock i at time t, where rt is the daily return on stock i on day t, rWt is the excess return on the world market portfolio, and rLt is the excess return on the local stock index. rt = α + β1rWt + β 2 rLt + ε t

ε t ∼ N (0, σ 2 ) E[ rWt ε t ] = 0 E[ rLtε t ] = 0

The rationale is that when the stocks are included in a benchmark index, they become part of the global set of assets available to international investors. This can be explained using IAPMs and as a shift from ‘technical eligibility’ to ‘perceived eligibility’ as in Errunza and Losq(1985), or from neglected to generic stock category as in Arbel et al. (1983). Therefore, whilst these stocks are first priced as segmented assets by the local factors, after the inclusion they are priced as integrated assets, by the global factors. Since from existing studies we know that the emerging stocks are neither fully integrated nor completely segmented, they are priced by both local and global factors. We calculate two sets of one-year local market betas and global market betas for each stock.34 While calculating the betas, the two-month window around the announcement date, i.e. the period between (AD-30) and (AD+40), is excluded in order to eliminate the short-term price impacts of the index inclusion. The pre-inclusion betas are calculated using the stock return data between (AD-290) and (AD-31). Similarly, the post-inclusion market betas are calculated using the data between (AD+40) and (AD+300). Since standard tests assume that the stock returns are normally distributed and daily stock data is subject to serial dependence and autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH), we check for the robustness of the results by implementing a GARCH(1,1) structure to the return series.35 We find the results to be consistent with the standard test results.36


Assuming that 1 year is approximately equal to 260 business days. It has often been proved that GARCH (1,1) fits better stock returns than do GARCH(p,q) models with p+q ≥ 3. 36 For GARCH (1,1), we use the following empirical model to test our data for stock i at time t:


r =α + β r + β r + ε ε ∼ (0, h ) var(ε ) = h =ϕ +ϕε +ϕ h 1 Wt












2 t −1


t −1

Our results show that there is an increase in the average global market beta and decrease in the average local beta following the index inclusion. These findings are consistent with our expectations, though not very strong. Looking at the equal-weighted averages for the sample, the global market betas increase for 58% of the stocks, by 0.10, while the local market betas decrease for 44% of the stocks by 0.02 after the index inclusion.37 The magnitude of the event impact on global and local betas seems to be considerably different. In the case of global betas, there is a post-AD increase of 257%, and this figure is 4% for the local betas. Overall, the signs of beta changes are as predicted by the mild segmentation hypothesis. Table XII presents a summary of our market beta analysis. [INSERT TABLE XII HERE] To test for the robustness of the results, we correct the multi-factor model for multicollinearity, by calculating the betas by single index CAPM tests using the local and global market portfolios. Since there is a high probability of returns on global market portfolio and local market portfolios being correlated, the standard OLS tests may result in biased parameters. Therefore, we also test the returns using single-index CAPM tests, as in Black, Jensen and Scholes (1972). We run two different CAPM regressions. The first one is the full-integration CAPM, where the market portfolio is proxied by the global portfolio (proxied by MSCI All World Index). The second regression is a complete-segmentation CAPM, where the market portfolio is the local stock index.38 The global market beta for stock i on day t, is calculated using the following regression:

rit = α i + βi1rWt + ε it εt is assumed to follow a normal distribution with mean zero and constant variance. Similarly the local market betas are obtained from the complete-segmentation CAPM:

rit = α i + βi 2 rLit + ε it [INSERT TABLE XIII HERE] We also analyse the changes in market integration for deleted stocks. For this, we use the global and market betas obtained from the single index CAPM regressions. The results show that on average the global beta decreases by 0.15, for 59% of the deleted stocks. The local betas increase for 51% of the stocks, after the deletions. The average increase in local betas is 0.01. As in the case of inclusions, the change in global beta is larger than the change in local beta. [INSERT TABLE XIV HERE] Overall, the results show changes in the local and global betas consistent with the mild segmentation hypothesis. The strongest support comes from the results of the standard multifactor model. iii. Discussion A substantial part of the existing literature assume that index changes are information free events, thus subsequent abnormal price reactions can be explained by the changes in aggregate demand

37 38

Note that the average betas are calculated using equal weights. We also analyse the changes in market integration for deleted stocks. For this, we use the global and market betas obtained from the single index CAPM regressions. The results show that on average the global beta decreases by 0.15, for 59% of the deleted stocks. The local betas increase fro 51% of the stocks, after the deletions. The average increase in local betas is 0.01. As in the case of inclusions, the change in global beta is larger than the change in local beta.


and by the downward sloped demand curve. The validity of this assumption also requires symmetric price effects of inclusions and exclusions. In the short-run analysis, we find these price effects to be asymmetric for the index changes. Thus, the event has information content, in the case of EMs; however, these do not invalidate the demand-curve based hypotheses. They rather show that the slope of the demand curve is not the sole explanation to the abnormal price reaction observed around the event. This is also consistent with the developed market findings. The inclusion price results show that there are significant AARs on the announcement date, though we find no evidence for anticipation of the index inclusion. The abnormal returns accumulate after the announcement, over the run-up window until the inclusion date. Though on the actual index change date, AARs are positive, they are not significant. Following the inclusion, there is a slight price reversal, but even 50 days after the inclusion, CARs do not go back to the pre-announcement levels. Thus, we observe a significant positive price impact of MSCI EM inclusion. The inclusion CAR graphs show a mean shift in the returns after the inclusion. Overall, we see that index inclusion results in a higher price level for the emerging market stocks. The findings are also robust to non-parametric tests. We also find that the trade volume starts increasing right after the announcement for the next two days, followed by a slight decrease. Overall, we see that the volume peaks on (AD+1) and (CD). The event induced volume behaviour is also consistent with the price results. When the results are combined, we see that CARs increase significantly on the days when volume increases significantly. This can also be interpreted as the price increase being volume related for the included stocks. This finding is actually consistent with the existence of two types of investors in the market; arbitrageurs and index funds. Within this context, it can be said that the arbitrageurs enter the markets right after the announcement and start buying these stocks before the actual inclusion takes place, i.e. they front run the index trackers. At that point, the index funds are not yet in the market, since they prefer waiting until actual index inclusion because of the performance benchmark issues. The substantial demand increase from the index funds occurs around and on the announced day of inclusion.39 Unfortunately, we cannot test for this empirically. In the case of exclusions, there is a much larger/sharper price reaction (decrease) in the run-up window with CARs above -3%, and the price reversal starts right after the index change. Even though there is a significant price reversal after the deletions, there is still a slight permanent (negative) price effect, but considerably smaller and insignificant. The exclusion-induced volume reactions are also stronger than the inclusion case. The trade volumes start to increase after the announcement and stay at a higher level than pre-announcement levels in the run-up window, with a maximum on the actual index deletion date (CD). On the whole, the average volume in the run-up window is larger for exclusions. Following the actual index change, the volume levels go back to their pre-announcement levels. Overall, short-run results around the index inclusions support the limited arbitrage (front running) hypothesis. Moreover, we conclude that the temporary price impacts, though different in magnitude, in EMs are similar to those in developed markets. In the long-run analysis, we find the price impacts to be permanent for the case of inclusions, though not for exclusions. Since this rules out the full-integration hypothesis, we test for the liquidity and mild segmentation hypotheses to explain the permanent price effects. In the liquidity 39

The actual inclusion takes place on the announced date after 5pm GMT, when most European and Asian markets are closed. However, we do not make the correction by 1 day as we did for the announcement dates, since the investors are fully aware of the inclusion at this point. Therefore, the index funds make their substantial purchases on the last day, so that they minimize the tracking error.


analysis, we find that the turnover rates increase after both inclusions and exclusions. Other liquidity measures do not show any significant liquidity effects. On the whole, our results do not support the liquidity hypothesis. Though the results do not support the liquidity hypothesis for permanent price effects of index changes, they are nevertheless interesting. Existing research on the liquidity effects of index revisions report permanent effects in developed markets; increase following index inclusions and decrease following index exclusions. Our finding that liquidity increases after both type of changes in EMs can be attributed to other market or stock specific differences. Alternatively, liquidity may be an inclusion criterion that is met much earlier than the actual inclusion, i.e. liquidity of the included stocks might have increased 6 months or 1-year earlier. However, this issue is beyond the scope of this paper. The results of the mild-segmentation analysis show that the global betas increase after the index inclusions. Thus, these illustrate increased level of integration with global markets as a result of inclusion in a benchmark index. The results are interesting within the context of international asset pricing. Particularly, they provide evidence for the gradual, but continuous process of integration in EMs. In practice the integration does not only depend on the official stock market liberalization, but also on the availability, asymmetry and cost of information. Even after the official liberalizations, the international investors are still to be convinced about and made aware of the investability of these markets. The perceived (practical), not the technical, inclusion of EM stocks in the global set of available/investable assets is a gradual process, which depends on several other factors than the official liberalizations. The international investors do not only face legal restrictions, but also practical restrictions (indirect barriers) that keep these market players away from investing in EMs. The findings of this study show that the short-run effects of index inclusion in EMs are similar to developed markets, but the long-run price implications of the event are different and informative within the context of international asset pricing. The significant permanent price impacts provide us with an opportunity to test further for the changes in the level of integration and in risk sharing between domestic and foreign investors. Our results indeed support the arguments of increased foreign investor awareness and the shift from technical to perceived eligibility, though we cannot test for these directly since the data is not available. Following the index inclusions, there is an increase in price and decrease in the super risk premium for the emerging market stocks.40 From the short-term results, we already know that these permanent price impacts are not only due to the change in aggregate demand for these stocks, and that the index changes are not information-free events in emerging markets. In fact, these all point out to the fact that availability/cost of information and increased investor awareness are important factors for pulling foreign portfolio investments into these markets, which, as a result, has magnified effects on the growth and development of an emerging market economy. In this paper, one of our aims is to compare the price impacts of index changes in emerging and developed markets. The results show that inclusion-induced AARs are lower in EMs than those in mature markets. We observe a total price increase around 2% for EMs while this has been reported to be around 3% for the US case. This difference may be explained by the marketwise differences.41 One reason may be the investor base. The percentage of foreign investors and index funds is relatively much lower in the emerging markets. These are the major investors, which are expected to react to the index changes, since the local investors already consider these stocks in their investment set. Additionally, the local investors constitute the largest group of investors in emerging markets, while there is not too much of a distinction between the foreign and local investors in the US market. Because of the constituents of the investor base, a smaller percentage 40

This also results in decreased cost of capital and required rate of return. Earlier, we suggest six points of comparison between the US and EMs; information efficiency, background information cost, investor base, within market segmentation, stock liquidity and level of integration.



of the total investor base reacts to global index inclusions in the emerging markets case. Therefore, though positive and significant, the event impact on the stock prices is relatively smaller. Homogeneity of the markets (within market segmentation) is another issue that may have a significant impact on the observed event impacts. Especially, the permanent price impact of index inclusions in the EMs can be partially attributed to this issue. In a homogenous market like the US, all the stocks are considered by the investors, and the inclusion in a benchmark index like S&P500 does not actually reveal any information about the quality of the stocks. Thus, there is no difference between these stocks regarding information availability. However, this is not the case for the index inclusions in emerging markets. These markets are less homogeneous, in the sense that there are larger differences between the information availability and foreign investor awareness. Then it is reasonable to assume that this is also true for the stocks included and notincluded in a benchmark-EM index. Since the foreign investors are already subject to information asymmetry and are reluctant to invest in these stocks, inclusion in the index has a much more significant signalling content to it. This may be one of the reasons why we find evidence for larger permanent price impact in EMs. The cost and availability of information also vary between these two markets. In EMs information is quite costly to obtain and asymmetric between the local and foreign investors, while this is not true for the US. These are issues that are closely related to the foreign investor interest and awareness. Therefore, the index inclusion in EMs, also have impacts on the cost of information, as it becomes more available and less costly. This also affects the cost of capital, thus the required rate of return, which then results in revaluation of the stock price. To conclude, we find that characteristics of the local markets affect the size and the longevity of the price impacts of the index inclusions in EMs.

V. Conclusions In this paper, we analyse the impacts of index inclusions in emerging markets, by studying a sample of stocks that are added to MSCI EM index over the period 1996-2004. Our motivation is to show that index inclusions have a permanent impact on the stock prices, which can be explained by the characteristics of these markets. In our analysis, we examine the short term and long term price effects separately, as well as studying the index deletions from MSCI EM during the same time period. Our findings provide evidence against the argument that index changes are information free events. Thus, the observed price reactions cannot be justified solely on the grounds of downwardsloped demand curve and changes in aggregate demand following the index inclusion announcement. In the short run, the price response to inclusions and exclusions are asymmetric and much higher in the latter case. This is somehow similar to the index inclusion effects in developed markets, though the magnitude of abnormal returns is different. In the long-term, we find that there is a permanent price impact with a slight reversal following the actual index inclusion, which is different from the mature market case. We suggest two alternative hypotheses to explain this; mild-segmentation of the emerging markets with the world markets, and the changes in stock liquidity, which in return results in changes in expected returns and in stock price revaluations. While we cannot find any supporting evidence for the change of liquidity across stocks, results of our empirical analysis provide evidence for increased integration of these stocks with the world markets, which can also be interpreted as an increased risk sharing between local and foreign investors. Therefore, we suggest that inclusion in a global benchmark index in the emerging market context is a step further in the integration of these markets with the world markets. Though these stock markets are officially liberalized, the actual integration may be a gradual and continuous process until these stocks are considered as part of the global available set of assets by the international investors. Therefore, the shift from technical eligibility to perceived


(practical) eligibility in the eyes of the international investor community is dependent also on other events and factors than the official liberalization, such as the inclusion in a widely followed global index. These results stress the importance of international investor awareness, thus of the information asymmetries and costs, in increasing the international demand for these stocks. Overall, increasing the foreign portfolio investments into emerging markets is important for economic development and growth. Attracting foreign investment into the stock markets is not an issue in developed markets, whereas this is a major concern in emerging markets. Because of this, being included in the global set of investable assets of the international investors has much larger implications in the latter case. The inclusion in a global benchmark index like MSCI EM provides us with a case to test for these issues. Additionally, our paper brings out some interesting issues regarding index changes in emerging markets, which may provide future research opportunities. The stock liquidity response to index inclusions and changes is counterintuitive and the underlying reason may be due to differences in asset pricing in EMs. A similar liquidity analysis can be conducted for mature markets, to extend the topic to a comparative study. Another possible research area is the changes in fund holdings around the index changes in EMs, however, this requires individual fund holdings data. We are currently engaged with this aspect of index changes. One other issue, which we could not analyse because of data unavailability, is testing for investor recognition hypothesis using shareholder data. This may have interesting implications for the emerging markets.


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Appendix Table I Sample and MSCI EM Index Description

This table presents country breakdown of Morgan Stanley International, Inc’s Emerging Markets Index (MSCI EM) and of the inclusion and deletion samples, used in this paper. The table is divided into three main groups: MSCI EM (based on the information as of August, 2005), the sample of stocks added to the index, and the sample of stocks deleted from the index. The first column presents the countries that constitute MSCI EM, and the weights of each country group in the index (with respect to the total market capitalization of the index) are shown in the second column. Similarly, columns six and nine show the weights of each country group in the samples. In column three, the total market capitalization (MCAP) for each country in MSCI EM is shown, in millions of USD. Columns seven and ten show the MCAP for each country, using free float market value as of 2005. Numbers of stocks from each country are presented in columns four, eight and eleven. Eligible minimum size thresholds for inclusions of new securities in MSCI country indices are presented in column five, as free-float adjusted MCAP in millions of USD, as of May 2005.

MSCI EM Index (as of August,2005) no of minimum size Country index weights MCAP stocks guidelines Argentina 0.3% 4,523 9 75 Brazil 10.8% 149,732 47 200 Chile 1.9% 26,775 22 100 China 4.0% 55,881 45 200 Colombia 0.3% 3,690 6 75 Czech Republic 0.8% 11,390 6 100 Egypt 0.8% 11,057 15 75 Hong Kong 3.4% 47,654 28 200 Hungary 1.4% 20,005 6 100 India 5.7% 78,716 62 200 Indonesia 1.4% 19,922 26 150 Israel 3.6% 49,263 39 150 Jordan 0.3% 4,259 13 75 Korea 17.8% 246,621 73 450 Malaysia 3.4% 46,835 75 150 Mexico 6.3% 87,844 22 200 Morocco 0.2% 3,399 11 75 Pakistan 0.3% 3,995 14 75 Peru 0.3% 4,259 6 75 Philippines 0.5% 6,520 18 75 Poland 1.8% 25,346 22 100 Russia 5.2% 72,487 19 200 South Africa 9.7% 134,832 49 450 Taiwan 14.2% 196,845 103 450 Thailand 1.9% 26,872 43 150 Turkey 2.0% 27,926 35 100 Venezuela 0.1% 1,415 5 75 Total 1,387,304 823

Inclusion sample sample weights 0.30% 4.04% 2.17% 8.58% 0.00% 0.53% 5.19% 5.44% 0.07% 6.03% 1.80% 2.01% 0.00% 15.44% 1.16% 0.00% 1.03% 0.36% 0.16% 0.20% 0.38% 9.70% 5.52% 19.59% 10.10% 0.18% 0.02%


MCAP 1,020 13,670 7,359 29,053 1,799 17,550 18,425 235 20,396 6,086 6,789 52,266 3,914 3,480 1,204 550 686 1,287 32,829 18,691 66,314 34,182 618 60 338,464

no of stocks 2 13 5 29 0 2 2 8 3 23 20 8 0 37 12 0 3 1 10 5 4 12 7 21 40 1 1 269

sample weights 0.09% 10.49% 1.36% 1.99% 0.00% 0.00% 2.65% 13.08% 0.00% 12.22% 1.38% 0.03% 0.00% 9.47% 0.83% 2.41% 0.58% 0.20% 0.07% 0.48% 1.65% 13.66% 1.91% 2.56% 22.48% 0.38% 0.03%

Deletion sample no of MCAP stocks 148 2 16,678 14 2,158 7 3,161 15 0 1 4,218 5 20,799 13 0 19,423 19 2,187 21 43 5 0 15,061 33 1,313 6 3,823 4 921 3 325 10 104 4 763 12 2,629 5 21,720 5 3,030 7 4,070 26 35,732 31 611 7 54 7 158,970 262

Table II Daily Average Abnormal Returns (AARs) for Stocks Added to MSCI EM This table presents the daily AARs in the event window for the included stocks in our sample. AAR is the cross sectional average of local-market adjusted stock returns. The abnormal return for stock i on day t (ARit) is calculated as following: ARit = Rit − RMt where Rit is the return on stock i at day t, calculated as first log differences of closing prices. RMt is the daily return on the local market index. The table is divided into two main sections, the whole sample of 269 stocks and the subsample of 192 stocks with 9-day run-up windows. The announcement date (AD) is taken to be on day 1 since the announcements are made on (AD-1) after 5pm GMT, when European and Asian markets are closed. The actual index change date (CD) is on day 10 for the ‘9-day run-up window’ stocks in our sample, 192 in total. The first column specifies the days in the event window, where day 0 is when the actual announcement takes place. The second and sixth columns show the daily AARs for the sample and the subsample respectively. The third and seventh columns are the t-statistics values calculated using cross-sectional variance for the significance of the AARs. The fourth column shows the t-statistics for daily AARs, calculated using time-series variance. Note that this is only reported for the whole sample, for showing that both t-statistics give similar results. In the fifth and eighth columns, the cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) for each day are shown. The CARs begin to accumulate on (AD-11), i.e. day (-10). *, **, and *** denote significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level, respectively. Whole Sample 9-day sample t (AAR) days AAR tc(AAR) CAR AAR tc(AAR) CAR T

-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 AD=1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CD=10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

-0.00024 0.00075 0.00368 0.00232 -0.00019 0.00066 0.00095 -0.00216 -0.00037 -0.00103 -0.00121 0.00476 0.00319 -0.00179 -0.00117 0.00050 0.00043 0.00154 0.00034 0.00125 0.00088 0.00147 0.00110 -0.00234 -0.00118 0.00136 -0.00355 0.00049 0.00116 -0.00086 0.00110

-0.25 0.80 3.93*** 2.48** -0.21 0.71 1.01 -2.31** -0.40 -1.09 -1.29 5.08*** 3.41*** -1.90* -1.25 0.53 0.46 1.64 0.36 1.34 0.94 1.57 1.18 -2.50 -1.26 1.45 -3.79*** 0.52 1.23 -0.91 1.18

-0.25 0.78 3.86*** 2.44** -0.20 0.70 1.00 -2.27** -0.39 -1.08 -1.27 5.00*** 3.35*** -1.87* -1.23 0.52 0.46 1.62 0.35 1.31 0.92 1.55 1.16 -2.46 -1.24 1.42 -3.72*** 0.52 1.21 -0.90 1.16

-0.00024 0.00051 0.00419 0.00652 0.00632 0.00699 0.00794 0.00577 0.00540 0.00438 0.00317 0.00793 0.01113 0.00934 0.00817 0.00867 0.00910 0.01064 0.01098 0.01223 0.01311 0.01458 0.01568 0.01334 0.01216 0.01352 0.00997 0.01046 0.01162 0.01076 0.01187


-0.00113 0.00009 0.00523 0.00126 0.00116 0.00244 0.00139 -0.00271 0.00104 0.00000 -0.00204 0.00429 0.00316 -0.00146 -0.00086 0.00141 -0.00043 0.00004 0.00095 0.00216 0.00133 0.00117 0.00112 -0.00245 -0.00132 0.00155 -0.00273 -0.00076 0.00126 0.00077 0.00008

-0.99 0.08 4.58*** 1.10 1.01 2.14** 1.21 -2.38** 0.91 0.00 -1.79* 3.77*** 2.78*** -1.28 -0.76 1.24 -0.38 0.03 0.83 1.90* 1.17 1.03 0.98 -2.15** -1.16 1.36 -2.40** -0.66 1.11 0.68 0.07

-0.00113 -0.00104 0.00419 0.00545 0.00661 0.00905 0.01044 0.00772 0.00876 0.00876 0.00672 0.01101 0.01417 0.01272 0.01185 0.01326 0.01283 0.01286 0.01382 0.01598 0.01731 0.01848 0.01959 0.01715 0.01583 0.01738 0.01465 0.01389 0.01515 0.01592 0.01600

Table III Cumulative Abnormal Returns in Smaller Event Windows for Stocks Added to MSCI EM This table illustrates the CARs over eight smaller event windows, within the large event window. The first column specifies the event window of interest. The actual start and end dates of these windows are shown in the second column. CARs are cumulated separately within these windows. The third column shows the number of stocks in the sample for each event window, since the whole sample is only used in the first three event windows. Cumulative abnormal returns for each window are presented in the fourth column. The significance of the CARs is calculated using t-statistics using cross-sectional variance, and these are reported in column six. *, ** and *** denote significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level, respectively.

Specific Event Window Anticipation

Event Days AD-11, AD-2

N 269

CAR 0.0043

t-stats 1.38

Announcement day





AD window

AD-1, AD+1 AD-2, AD+2 AD-3, AD+3 AD-3, AD+1

269 269 269 269

0.0071 0.0043 0.0025 0.0054

4.19*** 1.95* 0.97 2.48**

Run up (9-day sample)


192 192

0.0107 0.0069

2.98*** 2.00**

Inclusion Day


192 192

0.0009 0.0012

0.76 1.03

CD window

CD-1, CD+3 CD-2, CD+2

192 192

0.0029 0.0073

1.16 2.87***

Price Reversal

CD+1, CD+10 CD+2, CD+10

192 192

-0.0017 -0.0022

0.47 0.59

Total Short-run Price Effect

AD, CD+10 AD-11, CD+10

192 192

0.0091 0.0163

1.78* 2.56***

Permanent Price Effect

AD, CD+18 AD-11, CD+20

192 192

0.0133 0.0159

2.21** 2.17**


Table IV Non-parametric Rank Test Results for Daily AARs for Stocks Added to MSCI EM This table presents the test results of the rank test, following Corrado (1989). The average abnormal returns (AARs) between (AD-10) and (AD+11) are ranked from 1 to L2, where L2 is the length of the event window (L2=T2-T1).42 The test statistics for ‘H0: no abnormal return on AD’ is calculated as L +1 1 N  t Rank = Ki 0 − 2 / s ( L2 ) ∼ N (0,1)  N i =1  2 

s ( L2 ) =

T 1 2 1  L2 τ =T +1  N

L2 + 1     K iτ − 2    i =1  N



where K iτ is the rank of AR of stock i for the event period τ, which ranges between T1+1 and T2 with event day τ=0. The first column shows the days, where the announcement date (AD) is day 1, which is the business day following the actual inclusion announcement on day 0. The results are reported in two separate groups of stocks: the whole sample and the group of stocks with a 9-day run-up window (9-day subsample). The second and fourth columns show the number of stocks in each of these groups. The third and fifth columns report the t-stats of the rank tests for each AAR on the specified date. The AARs are local market adjusted average abnormal returns for the sample. *, ** and *** denote significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level, respectively. days -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 AD=1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


Whole Sample N t-stats 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269

0.36 0.42 -1.20 -0.94 0.56 -0.03 -0.36 1.20 0.92 0.80 0.76 -2.31** -1.22 1.38 0.91 -0.04 0.84 -1.35 0.10 -0.08 -1.83* 0.19

T1=(AD-10) and T2= (AD+11)


9-day subsample N t-stats 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192

-0.06 0.82 -1.22 -1.00 0.51 -0.26 -0.13 0.68 0.32 0.88 -0.07 -2.43** -0.33 1.49 1.37 -0.90 1.35 -1.59 0.24 0.22 -1.26 0.45

Table V Non-parametric Sign Test Results for Daily AARs for Stocks Added to MSCI EM This table presents the test results of the non-parametric sign test. The sign tests are performed by looking at the number of positive and negative returns of sample stocks on a given day. The AARs are local market adjusted average abnormal returns for the sample. The test statistics is calculated:

 N+  N tsign =  − 0.5 ∼ N (0,1) N 0.5   The first column shows the days, where the announcement date (AD) is day 1, which is the business day following the actual inclusion announcement on day 0. CD is the actual index change date for the 9-day subsample. The results are reported in two separate groups of stocks: the whole sample and the group of stocks with a 9-day run-up window (9-day subsample). The second and sixth columns show the number of stocks with positive returns on the specific date, in each of these groups. Similarly, the third and seventh columns show the number of stocks with negative returns on each day. The ratios of stocks with positive returns to the total number of stocks in each group are reported in columns four and eight. Test statistics are reported in columns five and nine.

days -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 AD=1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CD=10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Whole Sample Positive Negative 119 121 126 139 131 100 157 110 134 122 132 124 123 144 122 136 133 131 113 153 126 142 169 98 134 128 121 147 134 135 144 125 129 135 140 127 137 129 130 134 155 112 132 129 138 128 118 146 118 119 124 124 104 165 136 120 137 128 130 133 124 143 115 144 136 127

ratio 0.50 0.48 0.57 0.59 0.52 0.52 0.46 0.47 0.50 0.42 0.47 0.63 0.51 0.45 0.50 0.54 0.49 0.52 0.52 0.49 0.58 0.51 0.52 0.45 0.50 0.50 0.39 0.53 0.52 0.49 0.46 0.44 0.52

test-stats -0.14 -0.80 2.20 2.89 0.77 0.51 -1.29 -0.89 0.12 -2.47 -0.98 4.36 0.38 -1.59 -0.06 1.16 -0.37 0.80 0.49 -0.25 2.64 0.19 0.62 -1.74 -0.07 0.00 -3.72 1.03 0.56 -0.19 -1.17 -1.84 0.56


9-day subsample Positive Negative 93 94 85 104 105 74 108 83 98 81 100 83 79 112 79 102 94 95 90 100 93 98 123 69 99 93 97 95 99 93 112 80 91 96 95 97 100 91 94 94 112 79 94 91 98 91 88 104 100 84 89 96 78 114 88 92 96 92 96 91 85 106 84 100 101 85

ratio 0.50 0.45 0.59 0.57 0.55 0.55 0.41 0.44 0.50 0.47 0.49 0.64 0.52 0.51 0.52 0.58 0.49 0.49 0.52 0.50 0.59 0.51 0.52 0.46 0.54 0.48 0.41 0.49 0.51 0.51 0.45 0.46 0.54

test-stats -0.07 -1.39 2.40 1.81 1.32 1.29 -2.39 -1.76 -0.07 -0.73 -0.36 3.90 0.43 0.14 0.43 2.31 -0.37 -0.14 0.65 0.00 2.39 0.22 0.51 -1.15 1.20 -0.52 -2.60 -0.31 0.29 0.37 -1.52 -1.20 1.19

Table VI Daily Average Abnormal Returns (AARs) for Stocks Deleted from MSCI EM This table presents the daily AARs in the event window for the deleted stocks in our sample. . AAR is the cross sectional average of local-market adjusted stock returns. The abnormal return for stock i on day t (ARit) is calculated as following: ARit = Rit − RMt where Rit is the return on stock i at day t, calculated as first log differences of closing prices. RM, t is the daily return on the local market index. The table is divided into two main sections, the whole sample of 262 stocks and the subsample of 247 stocks with 9-day run-up windows. The announcement date (AD) is taken to be on day 1 since the announcements are made on (AD-1) after 5pm GMT, when European and Asian markets are closed. The actual index change date (CD) is on day 10 for the ‘9day run-up window’ stocks in our sample. The first column specifies the days in the event window, where day 0 is when the actual announcement takes place. The second and fifth columns show the daily AARs for the sample and the subsample respectively. The third and sixth columns are the tstatistics values calculated using time-series variance for the significance of the AARs. In the fourth and seventh columns, the cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) for each day are shown. The CARs begin on (AD-11), i.e. day (-10). *, **, and *** denote significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level, respectively.

days -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 AD= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CD= 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

AARs -0.0016 -0.0008 -0.0006 0.0013 -0.0020 0.0007 0.0012 -0.0043 0.0045 -0.0014 -0.0031 -0.0019 -0.0032 -0.0056 -0.0042 -0.0020 0.0005 -0.0053 0.0041 -0.0043 -0.0096 0.0056 -0.0023 0.0036 0.0000 -0.0011 -0.0022 -0.0024 0.0008 0.0040 -0.0027

Whole Sample t-stats CARs -0.82 -0.0016 -0.39 -0.0024 -0.30 -0.0030 0.68 -0.0017 -1.03 -0.0037 0.34 -0.0030 0.58 -0.0019 -2.18** -0.0062 2.26** -0.0017 -0.70 -0.0031 -1.57 -0.0062 -0.97 -0.0081 -1.61* -0.0113 -2.82*** -0.0169 -2.11** -0.0211 -1.00 -0.0231 0.26 -0.0226 -2.66*** -0.0279 2.05** -0.0238 -2.16** -0.0281 -4.82*** -0.0377 2.82*** -0.0321 -1.17 -0.0344 1.83* -0.0308 -0.02 -0.0308 -0.53 -0.0319 -1.12 -0.0341 -1.23 -0.0365 0.39 -0.0357 2.00 -0.0318 -1.34 -0.0344


AARs -0.0019 -0.0008 -0.0007 0.0013 -0.0023 0.0009 0.0012 -0.0046 0.0046 -0.0013 -0.0030 -0.0019 -0.0032 -0.0059 -0.0045 -0.0022 0.0008 -0.0058 0.0039 -0.0046 -0.0105 0.0060 -0.0019 0.0041 0.0000 -0.0011 -0.0018 -0.0024 0.0010 0.0045 -0.0023

9-day sample t-stats -0.94 -0.41 -0.38 0.63 -1.14 0.43 0.62 -2.31** 2.34** -0.67 -1.52 -0.98 -1.62 -2.96*** -2.28** -1.09 0.40 -2.90 1.98 -2.34** -5.26*** 3.03*** -0.96 2.07** 0.00 -0.56 -0.88 -1.21 0.48 2.26 -1.14

CARs -0.0019 -0.0027 -0.0034 -0.0022 -0.0045 -0.0036 -0.0023 -0.0069 -0.0023 -0.0036 -0.0066 -0.0086 -0.0118 -0.0177 -0.0222 -0.0244 -0.0236 -0.0293 -0.0254 -0.0301 -0.0405 -0.0345 -0.0364 -0.0323 -0.0323 -0.0334 -0.0351 -0.0376 -0.0366 -0.0321 -0.0344

Table VII Cumulative Abnormal Returns in Smaller Event Windows for Stocks Deleted from MSCI EM This table illustrates the CARs over eight smaller event windows, within the large event window. The first column specifies the event window of interest. The actual start and end dates of these windows are shown in the second column. CARs are cumulated within these windows. The third column shows the number of stocks in the sample for each event window, since the whole sample is only used in the first three event windows. Cumulative abnormal returns for each window are presented in the fourth column. The significance of the CARs is calculated using t-statistics using time-series variance, and these are reported in column six. *, **, and *** denote significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level, respectively.

Specific Event Window Anticipation

Event Days AD-11, AD-2

N 262

CAR -0.0036

t-stats 0.57

Announcement day





AD window

AD-2, AD+2 AD-1, AD+1 AD-3, AD+3

262 262 262

-0.0016 -0.0082 -0.0153

0.41 2.38** 3.14***

Run up (9-day sample)


247 247

-0.0339 -0.0319

5.39*** 5.35***

Inclusion Day


247 247

-0.0105 0.0060

5.26*** 3.03***

CD window

CD-1, CD+3 CD-2, CD+2

247 247

-0.0069 -0.0071

1.55 1.59

Price Reversal

CD+1, CD+10 CD+1, CD+20

247 247

0.0061 0.0167

0.97 1.87*

Total Short-run Price Effect

AD, CD+10

247 247

-0.0278 -0.0344

3.12*** 3.16***

247 247 247

-0.0172 -0.0239 -0.0205

1.58 1.90* 1.56

AD-11, CD+10

Permanent Price Effect

AD, CD+20 AD-11, CD+20 AD-11, CD+34


Table VIII Daily Average Volume for Stocks Added to and Deleted from MSCI EM This table summarizes the average volume behaviour around both the inclusions and deletions. The volume is measured by the daily trade value in USD and calculated by multiplying the daily price and number of shares traded: equity trade value (ETV). The daily ETV data is scaled by the average ETV over (AD-30) and (AD+30) in order to obtain comparable volume measures across stocks. The first column shows the days with the actual announcement taking place on day 0, however, since the inclusion announcements occur after 5pm GMT, the event date is assumed to be ‘day 1’ (AD). Day 10, i.e. CD, is the actual index change date for the group of stocks with 9-day run-up windows. The second and fourth columns report the cross-sectional average ETV on the specified date, for inclusions and deletions respectively. The whole sample for the inclusions consists of 254 stocks, with 182 of these having 9-day run-up windows. The deleted stocks are 217 in total, with 208 of these in the 9-day subsample. The third and fourth columns are the daily average ETV for the group of stocks in the 9-day subsample.

days -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 AD=1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CD=10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Index Additions whole sample 9-day sample 0.742 0.732 0.924 0.943 0.921 0.875 0.981 0.941 0.940 0.868 0.913 0.885 0.971 1.072 0.951 1.023 0.907 0.913 0.983 0.962 1.159 1.001 1.226 1.191 1.263 1.322 0.976 0.921 1.069 1.100 0.905 0.916 0.999 1.047 0.957 0.985 0.960 0.938 1.098 1.064 1.542 1.591 1.181 1.178 1.119 1.118 1.091 1.104 0.891 0.807 1.140 1.145 1.090 1.062 0.904 1.004 0.924 0.931 0.965 1.011 0.998 0.985


Index Deletions whole sample 9-day sample 0.881 0.911 0.887 0.914 0.934 0.967 0.831 0.825 1.024 0.993 0.887 0.862 0.974 0.939 0.832 0.849 0.842 0.852 0.886 0.885 0.790 0.773 0.899 0.905 1.355 1.366 1.015 1.023 1.290 1.316 1.030 1.051 1.264 1.281 0.921 0.921 1.037 0.988 1.173 1.170 1.913 1.953 1.245 1.274 1.384 1.403 1.180 1.190 1.021 1.025 1.131 1.150 1.195 1.219 1.068 1.093 1.031 1.050 0.964 0.959 1.028 0.969

Table IX Liquidity Analysis I: Bid-Ask Spreads for Stocks Added to and Deleted from MSCI EM This table summarizes the daily average bid and ask spread behaviour around both the inclusions and deletions. The proportional bid-ask spread (BASi,t) is calculated as follows: Pi ,At − Pi ,Bt ) ( BASi ,t = A ( Pi,t + Pi,Bt ) / 2 PA PB where i ,t and i ,t are the last stamp ask and bid prices for stock i on day t. The BAS series are scaled by the average BAS over (AD-30) and (AD-1) in order to obtain comparable volume measures across stocks. The first column shows the days with the actual announcement taking place on day 0, however, since the inclusion announcements occur after 5pm GMT, the event date is assumed to be ‘day 1’ (AD). Day 10, i.e. CD, is the actual index change date for the group of stocks with 9-day run-up windows. The second and fourth columns report the cross-sectional average BAS on the specified date, for inclusions and deletions respectively. The whole sample for the inclusions, with BAS data available, consists of 126 stocks, with 87 of these having 9-day run-up windows. The deleted stocks with BAS data are 126 in total, with 119 of these in the 9-day subsample. The third and fourth columns are the daily average BAS for the group of stocks in the 9-day subsample.

days -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 AD=1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CD=10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Index Additions whole sample 9-day sample 1.19 1.010 0.84 0.900 0.81 0.999 0.97 0.977 0.92 0.912 0.99 1.042 0.94 0.911 1.24 1.181 0.64 0.868 0.68 0.889 1.13 1.148 1.39 1.191 1.08 1.035 1.10 1.192 0.88 0.740 1.01 1.005 1.19 1.045 1.25 1.187 1.04 0.980 1.27 1.321 1.13 1.085 1.20 1.104 1.14 1.180 1.09 1.189 1.54 1.687 1.13 1.037 0.90 0.853 1.12 1.129 1.02 1.037 1.13 1.063 0.97 0.865


Index Deletions whole sample 9-day sample 0.93 0.900 0.92 0.884 0.76 0.769 0.87 0.882 0.94 0.954 0.98 1.003 0.87 0.792 0.80 0.743 1.04 1.000 1.07 1.067 1.12 1.185 1.06 1.064 1.25 1.253 0.90 0.917 0.92 0.918 0.94 0.950 0.72 0.711 1.35 1.387 1.20 1.225 1.07 1.087 1.52 1.580 0.94 0.965 0.80 0.813 0.80 0.777 1.10 1.074 0.73 0.730 0.93 0.942 0.85 0.847 0.76 0.754 0.94 0.913 0.76 0.758

Table X Liquidity Analysis II: Illiquidity Measures for Stocks Added to and Deleted from MSCI EM This table summarizes the daily average illiquidity behaviour around both the inclusions and deletions. The illiquidity (ILLIQi,t) for stock i at day t is calculated following Amihud (2002) as: ri , t ILLIQi , t = Vi , t where ri,t is the daily return on security i on day t. Vi,t stands for the dollar value of company i ’s shares traded on a given day t (the trading value).The ILLIQ series are scaled by the average ILLIQ over (AD30) and (AD-1) in order to obtain comparable volume measures across stocks. The first column shows the days with the actual announcement taking place on day 0, however, since the inclusion announcements occur after 5pm GMT, the event date is assumed to be ‘day 1’ (AD). Day 10, i.e. CD, is the actual index change date for the group of stocks with 9-day run-up windows. The second and fourth columns report the cross-sectional average illiquidity measure on the specified date, for inclusions and deletions respectively. The whole sample for the inclusions, for which illiquidity measure is available, consists of 235 stocks, with 166 of these having 9-day run-up windows. The deleted stocks, with illiquidity measures, are 262 in total, with 247 of these in the 9-day subsample. The third and fourth columns are the daily average illiquidity for the group of stocks in the 9-day subsample.

days -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 AD=1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CD=10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Index Additions whole sample 9-day sample 1.20 1.30 1.17 0.97 0.91 0.94 0.90 0.85 0.94 0.93 0.81 0.75 1.19 1.00 1.11 0.95 0.97 0.95 0.76 0.76 1.25 1.12 1.14 0.90 0.84 0.80 1.33 1.27 1.06 0.88 1.01 1.05 1.16 1.07 1.14 1.03 1.06 1.17 1.12 0.97 1.00 0.90 0.92 0.81 1.15 0.74 0.85 0.62 1.73 1.84 0.83 0.81 0.71 0.79 1.16 0.91 0.84 0.68 1.24 1.22 1.10 0.95


Index Deletions whole sample 9-day sample 1.27 1.266 0.99 0.972 1.11 1.103 0.56 0.543 1.07 0.890 0.75 0.750 0.85 0.882 1.21 1.192 1.21 1.247 1.27 1.308 1.38 1.426 1.50 1.544 1.32 1.365 0.92 0.939 0.57 0.589 1.23 1.247 1.45 1.505 1.54 1.606 1.47 1.514 1.46 1.468 1.66 1.710 1.98 2.023 0.84 0.881 1.28 1.325 1.14 1.190 1.19 1.212 0.85 0.873 1.17 1.206 1.44 1.473 1.23 1.242 1.18 1.221

Table XI Liquidity Analysis III: Turnover for Stocks Added to and Deleted from MSCI EM This table summarizes the daily average liquidity behaviour around both the inclusions and deletions. The liquidity is proxied by the turnover ratio (Tit) for stock i on day t, which calculated as following: Q Tit = it N it where Nit denotes the daily number of shares outstanding for stock i and Qit is the number of shares of company i traded on day t (trade volume). The turnover rates are scaled by the average turnover during (AD-40) and (AD-10) in order to obtain comparable volume measures across stocks. The first column shows the days with the actual announcement taking place on day 0, however, since the inclusion announcements occur after 5pm GMT, the event date is assumed to be ‘day 1’ (AD). Day 10, i.e. CD, is the actual index change date for the group of stocks with 9-day run-up windows. The second and fourth columns report the cross-sectional average turnover on the specified date, for inclusions and deletions respectively. The whole sample for the inclusions, for which the turnover data is available, consists of 243 stocks, with 174 of these having 9-day run-up windows. The deleted stocks with the turnover data are 219 in total, with 208 of these in the 9-day subsample. The third and fourth columns are the daily average turnover for the group of stocks in the 9-day subsample.

days -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 AD=1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CD=10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Index Additions whole sample 9-day sample 0.83 0.83 0.96 1.00 1.02 0.99 1.07 1.07 1.00 0.94 1.01 1.00 1.12 1.28 1.07 1.13 1.07 1.08 1.19 1.12 1.52 1.31 1.54 1.46 1.68 1.77 1.30 1.15 1.38 1.34 1.25 1.22 1.43 1.46 1.34 1.37 1.39 1.25 1.57 1.41 2.17 2.09 1.73 1.58 1.54 1.48 1.43 1.40 1.14 0.94 1.51 1.48 1.57 1.46 1.22 1.30 1.24 1.15 1.25 1.27 1.33 1.20


Index Deletions whole sample 9-day sample 1.13 1.16 1.38 1.42 1.20 1.24 1.11 1.10 1.57 1.54 1.31 1.19 1.70 1.57 1.27 1.29 1.38 1.40 1.49 1.51 1.41 1.40 1.29 1.31 2.15 2.17 2.12 2.16 2.59 2.67 1.99 2.04 3.03 3.13 2.07 2.11 2.54 2.56 3.00 3.08 3.13 3.20 2.41 2.49 2.41 2.47 2.03 2.07 1.65 1.66 1.93 1.96 1.87 1.89 1.79 1.84 1.79 1.83 1.81 1.81 1.87 1.77

Table XII Market Integration I: Multifactor Model Results for Stocks Added to MSCI EM This table presents the changes in global and local market betas, before and after the index inclusion. There are two sections in this table; Part A shows the results from OLS regressions, and Part B shows the results from GARCH (1,1) regressions. The market betas for stock i on day t, are calculated using the following regression: rit = αi + βi1rWt + βi 2 rLi t + ε it For Part A results, εt is assumed to follow a normal distribution with mean zero and constant variance. For Part B, error term has mean zero and conditional variance of ht:

ε t ∼ (0, ht ), var(ε t ) = ht = ϕ0 + ϕ1ε t2−1 + ϕ2 ht −1 . rit is the daily return on stock i on day t, rwt is the return on the world portfolio, proxied by MSCI All World Index and rLt is the return on the local market portfolio, proxied by the country stock index. All the returns are calculated as the first log differences of the closing prices on days t and t-1.βi1 is the global beta and βi2 is the local beta for stock i. Two sets of one-year local market betas and global market betas for each stock are calculated. While calculating the betas, the two-month window around the announcement date (AD), i.e. the period between (AD-30) and (AD+40), is excluded in order to eliminate the short-term price impacts of the index inclusion. The pre-inclusion betas (b1) are calculated using the stock return data between (AD-290) and (AD-31). Similarly, the post-inclusion market betas (b2) are calculated using the data between (AD+40) and (AD+300). In Part A, the first row shows the average global and local one-year betas before (b1), and the second row shows the average global and local betas one-year after the inclusion (b2). The third row is the sample averages of the differences between pre-inclusion and post-inclusion betas (b1-b2): for both global and local betas. The fourth row shows the number of stocks with a negative difference between pre- inclusion and post- inclusion betas. Total numbers of stocks for which the betas are available are given in row five. In row six, the percentage of stocks with increases in their global and local betas following the announcement are specified. In Part B, the rows have the same content, but the market betas are obtained from the same two-index model with GARCH (1,1) specification. Part A OLS Average pre-AD beta (b1) Average post-AD beta (b2) Average difference (b1-b2) Number of stocks with negative (b1-b2) Total number of stocks % of stocks with increased betas



0.04 0.13 -0.10 153 264 58%

0.84 0.80 0.02 115 264 44%

0.05 0.10 -0.06 145 259 56%

0.80 0.77 0.02 120 260 46%

Part B GARCH (1,1) Average pre-AD beta (b1) Average post-AD beta (b2) Average difference (b1-b2) Number of stocks with negative (b1-b2) Total number of stocks % of stocks with increased betas


Table XIII Market Integration II: CAPM Results for Stocks Added to MSCI EM This table presents the changes in global and local market betas, before and after the index inclusion, obtained from CAPM regressions. There are two sections in this table: the results from full-integration CAPM with the world market portfolio and the results from complete-segmentation CAPM with the local market portfolio. The global market beta for stock i on day t, is calculated using the following regression: rit = α i + βi1rWt + ε it εt is assumed to follow a normal distribution with mean zero and constant variance. rit is the daily return on stock i on day t, and rwt is the return on the world portfolio, proxied by MSCI All World Index. Similarly the local market betas are obtained from the complete-segmentation CAPM:

rit = αi + βi 2 rLi t + ε it where all terms are as in full-integration CAPM except rLt, which is the return on the local market portfolio, proxied by the country stock index of stock i. All the returns are calculated as the first log differences of the closing prices on days t and t-1. βi1 is the global beta and βi2 is the local beta for stock i. The second column presents the results for the global betas, while the third column illustrates the local betas. The average global and local market betas are also calculated excluding the stocks from the mostinvested emerging markets; Brazil, Hong Kong, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mexico and Taiwan. The results are shown in columns four and five for global and local betas respectively. Two sets of market betas are calculated from each empirical model; pre-inclusion and post-inclusion. While calculating the betas, the two-month window around the announcement date (AD), i.e. the period between (AD-30) and (AD+40), is excluded in order to eliminate the short-term price impacts of the index inclusion. The preinclusion betas (b1) are calculated using the stock return data between (AD-290) and (AD-31). Similarly, the post-inclusion market betas (b2) are calculated using the data between (AD+40) and (AD+300). The first row shows the global and local one-year betas before (b1), and the second row shows the average global and local betas one-year after the inclusion (b2). The third row is the sample averages of the differences between pre-inclusion and post-inclusion betas (b1-b2): for both global and local betas. The fourth row shows the number of stocks with a negative difference between preinclusion and post- inclusion betas. Total numbers of stocks for which the betas are available are given in row five. In row six, the percentage of stocks with increases in their global and local betas following the announcement are stated. single-index CAPM Average pre-AD beta (b1) Average post-AD beta (b2) Average difference (b1-b2) Number of stocks with negative (b1-b2) Total number of stocks % of stocks with increased betas



0.58 0.69 -0.12 137 263 52%

0.85 0.83 0.01 127 263 48%



-0.19 88 152 58%


0.03 73 152 48%

Table XIV CAPM Results for Stocks Deleted from MSCI EM This table presents the changes in global and local market betas, before and after the index deletions, obtained from CAPM regressions. In Part A, the results from the multi-index APT model are presented. The market betas for stock i on day t, are calculated using the following regression: rit = αi + βi1rWt + βi 2 rLi t + ε it where εt is assumed to follow a normal distribution with mean zero and constant variance. rit is the daily return on stock i on day t, rwt is the return on the world portfolio, proxied by MSCI All World Index and rLt is the return on the local market portfolio, proxied by the country stock index. All the returns are calculated as the first log differences of the closing prices on days t and t-1.βi1 is the global beta and βi2 is the local beta for stock i. Two sets of one-year local market betas and global market betas for each stock are calculated. While calculating the betas, the two-month window around the announcement date (AD), i.e. the period between (AD-30) and (AD+40), is excluded in order to eliminate the short-term price impacts of the index deletion. The pre-deletion betas (b1) are calculated using the stock return data between (AD-290) and (AD-31). Similarly, the post-deletion market betas (b2) are calculated using the data between (AD+40) and (AD+300). In Part A, the first row shows the average global and local oneyear betas before (b1), and the second row shows the average global and local betas one-year after the deletion (b2). The third row is the sample averages of the differences between pre-deletion and postdeletion betas (b1-b2): for both global and local betas. The fourth row shows the number of stocks with a negative difference between pre-deletion and post- deletion betas. Total numbers of stocks for which the betas are available are given in row five. In row six, the percentage of stocks with increases in their global and local betas following the announcement are shown. In Part B, the results from full-integration CAPM with the world market portfolio and the results from complete-segmentation CAPM with the local market portfolio. The global market beta for stock i on day t, is calculated using the following regression: rit = α i + βi1rWt + ε it The explanatory and dependent variables are defined as in the multifactor model, with the same specification of the error term. Similarly the local market betas are obtained from the completesegmentation CAPM: rit = αi + βi 2 rLi t + ε it where all terms are as in full-integration CAPM except the explanatory variable rLt, which is the return on the local market portfolio, proxied by the country stock index of stock i. The ordering and contents of the rows in Part B are same with Part A. Part A Multi-index APT Average pre-AD beta (b1) Average post-AD beta (b2) Average difference (b1-b2) Number of stocks with negative (b1-b2) Total number of stocks % of stocks with increased betas Part B single-index CAPM Average pre-AD beta (b1) Average post-AD beta (b2) Average difference (b1-b2) Number of stocks with negative (b1-b2) Total number of stocks % of stocks with increased betas




0.16 0.06 0.10 88 205 43%

0.47 0.47 -0.01 99 203 49%

global 0.42 0.27 0.15 83 202 41%

local 0.47 0.48 -0.01 103 201 51%

Addition Announced After 8pm GMT on AD



Composition of MSCI EM Changes at Close on CD






Anticipation window Announcement window

Inclusion window Run-up window

Price reversal window

Total short-run price effect window

Permanent price impact window

Figure 1. Timeline and Multiple Event Windows for Additions to and Deletions from MSCI EM. This timeline illustrates the large and smaller event windows used in this paper. AD stands for the announcement date, which is the day following the actual announcement of index inclusion or deletion, because the announcements are made after 5pm GMT, when the European and Asian stock markets are closed. CD stands for the actual index change (inclusion and deletion) date. There is one large event window, which covers the days between (AD-10) and (CD+20). In order to analyse, the price changes within the event window, the large window is divided into six smaller event windows: Anticipation window (between (AD-10) and (AD-1)), announcement day (AD), run-up window (between (AD+1) and (CD-1)), inclusion/change day (CD), price reversal window (between ((CD+1) and (CD+10)) and the total price effect window (between AD and (CD+10)). Additionally, announcement window (between (AD-2) and (AD+2)) and inclusion window (between (CD-2) and (CD+2)) are not major windows, but also included in the analysis.


Panel B: Deletions CARs (Whole Sample)

Panel A: Inclusions CARs (Whole Sample)



-0.01 CARs


0.010 0.005 0.000

-0.02 -0.03 -0.04


-0.05 -12 -6


6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60

-12 -6


Event day

Panel D: Deletions CARs (9-day Sample)

Panel C: Inclusions CARs (9-day Sample)
















-0.05 -12 -6


6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 Event day

-12 -6 0

6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 Event day

6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 Event day

Figure 2. Cumulative Abnormal Returns (CARs) for Additions to and Deletions from MSCI EM. The figure presents CARs for both inclusions and deletions. Daily sample averages of local-market adjusted abnormal returns (AARs) are used to calculate the CARs; AARs are accumulated from day (-12) onwards, until day 60. The two vertical lines in each panel specify the announcement (AD) and actual index change date (CD) respectively. Panels A and B show the results for the complete samples, which include stocks with different number of days between AD and CD (i.e. run-up window). Similarly, Panels C and D show CARs for the group of stocks with 9-day run-up windows. The complete sample for inclusions consists of 269 stocks, of which 192 have 9day run-up windows. The complete sample for deletions consists of 262 stocks, of which 247 have 9-day run-up windows.


Panel B: Deletions Volume (Whole Sample)




1.5 ETV


Panel A: Inclusions Volume (Whole Sample)

1.0 0.5



0.0 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 Event day

10 15 20 25 30

-30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 Event day

Panel C: Inclusions Volume (9-day Sample)

10 15 20 25 30


Panel D: Deletions Volume (9-day Sample) 2.0


1.5 ETV




1.0 0.5




-30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 Event day

-30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Event day

10 15 20 25 30

Figure 3. Average Standardized Volume (Equity Trade Value, ETV) for Additions to and Deletions from MSCI EM. The figure presents average volume around the event window, for both inclusions and deletions. The daily equity trade value (in USD) is used as the volume data (ETV). ETV for each stock is scaled by the average volume between (AD-30) and (AD-1), and the cross-sectional average is used as ETV. The two vertical lines in each panel specify the announcement (AD) and actual index change date (CD) respectively. Panels A and B show the stdVOL for the complete samples, which include stocks with different number of days between AD and CD (i.e. run-up window). Similarly, Panels C and D show stdVOL for the group of stocks with 9-day run-up windows. The complete sample for inclusions consists of 254 stocks, of which 182 have 9-day run-up windows. The complete sample for deletions consists of 217 stocks, of which 208 have 9-day run-up windows.


Panel B: Deletions Turnover (Whole Sample)





Turnover rates

Turnover rates

Panel A: Inclusions Turnover (Whole Sample)

2.0 1.0

2.0 1.0 0.0


-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Event day

Panel C: Inclusions Turnover (9-day Sample) 4.0




Panel D: Deletions Turnover (9-day Sample)

Turnover rates

Turnover rates

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Event day

2.0 1.0 0.0

2.0 1.0 0.0

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Event day

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Event day

Figure 4. Average Standardized Turnover Rates for Additions to and Deletions from MSCI EM. The figure presents average turnover rates around the event window, for both inclusions and deletions. Turnover of each stock is calculated as the ratio of daily number of shares traded to the number of total shares outstanding. Turnover rates are scaled by the average illiquidity over (AD-30) and (AD-1) in order to obtain comparable volume measures across stocks. The two vertical lines in each panel specify the announcement (AD) and actual index change date (CD) respectively. Panels A and B show the turnover for the complete samples, which include stocks with different number of days between AD and CD (i.e. run-up window). Similarly, Panels C and D show turnover for the group of stocks with 9-day run-up windows. The complete sample for inclusions consists of 243 stocks, of which 174 have 9-day run-up windows. The complete sample for deletions consists of 219 stocks, of which 208 have 9-day run-up windows.