Indian Buddhist Philosophy for the Modern Theory of Communication and Public Relations
Manoj Jinadasa Department of Mass Communication Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka
Paper presented at 25th May 2017 on the Preconference: Tryst with Democracy: 70 years of Media in Independent India- successes, Challenges, Interventions. International Communication Association.( ICA) Annual conference 2017 ( 25-29 May 2017), University of California, San Diego, USA.
According to the Buddhist discourse of the Mindfulness( Sathipattana Sutta), there are four types of making mind more conscious as ; Insight of Body (Kayanupassana), Insight of Sensations/feeling( Wedananaupassana), Insight of Mind/Consciousness ( Chittanupassana) and Insight of the elements of Buddhist thought( Dammanupassana) ;
The living object has no existence when its constituents scattered back into their original places.
The living being is the compilation of aggregates.
Five senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, which is practically shaped by the association of mind (mano,citta, and viññāṇa)( Chanawasa, 1970 ; Chandawimala, 1948 ; Lankananada, 2015 ; Rewatha, 1963).
Paper presented at 25th May 2017 on the Preconference: Tryst with Democracy: 70 years of Media in Independent India- successes, Challenges, Interventions. International Communication Association.( ICA) Annual conference 2017 ( 25-29 May 2017), University of California, San Diego, USA.
Review of Literature
As Dissanayake(2003) pointed out ,it is neither jingoism nor reifying the west or Asia, but exploring the knowledge assets on which it is eligible to identification of unseen location for modern theory of communication, that will vastly contribute for the existence of human quality and standard,so that number of studies can be found in the context of Asian communication; G.-M. Chen (1998, 2001), L. Chen (1993), Cheng (1983), G. C. Chu (1986), L. L. Chu (1986), Dissanayake (1982, 1983ab, 1986, 1988, 1989b), Garrett (1991), Goonasekera and Kuo (2000), Ho (1988, 1995), Ishii (1984, 1998), Jensen (1992), Kincaid (1987), Kume (1996), Miike (2002, 2003), Nordstrom (1979, 1983), Oliver (1971, 1976), Servaes (2000), Thayer (1979), Wang and Dissanayake (1984), and Wang and Shen (2000)
Paper presented at 25th May 2017 on the Preconference: Tryst with Democracy: 70 years of Media in Independent India- successes, Challenges, Interventions. International Communication Association.( ICA) Annual conference 2017 ( 25-29 May 2017), University of California, San Diego, USA.
On the perspective of Buddhist culture and Philosophy, One study has been focused by the co-dependent theory of Buddhist thought( Dissanayake,1983), and another study on the Nagarjuna Buddhist Philosophy( Dissanayake,2007).
Gunarathna has recently focused much on the epistemological theory of Buddhist thought (2009;2002a;1976). ,in which he see the non-Newtonian analytical theory of Buddhist Chathuskotic logic of explanation ( 2002b;2013).So this is a vast area of knowledge and wisdom in taking many reasons for a result.
Paper presented at 25th May 2017 on the Preconference: Tryst with Democracy: 70 years of Media in Independent India- successes, Challenges, Interventions. International Communication Association.( ICA) Annual conference 2017 ( 25-29 May 2017), University of California, San Diego, USA.
Further, recently concept like, Mindful Journalism and ethical practices of News making is much concerned by the realm of Buddhist communication philosophy(Gunarathna., Pearson and Senarath 2015). Another study coming from Japan based on Ethical practices for communication from Buddhist knowledge(Ishi,2009)
Rodluytok, P. (2007) concerned on Buddhist participatory communication for rural development
Paper presented at 25th May 2017 on the Preconference: Tryst with Democracy: 70 years of Media in Independent India- successes, Challenges, Interventions. International Communication Association.( ICA) Annual conference 2017 ( 25-29 May 2017), University of California, San Diego, USA.
In addition Thussu (2013) on Communicating India's soft power: Buddha to Bollywood,
Chitty, Rawnsley, and Hayden, ( 2016). The Routledge Handbook of Soft Power
Paper presented at 25th May 2017 on the Preconference: Tryst with Democracy: 70 years of Media in Independent India- successes, Challenges, Interventions. International Communication Association.( ICA) Annual conference 2017 ( 25-29 May 2017), University of California, San Diego, USA.
As Jinadasa pointed out in his recent two studies, much knowledge that determines the mindful as well as survival communication for humane can be found in mostly talked Buddha thought of dependent – co-arising of Prathithya Samuthpada (2016b) and In terms of the Information Philosophy, Asian boundaries of knowledge could be expanded by the Buddhist thought of information gratification and retrieval(2016) was much exposed by the case of E- learning project of the University of Kelaniya in Sri Lanka.
Paper presented at 25th May 2017 on the Preconference: Tryst with Democracy: 70 years of Media in Independent India- successes, Challenges, Interventions. International Communication Association.( ICA) Annual conference 2017 ( 25-29 May 2017), University of California, San Diego, USA.
This present study explores the life of the human living being in the modern context of the consumerist society driven by the pervasive capital economy.
Albeit ,there are many models and theories originated from the perspectives of western dominant market priorities of capital economy, it is now required by most humanistic form of a theory of communication ,and perhaps more public relation theory.
In this context, there is a number of knowledge treasures from Asian philosophies; Indian Early Buddhist Philosophy.
Paper presented at 25th May 2017 on the Preconference: Tryst with Democracy: 70 years of Media in Independent India- successes, Challenges, Interventions. International Communication Association.( ICA) Annual conference 2017 ( 25-29 May 2017), University of California, San Diego, USA.
To identify the Indian Buddhist knowledge systems for creating a not for monitory valued ,but for ethically standard most humanistic form of modern theory of communication and Public Relations.
How does it differ ? – Sampajanna( pali term) for Mindful/ most consciously action of being and dissolution of the human generation.
From Conflict of market to Conflict of war can be result as a formation of the lack of Sampajanna. This has been the fact that vastly cause for all the capital construction in the modern highly consumer society of competition from self gratification to social/ ethnic/ cultural dominance .
Paper presented at 25th May 2017 on the Preconference: Tryst with Democracy: 70 years of Media in Independent India- successes, Challenges, Interventions. International Communication Association.( ICA) Annual conference 2017 ( 25-29 May 2017), University of California, San Diego, USA.
Based on the analytical exposition of the essence of “I / mine” (ahan, aththa) revealed in the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā; a Sanskrit text of Madyamaka School of Buddhist Mahayana tradition of Nagarjuna in early 2 A.D, India,
this current study argues that if the human being first gratifies his/her tastes/interests without any mental or physical restrictions made out of self or social organizations, he/she would be possible to gain a sufficient understanding of his/herself,
so that he/she can make an effective form of communication first within his/her own self( mind) and then after with all the other living entities exceeding physical objects
Paper presented at 25th May 2017 on the Preconference: Tryst with Democracy: 70 years of Media in Independent India- successes, Challenges, Interventions. International Communication Association.( ICA) Annual conference 2017 ( 25-29 May 2017), University of California, San Diego, USA.
a Sanskrit text of Madyamaka School of Buddhist Mahayana tradition of Nagarjuna in early 2 A.D, India
Funamental Verses on the Middle Way
Paper presented at 25th May 2017 on the Preconference: Tryst with Democracy: 70 years of Media in Independent India- successes, Challenges, Interventions. International Communication Association.( ICA) Annual conference 2017 ( 25-29 May 2017), University of California, San Diego, USA.
Form and text
1. Pratyayaparīkṣā: Analysis of conditions
13. Saṃskāraparīkṣā: Analysis of disposition
2. Gatāgataparīkṣā: Analysis of going and not going
14. Saṃsargaparīkṣā: Analysis of admixture
3. Cakṣurādīndriyaparīkṣā: Analysis of the eye and the other sense-organs
15. Svabhāvaparīkṣā: Analysis of being or essence
4. Skandhaparīkṣā: Analysis of the skandha ((mental) "aggregates")
16. Bandhanamokṣaparīkṣā: Analysis of bondage and liberation
5. Dhātuparīkṣā: Analysis of the dhatūs ("constituents" or "strata" (in the sense of metaphysical substrata))
17. Karmaphalaparīkṣa: Analysis of action and its fruit
18. Ātmaparīkṣā: Analysis of the soul.
6. Rāgaraktaparīkṣā: Analysis of passion and the impassioned
19. Kālaparīkṣā: Analysis of time
7. Saṃskṛtaparīkṣā: Analysis of the conditioned
20. Sāmagrīparīkṣā: Analysis of holism
8. Karmakārakaparīkṣā: Analysis of action and actor
21. Saṃbhavavibhavaparīkṣā: Analysis of becoming and un-becoming
9. Pūrvaparīkṣā: Analysis of the past
22. Tathāgataparīkṣā: Analysis of the Tathāgata
10. Agnīndhanaparīkṣā: Analysis of fire and fuel
23. Viparyāsaparīkṣā: Analysis of Error
11. Pūrvaparakoṭiparīkṣā: Analysis of past and future limits
24. Āryasatyaparīkṣā: Analysis of the Noble Truths
12. Duḥkhaparīkṣā: Analysis of suffering
25. Nirvānaparīkṣā: Analysis of nirvāṇa
26. Dvādaśāṅgaparīkṣā: Analysis of the twelvefold chain (of dependent origination)
27. Dṛṣṭiparīkṣā: Analysis of views
Paper presented at 25th May 2017 on the Preconference: Tryst with Democracy: 70 years of Media in Independent India- successes, Challenges, Interventions. International Communication Association.( ICA) Annual conference 2017 ( 25-29 May 2017), University of California, San Diego, USA.
Prathithya Samuthpada ( dependent Coarising) is the essence of the Buddha Thought
1. Through ignorance (avijja) are conditioned volitional actions or karma-formations (samkhara).
2. Through samkhara is conditioned consciousness (vinnana).
3. Through vinnana are conditioned mental and physical phenomena (namarupa).
4. Through namarupa are conditioned the six faculties (i.e., five physical sense organs and mind) (salayatana).
5. Through salāyatana is conditioned (sensorial and mental) contact (phassa).
6. Through phassa is conditioned sensation (vedana).
7. Through vedana is conditioned desire, 'thirst' (tanha).
8. Through tanha) is conditioned clinging (upadana).
9. Through upadana is conditioned the process of becoming (bhava)
10. Through bhavais conditioned birth (jati).
11. Through jati are conditioned 12. decay, death, lamentation, pain, etc. (jaramarana). Paper presented at 25th May 2017 on the Preconference: Tryst with Democracy: 70 years of Media in Independent India- successes, Challenges, Interventions. International Communication Association.( ICA) Annual conference 2017 ( 25-29 May 2017), University of California, San Diego, USA.
1.1 Neither from itself nor from another, Nor from both, Nor without a cause, Does anything whatever, anywhere arise
Paper presented at 25th May 2017 on the Preconference: Tryst with Democracy: 70 years of Media in Independent India- successes, Challenges, Interventions. International Communication Association.( ICA) Annual conference 2017 ( 25-29 May 2017), University of California, San Diego, USA.
24:18, 24:19
Whatever is dependently co-arisen / That is explained to be emptiness. That, being a dependent designation, / Is itself the middle way. Something that is not dependently arisen / Such a thing does not exist. Therefore a non-empty thing / Does not exist Paper presented at 25th May 2017 on the Preconference: Tryst with Democracy: 70 years of Media in Independent India- successes, Challenges, Interventions. International Communication Association.( ICA) Annual conference 2017 ( 25-29 May 2017), University of California, San Diego, USA.
ātmetya api prajñapitam anātmetyapi deśitam Although (the term) “self” is caused to be known (of, about), and although (a doctrine or teaching of) "no self" is taught, buddhair nātmā na cānātmā kaścid ity api deśitaṁ No "self" or any "nonself" whatsoever has been taught by the Buddha.
Paper presented at 25th May 2017 on the Preconference: Tryst with Democracy: 70 years of Media in Independent India- successes, Challenges, Interventions. International Communication Association.( ICA) Annual conference 2017 ( 25-29 May 2017), University of California, San Diego, USA.
25:22-24 śūnyeṣu sarvadharmeṣu kim anantaṁ kimantavat kim anantam antavac ca nānantaṁ nāntavacca kiṁ kiṁ tad eva kim anyat kiṁ śāśvataṁ kim aśāśvataṁ aśāśvataṁ śāśvataṁ ca kiṁ vā nobhayam apyataḥ 'tha sarvopalambhpaśamaḥ prapañcopaśamaḥ śivaḥ na kva cit kasyacit kaścid dharmo buddhena deśitaḥ When all dharmas are empty, what is endless? What has an end? What is endless and with an end? What is not endless and not with an end? What is "it"? What is "other"? What is permanent? What is impermanent? What is impermanent and permanent? What is neither? Auspicious is the pacification of phenomenal metastasis, the pacification of all apprehending; There is no dharma whatsoever taught by the Buddha to whomever whenever, wherever Paper presented at 25th May 2017 on the Preconference: Tryst with Democracy: 70 years of Media in Independent India- successes, Challenges, Interventions. International Communication Association.( ICA) Annual conference 2017 ( 25-29 May 2017), University of California, San Diego, USA.
Analysis and interpretations for Communication and Public Relations
No eternity in creation
Only scattered elements of physics of nature.
No definition for gathering ( communion)
Paper presented at 25th May 2017 on the Preconference: Tryst with Democracy: 70 years of Media in Independent India- successes, Challenges, Interventions. International Communication Association.( ICA) Annual conference 2017 ( 25-29 May 2017), University of California, San Diego, USA.
Implications for a Communication theory
Sender/ Receiver- good perspective of seeing the physics of the nature
Channel- Every channels are human made through their perspectives of understanding based on their identification of perceptions
Message- Understanding makes the perfection of world
Destination – Nirvana/Understanding of the being/Mind locations
*** Language and logic of language has been the fundamental obstacle for human ignorance (Uncommunicating) as they themselves being the barriers for communication
Paper presented at 25th May 2017 on the Preconference: Tryst with Democracy: 70 years of Media in Independent India- successes, Challenges, Interventions. International Communication Association.( ICA) Annual conference 2017 ( 25-29 May 2017), University of California, San Diego, USA.
Implications for a Public Relation theory
Publics are human made by their needs and wants of organizations
Relations are made by the perception and cognition of time and space
Publics/ stakeholders are intrinsically vulnerable to victimization of a process of changing ( no definition for being)
Crisis are nature of being, so that communication management is remains unprecedented in terms of the levels of seeing / awareness/ understanding
*** Relations are vulnerable to a flux of changing, and they appear as different as they are seen in the real world setting.
Paper presented at 25th May 2017 on the Preconference: Tryst with Democracy: 70 years of Media in Independent India- successes, Challenges, Interventions. International Communication Association.( ICA) Annual conference 2017 ( 25-29 May 2017), University of California, San Diego, USA.
Being is a result of a cyclic process of across of a wide range of intersecting aspects of mind and material.
Time and Space which is a law of speed and Language are both hindrances for Sampajanna ( proper, clear and conscious aware of the mind and its material ramifications)
However, as a result of making a gratified understanding of “who am I” within the self, one can make a good rapport and mutual understanding between all the other stakeholders.
Finally, this study concludes, that the epistemology of Indian early Buddhist philosophy of self, remains many potentials to build up the diversity of public relations for modern media and communication industry.
Paper presented at 25th May 2017 on the Preconference: Tryst with Democracy: 70 years of Media in Independent India- successes, Challenges, Interventions. International Communication Association.( ICA) Annual conference 2017 ( 25-29 May 2017), University of California, San Diego, USA.
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Paper presented at 25th May 2017 on the Preconference: Tryst with Democracy: 70 years of Media in Independent India- successes, Challenges, Interventions. International Communication Association.( ICA) Annual conference 2017 ( 25-29 May 2017), University of California, San Diego, USA.
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Paper presented at 25th May 2017 on the Preconference: Tryst with Democracy: 70 years of Media in Independent India- successes, Challenges, Interventions. International Communication Association.( ICA) Annual conference 2017 ( 25-29 May 2017), University of California, San Diego, USA.