Indian Space Research Organisation -

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Mar 21, 2018 - Government of India Department of Space. Indian Space Research Organisation. SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE Ah
R.N.I. No. 33297/78. Regd. No. G/GNR/47/31-12-2020. Licensed to post without pre-payment Licence No. CPMG/GJ/99/2020  to Post at MBC-Sector-16, PO Gandhinagar on Every Tuesday/Wednesday

økwshkík hkßÞLkk {krníke ¾kíkk îkhk «rMkØ Úkíkwt hkusøkkh÷ûke MkkÃíkkrnf ð»ko - 40

íkk. 21{e {k[o, 2018

ytf Lkt. 6


íktºke : Lkr÷Lk WÃkkæÞkÞ MktÃkkËf : yh®ðË ykh. Ãkxu÷, Ãkw÷f rºkðuËe • fkÞoðknf MktÃkkËf : ykh. ykh. íkwhe • Mkn MktÃkkËf : r{Lku»k rºkðuËe , «rðý MkkuLkkheÞk

'økwshkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh’Lkwt ðkŠ»kf + 30/- Au. ÷ðks{ {krníke rLkÞk{fLke f[uhe, rnMkkçke þk¾k, ç÷kuf Lkt. 19/1, zkì. Sðhks {nuíkk ¼ðLk, økktÄeLkøkh-382010 WÃkhktík hkßÞLke fkuEÃký fkuBÃÞqxhkEÍ ÃkkuMxykurVMk{kt ÷ðks{ (MkŠðMk [kso MkkÚku) íkÚkk rsÕ÷k ¾kíkuLke {krníke f[uheykuyu Mðefkhðk{kt ykðu Au. ÷ðks{ W½hkððk {kxu yk f[uheyu fkuE yrÄf]ík yusLxLke rLk{ýqtf fhe LkÚke.

ðuçkMkkEx :

Phone No. : 079-232-53440

Government of India Department of Space

Indian Space Research Organisation SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE Ahmedabad -380 015 ADVERTISEMENT NO.: ~ SAC:01 :2018dated: 10.03.2018

Site will remain open from 0900 Hours of 12/03/2018 to 1730 Hours of 02/04/2018

(yLkwMktÄkLk ÃkkLkk Lktçkh-2 WÃkh)


íkk. 21{e {k[o, 2018, økwshkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh (yLkwMktÄkLk ÃkkLkk Lktçkh 1 WÃkhLkwt [k÷w)

less than 60% marks in aggregate (50% for SC/ST candidates). 3

íkk. 21{e {k[o, 2018, økwshkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh

BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi – 110 002

Candidates are required to apply On-Line from 16.03.2018 to 02.04.2018 through BIS website No other means/mode of submission of applications will be accepted under any circumstances. The last date of submitting the application is 02.04.2018. The Application Fees/ RECRUITMENT OF SCIENTIST-B Intimation Charges [Payable from 16.03.2018 to 02.04.2018 (only through Online Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), a statutory body Ministry of Consumer payment mode) both dates inclusive] is Rs. 750/- and is Non-Refundable. No fee is Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Govt. of India, is the National Standards required to be paid by SC/ST/ Ex-Serviceman/ Persons with Benchmark Disabilities Body of India. It undertakes activities in the field of Standardization, Product and /Women Candidates. The online exam is proposed to be held on 15.04.2018 which shall System Certification, Hallmarking of Gold/Silver Jewellery, Laboratory Testing etc., in be followed by an interview of the short listed candidates. the country. BIS is also responsible for Standardization and Certification at the The detailed advertisement will be available on the BIS website: International level. BIS offers excellent career opportunities to bright, young dynamic persons for the post of Scientist-‘B’. These posts are in the Pay Level 10 as per the shortly. Seventh Central Pay Commission plus allowances as applicable. The indicative gross BIS reserves the right to Revise/Reschedule/Cancel/Suspend the process without salary as on date at New Delhi will be Rs. 79,929/-. assigning any reasons. The decision of BIS shall be final and no appeal shall be No. of Posts: entertained. Discipline Mechanical Engineering Metallurgical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics Engineering Chemical Engineering Food Technology Microbiology Textile Engineering and Fibre Science Total

Total 31 10 8 10 17 12 5 13 3 109

Number of vacancies UR OBC SC 14 9 5 5 3 1 4 2 1 4 3 2 8 5 3 6 3 2 2 2 1 6 4 2 1 1 1 50 32 18

ST 3 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 09

Out of above, nine vacancies are reserved for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities. Essential Qualifications: Discipline Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering Chemical Engineering, Food Technology, Textile Engineering & Fibre Science Microbiology

Qualification Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology or equivalent in concerned discipline with not less than 60% marks in aggregate (50% for SC/ST candidates). Master’s Degree or equivalent with not less than 60% marks in aggregate (50% for SC/ST candidates).

Union Public Service Commission

Candidates are required to apply On-Line from 16.03.2018 to 02.04.2018 Dholpur House, Shahjahan through BIS website No other means/mode of submission of Road, New Delhi-110069 applications will be accepted under any circumstances.


íkk. 21{e {k[o, 2018, økwshkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh


íkk. 21{e {k[o, 2018, økwshkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh

zkì. ƒkƒk‚knuƒ yktƒuzfh ykuÃk™ Þwr™ðr‚oxe™k yÇÞk‚¢{ku „wshkŒ hkßÞ ‚hfkh îkhk „wshkŒ hkßÞ{kt ykuÃk™ Þwr™ðr‚oxe MÚkkÃkðk™k fkÞËk yLðÞu 13 yur«÷, 1994 ™k hkus zkì. ƒkƒk‚knuƒ yktƒuzfh ykuÃk™ Þwr™ðr‚oxe™e MÚkkÃk™k fhðk{kt ykðe Au. su{kt Äkuhý 10 + 2 fkuEÃký rðãkþk¾k{ktÚke Ãkk‚ ÚkÞu÷ rðãkÚkeo Þwr™ðr‚oxe™k fkuEÃký „úußÞwyuþ™ ÷uð÷™k yÇÞk‚¢{{kt fkuEÃký ô{hu «ðuþ {u¤ðe þfu Au.

1. ÃkkuMx „úußÞwyuþ™ (P.G.) / y™wM™kŒf fûkk™k yÇÞk‚¢{ku :

(1) M.A. ({kMxh ykuV ykxo‚ E™ #ø÷etþ) (fkuz : MEG) (2) M.A. (rnLËe) ({kMxh ykuV ykxo‚ E™ rnLËe) (fkuz : MHD) (3) M.A. (‚{ksþkMºk) ({kMxh ykuV ykxo‚ E™ ‚kuþeÞku÷kuS) (fkuz : MSO) (4) M.A. („wshkŒe) ({kMxh ykuV ykxo‚ E™ „wshkŒe) (fkuz : MGT)

WÃkhkuõŒ Œ{k{ yÇÞk‚¢{ku {kxu

÷½w¥k{ ÷kÞfkŒ : {kLÞ Þwr™ðr‚oxe™e M™kŒf ÃkËðe yÚkðk ÔÞkð‚krÞf ÃkËðe yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ : ÷½w¥k{ 2 ð»ko y™u {n¥k{ 6 ð»ko yÇÞk‚¢{™e Ve : ¼kEyku {kxu «Úk{ ð»kuo ` 3,800, ƒeò ð»kuo ` 3,700 ƒnu™ku {kxu «Úk{ ð»kuo ` 2,700, ƒeò ð»kuo ` 2,600 yÇÞk‚¢{™e fw÷ ¢urzx : 32 yÇÞk‚¢{™wt Ãkk‚et„ Äkuhý : 40% {qÕÞktf™ : MðkæÞkÞ fkÞo {qÕÞktf™ - 30%, ‚ºkktŒ Ãkheûkk - 70%

2. ÃkkuMx „úußÞwyuþ™ rzÃ÷ku{k (P.G.D.) yÇÞk‚¢{ku :

(1) ÃkkuMx „úußÞwyuþ™ rzÃ÷ku{k E™ ƒeÍ™u‚ yuz{e™eMxÙuþ™ (fkuz : PGDBA) (2) ÃkkuMx „úußÞwyuþ™ rzÃ÷ku{k E™ VkE™kL‚ (fkuz : PGDF) (3) ÃkkuMx „úußÞwyuþ™ rzÃ÷ku{k E™ {kfuoxet„ (fkuz : PGDM) (4) ÃkkuMx „úußÞwyuþ™ rzÃ÷ku{k E™ Ìkw{™ rh‚ku‚o (fkuz : PGDHR) (5) ÃkkuMx „úußÞwyuþ™ rzÃ÷ku{k E™ rzMxL‚ yußÞwfuþ™ (fkuz : PGDDE)

WÃkhkuõŒ Œ{k{ yÇÞk‚¢{ku {kxu

÷½w¥k{ ÷kÞfkŒ : {kLÞ Þwr™ðr‚oxe™e M™kŒf ÃkËðe yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ : ÷½w¥k{ 1 ð»ko y™u {n¥k{ 4 ð»ko yÇÞk‚¢{™e Ve : «Úk{ 4 yÇÞk‚¢{ku {kxu ‚u{uMxh rËX Y. 7,500 5 {kt yÇÞk‚¢{{kt ¼kEyku {kxu Y. 1,700 y™u ƒnu™ku {kxu Y. 1,200 yÇÞk‚¢{™e fw÷ ¢urzx : «Úk{ 4 yÇÞk‚¢{ku {kxu 32, Ãkkt[{k yÇÞk‚¢{ {kxu 30

3. „úußÞwyuþ™ / M™kŒf fûkk™k yÇÞk‚¢{ku:

1) B.A. (ƒu[÷h ykuV ykxo‚) : (fkuz B.A.) su{kt ‚tMf]Œ, rnLËe, „wshkŒe, yt„úuS, ‚{ksþkMºk, ErŒnk‚, hkßÞþkMºk, ònuh ðneðx Œu{s yÚkoþkMºk suðk rð»kÞku {wÏÞ rð»kÞ Œhefu ÷E þfkÞ Au. yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ : 3 ð»ko, yÇÞk‚¢{™e fw÷ ¢urzx : 98 yÇÞk‚¢{™e ÷½w¥k{ ÷kÞfkŒ : BAOU / IGNOU {ktÚke B.P.P. yÚkðk Äkuhý 12 Ãkk‚ yÚkðk Äkuhý 10 + rzÃ÷ku{k / PTC / ITI yÇÞk‚¢{™e Ve : ¼kEyku {kxu ` 1,800 , ƒnu™ku {kxu ` 1,200 ðkr»kof

2) B.Com. (ƒu[÷h ykuV fku{‚o) : (fkuz B.Com.)

su{kt ÄtÄkfeÞ ‚t[k÷™, yufkW®Lx„ yuLz VkE™kL‚ Œu{s fBÃÞqxh yufkW®Lx„ suðk rð»kÞku {wÏÞ rð»kÞ Œhefu ÷E þfkÞ Au. yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ : 3 ð»ko, yÇÞk‚¢{™e fw÷ ¢urzx : 103 yÇÞk‚¢{™e ÷½w¥k{ ÷kÞfkŒ : WÃkh {wsƒ

3) B.B.A. (ƒu[÷h E™ rƒÍ™u‚ yuzT{e™eMxÙuþ™) : (fkuz B.B.A.) yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ : 3 ð»ko yÇÞk‚¢{™e fw÷ ¢urzx : 86 (rÚkÞhe) y™u 10 («urõxf÷) yÇÞk‚¢{™e ÷½w¥k{ ÷kÞfkŒ : WÃkh {wsƒ yÇÞk‚¢{™e Ve : ‚u{uMxhËeX ` 4,000

4) B.B.A. E™ nkux÷ yuLz xqrhÍ{ {u™us{uLx : (fkuz BBAHT) yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ : 3 ð»ko yÇÞk‚¢{™e fw÷ ¢urzx : 84 (rÚkÞhe) y™u 14 («urõxf÷) yÇÞk‚¢{™e ÷½w¥k{ ÷kÞfkŒ : WÃkh {wsƒ yÇÞk‚¢{™e Ve : ðkr»kof ` 22,000

5) B.B.A. E™ ELMÞkuhL‚ yuLz ƒu®Lf„ : (fkuz BBAIB) yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ : 3 ð»ko yÇÞk‚¢{™e fw÷ ¢urzx : 96 (rÚkÞhe) y™u 2 («urõxf÷)

yÇÞk‚¢{™e ÷½w¥k{ ÷kÞfkŒ : WÃkh {wsƒ yÇÞk‚¢{™e Ve : ðkr»kof ` 8,000

yÚkðk Äkuhý 12 Ãkk‚ yÚkðk Äkuhý 10 + rzÃ÷ku{k / PTC / ITI yÇÞk‚¢{™e Ve : ‚u{uMxh ËeX ` 4,000

yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ : 3 ð»ko yÇÞk‚¢{™e fw÷ ¢urzx : 98 (rÚkÞhe) y™u 4 («urõxf÷) yÇÞk‚¢{™e ÷½w¥k{ ÷kÞfkŒ : WÃkh {wsƒ yÇÞk‚¢{™e Ve : ðkr»kof ` 15,000

yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ : 1 ð»ko yÇÞk‚¢{™e fw÷ ¢urzx : 28 (rÚkÞhe) y™u 12 («urõxf÷) yÇÞk‚¢{™e ÷½w¥k{ ÷kÞfkŒ : WÃkh {wsƒ yÇÞk‚¢{™e Ve : ‚u{uMxh ËeX ` 7,000

6) B.B.A. E™ yuh zÙkðu÷ {u™us{uLx : (fkuz BBAAT)

2) rzÃ÷ku{k E™ fBÃÞqxh yurÃ÷fuþ™ : (fkuz DCA)

7) B.C.A. (ƒu[÷h E™ fBÃÞqxh yurÃ÷fuþ™) : (fkuz BCA)

3) rzÃ÷ku{k E™ r¢yuxeð hkExet„ E™ rnLËe : (fkuz DCH)

8) B.B.A. ({Õxe{erzÞk) : (fkuz BCAMUL)

4) rzÃ÷ku{k E™ VkE™kLþeÞ÷ {u™us{uLx : (fkuz DFM)

yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ : 3 ð»ko yÇÞk‚¢{™e fw÷ ¢urzx : 76 (rÚkÞhe) y™u 28 («urõxf÷) yÇÞk‚¢{™e ÷½w¥k{ ÷kÞfkŒ : WÃkh {wsƒ yÇÞk‚¢{™e Ve : ðkr»kof ` 7,000

yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ : 3 ð»ko yÇÞk‚¢{™e fw÷ ¢urzx : 72 (rÚkÞhe) y™u 8 («urõxf÷) yÇÞk‚¢{™e ÷½w¥k{ ÷kÞfkŒ : WÃkh {wsƒ yÇÞk‚¢{™e Ve : ðkr»kof ` 15,000

9) B.M.G. and A (ƒu[÷h E™ {erzÞk, „úkrVõ‚ yuLz yu™e{uþ™ : (fkuz BMGA) yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ : 3 ð»ko yÇÞk‚¢{™e fw÷ ¢urzx : 86 (rÚkÞhe) y™u 8 («urõxf÷) yÇÞk‚¢{™e ÷½w¥k{ ÷kÞfkŒ : WÃkh {wsƒ yÇÞk‚¢{™e Ve : ðkr»kof ` 10,000

10) B.C.A. E™ rzÍkE™ (yu™e{uþ™, „úkVeõ‚, UI / UX) : (fkuz BCADES) yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ : 3 ð»ko yÇÞk‚¢{™e ÷½w¥k{ ÷kÞfkŒ : WÃkh {wsƒ yÇÞk‚¢{™e Ve : ðkr»kof ` 15,000

hkusøkkhLke ykMkÃkkMk - hksuLÿ WÃkkæÞkÞ

yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ : ÷½w¥k{ 1 ð»ko, {n¥k{ 4 ð»ko yÇÞk‚¢{™e fw÷ ¢urzx : 20 yÇÞk‚¢{™e ÷½w¥k{ ÷kÞfkŒ : WÃkh {wsƒ yÇÞk‚¢{™e Ve : ¼kEyku {kxu ` 2,600 y™u ƒnu™ku {kxu ` 1,800 yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ : ÷½w¥k{ 1 ð»ko, {n¥k{ 4 ð»ko yÇÞk‚¢{™e fw÷ ¢urzx : 32 yÇÞk‚¢{™e ÷½w¥k{ ÷kÞfkŒ : WÃkh {wsƒ yÇÞk‚¢{™e Ve : ¼kEyku {kxu ` 2,200 y™u ƒnu™ku {kxu ` 1,600 5) rzÃ÷ku{k E™ yuzðkL‚ fkuMx yufkWLxet„ : (fkuz DACA) yÇÞk‚¢{™e rð„Œku WÃkh {wsƒ 6) rzÃ÷ku{k yuzðkL‚ yufkWLxet„ : (fkuz DAA) yÇÞk‚¢{™e rð„Œku WÃkh {wsƒ 7) rzÃ÷ku{k E™ ELMÞkuhL‚ : (fkuz DIN) yÇÞk‚¢{™e rð„Œku WÃkh {wsƒ 8) rzÃ÷ku{k E™ ykuÃkhuþ™ : (fkuz DOR) yÇÞk‚¢{™e rð„Œku WÃkh {wsƒ 9) rzÃ÷ku{k E™ {Äh yuLz [kEÕz nuÕÚk yuLz Vu{e÷e ðu÷Vuh : (fkuz DMCH) yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ : WÃkh {wsƒ yÇÞk‚¢{™e fw÷ ¢urzx : 24 yÇÞk‚¢{™e ÷½w¥k{ ÷kÞfkŒ : WÃkh {wsƒ yÇÞk‚¢{™e Ve : ¼kEyku {kxu ` 5,200 y™u ƒnu™ku {kxu ` 3,600

10) rzÃ÷ku{k E™ E™ Yh÷ nuÕÚk : (fkuz DVHW) 11) B.Ed. (ƒu[÷h ykuV „úußÞwyuþ™) : (fkuz B.Ed.)

yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ : 2 ð»ko {n¥k{ 5 ð»ko yÇÞk‚¢{™wt {kæÞ{ : „wshkŒe yÇÞk‚¢{™e ÷½w¥k{ ÷kÞfkŒ : {kLÞ Þwr™ðr‚oxe{ktÚke ‚kÞL‚ / fku{‚o / ykxo‚ MxÙe{{ktÚke ÷½w¥k{ 50% „wý ‚kÚku M™kŒf / y™wM™kŒf yÚkðk Es™uhe / Œõ™efe rðãkþk¾k{ktÚke „rýŒ y™u rð¿kk™ {wÏÞ rð»kÞku ‚kÚku ÷½w¥k{ 55% „wý ‚kÚku M™kŒf / y™wM™kŒf (S.C. / S.T. {kxu 5% AqxAkx) yÚkðk N.C.T.E. ™e þiûkrýf ‚tMÚkk{ktÚke M™kŒf, rzÃ÷ku{k (P.T.C. / D.Ed. / D.E.I.D.) nkuÞ Œuðk ™kufhe{kt fkÞohŒ rþûkfku yÇÞk‚¢{™wt «ðuþ Ãkheûkk : 100 {kfo‚™e (‚k{kLÞ ¿kk™ - 50 y™u rð»kÞ 50) yÇÞk‚¢{™wt Ãkk‚et„™wt Äkuhý : ‚iØktrŒf «§Ãkºk{kt 40% y™u «kÞkur„f{kt 50% yÇÞk‚¢{™e Ve : ‚u{uMxh rËX - ` 20,000

12) B.Ed. (MÃku~Þ÷ yußÞwfuþ™) : (fkuz SP.B.Ed.)

yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ : 2.5 ð»ko (5 ‚u{uMxh) yÇÞk‚¢{™wt {kæÞ{ : „wshkŒe yÇÞk‚¢{™e ÷½w¥k{ ÷kÞfkŒ : WÃkh {wsƒ yÇÞk‚¢{™e «ðuþ Ãkheûkk : 100 {kfo‚™e yÇÞk‚¢{™wt Ãkk‚et„™wt Äkuhý : ‚iØktrŒf «§Ãkºk{kt 40% y™u «kÞkur„f{kt 50% yÇÞk‚¢{™e Ve : ðkr»kof ` 60,000

13) B.L.I.S. (ƒu[÷h ykuV ÷kÞƒúuhe yuLz ELV{uoþ™ ‚kÞL‚) : (fkuz BLIS)

yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ : ÷½w¥k{ 1 ð»ko, {n¥k{ 4 ð»ko yÇÞk‚¢{™e fw÷ ¢urzx : 36 yÇÞk‚¢{™e ÷½w¥k{ ÷kÞfkŒ : {kLÞ Þwr™ðr‚oxe™e M™kŒf ÃkËðe yÚkðk ÔÞkð‚krÞf M™kŒf suðkt fu ƒu[÷h ykuV yurLsr™Þhet„ Vk{o‚e, fkÞËk™k M™kŒf ð„uhu yÇÞk‚¢{™e Ve : ¼kE {kxu ` 6,100 y™u ƒnu™ku {kxu ` 4,300 yÇÞk‚¢{™wt Ãkk‚et„™wt Äkuhý : 40% {qÕÞktf™ : MðkãkÞ fkÞkuo™u ‚ŒŒ {qÕÞktf™ 30%, ‚ºkktŒ Ãkheûkk 70%

4. rzÃ÷ku{k fûkk™k yÇÞk‚¢{ku : 1) rzÃ÷ku{k E™ ƒeÍ™u‚ yurzT{™eMxÙuþ™ : (fkuz DBA)

yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ : 1 ð»ko yÇÞk‚¢{™e fw÷ ¢urzx : 30 (rÚkÞhe) y™u 2 («urõxf÷) yÇÞk‚¢{™e ÷½w¥k{ ÷kÞfkŒ : BAOU / IGNOU {ktÚke B.P.P.

yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ : WÃkh {wsƒ, yÇÞk‚¢{™e fw÷ ¢urzx : 24 yÇÞk‚¢{™e ÷½w¥k{ ÷kÞfkŒ : WÃkh {wsƒ yÇÞk‚¢{™e Ve : ¼kEyku {kxu ` 4,200 y™u ƒnu™ku {kxu ` 2,900

11) rzÃ÷ku{k E™ ‚tMf]Œ ÷utøðuÍ : (fkuz DSL)

yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ : WÃkh {wsƒ yÇÞk‚¢{™e fw÷ ¢urzx : 16 yÇÞk‚¢{™e ÷½w¥k{ ÷kÞfkŒ : WÃkh {wsƒ yÇÞk‚¢{™e Ve : ¼kEyku {kxu ` 2,200 y™u ƒnu™ku {kxu ` 1,600

5. ‚rxoVefux yÇÞk‚¢{ku :

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íkk. 21{e {k[o, 2018, økwshkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh

Nuclear Power Corporation Of India Ltd.

(yk ònuh¾çkh Võík rLkËuoþ {kxu Au ðÄw rðøkík {kxu MktMÚkkLke ðuçkMkkEx òuðk rðLktíke.)


It is notified that CBSE will conduct the next UGC-NET for Junior Research Fellowship & Eligibility for Assistant Professor on 08th July, 2018 (Sunday). As per the revised scheme, the test will consist of two papers as below:. Paper


Number of Question




50 questions. All are compulsory

1 Hour (09:30 AM to 10:30 AM) IST



100 questions. All are compulsory

2 Hours (11:00 AM to 1:00 PM) IST

Paper-I shall consist of 50 objective type compulsory questions each carrying 2 marks. The questions which will be of general nature, intended to assess the teaching/research aptitude of the candidate. It will primarily be designed to test reasoning ability, comprehension, divergent thinking and general awareness of the candidate. Paper-II shall consist of 100 objective type compulsory questions each carrying 2 marks which will be based on the subject selected by the candidate. The upper age limit for appearing in JRF has also been raised by two years, i.e. from the existing upper age limit of 28 years to 30 years (the relaxation as earlier will remain same). The candidates who desire to appear in the test may see the detailed notification available on the website http://cbsenet. from 01st February, 2018. The candidates are required to apply online from 06th March, 2018. The last date for applying online is 05th April, 2018 and fee can be paid up to 06th April, 2018. (yk ònuh¾çkh Võík rLkËuoþ {kxu Au ðÄw rðøkík {kxu MktMÚkkLke ðuçkMkkEx òuðk rðLktíke.)

(Anurag Tripathi) Secretary


íkk. 21{e {k[o, 2018, økwshkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh (yLkwMktÄkLk ÃkkLkk Lktçkh 8 WÃkhLkwt [k÷w) Candidates can apply online only from 12th March, 2018 to 31st March, 2018 and no other mode of application will be accepted. General Information  Merely applying for the post and being shortlisted in the online examination and/ or in the subsequent interview and/ or any stage of recruitment process does not imply that a candidate will necessarily be offered employment in the Port. No request for considering the candidature under any category / post other than the one in which applied will be entertained.  The possibility for occurrences of some problem in administration of the examination cannot be ruled out completely which may impact test delivery and/or result from being generated. In that event, every effort will be made to rectify the problem, which may include shifting the candidates to the other centres or conducting another examination, if considered necessary. Decision of the Deendayal Port Trust in this regard shall be final. Candidates not willing to accept such change shall lose their candidature for this exam.  Decision of the Deendayal Port Trust in all matters relating to recruitment will be final and binding on the candidates. No correspondence or personal enquiries shall be entertained in this behalf.  If the examination is held in more than one session, the scores across various sessions will be equated to adjust for slight differences in difficulty level of different test batteries used across sessions. More than one session are required if the nodes capacity is less or some technical disruption takes place at any centre or for any candidate.  The responses (answers) of individual candidates will be analyzed & compared with those of other candidates to detect patterns of similarity of right and wrong answers. If in the analytical procedure adopted in this regard, it is inferred/ concluded that the responses have been shared and scores obtained are not genuine/ valid, the Deendayal Port Trust reserves the right to cancel the candidature of the concerned candidates and the result of such candidates (disqualified) will be withheld.  Instances of providing incorrect information and/or process violation by a candidate detected at any stage of the selection process will lead to disqualification of the candidate from the selection process and he/ she will not be allowed to appear in Deendayal Port Trust recruitment process in the future. If such instances go undetected during the current selection process but are detected subsequently, such disqualification will take place with retrospective affect.  While applying on-line for the post, the applicant should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other criteria mentioned above as on the specified dates and that the particulars furnished by him/her are correct in all respects. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility criteria and/or that he/ she has furnished any incorrect/false information or has suppressed any material facts, his/her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these shortcomings is/are detected even after appointment, his/her services are liable to be terminated.  Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply online much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection/inability/failure to log on to the website on account of heavy load on internet or website jam.  Deendayal Port Trust does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit their applications within the last date on account of any reason whatsoever.  Applicants are advised to register online themselves and to keep their email ID alive during the recruitment exercise. The candidates should give their mobile number in the application form for SMS service from the Deendayal Port Trust.  Admission to Online Test will be purely provisional without verification of age / qualification / category (SC/ST/OBC) etc. of the Candidates with reference to documents.  Documents relating to Age/Qualification/Category etc. will have to

be submitted at the time of scrutiny of certificates. Caste certificate accompanied with caste validity certificate must be submitted by candidates seeking reservation as SC/ST/OBC in the prescribed proforma from the competent authority indicating clearly the candidate‘s caste, the Act/Order under which the caste is recognised as SC/ST/OBC and the village/town the candidate is originally a resident of.  At any stage if falsification of caste certificate is noticed, the candidature will stand cancelled automatically.  Candidates serving in Government / Quasi Government Offices, Public Sector undertakings will be required to submit ―No Objection Certificate” from their employer at the time of proficient test/certificate scrutiny, failing which their candidature may not be considered and travelling expenses, if any otherwise admissible, will not be paid. Candidates who are selected are required to submit discharge letter/ relieving letter from their employer (Govt/Public sector / Private) at the time of joining Deendayal Port Trust, WITHOUT WHICH THEY WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO JOIN.  The candidates other than SC/ST category, will have to appear for the tests at their own cost.  Appointment of selected candidates is subject to their being found medically fit as per the requirements of the Deendayal Port Trust. Such appointment will also be subject to the service and conduct rules of the Deendayal Port Trust.  Decisions of the Deendayal Port Trust in all matters regarding eligibility, conduct of online examination, proficiency tests and selection would be final and binding on all candidates. No representation or correspondence will be entertained by the Deendayal Port Trust in this regard.  Any legal proceedings in respect of any matter of claim or dispute arising out of this advertisement and/ or an application in responses thereto can be instituted only in Gujarat State. Courts/ Tribunals/ Forums at Gujarat State only shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction to try any cause/dispute.  Selected candidates will be governed by the terms and conditions of the Service Regulations of the Deendayal Port Trust in force.  Use of Mobile Phones, calculator or any such devices is strictly prohibited inside the examination hall. Candidates, before entering examination premises, are likely to be frisked to ensure compliance. Mobile phones or any other communication devices are not allowed inside the premises where the examination is being conducted. Any infringement of these instructions shall entail cancellation of candidature and disciplinary action including ban from future examinations. Candidates are advised in their own interest not to bring any of the banned item including mobile phones to the venue of the examination, as no arrangement for safekeeping will be available.  Candidate‘s admission to the test is strictly provisional. The mere fact that the call letter has been issued to the candidate does not imply that his candidature has been finally cleared by the Deendayal Port Trust.  The Deendayal Port Trust reserves the right to cancel the above Recruitment Exercise at any stage of the process without assigning any reason thereof. IN CASE OF ANY DISCREPANCIES, THE DETAILED ADVERTISEMENT PUBLISHED IN THE CAREER SECTION OF OUR WEBSITE SHALL BE FINAL. CANDIDATES ARE ADVISED TO VISIT THE VACANCY SECTION OF OUR WEBSITE FOR DETAILED ADVERTISEMENT, TO APPLY ONLINE AND FOR FURTHER UPDATES ON THE RECRUITMENT EXERCISE. CANVASSING IN ANY FORM WILL BE A DISQUALIFICATION. SECRETARY DEENDAYAL PORT TRUST (yk ònuh¾çkh Võík rLkËuoþ {kxu Au ðÄw rðøkík {kxu MktMÚkkLke ðuçkMkkEx òuðk rðLktíke.)


íkk. 21{e {k[o, 2018, økwshkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh


Deendayal Port Trust (formerly Kandla Port Trust) invites applications for recruitment in Class III posts by direct recruitment. Prospective candidates will have to apply ONLINE after carefully reading the advertisement regarding the process of examination, eligibility criteria, online registration process, payment of prescribed application fee, pattern of examination, issuance of admit card/call letters, etc. and ensure that they fulfill the stipulated criteria and follow the prescribed process. Please note the important dates: Details Date Online Registration Start Date 12th March, 2018 Online Registration Closing Date 31st March, 2018 Last date of payment of application 12th March, 2018 to 31st March, fee-Online 2018 Date for online examination Date, Time and venue details will be given in Admit Card. Candidates have to submit application by online mode through link provided on DPT‘s website only. No other mean/mode of application will be accepted. Candidates are advised to regularly check the official website of Deendayal Port Trust, (Recruitment Section) for details and updates. Vacancies: Sr.No. 1

Post/ Pay-scale

UR 2

No. of Post SC ST OBC 1 0 2

Total 5

Junior Clerk Rs. 16,300-38,200 2 Junior Engineer (Civil) 2 1 0 1 4 Rs. 21,000-53,500 Abbreviation stand for – UR : Un-reserved; SC: Scheduled Caste; ST: Scheduled Tribe; and OBC : Other Backward Classes Emoluments and Benefits: Junior Clerk Basic Pay Rs. 16,300/- in the Pay scale of Rs. 16,300-38,200 and other admissible allowance as applicable. Total emoluments will be approximately Rs. 28,000/- per month. Junior Engineer (Civil) Basic Pay Rs. 21,000/- in the Pay scale of Rs. 21,000-53,500 and other admissible allowance as applicable. Total emoluments will be approximately Rs. 36,000/- per month. Eligibility Criteria Candidates intending to apply for the above posts should ensure that they fulfill the minimum eligibility criteria specified hereunder: Nationality A candidate apply for recruitment in the Deendayal Port Trust must be either (a) a citizen of India, or (b) a subject of Nepal or (c) subject of Bhutan or (d) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or (e) a person of Indian Origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India. Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c) (d) and (e) shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India. Minimum/Maximum Age (to be reckoned as on 1st March, 2018) For Junior Clerk (Upper Age limit : not more than 28 years) Candidate must have been born not earlier than 2.3.1990 and not later than 1.3.2000 (both days inclusive.) For Junior Engineer (Civil) (Upper Age limit : not more than 28 years) Candidate must have been born not earlier than 2.3.1990 and not later than 1.3.2000 (both days inclusive.) Relaxation in upper age limit shall be as follows (for all posts): Sr. No. Category Age Relexation 1 Schedule Caste 5 Years 2 Other Backward Classes (having latest cer3 Years tificate from Competent Authority with Non Creamy Layer Clause)

Educational Qualification, Experience & other qualification (As on 1st March, 2018) Sr.No. Post/Payscale Essential & Desirable Educational and other qualifications 1 Junior Clerk (i) Graduates having sufficient Rs. 16,300-38,200 knowledge in computers in office automation software like MS WORD, MS EXCEL, etc. with 6 months certificate course in the Computers (ii) the proficiency in computers shall be judged through typing test, etc. on computer in MS WORD, MS EXCEL, etc. 2 Junior Engineer (Civil) Degree in Civil Engineering Rs. 21,000-53,500 OR Diploma in Civil Engineering with 3 years‘ experience. Intimation Charges/Application Fee (Non-Refundable): Candidates are required to pay intimation charges/Application fees online from 12th March, 2018 to 31st March, 2018 (both dates inclusive) by following the instructions for online payment given under the link provided at under ‘Recruitment Section.’ SC/ ST/PH/DPT Employees All candidates other than SC/ ST/ PH/DPT Employees

Nil Rs. 300/- (Application fee including intimation charges) + GST @ 18%

Note: (i) Additional Bank transaction charge, for online payment of intimation charges/fees is to be borne by the candidate. (ii) If any SC, ST category candidate applies for a post as UR, then he is not eligible for relaxation in fee. (iii) Fee/ Intimation charges once paid will NOT be refunded on any account nor can it be held reserve for any other examination or selection. Test Centre for Online Test: Examination Centers: (i) The examination will be conducted ONLINE in following venues in Gujarat State given in the respective admit cards. - Ahmedabad - Anand - Gandhinagar - Himmatnagar - Mehsana - Rajkot - Surat - Vadodara Candidate will not be permitted to appear for the ONLINE examination without the following documents: (1) Valid Admit Card for the respective date and session of Examination (2) Photo-identity proof (as specified) in original bearing the exactly same name as it appears on the Admit Card/ Application Form and (3) Photocopy of the above photo-identity proof (on website) HOW TO APPLY Candidates meeting the eligibility criteria, requisite essential qualifications may apply online through the link available on DPT website www. under ‗Recruitment Section‘. Responsibility of receiving, downloading and printing of Admit Card for online test/ Call letter for Proficiency tests shall be that of the candidates. DPT will not be responsible for any loss of E-mail sent, due to invalid/ wrong E-mail ID provided by the candidate or delivery of e-mails to Spam/ Bulk mail folder etc. Detailed Guidelines/Procedures for: A. Applying Online B. Payment of Fees/charges C. Photograph & Signature Scan and Upload (yLkwMktÄkLk ÃkkLkk Lktçkh 7 WÃkh)

{wÿf, «fkþf, {kr÷f : {krníke rLkÞk{f, økwshkík hkßÞ, ç÷kuf Lkt. 19/1, zkì. Sðhks {nuíkk ¼ðLk, økktÄeLkøkh îkhk «fkrþík, ÔÞðMÚkkÃkf, Mkhfkhe {æÞMÚk {wÿýk÷Þ, økktÄeLkøkh îkhk {wrÿík