Hessel's recent book “Indignez-vous!” which helped spark the “indignant”
movement in Europe. The movement is an expression of outrage against the
growing ...
Zinta Avens Auzins
Council Joins First Nations, Quebecers for “Indignez-Vous! Hope in Resistance” Conference by Donna James Our 2011 annual general meeting was a departure from tradition. Held in Montreal, Quebec, last October, our annual meeting was expanded into a large public conference that was planned collaboratively with Quebec and First Nations peoples and student and labour groups. Through this joint conference we strengthened existing relationships and built new ones with organizations and individuals who, like us, work on securing water and climate justice, strengthened public health care, and true democracy. “Indignez-Vous! Hope in Resistance” was inspired by the title of Stéphane Hessel’s recent book “Indignez-vous!” which helped spark the “indignant” movement in Europe. The movement is an expression of outrage against
Join us in Nanaimo, British Columbia, for our 2012 AGM! We are excited to host our 2012 AGM October 26-28 in Nanaimo, B.C. Located on Vancouver Island, the city of about 80,000 people is situated northwest of Victoria, and it is west of Vancouver, separated by the Strait of Georgia. With growing concerns locally about mining, fracking and proposed pipelines, our AGM will come at a pivotal time for members and chapter activists. Conference Hotel Reservations Coast Bastion Inn 11 Bastion Street, Nanaimo, B.C. To obtain the negotiated group rate of $120/$130 per night + taxes you must book by September 25, 2012, by calling toll free 1-800-663-1144. Please state the group name “Council of Canadians – Delegates.” To book online, go to www.coasthotels.com. Group Code CBI-GFC 9310.
24 Canadian Perspectives Spring 2012
the growing gap between the very rich and the very poor and has resonated with many people, particularly youth. Our message was timely since the conference took place during the height of the Occupy movement.
People take turns stepping up to the microphone to ask questions during the Indignezvous! Hope in Resistance conference, which was held in Montreal in October.
People joined in a united “call to action” at the conclusion of the conference. The draft statement, in part, reads: “We stand with each other, with the Indignez movements in Europe, and with the occupiers of Wall Street, Bay Street, Montréal, Vancouver and the thousands of others worldwide. We stand with our trade union sisters and brothers who are fighting to maintain worker rights won many years ago. We are inspired by the Arab Spring to demand real democracy from our leaders. We commit to workWe will hold a public forum the evening of Friday, October 26, at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre, 101 Gordon Street, Nanaimo.
ing with Indigenous peoples to bring about a new society designed to serve our common goals and aspirations.” We would like to thank Alternatives, Eau Secours!, Association québécoise de lutte contre la pollution atmosphérique (AQLPA), and Médecins Québécois pour la régime publique (MQRP), who joined us in organizing and hosting this event, as well as to CUPE•SCFP and CEP•SCEP and CAW 567 for their generous sponsorship. Donna James is Executive Assistant to the Board of Directors and organizes the Council’s annual general meetings.
In addition to the regular slate of candidates, two regional chapter representatives to the Board from the BC/Yukon and ON/QC/Nunavut regions will be nominated and elected in a process exclusive to Council of Canadians’ chapters. These Board members will be confirmed by the membership at the AGM.
Advance Registration: August 8 – October 18, 2012 Registration information will be posted at www.canadians.org starting August 8. Advance registration closes at 5:00 p.m. October 18. Resolutions: August 27, 2012 Proposed resolutions must be received by August 27, 2012. After this date, only emergency resolutions on issues that could not have been foreseen by the deadline date will be considered. Nominations: September 24, 2012 Advance nominations for the Board of Directors must be received by September 24, 2012. This allows time for the nominating committee to make recommendations to ensure a diverse Board. Nominations will be accepted at the AGM until 2:00 p.m. PDT on Saturday, October 27.
Ensure your membership is up to date Being a Council member “in good standing” allows you to vote on resolutions and Board nominations at the AGM. To be a member in good standing, you need to have donated $6 or more at least 30 days before the AGM business meeting (by September 28, 2012) and no more than 12 months before October 28, 2012. Please check the status of your membership, or consider making an additional donation to the Council to help us put on the best AGM ever! Call us toll free at 1-800-387-7177 to make a donation today.
The Council of Canadians | www.canadians.org