Indirect Vector Control of Stand-Alone Self-Excited Induction Generator

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Here, the three-phase SEIG is excited by a pulse-width modulated voltage source inverter (PWM-VSI) connected to a single-capacitor on the DC side with a ...
Indirect Vector Control of Stand-Alone Self-Excited Induction Generator 1

S. N. Mahato1, S. P. Singh2, and M. P. Sharma3 Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India 2 Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India 3 Alternate Hydro Energy Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India

Abstract - This paper presents the voltage build-up process and the terminal voltage control of a stand-alone self-excited induction generator (SEIG) using indirect vector control (IVC) technique under variable speeds and different types of load. Here, the three-phase SEIG is excited by a pulse-width modulated voltage source inverter (PWM-VSI) connected to a single-capacitor on the DC side with a start-up battery. The limitation of having stand-alone SEIG is poor voltage regulation, which occurs with change in speed and load condition. Hence, there should be a control system that keeps the terminal voltage of the SEIG and the DC bus voltage constant when the speed of the rotor and also, the load on the SEIG are varied. The indirect vector control scheme has been presented to maintain the terminal voltage of the generator and the DC bus voltage constant for variable rotor speed and load. The space-phasor model of the induction machine has been used in simulation. To predict the performance of the proposed system, a MATLAB/SIMULINK based study has been carried out for both AC and DC loads. The proposed control scheme has shown very good voltage regulation and phase balance even with unbalanced three-phase load. Keywords: AC and DC load, Indirect vector control, PWM inverter, Self-excited induction generator.



The electrification of remote, rural areas are important for the sustainable development of a country. To provide power through grid extension becomes very difficult and expensive in such hard to access and remote areas. In such areas, plenty of renewable energy sources such as small hydro, wind, biomass etc. are available. A practical solution therefore is to develop isolated, small-scale power generation schemes that utilize the renewable energy resources locally available to supply the consumers. Due to the research of clean power (or renewable energy resources), and small-scale autonomous power generation systems, the SEIG has become very popular for generating power from renewable energy sources, such as wind and small hydro. The SEIG has distinct advantages like simplicity, low cost, ruggedness, little maintenance, absence of DC, brushless etc. as compared to the conventional synchronous generator. However, its major disadvantage is the inability to control the voltage and frequency under change in load and speed in stand-alone system.

A number of schemes have been suggested for regulating the terminal voltage. The scheme based on switched capacitors [1] finds limited application because it regulates the terminal voltage in discrete steps. A saturable reactor scheme of voltage regulator [2] involves a potentially large size and weight, due to the necessity of a large saturating inductor. In the short/long shunt configuration [3], the series capacitor used causes the problem of resonance while supplying power to an inductive load. Unlike conventional excitation system that normally consists of variable impedance scheme [4], the PWM compensator permits the vector control implementation and presents precise and continuous reactive power control with fast response times, over a wide variation in speed. A wide variety of VAR generators with some control strategies using power electronic technology have been developed for standalone SEIG [5-7]. Lyra et al. [5] have analyzed a high performance variable speed energy generation system based on an isolated induction generator using a PWM VAR compensator to control the flux in the induction generator and the reactive power balance by implementing flux vector control methods. Seyoum et al. [6] have presented the stator flux oriented vector control for wind turbine driven isolated induction generator. However, an additional decoupling compensation should be applied for vector control in the stator flux orientation. In [7], a field-oriented controller has been used to excite the stand-alone induction machine efficiently, minimizing copper and iron losses, and to regulate the generated voltage for variable speed and load. An advanced solution for voltage control of the induction generator using rotor field-oriented control for small-scale AC and DC power applications has been given by Ahmed et al. [8]. Cardenas and Pena [9] have discussed a sensorless control structure based on a direct rotor flux oriented vector control system for variable speed wind energy applications. The modeling, control system design and simulation results for a stand-alone induction generator system with static reactive power compensator of current controlled PWM VSI using rotor flux oriented control has been presented by Liao and Levi [10]. Ahmed et al. [11] have used a hybrid excitation unit consisting of a capacitor bank and an active power filter to regulate the output voltage of stand-alone SEIG and proposed the advanced deadbeat current control strategy that works with variable speed to reduce the system cost. Pucci

and Cirrincione [12] have presented a maximum power point tracking for high performance wind generators. The fieldoriented control of the machine has been further integrated with an intelligent sensorless technique. Since, only few papers on application of vector control techniques for control of SEIG are available in the literature, further investigation on vector control of isolated induction generators needs to be carried out. Accordingly, indirect vector control strategy with rotor flux orientation with high dynamic performance has been used in this paper for voltage control of an isolated SEIG for both DC and AC power applications. The single DC side capacitor provides all the reactive current or the VAR required by the generator and the load. The space-phasor model of the induction generator has been used. The proposed scheme has been simulated in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. The simulated studies for different transient conditions such as self-excitation, sudden application and removal of both AC and DC loads have been carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the scheme.


System Description and Control Scheme

Fig. 1 shows the general configuration of the system, where the DC and AC loads can be supplied by the generator. The basic system consists of a PWM VAR compensator connected to an induction generator. A battery on the DC side of the inverter is provided for initial excitation. When the flux reaches the desired level, the battery is disconnected and the generator supplies itself the necessary energy to control the voltage across the compensator DC capacitor. The reactive power required by the SEIG and load is provided by the VSI.

During start-up, the power produced by SEIG is used to charge the capacitor connected across the DC link to a set reference value. In this study, the DC voltage is maintained at 600 V. The DC bus voltage is measured to feedback the DC voltage controller. This controller provides the q-axis component of compensator reference AC currents that represents the flow of active power necessary to keep the DC voltage constant. The field weakening is done above base speed operation and the flux command is generated. The flux error is fed to the PI controller and the output of this PI controller gives the d-axis component of compensator reference AC current. The principal vector control parameters Idse* and Iqse* , which are DC values in synchronously rotating frame, are converted to stationary frame with the help of unit vectors (cosθe and sinθe). By using the transformation matrix, the resulting stationary frame two axes current commands are converted into three-phase current commands. These threephase current commands are compared with the three-phase stator currents. The errors are amplified and compared with the triangular carrier signal to generate the switching pulses for the inverter. Any variation in the output power of the SEIG is directly indicated by the variation in the terminal voltage of the generator. A reduction of the DC link voltage indicates that the active power drawn by the load is more than the generated power of the SEIG and the difference in power is supplied by the VSI and hence, the DC link voltage falls. An increase in the DC link voltage indicates that the active power drawn by the load is less than the generated power of the SEIG. In both these two cases, the controller varies the ON-OFF period of the IGBTs of the inverter and the terminal voltage of the generator is maintained constant.

Fig. 1. Block diagram of the proposed system.

i La


The shaft torque, Tshaft of the prime-mover and speed is represented by a linear curve given as: Tshaft = k1 – k2ωr where, Tshaft is the shaft torque which shows the drooping characteristic of prime-mover and k1 and k2 are constants. J is the moment of inertia of the induction machine including the machine (prime-mover) coupled on its shaft

i pa L Lc

R La

i pc

3.2 R Lc

L Lb

L La


Rotor flux vector estimation The derivations of the control equations of indirect vector control can be done from the d-q equivalent circuit of the induction machine in synchronously rotating reference. The rotor circuit equations are written as:

R Lb

C i Lc

i pb

B i Lb

Fig. 2. Circuit diagram of three-phase inductive load

3 3.1

Mathematical Modeling Modeling of the SEIG

The induction machine has been represented by the space-phasor model. Instead of using two axes such as the d and q for a balanced polyphase machine, the flux linkage phasors can be thought of as being produced by equivalent single-phase stator and rotor windings. The four dq equations of equation (A1) in Appendix-A can be reduced to two space-phasor equations as: vs = vqs − jvds = (Rs + Ls p)is + Lm pir (1) Similarly, the rotor equations can be written as: vr = vqr − jvdr = (Lm p − jωr Lm)is + (Rr + Lr p − jωr Lr )ir


From equations (A2) and (A3) in Appendix-A, the voltage equations can be written as:

dλ s Vs = Rs is + dt dλ Vr = Rrir + r − jωr [B]λr dt

where, V s = [vds vqs]T,

Vr = [0 0],

(3) (4)

dλdre + Rr idre − (ωe − ωr )λqre = 0 dt dλqre + Rr iqre + (ωe − ωr )λdre = 0 dt where, λdre = Lr idre + Lmidse


λ =Li +L i e qr

e r qr


e m qs



From (9) and (10), idr and iqr can be written as:

idre = (λdre − Lmidse )/Lr


iqre = (λqre − Lmiqse )/Lr




Eliminating idr and iqr from (7) and (8) using the equations (11) and (12),

dλdre Rr e Lm λdr − + Rr idse − ωsl λqre = 0 dt Lr Lr dλqre dt



Rr e Lm λqr − Rr iqse + ωsl λdre = 0 Lr Lr


where ωsl = ωe − ωr . e qr

For decoupling control, λ

= 0, i.e.,

dλqre dt


From (13) and (14), we get

The electromagnetic torque developed is given by, (5)


Lr dλr + λr = Lmidse Rr dt L R ωsl = m r iqse λr Lr

(15) (16)

The derivative of rotor flux can be written as:

The torque balance equation of SEIG is defined as:

⎛2⎞ Tshaft = Te + J ⎜ ⎟ pωr ⎝ P⎠


λr = λdre .

⎡0 − 1⎤ Rs = diag[Rs Rs], Rr = diag[Rr Rr] and [B] = ⎢ ⎥. ⎣1 0 ⎦ 3P Lm (iqs idr − ids iqr ) 22


so that total rotor flux λr is directed along the de axis and

i s = [ids iqs]T,

i r = [idr iqr]T, λ s = [λds λqs]T, λr = [λdr λqr]T,

Te =

Modeling of the control scheme

pλr = (6)

Rr (Lmidse − λr ) Lr

The rotor flux is calculated from the above equation.


ω*sl can be written as: L R * ω*sl = m *r iqs Lr λr

The slip frequency



ωe = ωr + ω*sl


The field angle (i.e., the angle of the synchronously rotating frame) is calculated as:

θe = ∫ ωe dt



Calculation of d and q axes components of compensator reference current The field weakening is done above base speed operation and accordingly the flux command (λrref) is generated. The flux error at the nth sampling instant is expressed as : λrer ( n ) = λrref ( n ) − λr ( n ) . The flux error λrer is fed to the PI controller and the output of the PI controller at the nth sampling instant is expressed as: e* =I e* Ids (n) ds(n−1) +K pd {λrer(n) −λrer(n−1) }+Kidλrer(n)


where Kpd and Kid are the proportional and integral gain constants, respectively, of the PI controller. The DC bus voltage error (VDCer) at the nth sampling instantis: VDCer(n) = VDCref(n) −VDC(n) . The error is fed to the

to generate the gate pulses. If the amplified error signal corresponding to phase ‘a’ (Isaer) is greater than the triangular carrier wave signal then the switch S1 (upper device) of the phase ‘a’ leg of the VSI bridge is ON and the switch S4 (lower device) is OFF, and the value of the switching function SA = 1. If the amplified error signal corresponding to phase ‘a’ (Isaer) is less than the triangular carrier wave signal then the switch S1 (upper device) is OFF and the switch S4 (lower device) is ON, and SA = 0. Similar logic applies to other phases. 3.2.5 Modeling of the VSI The derivative of the DC bus voltage is defined as: When there is no load on the DC side of the inverter,

pv dc = (i da SA + i db SB + i dc SC ) / C dc

and when DC load is present, the equation (27) is modified as: pvdc = [(idaSA+ idbSB+ idcSC) − (

(+2 SA − SB − SC ) 3 (− SA + 2SB − SC ) vb = Vdc 3 (− SA − SB + 2 SC ) vc = Vdc 3 v a = Vdc


where Kpq and Kiq are the proportional and integral gain constants, respectively, of the DC bus PI controller. 3.2.3

Calculation of compensator reference currents in stationary reference frame The q-axis and d-axis reference currents ( I qs and I e*

e* ds

I ds* = − I qs sin θ e + I cosθ e e*

e* ds


These q and d axes stationary reference currents ( I qs* and

I ds* ) are converted to three phase reference currents * , I * and I * ). ( I sa sb sc 3.2.4

The line voltages may be expressed as: v ab = v a − vb = v dc (SA − SB)

vbc = vb − vc = v dc (SB − SC) vca = v c − v a = v dc (SC − SA)


which are DC values in synchronously rotating frame, are converted to stationary frame with the help of unit vectors as given below: (23) I qs* = I qse* cos θ e + I dse* sin θ e

PWM current controller * , I * and I * ) are compared The reference currents ( I sa sb sc

with the sensed currents (Isa, Isb and Isc). The current errors are amplified and compared with the triangular carrier wave

vdc )]/ Cdc Rd

(26) where SA, SB and SC are the switching functions for the ON/OFF positions of the VSI bridge switches S1-S6 and Rd is the DC load resistance. The DC bus voltage reflects at the output of the inverter in the form of the three-phase PWM AC voltages va, vb and vc. These voltages may be expressed as:

PI controller and the output of the PI controller for maintaining DC bus voltage at the nth sampling instant is given by e* = I e* I qs ( n ) qs ( n −1) + K pq {VDCer ( n ) −VDCer ( n −1) }+ KiqVDCer ( n )



(27) (28) (29)

Modeling of the load


DC load The current through the DC load resistance connected across the DC capacitor of the inverter is given by:

idc =

vdc Rdc


3.3.2 Three phase resistive load The phase currents ipa, ipb and ipc in the three-phase load circuit are modeled as:

i pa =

vab RLa




pi pc = (vca − RLc i pc )/LLc


From these phase currents of the load, the line currents of this delta-connected load are given by: iLa = i pa − i pc (37)

iLb = i pa − i pc


iLc = i pa − i pc









Sudden application and removal of load

4.2.1 Load application and removal on DC side To investigate the response of the system with sudden application and removal of load on the DC side, the generator is initially excited at no-load and suddenly a DC load of (Rdc = 5.6 p.u.) is applied at t = 1.2 sec. and this load is removed at t = 1.8 sec. as shown in Fig. 5. At the time of application of load, the voltages t end to decrease but quickly return to







1 1.2 Time (Sec.)





800 600 400 Cdc = 1000 Micro-farad Cdc = 1500 Micro-farad Cdc = 1800 Micro-farad

200 0 0





1 1.2 Time (Sec.)





Fig. 4. DC voltage build-up at no-load for different values of capacitances. 0 -500 1 620 600 580 560 1 10

Isa (A)

Vdc (V)

Vsa (V)
















-10 1 5








0 1



1.6 1.8 Time (Sec.)





Idc (A)

Self-excitation of the SEIG

The voltage build-up of the generator and the DC voltage across the capacitor at no-load condition are shown in Fig. 3. The reference DC voltage is set at 600 V. It is found that the generator voltage remains small until the air-gap flux linkage is at low level, and thereafter, there is a rapid growth of voltage, which settles down to a steady-state value due to magnetizing flux saturation. The DC voltage is settled to the reference value. Fig. 4 gives the DC voltage build-up at noload with different values of capacitors. It is found that when the capacitance value is large, it takes longer time to reach to steady-state value.



800 600 400 200 0 0

Simulation results and discussion

The developed models have been simulated in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. The simulated results have been presented for no-load excitation, sudden application and removal of both AC and DC loads on a 2.2 kW, 3-phase, star connected induction machine. The parameters of the induction machine obtained by conducting DC resistance test, synchronous speed test and blocked rotor test are given in Appendix B.


-500 0

Fig. 3. Voltage build-up at no-load.

Vdc (V)

pi pb = (vbc − RLb i pb )/LLb


Vdc (V)


3.3.3 Three phase inductive load The derivatives of the phase currents of the delta connected inductive load shown in Fig. 2 are given as: pi pa = (vab − RLa i pa )/LLa (34)


Vsa (V)


vbc RLb v i pc = ca RLc i pb =

Fig. 5. Waveforms during application and removal of load on DC side. reference values. When the load is removed, the phase voltage of the generator and the DC voltage increase due to mismatch in active power produced by the SEIG, which is more than the power consumed by the load. The duty cycle of the inverter is adjusted by the control action and the voltages are maintained at their reference values. 4.2.2 Load application and removal on AC side To investigate the response of the system due to application and removal of balanced resistive load across the terminals of the SEIG, a resistive load (RL = 6.6 p.u./phase) is applied at t = 1.4 sec. and removed at t = 2 sec. as shown in Fig. 6.

Vsa (V) Vdc (V)

-500 1 650

550 1 10




















-10 1 5













1.8 2 Time (Sec.)





0 -5 1

Fig. 6. Stator phase ‘a’ voltage, DC voltage, stator phase ‘a’ current and load current during application and removal of resistive load on SEIG terminals.

Vdc (V)

Vsa (V)

500 0

-500 1.2 650




























2 Time (Sec.)






Isa (A)

550 1.2 10 0 -10 1.2 5 0 -5 1.2

Fig. 7. Stator phase ‘a’ voltage, DC voltage, stator phase ‘a’ current and load current during application and removal of inductive load on SEIG terminals.

Appendix A

The dq stationary reference frame model of the induction machine is given by:

0 0 ⎤⎡iqs⎤ Lm p ⎡vqs⎤ ⎡Rs + Ls p ⎢v ⎥ ⎢ 0 0 Rs + Ls p Lm p ⎥⎥⎢⎢ids⎥⎥ ⎢ ds⎥ = ⎢ ⎢vqr⎥ ⎢ Lm p −ωr Lm Rr + Lr p −ωr Lr ⎥⎢iqr⎥ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ Lm p ωr Lr Rr + Lr p⎦⎣idr⎦ ⎣vdr⎦ ⎣ ωr Lm




This paper provides a high performance variable speed induction generator system using indirect vector control technique with rotor flux orientation for small-scale AC and DC power applications. A PWM VAR compensator is used to control the flux in the generator and the reactive power balance. The excitation power is supplied from the capacitor connected on the DC side of the PWM inverter. The induction machine has been represented by space-phasor model. The developed models have been implemented using MATLAB/SIMULINK. The controller has been tested for different transient conditions such as voltage build-up, sudden application and removal of both the resistive and the inductive loads and also for unbalanced three-phase loads. It has a fast dynamic response, robust, reliable and very good phase balance even with unbalanced three-phase load.



Ipa (A)



Isa (A)

Figs. 8 and 9 show the three-phase load currents, stator phase currents and stator phase voltages during sudden application of unbalanced three-phase resistive load (RLa = 5.6 p.u., RLb = 6.76 p.u. and RLc = 7.5 p.u.) and inductive load (RLa = 1.9 p.u., XLa = 1.4 p.u.; RLb = 2.8 p.u., XLb = 2.1 p.u. and RLc = 3.8 p.u., XLc = 2.8 p.u.) respectively. It is observed that stator phase voltages and currents are balanced even if the load current is unbalanced due to the PWM inverter action. Hence, the indirect vector control technique acts also as a good phase balancer.


Ipa (A)

Similarly, the responses of the system due to load perturbation with balanced inductive load (RL = 2.6 p.u./phase, XL = 1.97 p.u./phase) of 0.8 pf are shown in Fig. 7. In both these cases, the voltage reduces during application and increases during removal of load due to mismatch of power generated and power consumed. The voltage comes to the reference value quickly due to control action. The phase current of the SEIG increases at the time of application of load.


where Ls = Lls + Lm and Lr = Llr + Lm. Again, in dq reference frame, the stator and rotor flux linkages can be written as:

Lm ⎤⎡ids ⎤ ⎡λds ⎤ ⎡Lls + Lm ⎢λ ⎥ = ⎢ L Llr + Lm ⎥⎦⎢⎣idr ⎥⎦ ⎣ dr ⎦ ⎣ m Lm ⎤⎡iqs ⎤ ⎡λqs ⎤ ⎡Lls + Lm ⎢ ⎥ ⎢λ ⎥ = ⎢ Llr + Lm ⎥⎦⎣iqr ⎦ ⎣ qr ⎦ ⎣ Lm Lm ⎤ ⎡ids ⎤ ⎡Lls + Lm Hence, ⎢ ⎥ = ⎢ Llr + Lm ⎥⎦ ⎣idr ⎦ ⎣ Lm Lm ⎤ ⎡iqs ⎤ ⎡Lls + Lm Similarly, ⎢ ⎥ = ⎢ Llr + Lm ⎥⎦ ⎣iqr ⎦ ⎣ Lm



⎡λds ⎤ ⎢λ ⎥ ⎣ dr ⎦

⎡λqs ⎤ ⎢λ ⎥ ⎣ qr ⎦





[2] S. M. Alghuwainem, “Steady-state analysis of a selfexcited induction generator self-regulated by shunt saturable reactor”, IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines and Drives, pp. 101-103, 1997.

ILabc (A)

5 0 -5 1







Isabc (A)

10 0 -10 1







Vsabc (V)

500 0 -500 1



1.3 Time (Sec.)




ILabc (A)

5 0







Isabc (A)

10 0 -10 1.2






[4] M. B. Brennen and A. Abbondanti, “Static excitors for induction generators”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 1A-13, pp. 422-428, September-October 1977. [5] R. O. C. Lyra, S. R. Silva and P. C. Cortizo, “Direct and indirect flux control of an isolated induction generator”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, Vol. 1, pp. 140-145, 1995.

Fig. 8. Three-phase load currents, stator phase currents and stator phase voltages during sudden application of unbalanced resistive load on SEIG terminals.

-5 1.2

[3] S. S. Murthy, C. Prabhu, A. K. tandon and M. O. Vaishya, “Analysis of series compensated self-excited induction generators for autonomous power generation”, IEEE Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems for Industrial Growth, pp. 687-693, 1996.


[6] D. Seyoum, M. F. Rahman and C. Grantham, “Terminal voltage control of a wind turbine driven isolated induction generator using stator oriented field control”, Proceedings of IEEE Power Electronics Conference and Exposition- APEC, Vol. 2, pp. 846-852, 2003. [7] R. Leidhold, G. Garcia and M I. Valla, “Field-oriented controlled induction generator with loss minimization”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 147-156, February 2002.

Vsabc (V)

500 0 -500 1.2



1.8 Time (Sec.)




Fig. 9. Three-phase load currents, stator phase currents and stator phase voltages during sudden application of unbalanced inductive load on SEIG terminals.


Appendix B

The parameters of the induction machine are given as: 2.2 kW, 3-phase, 4-pole, 50 Hz, 415 V., 4.5 A., star connected, 1440 rpm, Rs = 3.84 Ω, Rr = 2.88 Ω, Xls = 4.46 Ω, Xlr = 4.46 Ω, Lm = 0.2168 H, Base impedance = 53.24 Ω. Coefficients of the Prime-mover Characteristics: k1 = 249.39, k2 = 0.7875



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