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elements, solving basic electrical circuits using appropriate techniques, and finally ... Thomas L. Floyd, Electrical engineering fundamentals, Prentice Hall, Inc. ,.

Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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General Organization for Technical Education and Vocational Training

‫اﻟﻤﺆﺳﺴﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﺘﻌﻠﻴﻢ اﻟﻔﻨﻲ‬ ‫واﻟﺘﺪرﻳﺐ اﻟﻤﻬﻨﻲ‬

Colleges of Technologe Directorate

‫ﺇﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺷﺆﻭﻥ ﺍﻟﻜﻠﻴﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﺘﻘﻨﻴﺔ‬

‫ﻋﻤﺎﺩﺓ ﺍﻟﺸﺆﻭﻥ ﺍﻷﻛﺎﺩﳝﻴﺔ‬ Deanship of Academic Affairs



(١Dr. Abdulraheem M. Satti (٢Dr. Abdurab Annabi Abutalib (٣Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Alghorfolli (٤Dr. Mohamed Essayed Ghazi (٥Dr. Fahd Nasser Alghanam

FIRST EDITION G ١٩٩٩ – H ١٤٢٠



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Department Electronic Technology

Major Industrial Electronics and Control

Course Title Electrical Engineering


COM 211

Prerequisite None Semester Course Description : This course covers an introduction to fundamentals of simple electrical circuits, application of simple methods for analyzing simple resistive, capacitive, and inductive circuits in both DC and AC circuits.


Credit hr/w Contact hr/w Contact hr/sem.






4 3 2 45 30

General Goal : This course aims at explaining the concepts of electrical quantities and introducing the basic electrical elements, solving basic electrical circuits using appropriate techniques, and finally determining the basic parameters and variables in electrical circuits experimentally.

Behavioral Objectives : Students should be able to: Describe the characteristics of electrical quantities and parameters. Apply basic circuit laws and theorems to determine voltage and current in various circuits. Analyze resistive, inductive, and capacitive circuits. Measuring electrical quantities using basic measuring instruments. Troubleshooting simple electrical circuits.

L = Lecture Hours, W = Workshop/Laboratory Hours, T = Tutorial Hours




• • •

• •

Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Topics (Theory & Practice) Basic Concepts and Ohm’s Law DC resistive circuits Capacitors and inductors Introduction to AC circuits RL, RC, RLC circuits.


Thomas L. Floyd, Electrical engineering fundamentals, Prentice Hall, Inc., third edition, 1995 (or latest edition).

Additional Reading:

C. R. Paul, Introduction to Electrical Engineering, McGraw Hill, 1992. Peyton Z. Peeples, Electrical Engineering, McGraw Hill, 1991.


Robert L. Boylestad, Introductory Circuit Analysis, Maxwell Macmillan, 1990. S.A. Boctor, Electrical Circuit Analysis, Prentice Hall, 1987 ( or latest edition).



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Detailed Curriculum (Theory) Hrs 4L





Behavioral Objectives

Basic Concepts ƒ Scientific notation and unit conversions ƒ Electrical charge, current, voltage and resistance.

students should be able to Use scientific notation. Convert from one metric unit to another. ƒ Explain the concept of electrical charge. ƒ Define voltage, current, and resistance and discuss their characteristics.

ƒ ƒ

ohm’s law ƒ Ohm’s law and its applications ƒ Power in electric circuits ƒ Energy loss and voltage drop in resistance.


Use Ohm’s law to determine voltage, current, and resistance. ƒ Calculate power in a circuit. ƒ Explain energy loss and voltage drop. ƒ Properly select resistors based on power rating.

Dc resistive circuits ƒ Resistors in series-Kirchoff’s voltage lawpower in series circuit, voltage divider. ƒ Resistors in parallel – Kirchoff’s current law- power in parallel circuit, current divider. ƒ Series parallel circuit analysis voltage dividers with resistive loads ƒ Circuits with more than one voltage source ƒ Thevenin’s theorem


Determine the current, the total resistance, and power in series and parallel circuits. ƒ Apply Ohm’s law and KVL in series and parallel circuits. ƒ Voltage and current dividers. ƒ Apply Thevenin’s theorem to simplify a circuit for analysis.

capacitors ƒ The basic capacitor and its types ƒ Series and parallel capacitors ƒ Charging and discharging a capacitor.


Describe the basic structure and characteristics of a capacitor. ƒ Calculate the equivalent value of series/parallel capacitors. ƒ Describe the charging and discharging of a capacitor. ƒ Define time constant ƒ Write equations for the charging and discharging curves. ƒ Explains why capacitor blocks constant dc.

4L inductors ƒ The basic inductor and its types ƒ Series and parallel inductors.


Describe the basic structure and characteristics of an inductor. ƒ Calculate the equivalent value of series/parallel inductors.



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

4L Introduction to AC circuits ƒ The sine wave. ƒ Voltage and current values of sine waves. ƒ Angular measurement of a sine wave. ƒ The sine wave formula. ƒ Ohm’s law and Kirchoff’s law in AC circuits. ƒ Superimposed DC and AC voltage. ƒ Nonsinusoidal waveforms. ƒ Transformers


Determine the voltage and current values of sine wave. ƒ Describe angular relationships of sinewaves. ƒ Apply basic circuit’s laws to AC resistive circuits. ƒ Determine total voltages, which are composed of both DC and AC components. ƒ Identify the characteristics of basic nonsinusoidal waveform ƒ Explains how transformer works as step-up and step-down.

10L RC and RL circuits ƒ Capacitors in AC circuits. ƒ RC series, parallel, and series-parallel in AC circuits. ƒ Power in RC circuits. ƒ Inductors in AC circuits. ƒ RL series, parallel, and series-parallel in AC circuits. ƒ Power in RL circuits.


Determine the impedance and phase angle of inductors and capacitors in AC circuits. ƒ Determine the impedance and phase angle in a series, parallel, and /series-parallel RC and RL circuits. ƒ Draw the impedance and power triangles. ƒ Determine power in RC and RL circuits.

6L RLC circuits ƒ Series and parallel RLC circuits ƒ Series and parallel resonance

ƒ ƒ

Students should be able to: Determine the impedance and phase angle of series and parallel RLC circuits. ƒ Analyze series and parallel RLC circuits. ƒ Analyze series and parallel resonance.



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Detailed Curriculum (Practice) Hrs


Behavioral Objectives


Ohm’s law and resistive circuits ƒ Ohm’s law ƒ Series resistors ƒ Parallel resistors

students should be able to: ƒ Use electronic multimeter to measure DC voltage, current and resistance. ƒ Verify Ohm’s law and determine the resistance graphically. ƒ Calculate and measure power dissipation in R using wattmeter. ƒ Measure R for series/parallel resistors. ƒ Perform measurements on voltage divider by using potentiometer. ƒ Perform measurements on current divider by using parallel resistors ƒ Test all circuits after introducing certain faults.


Series-parallel circuit ƒ Measuring the total resistance in seriesparallel circuit. ƒ Determining the current in and the voltage across any resistance in a resistive circuit. ƒ Application of Thevenin’s theorem.

students should be able to: ƒ Measure total resistance of seriesparallel circuit. ƒ Verify KVL and KCL. ƒ Calculating the current in resistor by measuring Thevenin’s resistance and voltage. ƒ Troubleshoot series-parallel circuit.


AC familiarization ƒ Measurement of AC periodical waveforms. ƒ Using AC measuring instruments. ƒ Transformers

students should be able to: ƒ Measure peak-to-peak voltage of AC waveform. ƒ Measure the period of a periodical waveform. ƒ Use transformer as a step-up & stepdown and measure reflected impedance.

16W students should be able to: ƒ Measure the impedance and the phase angle. ƒ Record the voltage and current waveforms using the oscilloscope. ƒ Determine the phase angle between voltage and current waveforms. ƒ Determine the phase angle between the voltages of any two elements. ƒ Draw the frequency response curve for RC, RL, RLC circuits. ƒ Determine cut-off frequencies and bandwidth in series RLC resonance. ƒ Calculate the current in a resistor by measuring Thevenin’s resistance and

AC circuits ƒ Series RC/RL circuit. ƒ Parallel RC/RL circuit. ƒ Series/parallel RLC circuit. ƒ Resonance circuit.



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

voltage. Troubleshoot series-parallel circuit.



Electronic Technology


Department Electronic Technology Electrical and Electronic Course Title Measurements Prerequisite Electrical Engineering

Industrial Electronics and Control

Major Industrial Electronics and Control Code

ELC 212

Semester Course Description : This course introduces basic concepts of electrical and electronic quantity measurements. The measurement techniques and instruments are explained and applied and important measurement concepts such as accuracy, scale factor etc are emphasized.


Credit hr/w Contact hr/w Contact hr/sem.






2 1 2 15 30

General Goal : The aim is to familiarise the student with various electrical and electronic measuring instruments, their use and evaluation. The student is to be made aware of the limitations of any measurement set-up.

Behavioral Objectives : The student uses the common electrical and electronic measuring instruments. He learns important concepts of their structure. He undertakes typical calculations of the measurement accuracy made by a specific instrument. He reads manuals and follows operating instructions to realise the accuracy of the instrument he uses. He handles a diversity of modern electrical and electronic measuring instruments to obtain familiarity.

L = Lecture Hours, W = Workshop/Laboratory Hours, T = Tutorial Hours




• • • • •

Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Topics (Theory & Practice) Introduction of electrical and electronic measurements. Analogue and digital measuring instruments for DC and AC measurements. Oscilloscopes and their applications. Measuring instrument specifications. Accuracy and tolerances of measuring instruments


Additional Reading:


Larry D. Jones, A. Foster Chin, ”Electronic Instruments and Measurements Techniques” 2nd edition 1991, Prentice-Hall

A.D.HELFRICK and W.D.COPPER, MODERN ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTATION and MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES. PRENTICE HALL 1990 Carl G. Grolle, ELECTRONIC Technicians Handbook of time savers and short cuts, Parker Publishing Co, INC. 1984




Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Detailed Curriculum (Theory) Hrs


Behavioral Objectives

2L Introduction to Electrical and Electronic






Instrumentation and measurement system configuration. Definition of standards, units and symbols used in electrical and electronic measurements. Basic characteristics of measuring devices. Calibration, accuracy and tolerances. Moving coil Instruments for DC and AC Measurements: • The moving coil instruments block diagram and basic theory. • The moving coil instrument as ammeter. • Scaling of the ammeter to read different current ranges by the use of resistor shunts. • AC and DC current measurements (r.m.s. and average). • The moving coil instrument as a voltmeter. • Scaling of the voltmeter to read different voltage ranges by the use of series resistors. • The moving coil instrument as ohmmeter. Digital Measuring Instruments: • Block diagram of digital measuring instruments. • A/D converters and display techniques. • Accuracy considerations of digital instruments. Oscilloscopes and their applications: • Block diagram of an oscilloscope. • Measurement of DC and AC voltages, currents, frequency, phase angles and maximum values of AC signals in the y-t mode of the oscilloscope. Bridges and their Application • Bridge structure e.g. Wheastone & Maxwell Bridges. Applications in R, C, L measurement


The student: • Describes the structure and states the needs of an instrumentation system. • Learns the units used in electrical measurements. • Calculates the accuracy of a measurement. • Learns the calibration techniques of measuring instruments. • Describes moving coil instruments. • Uses a moving coil instrument as ammeter, voltmeter and ohmmeter. • Uses a moving coil instrument to measure A.C signals by use of a rectifier. • Makes scale changes of an instrument using shunt/series resistors and calculates the resulting scale. • Describes the digital instrument structure. • Applies digital multimeter to measure voltage, current and resistance. • Describes an oscilloscope structure. • Uses an oscilloscope to measure voltage, current, phase angle and maximum values. • Learns & Draws the structure and operation of Wheatstone & Maxwell Bridges. • Determines the values of R, L, C using Bridges


Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Detailed Curriculum (Practice) Hrs

12 W


Behavioral Objectives

Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Measurement:

Moving coil Instruments for DC and AC Measurements

The student:

1. Determining the Internal Resistance of a Moving Coil Instrument. 2. Connection of ammeter and Voltmeter in a Circuit. 3. Voltage and Current Measurements with dc and ac. 4. Power Measurements using Ammeter and Voltmeter. 5. Changing the Scale of Ammeters Using Current Shunts. 6. Changing the Scale of Voltmeter using Series Resistors.

Uses a moving coil instrument as ammeter, voltmeter and ohmmeter. • Makes scale changes of an instrument using shunt/series resistors and calculates the resulting scale. • Calculates the accuracy of a measurement

Digital Measuring Instruments: 6W 1. 2. 3. 6W


The student:

Digital Multimeter as a Voltmeter. Digital Multimeter as an Ammeter. Calibration of Digital Multimeter.

Oscilloscopes and their applications: 1. Oscilloscope Current and Voltage Measurement. 2. Oscilloscope frequency Measurement. 3. Oscilloscope Phase shift measurement and other special features.

Applies digital multimeter to measure voltage, current and resistance.

Learns the calibration techniques of measuring instruments.

Uses the manuals to understand the instrument.

Uses an oscilloscope to measure voltage, current, phase angle and maximum values.

Uses bridges to measure R, L & C.

Bridges & Their Applications: 1. Measurement of resistance using Wheastone bridge. 2. Measurement of L & C using Maxwell bridge



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Department Electronic Technology

Major Industrial Electronics and Control

Course Title Electronic Devices Prerequisite None


ELC 213 Semester Credit hr/w

Course Description : This course covers an introduction to various electronic devices, their characteristics and applications in electronic circuits.

Contact hr/w Contact hr/sem.








3 2 2 30 30

General Goal : This course aims at introduction students to semiconductor diode and transistor (BJT, FET) structure and properties and their applications. The student is also introduced to some optoelectronic devices

Behavioral Objectives : The students learns the principles of conduction in two – three layer semiconductors devices, draws and investigates the basic circuits of diodes and transistors.

L = Lecture Hours, W = Workshop/Laboratory Hours, T = Tutorial Hours



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Topics (Theory & Practice) P-N Junction Semiconductor Diode Characteristics Operating point Rectifier Rectifier circuit Smoothing Circuits Zener Diode Characteristics Operating point Applications Bipolar Junction Transistor Characteristics Transistor as a switch Transistor as an amplifier Field – Effect Transistor Characteristics Optoelectronic devices Characteristics LEDs LDRs Photodiodes Phototransistors Optocouplers

Floyd, Electronic Devices,5th edition, Prentice Hall, 1999


Additional Reading:

1-Electronic Data Books and Manuals 2- Electronic Practical magazines.


Boylested/ Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit theory, prentice–Hall International. 2- Abraham Palace, Electronic Devices and Circuit Analysis, Delmar Publishers.



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Detailed Curriculum (Theory) Hrs 2L


Behavioral Objectives

P-N Junction the structure and properties of semiconductors intrinsic semiconductors extrinsic semiconductors (n-type, p-type)

The student…. explains the structure and properties of the semiconductor and extrinsic material (atomic structure doping ,n-type, p-type material elc.) and P-N junction

the P-N Junction 4L

The student…. describes the behavior of the semiconductor diodes with their characteristic curves compares the characteristics of Sidiodes with Ge-diodes

Semiconductor diode - semiconductor diode characteristics forward-bias and reverse-bias conditions temperature effects static and dynamic resistance Differences between Si and Ge diodes semiconductor diode parameters semiconductor diode applications 2L

The student… describes the effects of breakdown voltage, continuos forward current and power dissipation on diodes in rectifier circuits compares the advantages of different kinds of rectifier circuits

Rectifier - Rectifier circuits half wave rectifier full wave rectifier with center tap transformer bridge rectifier 2L

smoothing circuits simple capacitor filter circuits

The student… Calculates simple capacitor filter and selects the proper capacitor value for practical applications. Draws the circuit of a simple-capacitor filter and describes its functioning. States the definition of the ripple voltage and measures it.


Zener diode Zener diode characteristics Voltage regulator circuits

The student…. Explains the functioning and characteristics of a Zener diode Distinguishes the avalanche and Zener effects. Draws the Zener-diode shunt regulator and describes its functioning.



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

2L Bipolar Junction Transistor construction, symbol of PNP and NPN transistor NPN transistor operation

The student…. Draws the transistor symbol Describes the input, output and transfer characteristic’s of the transistor distinguishes between PNP and NPN transistors Explains the transistor action

2L Transistor as a switch Operation of a transistor as a switch load line operating point 6L Transistor as an amplifier - transistor configurations common-base common-emitter common collector transistor bias circuits constant base voltage constant base current collector to base current voltage divider and emitter resistance



The student…. Determines the position of the operating point of a transistor and draws it into the output characteristics curves. Explains the functioning of a transistor as switching element Calculates the base bias voltage using the method of a voltage divider or drop resistor Draws dc load line on the output characteristic curve to determine the operating point. Selects the proper transistor for applications and calculates components for bias circuits.

Field effect transistor (FET) characteristics construction of the junction field effect transistor (JFET) construction of metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) Compare between JFET,MOSFET and BJT transistor The advantages of FET transistor

The student… Describes structure and basic operation of the junction FET (JFET). describes the construction and basic functioning of the MOSFET Compares the JFET, MOSFET and (BJT).

Optoelectronic Devices Characteristics The student… - determines the parameters of photoelectrons devices such as LEDs, LDRs, photodiodes, phototransistors and optocouplers Using data sheets.



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Detailed Curriculum (Practice) Hrs 2W




Behavioral Objectives

Experiments on Semiconductor diode Semiconductor diode characteristic

The student…. Draws the circuit data to plot the characteristic curve of diodes. Builds and carriers out the measurement and evaluates the results

Experiments on Rectifier Rectifier circuits Single -phase half wave rectifier Single phase full wave rectifier (bridge rectifier

The student… draws the circuits for half-and full-wave rectification, builds it up and examines the behavior of the circuit

Experiments on smoothing circuits single - phase half wave rectifier with smoothing capacitor filter single - phase full wave rectifier (bridge rectifier) with smoothing capacitor filter voltage multiplier circuits

The student… - examines the output voltage waveform of a simple capacitor filter and determines the influence on the waveform when using a load

The student…. draws the circuit and measures data to plot the characteristics curves of Zener-diodes, built up the circuit, carries out measurements and evaluates the results

4W Experiments on Zener diode semiconductors Zener diode characteristics voltage regulator circuits with Zener diode

The student…. builds up the circuits, measures data to plot input and output characteristics Obtains transistor current gain and evaluates the result.

4W Experiments on Bipolar Junction Transistor output characteristics of npn transistor input characteristics of npn transistor

The student…. Determines the position of the operating point of a transistor and draws it into the output characteristics curves. Operate the transistor as a switch

2W Experiments on transistor as a switch the operation of npn transistor as a switch

The student… Operates the transistor as an amplifier and measures its parameters.



Experiments on Transistor as an amplifier common emitter amplifier circuit voltage divider and emitter resistance biasing circuit Experiments on Field effect transistor (FET) - n-type FET characteristics

The student… Draws the circuits and measures data to plot the drain-source and transfer characteristics of FETs. Builds up the circuits, carries out measurements and analyses results



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Department Electronic Technology

Major Industrial Electronics and Control

Course Title Logic circuits.


ELC 231

Prerequisite None Semester Course Description : The course gives an introduction to number systems and codes, different logic gates and covers the properties and applications of sequential circuits such as flip-flop, counters, shift registers, memories and arithmetic logic units.


Credit hr/w Contact hr/w Contact hr/sem.






3 2 2 30 30

General Goal : The aim of this course is to promote understanding of different logic gate operations, combinational logic circuits, simple sequential circuits and number systems to give the student the capability of dealing with more complicated digital machines (microprocessors and programmable logic controllers etc.).

Behavioral Objectives : The student knows the difference between analog and digital data, explains the numbering systems and the concept of counting, emphasizing on radix of 2. The student derives and implements the truth tables of the basic logic gates (AND- OR- NOT) and reduces the combinational logic circuits. The student studies basic principles of simple sequential circuits.

L = Lecture Hours, W = Workshop/Laboratory Hours, T = Tutorial Hours




Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Topics (Theory & Practice) ƒ ƒ ƒ

Number Systems and coding Combinational Logic Circuits Sequential Circuits


Additional Reading:


Floyd, T.L: Digital Fundamentals. Prentice-Hall 1997

Reads about The pin assignment of universal ICs Reads about IC families. Reads about Display units.

TOKEIM: Digital Electronics MANO. M.M: Digital Logic computer design.



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Detailed Curriculum (Theory) Hrs

Contents •


Behavioral Objectives

Number Systems and Coding Analog and digital data Numbering systems. Binary coded decimal (BCD).

The student; Distinguishes between analog and digital quantities. Explains the binary number systems and their conversion (decimal Binary, Octal, hex). Defines BCD code


Logic gates operations Logic gates and Boolean statements. Truth tables. Combinational logic circuits and their connectives. Principle of duality. Truth table equivalence. Logic levels assignments DeMorgan’s theorems.


The student; Relates logic to prepositional statements Derives truth tables. Describes the logic gates operations. Applies Boolean algebra and Karnaugh maps to reduce combinational logic circuits.

Addition and subtraction circuit diagrams. Minimization of logic gates

The student; Defines the logic levels in electronic circuits. Minimizes logic circuits using Karnaugh maps up to three variables 14 L

Sequential Logic

The student; Describes the behavior of simple sequential circuits Draws the symbol for the RS Flip Flop and derives its truth table. Names various PLD families Describes the structure and functioning of PLD’s and knows the advantage in comparison with conventional logic circuits.

Difference between combinational logic and sequential logic. Flip-Flops. Counters. Shift registers Programmable array logic PLDs).


Examines different types of J-K Flip-Flops and their derives the (master/slave).



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Detailed Curriculum (Practice) Hrs 4W


Behavioral Objectives

Experiments on logic gates

The student; -Verifies logic gates operation and their truth tables


Experiments on: -Half adder, full adder -Decoders. -EX-OR, EX-NOR gates. Multiplexers & Demultiplexers

18W •

Experiments on: R-S flip-flops, synchronous R-S and D-flip flops. J-K flip-flops, J-K (master slave) Up/Down synchronous counters. Shift Registers.

Builds asynchronous, synchronous and D Flip- records their waveforms and verifies their truth tables. Builds asynchronous and synchronous counting and shift register circuits. Records their waveforms and verifies their truth tables.



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Department Electronic Technology

Major Industrial Electronics and Control

Course Title Electronic Circuits


ELC 221

Prerequisite Electrical Engineering Semester Course Description : This course introduces Operational amplifiers, Timers, Transistor amplifiers and Sinusoidal Oscillators.


Credit hr/w Contact hr/w Contact hr/sem.






3 2 2 30 30

General Goal : The aim is to provide the students with the basic knowledge in standard Electronic circuits, based on transistor and Operational Amplifiers. He will be able to select the suitable units for building various types of applications. The overall aim is to elevate the engineering sense in dealing with various common linear Integrated Circuits from a functional point of view.

Behavioral Objectives : The student studies , analyzes and implements common electronics circuits such as Operational amplifiers, Timers, Transistor amplifiers and Sinusoidal Oscillators

L = Lecture Hours, W = Workshop/Laboratory Hours, T = Tutorial Hours




Electronic Technology


Topics (Theory & Practice) ƒ

Operational Amplifiers: Equivalent circuit and characteristics Basic circuits


Timers: Astable and Monostable Specifications


Sinusoidal Oscillators: Characteristics of various types.


Transistors Amplifiers: Characteristics Single & Multistage amplifiers


Industrial Electronics and Control



Additional Reading:


Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Floyd: Electronics Devices, Prentice-hall (1999)

Electronic data books and manuals Electronic Technical Magazines

1. Bogart: Electronic Devices and Circuits, Merrill Company 2. Boylestad/Nashelsky: Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Prenticehall 3. Abraham Palace: Electronic Devices and Circuits Analysis, Delmar Publishers 4. Milliman/Grabel: Microelectronics, McGraw-hill



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Detailed Curriculum (Theory) Hrs






Behavioral Objectives

Operational Amplifiers: -Theory and characteristics of Op-Amp. -Voltage gain, bandwidth and I/P and O/P impedance. -Ideal and Real op-Amp. -The virtual ground. • Applications: -Inverting and Non-inverting amplifiers. -Differentiator and Integrators. -Comparators and Schmitt Comparators. -Summing Circuits. -Filters

The student: - Explains how function the Operational amplifiers. - Shows the differences functions between the ideal and the real operational amplifier. - Explains the significance of the saturation voltage. - Distinguishes between positive and negative feedback. - Extracts device parameter from data sheets. - Describes the operation and the characteristics of the different circuits including active filters.

Timers: -Specification of a Timer IC (e.g. 555) -Astable and Monostable circuits built around the 555 -calculation of the external elements for the ICtimer Sinusoidal Oscillators: -Positive feedback concepts. - Phase-shift and Wein-Bridge networks. - Characteristics of Quartz crystal. - Crystal Oscillators Transistors Amplifiers: -Differentiation between low and high Frequency amplifiers. -RC-coupled single stage amplifiers. -Small-signal amplifiers. -Distortion types. -Definition and basic concepts of frequency response. -Amplifiers Bandwidth.


The student: - Calculates the external components of ICtimers - Examines the behavior of the Astable & monostable assembled with IC-timers.

The student: - Describes the feedback conditions of an oscillator. - Describes the characteristics of quartz crystal.

The student: - Distinguishes between small & largesignal amplifiers. - Names different kinds of distortions and the reason for them. Calculates the parameters of multi stage RCcoupled amplifiers.


Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Detailed Curriculum (Practice) Hrs


Behavioral Objectives

Experiments on Operational Amplifiers:


The student: Distinguishes the pin connections for an Operational Amplifier. Implements the feedback concept (e.g. negative and positive feedback).

Inverting, Non-Inverting Amplifier and Voltage Follower. • Comparator. • Summing Amplifier. • Difference Amplifier. • Integrator & Differentiator. • Waveform shaping using Operational amplifiers (e.g. Triangular/Square- wave generator). • Active Filters (Low pass & High pass)

Implements various Operational Amplifier circuits using the monolithic 741 integrated circuit. Connects L.P.F & H.P.F plots frequency response determines B.W and cutoff frequency.

The student: Implements timers using the monolithic 555 integrated circuit. Calculates the external components of the 555 integrated circuit.

Experiments on Timers:

4W • •


The 555 as Monostable Multivibrator. The 555 as Astable Multivibrator.

The student: Builds various practical circuits of oscillators and examines their behavior.

Experiments on Sinusoidal Oscillators: • • •


Crystal Oscillators with OP-Amps Phase Shift Oscillator Wien-Bridge Oscillator The student… Implements various types of transistor amplifiers. Determines the operating point for the transistor.

Experiments on Transistor Amplifiers: • •

Common Emitter Circuit. Common Collector circuit.



Electronic Technology


Department Electronic Technology Introduction to Control and Course Title Instrumentation Prerequisite Electronic Circuits

Industrial Electronics and Control

Major Industrial Electronics and Control Code

ELC 241

Semester Course Description : Introduction to fundamentals of control system. Explanation of the operation of control components. Verification of the characteristics of control components experimentally.


Credit hr/w Contact hr/w Contact hr/sem.




4 3 2 2 30 30

General Goal : Introducing the overall control loop, its function, and its description. Understanding the applications of measurement and instrumentation sensors. Presenting the final control element function. Presenting the operational modes of control loop.

Behavioral Objectives : The Student: Defines the functions of control system components. Implements sensor to specific problem in measurement. Explains the operation of sensors and final control elements. Chooses the proper size of control valve. Demonstrates the operation of Proportional and two-position mode control. Describes the response of simple capacitive and first order system’s response.

L = Lecture Hours, W = Workshop/Laboratory Hours, T = Tutorial Hours





Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Topics (Theory & Practice) ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Introduction to control system technology. Elementary signals and systems. Sensors and transducers. Basic control modes.


Final control elements


J. Curtis : Process Control Instrumentation Technology, Prentice Hall, 1996

Additional Reading:


Beatson R.: Introduction to Control System Technology, Merrill Pub. Comp. 1995.



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Detailed Curriculum (Theory) Hrs





Behavioral Objectives

Introduction to control system technology: − Motivation example (level liquid system) − Block diagram − Concepts of open loop and closed-loop systems. − Different types of physical signals (electrical, pneumatic). − Control system components. − Objective of control technology (regulation, stability, transient performance). − Process control drawing (IAS).

The student: − Defines a control system. − Draws a block diagram of a process control loop with a description of each element. − Describes open loop and closed-loop control systems. − Describes the objectives of control system.

The student: − Expresses the most common signal graphically and algebraically. − Draws the op-amp circuits of proportional and integral function. − Derives the differential equations for RC and liquid system.

Elementary signals and systems − Signals (step-pulse-ramp). − Proportional system (op-amp, voltage dividers). − Integral system (op-amp, liquid tank). − First-order system (RC circuit, liquid system in laminar flow).

Sensors and transducers − Thermal sensors (RTD, thermistor, thermocouples, bimetal strips) − Mechanical sensors (potentiometer, capacitive, inductive, variable reluctance, VLDT, strain gage, flow sensors) − Photodetectors

The students − Designs the application of RTD, thermistor, thermocoupler, and others. − Draws and labels typical stress strain curve. − Designs the application of an LVDT to a displacement measurement problem. − Defines two types of pressure measurement with electrical signal output. − Designs the application of optical techniques to process control measurement application.

6L Simple control modes − Control system parameters (error, variable range, control lag , dead time) − Discontinuous controllable mode (2position mode) − Proportional mode and integral modes − Analog controller − Digital control configuration

The student − Describes 2-position mode and proportional mode. − Diagrams and describes the implementation of above control modes − Draws a diagram of DDC system with identification of each element



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

8L Final control elements − Operation − Signal conversion using op-amp in simple circuits − Industrial electronics SCR application − Actuators − Control valve

The student − Defines the operation of final control − Gives two examples of electrical signal conversion − Gives an example how SCR and Triac are used to control electrical power − Contrasts quick-opening, linear, equal – percentage control valves in terms of the flow versus stem position − Explains how control valve sizing techniques allow selection of the proper size of control valve.



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Detailed Curriculum (Practice) Hrs 8W




Behavioral Objectives

Process elements − Valve characteristics − Solenoid valve − Motorized valve − Liquid system − Open-loop & manual closed-loop control

The student − Sketches the valve characteristics − Describes the relation between the flow rate and the stem position − Uses different types of valve to fill or empty a tank − Uses the inlet or/and outlet valve to control liquid level in a tank

The student: − Measures the important parameters of transducers − Sketches the relation between the input and the output of transducers. − Uses signal conditioning circuit to adjust range of operation (zero and span) − Sets up and puts into operation an electronic instrumentation system with a transducer being the input device and measures various non electrical quantities

sensors − RTD − Thermistors − Thermocoupler − LVDT − Strain gage − Pressure − Flow − Level

The student: − Obtains the characteristic of p-controller − Measures the proportional band of pcontroller − Tests the effect of changing the gain of Pcontroller − Uses on-off controller in a closed-loop system Investigates the effect of hysterisis of on-off controller to the output

controller − P-controller − On-off controller − Automatic closed loop control



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Department Electronic Technology

Major Industrial Electronics and Control

Course Title Power electronics


ELC 321

Prerequisite Electronic circuits Semester Course Description : This course covers power electronic devices, firing circuits, methods of protection, different types of converters and DC and AC motor control.



Credit hr/w Contact hr/w Contact hr/sem.





6 3 2 2 30 30

General Goal : The aim of the course is: To describe the basic conditions for successful firing and commutation of power electronic devices for the purpose of using them in different converters as controlled rectifier, DC and AC chopper and inverter circuits. • The application of power electronic converters in speed control of DC and AC motors.

Behavioral Objectives : The student learns the characteristics of solid state devices used in power electronic applications, explains the performance of different types of converters, choppers and regulators and studies different types of motor control.

L = Lecture Hours, W = Workshop/Laboratory Hours, T = Tutorial Hours



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Topics (Theory & Practice)

• • • • • • -

Power electronic devices Characteristics of Diac, thyristor and Triac Firing and communication circuits Protection of thyristors Controlled rectifier DC chopper AC voltage regulator Inverters AC and DC motor control control Methods


Ashfaq Ahmed, “Power Electronics for Technology”, Prentice-Hall 1999

Additional Reading:


1. J. N. Ross, The essence of Power Electronics, Prentice Hall Europe,1997 2. William B.W, power electronics, devices drivers and applications, Halistad press,1987 3. Lander Cyril F. W. ,Power electronics, McGraw-Hill 4. El-Hawary M.E, principles and electronic M/C with1981 power electronic applications , 1986 5. Rashid M.H., Power electronic circuits, devices and applications, prentice Hall,1988



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Detailed Curriculum (Theory) Hrs


Behavioral Objectives


Power Electronic Devices - Diac, thyristor, and Triac characteristics - Behavior of Diac and Triac with AC current


Firing Circuits - Methods of firing thyristors and Triacs - Isolation circuits

The student… - Explains the functioning of firing and commutation circuits: for thyristors for Triacs using Diacs

Protection of Thyristors - dv/dt protection - di/dt protection

The student… - Recognizes that the produced heat inside the thyristor by electrical losses has to be dissipated by successful cooling. - Explains the protection of a Thyristor against the excessive rate of voltage and current change (dv/dt, di/dt).

The student…. - describes the connection and functioning of the thyristor diode, Diacs, thyristor and Triacs



The student - Draws and describes the single phase rectifier circuit (one phase): with resistive load with reactive load Draws the half-and-full controlled single phase rectifier circuits With resistive load With reactive load

Controlled Rectifiers - Principles of phase-controlled converter operation - Single phase half wave controlled rectifier *with resistive load *with RL load - Single phase full wave half controlled rectifier - Single phase full wave full controlled rectifier

Knows that the flywheel diode allows another path for the low current.


The student… - Draws the basic circuit of the chopper and describes the principle on-off method - Describes the constant on – off frequency and controls the output voltage by changing the pulse width. - Describes the method of fixed pulse width, the control of output voltage by charging frequency (on-off)

DC chopper - Principle of DC chopper operation *with resistive load *with RL load - Transistor chopper circuit Constant frequency operation Variable frequency operation



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control - Knows the difference between the basic chopper circuit and the practical chopper circuit

4L AC voltage regulator (AC chopper) - Principle of Ac chopper operation Phase angle control Multi cycle control - Calculations of the effective values of voltage and current for both cases.

The student… - Describes the AC voltage regulator principles using phase angle control and multi cycle control.



Inverters - Principle of current source inverter operation - Single phase inverter Half bridge Full bridge - Principle of voltage source inverter operation - Inverter drive circuits - Different methods to generate 220-60 Hz from a battery of 12 Volt.

The student… - Describes the operation of the current source inverter. - Draws and explains methods of operating single phase inverter - describes the operation of the voltage Source inverter - Draws and explains a simple inverter drive circuit.

DC and AC Motor control - DC motor speed control DC chopper control Controlled rectifier control - AC motor control Control of an induction motor by varying stator voltage (AC chopper control)


The student…. - Describes the functioning of the controlled rectifier circuit for controlling the DC motor - Explains the Chopper control of a DC motor - Describes the control of an induction motor by a variable stator voltage.


Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Detailed Curriculum (Practice) Hrs







Behavioral Objectives

Power Electronic Devices:Thyristor characteristics Triac characteristics

The student… - States and measures typical electrical quantities of diac, thyristor and triac and compares their characteristics.

The student… - Builds various firing circuits tests them and measures their output characteristic parameters.

Firing circuits • Thyristor firing circuits • Triac firing circuits

Controlled Rectifier • Single phase half wave controlled rectifier - with resistive load - with inductive load Single phase full wave half control - with resistive load - with inductive load Single phase full wave full control - with resistive load - with inductive load

The student…. - Connects the single phase Rectifier circuit (one phase) measures and compares the results: *With resistive load. *With inductive load. - Connects the half and fully controlled single-phase rectifier circuits measures and compares the results. *With resistive load. *With inductive load.

DC Chopper DC chopper with resistive load

The student…. - Builds the constant on off Frequency chopper circuits and tests it. - Builds up the fixed pulse width choppers circuit and tests it.

AC Chopper Single phase AC chopper - with resistive load - with inductive load

The student… - Connects the phase controlled AC voltage regulator circuits, measures values of current and voltage and compares the obtained waveforms.


Inverters *single phase inverter with four transistors


DC and AC Motor control speed control of dc motor with dc-chopper

The student…. - Connects the inverter circuit to obtain single-phase output voltage, measures the effective values, waveforms of load voltage, load current and the voltage across the power electronic devices and discusses the results.

The student Builds up the static converter circuit, puts it into operation to control the DC machine.



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Department Electronic Technology

Major Industrial Electronics and Control



ELC 341

Prerequisite INTRODUCTION TO CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION Semester Course Description : This course contains control system time analysis and frequency response techniques used to design and analyse simple control systems. Stability and error analysis is also included.






Credit hr/w Contact hr/w Contact hr/sem.


General Goal : Explaining the characteristics of composite control modes. Evaluate closed-loop control system. Show the effect of different control modes on a process. Tune a controller to achieve a desired performance.

Behavioral Objectives : ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

The Student Describes the response of first and second order systems to unit step function. Evaluates the system according to its response. Measure the parameters of composite mode controller. Adjusts the controller parameters. Investigates the stability of a control system.

L = Lecture Hours, W = Workshop/Laboratory Hours, T = Tutorial Hours


6 3 2 2 30 30


Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Topics (Theory & Practice) ƒ ƒ ƒ


Control System Time Analysis First and second-order system Controllers Closed-loop control systems Control system error analysis Control System Frequency Response Frequency response Bode diagram Stability Controller Tuning


Beatson, R.: Introduction to control system technology, Merrill Pub. Comp., 1995

Additional Reading:




Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Detailed Curriculum (Theory) Hrs 2L




Behavioral Objectives

Introduction to closed-loop system - Purpose of negative closed-loop system - Transfer function - Block diagram

Characteristics of process elements - Gain- integral- first order-second order-dead time

The student: Describes the objectives of closed-loop control system Performs block diagram reduction Defines the transfer function Lists the five major categories of element response For each of these five categories: a. defines the key parameters b. sketches the response to a step input c. given values for the parameters, denormalizes its response plot d. Compares this response type to others Describes the performance of higher-order Describes the purpose of the controller in an industrial control system For each of these controllers-PI, PD, PID, cascade, forward does the following a. describe operation b. analyze performance of a given circuit c. designs a circuit to meet given specifications

Analog controllers PI – mode control PD- mode control PID- mode control

Discusses limitations and advantage The students: Defines a process control transfer function




Control system error analysis The error signals and their origins The relationship of static errors and steady errors Analysis of first and second order elements with P and PI controller Time domain transient response Final value theorem Frequency response Gain in dB and phase angle of the open-loop transfer function against different frequencies Bode diagram of basic elements Gain and phase margin Stability from bode diagram Controller tuning Tuning with the bode plot Process reaction tuning Ultimate cycle tuning

Derives the transfer function for a closed-loop process control system, given the transfer function for the element under control and controller. Determine the time-domain response to a step-input of the element under control and the element with process-control type negative feedback, given appropriate transfer functions. Applies the final value theorem to the three cases stated above Draws the Bode plots necessary to analyze the stability of a negative system containing some combination of gain, derivative, integral, first order lead, first order lag, and second order under damped lag elements Illustrates the impact of proportional, integral, and derivative constants on the open loop Bode plot of a negative feedback system • For the process reaction and the ultimate cycle tuning techniques: Describes in details how to test a system to obtain required data given test results, calculates constants



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

for P-I, or PID controller

Detailed Curriculum (Practice) Hrs 10W


• • • • •


Analog controller PI- PD- PID- controller

12W • • • •

Closed-loop system P- mode closed loop system PI- closed loop system PD- closed loop system PID- closed system


Process time response Integral process First-order process Second-order process Dead-time process First-order + dead-time process



Behavioral Objectives The student: Measures different test signals Measures and evaluates first-order process Measure and evaluate second-order process: - a. Over damped response - b. Under damped. - The student: Measures and explains the controller output response for different input signals and investigates its advantages and disadvantages Tests the effects of parameter variations of the PI-, PD-, and PID- controller - The student: Measures and evaluates the error due to Pcontroller in a closed-loop system - Changes the gain of P- controller to reduce the steady- state error - Controls the performance of a process using PI- controller Tunes the PID- controller to achieve the best performance for a closed loop system

Frequency-response Frequency- response of first-order and second order system



The student: Records the response of a system to a sinusoidal input of different frequencies


Electronic Technology


Department Electronic Technology

Industrial Electronics and Control

Major Industrial Electronics and Control

Microcomputers and Microprocessors Prerequisite Logic Circuits.


Course Title

ELC 331

Semester Course Description : This course includes operation, structure and application of the microprocessor and microcomputer. Handling operating systems, implementing assembler programs and interfacing the microcomputer with external devices.




Credit hr/w Contact hr/w Contact hr/sem.





3 2 2 30 30

General Goal : The aim is to make the student familiar with basic microcomputer components and how to configure a working system together with the application of the various commands of the operating system for developing computer programs (writing and debugging assembler programs).

Behavioral Objectives : The student Explains the basic microcomputer components, architecture and operation of the microprocessor. He performs assembly language programming and learns basic interfacing techniques.

L = Lecture Hours, W = Workshop/Laboratory Hours, T = Tutorial Hours



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Topics (Theory & Practice) -Introduction to microprocessors and microcomputers -Input and output Interface -Memory structure -Data processing -Programming microcomputers and microprocessors



R. S. Gaonkar: “Microprocessor Architecture Programming and Applications”. Prentice-Hall 1996.

Additional Reading:

Topics Reads about -The purpose and performance of typical computer peripherals storage media. -System Specifications and software design.


Douglas V. Hall: Microprocessors and interfacing; programming and Hardware; McGraw-Hill, 1986.



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Detailed Curriculum (Theory) Hrs 4L


Behavioral Objectives The student:

Introduction to Microcomputers -Computer Basic Concepts Functions and important features of computers Simple computer architecture -Standard numeric data format


Learns the terminology used to describe computers and their major components.

Describes the basic structure of microcomputer and its important computing feature with the help of block diagrams. Explains the basic tasks of CPU, I/O units, bus system and how each unit works Distinguishes between data bus, address bus and control bus. Describes The facilities provided by typical microprocessor interface chips

The student:

6L Input and Output Interfaces I/O units characteristics Memory mapped input &output (minimal address decoding) Direct transfer with handshaking Interrupt transfer Direct memory transfer (autonomous)

Appreciates the importance of interfacing to computer systems. Describes microcomputer hardware interfaces required enabling input/output of data (from/to) a microcomputer. Explains the techniques which implement computer input and output and their capability in: Direct transfer Direct memory accesses.

6L The student:

memory structure and architecture Semi-conductor memory technology Internal memory organization Semi-conductor registers Data transfer between registers read/write memories Read only memories Memory Configurations. Memory operating speed. Expansion of memory capacity.

Recognizes the structure and the interconnection of registers within the microprocessor. Describes the map and the structure of computer main memory. Explains how data can be transferred between registers, CPU, (to/from) the main



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

memory. Distinguishes between static and dynamic RAM’s and the different type s of ROM’s.

6L Data Processing Function of the microprocessor. Data manipulation Instructions execution ALU operation Status Register Program Control Fetch Cycles Absolute Jump Branching (relative) Subroutines Instructions interpretations and control


The student: Learns the structure and the operation of the CPU. Describes the two beats (fetch/execute) cycles. Describes program’s instruction decoding to give signals necessary for execution of functions Specified by the instruction. Explains the mechanism for implementing conditional program execution and looping as a result of status flags, branching or jump instruction.

Programming the microcomputers and microprocessor Machine Code Programming Assembly Language programming Object program Compilers High level languages Microprocessor Instruction Addressing modes


The student: Learns The concept of microprocessor programming in machine code.

Explains the limitation, which makes the machine code programming impractical. Explains the operation of an assembler program. Describes the addressing modes used in microprocessor instructions.



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Detailed Curriculum (Practice) Hrs



Introduction to microprocessors Microcomputer Components Microcomputer Hardware and software The Microprocessor Bus technology Microcomputer with bus system The read/write operations Binary codes and their usage for address & data signals measurement of the address, data and control signals Tristate technology Signal/state timing diagrams Testing (Open/Short) circuits faults.


Input and output Interfaces Typical microprocessor application (e.g. Pedestrian traffic lights) Input/output units Technology Interfacing Technology Input/Output Units layout and their addressing. Reading/Writing data into (input/output) Units Testing (Input/Output) address Comparator and signals at different stages.

Behavioral Objectives The student: Measures address signals, data signals and control signals on the bus system to check out the description of tasks carried out by the bus system. Demonstrates the buffering process between bus systems and different microcomputer components. Implements the different features of bus drivers using different techniques with emphasis to tristate and open collector techniques. Tests and rectifies (short/open) circuits on bus lines. Draws signals time diagrams for bus systems The student: Measures data transmission signals (to/from) I/O ports at different test points during the read and the write process. Illustrates the control sequence of a typical application. Demonstrates ports addressing, computer addressing, edge triggering and random signal combination.

4W The student; Tests the contents of RAM cells before and after switching off the power. Reads ROM contents Tests signals on the memory board. Checks the effects of the control signals on address Comparator input (TPs) Displays the microprocessor signals on an oscilloscope.

Memory Structure and Architecture Principle of memory construction Memory cells Static & dynamic RAMs Different types of ROM. Testing the contents of RAMs. Reading ROM contents. Read/Write operation Timing diagrams RAM assembly diagram



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

2W Data Processing Parts of microprocessor Data transfer by bus Instructions Registers Flag registers ALU Fetch/execute cycles flow charts

The student: Tests program processing using step by step method with the aid of electronic equipment.

Programming Computers & Microprocessors Different types of instructions. Data transfer instructions. Arithmetic & logic instructions Program layout and control

The student: - Operates a typical microcomputer control system. Executes a sample program using the facilities of an assembler and a debugger. Illustrates different types of instructions and shows the results of their execution.




Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Department Electronic Technology

Major Industrial Electronics and Control

Course Title Programmable Logic Controllers


ELC 342

Prerequisite Logic Circuits Semester Course Description : This course introduces the functioning, handling and application of programmable logic controllers (PLC).






Credit hr/w Contact hr/w Contact hr/sem.


General Goal : The aim of this course is to introduce the student to the basics of PLC’s, its implementation, programming and applications.

Behavioral Objectives : The student : Describes the block diagram of a PLC system and learns the functioning of its components. Uses standard programming methodology to solve control problems. Applies the three programming methods (statement list, control system flowchart and ladder diagrams) to realize a solution in PLC language. • Learns and applies the advanced tools of the PLC. • • •

L = Lecture Hours, W = Workshop/Laboratory Hours, T = Tutorial Hours


6 2 4



• • • • •

Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Topics (Theory & Practice) Construction of programmable logic controllers. Basic and complex functions of PLC systems. Programming languages and syntax of a PLC. Programming advanced tools (timers and counters). Applications.


K. Celements Jewery, W. Jeffcoat “The PLC workbook” Prentice-Hall 1996

Additional Reading:

-The new IEC 1131-3 standard for common programming of PLC’s.


Hans Berger: ‘Automating with the SIMATIC S5’, 2nd revised edition, 1992, Siemens AG. • Siemens AG: “Programming Primer for the SIMATIC S5-100 U”, 1989. • Programming the SPS SIMATIC- S5 and S7 for Siemens for the standard Iec1131-3.



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Detailed Curriculum (Practice) Hrs


Behavioral Objectives

Construction of Programmable Logic Controllers: The student: Definition and operation of a PLC • Investigates the structure of a system. programmable logic controller and interprets various functional units of the PLC. • Architecture of a PLC system. • Draws using a functional diagram the • Feasibility of PLC system in control. components of a PLC system (CPU, memory, • Configuration of input /output signals in input /output). a PLC system. 4W • Connects and names properly the input and output modules of a complete PLC system. Basic and Complex Functions of PLC Systems: • Programs AND, OR, NOT, XOR, • Programming of basic and complex logic XNOR functions in programming switches. functions 16 W 4W

Programming Languages and Syntax of a PLC: Input/output instructions. Control instructions. Logic function representation of a program. • Ladder diagram representation of a program. • Statement list representation of a program. 10W • Control system flow chart of a program. • • •

• •

Represents a PLC system using STL, CSF and LAD. • Learns the syntax of a PLC program.

Programming and Testing of Advanced Tools (timers and counters) : • Bit and byte timers. • Up/down counters. 26W • Set and Reset functions using timers. • Flags

Learns input / output instructions of a PLC.

Describes PLC functions such as Timer, Counter, Set and Reset.

• Analyses, programs, connects, tests Applications : and verifies different practical applications of Simple applications requiring basic and control systems starting from simple to more advanced logic functions such as : advanced examples. • On/off operation of two motors. • Tunnel ventilation. • Using sensors with PLC. • Car wash. Intermediate simulation examples requiring basic and advanced logic functions such as : • Alarm system. • Traffic light control system. • Pneumatic piston operation. • Mixer operation. Advanced practical applications requiring basic



• • •

Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

and advanced logic functions such as : Elevator operation. Industrial process control. Networking.

Department Electronic Technology

Major Industrial Electronics and Control Workshop Course 1 (WS 1) ELC Code 202

Course Title Basic Electronics Prerequisite

Semester Course Description : This practical course covers measuring instruments, a voltage stabilizing circuit, electronic devices and PLD programming and circuits.



Credit hr/w Contact hr/w Contact hr/sem.






3 6


General Goal : The aim of the course is that students should practice assembly of basic electronic circuits, programming of PLDs for practical applications, and testing and troubleshooting in analogue and digital circuits with the help of various documents and measuring instruments.

Behavioral Objectives : ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

The student … explains and applies measuring instruments selects technical specifications and reads electronic circuit diagrams assembles and tests an electronic stabilized power supply and performs trouble shooting tests electronic devices applies and tests circuits with Operational Amplifiers programs PLDs and tests their performance

L = Lecture Hours, W = Workshop/Laboratory Hours, T = Tutorial Hours



• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Topics (Theory & Practice) Measuring Instruments Oscilloscope Function Generator Voltage Stabilizing Circuit Technical Specification and Planning PCB Layout, Etching and Assembling Testing of Circuits Trouble Shooting in Circuits Opto-electronic Devices Operational Amplifier Application Introduction to Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs) Basic functions PLD Programmer

TOP 3. Voltage Stabilizing Circuit Practical electronic exercises; BIBB, Berlin No. EF 1.6


TOP 5. Operational Amplifier Practical electronic exercises; BIBB, Berlin No. EF 2.1-2.3 TOP 6. Introduction to PLDs AMD Book

Additional Reading:




Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Detailed Curriculum (Practice) Hrs


Behavioral Objectives

Workshop Safety Regulations - Safety rules in electrical workshops and laboratories - Effects of voltage, current and frequency on the human body - Electrical resistance of the human body - Protection against contact with live parts - Protection against electric shocks - Influence of earthing resistance on the effectiveness of protective earthing - First aid - Rules and safety regulations for components on circuit boards


The student … - knows the danger of electrical currents, how to protect against electric shocks - applies safety rules when working with electrical systems and circuit boards

Various measuring instruments will always be applied during laboratory and workshop exercises when trouble shooting and testing of electronic circuits and devices take place!

2. Measuring Instruments • -

REMARK! The workshop safety regulations must be applied during all laboratory and workshop courses!

Oscilloscope Operational manual Trigger modes, triggering Various wave shapes Frequency and duration of signals Maximum value (Peaks) x-y presentation Storage Oscilloscope

The student … - applies the oscilloscope professionally with the help of a manual when measuring different electrical signals

• Function Generator - Symmetric wave forms Asymmetric wave forms

- uses different waveforms for testing electronic circuits

3. Voltage Stabilizing Circuits 33W • Technical Specification and Planning - IC voltage regulator circuit e.g. pos. or neg. adjustable type of ICs - Electronic circuit diagram - List of components - Characteristic data of components - Data sheets, data books, computer programs

The student … explains the electronic circuit diagram for a voltage stabilizing circuit extracts component characteristics from different sources,



Electronic Technology


- Working steps for construction - Costs of electronic circuit

plans and determines necessary working steps and calculates the costs of the circuit

• PCB Layout, Etching and Assembling - Rules and safety regulations - Track runs on PCBs - Manual and computerized technique - Mounting plan of components - Etching technique - Arrangement of components - Circuit assembly

- knows and applies the safety regulations for etching PCBs - produces a manual and a computer supported electronic circuit layout - etches the designed PCBs and arranges and assembles the circuit components

• Electronic Circuit Testing - Visual inspection - Measuring instruments and methods - Characteristic quantities - Functioning test - Test certificates and documents • Trouble shooting in Electronic Circuits - Assembly circuits, circuit diagrams and technical specification - Circuit functioning, circuit diagnosis - Suitable measuring instruments for trouble shooting - Causes of faults, resulting faults - Repair of faults 6W

4. Optoelectronic Devices - LEDs - LDRs - Photodiodes - Phototransistors - Optocouplers - Laserdiodes Fibre-optic cables


Industrial Electronics and Control

puts the electronic circuit into operation, tests it for proper functioning with different types of instruments and fills out test certificates to document his work

carries out a service diagnosis with the help of circuit diagrams analyses causes of faults, resulting faults and performs trouble shooting and repair in electronic circuit

The student … - determines characteristic data of Optoelectronic devices by measuring them and comparing them with values in data books

5. Operational Amplifier Application - Feedback network - Offset voltage - Inverting amplifier - Non-inverting amplifier - Comparator - Sine-Wave generator - Measurement of Temperature etc.

The student … - Compensates frequency and offset voltage and carries out necessary adjustments and settings, plans, assembles, tests, performs trouble



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control shooting and repairs various operational amplifier circuits.


6. Introduction to Programmable Logic - Devices (PLDs) • Basic functions - PLD (Programmable Logic Device), PAL ( Programmable Array Logic), GAL (Generic Array Logic), FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) Difference between PAL, GAL and FPGAs CMOS Technology of components - PLD logic functions AND, OR, EXCLUSIV-OR - Advantages of PLDs • PLD Programmer - Logic circuit diagram, Functional equation - GAL developing software - I/O intersection of PLDs - PLD testing - Simple PLD circuits

The student … - distinguishes between PALs and GALs, understands the structure of PLDs, knows their advantages compared with discrete logical devices and explains their basic logic functions

develops a functional equation according to the logic circuit to be realized by using a developing software, programmes a GAL with the help of a Programmer and tests the proper functioning of the GAL circuit



Electronic Technology


Department Electronic Technology Course Title

Industrial Electronics and Control

Major Industrial Electronics and Control

Analogue and Digital Electronics


Workshop Course 2(Ws 2) ELC 203

Prerequisite Workshop Course 1 (WS 1) Semester Course Description : This course deals with Programmable Logic Devices and their practical application, advanced measuring methods, software programmes for electronic circuit simulation, testing and trouble shooting in electronic semiconductor and electropneumatic circuits.




Credit hr/w Contact hr/w Contact hr/sem.





3 6


General Goal : The aim of this course is that students should practice programming PLDs for electronic circuits, handling of instruments and software programmes for measurements and circuit testing. They should also practice assembling testing and trouble shooting in electronic and elctropneumatic circuits with sensors.

Behavioral Objectives : ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

The student … programmes PLDs and tests the functioning of their electronic circuits handles advanced instruments and PC programmes for measuring electrical quantities applies PC programmes to simulate and test electronic circuits assembles, tests and performs trouble shooting in various semiconductor circuits assembles and tests sensor circuits and measures sensor characteristics uses industrial sensors and electropneumatic components in practical applications

L = Lecture Hours, W = Workshop/Laboratory Hours, T = Tutorial Hours



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Topics (Theory & Practice) . • •

Application Of PLDs Digital Circuits Practical Applications

2. • •

Measurements And Simulation Advanced Instruments PC simulated electronic circuits

. •

Electronic Circuits Circuits with IC, CMOS and TTL Components

4. •

Sensors Proximity Sensors

5. •

Introduction To Electropneumatic Applications Electropneumatic Components

Simple control applications.


TOP 1. Application of PLDs AMD Book TOP 2. Instruments and Programmes LabView: Graphical Programming for Instruments Workbench: Design and analysis of electronic circuits TOP 3. Electronic Circuits Practical Electronic exercises; BIBB, Berlin 4. Sensors Sensors for Handling and Processing; FP 1110, FP 1120, FP 1130 Festo Didactic KG, D-7300 Esslingen 1, 1992

Additional Reading:




Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Detailed Curriculum (Practice) Hrs 18W


Behavioral Objectives The student …

1. Application of PLDs •

• Digital Circuits - Flip-flops - Decoder - Frequency Divider

plans, programmes, assembles, tests, measures, performs trouble shooting in various electronic circuits composed of programmable logic devices

• Practical Applications - Sequential Control circuits e.g. - Traffic light control - Stepper motor control etc. 18W

The student …

2. Measurement and Simulations

• handles and adjusts multipurpose counters and applies them

• Advanced Instruments - Multipurpose counters • PC simulated electronic circuits - Software Programme - Configuration - Electronic circuit diagram - Circuit testing e.g. electronic workbench


The student … • installs and handles the software to simulate electronic circuits with the help of the PC • enters electronic circuit diagrams into the computer and tests them for proper functioning

Planning and Assembling

3. Electronic Circuits • Circuits with IC, CMOS, TTL or PLD Components

The student ...

-Clock Generator Clock Generator with Integrated circuit (IC) components; TTL and CMOS; RC -and crystaloscillator - Counter Synchronous and non-synchronous counters ; up and down counter - Frequency divider


• plans and draws relevant circuit diagrams and makes out a list of necessary components, calculates costs of the circuit • extracts technical specifications and data of components from data books and computer programmes • selects the proper components and modules and chooses equivalent replacements • plans and determines necessary working steps to construct the circuits • designs track runs for printed circuits


Electronic Technology

Industrial Electronics and Control


Frequency divider with integrated circuit (IC) components; divides by any number

and • draws mounting plans of the components on a printed circuit board (PCB)

- Memories RS-Flip-Flop (FF), master slave FF,

- Reset circuits Reset circuits applicable for complex digital circuits

arranges and mounts the components on the PCB expertly according to the rules and relevant safety regulations Testing The student ...

- Pulse generator Pulse generator for different frequencies using logic gates - Pulse shaper Pulse shaper with integrated circuits; differentiating and integrating networks

• carries out visual inspections and performance test of assembled circuits • chooses suitable measuring instruments and methods for circuit testing • measures characteristic quantities in circuits and compares the values with given ones in documents • adjusts the circuit and tests all functions of it and fills out test certificates and documents Trouble Shooting, Measuring and Repairing The student ...

- Displays Displays with LEDs

• reads diagrams of assemblies and describes the functioning of circuits • carries out a systematic service diagnosis with the help of diagrams and documents • handles different instruments such as various multimeters Different oscilloscopes etc. suitable for trouble shooting • injects signals to locate the fault stage and traces signals using measuring instruments • analyses causes of faults, resulting faults and acquires a new, identical or compatible part to replace the faulty one • applies relevant regulations and rules by repairing circuits and systems expertly Most of the previous objectives for electronic circuits for assembling, testing and trouble shooting, measuring and repairing are as well applicable for the topic of sensors. Specifically the objectives are as follows:




Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

4. Sensors • Proximity Sensors - Mechanical - Magnetic - Inductive - Capacitive - Optical sensors without and with fibre–optic cables - Ultrasonic 5. Introduction to Electropneumatic Applications • Electropneumatic Components - Single acting cylinder - Double acting cylinder - Solenoid valves such as 3 – 2 way solenoid valve 5 – 2 way solenoid valve etc.

The student … • explains the functioning of binary sensors • distinguishes between sensors which operate by means of a contacts or without contacts, • measures or extracts the characteristics of the various proximity sensors from data sheets and uses the sensors directly in conjunction with a PLC

The student … • describes the technical design and the functioning of various electropneumatic components and measures their characteristic performance

• Simple Control Applications - AND function - OR function - Single- and double acting cylinder circuits

• reads electropneumatic diagrams, sets up simple practical control circuits, puts them into operation, tests them for proper functioning and performs trouble shooting


Electronic Technology



Major Industrial Electronics and Control

Department Electronic Technology Course Title

Industrial Electronics and Control

Electronic Control Circuits and Systems


Workshop Course 3 (WS 3) ELC 304

Prerequisite Workshop Course 2 (WS 2) Semester Course Description : This practical course focuses on process and Production controls systems by using open and closed loop control.




Credit hr/w Contact hr/w Contact hr/sem.


General Goal : The aim of the course is that students should practice assembling, operating, testing, adjusting and troubleshooting in open and closed-loop control systems.

Behavioral Objectives : • • • • •

The student … assembles an open loop process control system with semiconductor and microcontroller modules assembles a closed loop process control system by using semiconductor modules tests, adjusts and performs troubleshooting in an open and closed loop process control system assembles an industrial production system with PLCs and network technology Operates, tests and adjusts a production control system for optimal performance.

L = Lecture Hours, W = Workshop/Laboratory Hours, T = Tutorial Hours




6 3 6



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Topics (Theory & Practice) 1.Converters • Switching mode regulator • Industrial frequency inverter 2.Measurement with PC 3. Open-loop control with semiconductor and microcontroller modules • Modules of an open-loop system • Open-loop control systems 4. Closed-loop control with microcomputers and microprocessors • Closed-loop control systems 5. Industrial production control system with PLCs • Conventional data exchange in industrial controls • Modern industrial controls with bus system networks • Interfaced workstations controlled by PLCs

1.Open loop control with semiconductor and microcontroller modules Practical electronic exercises; BIBB, Berlin No.- EF 32.010 /- EF 3.13/- EF 3.10/- EF 32.020/- EF 41.020


2. Closed loop control with semiconductor modules Practical electronic exercises; BIBB, Berlin No. - EF2.30 /-2.31/- EF2.44 Practical electronic exercises; BIBB, Berlin e.g.- EF 41.090/ - EF 41.040/- EF 41.060/- EF 4.4/- EF 41.050 3. Production control systems with PLCs Industrial Bus systems and Production control System Festo Didactic KG, 7300 Esslingen 1

Additional Reading:




Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

Detailed Curriculum (Practice) Hrs



Behavioral Objectives

Remark! As far as possible topic 1 – 3 should be carried out as projects! 1.Converters • Switching mode regulator LC type chopper Changing pulse width Fixed pulse width Control circuits Circuit assembly Circuit testing • Industrial frequency inverter Parameter settings Protection parameters Drive parameters Speed drive of 3 phase induction motor

The student … carries out various parameter setting on an industrial frequency inverter sets up a speed drive control of a 3-phase induction motor using a frequency inverter puts the speed drive circuit into operation and performs trouble shooting if necessary

2.Measurements with PC Configuration for measurements Software programmes Interfaces to sensors Data acquisition card for multipurpose usage Practical application


The student … explains and draws the LC filter type chopper and describes various control circuits builds control circuits for changing pulse width or fixed pulse width puts the circuits into operation, tests them for proper functioning and performs trouble shooting

3. Open loop control with semiconductor and microcontroller modules • Modules of an open loop control system Logic gate modules such as AND, OR, NOT, RS-FF etc. Semiconductor circuits such as timers, counters, comparators, power interfaces etc. (Compare constructed circuits in workshop II) Microcontroller e.g. ST6 Thomson


The student … plans, assembles, tests, measures, performs trouble shooting in various electronic circuits and in open loop control systems connects the measurement system, installs and handles the software programme interfaces sensors to the data acquisition system and uses the system for practical application Planning and Assembling The student ... - plans and draws relevant circuit diagrams, makes out a list of necessary components, calculates costs of the circuit - extracts technical specifications and data of components from data books and computer programmes selects the proper components and modules for open loop control systems - plans and determines necessary working steps designs track runs and draws mounting plans of the components on printed circuit boards, arranges and mounts the components on the PCB expertly according to the rules and relevant safety regulations


Electronic Technology


• Open loop control systems

Testing The student ...

Practical control systems such as

- carries out visual inspections and performance tests in assembled circuits - chooses suitable measuring instruments and methods for circuit testing and measures characteristic quantities in circuits and compares the values with given ones in documents - adjusts the system and tests all functions of it and fills out test certificates and documents

Tank level control Traffic light control Piece counting machine Injection moulding machine Electronic contactor-type reverser etc.


Industrial Electronics and Control

4. Closed-loop Control With Microcomputers and Microcontrollers • Closed-loop control systems PID temperature control Two position temperature control Voltage control of a DC-motor Speed control of electrical motors etc.


Trouble Shooting and Repairing The student ... - carries out a systematic service diagnosis with the help of documents - handles different instruments - suitable for trouble shooting - injects signals to locate the fault stage and traces signals - analyses causes of faults, resulting faults and acquires a new, identical or compatible part to replace the faulty one - Applies relevant regulations and rules by repairing circuits and systems expertly. The detailed objectives for: Planning and assembly Testing and Troubleshooting and repair Under topic 1 are applicable to the contents of all The student … Uses microcomputers to program and set up various closed-loop control circuits. Adjusts closed-loop control circuits for optimal control performance. Plans, assembles, tests and troubleshoots closedloop control systems topics in this course.



Electronic Technology


Industrial Electronics and Control

5. Industrial Production Control Systems With PLCs • Conventional data exchange in industrial controls The student … Parallel and serial data exchange Internal and external bus systems Conventional external parallel wiring system Practical control example interfacing sensors, actuators and PLC via conventional wiring system PLC program Disadvantages of parallel external data exchange in automatic control • Modern Industrial Controls With A Bus System Network Diagram of network hierarchy Field bus ⇒ Sensors, power components PLC Cell level ⇒ Cell computer Process level ⇒ Master computer Structures of bus systems e.g. ASI – Bus, Profibus, Interbus etc. Serial data exchange by a two-core line (bus) Binary sensors, actuators and PLC networked over a bus system Master controlled network Addressing of slaves, storage of addresses Advantages of bus system networks • Low installation costs • Less sources of error and easier repair • Easy extension of the control system


distinguishes between parallel and serial data exchange assembles a practical control circuit with a PLC, sensors and actuators using the conventional parallel wiring system programmes the PLC and tests the control circuit for proper functioning -explains the high labor and material costs for the conventional wiring system The student … describes the diagram structure of network hierarchy explains the serial data exchange via an external bus system knows basic structures of local area networks (LAN) understands the functioning of industrial bus systems (e.g. ASI Bus and Profibus) presents the functioning of data exchange over a master controlled two-core lines sets up a control system with binary sensors, actuators and a PLC substitutes the conventional parallel wiring system by a master controlled network bus system programmes the system including addressing the bus slaves puts the system into operation, performs system adjustments and tests the system for proper functioning Compares the conventional wiring system with the bus system network.


Electronic Technology


CONT.: 5. Industrial production control systems with PLCs 18W

Industrial Electronics and Control

The student … Mechanics assembles and disassembles mechanical components interfaces mechanical systems

• Interfaced workstations controlled by PLCs For the control tasks at least two stations should be interfaced Example of a control tasks using 2 stations The distribution station of a production line is feeding work pieces into a testing station. The PLCs, sensors and actuators of both stations are linked over bus system networks. Distributing Station Task The distributing station is separating work pieces from a magazine and feeding them into a process (Testing station) Design Stack magazine Pneumatic acting cylinder Valves Vacuum generator PLC control / digital inputs Testing Station Task The testing station receives the work pieces and recognizes different materials and carries out quality control of the work pieces Design

Pneumatics understands pneumatic circuits diagrams applies different types of pneumatic components sets up a vacuum generator optimizes pneumatic circuits Electrical Engineering reads electrical circuit diagrams and tests electrical components sets up electromechanical drives and uses electrical interfaces Sensors applies and tests digital inductive, capacitive and optical sensors uses analogue sensors for positioning and digital sensors as safety switches PLC Technology explains the structure of a PLC programmes the PLC for sequential controls uses the PLC for functions like counter, shift register, analogue signal processing and EMERGENCY OFF uses the PLC in conjunction with a visualization system uses bus communication to interface PLC systems assures a quality control in the automated process with the help of sensor and the PLC

Recognition module Inductive and optical sensors Lifting module Pneumatic cylinder Slide module Measuring module Analogue sensors PLC with digital and analogue inputs

Automation describes the structure of the automation system combines and optimizes different technologies for a specific task Measuring Technology measures electrical and non-electrical quantities evaluates analogue variable quantities with the help of a PLC



Electronic Technology



Industrial Electronics and Control