Assessment of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and National ... policy, or best practices by assembl
Industrial Hygiene & Environmental Health
EVC can quickly collect, analyze, manage, and utilize occupational health information to create safer work environments. Enterprise Ventures Corporation (EVC) conducts impartial, in-depth assessments and delivers reliable, unbiased solutions that emphasize increased quality, enhanced effectiveness, and rapid technology transition and deployment. To clients in the U.S. and abroad, EVC delivers assured outcomes. Our reach is broad; our areas of expertise, diverse. EVC employs Certified Industrial Hygienists, and we leverage their knowledge to provide Industrial Hygiene (IH) support which includes hazard anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control within work environments; development of IH data management tools and techniques; and development or evaluation of occupational health and safety programs.
An Affiliate of Concurrent Technologies Corporation
Industrial Hygiene & Environmental Health Workplace Exposure Assessment Strategies
Occupational Noise
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
Laboratory Safety & Chemical Hygiene
Ventilation System Survey & Assessment
Recordkeeping & Program Evaluation
Core Capabilities • EVC provides our clients with improved workplace exposure assessment strategies by leveraging subject matter expertise, offering practical solutions, and following the American Industrial Hygiene Association Model for Exposure Assessment of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) regulated contaminants. • EVC helps clients reduce noise-related hearing loss by supporting the OSHA and Department of Defense (DoD) mandate for organizations to establish a Hearing Conservation Program and identifying noise-generating processes and personnel who work with/near these processes. • EVC provides comprehensive IAQ surveys, field studies, and consultations following a multi-disciplinary approach. Our experts include Certified Industrial Hygienists, professional engineers, safety professionals, environmental specialists, and laboratory professionals. • EVC provides support for the health and safety of laboratory employees by minimizing the risk of chemical exposure and work-related injury and illness and ensuring compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and standards. • Our industrial hygienists and engineers help provide a healthy and safe working environment by providing concept designs, design reviews, and ventilation systems assessments. We support all types of occupancies from heavy industrial, to medical facilities, to administrative office environments. • We provide an objective assessment against Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and OSHA requirements, company policy, or best practices by assembling audit teams to examine program documentation; interview employees, safety and health personnel, site management, and union representatives; and conduct walk-through inspections.
Unique Qualifications:
Our team is helping the DoD and military installations achieve their goals of reducing lost workdays and worker compensation claims. We have done this by improving the method and tools for the Defense Occupational and Environmental Health Readiness System (DOEHRS)—enhancing the consistency of collecting, analyzing, managing, and utilizing occupational health information. These tools have enabled us to survey over 7,500 shops and evaluate over 10,000 processes at 37 Army installations for occupational exposures. We established baseline records affecting thousands of workers where no record existed.
Contact • Jeffrey Anderson at 814.269.6867,
[email protected] Approved for public release. © 2017. Enterprise Ventures Corporation. All Rights Reserved.