Industry Support for Mining Environmental Professionals - ALS Global

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RIGHT SOLUTIONS | RIGHT PARTNER ... Laboratory Quality Control & Quality Assurance ... Edition 7 – Improving data
January 2015

Industry Support for Mining Environmental Professionals News, Technical, Safety, Training and Innovation Information Helping mining environmental professionals maintain best practice in a changing technical and regulatory environment.

Safety News - Current ALS Safety Statistics (PPI & TRIFR) ALS has a core value of 'Safety as a Priority" and regardless of whether you are in Africa, Adelaide or the Pilbara our approach and committment is the same. Above is our recent safety statistics and proactive Positive Performance Indicator (PPI) chart. The PPI system is designed as a proactive lead indicator mechanism to continually improve safety culture.

Technical Feature – Introducing EnviromailTM 00: Summary of all Enviromails TM by category ALS Environmental Australia has categorised all Enviromails TM enabling faster access to the right information. This master will be updated and distributed to all clients each quarter. If you would like a copy of Enviromail TM 00 or to subscribe to these please click on the link below: EnviromailTM 00: Summary of all EnviromailsTM by category

Training / Industry News

Innovation Feature – New Occupational Services

Industry Training is designed to support professionals and build knowledge. Further sessions are planned in 2015 and we look forward to you joining us.

ALS is pleased to announce an increased range of occupational hygiene testing services. These NATA accredited tests include inhalable and respirable dust, welding fumes, VOCs, SVOCs, Asbestos and more recently Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM) and Respirable silica. DPM from exhaust emissions are in either gaseous or particulates. Gas pollutants incl. acetaldehyde, acrolein, benzene, 1,3-butadiene, formaldehyde and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. While particulates range in size and composition, typically fine and ultra-fine particles cause the greatest health concern. Sampling & analysis (NIOSH method 5040) is performed via a prescribed quartz filter papers and loaded into a cassette unit. Once sampled these cassettes can be shipped via airbag to the laboratory with no requirement for chilling or preservation.

Key Topics Include    

Getting the most from your Laboratory Sample Preservation, Chilling & Holding Times –Tips & Traps Laboratory Quality Control & Quality Assurance Field Techniques to Maximize Quality  Understanding Guideline requirements & Interpreting Analytical reports

Training Schedule for 2015 (please contact us) If you are interested in ALS Industry Training sessions please contact us for dates. For technical support, assistance, training etc. Contact us

EnviroMail #84 DPM ALS is now NATA accredited for Respirable Silica and EnviroMail™ is coming soon.

Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Newcastle, Roma, Darwin, Adelaide, Townsville, Mackay, Gladstone, Wollongong, Nowra, Mudgee, Chinchilla Water Resources Group: Canberra, Bendigo, Geelong, Melbourne (Scoresby), Wangaratta, Traralgon RIGHT SOLUTIO NS | RIGHT PARTNER

January 2015 Do you have an innovative project to share with your mining colleagues? Have you worked on an industry leading project and benefited? For example you implemented a new database or developed a safer way of sampling. Previous editions have showcased a number of innovative projects Australia wide and your experience and success can be shared with your mining colleagues. With a readership of over 700 environmental advisors, no doubt others are experiencing similar challenges. The focus is industry leading, technical leadership, innovation or safety improvements. If you have any questions or would like further information please contact Michael Horne ([email protected]).

Link to Previous Editions Edition 1 – ALS wins award for safety and sustainability Edition 2 – ALS water management and best practice Edition 3 – Using automated weather station to manage dust Edition 4 – Best practice in sample chilling and preservation Edition 5 – Guideline comparison reports in ALS WebtrieveTM Edition 6 – Integrating data formats for mine site databases Edition 7 – Improving data quality in real time monitoring stations

Technical Enviromail Links EnviroMailTM 07 - Acid Rock Drainage EnviroMailTM 20 - Arsenic and Selenium Speciation in water EnviroMailTM 25 - Webtrieve TM data access EnviroMailTM 33 - Column Leaching ABCCs EnviroMailTM 35 - Bioavailable Metals in sediment EnviroMailTM 39 - Radionuclides in Water soil and sediment EnviroMailTM 45 - Efficiency Improvements in water sampling EnviroMailTM 46 - Extended Ferrous Iron Holding Times in water EnviroMailTM 51 - TRH and BTEXN to meet the draft NEPM EnviroMailTM 61 - Cyanide Data Quality EnviroMailTM 62 - Cyanide - Field techniques EnviroMailTM 84 – Diesel Particular Matter (DPM) Lab News - Sample Freight and Logistics

Guideline/Regulation Links

ALS Australian Environmental locations Supporting Mining Adelaide Bendigo Brisbane Darwin Emerald Gladstone Mackay Melbourne Mudgee Newcastle Perth Rockhampton Roma Sydney Townsville Wollongong

For site addresses and contact details, click here

ALS LINKS COC Sample Container Request Form Pocket guide Holding Times for water MSDS Links (go to Australia, then expand on MSDS)

ANZECC Guidelines (Paper 4a: an introduction) Volume 1 - The Guidelines (chapters 1-7) Volume 2 - Aquatic ecosystems Volume 3 - Primary Industries WA Mining Environmental Standards & Guidance website WA Mining Environmental Guidelines - 2006 QLD Department of Environment Guidelines NSW Using the ANZECC Guidelines and WQ Objectives NSW Environmental Management of Exploration, mining... Lab News - DERM Water Conditions for Coal Mines NT Mining Environmental Compliance Website SA Mining Regulatory Guidelines Website Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Newcastle, Roma, Darwin, Adelaide, Townsville, Mackay, Gladstone, Wollongong, Nowra, Mudgee, Chinchilla Water Resources Group: Canberra, Bendigo, Geelong, Melbourne (Scoresby), Wangaratta, Traralgon RIGHT SOLUTIO NS | RIGHT PARTNER