The emulator is for testing and making sure things are all right and confirming
that the results are correct. □ Each group will receive a couple of time slots
where ...
INF5100 Advanced Database Systems
Mandatory Exercise Details & Explanations
Meta Information
You have 8 weeks to complete the exercise The exercise consists of three parts, and all parts must be answered Discuss and show the queries of the results for task 1–3
Discuss task 4 – 6 with 0.5 to 1 page per question
You may write in English or Norwegian
Please deliver a nicely formatted PDF to
[email protected] with queries, text and results
2 or 3 students in each group
Exceptions can be made for 1 student groups with extremely good reasons No groups with 4 students
Send wishes to
[email protected] Students without groups will be paired randomly
Lab Setup
You get an account (INF5100-XX) on where XX is your group number
ssh -Y
[email protected]
The password is initially the same as username, but please change it to something else! Each account has one installed instance of
Avrora WSN emulator
Part I: TinyDB Motivation
Get practical experience with TinyDB using real motes and an emulator Understand declarative languages for querying sensor networks Use an ordinary DBMS to extract even more information Spot and discuss possible optimizations
Part I: TinyDB
TinyDB is a small DSMS written for WSNs
We use both an emulator and real sensors
The emulator is for testing and making sure things are all right and confirming that the results are correct Each group will receive a couple of time slots where the experiments on the real sensors can be made The sensors are organized in a three hierarchy and node 0 distributes queries TinyDB is operated through a GUI and can log results to the PostgeSQL DBMS
Part I: TinyDB
TinyOS and TinyDB are research projects Feel free to look at the TinyOS source code and try the different buttons in the TinyDB GUI, but be aware that not everything works. When compiling TinyOS one has to choose only a few functions in order for it to be small enough to fit on the motes. E.g. windowing is not supported
Part I: TinyDB Starting TinyDB with Emulator
1) Set old Java version
[INF5100-XX@dmms-lab107 ~]$ ojava [enter]
2) Start the Avrora WSN emulator
[INF5100-XX@dmms-lab107 ~]$ avrora [enter]
Verify that port is 2390 + GROUPNR
3) Start the serial port forwarder (Node 0 is connected to it)
[INF5100-XX@dmms-lab107 ~]$ sf [enter]
Verify that port is 2390 + GROUPNR
Verify that port is 9001 + GROUPNR
4 ) Edit tinyos-1.x/tools/java/net/tinyos/tinydb/tinydb.conf
Comment out using %: comm-string:serial@COM1$57600
Un-comment: comm-string:sf@localhost$900N (N depends on the group)
5 ) Start TinyDB
[INF5100-XX@dmms-lab107 ~]$ tinydb [enter]
Part I: TinyDB Starting TinyDB with Real Sensors
1) Set old Java version
2 ) Edit tinyos-1.x/tools/java/net/tinyos/tinydb/tinydb.conf
[INF5100-XX@dmms-lab107 ~]$ ojava [enter] Comment out using %: comm-string:sf@localhost$900N (N depends on the group) Un-comment: comm-string:serial@COM1$57600
3 ) Start TinyDB
[INF5100-XX@dmms-lab107 ~]$ tinydb [enter]
Part I: TinyDB
Part I: TinyDB
The sensors are located in the DMMS lab, but you will only access them remotely Use the emulator when you do not have a time slot for the real sensors, and solve the other parts of the assignment The schedule for accessing to the real sensors will be published on the course web page when ready Try to have queries ready if you feel the schedule is tight
Part I: TinyDB
By clicking “Log to Database” in the TinyDB GUI, your results will be stored in a persistent DBMS You can fetch it from there using PostgreSQL:
[INF5100-XX@dmms-lab107 ~]$ mypsql
SELECT * FROM queries;
If it does not start:
[INF5100-XX@dmms-lab107 ~]$ ps ax | grep postmaster
[INF5100-XX@dmms-lab107 ~]$ rm ~/INF5100_db/
[INF5100-XX@dmms-lab107 ~]$ pg_ctl start -l /tmp/INF5100-XX
Part II: Esper Motivation
Learn about smart homes and automated home-care
Elderly want to stay at home instead of hospitals
Sensors are cheaper than humans
Combine sensor readings with ideas from Complex Event Processing (CEP)
Part II: Esper
Each group's home directory contains a directory, ~/workspace/INF5100SmartHomes When solving Part II, use the newer Java version
[INF5100-XX@dmms-lab107 ~]$ njava
[INF5100-XX@dmms-lab107 ~]$ make [INF5100-XX@dmms-lab107 ~]$ ./INF5100
Part II: Esper
Write queries and listeners to solve the mandatory assignment We use dynamic class loading for the possible additional listeners and event descriptions Create explicit listeners for each task depending on the output we are interested in Place additional compiled listeners and event descriptions together with the other class files
Automatically compiled when writing make
The queries should be written in a separate file
End the queries with ; and separate the queries with a newline
Part II: Esper
Trace files from two subjects who have been monitored by various types of sensors in a home The data is real, but the sensors are not perfect: Strange events are recorded! The stream name is SensorEvent Sensors report either ON or OFF (activated or deactivated), and an event is modelled as follows: Refrigerator,74,ON,1053313309093 We have represented this as two separate data tuples, where the ON data tuple has a lower timestamp than the OFF data tuple The trace files contain one data tuple per line
Part II: Esper Code – Takes 4 arguments. Contains methods for nicer printing of timestamps – Dynamically loads the listeners that are specified in – Example of an event file and the event description of the data tuples from the trace files – Abstract class to be extended by the listeners – Example of a listener – Wrong edit of this file causes no output! Use “SELECT AS attribute” clause in queries and be aware of order of event.get(attribute)
Queries.dat – Example of a query
Listeners.dat – Example of usage of the listeners
Part II: Esper
Run a set of CEP queries against trace files to discover complex events All the tasks should be solved with Esper and the interpretation of each query should be explained thoroughly, since there can be many possible solutions
It can be helpful to check the files with sensor readings
Also show results from both the subjects
For each of the tasks show the query, listener files and results
Discuss and explain your solutions
Tutorials and HOWTOs:
Part III: Discussion
Give examples of the differences between TinyDB and Esper with respect to querying sensor network data Write 1 to 2 pages
Questions? CONTACT & DELIVERY Hans Vatne Hansen
[email protected]