2.3 Ex-Officio Secretary (SEO). 2.4 Ad hoc Groups (where applicable). 2.5 Laboratories members of INFAL and its associat
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1. Objective: Establish roles and responsibilities that must be met by members of the INFAL, and coordination of tasks, ways of working and communication between them, in order to achieve the targets set in action plans and appropriate comply to Statutes and Decisions of the Assembly.
2. Scope: This procedure applies to: 2.1 Executive Committee (CE). 2.2 Technical Groups (GTs). 2.3 Ex-Officio Secretary (SEO). 2.4 Ad hoc Groups (where applicable). 2.5 Laboratories members of INFAL and its associated National Networks.
3. Definitions: 3.1 Assembly: highest authority of INFAL comprising by laboratories members, whose decisions bind the members present and absent. Among it features are the evaluation of the efforts of the CE and GTs, approve action plans for the next biennium and amend the statutes when necessary. 3.2 GT Coordinator: CE Lab member that was voluntary postulated at the Assembly and approved by the CE to coordinate the GT for Microbiology, Chemical Analysis or Quality Management. 3.3 Coordinator National Networks: CE Lab member that was voluntary postulated at the Assembly and approved by the CE to coordinate all national networks. 3.4 Local coordinator of national networks: Laboratory member of a national network that direct and coordinate the activities of the same network. 3.5 GT Facilitator: Representatives of the laboratory members of INFAL that was voluntary postulated at the Assembly and approved by the CE to work with the coordinators in the execution of tasks and goals, beside to promote the activities planned by the laboratory members assigned to execute the Action Plan 3.6 Report: written report arising from any official event by INFAL, or the activities made by CE or the GTs, for compliance with the action plan. 3.7 Laboratory member: laboratory that has met the requirements of INFAL statutes of to be considered as member. There are laboratory members as inter-american members and laboratory members through the national networks. 3.8 Executive Committee Member: Each of the seven laboratory members, President First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, National Network Coordinator, Quality,
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Chemistry and Microbiology Technical group Coordinators, elected for the current period. 3.9 Technical group member: Each one of representatives (and substitutes) laboratory members of INFAL, facilitators and the coordinator of GT. 3.10 Action Plan (PA): A set of goals and tasks assigned to GT and the CE and approved at INFAL Assembly to comply the objectives of the INFAL in a period of 2 years. 3.11 National Networks (RNs): A set of officially recognized laboratories in countries related to members of INFAL and organized to integrate and strengthen technical and scientific resources available, enhance and promote analytical and technical cooperation among themselves, to ensure control quality and food safety. 3.12 Information System INFAL (SIRILAA): Database of INFAL where systematized all the information related to his laboratory members. It must be continually updated to allow its use as a source of information for the development of tasks and goals established in the AP. Your shortcut is: http://www.panalimentos.org/rilaa/e/encuesta.asp. Username and password is required to access institutional
4. Related documents: 4.1. INFAL statutes. 4.2. Arrangements of the Assembly and the CE. 4.3. Action Plan (PA) 4.4. Work reports.
5. Responsibilities and functions: 5.1. From Executive Committee (CE): 5.1.1. CE Members: Notify the CE presidency and the SEO, the name of representative and at least one alternate. Promote the collaboration between the laboratory staff that they represents, in activities in of PA whit the approval of the authorities of the institution for supply the technical criteria, advice, and assist in drafting and / or translation of INFAL documents. Report immediately to the President of the CE and the SEO about circumstances that prevent compliance with the commitments made during the Assembly. Report immediately to the President of the CE and the SEO about the changes that occur in their email addresses, fax and telephone numbers and record them on the SIRILAA. Develop operational procedures and official documents that are included in the PA or scheduled tasks required by the CE, according to area of expertise. Collaborate with the execution of the tasks included in the PA of CE beside promote and approve the compliance of the goals, for the current period according to area of competence.
INFAL Version 1.0 Page 3 of 11 Release: Execute specific tasks that were assigned in the PA according to their competence. Demonstrate commitment to comply with assigned activities. In the case of failing to comply with assigned activities, seek cooperation to substitute appropriate notice to the President of the CE, the reasons for the proposed change. 5.1.2. President: To direct, to implement and to enforce the PA of CE approved for the current period. Convene regular weekly meetings and overtime meetings when it will be necessary for the development of tasks. To monitor compliance with the goals of the PA Delegate tasks to team members of CE in an equitably way Coordinate the activities of the CE members to achieve planned goals Encourage participation by all members of the CE in all activities Solve the problems if it´s possible when a laboratory member can’t comply with the commitments made during the Assembly. 5.1.3. First Vice-President: Replace the president when it´s required Preparing the meeting report of the CE, and upload it to the files of CE. The contents of the report it must be approval by the participants of the meeting under the title "Executive Committee Meeting report . ... .." Encourage participation of members of the CE in all activities Support the President in the execution of tasks delegated by him/her 5.1.4. Second Vice-President Replace the First Vice-President or President in the absence of First Vice President when it’s required Collaborate with First Vice-President for the preparation of report session of CE. Support the Presidency in the execution of tasks. Work with the SEO to supervise the loading of data in the SIRILAA http://www.panalimentos.org/rilaa/Encuesta/login.asp. 5.1.5. National Network Coordinator: Under the guidance of the president of the CE. Coordinate the implementation of planned activities related to RNs enrolled on INFAL for compliance with the PA. Continuous tracking about knowledge of the situation at each national network by local RN coordinators Promote the creation of the RNs in those countries that do not exist.
INFAL Version 1.0 Page 4 of 11 Release: Monitor the loading data of the laboratories in SIRILAA that formalize its participation on the INFAL through RNs at the fallowing link: http://www.panalimentos.org/rilaa/Encuesta/login.asp Prepare and submit a biannual report to the president of the CE and SEO in the form of reports available at the CE: http://www.panalimentos.org/rilaa/Documentos/FormPCE.doc. 5.1.6. Technical Group Coordinators: Under the guidance of the CE President should: To implement and enforce the goals and tasks of PA in the Technical group which were assigned in the Assembly. http://www.panalimentos.org/rilaa/Documentos/FormCGT.DOC. To call the facilitators and other members of the meetings GT weekly. To monitor compliance with the goals of the PA Delegate the tasks to facilitators in an equitative way Coordinate the activities of the facilitators to achieve the planned goals Encourage participation of all laboratories in all activities programmed to the GT for the period of management. Prepare and submit a quarterly report at the second week of the months January, April, July and October to the Presidency of the CE and the SEO in order to mention the progress and difficulties encountered in the implementation of the tasks scheduled and other aspects. The form for the development of report is available at: http://www.panalimentos.org/rilaa/Documentos/FormCGT.DOC. Sustain a good communication with all members of the GT. Solve when it is possible, the difficulties do not allow laboratories to meet the commitments made during the Assembly. Assign to facilitators the laboratory members and local coordination of RNs with which ones will work in their responsibilities. This assignment shall be communicated by electronic via / written form to the President of the EC and the SEO. 5.2. From Technical Groups: 5.2.1. Technical Group Facilitators: Under the guidance of the GT Coordinators should: Promote continuously the directly participation in the GT of each representative laboratory members through the local coordination of RNs which were assigned, in the course of information and education at the use of available resources for effective participation. Track those laboratory members who stop their participation or did not participate, directly or through local coordination. Assist in the implementation and enforcement of the PA approved for the current period.
INFAL Version 1.0 Page 5 of 11 Release: Submit a quarterly report that includes the progress and difficulties in the complying of the PA, as well as other relevant aspects that occurred in the period. Submit this quarterly report to the coordination of the GT in the first week of January, April, July and October, so the coordinator can send to the President of the CE and SEO in a timely manner. The form for the report is available at: http://www.panalimentos.org/rilaa/Documentos/FormFGT.DOC 5.2.2. Laboratory Member: Participate in the work of the GT and other scheduled activities. Beside contribute to meeting of goals and commitments made during the sessions and the Assembly. Report all the alternatives for compliance of PA. Report to the President of the CE and SEO any related activity to do with the interests of INFAL. Upload and maintain permanently updated on SIRILAA the laboratory information including: address, phone and fax of the institution. Beside name, occupation and email contacts (1, 2 and 3), together with information (name, e-mail) of the principal representative and at least 1 alternate to the technical groups, through the link: http://www.panalimentos.org/rilaa/Encuesta/login.asp. Update in the first quarter of each year all data requested in the SIRILAA Respond all the official communications from CE, GT, and / or SEO, through contacts or the Representative to the corresponding GT, within one week of receipt unless otherwise stated term. On the contrary the communication will be acknowledged like accepted. See website INFAL to stay informed of the operation and developments of it. To maintain efficient communication via e-mail and internet electronic media is required. Be referred to the CE any initiative in any official activity of INFAL. Once complied with the requirement it may be promote on the website and / or RILAA News. Diffuse any activity of possible interest to the INFAL through RILAA News that it’s organized or sponsored by a laboratory member. Promote the collaboration between the laboratory staff that represent in the activities of AP with the permission of the Authorities of the institution. Inform to President of the CE, the SEO and the local coordination of the RN the difficulties that don’t permit to carry out the commitments made during the meeting. 5.3. From the SEO 5.3.1. Receive, distribute and file the reports, statements, documents and information relating to the operation of INFAL. 5.3.2. Continue the running of SIRILAA , platforms and tools for use in INFAL as chat rooms of the groups, virtual classroom, the management area of groups (forum), databases (consultants, laboratories, and materials available reference, training courses, literature online li, products and services) email groups (eg RILAA SOS, SOS INFAL, RILAA News), etc.
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5.3.3. Update web page INFAL within two weeks of receiving the information to keep everyone well informed. 5.3.4. Preparing reports of the Assemblies. 5.3.5. Provide technical cooperation to the work of INFAL. 5.3.6. Perform other activities required by INFAL within his physical and budgetary possibilities. 5.3.7. Support the CE in the management of financial and technical resources to the operation of INFAL. 5.3.8. Post to the website INFAL, http://www.panalimentos.org/Rilaa. , the documents indicated by CE and GT. 5.4. From Ad hoc groups (where applicable) 5.4.1. The roles and responsibilities of the ad hoc groups will be established by the CE members at the time of its creation and according to the purpose for which they were created. For the operational aspects will be governed by the same guidelines given by the other GTs 5.5. From National Network 5.5.1. Local coordinators of National Networks Coordinate communications and activities of local laboratory members within INFAL activities. Direct the official INFAL communications to contacts 1, 2 and 3, and / or representatives of RNs to the GTs of INFAL to ensure the collection of responses on time. Promote the incorporation and updating of the information the laboratories member of national networks in the link of SIRILAA: http://www.panalimentos.org/rilaa/Encuesta/login.asp. Spread in the National Network and other relevant levels of the country, the tools developed by the INFAL and his activities to participate more actively on them, for example, virtual courses, interlaboratory rounds, exchange of experiences, help test methods, virtual library, advice from experts in different areas, etc. Promote the establishment of active communication between the national laboratories for the exchange of technical procedures, standards support, research, replication of training for the benefit of all laboratories in the country, etc. Promote the creation of alert networks and immediate action in a national level in case of ETAs, to prevent the marketing of unfit food. Beside generate relevant information to health of the population. 5.5.2. Member laboratories by RNs associated with INFAL Participate in activities and work of the GTs to help in the execution of PA and other commitments INFAL. Upload and maintain permanently updated on SIRILAA the laboratory information including: address, phone and fax of the institution. Beside name, occupation and email
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contacts (1, 2 and 3), together with information (name, e-mail) of the principal representative and at least 1 alternate to the technical groups, through the link: http://www.panalimentos.org/rilaa/Encuesta/login.asp. Update in the first quarter of each year all data requested in the SIRILAA Use the tools developed by INFAL to actively participation in activities, such as online courses, interlaboratory rounds, exchange of experiences, and help channels RILAA_SOS INFAL_SOS, services and products, digital library, advice from experts in different areas, etc. Respond all the official communications from CE, GT, and / or SEO, through contacts or the Representative to the corresponding GT, within one week of receipt unless otherwise stated term. On the contrary the communication will be acknowledged like accepted. See website INFAL to stay informed of the operation and developments of it. To maintain efficient communication via e-mail and internet electronic media is required. . Promote the collaboration between the laboratory staff that represent in the activities of PA with the permission of the Authorities of the institution Inform to President of the CE, the SEO and the local coordination of the RN the difficulties that don’t permit to carry out the commitments made during the meeting.
6. Ways of work from INFAL 6.1. GT and CE meetings. 6.1.1. The meetings of the GTs and the CE are regular carry out weekly in the meeting room: Chat N º 3 of the website INFAL, according to box weekly published on the access to chat located : http://www.panalimentos.org/Rilaa/e/Chat3/Login_Chat3.asp. 6.1.2. The schedule at meetings will be at 12 o'clock of INFAL located in the access to the Chat Sheet No. 3, and will last one hour. If there is consensus between the present members the meeting may be extended as long as necessary. 6.1.3. The moderation of the meetings is the responsibility of the SEO, which can be relieved by the coordination in the case of GT, the Presidency of the CE or who have a right to request such collaboration, in case of unexpected delays, technical difficulties or absences. 6.1.4. When the meeting is opened the coordinator of the GT or the President of the CE put the agenda up with the talking points for the moderator can track it. 6.1.5. To participate in weekly meetings should be solicited the right to speak to the moderator using the icon , wait to be awarded to participate and the end to send the icon to return the right word. 6.1.6. Decisions made within the GT meetings will be approved by the respective group, by consensus of the members present at the time of consultation and will be binding upon the fulfillment of the goals and tasks of the PA and other activities by INFAL. 6.1.7. The decisions taken by the CE must be endorsed by at least four of its members and any agreement of this consensus will be formalized for the entire INFAL.
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6.1.8. In each meeting report made it shall contain: the day's agenda, a summary of the most relevant comments and agreements reached. The form is available at: http://www.panalimentos.org/rilaa/Documentos/FormACT.doc. 6.1.9. The meeting report shall be placed by the member responsible for its production on the link documents and reports INFAL website, in each of the in group files / records of meetings, the member requires a user (chem, qa or micro) and password (inppaz in all cases) to enter. 6.2. Action Plans: 6.2.1. The goals and tasks reflected in the PA will be considered the highest authority mandates of INFAL to fulfill its objectives and may not be changed once approved by the assembly. 6.2.2. The tasks included in the plan of action should be supported by a supervisor to be approved at the meeting. 6.2.3. The responsible for performing the tasks of the PA, must ensure compliance and complete the form to the development of the task set in: http://www.panalimentos.org/rilaa/Documentos/574-FormAsignMetasyTareas.doc. This should describe strategies, actions, timeframes, indicators and monitoring forms for execution. 6.2.4. Each execution form of tasks, must be submitted to be considered as appropriate for CE and GT 6.2.5. The priority execution of tasks, once PA forms were approval, will be established for GT and CE and being attention in the deadline for the implementation and reliance on the performance of other tasks for execution. 6.2.6. Advances in the PA must be submitted by the coordinators of the GTs and the chair of the CE every 6 months and should be evaluated by members during regular meetings of INFAL who may agree on new strategies for their effective implementation and appoint new directors in the event that members leave the work assigned. 6.2.7. Used for the evaluation of the PA table format for the presentation of the progress of the columns to indicate the degree of compliance, justification and clarification and suggested remedial actions or comments for each task, giving preference to the use of version web access, available on the Area Management Groups.
7. Tools and resources 7.1. Tools: 7.1.1. Chat Room: Site of ordinary sessions of the Technical Groups and the CE, their access is located on the web page of INFAL (CHAT 3) or via the link: http://www.panalimentos.org/Rilaa / e/Chat3/Login_Chat3.asp. It’s required that participant enter his/her data and password 7.1.2. Virtual Classroom: Available for dissemination and training courses to all members of INFAL. It has the facilities for communication between speakers and trainees as a moderated chat for questions and comments, the possibility of slideshow and a video window audio
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included for exhibitors. Access to all resources is only possible during the live courses; the courses are available to interested parties by accessing e-training: http://www.panalimentos.org/rilaa/e/capacitacion.asp 7.1.3. Virtual room: Room for special session of the GTs, CE and other working groups of INFAL, it has audiovisual resources available. The access is also via group link (CHAT 1) http://www.panalimentos.org/Rilaa/e/Chat1/Login_Chat1.asp. It’s required that participant enter his/her data and password 7.1.4. Group management area: Space for discussion in forums about topics of INFAL, answer question about implementation of tasks of the PA, and as a tool for the exchange of experiences among laboratory members. http://fos.panalimentos.org/rilaa/Home/tabid/103/language/es-ES/Default.aspx 7.1.5. Documents and reports: Access to all documents and reports approved for use of INFAL, they are grouped according to the network structure. http://www.panalimentos.org/rilaa/e/documentos.asp. In each one additionally can find are the archives of working group and meeting reports, this access is restricted by user and enter password. http://www.panalimentos.org/rilaa/e/Archivos_Login.asp. 7.1.6. National Networks page: Space that INFAL offers RNs for the coordination of each ones. Each country have access to a virtual area where it has exclusive links to forums, chat rooms, document, files, among others benefits, to organize and facilitate work between laboratory members through national networks. http://fos.panalimentos.org/Default.aspx?alias=fos.panalimentos.org/rn 7.1.7. RILAA SOS: Chanel of communication in Spanish-language that has been created for each member of INFAL can request information or assistance quickly in a particular topic to other colleagues in the network. The subscription is required through the website group or via the link RILAA: http://www.panalimentos.org/rilaa/e/Foros.asp. , or sending an email to
[email protected] 7.1.8. INFAL SOS: Channel of communication in English that has been created for members of the English-speaking can quickly request information or assistance to a particular topic to other colleagues in the network. It requires subscription via the link to the website INFAL groups through the link: http://www.panalimentos.org/rilaa/e/Foros.asp. or sending an e-mail to
[email protected] 7.1.9. RILAA News: Channel for sharing information between INFAL members. In this channel every member of the network can disseminate information to all members of INFAL. It requires subscription via the link to the website INFAL groups: http://www.panalimentos.org/rilaa/e/Foros.asp., or by sending an e-mail to
[email protected] 7.2. Resources: 7.2.1. On line Bibliography : http://www.panalimentos.org/rilaa/e/Bibliografia.asp.INFAL has on its website an access to bibliographic references of interest to all members in the chemical and the microbiological areas, methods of analysis and sampling, quality management, equipment, among other topics. 7.2.2. e-Learning: http://www.panalimentos.org/rilaa/e/capacitacion.asp. Space for the diffusion of training programs and continues education of members that have been
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developed with the aim of strengthening the laboratory staff in different areas of competition, besides promoting the exchange of experiences and resources available in the region. 7.2.3. Interlaboratory: Database of interlabory test offered worldwide that INFAL make available to all the members as a tool for quality assurance of the results http://www.panalimentos.org/rilaa/e/Interlaboratorios.asp. 7.2.4. Reference materials: http://www.panalimentos.org/rilaa/e/matreferencia.asp. Worldwide database of organizations and institutions, that provides reference materials for quality assurance results. 7.2.5. Advisors: http://www.panalimentos.org/asesores/ Experts list in different topics that are willing to work with INFAL and laboratory members to exchange experiences and knowledge with the spirit of mutual cooperation. 7.2.6. Services and products: http://www.panalimentos.org/rilaacatalogo/ Download Area of INFAL where you can find and download documents and training materials related to INFAL (requires registration and download request).
8. Commitments of all members 8.1. Meet the commitments made by the institution regardless of their function in the INFAL. He/she must be present in the sessions and meetings that have been invited and present the tasks assigned in deadline. TGs coordinators, in case of unjustified commitments of members about the execution of tasks, can make the notification to the SEO after 3 months of delay. The SEO will evaluate the situation and calls attention to responsible for the tasks where necessary and, getting no response, the coordinator can report this problem to the highest authorities of the institution they represent. 8.2. Participate actively in the work of the GT and all the activities of INFAL, disseminate its objectives, mission and vision to the competent authorities of each country in order to obtain the support of governments and institutions involved in financing activities, facilitating cooperation between members beside strength the regional laboratories. 8.3. Promote continuous improvement. When is required propose to EC and SEO the improvement of actual mechanisms of INFAL to strength and consolidate it. 8.4. The performance of the representatives of laboratory members in the planned activities and their commitment to INFAL may be measured according to the participation; it may be a basis in making decisions to grant benefits and opportunities within the developed programs. Final note: This document replaces the following documents approved by the CE of INFAL: -Procedure of INFAL to establish activities and responsibilities to members for communication. Adopted on August 17, 2005 -Executive committee working procedures manual to establish communication forms, roles and responsibilities of members. Document approved by the full Executive Committee RILAA year 2008 -2010.
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Discussion Paper prepared by: Mónica Trías – LATU – Uruguay Carla Gutiérrez – INH”RR” – Venezuela María Gabriela Carrillo – INH”RR” – Venezuela
Reviewed the document and provided inputs: Patricia Gatti – INTI – Argentina Nelly Camba – INP- Ecuador Mónica Trías – LATU – Uruguay Soledad Osorio – DIGESA - Perú Víctor Jiménez – LNS - Guatemala María Gabriela Carrillo – INH”RR” – Venezuela Jorge Torroba – SEO/OPS – Brasil María Luisa Novoa – SEO/OPS – Venezuela
Final editing: María Gabriela Carrillo – INH”RR”- Venezuela
English version translated by: Tamara Aguayo – LABROB – Bolivia.