Infinitely many non-radial sign-changing solutions for a Fractional Laplacian equation with critical nonlinearity
arXiv:1408.3187v1 [math.AP] 14 Aug 2014
Fei Fang∗ School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University Beijing, 100871, China Abstract: In this work, the following fractional Laplacian problem with pure critical nonlinearity is considered 4s (−∆)s u = |u| N−2s u, in RN , u ∈ D s,2(RN ), where s ∈ (0, 1), N is a positive integer with N ≥ 3, (−∆)s is the fractional Laplacian operator. We will prove that this problem has infinitely many non-radial sign-changing solutions.
We tackle the following Fractional Laplacian problem with pure critical nonlinearity (−∆)s u = |u|p−1u, in RN , (1.1) u ∈ D s,2(RN ), where s ∈ (0, 1), p = 2∗ − 1, 2∗ = N2N , N is a positive integer with N ≥ 3, and the space −2s s,2 N D (R ) is defined as the completion of C0∞ (RN ) under the norm: Z Z s 2s kukDs,2(RN ) := |ξ| uˆdξ = |(−∆) 2 u(x)|2 dx, RN
where ˆ is Fourier transform. (−∆)s is a Fractional Laplacian operator which is defined as a pseudo-differential operator: \s u(ξ)) = |ξ|2suˆ(ξ). (−∆) If u is smooth enough, it can also be computed by the following singular integral: Z u(x) − u(y) s dy. (−∆) u(x) = CN,s P.V. N +2s RN |x − y| Here P.V. is the principal value and CN,s is a normalization constant. The operator (−∆)s can be seen as the infinitesimal generators of L´evy stable diffusion processes (see [1]). This operator arises in several areas such as physics, biology, chemistry and finance (see [1, 2]). In recent years, The fractional Laplacians have recently attracted much research interest, ∗
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and there are a lot of results in the literature on the existence of such solutions, e.g., ( [3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 19, 20]) and the references therein. In the remarkable work of Caffarelli and Silvestre [7], this nonlocal operator can be defined by the following Dirichletto-Neumann map: 1 ∂w (−∆)s u(x) = − lim+ (x, y), ks y→0 ∂y where, ks = (21−2s Γ(1 − s)/Γ(s)) and w solves the boundary value problem +1 −div(y 1−2s ∇w) = 0 in RN , + N w(x, 0) = u on R . Caffarelli and his coauthors [5, 6] investigated free boundary problems of a fractional Laplacian. The operator was studied by Chang and Gonz´alez [9] in conformal geometry. Silvestre [25] obtained some regularity results for the obstacle problem of the fractional Laplacian. Recently, Fractional Schr¨odinger equations with respect to wave standing waves were studied in [10, 12, 16, 17, 22, 24]. Very recently, the singularly perturbed problem of fractional Laplacian was considered by D´avila, del Pino and Wei [13], and they recovered various existence results already known for the case s = 1. Problem (1.1) arises from looking for a solution for the following fractional Nirenberg problem, 4s (1.2) Ps (u) = |u| N−2s u, in SN , where (SN , gSN ), n ≥ 2, be the standard sphere in RN +1 , Ps is an intertwining operator. The reader is referred to [19, 20] for more details on fractional Nirenberg problem. Similar to the case of s = 1, using the stereo-graphic projection, problem (1.2) can be reduced to problem (1.1). This idea of this paper is motivated by the recent papers [15, 18], where infinitely many solutions to the Yamabe problem and the Yamabe probelm of polyharmonic operator were constructed, respectively. Our main result in this paper can be stated as follows: Theorem 1.1. Assume that N ≥ 3, then problem (1.1) has infinitely many non-radial sign-changing solutions. We will prove Theorem 1.1 by proving the following result: p 2π(j−1) Theorem 1.2. Let N ≥ 3 and write RN = C×RN −2 and ξj = 1 − µ2 (e k i , 0, . . . , 0), j = 1, · · · , k. Then for any sufficiently large k there is finite energy solution of the form uk (x) = U(x) −
k X
− n−2s 2
U(µ−1 k (x − ξj )) + o(1),
where 2 N−2s
µk = δk
k , Ux,Λ (y) = cN,s
Λ 2 1 + Λ |y − x|2
N−2s 2
, cN,s > 0, Λ > 0, x ∈ RN
and o(1) → 0 uniformly as k → ∞, δk is a positive number which only depends on k.
Remark 1.1. We believe that the similar result should also hold for the following critical problems with the presence of weight: N+2s (−∆)s u = K(x)|u| N−2s , in RN , u > 0, on RN , s,2 N u ∈ D (R ).
Following the idea in [27], for appropriate weight K(x), we can also construct a sequence of non-radial positive solutions solutions for this problem. When K(x) = 1, it was shown independently by Y. Y. Li and Chen, Li, and Ou [11, 21] that for s ∈ (0, N/2) and u ∈ 2N
N−2s Lloc (RN ) the equation has a unique positive solution u(r) > 0 (see (2.1))up to scaling and translation.
Remark 1.2. In a recent work, W. Long, S.J. Peng and J. Yang [22] obtained infinitely many positive solutions for the following subcritical equation: (−∆)s u + u = k(|x|)uq , in RN , N +2s where q < N , K(|x|) is a positive radial function, and satisfies some asymptotic assump−2s tions at infinity.
We organize this paper as follows. In Section 2, we construct an approximation solution and give the estimates of the error. Section 3 contains a linear result. Section 4 will devote to the detailed calculus and further thoughts on the gluing procedures. The proof the main result will be given in last section.
Approximation solution and the estimate of the error
We start with the construction of a first approximate solution to problem (1.1). Then we give the precise estimate of the error. It is well known that the radial functions Ux,Λ (y) = cn,s
N−2s 2
Λ 2 1 + Λ |y − x|2
, cn,s > 0, Λ > 0, x ∈ RN ,
are the only solutions to the problem N−2s
− ∆u = u N+2s , u > 0, in RN . Moreover, the radial solution U is invariant under the Kelvin type transform y 2s−N . uˆ(y) = |y| u |y|2
That is, Uˆ = U(y). Problem (2.2) is invariant under the Kelvin transform (2.3) (see [4]). Let N−2s wµ (y − ξ) = µ− 2 U µ−1 (y − ξ) .
Then a simple algebra computation implies that:
Lemma 2.1. wµ (y − ξ) is invariant under the Kelvin type transform (2.3) if and only if µ2 + |ξ|2 = 1. 3
Let k be a large positive integer and µ > 0 be a small concentration parameter such that: 2 µ = δ N−2s k −3 (2.4) where δ is a positive parameter that will be fixed later. Let p 2π(j−1) ξj = 1 − µ2 (e k i , 0, . . . , 0), j = 1, · · · , k.
We denote Uj (y) := wµ (y − ξj ), j = 1, · · · , k, and consider the function U∗ (y) := U(y) −
k X
Uj (y).
In order to obtain sign-changing solutions for problem (1.1), we follow the method of [15, 18] and use the number of the bubble solutions Uj as a parameter. The idea of using the number of bubbles as a parameter was first used by Wei and Yan [27] in constructing infinitely many positive solutions to the prescribing scalar curvature problem. We will prove that when the bubbles number k is large enough, problem (1.1) has a solution of the form: u(y) = U∗ (y) + φ(y), where φ is a small function when compared with U. If u satisfies the above form, then problem (1.1) can be rewritten as (−∆)s φ − p|U∗ |p−1φ + E − N(φ) = 0, where p = 2∗ − 1, 2∗ =
2N , N −2s
and E = (−∆)s U∗ − |U∗ |p−1U∗ ,
N(φ) = |U∗ + φ|p−1(U∗ + φ) − |U∗ |p−1 U∗ − p|U∗p−1 |φ. We will show that for sufficiently large k, the error term E will be controlled small enough so that some asymptotic estimate holds. In order to obtain the better control on N , we consider the following weighted Lq norm: the error, for a fixed number Ns > q > 2s
khk∗∗ := (1 + y)N +2s− q h(y) (2.6) q N L (R )
kφk∗ := (1 + y)N −2s φ(y) L∞ (RN ) .
Lemma 2.2. There exist an integer k0 and a positive constant C such that for all k > k0 , the following estimate for E is true: N
kEk∗∗ ≤ Ck − q −2s .
Proof. We prove this lemma in two steps. Firstly, we consider the error term E in the exterior region: k k \ \ c {|y − ξj | > η/k} . Bξj (η/k) := EX := j=1
Here η > 0 is a positive and small constant, independent of k. Secondly, we will do it in the interior region: k [ c IN = EX = {|y − ξj | ≤ η/k} , j=1
where η ≪ 1. Step 1. By the mean value theorem, we have
E = (−∆)s U∗ − |U∗ |p−1 U∗ p−1 ! " # k k k X X X U− Uj Uj Uj − U − = (−∆)s U − j=1 j=1 j=1 p−1 ! k k k X X X U− Uj Uj = Up − Ujp − U − j=1 j=1 j=1 p−1 ! k k k X X X Ujp Uj + − Uj = − p U − t j=1 j=1 j=1 ! k k k p−1 X X X Uj − Ujp , for t ∈ (0, 1). Uj = p U − t j=1
Now the exterior region is divided into two parts, that is, " k # \ A1 := {y : |y| ≥ 2} and A2 := {|y| ≤ 2} ∩ {|y − ξj | > η/k} . j=1
For y ∈ A1 , one has
1 |y−ξ|
|E(y)| ≤C
(1 + |y|2)−2s +
1 . 1+|y|
k X
N−2s 2
k X
N−2s 2
(µ2 + |y − ξj |2 )−
2 − N−2s 2
(µ + |y − ξj | )
4s # N−2s N−2s 2
# k 4s N−2s 2s N−2s X µ 2 µ k 2 −2s · ≤ C (1 + |y| ) + (1 + |y|2)2s |y − ξj |N −2s j=1 "
N−2s k X µ 2 1 ≤C . 2 2s (1 + |y| ) j=1 |y − ξj |N −2s
For y ∈ A2 , let us consider two cases: (1) There is a i0 ∈ {1, 2, 3, · · · , k} such that y is closest to ξi0 , and far from all the other ξj ’s (j = 6 i0 ). Then, 1 |j − i0 | |y − ξj | ≥ |ξi0 − ξj | ∼ . 2 k (2) y is far from all ξi ’s, that is, there is a C0 > 0 such that |y − ξi | ≥ C0 (1 ≤ i ≤ k). 4s # N−2s " k X N−2s 2 2 − N−2s 2 −2s 2 2 (µ + |y − ξj | ) |E(y)| ≤C (1 + |y| ) + µ j=1
" k X
N−2s 2
(µ2 + |y − ξj |2 )
− N−2s 2
≤ C (1 + |y|2)−2s + "
≤ C (1 + |y|2)−2s +
# 4s ! N−2s
N−2s k X µ µ µ 2 · + |y − ξi0 |N −2s j6=i |y − ξj |N −2s |y − ξj |N −2s j=1 0 )!# k ( N−2s X X µ2s k 4s 4s µ 2 2s µ 2s 4s N−2s · ,k µ k + max |j − i0 |4 |y − ξj |N −2s j=1 j6=i N−2s 2
N−2s 2
k X 1 µ . 2 2s (1 + |y| ) j=1 |y − ξ|N −2s N−2s 2
Consequently, from (2.10) and (2.11), in the exterior region, we obtain kEk∗∗ =k(1 + |y|(N +2s)q−2N )E q (y)kLq (EX) #1/q "Z k X N−2s (1 + |y|)(N +2s)q−2N ≤Cµ 2 4sq |y − ξ |(N −2s)q j Bξc (η/k) (1 + |y|) j=1 j 1/q Z 1 N −1 Z +∞ N−2s r dr −(N +1) + ≤Cµ 2 k r dr (N −2s)q 1 η/k r N
≤C(k 1+s− 2 − q + k 1+3s−
3N 2
) ≤ Ck 1+s− 2 − q .
Step 2. In the case of the interior region IN, we easily know that for all y ∈ IN, there is j ∈ {1, 2, 3, · · · , k}, such that |y − ξj | ≤ η/k. Similar to (2.9), we can obtain !p ! !#p−1 " k k k X X X Ui − U p , for t ∈ (0, 1). Ui + U + Ui + U · − E = p Uj − t − j6=i
In order to measure the error term E, we define N+2s E˜j = µ 2 E(ξj + µy).
We observe that µ
N−2s 2
Uj (ξj + µy) = U(y) and Ui (y) = µ−
N−2s 2
U(µ−1 (y − ξi ))
Thus, for i 6= j, µ
N−2s 2
Note also that µ−1 |ξi − ξj | ∼
Ui (ξj + µy) = U(y − µ−1 (ξi − ξj )).
|i−j| . kµ
Hence, by (2.12) and (2.13), we estimate
p−1 X (kµ)N −2s N−2s ˜ 2 U(ξj + µy) |Ej (y)| ≤C U(y) + +µ N −2s |j − i| i6=j ! X (kµ)N −2s X (kµ)N −2s p N+2s N−2s 2 2 · + µ + µ U(ξ + µy) + U p (ξj + µy) j N −2s N −2s |j − i| |j − i| i6=j i6=j N−2s p−1 N−2s 2 N−2s N−2s N+2s 1 p 2 2 2 · µ + µ + µ ≤ C µ 2 + 1 + |y|2 6
N−2s N+2s µ 2 2 ≤ C µ + 1 + |y|4s N−2s
µ 2 . ≤C 1 + |y|4s
Therefore, we can get kEk∗∗(|x−ξj |η/k) ≤ Ck 1+s− 2 − q .
The discussion for M2 is the same as that for the error term E. For M3 (ψ), we easily see that suppM3 (ψ) ⊂ EX. By the definition of N and the mean value theorem, there exist s, t ∈ (0, 1) such that ! k X φ˜j + ψ N j=1 p−1 ! ! k k k X X X φ˜i + ψ · U∗ + = U∗ + φ˜i + ψ − |U∗ |p−1U∗ − p|U∗ |p−1 φ˜i + ψ j=1
! p−1 ! ! k k k X X X = p U∗ + s φ˜i + ψ φ˜i + ψ − |U∗ |p−1 φ˜i + ψ j=1 j=1 j=1 ! k k p−2 X 2 X = sp U∗ + st φ˜i + ψ φ˜i + ψ . j=1
In the exterior region, using the discussion of Step 1 in Lemma 2.2, we infer ! N−2 k k X X 2 µ φ˜i (y) ≤ Ckφ1 k∗ U(y) · . |y − ξj |N −2s j=1
kM3 (ψ)k∗∗
! ! k k
ζj N = 1− φ˜i + ψ
j=1 j=1 ∗∗
! k
≤ C N φ˜i + ψ
j=1 ∗∗(EX)
" #p−2 k
k X X 2
2 ˜ ˜
φi + |ψ| ≤ C |U∗ | + φi + |ψ|
j=1 j=1 ∗∗(EX)
N−2 k
X µ 2
+ Ckψk2∗ kU p k∗∗(EX) ≤ Ckφ1 k2∗ U p ·
N −2s
|y − ξj | j=1 ≤
N N Ckφ1 k2∗ k 1+s− 2 − q
Ckψk2∗ .
Combining the above estimates with respect to M1 , M2 and M3 , one has kM(ψ)k∗∗ ≤ kM1 k∗∗ + kM2 k∗∗ + kM3 k∗∗ N
≤ Ck 1+s− 2 − q + Ckφ1k2∗ k 1+s− 2 − q + Ckψk2∗ . Next we will use Banach fixed point theorem to prove Lemma 4.1. So we must show that M is a contraction mapping from the small ball in X to the ball itself. By the mean value theorem, there exist some s, t ∈ (0, 1) such that kM(ψ1 ) − M(ψ2 )k∗∗ = kM3 (ψ1 ) − M3 (ψ2 )k∗∗
! ! k k
≤ C N φ˜j + ψ1 − N φ˜j + ψ2
j=1 j=1 ∗∗(EX)
k X
˜j + s(ψ1 − ψ2 ) (ψ1 − ψ2 ) − p|U∗ |p−1(ψ1 − ψ2 ) p U + ≤ φ ∗
j=1 ∗∗(EX)
k k X X
˜ ˜
φj + s(ψ1 − ψ2 ) · |ψ1 − ψ2 | φj + st(ψ1 − ψ2 ) ≤ U∗ + t
j=1 j=1 p
≤ C(kφ1 k∗ + kψ1 − ψ2 k∗ )kψ1 − ψ2 k∗ · kU k∗∗(EX) 16
≤ Ckψ1 − ψ2 k∗(EX) . Then, we have kM(ψ1 − ψ2 )k = k − T [(V1 + V2 )(ψ1 − ψ2 ) + (M(ψ1 − ψ2 ))]k∗ ≤ Ck((V1 + V2 )(ψ1 − ψ2 )k∗∗ + Ck(M(ψ1 ) − M(ψ2 ))]k∗∗ N
≤ C(k 1− q + ρ)kψ1 − ψ2 k∗ . Let k0 be a large positive integer and ρ0 be small enough such that for each k > k0 and ρ < ρ0 N N C(k 1+s− 2 − q + ρ) < 1. Finally, we use Banach fixed point theorem to complete proof. In the following, we will study the first series in (4.5): !# " X φ˜i + ψ = 0, j = 1, · · · , k. (−∆)s φ˜j − p|U∗ |p−1 ζj φ˜j + ζj −p|U∗ |p−1ψ + E − N φ˜j + i6=j
In fact, by the assumptions (4.1) and (4.2), we can make the changing of variables to simplify the above equations as a single equation: !# " X φ˜i + ψ = 0, j = 1, · · · , k. (−∆)s φ˜1 − p|U∗ |p−1ζ1 φ˜1 + ζ1 −p|U∗ |p−1 ψ + E − N φ˜1 + i6=1
For convenience sake, we introduce the following notations: " N (φ1 ) := p(|U1 |p−1 − |U∗ |p−1ζ1 )φ˜1 + ζ1 −p|U∗ |p−1 ψ + E − N
φ˜1 +
φ˜i + ψ
˜ := ζ1 E + N (φ1 ). h ˜ satisfy the following properties: We easily see that h ˜ 1 , y2, · · · , yl , · · · , yN ) = h(y ˜ 1 , y2, · · · , −yl , · · · , yN ), l = 2, 3, · · · , N; h(y −2 ˜ ˜ h(y) = |y|−2s−N h(|y| y).
(4.31) (4.32)
Then Eq. (4.30) can be reduced to ˜=0 [(−∆)s − p|U1 |p−1ζ1 ]φ˜1 + h According to the definition of µ, we see that µ is related to δ. Hence R vN +1 N (ζ1 E + N (φ1 ))˜ cN +1 (δ) := R R p−1 2 U v˜N +1 RN 1
is also related to δ. Using translating and scaling, we easily know that Eq. (4.33) is equivalent to (3.1). In order to obtain the unique existence of (4.33), by the results in Lemma 3.2, we need to verify that Z Z ˜ vl = h˜ hvl = 0, ∀l = 1, 2, · · · , N + 1. RN
Moreover, by the definition of cN +1 (δ), we get Z Z ˜h˜ vN +1 = 0 ⇔ hvN +1 = 0 ⇔ cN +1 (δ) = 0. RN
On basis of the discussion in Lemma 4.1, we can also obtain Z Z ˜h˜ vl = hvl = 0, ∀l = 1, 2, · · · , N. RN
Hence, we only need to prove that for some δ0 , cN +1 (δ0 ) = 0. R ˜ vN +1 can be denoted by the following form Lemma 4.2. The RN h˜ Z ˜ vN +1 = CN δ [δaN − 1] + 1 Θk (δ). h˜ k N −2s k N −s RN Here Θk (δ) is continuous related to δ and uniformly bounded as k → ∞, CN = p with the positive number aN = 2
N−2s 2
k→∞ k N −2s
k X j=2
U p−1 vN +1 ,
1 . |ξ1 − ξj |N −2s
R Obviously, by the above lemma, it is easy to see that for δ small enough, RN ˜h˜ vN +1 < 0, R ˜ while for δ large enough, RN h˜ v > 0. So, using the continuity property related to δ, R N +1 ˜ there exists δ0 > 0 such that RN h˜ vN +1 = 0. The proof of this lemma is similar to Claim 1-4 in [15].
˜ := ζ1 E + N (φ1) = E + (ζ1 − 1)E + N (φ1). Then we will take three Proof. Note that h steps to discuss these terms E, (ζ1 −R 1)E and N (φ1 ), respectively. vN +1 . Let η > 0 be a small number, independent Step 1: We will estimate the term RN E˜ of k. We set Z Z Z XZ E˜ vN +1 . (4.34) E˜ vN +1 + E˜ vN +1 + E˜ vN +1 = RN
RN \∪kj=1 Bj
where Bj = B(ξj , ηk ), v˜N +1 (y) := µ− 2 vn+1 (µ−1 (y − ξ1 )). Let us consider the first term in (4.34). By changing the variables x = µy + ξ1, we obtain Z Z E˜1 vn+1 (y)dy, E˜ vn+1 = η ) B(0, µk
n+2s E˜1 (y) = µ 2 E(ξ1 + µy).
In the region |y| ≤ Z
η B(0, µk )
η , µk
using the expansion (2.12), we have
E˜1 vN +1 (y)dy = −p
XZ j6=1
+ pµ
η B(0, µk )
n−2s 2
U p−1 U(y − µ−1 (ξj − ξ1 ))vN +1
η ) B(0, µk
U p−1 U(ξ1 + µy)vN +1dy
+p +
η B(0, µk )
XZ j6=1
(U + sV )p−1 − U p−1 V vn+1 dy
η ) B(0, µk
N+2s 2
U p (y − µ−1 (ξj − ξ1 ))vN +1
η B(0, µk )
U p (ξj + µy)vN +1 ,
where V =
U(y − µ−1 (ξj − ξ1 ) + µ
N−2s 2
U(ξ1 + µy)) .
We see that, using the Taylor expansion, for j 6= 1, Z N−2s U p−1 U(y − µ−1 (ξj − ξ1 ))vN +1 = 2 2 C1 µN −2s η B(0, µk )
1 (1 + (µk)2 Θk (δ)), N −2s ˆ ˆ |ξj − ξ1 |
2π(j−1) U p−1 vN +1 and ξˆ1 = (1, 0, · · · , 0) and ξˆj = e k ξˆ1 . Moreover, Z N−2s N−2s 2 µ U p−1 U(ξ1 + µy)vN +1dy = C1 µ 2 (1 + (µk)2 )Θk (δ)).
where CN =
η B(0, µk )
For the third term in (4.35), using the inequality |(a + b)s − as | ≤ C|b|s , we have Z (U + sV )p−1 − U p−1 V vn+1 dy η ) B(0, µk
X Z p−1 −1 U (y − µ (ξj − ξ1 ))vN +1 ≤ η B(0, ) µk j6=1 Z X µN +2s 1 ≤C ˆ ˆ N −2s B(0, η ) (1 + |y|)N −2s µk j6=1 |ξj − ξ1 | N +2s X µ ≤ C(µk)−2s . ˆj − ξˆ1 |N −2s | ξ j6=1
For the last term in (4.35), we estimate Z N+2s Z N+2s 2 p U (ξj + µy)vN +1dy ≤ Cµ 2 µ B(0, η ) B(0, µk
η ) µk
N−2s 1 ≤ Cµ 2 k −2s . N −2s (1 + |y|)
Now for the second term in (4.34), by H¨older inequality and estimate of error term, we get Z 2N 2N q E˜ vN +1 ≤Ck(1 + |y|)N +2s− q EkLq (EX) · k(1 + |y|)−N −2s− q v˜N +1 k q−1 L
≤Ck(1 + |y|)N +2s−
2N q
EkLq (EX) · µ
N−2s 2
≤Ck −2N −1+4s .
|y − ξ1 |
(1 + |y|)N +2s−
2N q
q−1 q # q−1 q
N+2s Now let us consider the last term in (4.34). Set E˜j = µ 2 E(ξj + µy), j 6= 1. Performing the change of variables x = µy + ξj . Z N−2s Z 2 E˜j v˜N +1 (µy + ξj )dy E˜ vN +1 = µ Bj B(0,η/(µk))
≤ Cµ
N−2s 2
k(1 + |y|)N +2s−
× k(1 + |y|)−N −2s+
2N q
2N q
˜j kLq (B(0,η/(µk))) E
N−2s 2
vN +1 (y + µ−1 (ξj − ξ1 ))k N−2s
≤ Cµ
N−2s 2
N−2s 2
−N +2s+ N q
µ 2 · |ξj − ξ1 |N −2s N−2s
≤ Cµ
N −2s
−N +2s+ N q
L q−1 (B(0,η/(µk)))
tN −1 dt t(N +2s−
2N q
q ) q−1
! q−1 q
N µ 2 (µk)2s− q . N −2s |ξj − ξ1 |
So we conclude that " # N−2s X Z X µ 2 Ck −2N +s 1 N −2s E˜ vN +1 ≤ µ ≤ . (µk)N −4s |ξj − ξ1 |N −2s |ξj − ξ1 |N −2s Bj j6=1
Step 2: For (ζ1 − 1)E, we observe that Z Z ≤C E˜ v (ζ − 1)E˜ v N +1 1 N +1 N |x−ξ1 |>η/k R Z X Z E˜ vN +1 E˜ vN +1 + C = C |x−ξj |