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Influence des niveaux d'eau sur la distribution et la ...

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JEAN MORIN, ANNE TIMM ..... Jean-François Cantin, M.Sc., ing., ingénieur civil .... Marais (M) flottants, M. émergents, prairies humides, M. arbustifs, ...
Influence des niveaux d’eau sur la distribution et la connectivité des habitats de reproduction du grand brochet. MARIANNE BACHAND, JULIEN HÉNAULT-RICHARD, SYLVAIN MARTIN, JEAN MORIN, ANNE TIMM Section Hydrologie et Écohydraulique Service Météorologique du Canada Environnement Canada, Québec 40e congrès de la Société Québécoise d’Étude Biologique du Comportement Le dimanche 8 novembre 2015

Human structures and fish • Water levels are controlled by dams • Barrier to the movement of fish – By the physical structures – By the changes in water level (dictated by rule curves) • Reproduction habitats of fish can change/disapear according to water level

What do you mean by Rule Curves (RC)?

Real water level curves during one year

Maximum water level proposed under RC

Minimum water level proposed under RC


An example: Northern Pike in Rainy Lake and Namakan Reservoir Managed water bodies: Rainy Lake and Namakan Reservoir



increased the annual WL

reduced the spring increase rate

delayed the spring increase in Namakan

Measured water levels in Rainy Lake and Namakan Reservoir



The different RC stabilized the interannual water level

Decrease in catch of Northern Pike

From Cohen and Radomski, 1993

From Kalleymen, 2003

Objectives • Evaluate the impact of RC on reproductive habitat of Northern Pike – Spawning – Larvae – Young of the year (YOY)

Integrated response of habitat modeling Physical variables • Water depth • Slope • Wave energy • Etc.

Biological variables/models • Wetlands • Emergent vegetation • Cattail • Submerged plants

2D Quarter-month time step

Northern pike • Spawning • Larvae • YOY

Integrated response of habitat modeling Physical variables • Water depth • Slope • Wave energy • Etc.

2D Quarter-month time step

Water level series

Topography and bathymétry

Priority Elevation Dataset 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Harrison Narrow King Williams Narrow Little Vermillion Narrow Namakan Narrow LiDAR terrestrial Canada 2013 Bathymetry USGS 2014 LiDAR TopoBathy Kabetogama LiDAR Minnesota Bathymetry LakeMaster DEM v3 Ontario

Several point /m² Several point /m² Several point /m² Several point /m² Several point /m² 1 point/20 m 1 point/m² 1 point/m² Contour - 1 foot 1 point/ 30m²

Digital elevation model

Bottom slope


Ratio of incident light at the bottom

Wave energy(UBOT) Winds at17 km/h, Water level scenario 5 (337.4 m Rainy and 340.1 m Namakan)

Final grid (20 m spacing), 1.7 million points

• • • • • •

Water depth Wave energy Number of cycles Slope Curvature Light

Mean water level (Rainy)

Integrated response of habitat modeling Physical variables • Water depth • Slope • Wave energy • Etc.

Biological variables/models • Wetlands • Emergent vegetation • Cattail • Submerged plants

2D Quarter-month time step

Biological models of vegetation

Emergent vegetation

Wet meadows

Submerged vegetation


Shrubby swamps

Integrated response of habitat modeling Physical variables • Water depth • Slope • Wave energy • Etc.

Biological variables/models • Wetlands • Emergent vegetation • Cattail • Submerged plants

2D Quarter-month time step

Northern pike • Spawning • Larvae • YOY

Time period of reproduction stages

Spawning model

HSI  DP * CP *VP Three « potentials » – Depth (DP) during the period: • Between 0.15 and 1.50 m: DP = 1.00 • Outside DP = 0,00

– Presence of cattail monotypic stand (CP): • Absence of monotypic cattail : CP = 1,00 • Presence of monotypic cattail : CP = 0,00  The presence of monotypic stand of cattail is given by a 2D habitat model of cattail

– Vegetation type (VP): • • • • 

Shrubby swamps and wet meadows: VP = 1,00 Emergent vegetation: VP = 0,50 Submerged vegetation: VP = 0,10 Others : VP = 0,00 The vegetation type is determined by 2D habitat models of wetlands, emergent vegetation and submerged vegetation.

Surface area of suitable habitat for spawning: Measured water level series

Surface area of suitable habitat for spawning: Simulated water level series

Surface area of suitable habitat for spawning: Simulated water level series

Surface area of suitable habitat for spawning: Simulated water level series

Logistic model for the larval habitat 1. Presence/Absence of larvae

2. Interpolation of physical and biological data

232 sites in 2012 (calibration) 318 sites in 2013 (validation)

3. Binomial logistic regression + model selection with AIC

4. Running the equation for all the study area for every year of every water level series

Physical and biological variables of the larval habitat model Regression terms Constant Simple terms Bottom slope Bottom curvature Ratio of incident light at the bottom Water depth Total UBOT during spawning Emergent plant in the previous year High density of submerged vegetation in the previous year

Coefficient (βx) 100.4

Stand. Err.

1.584 6 066 -282.8 -81.06 -243.7 -3.754 -1.773

0.595 3 670 123.8 28.13 120.2 2.638 1.598


Quadratic terms Ratio of incident light at the bottom 2 Interaction terms Bottom slope * Bottom curvature Bottom slope * Ratio of incident light at the bottom



46.30 -2.096

20.03 0.703

Bottom curvature * Ratio of incident light at the bottom

-6 251

3 868

Bottom curvature * Water depth Ratio of incident light at the bottom * Water depth

-3 374 141.4

1 864 50.2

Observed vs predicted presence of larvae

Model evaluation Total classification rate Sensitivity Specificity Kappa (p