May 3, 2009 - Objective: To evaluate the association between age and the presenting symptoms in patients with community-acquired pneumonia. Methods: ...
Ovid: Influence of Age on Symptoms at Presentation in Patients With Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Page 1 of 12
Influence of Age on Symptoms at Presentation in Patients With Community-Acquired Pneumonia Metlay, Joshua P. MD, PhD; Schulz, Richard PhD; Li, Yi-Hwei PhD; Singer, ISSN: 0003-9926 Author(s):
Issue: Publication Type:
Daniel E. MD; Marrie, Thomas J. MD; Coley, Christopher M. MD; Hough, Linda J. MPH; Obrosky, D. Scott MS; Kapoor, Wishwa N. MD, MPH; Fine, Michael J. MD, MSc
Accession: 00000779-199707140-00007
Volume 157(13), 14 July 1997, pp 1453-1459 [Original Investigation]
Copyright 1997 by the American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved. Applicable FARS/DFARS Restrictions Apply to Government Use. American Medical Association, 515 N. State St, Chicago, IL 60610.
From the General Internal Medicine Unit, Department of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass (Drs Metlay, Singer, and Coley); Division of General Internal Medicine, Departments of Medicine (Ms Hough, Mr Obrosky, and Drs Kapoor and Fine), Psychiatry (Dr Schulz), and Biostatistics (Dr Li), Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa; and Department of Medicine and Microbiology, Victoria General Hospital and Dalhousie, University, Halifax, Nova Scotia (Dr Marrie). Dr Li is now with Tzu-Chi College of Medicine, Hau-Lien, Taiwan.
Keywords: Age Factors, Community-Acquired Infections, Diagnosis, Elderly, Pneumonia
Abstract Background: Advanced age has become a well-recognized risk factor for death in patients with pneumonia. It may also be associated with reduced symptom reporting, raising the possibility that diagnosis and treatment may be delayed in older patients. Objective: To evaluate the association between age and the presenting symptoms in patients with community-acquired pneumonia. Methods: This study was conducted at inpatient and outpatient facilities at 3 university hospitals, 1 community hospital, and 1 staffmodel health maintenance organization. Patients included adults (age >or= to 18 years) with clinical and radiographic evidence of pneumonia, who were able to complete a baseline interview. The presence of 5 respiratory symptoms and 13 nonrespiratory symptoms were recorded during a baseline patient interview. A summary symptom score was computed as the total number of symptoms at presentation. Results: The 1812 eligible study patients were categorized into 4 age groups: 18 through 44 years (43%), 45 through 64 years (25%), 65 through 74 years (17%), and 75 years or older (15%). For 17 of the 18 symptoms, there were significant decreases in reported prevalence with increasing age (P