preferred temperatures -2°C greater than thc acclimati6sl-m tenlperature of 12°C ..... if the: 1-h TLM ( X . 7 4 mg/L) is considered (Arthur et al. 19751, all TRC and ...
Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Downloaded from by on 06/04/13 For personal use only.
Influence of Temperature Selection upon the Chlorine Avoidance of Cold-Water and Warmwater Fishes f i ~ rEnvironmenta! Stladies aizd Biology Department, Virginia Pc~(vtec.lzrric/rlstifufstaizd State Universip, Wbnc*lsburg,VA 24061, USA
Depnrtmelat of Bkokoga'cstl Sciences, Old Dominion University, iVsrfi)lk, VA 24073, LISA
Corvallis EnvircmmentaP Research Eabol-lrtor-y. 1350 S.E. Gocrdnkght Avenue, CorvaICis, OR 97330, LISA
k/niver.sfty Center &)r En~~ironn~enfal Studies and Biology Dc.parttnent, Virgiiaiu Po(ytechiaic Brrstitufe and State Universitv, B l a c k ~ b ~ VA ~ g 24061, , LISA
Environmentcd Engineering Division, Anserican EEectr-ic Po~rvrServic-e C'orpor6~tio/r, Canton, OH 44701, LISA CHERRY. D. S.. S. R . L A R R ~ CJK. D. , GI~ZI"I'IN.A, 5 . CAIKNS JR., ,IN[) J . VAN W ASSEI,. 1982. Influence of temperature selection upon the chlorine avoidance of csld-water and warn-swater fishes. Can. J . Fish. .4quat. Sci. 39: 162 - 173. 'The avoidance response of selected cold-watcr (stenothernzal) and warnnwater (eurythermal) fish species to total residual chlorine (TCBC') was fourld to be specics specific, intluenced by temperature, and dependent upon the constituents within the TRC. The first significant avoidance of TRC (primarily free chlorine) at 12 and 18°C occurred at concentrations ranging from 0.05 to 0.10 mg, L for salnaonids - rainbow trout (Ssrlino gtrll-cltrrr-i), atad coho salmon (Oncwrhync-hn~s kisufch) - ;ind 0.10 to 0.40 rngih, at 12 and 24°C for the eurythermal species - largeramouth bass (Mfc-r-opter-~r.5 ,~rl/noides). btuegill (P,cyc~rni.\: mac-rocshirrts),and rnosquitol'ish (Gtarazbldska clflfirris).A greater concentration of ?'KC was necessary to initiate avoidance at the highest accliranatioi-s temperature for most fish species tested although the amount of hypocklorotrs acid WOCl) within the 'TRC was approximately the same regadless of the acclira~ationternpcrature at each avoidance concentration. For exposures comprised mainly of ma~nochlorannine BMONOCl), initial avoidance concentrations were generally equal to or greater than concentrations avoided in the 'B'MC trials. After attraction into heated water, bluegill and Iargernouth ba\\ avoided some TRC tsr MCBNOCl csncesztrations which were cither equal to or twofold greater than the concentrations determined in tests without temperature attraction; for n~o\quitofish,the differences wcrc as much as three to four times greater. 'H'emperature attraction into chloranated water was less ir~fluentiaI for salmonids in elevating the avcpidance response of clalorine with only a twofold increase in the avoidance concentration of TRC and none for MONOCI. Kej g:vord,~: chlorine avoidance, chlorine toxicity, tensperature selection, stenothermal fish, eury thermal fish
CHERRY. D. S . , S . R. L.ARRI('K, J . D. GIAT'TIN~Z, .!. CAIRNS JR., AND J . VANH I \ s s ~ 1982. ~. influence of temperature selection upc~~z the chlorine avoidance of cold-water and warmwater fishes. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 39: 162 - 173. On a constat6 que la reaction d'kviternent du chIore rksiduaire total (TRC) chez des espkces ckoisies de poissons d'eau froide (st6notherrnes) et d'eau chaude (eurythemes) est garticulikre a i'espece, irnfluencke par la temperature et ddpendante des constituants du TRC. Printed in Canada (56 146) Imprim6 au Canada (56146)
Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Downloaded from by on 06/04/13 For personal use only.
La premikre reaction d'kvitement d'importance du TKC (en grande partie chlore libre) 5 12 et H$"C se produit ri des concentrations variant de 0,05 ri 0.14%m g : l chez les salmonides (truite I ( + ~ UetSde 0, DO ri 0,40 mgiL arc-en-ciel (SnCmo gairdmeri) et saumon coho ( O I I C O ~ ~ ~ki.~~tt*l?)) h 82 et 24°C chez Ies espkces euryther~nesbachigan & grande bouche (Ikfit*roprerus.~almoide.~), crapet arlequin (Lepombs mac*roc.hkrus) et gambusic (Gambusia ujfirtis,). Chez Ba plupart des espkces de poissons testCes, il faut une plus forte concentration de TRC pour d6c8encher la rkacticsn d'ivitement ri la temperature d'acclimatation la plus elevCe, bien que la quantite d'acide hypochloreux (HOCI) dans le TRC soit approximativetnent Ba mime, Independamrnent de la temperature dd'aclirnatation a chaque concentration d'6vitcment. Dans le cas d'expositisns surtout au monochlorarnine (MONOCI), les concentrations d'tvitement initiales sont gt.5116ralernentCgales ou supkrieures i celles evitkes dans les essais avec le TRC. Aprks avoir CtC attires dans de I'eau rCchauffee, Ics crapets arlequins et les achigans a grande bouche Cvitent quelques-unes des concentrations dc TRC ou de MONOCl 6gales ou deux fois supkrieures h celles dCterminCes lors d'essais sans attraction thernmique; chez les gambusies, leh diffkrences sont de trois 5 quatre fois plus grandes. k'attraction thermique dans de I'eau chloree n9el&vepas au mtme degre Ba reaction d'evitement du chlore chez les salmonidCs, la reaction d'kviternent du TRC n'augnrentant que de deux fois et cellc du MONOCl n'augmenrant pas. Received July '7, 1980 Accepted August 10. 198 1
M A W Y studies and reviews have documented the preferences of some fish species for heated effluents, depending upon the seasonal ambient temperature conditions and the thermal responsiveness of the fish (Meidrim and Gift 1971: Cherry et al. 1975, 1977a; Cobatant 1975; Esch and McFarlanc 1976; Richards et al. 1977; Thorp and Gibbons 1978; and others). Recent studies have also reported that the different fractions of total residual chlorine BTRC). which is comprised