Information Flow Control in Distributed Systems Masashi Yasuda,
Takayuki Tachikawa,
Makoto Takizawa
Tokyo Denki University
E-mail fmasa, tachi,
[email protected] Distributed applications are realized by cooperation of multiple objects. Each object is manipulated through an operation supported by the object and then the operation may further invoke operations of other objects, i.e. nested operations. Purpose-oriented access rules indicate what operation in each object can invoke operations of other objects. Information ow among the objects occurs if the requests and responses of the operations carry data. Only the purpose-oriented access rules which imply legal information ow are allowed. In this paper, we discuss how to specify the access rules so that the information ow occurring in the nested invocation of the operations is legal.
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In client-server systems, the application programs in the clients manipulate the resources in the servers. Units of the resources like databases are named objects . It is signi cant to consider what subject s can access what object o by what operation t in the access control model. An access rule is given in a tuple hs; o; ti [6]. The system is secure if and only if (i ) every object is accessed only according to the access rules. However, the access control model cannot resolve the containment problem [6] where the information illegally
ows among subjects and objects. The latticebased model [1,5] aims at protecting against illegal information ow among the entities. One security class is given to each entity in the system. A ow relation among the security classes is de ned to denote that information in one class s1 can ow into s2 . In the mandatory model [1,9], the access rule hs; o; ti is speci ed so that the ow relation between the subject s and the object o holds. For example, s can read o only if the security class of o can ow to the class of s. Here, only read and write are considered as access types of the objects. In the role-based model [10,13], a role is de ned in a set of operations on objects. The role represents a function or job in the application. The access rule is de ned to bind a subject to the roles. Distributed applications are modeled in an object-based model like CORBA [7]. Here, the system is a collection of objects. Each object is an encapsulation of more abstract data structure and operations than read and write . The objects are manipulated only through operations supported by themselves. The access rules are de ned based on the operation types. For example, a person s may withdraw money from a bank o in order to
do house-keeping. However, s cannot get money from o to go drinking. Thus, it is essential to discuss the purpose of s to access o by t. The purpose-oriented model [12] is proposed where an access rule shows for what each subject s manipulates an object o by an operation t of o so as to keep the information ow legal. The purpose of s to access o by t is modeled to be what operation u of s invokes t to manipulate o. That is, the purpose-oriented access rule is speci ed in a form hs : u; o : ti. In the object-based system, on receipt of a request op from an object o1 , an object o2 computes op and then sends back the response of op to o1 . Here, if the request and the response carry data, the data in o1 and o2 is exchanged among o1 and o2 . Furthermore, the operations are nested in the object-based system. Even if each purpose-oriented rule between a pair of objects satis es the information ow relation, some data in one object may illegally ow to another object through the nested invocation of operations. In this paper, we discuss what the information ow is legal in the nested invocations in the purposeoriented model of the object-based system. In section 2, we present the purpose-oriented model in the object-based system. In section 3, we discuss the legal information ow in the purposeoriented model. 2
Purpose-Oriented Models
Mandatory model
An access rule hs; o; ti means that a subject s can manipulate an object o by an operation type t [6]. The basic model implies a containment prob-
lem, where illegal information ow occurs. The lattice-based model [1, 5] is proposed to keep the information ow legal in the system. Here, one security class is given to each entity. For each entity ei in E , let (ei ) denote a security class given to ei . The legal information ow is denoted by the can - ow relation \!" [1, 5]. A security class s1 and s2 , s1 can ow to s2 (s1 ! s2 ) i the information in an entity of s1 can ow into an entity of s2. s1 and s2 are equivalent (s1 s2) i s1 ! s2 and s2 ! s1 . ! is re exive and transitive. [De nition] For every pair of security classes s1 and s2 in S , s1 s2 i s1 ! s2 but s2 6! s1 .2 Here, s2 dominates s1 (s1 s2 ) i s1 s2 or s1 s2 . s1 s2 means that s2 is more sensitive than s1 . For example, suppose there are primitives of information: Network(N ) and Database(D). There are classes S = f, fN g, fDg, fN , Dgg. Here, if . For example, fN g fN , Dg. hS; ; [; \i is a lattice where [ and \ are the least upper bound (lub) and the greatest lower bound (glb), respectively. For example, information in a subject s can ow to both object o1 and o2 if (s) (o1 ) \ (o2 ). In the mandatory model [1, 9], the access rule is de ned so as to satisfy \". We have to decide if a subject s can manipulate an object o by an operation t. There are three types of operations, i.e. T = fread; write; modify g. If s reads o, the information in o is derived by s, i.e. information in o ows to s. Hence, (s) (o) is required to hold. If s writes o, the data of s is stored in o, i.e. information in s ows to o. Hence, (s) (o). Lastly, the s's modi cation of o means that s reads data from o and then writes the result obtained from the data into o. Hence, (s) (o) and (s) (o), i.e. (s) (o). 2.2
Object-based model
The object-based system is composed of multiple objects. Each object oi supports more abstract data structure and operations than read and write considered in the mandatory model. In addition, oi is encapsulated so that oi can be accessed only through the operations supported by oi. Suppose an object s invokes opi to manipulate another object oi . First, we assume that all operations in the system are unnested. s sends a request message q of opi to oi. On receipt of q, oi computes opi and sends the response r back to s. q carries the input of opi and r carries back the output of opi . In addition, opi may change the state of oi by using the input. Here, the information in s may ow into oi if q carries some data in s. opi may derive the data from oi and then return the data to s. Here, the information in oi may ow out to s if r carries the data derived by opi from oi. Thus, it is signi cant to make clear the input and output of opi to clarify the information ow relation between s and oi . Each operation opi of oi is characterized by (1) input data (Ii), (2) output data (Oi ), and (3) state transition of oi . The input data Ii exists if some data ows from s to oi . For example, Ii exists if the request of opi includes the data. The output data Oi exists if some data
in oi ows out to s. For example, Oi is the data carried by the response of opi . In this paper, we make the following assumptions:
(1) The communication among the objects is secure, e.g. messages are encrypted [6]. (2) Each operation opi of oi is reliable, i.e. opi does not malfunction. 2 Only data stored in oi can ow out from oi to s and the data in s can ow to oi in the computation of the operation of oi . The operations opi of the objects are classi ed into the following ow types (opi ) from the information ow point of view [Figure 1]: non ow (NF), ow -in (FI), ow -out (FO), and ow in /out (FIO). In the NF operation opi , there is no information ow from or to oi . In addition, opi does not change oi . Even if the input data Ii exists, no information in s ows to oi unless opi changes oi . Similarly, no information in oi ows out to s unless the output data Oi is derived from oi . If opi is internally realized by read or write, opi reads data from oi or changes oi. In addition, some data may be brought to opi from s. However, unless the data is brought between s and oi, there is no information ow between s and o. Ii
Ii Oi
oi (1) Non-flow (NF)
oi (2) Flow-in (FI)
Oi oi (3) Flow-out (FO)
oi (4) Flow-in/out (FIO)
Figure 1: Information ow. The FI operation opi changes oi by using Ii which includes information in s. Hence, the information in s may ow into oi . write is an example of the FI. In addition, oi is updated without Ii. For example, a count -up operation does not have the input but changes the counter . The FO operation opi does not change oi . The output Oi of opi carries the information in oi back to s. Here, the information in oi may ow to s. read is FO on the le. The FIO operation opi changes oi by using Ii and sends Oi including the information in oi back to s. Not only the information in s may ow into oi but also the information in oi may ow out to s. In modify , s rst reads Oi in oi and writes to oi . FIO may not carry Ii like FI. The subject s is allowed to manipulate oi by an operation opi of oi according to the following rules.
[Extended access rules] (1) (opi ) 2 fNF, FIg only if (s) (oi ). (2) (opi ) 2 fNF, FOg only if (s) (oi ).
(3) (opi ) 2 fNF, FI, FO, FIOg only if (s) (oi ).2 The types of operations and the security class (oi ) of the object oi are speci ed when oi is de ned based on the semantics of oi. Each time s accesses oi by opi, opi is accepted if (opi ) and (oi ) satisfy the access rules. If satis ed, opi is allowed to be computed in oi . [Example 1] We consider an example of a World Wide Web (WWW ) [2] object w accessed from two hosts h1 and h2 . Here, w is an abstraction of the httpd server's service supporting GET and POST methods. GET is an FO type operation because the output data is derived from w. POST is FI because w is changed by using the input data. If (h1 ) (w) and (h2 ) (w), h1 can POST but cannot GET data in w , and h2 can GET but cannot POST data in w. w can also support abstract operations like Common Gateway Interface (CGI). In the CGI, the users can de ne operations in the access con guration le such as .htaccess to manipulate the page objects. Here, .htaccess includes the following : hLimit GET i, allow from h2 , deny from h1 , h/Limiti. hLimit P OST i, allow from h1 , deny from h2 , h/Limiti. 2 2.3
Purpose-oriented model
First, we de ne secure objects.
[De nition] An object oi is secure i (1) oi can be only accessed through the operations supported by oi , (2) no operation of oi malfunctions, and (3) a pair of operations op1 and op2 can exchange data only through the state of oi . 2 If data d owing from an object oi to another oj is neither derived from oi nor stored in oj , it is
meaningless to consider the information ow from oi to oj . If data derived from oi is stored in oj , the data may ow out to other objects. We assume that every object is secure. In the access control model, an access rule hs; oi ; opi i means that a subject s manipulates an object oi through an operation opi . Suppose a person p accesses a bank account object b of p. p can withdraw money from b if p uses the money to do the house-keeping. However, p cannot get money from b to go drinking. In order to make the system secure, it is critical to consider a purpose for which s manipulates oi by ti in addition to discussing whether s can manipulate oi by ti. Suppose oi manipulates oij by invoking an operation opij of oij . Here, the purpose of oi for manipulating oij is modeled to show which operation in oi invokes opij of oij . Hence, the access rule is written in a form hoi : opi; oij : opij i in the purposeoriented model while hoi ; oij ; opij i is speci ed in the mandatory model. opi shows the purpose for which oi manipulates oij by opij . Here, oi and oij are named parent and child objects of the access rule, respectively. [Purpose-oriented (PO) rule] The access rule
hoi : opi ; oij : opij i means that oi can manipulate o through an operation opij invoked by opi of oi. 2ij
[Example 2] Suppose a person object p can withdraw money from a bank account b of p [Figure 2]. This is shown in an access rule hp : housekeep; b : withdrawi. However, an access rule hp; b; withdrawi in the access control model only shows that p can withdraw money from b. 2 house-keeping drinking
Figure 2: Purpose-oriented access control. 3
Information Flow
We discuss what purpose-oriented rules are allowed to be speci ed from the information ow point of view. 3.1
Computation model
Nested invocation
Each object o computes an operation op on receipt of a request op. o creates a thread of op named an instance of op. op may invoke operations op1 ,: : :,opl where each opi is computed on an object oi . There are synchronous and asynchronous ways for op to invoke opi . In the synchronous invocation, op waits for the completion of opi. In the asynchronous one, op does not wait for the completion of opi, i.e. opi is computed independently of op. Furthermore, there are serial and parallel invocations. In the serial invocation, op serially invokes op1 ,: : :,opl , i.e. op invokes opi after the completion of opi01 . Hence, the information carried by the response of opi01 may ow to opi. On the other hand, op invokes op1 , : : : , opl in parallel. Each opi is computed on oi independently of another opj . This means that the information carried by the response of opi does not ow to opj while owing to op. In this paper, we consider the serial and parallel synchronous invocations. The invocations of op1,: : :,opl by op are represented in an ordered invocation tree. In the invocation tree, each branch (op ! opi) shows that op invokes opi . In addition, op1 ,: : :,opl are partially ordered. If opi is invoked before opj , opi precedes opj (opi ! opj ). For example, suppose a user serially invokes two operations op1 and op2 . op1 invokes op12 and op13 in parallel after op11 . This is represented in the invocation tree as shown in Figure 3. \!" shows the computation order of the operations. We assume that no operation instance appears multiple times in the tree. In the object-based system, the operations are invoked in the nested manner. Suppose an object o invokes an operation opi in oi . opi further invokes operations opi1 ; : : : ; opili where each opij is in oij . opi in oi communicates with o and oij while exchanging data with o. Hence, opi is modeled to
oj . Some data in oi ows to oj . 2 and 3 of opi and 1 and 2 of opj carry data. op1
op2 opi
(1) QNN
opj (3) QNI
opj (4) QOI
(2) QON
Figure 3: Invocation tree.
Figure 5: Request (Q) edges.
be a collection of inputs 1 , 2 , and 3 , and outputs 1 , 2 , and 3 as shown in Figure 4. Here, 1 means the input data Ii from o to opi . For example, the request of opi carries the input data as 1. 1 means the output data to o. The response of opi is an example of 1 . 2 shows that oi is updated by using data carried by 2 . For example, the data of 2 is stored in oi. 2 means that the information derived from oi is stored in opi . 3 means that some data is output to oij . For example, the request of another operation opij with the input Iij is sent to oij . 3 shows that some output is carried to oi from oij . For example, the response with the output data is sent from opij .
Next, let us consider the response (S) edges which show information ow carried by the responses from oj to oi . The S edges are indicated by dotted arrow line. There are the following points to be discussed on the S edges ; (1) whether or not opj sends data in oj to opi, and (2) whether or not opi changes the state of oi. Here, there are four types of S edges as shown in Figure 6. The rst type (1) is referred to as SNN, where no information ow from oj to oi. The second (2) is SNO, where opj sends oi the response with data derived from oj , but opj does not change oi . The third (3) is SIN. opi changes oi but opj sends the response without data to oi. The fourth (4) is SIO. Here, opj sends back the response with data derived from oj to oi and opi changes oi . That is, data in oj ows to oi .
α1 β1
β3 opi β2
Figure 4: Input and output. 3.3
Invocation graph
An invocation graph is introduced to show the information ow relation among operations. Each node indicates an operation. There are request (Q) and response (S) edges. If an operation opi of an object oi invokes opj of oj , there is a Q edge from opi to opj denoted by a straight arrow line, i.e. a connection between 3 of opi and 1 of opj . There are the following points to be discussed on the Q edge ; (1) whether or not opi sends data in oi to opj , and (2) whether or not opj changes the state of oj . Hence, there are four types of Q edges as shown in Figure 5. The rst type (1) is named QNN. opi sends a request message opj without data to oj and opj does not change oj . That is, 3 of opi and 1 of opj do not carry data. In addition, 2 of opj does not carry data. There is no information
ow from oi to oj . The second (2) is QON. opi sends a request opj with data to oj but opj does not change oj . Although some data is derived from oi , the data does not ow to oj . The third (3) is QNI. opj changes oj while opi does not send data to oj . Some data ows into oj but the data does not ow out from oi . The last (4) is named QOI. Here, opi sends data to oj and opj changes
(1) SNN
opj (3) SIN
opj (2) SNO
opj (4) SIO
Figure 6: Response (S) edges. If opi invokes opj , a couple of Q and S edges exist. There are sixteen possible couples for each invocation. One couple is denoted in a form / , where 2 fQNN, QNI, QON, QOIg and 2 fSNN, SNO, SIN, SIOg. 3.4
Flow graph
The nested invocation is represented in an invocation tree as presented in the previous subsection. Here, suppose that an operation opi invokes opj in an invocation tree T . There are a Q edge Qij from the parent opi to the child opj and an S edge Sij from opj to opi. Thus, each branch between opi and opj represents a couple of Qij and Sij edges between opi and opj . Here, let root (T ) denote a root of the tree T . In order to analyze the information ow among the operations, a flow graph F is obtained from the invocation tree T by the following procedure.
[Construction of ow graph] (1) Each node in F indicates an operation of T . (2) For each node opd connected to the parent by QNI or QOI edge in T , a path P from root
(T ) to opd is obtained. For each node ops in P , there is a directed edge ops ! opd in F if there is a QON or QOI edge from ops to a child node in P [Figure 7 (1)]. (3) For each node opp in T , opc1 ! opc2 if opc1 and opc2 are descendents of opp in T , which are included in dierent subtrees of opp , opc1
has an SNO or SIO edge with the parent of opc1 , and opc2 has a QNI or QOI edge with the parent of opc2 and opc1 precedes opc2 in T [Figure 7 (2)]. (4) op1 ! op3 if op1 ! op2 ! op3 [Figure 7 (3)]. Let us consider a leaf node opl in the invocation tree T . A leaf node does not invoke other operations. If opl is invoked with some data and sends back the response, opl may forward the input data carried by the request to the parent of opl . Therefore, we have to consider the following additional rules for each leaf node opl . (5) For each node opl connected to the parent by an SNO or SIO edge in T , a path P from root (T ) to opl is obtained. For each node opd in P , there is a directed edge opl ! opd in F if there is an SIN or SIO edge from a child node to opd [Figure 7 (4)]. (6) For each leaf node opl , a path P from root (T ) to opl is obtained. For every node ops in P , ops opl if ops is connected with the child in a QON or QOI edge. For each node opd in P , there is a directed edge opl opd in F if opd is connected to the child in an SIN or SIO edge. For each node ops in P , there is a directed edge ops ! opd if (1) ops opl or ops ! opl and (2) opl opd [Figure 7 (5)]. (7) For each node opi which is connected to the parent in SNO or SIO edge, a path P from root (T ) to opi is obtained. If opj in P is connected to the child in QNI or QOI and SIO or SIN edge, opi ! opj [Figure 7 (6)]. 2 By using the rules, a ow graph F is obtained from the invocation tree T . A directed edge opi ! opj in F denotes that there is information ow from opi to opj . [Example 3] Let us consider an example of the SSI command [2] [Figure 8]. A browser B accesses an httpd server to GET a page P including in the same server. Suppose B invokes GET on P . P includes two les F1 and F2 . After including these pages, B caches these data to a disk D. Figure 9 (1) and (2) show the invocation tree T and the ow graph F obtained from T , respectively. According to the ow graph F , we nd that the data in the les F1 and F2 can ow to the disk D. 2 3.5
opc 2
opc 1 (1)
ops opj
opd opi
Figure 7: Directed edges.
Browser B GET
Page P
File F1 File F2 Disk D
Figure 8: SSI0\include."
Access rules
The ow graph shows the possible information
ow to occur if the operations are invoked according to the purpose-oriented rules. Each purposeoriented access rule hoi : opi ; oj : opj i is allowed to be speci ed if the rule satis es the information ow relation among the objects. The directed edge ! between opi and opj is legal in F if the following rule is satis ed. If so, opi and opj are referred to as legally related.
inc 1
inc 2
inc 1
inc 2
(1) T
Figure 9: Flow graph.
(2) F
[Flow rules] (1) opi ! opj only if (oi ) (oj ). (2) opi opj only if (oi ) (oj ). (3) opi $ opj only if (oi ) (oj ). Even if an access rule hoj : opj ; ok : opk i is speci ed, opi cannot invoke opj if opj and opk are
not legally related to the information ow relation. Here, hoi : opi ; oj : opj i is allowed to be speci ed if all the directed edges incident to and from opi and opj are legal. [Example 4] In the ow graph shown in Figure 9, GET ! open is legal only if (P ) (B ), and inc1 ! GET is legal only if (F1 ) (P ). That is, the PO rules hB : open; P : GET i and hP : GET; F1 : inc1 i are legal. However, inc2 ! GET is illegal if (F2 ) (P ). That is, the rule hP : GET; F2 : inc2 i is illegal. Then, illegal information ow between P and F2 may occur if GET on P invokes inc2 on F2 . Hence, the PO rule hB : open; P : GET i is illegal and B cannot invoke GET on a page P through open. 2 4
Concluding Remarks
In the distributed systems, objects support more abstract operations than read and write . In the purpose -oriented access control model [12], it is discussed why an object manipulates other objects while the mandatory model discusses if each subject can access an object by an operation. In addition, the operations of the objects are nested. The access rules have to satisfy the information ow relation among objects. In this paper, we have discussed how to validate the purposeoriented access rules. References
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